#fnaf monty x child reader
clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
OK RUIN DLC AVAILABLE!! Can I make a request then? How do Ruin glam.freddy, Ruin glam.chica, Ruin Monty, and Ruin Roxy react to an overwhelmed reader? Too much is happening to Child Reader and he ends up crying or bursting with rage. How would they react to the reader? (sorry for my english 😅)
Oh don't worry! Your english is good! (for this, we'll just say reader takes Cassie's place)
Prototype/Ruined Freddy
All you wanted to do was find your friend, and you thought you'd find an ally in your quest when you discovered Freddy in the decrepit Fazer Blaster room.
But something was very wrong as he emerged from the wreckage, joints clicking and parts shuffling before he finally turns to screech at you with great hostility.
Not with his mouth, as he lacked a head, but with his birthday cake hatch that acted like a gaping monstrous maw.
He hunted you down like a wild animal, chasing you until you managed to reach the next inhibitor-
Only for Freddy to be there first, cornering you at last and almost daring you to come closer.
But you were so terrified, so stressed that...you just hid somewhere and cried, not caring what happens to you anymore. "I-I'm sorry, Gregory..I can't do this. I'm too scared and I don't know where I'm going!!"
It's in that moment where Freddy briefly snaps out of the M.X.E.S programming controlling him.
He may have been a prototype, but he did have similar directives to his successor--that being to ensure the safety and happiness of all children who visited. That was his priority.
He follows your cries, and instead of attacking, he offers you the green present in his chest to cheer you up.
You worried it was some trick, but you take it anyways, finding a scratched-up Freddy magnet inside, barely recognizable aside from the shape.
Relieved, you smile and pocket the gift, wiping away your tears. "Th-Thanks, Freddy.."
He stands back up, only for the M.X.E.S to take ahold of him again.
While he's fighting back against it, you duck under him and turn off the inhibitor before making your escape, not looking back once even as he storms after you.
At least you knew he wasn't doing this on purpose.
Ruined Chica
If you weren't already overwhelmed enough by everything happening within the ruined mall...Chica's shattered voicebox was the icing on top.
The noises hurt your ears so, so much..and suddenly you became terrified of every creaking or grating metal sound, always thinking it's her.
Staying on your toes was important, of course, though it was getting to be too much for you to bear.
When she's hunting you down in one of the kitchens, you're so stressed that you end up hiding and covering your ears, trying not to cry as the noises continued.
Before they...abruptly stopped, as she's now aware that her voice simply wasn't going to come back.
But in that moment, she heard your sniffle and immediately found your hiding spot.
You think you're doomed until she sees you covering your ears still, and despite her eyes being out of sorts..
They looked quite guilty.
The M.X.E.S has no control over her at the moment, so she spares you and leaves.
At some point later on you find her original voice box, seeking her out and repairing her to the best of your ability.
"I smell pizza!!" She trills, before the reality sets in that she has her voice back at last!
And it's a brief moment of happiness for her before she shuts down, seeing you by her side as her vision goes dark.
While doing this didn't make you any less stressed about your search for your friend...you felt better knowing you helped her.
Ruined Roxy
She wasn't targeting you because of the M.X.E.S, but rather because she assumed you were Gregory, threatening to tear out your eyes and make them hers.
However she decided to stalk you at a very bad time, as you began shouting and throwing stuff at her after getting so fed-up with coming to dead ends and Helpi's irritating voice.
The first thing was a plushie, which isn't super effective in hurting her, but the sudden impact startled her nevertheless.
Then you began pelting whatever you could find on the ground. Soda cans, crumbled papers, etc. even as she apologized over and over, shielding herself.
"K-Kid, I'm sorry..!!"
"I'm not afraid you anymore!! LEAVE ME ALONE, FREAK!!"
Suddenly, she freezes up, sniffling before she touches her face self-consciously.
"Th-That's right..I'm...I-I'm a freak...I'm a hideous freak!!" She wails, ultimately collapsing to the ground crying.
You stop, realizing the (emotional) damage you've done and....feeling guilty when you see her sobbing.
You honestly thought she was mindless like all the others...and yet..part of her old personality remained, notably the "insecure" part of it.
Keeping the mask clipped to your side (as you didn't wanna see her through some green hologram), you approach and kneel down, awkwardly trying to comfort her.
"Roxy? I-I...I didn't mean to call you that. I'm sorry." You frown. "You're not a freak, you're still..um...p-pretty. I..I've just been angry and I took it out on you...because you keep thinking I'm Gregory."
She's surprised to hear that you aren't actually him, but is still hurt by the insult.
You stay with her for a bit, reminding her of the mantras she used to tell herself back then, and she begins to repeat them with a smile on her face.
"Your tail is beautiful, your hair is beautiful..and everyone loves you."
"My tail...is beautiful. My hair is..beautiful...and everyone loves me.."
"Yeah, that's good!"
Ruined Monty
He used to be the coolest character to you.
But now? He was nothing like his former self. Just a mindless beast crawling around and trying to bite your legs off.
It was sad, in a way.
Yet you've been attacked by him nonstop ever since you got that stupid mask.
He didn't just scare you, though.
If anything...you got angry right back at him, shouting at him to go away and/or throwing whatever you could to keep him off your back.
Somehow he keep finding you. It's like he had some personal vendetta against you and was powered by rage alone.
In Gator Golf, you found a golf club that wasn't broken, deciding to keep it with you should you ever need to defend yourself.
He was an alligator, yet it somehow shocked you when you're trying to reach the next conduit to unlock a door....and discover that he can swim.
You were stuck traversing boxes like you were playing "the floor is lava"...except the lava is Monty, of course.
When you finally unlock the door, he roars and makes a desperate grab for your leg, and would have succeeded in dragging you into the electrified water...
Had you not used the club to break his hand and chip some of his teeth.
It seemed to bring him genuine pain....but you didn't care.
"Sorry, Monty...BUT I'M NOT YOUR DINNER!!!" You shout as you knock him back into the water, watching him fry.
Part of you felt guilty for doing that once you calmed down and got to safely, but what else could you do?
He was too far gone to help. You had to put him out of his misery.
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writers-requiem · 1 year
Father! Glamrock Freddy x Child! Reader: Parental headcannons
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Just like FNAF 1 Freddy, very affectionate. He will always be up to give you cuddles and kisses, when you're feeling down, or when you did something that makes him proud, whatever.
He is also very protective of you, but not TOO overprotective. He'll start by being polite to the people bullying you, but if it continues, he'll get their parents or the authorities involved. Responsible dad.
Speaking of responsible, he will do EVERY house chore. Save for cleaning YOUR room. But if you clean it regularly anyhow, he isn't on your case.
It'd be pretty hard to convince him to relax and not do any work. But if you did, he would be bummed about it for a bit.
If you had nightmares or were feeling scared or insecure, he would sit you on his lap and give you a boatload of comfort and reassurance.
He's the kinda dad that'll kiss you goodnight before bed.
The other glamrocks treat you pretty well too! Roxanne is of course self absorbed and a bad influence on you, but she provides the basic necessities. Monty is better than Roxy, but not by much, his hotheaded nature he would probably try to wrestle you, forgetting you're MUUUCH weaker than he is. As for Chica, she is basically your mom.
No really, Chica is always there to help Freddy with his parenting and give him some tips if he's confused on something.
She also helps you out a lot too! Guides you through your homework, helps you stay in shape, the works!
Back to Freddy though!
He is always trying to help you set up dates to hang out with friends and making sure it's all to your liking.
Having been around children for as long as he has, he's got the experience necessary to handle kids.
But lord have mercy on anyone who tries to outright molest, rape or kill you.
If Freddy finds out about any of that, he can't hold himself back. He calls an ambulance in advance after finding where they live so they can deal with what's left of the culprits.
He doesn't kill them, just terrorizes them and slashes at them with his claws.
All in all, outside of the last couple bullet points, GREAT FATHER MATERIAL! 9.5/10! Would highly recommend!
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t-z-random · 3 years
Sanctuary of Nightmares PT1
Platonic SB x GN Child Reader
Part 2
Tw: bad parents, small amounts of blood
Summery: Confusion was a good word to describe your life. Even in your short amount of time on this planet you've been tangled in strings of 'why' and 'how could you'. You jumped from one painful expirence to the next as the world tangled you in its grasp, silencing you in the pain of its grip.
It was in these strings of pain that fate led you, it pulled you towards its hell on earth. Day by day you grew closer to it and, in one final betrayal, you were set on a path of horror in something you once thought of as a blissful sanctuary.
The Freddy Fazbear Mega PizzaPlex. What a name huh? It was one that drew the attention of families from all over the area. It was the destination for kids and teens, no other place was anything like it! The high-tech animatronics the place was known for were what really sold the show. And for a young kid like yourself, it was mesmerizing. The lights, the sounds, the games! You dreamed of seeing it. Of escaping to the child's wonderland. 
To escape this hell...
But those seemed like fever dreams to your tiny mind. Your parents would never allow it, not with your 'bad behavior'. Daydream all you want, but there was no escaping the scornful glare of your mother or the apathetic stare of your father. Try as you might you never could please them. Whether it was the wrath of your mother or the disconcern and neglect of your father, you had never been allowed such childlike pleasures. Any time you'd gain the courage to ask for anything, even as small as a candy bar, they'd harp on how bad of a child you were, how you were always so selfish, and that you always asked so much of them. So you learned not to ask. Hell, you'd grown the habit of not talking at all. It only ever got you into more trouble. So you remained silent throughout your young life. 
Today seemed no different. Having spent hours waiting in a car for your parents, not daring to disobey your mothers command to stay there. Luckily it was cooler outside so you were fine with waiting. You entertained yourself with thoughts of toys and Candy, of fun and games, of a life you didn't live.
It was your eighth birthday after all and while neither one of your parents seemed to care, you sure did.
