#fnf bear5
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You know what? I like you! *Proceeds to throw my Bear5 AU at you*

A Precious Gift
(A FNF Bear5 AU)
Word Count: 3845
Warnings: Heavy angst, Hurt comfort, gore, and death (but this is FNAF related so… Also Pico and BF are dating in this AU.)
Flames engulfed the abandoned building, slowly making it crumble. The husks of childhood were scattered across the burning threshold. Pico sat on his knees, rubbing his sore neck. Looking up, he could see the lifeless body of Henry Emily. A metal stake planted in his heart.
“Burn in hell, bastard.” Pico hissed with venomous hatred. He couldn’t care less if he made it out of the burning grave, for he had lost someone who meant the world to him. Pico weakly turned his head, spotting the corpse of Boyfriend.
Blood spilled from the young man’s brain. Pieces of his skull and flesh were strewn across the floor. His teeth were now falling out of his head as he looked at Pico with a white, lifeless stare.
Pico averted his gaze, feeling tears begin to well up in his eyes. For a moment, he could only hear the thundering beat of his heart. “How could I…? I let you down…I’m sorry.” Mumbling softly to himself, Pico just curled up on the floor. He couldn’t live with the guilt if he made it out alive. It was simply too much…
A van screeched as it rushed down the road. Tires sliding across the sleek road as it hurled towards its destination. Pogo, a now infamous monster hunter, had the wheel. “Come on. Come on. Come on.” He growled through bared teeth.
His tail lowered when he finally saw the burning restaurant, dread filling his heart. As the flames tore into the building, Pogo hurled himself into the parking lot. He hopped out of the car in a flash, his large paws making a loud thud as they hit the ground. Pogo’s eye darted from one part of the building to the other, hoping to spot anyone. The Huntsman then took a whiff to judge the scene. Most of what he could smell was ash and gas, but there was something else. It was faint, but distinct. There was somebody in the building, more than one.
Instead of immediately rushing, like Pogo usually did, he hesitated. He was thinking about the logic of this world and how it differed from his own timeline. Pogo went around to the back of the van and pulled the doors open. In front of him lay something peculiar.
Inside the back of the van was a life-sized stuffed animal, around 6”7 or so. It’s blue fur was complemented by the lighter tone on its belly. A permanent sharp toothed grin was stitched on its face and it had three arms on each side of its body. It even had a long tail that had foam feathers attached to the tip. Pitch black eyes from its cat-like head stared back at Pogo.
The Huntsman sighed, taking the stuffie and some rope before strapping it to his back. “I hope Billy was right about this timeline.” With that, Pogo took off towards the burning building, making sure that nothing could get in his way.
Bursting through the glass doors, Pogo immediately felt the heat of the flames. He grunted before sniffing the air, hoping to snuff out the survivor. His eyes locked on the hallway to his right. “There we go.” With determination filling his heart, the Huntsman ran towards the scent, feeling the heat from all around.
He saw the empty shell of the restaurant’s animatronics as he ran. First, Pogo ran into the right hallway, spotting a burning bunny in the room ahead. Then, he turned left and continued upwards, spotting a chicken and a fox along the way. “Almost there.” Pogo gritted his teeth as the familiar scent grew stronger with each step he took.
Sliding into the room, Pogo’s eye darted from one place to another. He saw the corpse of Henry Emily and Bear 5, then Boyfriend’s mangled body. He gripped his chest. Was he too late? Had both of them died already? His eye scattered for more answers before it laid upon Pico.
The poor ginger held his knees against his chest, waiting for the flames to engulf him. He didn’t even notice Pogo coming into the room. The Huntsman winced softly, understanding his pain far too well. “Hey! You need to get out of here!” Pogo roared so his voice could be heard above the crackling flames.
Pico flinched slightly before looking up at the Huntsman. His white eyes held nothing but emptiness. “Why should I?” He answered in an uncharacteristically low voice. “I couldn’t even save my boyfriend.” Pogo sighed as he went over to Pico and crouched down.
