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muggycuphead 11 months ago
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Cumplea帽os no 20 [MAR-13]
Dibujo de cumplea帽os de este a帽o sisi
Phiddie finalmente se dign贸 a usar m谩rgenes?????????
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muggys-workshed 8 months ago
Ayo fellas, we got da news (3)
with music
Week 5.1 draft + Leonidas' soundfont small leak
Week 1 ALT song no. 3 draft
Week 4 experiment
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muggycuphead 1 year ago
This isn't much of a revamp/new designs leak or anything, but rather a retroactive showcase regarding some material used for W1 that got modified mostly due to buncha personal doubts I had about adding them openly, and as you may assume, I've sort of reconsidered and decided to post -at least- the ones I like the most of the bunch
So, remember Angry Butterfly's "blue" scene with the shadows at the BG? Well, case you didn't notice, these were some of the parodists I've known of and consider to be mostly influential/active regarding the AGK community (at least in the moment I did the designs, but you get the idea). Most are classic designs due to the time they had been around (also reminder week1's plotpoint is that BF&GF are time travelling) or at least what I could gather about their respective parodists' concepts (not many people have fleshed out avatars/their designs redos could be hard to find so it was sort of a challenge to work with it) Also -Gene (the purple fella) was designed as a ghost by accident. I thought TheUnknownKoala4545 (aka Casper and formerly GeneBernardino) had killed him off based off a drawing he made that sort of gave me that vibe. Still, sorry for the mistake oops List (left-right/up-down)
1.- PrinceStickFigure 2.- Agkandvideomaker2000 3.- Adrenaline21 (mostly know him by UnknownKoala's old parodies) 4.- Casper and Gene (UnknownKoala's old avatars) 5.- Zerty (ZertyTV, design's from early-middle 2010's if i'm not mistaken) and Antonio (SkiBoi197 formerly AntonioComedy2001 i think) 6.- Shiyamasaleem (dArt fella, he a funny guy)
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hope I don't get nerfed for this :')
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muggycuphead 1 year ago
2023 Christmas Special Draw Your Squad
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Second one for the season, this time made in the JSAB style for a faster culmination, as well as featuring some known and not-so-known faces from the "Phiddieverse" if you will (well, except mostly for FPM and AGK/Leopold but y'all should know what they're meant to represent by being there -also, don't ask why fancy pants' facing like that, the possibilities to why is so i'd rather leave it to you guys' imagination)
And as any respectable artist should do, here's the post to the original image
I'd have loved to add more things here, more fellas, but time was short and well...sadly no
hopefully they make it on the next ones i'm planning on doing :) (?
Still, it was a fun experiment as well as sort of reflectful on things regarding my projects and such. I also slip little hints to things from/for some of these very projects that -hopefully- can come to fruition in 2024
Anyway, hope you guys had a nice christmas midnight, happy holidays and goodnight to you all. Thanks for the good things, sorry for the bad takes
Bless y'all <3
-Phiddie (MuggyCupHead)
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muggycuphead 11 months ago
CE's "development" being slow af, have some snippets instead to compensate the wait lmao
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muggycuphead 8 months ago
Ayo fellas, we got da news
Hey y'all, sorry for the sudden silence regarding my own posting, I was busy w/ a couple of things and well...I'm riding an f-ing hay rn
it's still a wip but holy shit im peaking in serotonin from this, what the fuuu-
Btw, did/edited new sprites
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(jake and vic's ogs 2 jic i didn't post em b4)
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(these picos are for w1alt btw)
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(^^ this one needs a fix)
Some concepts too!!
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Also did some additions for the icongrid (they're not all, just the ones i can show for now)
However, Diknoz, Potato and Leonard's are old ones, and leo's is being as a ref
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Arrow edits
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There's more, but for now that's what i can let y'all know
See ya in a while, gtg now
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muggys-workshed 1 year ago
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**VOLUME WARNING JIC**im not too confident on my own volume leveling yet but y'know, watch out jic :麓)**
So I feel savage right now and lost my filter for leaks music-wise, here's a snippet from one of the songs I'm planning to use for Week1 Really Gangsta, featuring LoganMcOof's Pico soundfont, the Jagger (CE Alter!Jake) soundfont I made for this week and a sidesong for smth else, and an Ellenwood Area sample (god help i don't lose my integrity over copyright, imma pray).
This is my first time composing on FL Studio (suggested by one of my fellow friends who's into musik), specifically on v.12. Don't get mistaken though, this is not the first version I've done of the song (it's the V3 so far) nor is a definitive (as you'd guess), there's still things to be checked out before calling it an official release (aka when the WEEK ITSELF is uploaded...which is gonna take a while but yo, I'm tryna do my own thing too here kay? There's stuff to do for CE aside MAD charting and all that jazz -creditwillstillbegivenwhereitsduethofairuseisabigdeal)
cool art thumb just to give hints and bc hey, i'm an artist, even if it's just a rough sketch i'm gonna put it here for the sake of it
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muggycuphead 2 months ago
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December 2024 Expererimental Artbash IV 1 & 2 (respectively)
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muggycuphead 2 months ago
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December 2024 Expererimental Artbash I 1 & 2 (respectively)
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muggys-workshed 8 months ago
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I'd make a "bro what the f who meddled with my fnf gamefile what is this 馃槶" for this but man the post rush drained me so hard i'm out of funny gas
Bitch lookin kinda dope tho, check out that flare
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muggys-workshed 8 months ago
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Did this to resolve Donna's color palette
and because propswapping BF and Leopold is funny to me
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muggys-workshed 8 months ago
Ayo fellas, we got da news (2)
Nvm, here's more concepts
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Side-Lore leaks btw
Karden Missbrauch
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(left one is a wip, look at the shoes)
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swap!cow aka cow if he wasn't a saltass
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muggys-workshed 1 year ago
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harold for pizza tower in 2024
paint sketch for the holidays and bc i wanted to relive the blog a bit, merry krismis 2 everyoneses :)
ft. a silly wapeach reference snuck on the left corner for the lulz, i'm still hooked by the news
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muggys-workshed 1 year ago
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Percussion up and down BF sprites done; you know the drill, statics only bc the anims for the play wowowow
Also, fun fact- CE is gotta have added this little perk on the sprite work, which is what I call "scale-detection sprites" TL;DR it's a sprite that, based on the volume/pitch of the note it's making, will change the expression of it's character. This mostly falls on singing arrows though, as blows already have an instrument preset (the kb smashes) I just have BF's for now, AGK's next on the list Here, take a lookie
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And last thing, remember AGK's up smash sprite? Yeah, that's a thunder strike, and since CE tries to stick to the canon sort of things of FNF... Obligatory KBBF shake
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(still a beta, noticed i gotta fix that twitch oof)
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muggys-workshed 1 year ago
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One of my BF edits for W1Ph2, it's Propswap fyi Case u wonder, he's Alter Ey. I don't have much clue on what he's supposed to be exactly, but I felt like he could do for a funny edit. Still will have to figure out how german works eheheh
Also the dripping on his mouth is because his talking is pretty shuffly (specifying jic it doesn't get taken ooc)
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muggycuphead 1 year ago
Week 4 Prototype snippets just for showcase
The first one's missing voices cuz I need Leonard's soundfont, and after seeing what happened with Lownard's (his "Crasher" state alter) I'm having second thoughts on my current sf2 making process Still, that's besides the point here I'd like to hear some opinions regarding this; unlike my previous protos, I used default assets on these mfs, and honest here...I'm pretty insecure of my results :''''^/
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