After your mothers trip outside the car she got back in and went on her normal routine to pick up your father. It was only a few seconds later that her yelling started. You heard the first few screams about how 'she didn't want to have to babysit' and how your father 'should just get rid of you if he doesn't want you'. It was after those yells that you zoned out. The common screams blended in woth the low hum of the car as you let your mind drift to more pleasant things. Like birthday cake and ice cream.
This went on for hours which was rather unsual as the house wasn't to far away from your fathers work. You chose not to take note of it though and instead completely dissociate from the situation causing those hours to pass by like minutes. You weren't aware of the conversation your parents were having nor how this chosen ignorance would come to shape your life.
"Y/N!" Your name cut through your wandering mind, earning your attention as you quickly swiveled your head towards the front of the car, locking eyes with your mother.
"Get out" she spoke, though the words almost didn't register with you. You looked around, realizing you weren't anywhere you recognized. You quickly looked back to your mother with confusion and hints of fear found in your expression. Her eyebrows only tilted further down at what she perceived as not only an insult, but outright disobedience.
"I said get out!" She repeated, causing you to jump once again, her tone was enough to melt away your confusion for the moment as your mind went on auto-drive, immediately following through with what she told you to do.
The sun was quickly finding its way to the horizon, the light of its burning fire only seeming brighter in the moments before sunset would come. The rain that had fallen only a few minutes earlier gave the air a denser, almost suffocating weight to it. Your small shoes fell on the concrete, a tiny splash made in the puddle that had formed in the more worn parts of the sidewalk. You quickly held your body, the cold air nipping at your exposed skin almost immediately. You looked back to the car wondering why you were told to get out. 
"Right up that rode is that mall you wanted so badly to see. Go see it" she spoke with venom in her voice before quickly turning the car around, an action that confused you at first until she began to drive away. You felt your heart drop, the reality of what was happening immediately choking you. You stood frozen, confused, and now incredibly terrified as the familiarity of your life sped away. You ran about two steps in a panic to not be left behind but ultimately didn't make it far in your vain attempt as you tripped over a jagged and crumbled part of the sidewalk. You fell on your hands and knees, skidding them against the sidewalk with an immediate stinging pain claiming them. You looked up, your mouth open to cry out for your parents thoigh not a word left, the distant car too far to ever have heard you.
You were left in silent isolation as their ultimate betrayal to you.
You stayed that way for a few moments, tears falling silently from your eyes as you tried to compose yourself. After a moment you attempted to stand, though the sting of your open wounds brought regret as you did so. When you finally did pull yourself up you tried to wipe your wet and dirty hands on your clothes, though the sting of them made you wince. They weren't bleeding, but they were still in quite a lot of pain. You couldn't say you got that lucky with your legs though as small amounts of blood soaked into your pants. You sniffled, sucking it up as you began to turn your head in every direction in hopes of finding out where you were. It was a mostly wooded area, though a long road led you straight. There didn't seem to be anyone around, the deathly silent air filling you with more dread than you already felt.
You had never been completely alone before, let alone dropped in what you considered to be the middle of nowhere. You tried to think, to find some type of rational thought, but in your tiny mind the world now laid out in front of you was so daunting you almost couldn't comprehend it.
Your situation was akin to an ant taken from outside and put into a house. The relative size of everything around it made it insignificant and miniscule in its surroundings.
After a moment of this betrayed confusion you eventually did find a thought, one that your spirit clung to for dear life.
'The PizzaPlex...she said it was up the road...just up the road...' You tore your eyes from the unknown darkness that was soon to creep around you and instead focused your eyes ahead of you. You had a goal, something to move towards, something familiar. So, one small foot after the other, you began to walk. Your legs stung as you moved them but it wasn't anything you hadn't felt before, nor was it enough to tear you from your goal. You had no other thought but to get to that PizzaPlex. In your mind it was the only place left, the only familiarity in your now infinite and terrifying world.
So you dragged on, despite your now very recent status as completely independent. 
It was a long walk, one filled with small breakdowns as you tried to understand what was happening, to understand why you would be left like this. Despite these small breakdowns your mind mostly left you as your feet moved. As if detached from your own body you trudged on, your body seemingly moving on its own. The sun seemed to fall at a quicker pace the longer you walked which causing a new fear to sneak into you. One of being alone in the silence of the night. Thankfully you saw the shining building before then, like a beacon to your mind lost in a sea of dread. Yet even with its light glow, the place looked different than you remembered it in the small glimpses you ever saw on tv. It was darker, more daunting. 
As you coninued you noticed the lack of people, though there were still vehicles in the parking lot. It wasn't long until you realized most of those were vans with the Fazbear logo all over them. Some had all of the mascots on them, the familiar characters easily recognized by you. After taking a couple of curious yet hesitant steps you realized that this must be the back of the building. That theory was only further assured as you walked closer and noticed fences, likely to keep people from parking here since they didn't go very far. You could hear voices, the sounds of people in the distance that only grew as you drew closer, though they remained echoes in the orange-covered world the lowering sun created.
You soon made it to a back door, your head turning to look around as you searched for any sign of someone else. When you saw no one you attempted to open said door, only to quickly realize it was locked. You were just about to start walking around to find another door when a loud clang rang in your ears. In instinct you ran to the nearby van, hiding behind the wheel of it in hopes that whatever made the sound wouldn't find you. After a long bout of silence, and with your childhood sense of curiosity still intact, you slowly peaked from your hiding spot, your eyes scanning the area for what could have created the noise. 
It took a while for you to pinpoint it, but your eyes eventually fell on a vent cover that laid on the ground. Following it, your eyes scanned over a large trash bin, up a wall, and eventually landed on the source of where it came from. A now open hole in the building was the origin of the vent cover. You stayed staring at it for a moment, afraid that something might come out of it, but when silence rang for a few more minutes you slowly made your way out of your hiding spot. In a slow step you walked over to the open vent, your curious mind overtaking you. With a great struggle you pulled yourself up onto the garbage bin, the vent now just slightly above your head. You paced your hands on the edges and slightly pulled yourself up to look into the vent. Besides the increase in noise you didn't notice much, just an empty vent. It wqs this observation that led a confused look to fall on your face.
How did it even open-?
Just as that thought entered your mind you were pulled away from it and instead to the sound of the door you had been at only moments prior as it began to open. In a spike of fear and a moment of poor decision making you fully pulled yourself into the vent to get away from whoever or whatever may have been coming through the door. In what must have been nothing more than a miracle you managed to do so, but you were more so focused on the extreme pain in your hands rather than the feat you had just performed. 
The vent was small, but so were you which made it not too uncomfortable to be in. The scent pizza and sugar hit your nose as the smell of the pizzaplex finally made it to you. It caused a low grumble in your stomach as you realized the hunger that ate at you. You were able to push the empty feeling away though as you focused your mind on more important things, like the fact that you should probably get moving considering whoever was at the door could have noticed you. 
And so in what was frankly just calm panic you began to crawl your way further in, the stinging of your hands and knees only getting worse the longer you were forced to put pressure on them.
It was about ten minutes into this process that a sound caught your ears. Sure, there were noises happening all around you, but the world that laid just below you was muffled. The sounds of children, arcade machines, and other related noise seemed like they were off in the distance. What had caught your ear wasn't as muffled, in fact it sounded almost clear. You stopped your movement in hopes that you could identify what the sound was.
It was then that you heard the melody of it, the frantic sound of what you assumed was some type of music box. You listened, confused as to why it echoed in the vent, why ot was growing closer. It didn't take long for the reality of the sound to dawn on you.
There was something else in here with you.
And by the sound of it, it wasn't too far behind. 
With your heart picking up the pace once again you decided to hurry your movements, hoping to escape whatever it was. It didn't help that the melody only grew louder and, terrifyingly, came with the skittering sound of metal quickly approaching. You turned your head to look behind you for a second only to see a familiar-looking but unknown mechanical musical creature not far behind. With a small yelp, you turned ahead and shoved your way out of the closest open vent. A poor decision as you found yourself tumbling down a few boxes before finally landing on the floor. 
Seeing as adrenaline was quickly rushing through your veins you didn't register the pain at first, instead quickly readjusting yourself to stare back up at the vent you had just left in fear that it would continue to follow you. You backed up as the creature made its way to the edge of the vent and stared down at you. With what emotion you weren't sure, though you assumed it didn't very much like you as it quickly scuttled back in once you were out. You continued to stare up at the vent for a moment as you caught your breath, your fear slowly leaving and the pain sinking back in. After a moment you slowly stood, though you were now on rather wobbly legs. Once you did you finally decided to slowly tear your eyes away from the vent to look around, hoping to find out where you were. While the room you were in didn't seem to have anyone around, you could hear voices that seemed even closer than before. Following the noise you walked around a short hallway before you were met with a set of doors, the sound of people now very clearly behind them. You were a bit apprehensive about opening the door but considering you couldn't go back the way you came you decided to push them open. You were met with shining neon lights that draped the surrounding area and the many groups of walking people in a pink hue. What to your childlike mind felt like hundreds of people were passing by as you peaked out of the door. But, whether it was due to your tiny stature or the excitement of the surroundings, not one laid an eye on you. Slowly, and hoping to not raise suspicion, you fully crept out the door, letting it shut behind you. You still stayed stuck to the wall though, not moving from your spot as you continued to look around.
It was more mesmerizing than you'd ever imagined it. The bright lights, the delicious smells, the joyful sounds. So far removed were you from angered yelling and dangerous rage, from being scolded for wanting such amazing things. You stood now in a place you could only consider as a land of dreams- your dreams. You'd spent so long imagining being here and now you stood, amazed by it all. 
It was a magical first impression so far beyond what your mind could have conjured. But it was after that shock faded and after you slowly acclimated to it all that everything began to hit you all at once.
Everything hurt. Your'e hungry- thirsty. Ow! Where are your parents- You were alone- alone. You were in a crowd of strangers. Your parents were gone, your home! You had nothing! Why here? Why leave you here?! You wanted home, you wanted your bed, you wanted familiarity.