“You couldn’t have known. I know it’s hard not to blame yourself, especially when you’re thinking of all the possible outcomes, but it really isn’t your fault. Trust me, Pico. He’d want you to live.” The ginger just sighed and hugged his knees tighter, not even questioning how this stranger knew his name. “I just want to be with him.”
Pogo wanted to explain that he had a plan, but the building was falling apart with every second. “You don’t have much time!” Growling heavily, Pogo picked up the ginger in his arms. “H-Hey! Put me down!” Pico yelled as he began thrashing about, but couldn’t do much due to the Huntsman’s strength.
Ignoring Pico’s pleas, Pogo ran through the restaurant, making sure not to burn either Pico or the stuffie on his back. Once he reached the front doors, he plopped Pico down on the concrete, cold stairs. “Now wait here.” Pogo grunted with authority. “I’ll be back in a bit.” Turning around with a heavy sigh, Pogo ran back into the building.
Pico just stared in bewilderment as the Huntsman ran back into the building. What was his goal? Why the hell did he go back in? Pico didn’t ponder on these questions for too long though. Instead, he just hugged his knees once more. The ginger then started to cry, which quickly turned into sobs. He knew that he would carry this guilt for the rest of his life and there would be nothing he could do about it.
Pogo rushed quickly to get back into the room. He had ducked under falling debris and jumped over pieces of plywood just to get here. His eye darted everywhere to find what he had been looking for again. Once his eye laid upon Boyfriend’s corpse, Pogo sighed in relief seeing that the body had not been damaged by the debris, but he had to act fast.
The Huntsman ran over to the body and gently scooped him up in his arms, not caring if blood got on his hoodie or not. “It’s alright, little guy. I’ve got ya.” Pogo spoke to the corpse in a soft, gentle voice. Before he knew it, heavy debris fell in the hallway, trapping Pogo inside the burning room.
“Shit!” Pogo roared as he held Boyfriend’s body close to him. Looking around, Pogo laid his eye on a large door that had flames surrounding it. A weak point. The Huntsman huffed, positioning himself for impact. “This is gonna fucking hurt.” Without another thought, Pogo tucked Boyfriend’s body against his chest before ramming into the door.
The flames scalded the Huntsman’s skin, making him growl in pain. Pogo put a hand on his burned cheek as the midnight wind hit his face. Due to his Huntsman genes though, the burns quickly healed up, leaving no scars.
Pogo breathed in rather deeply as he look at Boyfriend’s corpse in his arms. “I’m so sorry I didn’t make it on time, but I pray this is not the end for you.” He then set the corpse on the grassy ground. Undoing the rope knot on his chest, Pogo freed the stuffed animal and brought it in front of him. He examined it for a moment, checking to make sure that there were no burn marks. Luckily, there wasn’t, so he set the stuffie right beside the corpse.
“Please forgive me for what I’m about to do.” Pogo spoke softly as he put a hand on the corpse’s chest. Raising his other hand and baring his claws, the Huntsman dove it straight into Boyfriend’s chest cavity. Moving around to try to find it, Pogo eventually made contact with a circular muscle, Boyfriend’s heart. He grabbed it, making sure not to squeeze it, then pulled it out.
The heart lay stiff in Pogo’s hand, yet he knew this was the piece he needed in order for this to work. He moved over to the stuffie before using his unbloodied hand to make a rip into its chest. Pogo looked at the heart with sympathy. “You’ll walk again.” As he said that, he put the heart into the stuffie’s chest and sewn it in an “x” with the sewing equipment he had in his pocket. Now, all he could do was pray.
“Charlie, if you are still here, please help this young man. He did not deserve to die by such tragic means. Please, share your gift one last time, the gift of life!” He kept his eyes closed in prayer, desperately hoping that he would be heard.
“This young man…was a lover to the stranger. I can only imagine the pain they are going through. I am so sorry my father took your life before the stranger could save you. But, he did set us free. In return, I’ll do him this favor. I would normally be hesitant, but I know you will have freedom, unlike us. So, I shall give you my secret gift. Walk again, my friend.” Charlie spoke to the corpse before she faded away.
