#foca elder ai
zargontari · 2 months
late night thinking about two Exforce ocs
On one hand, you have an ancient alien artificial intelligence built to wipe out all intelligent life in the galaxy. Whenever the AIs of its group fought, it fought on the side of its programming overtop of a planet capable of hosting sapient life. This AI and another, who called herself Silver (Dawn Rising) both had sentinels. Neither machine survived, but the other AI plummeted to the planet below, landing dssp beneath the ocean— which would then go on to host sentient life.
Then you have a little guy named Joskia, who is the product of that sentient life. A seventeen year old little guy who goes diving with his buddies and finds the wreckage of an ancient ship. Naturally, they strip the thing. He goes home with the world's most useless beer can.
And then convinces a genocidal AI that people are pretty cool, actually. Mixed results on that front.
"Disrespectful kelp. I should teach you the meaning of fear."
"— but you will not."
"You are sure of that?"
"Very certain, yes. You are too lazy."
"Lucky for you in the short term. I will burn your ocean to steam one of these days, and then you will be very sorry for treating me this way."
"I will take note of that. You should take note that being denied a cannon is not a sign of abuse, but instead is a very intelligent act of self preservation on my part."
"I am going to blow containment and take your stupid face and your stupid planet with me."
they are stupid. He names it Foca ("birthed from the stars", with a violent subtext).
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zargontari · 13 days
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Fun with avatars! (Art by rúe moon!!)
Foca and Skippy occasionally "fight", much to the amusement of the crew.
Fun facts about Foca's avatar!:
- larger than Skippy's, obviously
- it likes very much to put it on people; treats it like a real extension of itself
- if not on someone, may "swim" through the air
Also, if it's actively monitoring a specific room or area, the holo will be there. It has an idle sleep animation if not currently being puppeted.
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