The lights were an off hue now, one that strained your eyes, the voices of the people were so loud and- Ow! Your hands, your knees, they stung as your cement burned skin was exposed. Trying to alleviate the pain you fell down the wall, tears pricking at your eyes as the overwhelming situation took its toll on your small body. The passers-by didn't notice. You were too insignificant in the amazement of the colossal pizzaplex. You felt suffocated, like you were drowning in the fear of it all. All of it felt like it was collapsing onto you, like the whole world was caving in. You wanted it to stop stop stop STOP-
"Hello?" A voice called. Through the murmurs, laughs, and outright yelling that came from all around you, that voice stuck out. You snapped from your panicked state, your head turning towards where it came from. You froze when you met the eyes of a stranger. They dawned a gray top and pants to match with a nametag on their chest. They towered over you, everything did really. Their expression was confused, if not irritated.
"You lost?" They asked with exasperation in their tone. You hesitated on answering, unsure of their intentions. After a moment you nodded, your throat too tight to even attempt to speak right now. Your answer seemed to only further agitate the stranger, their annoyance now visible in the way their eyes stared.
“Do you know where you came from? Where your family is?” They asked, their tone now harsh on your ears. You gave absolutely no answer this time, the fear of this stranger's presence only sinking in the longer you talked to them. That didn't seem to go over well either. In fact it went over even worse than when you’d given them at least an attempt at an answer,
“Screw this, I'm supposed to be on break” They grumbled before reaching into their pocket and pulling out a small device. It clicked before they spoke.
"I've got a lost kid on the first floor, left side in the front. They said they should be at the daycare but got lost" they spoke into the device, pulling it away once they were finished and placing it back in their pocket. They stayed standing over you for a while, not speaking another word. It was a few minutes later that a robot came rolling down, a small siren flashing on its head to warn the customers to move out of the way. It stopped in front of you and only once it did so did the person turn back to you. 
"This robot's going to take you to the daycare. Just follow it" was the last thing they spoke before walking off. You turned to look up at the robot with the shock of what just happened slowly sinking in.
It didn't look all that unique. Just a general worker bot. Either way, you were now in its care and though you were confused and frightened by the turn of events, you decided it best not to question it. You had thought you were in trouble when the worker had approched you since you most definitely were not supposed to be here, but it seems the world had different plans for you.
Different plans indeed
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Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy! I apologize if there is any misspelling!
You Brighten my World
Sundrop x Child Reader
Warnings: Angst,(Depression, anxiety, cutting, abuse etc,) Fluff+Comfort
Freddy Fazbear’s is a name at this point that was known everywhere. You have heard of it, of course from the tv that you were shocked your parents even let you watch, non the less listen to it. It was a bit strange your life have been so fucked over to the point of suicidal, your parents knew, but hell they didn’t care, and you knew that. It was you y/n l/n who was 10 your little sister who was beyond spoiled, y/n l/n who was 5, your older brother y/n l/n who was 14 who was also spoiled. It ticked you off, it really did but damn you couldn’t say anything
It bugged you so much day and night. Some nights were worse than others but some nights were like living in hell. Mom and dad coming home screaming at how much they hated you, tell you that they didn’t care, and such awful stuff. It hurt you it really did but you couldn’t say anything. Now as for the way you looked you were short, you had a bob cut with bangs that fit your head shape perfectly, you had light pink hair that you had died yourself, and of course mom and dad screamed at you for that beating you telling you, you looked like a whore. and beautiful bright green eyes, you had freckles but many scars on you face. The scars covered your body, you looked like you had been in war if you weren’t lying to yourself. Maybe that’s why they hated you so much, jealousy perhaps? You hadn’t the slightest idea but every moment of your life made you feel sick and awful. Your parents were out with your younger sister and older brother doing something together as a ‘’family’’ if that’s even what you would call it, an odd sick family. Of course you were left home by yourself, about an hour earlier mom and dad were fighting over whether to leave you or not, having ‘’trust’s issues with you. “You can’t be serious!?’’ “I don’t care we are NOT taking that disgusting piece of shit with us!” “Well I DONT WANT HER HERE IN THE HOUSE!’’ Your mom screamed at your dad, you sighed it was always like this with you. Standing near the couch zoning out watching tv you
watch as the commercial came on again. You immediately whipped your head around and couldn’t help but just stand and stare. Freddy Fazbear’s mega Pizzaplex was something that was herd across the country at this point. It was so popular and well heard that you couldn’t go a day without seeing that commercial on the tv. The advertisement was very 80s, something you enjoyed. You had always been intrigued by 70-80s style and music. Sure you enjoyed todays music but the style and color made you feel all giddy inside. But what intrigued you even more wasn’t the style or the colors it was the animatronics. Now from what you have herd from school or just random on people having side conversations, that the texture in the realism was insane. Now you did like robots and making things, you have a secret little compartment in your room that had music boxes, or little moving trinkets you would just make for the hell of it. Of course you parents didn’t know and you personally preferred it that way But there was talk about the realism, and how lifelike they look to actually animals.
You had remember once someone talked about a wolf and a gator saying there tails moved and looked exactly like a wolf and a gator would. I mean It did kind of freak you out just a little, I mean you did make little trinkets and stuff but seeing the lifelike animals on tv just made you feel.. 𝙊𝙙𝙙 but you just couldn’t put a finger on it. You smiled things like that made you feel 𝗬𝗼𝘂 just made you smile. You giggled at yourself small moments like these just did something to you. It sort of felt like- Y/N your peacefulness was interrupted when your mom and dad walked in with your other two siblings. “What do you think your doing!?’’ Your mom said sternly clearly waiting for an answer. Before you could even mustard out and answer your dad stepped forward. “Well?’’ I- I- “ANSWER’’ Both parents said in unison. “I was watching tv.’’ Your mother scoffed at you Disgusted not wanting to be anywhere near you. “Now you listen
you little shit, I’m leaving you here because I CANT STAND to have you ruin everything and be near our precious babies.’’ “So you better behave and Don’t touch anything or ill beat the living hell of you!’’ “GOT IT!?’’ “Y-Yes ma’am’’ you said trying so hard to not scream and rip your hair out’ “Oh and try not to eat the dog food’’ your brother stated, ‘’ We all know how hungry you get sometimes, even though we feed you, you ungrateful whore’’ leaving them to all abrupt with laughter. As they continued laughing walking out the door you herd a slam as the door shut. Then you laughed, you started laughing you were a giggling laughing mess , you had the whole house to yourself, the whole day to just be yourself and do whatever. You didn’t care about the comments your siblings said you just ignored them. Although one thought stayed in your mind.. Your sisters birthday was in 5 days and you knew damn well it was going to crazy. You had overhear mom talking about taking her to that mega Pizzaplex place, but you sighed it was pretty far from were you live about a 4 hour drive just to go to a birthday party place. You sighed you didn’t want to stress yourself until then so for now you just made some popcorn turned on the tv and zoned out enjoying being you.
—5 days later—
Beep* *Beep* *Beep* you sighed as your alarm clock went off today was the day.. today was your sister birthday *sigh* ‘’today’s gonna be great, just great’’ you sighed muttering under your breath. You weren’t really sure your mom and dad would take you, but considering what had happen 5 days earlier with them screaming, You wonder whether they are gonna let you go or have stayed home or not. *knock* *knock* there was a knock at the door, and that’s when your mother came in “Y/N” “Get down stairs now!” Don’t make ME ask you twice!’’ “Got it!?” “Yes ma’am” and with that the door shut just leaving you and your thoughts to yourself. ‘’Deep breath in’’ ‘’deep breath out’’ you thought to yourself as this day was going to be the either hell or some-what decent, taking deep breathes you got dressed and went downstairs. You made your way downstairs as you did you heard cheers and yays as the rest of your family Watched your younger sister open all her presents, she had gotten and iPad Pro, toys, a fake electric car, and other expensive stuff obviously, since she was a spoiled brat. Y/N your dad yelled at you, ‘’Why are you just standing there?!, get over here so your mother can speak with you’’ ‘’Yes sir’ you said quickly making your way downstairs to the rest of your family. Once you were already down your little sister starred at you in disgust but quickly went back to opening her presents ignoring you, showing no interest in you at all. ‘’Now you better
damn well listen 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡, today is your sisters birthday and we are taking her to that mega Pizzaplex place for her birthday party,’’ Y/n little sitter started to squeal it’s excitement, “Thank you mommy!!! thank you daddy!! EEEEK!’’ “IM SO EXCITED!!!!’’ She stated running around giggling and laughing. ‘’The place is about 4 hours away and we don’t trust you enough not to fuck the house up while were gone,’’ You couldn’t help but somewhat start to smile, you already knew where this was going’’ “So me and your dad were talking and we have to decided to take you with us unfortunately, So you BETTER and I mean BETTER not fuck this up for my precious baby!!’ Got it!?’’ ‘’and wipe that disgusting smile OFF your FACE!’’ ‘’And we leave in 20 minutes.’’ Y-yes ma’am, I understand’’ you said, to filled with some what happiness to even get mad. As your younger sister and brother started to talk about how excited they you quickly ran up the stairs to take a shower and look some what presentable. 20 mins has passed and you were all dressed and ready To go. You weren’t wearing anything fancy you had brown
baggy sweatpants, and a oversized yellow long sleeve shirt with a cute mushroom you had sewed into it. You had so many hobbies you loved doing even if you didn’t have as much equipment to do so. As for your other siblings, you younger sister had decided to wear another brand of expensive clothing but she was wearing a big poofy yellow dress with fancy shoes, and a big bow in her hair and a bit of makeup. She looked like a doll and the amount makeup they had put on her was atrocious but you didn’t care as long as it wasn’t you.as for your brother he was wearing a nice polo shirt with fitting dress pants and his hair slicked back. And there was you, you went down stairs feeling somewhat confident in yourself, you had a gum bear backpack on filled with a sketchbook, your phone which was surprising you got anyway, and some other stuff to keep you company in the long hours drive. ‘’Dear god child what are you wearing!’’ Your mother scolded, ‘’She looks like a hobo’’ your brother stated, once again more laughter but you ignored them once again. ‘Stop STANDING THERE, GET IN THE CAR!’’ You quickly scattered down the stairs and out into the car. As the rest of the family got into the car mom and dad sat up front, the other two siblings sat together an Then there was you sitting in the back but you didn’t mind you had all the space to yourself. As the car started the 4 hour trip started and you sitting there zoning out and just being yourself. The trip was long and boring, you sitting in the back listening to your music, occasionally hearing your mom and dad babying your sister and your brother. Hearing your sister squeal and keep