Pogo still had his eyes closed, not being able to hear what Charlie said. Something did catch his attention though. A heartbeat. It was subtle, but it was there. Pogo looked up to see the fingers of the stuffie curl into its palm. It’s tail swayed slightly as it tried to stand up. All six of its arms tried to assist itself to stand. Pogo backed up in awe as the plushie stood on his own, happy that Charlie answered his prayer.
Boyfriend felt dizzy, feeling as if his mind was a fish bowl. He clasped the sides of his head with hands. “What…the hell happened?” His voice sounded distorted and echoey. Turning around to get a better look at his environment, his eyes eventually laid on his own corpse.
Boyfriend shrieked in horror as he backed away. Was that him? Was he really dead? Something took hold of him that normally wouldn’t even cross his mind, fear. His new body shook and trembled as he stared at his very own corpse. This couldn’t be the end! Then, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, it’s alright.” Pogo kept his voice soft to sound as comforting as possible. Boyfriend looked at Pogo with frightful eyes. “Alright?! I’m staring at my own god damn corpse! I fucking died!” Tears began to form in his eyes. How was Boyfriend even crying? He didn’t bother to try to find an answer. Pogo sighed softly. “Well, you’re not really dead.” Boyfriend looked at Pogo with utter confusion. “How am I not dead?” The Huntsman scratched the back of his neck, not sure who to explain this. “Look at your hands.”
Boyfriend just furrowed his brow before listening to what Pogo said. He carefully lifted up his hands to where he could see them. There, he saw six total paws. Trembling, Boyfriend just stared at the paws for a moment. “H-Hand me my p-phone, please.” Pogo nodded as he reached over to the corpse and pulled the device from the back pocket.
The Huntsman then hand the phone over to Boyfriend, who took it with trembling hands. The first thing he did was open up the cameras. He couldn’t comprehend what he was looking at. Boyfriend’s new mouth did not move from its toothy grin, no matter the expression. Instead, it was his pitch black eyes that told people how he felt.
Boyfriend froze in place, causing his phone to slip from his hand. Pogo could see just how much distress the young man was under. “I know it’s a lot, bud, but everything is gonna be ok-“ “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME?!” The young man was practically hyperventilating at this point, causing Pogo to step back.
The living stuffie fell to the ground, tears flowing from the dark pits of his eyes. “Oh god…I’m one of them, aren’t I? Those fucking robots?” Boyfriend said as he looked up at Pogo, who shook his head. “No, you are not one of them. You were just given a second chance.” Boyfriend just averted his gaze, looking back at his corpse.
“Second chance…?” He spoke timidly, his usual confidence was completely gone. “Look at me…I look like a monster.” The Huntsman shook his head once more as he placed a hand on Boyfriend’s shoulder, lightly squeezing it. “But you aren’t a monster. You are a young man whose life has been cut short.” The stuffie seemed to appreciate the gentle touch, but he refused to look at Pogo.
“What’s Pico gonna think?” He asked himself. “He won’t love me like this…” Pogo huffed, crossing his arms. Although he did intend for the vessel to be somewhat creepy, it it was more so intended for it to be a mixture of cute and creepy. “That’s a load of rubbish! He’ll love you no matter what.” It was then Boyfriend finally looked up at Pogo, as if asking for an explanation. “Look, he was willing to die along with you so you two could be together.” The Huntsman spoke with warmth and kindness, slowly easing the distressed stuffie.
“He was willing to do that? Just for me?” Boyfriend asked with a more calm and soft tone. The Huntsman nodded. “Yes. Just for you, bud. That man loves you and he’ll be happy to see you.” The stuffie then clumsily stood up, still getting used to his digigrade legs. “W-where is he?” Boyfriend asked, fiddling with his plush claws.
Pogo pointed to the front of the building. “He’s at the steps. Go around, but be wary of falling debris.” The Huntsman gathered Boyfriend’s wallet, microphone, and cap from his corpse, along with his phone, and handed them to Boyfriend. Taking out a piece of paper, Pogo wrote down something on it and handed that to Boyfriend too. “If you need my help or need any questions answered, call or text me.”
The stuffie nodded, holding the items in his hands. “Thank you. I know it’s not nearly enough for what you’ve done.” Pogo smiled warmly at Boyfriend.”It ain’t no problem! It’s what I do.” Pogo looked towards the building, watching the flames dance. “Now, go to him. I’ll stay behind to clean up the mess.” Boyfriend nodded shyly before turning towards the pathway beside the building.
He stood there, hesitating for a moment. The stuffie could feel his heart pounding as he stared down the alleyway. “It’s okay, bud.” Pogo spoke softly to the frozen plush. “I’m sure he’ll love you just the same.” Boyfriend sighed, knowing the Huntsman’s words were true. So, he started to make his way down the alleyway. His new legs fumbled over nearly everything. “Shit.” Boyfriend hissed as he nearly tripped over a small rock.
The stuffie was careful as he trudged along the path. He didn’t want to fall and rip the fabric. It was funny how the fur of his new body actually felt like his own skin. Boyfriend could feel everything around him. The cold wind brushing up against his body. The tickles grass and sharp pebbles underneath his feet. It was as if he had never switched bodies, except for his clumsy footing and four extra arms to accommodate for.
Seeing the front corner of the building gave the stuffie dread. He was almost there, close to seeing Pico. The sound of harsh sobs made Boyfriend’s ears perk up. With even more cautious steps, the stuffie peeked his head out from the corner to see the source of the sound.
There, he found Pico on the steps, just as Pogo said. The ginger was sobbing into his knees, drenching them with tears and snot. “Why…Why was I late? I’m so sorry…” Boyfriend heard Pico say in a trembling voice. He had never seen him cry much, especially not this hard. The stuffie peeked further out from the corner. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around Pico and tell him that he was alive again.
“Pico?” The ginger heard a distorted voice say. Jumping from his position, Pico whirled around to see where the voice came from. With wide eyes, he stared at the large stuffed animal in horror. Was it another one of those robots? It sure looked creepy as hell.
Yet, Pico remembered that the same stuffed animal was strapped to the Huntsman’s back. Was it really alive this entire time? Why didn’t it help the Huntsman in the building? These questions swirled in Pico’s mind as the plushie stepped closer. “Pico?” It spoke again, only more timid and shy this time.
It finally clicked with the ginger. The stuffie’s voice was distorted, but Pico could recognize it anywhere. “Boyfriend…?” Pico asked, tilting his head in utter confusion. “Is that really you?” The stuffie nodded slightly, his ears drooping. “It’s me, babe.”
Pico’s jaw dropped as he looked at the stuffed animal, only making Boyfriend more nervous. He stiffened and fiddled with his plush claws. “I’m sorry. This isn’t the body you or I know. I look like a monst- beep!” Boyfriend immediately froze as he felt Pico wrap his arms around him, squeezing him tightly.
“I’m so sorry, BF! I took too fucking long to find you! Oh god…I’m so sorry.” Pico sobbed into the stuffie’s soft, fluffy chest. Boyfriend looked down at the poor ginger, a compassionate look in his eyes. He then wrapped all six of his arms around his partner. “It’s alright, Pico. Don’t blame yourself. Neither of us had any idea that was going to happen.” The stuffie tried to reassure him as he raised one hand to pet his head.
Pico trembled in Boyfriend’s arms, smothering his face into the stuffie’s fluffy chest. “I’m so sorry…” The ginger sniffled softly. Resting his head on top of Pico’s, Boyfriend gently rubbed circles on the ginger’s back. “It’s not your fault, babe. I could never hold something like this against you.”