babbling about how excited she was. You looked on you’re phone 12:10pm you had left around 8am and you would be there in about 20 minutes, you started to let yourself be a bit excited as you got closer to actually being there. You kept scrolling on your phone when you saw an advertisement about the mega Pizzaplex this time the advertisement had all the characters you recognized the gator and the wolf, you’ve only seen commercials about them on the tv, but this time you saw a bear and a chicken. ‘’Oh my god wow..’’ you thought seeing the bear and the chicken for the first time. They were so interesting to you.. it was hard to find words because of how real and lifelike they looked. You Really didn’t know how to feel about seeing the advertisement with all the main characters, but you kept a positive attitude since you rarely go out at all. “MOMMY LOOOK!!!’’ Your little sister squealed with such excitement she looked like she was about to explode. ‘’Yes hunny! this birthday is going to be so good for you baby!’’ Your mother cooed back at her. You looked up to see what she was squealing at and as soon as you did your eyes were wider than the planet you were on. “Oh my god..’’ you said breathless, in all your life you had never a seen a building this big before
non the less a freaking restaurant. Your brother was taking pictures probably posting it on his Instagram or Snapchat, while the rest babied your sister telling her how excited they were for her. You continued to look out the window, “This is the parking lot!?” You though to yourself, “It’s so freaking huge!!” The parking lot was filled with cars beyond cars it was just a sea of cars, you were surprised when they were parked at a decent spot it wasn’t all the way back but it was almost near the front, sort of in the middle. After dealing with parking issues, and tickets, and all that jazz they finally had a spot. Everyone got out of the car with adrenaline and excitement from the long 4 hour trip. “Alright” your dad said, “Do you two have everything that you need?” A yes was said from both of them as they smiled happily. “And you” Your mom and dad both said in disgust, your mom pulled you roughly by the sleeve of you shirt and whispered in your ear. “Little girl you better fucking behave or I swear to god it’ll be the last thing you every fucking do!” Your mother scolded harshly at you. “Yes ma’am I understand” Your mom simply scoffed and pushed you back almost into the car as she and your dad went over to the other two siblings and told them to get in for a picture. “Smile for mom and dad! Say cheese!!!” You sighed once again for the millionth time already today, you really don’t know why they treated you like this but you didn’t care right now, you were just stuck on being amazed by the freaking parking lot. you basically looked like shit, but at least you tired, then went to catch up with the rest of your “family” as your tried hard to get close to them and
waited to be even more amazed. The walk to the building wasn’t that bad, but the line to the entrance was horrendous, you swore there was probably over 500 people in that building. Now that was being over dramatic but the place was just absolutely ginormous. After what seemed like forever you had finally made it to the front to go inside, the guy standing there looked directly out of the 1980s, and had a neon shirt colored suspenders, pins all over his shirt, along with a hat with two ears on it that said “𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙮 𝙁𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙧’𝙨 𝙈𝙚𝙜𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙭” “How many?” The guy asked in a cheery tone, “3” your mom said handing the guy the tickets” And with that the doors opened and for the first time in like ever the whole family was speechless the place was just beyond words. Lights, colors, shop after shop, restaurants, robots, the entire place was just magic itself. “THIS IS SO COOOL MOMMY!!’’ “This is fucking rad as hell dad” both siblings said as the looked around amazed. “Yes this why me and your dad picked this for my precious princess baby!” Your mom cooed at your sister. “T-this is pretty neat” you aid trying your best to sound confident, 𝙎𝙈𝘼𝘾𝙆! It had took you a moment to realized what just happened and before you could your mom was yelling at you “Did I tell you, you could speak!?” “Ungrateful child” Your mom yelled with every inch of disgust coming of your lips. “I- I’m s-sorry I just though-“ “Well you though wrong!!” Your dad yelled back
With that they left you there to go explore not wanting anything to do with you. You felt tears rolling down your eyes but quickly stopped. You hated crying it was so weak and you hated it. You quickly ran trying to find a bathroom without casing any attention, as you ran you didn’t care about paying attention to the colorful aspects you just needed to get to a bathroom before you had a full on panic attack. You had finally made it to a bathroom, and thankfully it wasn’t that full. You went to the end stall and shut the door, when you made sure no one else was in there you started crying. “I-I c-can’t breathe” you breathlessly said to yourself trying to calm yourself. You quickly got your pack back and took took your inhaler and took a few puffs trying to calm yourself down. After you took a couple puffs, You slowly got up and looked In a mirror trying to fix yourself once again. Your nose was bleeding but you didn’t care, you could see some of your past scars on your face mixed in with your green eyes and may freckles on your face. Your skin was pretty pale from having a panic attack, but you tried to ignore it. You took a couple more deep breathes and slowly walked out of the bathroom not wanting anyone to notice you. As you walked out you really started to walk back to the main entrance
where you just were. You walked around the many people that were there and just kind of just zoned out. For a bit. It was until then you realized your “family” had left you and went on to fucking spoil that brat. you sighed, “Damn.. where am I’m suppose to go now..” you said muttering to yourself. You walked over to a bench that was right near the entrance and sat down. Once again you took a couple deep breathes and but your headphones in. After about 5 mins you stood up and looked around for a place to go. You had barley been inside for less than 10 mins and the entrance was Just detailed. It wasn’t even the entire building! As your mind wandered you looked in front of you and found stairs and escalators. “I guess ill go this way” you mumbled to your self still listen to your music. As you walked up the stairs you notice something on the floor, “Hm..?” “What’s this..” It was some sort of pass to get into something you read it and it said 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨! “Umm that’s odd..? I wonder why this is here” You thought to yourself, “I know these things are really expensive.. y/n got alot of them for her birthday today..” “Whatever” you mumbled to yourself. You looked around wonder where to go from here that’s when you notice a door.. you walked over seeing kids running and
screaming to get to whatever that door led to, and well you followed since you nothing better to do. Your “family” did end up leaving you for no reason. As you walked over you notice a weird bot thing that parents surrounded with what looked like paper..? Wait no! A card! You looked at the and you picked up and walked over. After the crowd had cleared you walked over standing in front of the weird robot man. 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼! 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀! You silently and slowly and handed the robot a pass before entering the door that said 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲! As you went in you walked slowly examining and observing everything you saw. Your stopped when you saw a two posters that had some sort of sun and moon thing on it with candy…? “That’s kinda cool..?” You though to yourself as you continued walking you saw a huge metal door that looked like you were about to engender some sort of mid-evil castle. You took a deep breath. Well here goes nothing you mumbled. You opened it and were absolutely breathless. “Oh my god…” you were overwhelmed saw everything. You took out your earbuds and then immediately put them back in. There were at least 100 kids in here and the screaming of kids overwhelmed you. What caught your eye the most was the tall thing on the poster.
As you slowly walked around you wondered how the hell you were suppose to get in. That’s when you saw A sign above the slide that said 𝙎𝙡𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙪𝙣! You sighed, you really tired having a good day, but after that incident you completely gave up. So with a bit of hesitation you went in, and slid down the slide. As you reached the bottom you fell into a ball pit you slowly got up pain finally reaching you, as you really wanted to be left alone right now. You don’t know why you decided to slide down there but you install regret it. You could see screaming children, beyond children either playing or doing whatever they wanted. You started to feel uncomfortable you hated being in big crowds so you made your away into the daycare trying to make yourself unnoticeable. It was pretty hard but for some reason you found this small corner with literally no one over there, with the most comfortable pillow set your ever seen and decided to just camp in there till you felt like leaving. You quickly went inside and took a couple deep breathes. You got comfortable and started drawing while blasting some favorite tunes. You don’t know how this even happened, but apparently some random get saw toy get in there, and then he told another kid, and so on and so on. About 20 mins had passed and you had taken your headphones out charge, that’s when you heard jingles coming your way, sort of like sleigh bells..? You started to get nervous as they got closer and closer.. and then.. 𝙒𝙤𝙤𝙨𝙝! One of the blankets to the blanket fort had open up. “Oh my STARS!!, I finally found you!!!!” “Ohohoh, you have certainly been the talk of the daycare new friend!!!”
You we’re absolutely shocked and confused beyond belief, my GOD he was tall as hell and absolutely made your head dizzy looking at him. You knew there were the main ones at that looked absolutely insane, but this guy dear lord, the colors, the design, everything just popped and stood out. “You alright starlight?” Sunny had asked a bit scared he broke you. “Oh dear! Oh me! Oh my! Starlight??” He asked again, you shook your head after completely zoning out for a second. You gathered up all your courage to mustered out some words to him. “I-I I apologize Mr erm.. you felt stupid not knowing his name even though he was a Literal sun. “Oh starshine! You don’t need to apologize for anything!! No way! No how!!” Sun had said sternly but filled witch such a kindhearted tone. “My name is sunny or Sundrop!! But you can call me whatever you would like starshine!!” He laughed. You took a deep clearly still nervous
Sun had picked on this immediately and gesture you to come out slowly. You did so gathering all your supplies crawling out of the pillow fort. You made it out, as now sun could get a full view of your face. “Oh my stars…” sun said breathlessly “You my friend are absolutely gorgeous!!!!” Sun stated in such a way that made your heart almost skip a beat! Your face went beat red as you covered your face and laughed. “T-thank you Mr- Erm sunny.. “You are absolutely welcome starshine! Now would you like to tell me your name..? Hmm?” He said calmly, Im y/n you said much more Confidently then before. “Y/n such such such a wonderful name for you!!” “Ohohoh I love it! Yes I do!!! It fits you all so well!!!” You giggled at the complement as he laughed as well. “What would you like do to Starlight!! We can-“ He stopped immediately when he saw your nose covered in blood. “OH MY STARS IN SUNSHINE WHAT HAPPENED STARLIGHT!?!” “YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!!” Sundrop yelled. You immediately started to freak out, “S-sun no no no no!!! It’s fine sun!!” “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! YOUR HURT! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!” He picked you up over his shoulder and started making siren noises. “You were extremely overwhelmed but somewhat amused, he cared… he really did care for you..?
“HURT CHILD! I REPEAT HURT CHILD!! WOO WOO WOO WOO!!” “COMING THROUGH PLEASE!” Lots of children started to scream filled with excitement trying to to reach the tall lanky sun. As you were carried through the daycare you ended up in some kind of room. He set you down immediately looking for bandaids and anything he could help you. You walked to what seemed like curtains and then notice you were overlooking the whole daycare. You looked to be in some kind of castle. You went to go sit back down on a chair in the room. He immediately came back with bandaids, and rubbing alcohol, and Tissues and a fist aid kit. “Okay sunshine just Breath okay?” “O-ok” you said softly still processing what the hell had just happened” He started to get the blood of with water and a tissue. As he was cleaning he notice a huge red spot on your cheek. He stopped what we was doing and took your face in his hands to examine the huge red spot. “Starshine.. what happened to you!? Where did this nose bleed and terrible scar come form!” Sun had said worryingly. “I tripped earlier
and fell on my face”.. the was a lie and you it. “Oh my, Here let me help you okay starlight?” He put a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a tissue and started to rub the red spot. You immediately jolted back “Shit! Ow!!” Sun immediately gasped, “Hey!! Langue young lady!” Sun said sternly. “I’m sorry it hurt” you said, “that’s okay starlight it was an accident I’m not mad in any way! No way! No how!” After about 10 mins you were all patched up. “Here starlight! Pick a bandaid!!” Sun said happily, “Iv got rainbow, candy, zebra print, Ooo! Oooo! This ones my favorite!!” He went on about the different designs and then you just let it happened, tears started to form in your eyes and fall down your face. “So starshine So starshine which One would-“ He immediately stopped and notice you crying. “Oh no nononon!! Starshine!!??! What’s wrong!?” That did it you started sobbin, “Starshine…” sun had said in the softest way you have herd him talk since you got there. He started to slowly rub your check and wipe away your tears.. “shh.. shhh.. starshine breathe starlight breathe with me okay..? “
“O-o-okay” you said trying your best to slow your breathing down. After about 5 minutes sun spoke. “Starlight what’s wrong..? You can tell me.. hm..?” “I-I just hate myself! You said breaking down crying again, This day has been the only day in years that iv been able to just go and be myself a-and just enjoy it.. My family is so bad sun, they abuse make and hit me I can’t so anything right without them making a smart remark to me, I have so many scars and bruises on my body from them, and I just can’t take it anymore, the amount of time iv wanted to just end myself andI-I I feel so worthless sun!!! You sobbed uncontrollably. Sundrop was absolutely silent, everything that she had just said made him feel like angry, for an animatronic that’s suppose to entrained kids and make them feel loved he has never been so enraged with anger in his life “Stralight! He said sternly he took you and and cradle you. “Starlight, sunshine you listen to me right now okay..” sun took a deep breath trying to stay calm as well, not almost on the verge of tears. “You. Are. Not. WORTHLESS!! I am so sorry you had to go through all that, no child should ever have to go thought what you have been through. You sat there still sobbing. “You don’t understand how much you mean to me
y/n.. your so gorgeous and your style is absolutely amazing..” Don’t you EVER and I mean EVER take your life! sun said almost yelling. “If your family treats you like this then they do NOT deserve you, they DO not see you for who YOU are as a person, and I’m so sorry y/n I’m so so so sorry, but I’m here okay…? “You are worth everything in this world everything to me! Everything EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!!! You are AMAZING!!!!” “Your not weak and you will never be weak. Sun held you up to look at him directly in the eyes. “What you’ve been through makes you so much more stronger than they ever will be okay..” You choked on a cry when he finished his speech. You just told your whole fucking life story to a fucking robot. Sun held your hands tight as you breathed in and out with him. You stayed like that for a good 10 minutes until finally you broke apart. You stood there letting your mind Settle before speaking. “T-thank you sun.. You don’t understand how badly I needed to hear that.. you really don’t” you said voice cracking again. Sun nodded his head smiling and shushing softly wipeing your tears “Starlight.. I will always. Always always, be here for you, my precious starshine”. You let out a dry chuckle ad he said that.
You started to feel extremely tired and sun picked up on this immediately.. “Stralight I think its time for you to rest okay.. hm..?” “Y-yeah I need that so bad” you said yawing. Sun picked you up and layed you on his pillow fort bed in his room. He tucked you in and hummed softly rubbing your back.. “Thank you sun” you said once again “Your welcome my precious starshine.. I’m here and will protect from now on..” You closed your eyes drifting off to sleep. He chucked softy.. “No one can harm you ever again y/n.. your my starlight and you brighten my world..” He said softly. Goodnight y/n sleep well.
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kaeyahot · 2 years
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backonthebullshit · 3 years
Ok so like, imagine the security breach animatronics (+Gregory) meeting a animatronic reader that was used way back when the first fnaf opend. So they have a human soul inside them, they can kill, their movements are stiff. But instead of getting thrown out they instead get rebuild (their movements are the same, just better looking) and used as a 'Back in the day' kinda thing?
ooooo, this
This is a really interesting prompt bc outside of the posters and things and The You Know What we haven’t seen the og animatronics in quite some time (rip to the legends)
Anyways here’s some HCs, as a treat🥰 (sorry these took so long! I got invested and wrote all day lol)
Friendly reminder to y’all that requests are open! (Yes I’m still working on the Monty Gator thing but it’s gonna be so good just wait)
Glamrocks + Gregory x og animatronic!reader Headcanons
TW: mentions of the original FNAF child murders, mentions of a little verbal abuse?, swearing, a little trauma
Author’s note: I made this kinda angsty at the start but it gets fluffy I promise / gender neutral!reader
I can imagine,
- Regardless of what kind of animal you are, you’re in rough shape from years of not being used (literally no idea how you’re still alive homie)
- Pretty safe to say as soon as FazBear Entertainment found you again, they were immediately thought of ways they could profit off of you
- That’s how you ended up at the Pizzaplex, you have a small section of the museum where you’re stationary as part of a photo attraction
- The section is small but so realistic to the original pizzeria where you were murdered that it’s like living your death all over again, and it’s worse than being stuck in this robot
- When they had you repaired, your animatronic body was in shambles of rust and decay. Now you can move again, albeit slower than the Glamrocks due to your servos and joints being so old
- Parts and Service were unable to install the animatronic AI in you however, so you’re left with your original voicebox that hasn’t been used in years
- While your body repeats the same phrases over and over during the day, shifting poses occasionally, you barely have the strength to use your real voice after hours when the PizzaPlex closes
- Your afterlife couldn’t be worse, until you meet the others..
Freddy would be the most curious to check out the newest installation to the museum, and that’s where he unexpectedly finds you one night.
- Papa Bear(TM) here would absolutely comfort you if you were frightened by this new place, and especially once he understood what you were and how awful your surroundings made your days
- He doesn’t quite know how to help you beyond that, but he will happily distract you as much as possible by hyping you up and showing you around the Pizzaplex
- Gives the best hugs!!! Even though you’re both animatronics lol
- Appeals so much to your inner child by playing Fazer Blast with you and even Hide and Seek if you suggest it
- First one to scold children/teens/adults who insult you ( “Y/N is not weird or creepy, Y/N is different, and that is what makes them special. If you cannot appreciate their unique qualities then I must request that you leave. Now.” )
- Superstar is basically your name to this bear now
- (THEORY TIME) if Michael Afton is really possessing him..he’ll randomly feel super guilty sometimes whenever he looks over and sees you in your section, in a body you never belonged in..
Monty is initially annoyed by the construction of a new section, even if it’s small, until he actually meets you.
- Is a little weirded out by your design but totally gets into it after awhile because you’re basically the same you just look different and to him that’s super metal dude!! (Literally lmao)
- Takes great pleasure in teasing you like an annoying sibling but is immediately on the scene to deal with unruly children who try to climb on you/make a mess in your section
- Forgets you’re a child stuck in your body sometimes but has grown better about watching his mouth ( “Man I hate when these stupid fu- *remembers* fudgin’, fudgin’ brats leave their food around your spot like this” )
- He doesn’t know how to handle your trauma but he makes every effort to support you by helping you be a kid
- Wanna come hang out in Monty Golf?? He’s not the fastest either, and he’s happy to slow down even more to make you less self-conscious about your stiff joints (will still tease you about tho)
- Don’t know how to play mini golf?? Even better, now you get to learn from the best!! He really fills a hole you had almost forgotten existed in your..”life”
- Would never admit it, but he cares about you, kid
Chica is so excited to meet you!!! She’s heard the construction crew talking about a new animatronic and she can’t stop chirping about how ready she is to make a new friend!!!
- Hears your story and is immediately overcome with emotions. She’s a robot and she can’t really cry but this is the closest she feels like she’s ever come
- Like the others she is determined to find ways to help you adjust but also thrive in the Pizzaplex, so what better ways than her two specialties?
- Poor thing doesn’t initially realize you can’t eat but she’ll invite you to cook things with her all the time!! Pizza cupcakes tacos cookies, you guys make it all
- She won’t admit it but cooking with you helps her avoid the garbage so it’s like y’all are equally comforting each other (brb crying)
- On top of cooking together, she’s going to be all about doing Mazercize together! When you express how stiff your body is, Chica isn’t afraid to cheer you on in loosening up your bolts through some good old fashioned movement ( “Y/N!! You’re improving so much, chickadee! I’m so proud of you for working so hard! Let’s make cupcakes to celebrate!” )
- Also encourages you the most to use your voice and speak your mind after hours, not your lines (even if your voicebox malfunctions and gets squeaky sometimes) because it means a lot to her to watch you open up more
- She’s accidentally such a Mother Hen sorry not sorry but you just bring it out in her, you sweet thing
Roxanne did not care at all about meeting you because she rarely pays attention to new things going on in the Pizzaplex, but once she met you she was surprised by how much she enjoyed your company.