The ginger slowly stopped trembling, eventually remaining still in the stuffie’s arms. He finally looked up at Boyfriend, who tilted his head. Pico raised his hand to rest upon the stuffie’s cheek. Being the softie he is, Boyfriend leaned into the touch, closing his eyes out of comfort. “You could never be a monster.” Pico said softly as he petted his partner. He took the red cap from one of the stuffie’s hands and placed it on his head.
Boyfriend opened his eyes, the pitch black stitching looking down at Pico. The ginger took this opportunity. Standing on his toes, Pico kissed his partner, directly on the stitched patch. Boyfriend blinked in surprise, but returned the kiss as best as he could. He held the back of Pico’s head as he did so.
Breaking away, Pico looked up at the stuffie. He could hear Boyfriend’s heart beating loudly in his chest. Resting his head against the stuffie’s chest, Pico sighed heavily. “Please…Don’t leave me. I can’t lose anyone else.” Boyfriend gently nuzzled Pico’s forehead. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
Rustling of grass could be heard behind them, so they turned to see who it was. Pogo, who was covered in blood, huffed as he walked out of the alleyway. The Huntsman looked up at the couple and smiled warmly. “I’m glad to see that you two are safe now. My partner told me that this timeline is more prone to possession due to this thing called remnant. That’s why I brought the plushie.”
The couple looked confused at the mention of remnant, but felt like there were more pressing matters. “You knew I was going to die?” Boyfriend asked, tilting his head. “It was just a precaution.” The Huntsman looked out into the night sky, hearing a high pitched noise steadily approaching. “You love birds might want to get a move on. The fire trucks are coming and it’s going to be difficult to explain how a human soul managed to possess a stuffed animal.”
Boyfriend and Pico looked at each other, nodding slowly. “Shit. You’re right.” The couple stepped down the stairs. Pogo joined them, staying right by their side. All three of them headed to Pico’s black car with tired, yet warm feelings in their hearts. Pico unlocked the car before opening the passenger’s door for Boyfriend to hop in, which he happily did so.
“Thank you.” Boyfriend said with a soft voice, resting his back against the seat. Pico nodded before turning to the Huntsman, a grateful smile came over his face. “I really owe you a lot, man.” Pico said as he put his hands on his hips. “Is there any way I can pay you back.” Pogo chuckled as he raised his hand. “Nah. You two suffered enough tonight. I do this to help others anyway, so you don’t have to pay anything back.”
Pico sighed as he scratched the back of his neck. “Thank you…for bringing him back to me.” The Huntsman smiled warmly as he patted Pico on the shoulder. “It’s no problem. Just try to stay away from any more monsters, okay?” Pico chuckled softly. “If we do, we’ll call you.” Pogo gave the ginger a thumbs up. “Sounds good!” With that, Pogo headed towards his van and hopped in.
Pico watched as the Huntsman drove away. Sighing heavily, he finally hopped into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition. Boyfriend’s microphone, wallet, and phone rested inside the middle console. The ginger looked up at Boyfriend, who had his eyes closed as he laid back. “Are you ready to go home, angel?”
Boyfriend halfway opened his eyes and rolled his head to look at Pico. “More than anything.” The ginger smiled warmly as he held one of Boyfriend’s hands. “Me too.” The engine roared as they pulled out and drove away. Darkness surrounded the couple, only the headlights provided light. Despite this, a bittersweet feeling brewed within the two of them.
Boyfriend and Puco knew that they had to learn how to adjust to this new life. The stuffie was going to figure out how his new body works, both the hood and the bad. It was all worth it though, for they were still together.
The stuffie felt his eyes grow heavy as they drove. He couldn’t help but lean against Pico’s shoulder. Sighing softly and feeling more comfortable and loved then he ever had before, Boyfriend closed his eyes and fell asleep. Pico smiled as he did this, gently petting him with his free hand. “Rest, my angel. I’ll take it from here.”
#friday night funkin#fnf#fnf pico#fnf pogo#fnf bf#fnf boyfriend#fnf bear5#bear 5#pico x boyfriend#boyfriend x pico#pico newgrounds#picos school#yes Pogo is here#don��t worry you don’t need much context#from the Billy is Missing AU
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