- Definitely took the longest to warm up to you, and teases you nearly as much as Monty does (Chica reminds you not to take it personally)
- Her reaction to your story isn’t as outwardly visceral as Chica or Freddy, but inside she feels her animatronic heart soften for you and how much you’ve gone through
- From there Roxy does little things, like invite you to come jam with her in her room after hours to whatever kind of music you two can get access to/make with her keytar
- She will bring you to Roxy Raceway with the sole intentions of showing off, and when you get so excited to ride in a kart she can’t help but feel her tail wag in anticipation
- Your spirit is only that of a child, and as a child you validate her so much in ways that the kids during the day normally don’t ( “I bet I’M your favorite, Y/N” “Yup!” -and any small amount of confirmation will send her back to her room crying that she’s actually someone’s favorite )
- Roxanne begins to find a great amount of comfort in your presence, and she is fiercely protective of you as a result-this usually means that she and Monty tease the hell out of you, but become the ultimate bodyguards if anyone else has shit to say
- If you have fur/fuzz/a soft outer coating then Roxanne is not afraid to help you brush and maintain it (like a Mother Wolf). Just one of the little unspoken ways that she shows she cares
Gregory did not anticipate you actually being alive when he first saw you, but when he found out you were and weren’t hunting him down, he actually kind of warmed up to you.
- When you encounter him it’s like a total flashback to when you were murdered in the pizzeria and your head actually starts spinning in circles before Freddy calms you down
- Gregory is saddened to hear that you’re trapped here, in a similar way to him, and only a child a little younger than he is. But when you help him hide in your section from Vanessa, he realizes you can help him with a determination the others don’t understand
- This little gremlin has definitely tried to crawl in your stomach hatch but you smack him away every time so the spring locks don’t do to him what they did to you
- Sometimes through the night, Freddy catches the two of you bickering like..well, children, and he almost feels bad that this is the only interaction you’ve had with someone your own age in so long
- At one point you noticed Gregory’s irritability combined with his tiredness as the night wore on, and so you took his hand and walked to the kitchen out of nowhere. When he asks what you’re doing you tell him how Chica helps you think more clearly by cooking, or in his case, eating
- Having already laid several distractions for said chicken, Gregory watched as you made him a small pizza to help him calm down, and as he ate, he realized you were right, and he actually gives you a hug afterwards
- For the rest of the night, you do what you can to help him escape your friends and the night guard. There are several moments between he, you and Freddy which you can’t help but laugh at, and if there wasn’t a killer rabbit lady on the loose you might say this was kind of..nice
- You’re the first to wish Gregory had a gun over the course of the night because YOU have been that kid and everything would be SO much easier (Gregory agrees, but Freddy adamantly disagrees)
ENDING 1 (could work for the endings where you free Vanny, or when Freddy and Gregory steal the van, or even the Burntrap ending): When the time comes to escape the Pizzaplex, Gregory begs you to come along with him and Freddy, and having developed such a connection with the paid, you agree and all of you ride off into the sunset together, 2/3 of you connected to car batteries to stay alive.
ENDING 2: When Gregory discovers the fire escape at the prize counter and Freddy pulls his lighter, the pair of them hesitate but ask if you want to come along. Realizing this is the chance you’ve been waiting for to move on, you decide to stay as the Pizzaplex burns, setting your soul free from the animatronic you have been trapped in for so long. While you are sad because you will miss your friends, you are finally able to achieve peace.
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My masterlist
An unexpected surprise (Ej x reader short scenario)
General Kagekao hcs
Tim, Ej, Lj, Toby and Slenderman with a teen! y/n who just got braces
Lj helping y/n with a panic attack
Jane, Zero, Clockwork and Ann on a gambling night
Nina giving you an emo makeover
Ben and Toby's mlp/lps obsession getting out of hand
Deez hatchets (Toby x reader scenario)
Slenderman is a teen send help
Weeb headcanons for almost everyone
Interesting dream, Toby (Slender and Toby [not ship] scenario)
Masky x workaholic s/o
Ticcy Toby x messy s/o
Google translate man (platonic comfort fic with slenderman)
Toby with an s/o who adores him no matter what
Ej, Ben, and Toby with a girly reader
Zalgo with a goddess reader
Shapeshifter Kagekao headcanons
Jeff and Liu x reader headcanons (separate)
Ej and Toby with an s/o who has recurring nightmares (separate)
Puppetter with an empath s/o
Jeff with an s/o who is taller and stronger than him
Jeff and Liu brother headcanons
Ej suddenly turning back into a human
Creeps going clothing shopping headcanons
Masky x Hoodie bromance headcanons
Jeff with an s/o who is as crazy as Ghost
Nina's glowup
Masky helping his s/o get over bad habits
LGBT headcanons for the creeps
Ej meeting his future s/o headcanons
Moon and Isa friendship headcanons
Fnaf sb:
The pizzaplex
Moon/Sun x reader comfort headcanons
Moon general headcanons
Leo and Gregory
Sun and Moon with a mute reader who doesn't use asl
Monty reacting to Leo being a badass
Leo kicking out an abusive parent
Freddy reacting to how Leo treats Gregory
Sun/Moon reacting to a teen coming in with bruises for their little sibling
Sun and Moon with Leo headcanons
Vanessa headcanons with Leo
Don't do drugs kids (scenario with my and ghost's ocs, major tw)
Fnaf 4:
Plushtrap friendship headcanons with a child! (platonic) reader
Nightmarionne and a platonic trans reader
Being Evan/c.c's best friend
Ghost's ocs:
Moon and Isa friendship headcanons
Ghost's matchup
A fnaf sb matchup for anon
A fnaf sb matchup for anon part 2
A fnaf sb matchup for Fern
A creepypasta matchup for Alykat
A fnaf sb matchup for anon part 3
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ficmachine · 3 years
Maybe monty with headcanons about a trans guy reader and how he supports them?
Look, I know we all know Monty as a hothead with a short fuse but he would ABSOLUTELY support you more than anyone else.
under cut bc kinda long
Montgomery Gator (FNAF) x Trans man Reader
[Headcanons - Ally Monty]
Whether you just started coming out or you were going stealth the whole time Monty doesn't seem all that surprised. The only indication might be is the way he briefly rises his eyebrows at you, waiting for you to continue. When you instead ask what he thinks, he simply shrugs.
He doesn't get why so many people make a fuss about the whole gender thing but he also realises that humans are much more complicated than he is. It's only when you explain just how difficult it was for you to tell him that he realises how much you personally have to struggle with just to be you. Something inside him clicks and he grumbles something about it being unfair to you.
He doesn't need to be told twice so if you tell him your preferred pronouns and name he'll switch to using those immediately – no questions asked. You're still you, and you're still his, and that's all that matters to him.
If you ask him he'll make sure your name, gender, and pronouns are updated in the company's files. He'll even get you new badges with your updated name and help you come out to the rest of the employees. If not, he'll simply ask what can he do to make this easier for you – if you want him to do anything at all, that is.
The croc goes out of his way to research as much as he possibly can on the subject, occasionally going off to find someone who might know about this to ask something he couldn't find an answer to on the internet. For the next few days he's in research mode, doing his darn hardest to educate himself as much as he can. After all, he's got a lot of spare free time at night, and you've been off sick, so he's got all the time he needs.
When one of the managers asks him why the sudden interest in the trans community in general - after he snarled at them to mind their damn business - he simply states he heard someone mention being trans and wanted to look into what it was. After all, it's not like their programming is equipped with that kind of knowledge either so he was simply curious.
He also found out that being “he/they” is a thing... Hm... Uh-oh.
Oh well, he’ll dwell on that another time.
By the time you're back and feeling better he's not only educated himself but also (begrudgingly, he claims) shared what he found out with his bandmates just in case they didn't know being trans is a thing. And for the most part they did, but they let him angrily vent about how much shit trans people gotta deal with anyway.
He can and will absolutely fight a bitch on spot for you. He would've done it anyway but now he realises that more often than not people misgender (it has a name, as he found out) you on purpose. Earlier he would've shrugged it off and barked your correct pronouns at them, not exactly realising how uncomfortable it made you. Now? He's ready to throw hands on sight if it's an adult.
If it's an honest mistake, especially from a child's side, he'll calmly correct them and ask them to not do it again. If the kid asks why he'll very slowly kneel down to their height and explain that you're a man; you've always been a man, and that your voice, face, or how you hold yourself doesn't make you any less of a man.
Once or twice you saw him tug a Karen aside and hold a lengthy “conversation” with her during which he held himself back as much as he could. You never really hear what he says but seeing a grown ass adult who just yelled at you and demanded to know what's in your pants, go from beyond peeved to quiet within minutes is always a sight to behold. Bonus if the said Karen or Kyle approaches you after to apologise.
Surprisingly he becomes pretty damn good at diffusing these sorts of situations. How he manages to hold himself back enough to either talk sense into them or personally escort them towards the security office is beyond you, but you appreciate it.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
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tags i use:
—> allywritesforfun recs or allywritesforfun rec
two diff tags because phone vs laptop
—> allywritesforfun anons
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—Headcanon Masterlist—
—Wilbur Soot x Reader Masterlist—
—600 Followers Masterlist—
—AJR x Wilbur Soot Masterlist—
—800 Followers Masterlist—
—1k Followers Masterlist—
—1.1K Followers Event Masterlist—
—Manhunted (Manhunt!Dream x Reader) Masterlist—
—1.35k Fantasy Event Masterlist—
—Secret Cupid/Secret Platonic Lover Masterlist—
Eret x Reader:
{You Are Beautiful} Eret x Reader
{Morning Hair} Eret x Reader
{Behind the Glasses} c!Eret x Fem!Reader
{My Knight} c!Eret x Male!Reader
Karl Jacobs x Reader:
{Confessions} Karl Jacobs x Reader
{Pretty Sick} Karl Jacobs x Reader
{The Best Partners Share a Bed} Karl Jacobs x Reader
Dream x Reader:
—Manhunted (Manhunt!Dream x Reader) Masterlist—
{Sick Days} Dream x Reader
{A Little Help Here?} Dream x fem!reader
{Good Boy} Dream x Fem!reader
{Manhunt} Dream x Fem!Reader
{Stay} Dreamwastaken x BPD!Reader
c!Technoblade x Reader:
{Just Have Some Soup With Me} c!Technoblade x Reader
{Calmness in the Rough} c!Technoblade x Reader
Awesamdude x Reader:
{Locked Up Heart} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
{Locked Up Heart pt 2} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
Georgenotfound x Reader:
{Sunflowers} Georgenotfound x Reader
{And They Were Roommates} Georgenotfound x Roommate!Reader
Sapnap x Reader:
{Coldest Nights} Sapnap x Reader
{Paddle Boarding} Sapnap x Reader
{Who is y/n Dating?} Sapnap x Reader
Punz x Reader:
{Just Friends?} Punz x Reader
{Nom Nom} Punz x Reader
{Punzie} Punz x Fem!Reader With Long Hair
Sapnap x Karl Jacobs:
{You’re Doing Great!} Karl Jacobs x Sapnap
Quackity x Reader:
{J'taime} Quackity x Reader
{Commotion} Quackity x Reader
{Tripwire} c!Quackity x Reader
Corpse Husband x Reader
{Shoulders and Hands} Corpse Husband x Reader
{Jealousy} Corpse Husband x Reader
{The Letterman Jacket} Dreamnotfound
mcyt series:
MCYT Vacation Series Masterlist
mcyt included: dream, georgenotfound, wilbur soot, sapnap, karl jacobs, philza, badboyhalo, charlie slimecicle, quackity
ships: dnf, karlnap
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Loki x Reader:
{Trusting You; Chapter 1} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 2} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 3} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 4} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 5} Loki x Reader
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Spencer Reid x Reader:
{Letters} Spencer Reid x Reader
{Promise Me} Spencer Reid x Reader (spoilers for S4E3)
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FNAF~ (the only one youre getting)
{Human Enough For You} Monty Gator x Reader
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my somethings idek~
arson duo: @boiled-onionrings
l’arson trio: @boiled-onionrings @canon-arc​
stalker duo: @clairboo
sootsimpduo: @sunniewrites
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apparently my family?
wife- @boiled-onionrings​
daughter- @friendwasfound​
son- @wilburrrsworld​
middle child- @canon-arc​
cousins- @nightmarefox15 @anarchyanon
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@beepbopalt / @beepbopbee 
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1K notes · View notes
Sundrop x Borrower! Reader - In the Walls Part 1
Word Count: 881
Warnings: Mild fear
Fandom: FNAF
Pairings: Sundrop x Reader
This was a request made by @anxiety-problem . I plan on doing something like this for the other animatronics too because I can't keep my mind from thinking about how Freddy or Monty would react to a tiny borrower being in their room. Anyway hope you enjoy!
Y/N had been living in the walls of the Mega Pizzaplex for many months now. The main parts of the building weren't exactly safe but thankfully there were different places you could hide and get supplies without humans being around. On top of that almost all of the beings in this place were robots of some type and didn't seem to think much of you. The stars definitely scared you though. They seemed more aware than the other animatronics and you had a sinking suspicion that they might try to kill you. After all you were vermin in a way, despite your intelligence. At least the humans seemed to think so. Thankfully any that saw you here would most likely simply be a guest wandering around the Pizzaplex.
The children scared you more than the grownups did. After all they didn't exactly control their strength well and the last time you were caught by one you were almost completely crushed. Thankfully the odd Sun animatronic caught the child's attention and caused them to lose interest in their new toy.
You were rather thankful for that encounter and a part of you wanted to say thank you to the Sun animatronic for the help. Sadly that wasn't and wouldn't really be an option. Showing yourself to anyone would be a mortal mistake, possibly costing you your life. You had no idea how anyone would react, including the animatronics themselves. For that reason you chose to stay hidden. 
That is until one day, after closing time, you went out to get a few necessities. It was now or never and you didn't really have the option to wait. As you made your way through the Daycare pin however, you caught the attention of a certain sun-faced animatronic. Being the bold ball of sunshine he is, Sundrop quickly races over to you, causing you to scream in fear and try to run away. Sadly for you, Sundrop is quite fast considering he was made to deal with young children.
"Hi there new friend! Oh, you're quite the small one aren't ya! Hmm we'll have to find somewhere safe for you little Sunshine!" He says in that loud and cheerful voice. You screams again, fighting against the strong grip of the huge animatronic. It seemed to be making an effort not to hold on too tightly to you, but that was far from enough to convince you that you are safe.
"Easy little Sunshine! Let Sundrop take care of you! Let's go play a game!" He continues. You keep fighting against his grip, not ready to die yet. You push and pull as hard as you can but Sundrop keeps a firm grip on you as he walks. Eventually getting to a sitting area Sundrop sits, putting the small being out in front of his face. You continue your struggle.
"You're not a child! No no no! Not a child at all!" The Daycare attendant states, turning his head to the side in curiosity. "So teeny! So tiny! How did you get like this Sunshine?" You hear confusion covering your features. Why was this animatronic asking questions and not trying to squish you or something. You stop your struggling for a moment, trembling in fear as you look up at the Daycare Attendant. 
It seems he has no plans to harm them. He hadn't grabbed you roughly or held on too tightly. Maybe it was all that time with the young children he always watched? Either way you weren't about to trust this monster. "L-Let me go!" You yell in protest, once again pushing against the animatronic's grip. It does you no good but at this point it's about the principal.
Sun turns his head to the side once again, seeming confused by the borrower's request. "Why would I do that, Sunshine? We haven't had any fun and our time has just begun!" He replies, practically jumping with joy at the idea. Sadly for poor Y/N "fun" in that context didn't really sound like it would be enjoyable. 
"P-Please…..I-I don't want to die." You manage, voice shaking. Sun is immediately confused by this statement. You can practically see the cogs turning in the animatronic's head. It's obvious the big guy never really anticipated this emotion from any of his charges. "P-Please let me go…." You say, trying again to convince the animatronic to let you down. For the first time the animatronic is silent. He carefully and gently lowers his hand to the ground, placing you down in front of his crossed legs. 
Before the animatronic can say or do anything else you're off, trying to put as much distance between you two as you can. To your surprise though the Daycare attendant doesn't follow you. He simply sits there, watching you with what looks like continued confusion. Had you really said something that bad? A part of you wanted to stay and comfort him but another part of you told you this was your only chance to escape. Your need to survive wins over your heart and soon you're back in the walls of the Pizzaplex, back on your original mission. No matter what you do though, you can't get the image of that sad looking sun out of your head.
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sleepygenie-o · 3 years
Eyo! I saw the post about security breach and SAGAU which was really great! Do you think you could make any headcanons for Sky x Security Breach?
Ok then... there will be spoilers for FNAF's true ending (there will be alterations to the ending so this is a bit of canon divergence?) and Sky so read at your own risk!
For this, the reader is a veteran Sky child, the cosmetics they have is of course, up to you. That and you're gonna be the size of a teen.
While in an attempt to guide a few moths through Eden, you found an odd, blue, puddle of water near the beginning of the no return area, right where 2 statues were currently at, hidden from other's sight because of the fallen debris
"How odd, Eden is an entire red storm." Was all you thought before you got pushed in
On Gregory's side, Freddy had to currently recharge himself so he was left to wander around for the time being
He then stumbles upon a dark room, seeming to invite him.
After making sure there were no white, knife wielding bunnies, he went in, trusting his gut that nothing bad wou--
The place rumbled at the odd force. And Gregory could only widen his eyes.
There were these odd, black smoke things... with ..crazy looking red eyes!
In the middle of the room was a white candle, unlit.
Maybe he had to get there for these things to disappear!
When he finally got to the middle (Too many close calls for himt o count at all!) he got a random lighter he found laying on the floor while exploring. When he lit the candle he heard
Ok, wtf was that.
Thats when he sees.... you!
".....This.. isn't... Eden?" You were still confused, where are yo--
"Ar- HEY!" Gregory yelled as you picked him up and ran, ducking and dodging ever shadow dragon, then literally tackling the door down.
"What were you doing there?! You don't have a cape or as it seems, any winged light! You might've gotten hurt!" You start to kneel down to Gregory's height to check if he had any scratches, bruises, any form of injury
"Gregory, there you are!" Freddy, who went to where Gregory was after he didn't hear from the child for a long time, then went to find him. Only to see what looked to be a teen with Gregory.
"....Wtf" you're face was the actual embodiment of confusion at this point. Wtf. was. that. orange... thingy??
--After a thorough explanation about yourself to the 2--
When you finished speaking, they thought it'd be a good idea to let them come with you!
Including after the true ending, repairing everyone, stop the virus, save Vanessa, you stayed with them
Soon, you found a way to travel home and back
....And y'all know this isn't complete without chaos.
You bring the most chaotic stuff to the pizzaplex for Gregory to use like the firework staff, spawn a boat in the middle of Monty golf, race using a table (and winning) in Roxy raceway
And scaring the crap out of the animatronics when you fly.
All in all it's a litle found family ^^
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t-z-random · 3 years
Sanctuary of Nightmares PT2
Platonic SB x GN Child Reader
Chapter Selection
Prev Chapter / Next Chapter
Tw: Mentions Of Abuse, Slight Blood
A/n: ayo wtf I did not expect any of y'all to actually enjoy this. 300 notes on the first part? Fucking insane. Anyway, I didn't sleep last night so guess what? Part two is out today baBY. Enjoy.
You continued to feel suffocated in this environment as you followed the bot through the crowds. You hadn't ever been anywhere this loud before, let alone with so many people in it. You felt wildly out of place, that at any moment someone would point you out as a stranger, that they'd notice that you didn't belong and they'd kick you out.
But no one did.
All seemed too worried about their own lives to notice you, even as you followed the bot with a flashing yellow light still on its head.
It led you through what you believed was a theater, though not one currently in use, before you found yourself right next to a huge play area. One absolutely crawling with toddlers and younger kids alike. The security bot continued to move towards a person who, without question, opened the door to the play area. You looked up to the person a moment, unsure of making any type of movement. It was after they gestured forward that you decided it best to enter. With apprehensive movements you made your way in, the door quickly shutting behind you. You turned back to see both the bot and human walk off, leaving you to your own devices.
You didn't move for a while, instead taking in what was happening around you. Kids crawled all over the jungle gym, their screams of joy ringing loudly in your ears. Across the room you saw running children and little play areas with plenty of toys. There was an art station, a ball pit, practically any fun activity a little kid could dream of was here. Yet you didn't feel like it was a good idea to step into the madness. No, you didn't belong there. Not among the laughing faces or the happy smiles. You didn't belong here- you shouldn't be here! No no, this was all wrong-
Your thoughts were interrupted by a terrifying surprise as, out of what you belived was literally nowhere, a certain jester dropped down in front of you.
"Hel-LO little friend! What are you doing over here?! I didn't see you come in!" He excitedly spoke, his face mere inches from yours. You jumped away from him, though your eyes never turned away. You stared in absolute silence with a look of clear terror on your face after having been spooked so badly.
"Friend? Can you hear me? Can ya?" He repeatedly asked as he continued to come closer. You leaned further away while keeping your feet planted in case your moving would upset the bot. You took a second to let your brain catch up before you slowly nodded.
"Well that's great news! I don't know how I missed y- Oh! I know, I know! One of the staff must have let you in! You didn't go down the slide! Of course, of course!" He nearly bounced with energy, full of joy after having solved his little puzzle. You continued to stay put as you watched the jester celebrate his little achievement.
"There's so much to do! So much to catch up on! You're late but that's okay! That just means you have to do everything faster-!..." He suddenly stopped his excited rantings, his body falling still as he stared at you. You felt your heart drop when he did so as a spike of fear overtook you.
Did you break it-?
"YOU'RE HURT!" He suddenly screamed and in reaction you quickly covered your face, the roaring sound shocking every sense you had. Suddenly you became light, your body pulled from the ground. You let out a whimper, terror rushing through your veins as your hands remained covering your face.
"WEEWOO WEEWOO! AMBULANCE COMING THROUGH!" The animatronic screamed as he quickly moved. His agility was a feat to behold as he effortlessly navigated around screaming children that all wanted his attention. He held you high above his head and quickly managed to make his way across the play area. It was a few seconds into this walk that you slowly uncovered your eyes, the sudden shock of fear only continuing to rise as you realized how high off the ground you were. You then clung to the animatronic for dear life, afraid that you might drop at any second. He carried you to a small corner of the playroom across the ball pit where a make-shift doctor office was made, though it seemed more like a pretend one than a real one. It had little chairs, a table, and plenty of typical medical supplies that were all brightly colored with childish designs covering them. There was also a lady fully dressed as a doctor sitting in the only big chair. She didn't look over to the noise Sundrop was making, then again she must have been accustomed to it by now. 
"Ms. Doctor! I have a patient! They require immediate help!" The excitable bot quickly explained as he placed you on the table next to her.
"Thank you Sunny, I'll be with them in a moment. Why don't you go hang out in the art corner? I heard a few kids needed more glitter glue" she suggested as she typed the last few sentences into a computer.
"A glitter glue shortage!?!" He shouted in a shocked tone before bounding off, likely to do what was asked of him. 
You sat with tense posture, the adrenaline spiking through your veins after that terrifying experience having been enough to skyrocket your anxiety. You were only allowed a few secodns to calm before the woman you knew only as Ms. Doctor finally turned away from her computer to look at you, a soft expression found on her face.
"Well sweetheart, where's it hurt?" She asked as she scooted her wheeled chair closer to you. Feeling a severe case of emotional whiplash from the bouncey yelling of the sun animatronic to the calm care of the doctor caused you to blink a few times as you adjusted to the difference. Even so your body once again leaned away as you were entirely distrusting of this stranger. Noticing this she grew a concerned look.
"Do you want me to call Sun back over?" She asked to which you very quickly shook your head. With that answer she let out a soft sigh. Not out of annoyance or anger but instead with a tired expression.
"Okay...will a sundrop candy help?" She asked as she reached into one of her many pockets before pulling out a small sphere-shaped candy wrapped in clear and golden plastic. You stared at the sweet treat for a moment, your body slowly calming as you looked between her and the candy. 
You very rarely ever had candy so any chance you could you had always taken some. This time though you remained still as you debated whether or not to take it. You didn't know the full intentions of the doctor nor why she was so calm after Sundrops excited yelling. It didn't take long before you lost your resolve, the sweet treat too much of a temptation to your sugar deprived life. With a nod from you she handed the candy over, your eyes following it the whole way. You almost didn't believe it was real when it landed in your hands, let alone when you unwrapped it. It smelled of lemon, a flavor you don't think you've ever had before. It was a hard candy too, a type of candy you've had very few of in your life. So you happily ate the candy, your comfort levels clearly rising as it began to melt on your tongue. The doctor gave you a small smile, seemingly happy to have calmed you.
"Now can you tell me where your boo-boos are?" She asked again, her voice momentarily pulling you from your bliss which raised your guard once again, though not as much as before since she didn't seem as dangerous now.
You pointed to your legs, her eyes finally trailing down and noticing the slightly torn fabric of your pants along with the bit of crimson that had clung to them. Her face twisted into concerned confusion, the jaggedness of the cuts something she wasn't expecting. The whole place was padded to hell, how had you managed to hurt yourself that badly?
Then again kids your age always amazed her with the myriad of ways they somehow always managed to hurt themselves.
"Alright, let's get you fixed up"
It was a few minutes into the bandaging and she had already given you three sundrops since you were a particularly skittish kid. She had managed to get wrapping around one leg, though not without some struggle as you pulled away at any sudden spike of pain. It was only after covering your first leg that she even realized your hands were cut up too, a fact that only made this slow process all the more agonizing. It was just after the second bandage though that a sudden call came to her phone. She sat up, quickly finishing the last part of the wrapping before handing you yet another Sundrop.
"I'll just be a minute" she quickly spoke before sliding away to her desk to answer the phone.
"Daycare, Ms. Zell speaking" she answered into the phone, the buzzing of a voice on the other side not heard by you over the sounds of joyful children.
"Again? Alright, I'll be there as fast as I can...yes I know I-...fine, but I'm going to need more people...alright, alright I'm coming" she then hung up the phone, a deep sigh leaving her before she turned back to you. She stared at you a moment, a look of contemplation on her face as she did so. It was after this moment that she slightly turned back to her desk before hitting a small button. It was barely a few seconds later when a certain sun turned up.
"You called!" He yelled, his voice startling you as it came from above your head. You turned to look only to see the jester hanging upside down from the netting of the daycare. The doctor looked up, her face more serious than it was before as she stood from her chair, grabbing a few tools along the way.
"There was an accident at Roxy Raceway again, they need me down there. Can you finish patching them up? They just need some bandages on their hands and they should be fine"
"Of course Ms. Doctor!" Sundrop spoke before jumping from his spot on the netting. Surprisingly there was no loud thunk as the metal animatronic hit the ground, as if he almost didn't weigh anything at all.
You did not like this arrangement. You liked the doctor, she was calm and it was easy to predict her movements. But this neurotic child's toy? It was impossible to tell what he'd do next.
Even in your discomfort you said nothing. You didn't believe you had any power to change this decision.
"Thanks, I should be back soon- oh! And uh, one last thing" she stopped herself from leaving for a final moment and pulled out a few extra pieces of candy before handing them to the robot.
"These should help while you're patching them up" and with that she walked off in a hurry, though not as fast as she would have liked as she didn't have the same ability as Sundrop when it came to swerving around running children. You kept your eyes on her as she left, almost hoping she'd turn around. That she would regret leaving you here, that she'd think twice about it, that she'd just turn the wheel back around and-...
She wasn't going to come back was she
"Alright! It's doctor time!" The bot happily announced as he grabbed a nearby doctor coat. It was mostly similar to the one the doctor wore except for the sun logo sloppily drawn in marker on all of the pockets.
"I am doctor Sundrop and I'm here to assist! Now, can I see your boo-boos?" He spoke in a highly overdramatic voice, his posture rigid and his hands behind his back. Though even in his attempt to seem serious he were very easily seen through, especially as small cracks in this serious facade broke through with short snickers.
Now, while he was still rather too over the place for your liking you did have to admit, his get-up was a little silly and now that he wasn't so incredibly in your face his child-like behavior was almost comforting. You hadn't ever met someone so boisterous and over the top before and while it was still incredibly anxiety-inducing, it also pulled on the reason that you daydreamed about the PizzaPlex in the first place.
To be a kid, to play, to sing, to mess around until playtime was over. You wanted nothing more than that. To be allowed to be a kid.
Yet faced with the possibility of it you hesitated...
Once again receiving no answer from you as you kept you hands close to your chest, Sundrop lost a little bit of his bubbliness. His posture fell and his hands along with it. Even though he didn't really have an expression you gathered that he was either confused or saddened. That was until he suddenly sprung back to life. 
If he was any more cartoonish you wouldn't have been surprised if a light bulb had appeared on his head.
"Oh! Right!" He spoke with a raised finger to further insinuate that an idea had formed before he then turned back to the desk and grabbed one of the left behind candies. He then quickly turned back to you with three candies outstretched.
"You like these right? Here! Just for you! I can even get more if you want!" He happily exclaimed, his face spinning with excitement. You stared wide-eyed as he handed you the treats, the sweets almost irresistible now that you knew what they tasted like. You looked between Sundrop and the candies before slowly taking one. You remained cautious though, just in case this was a trick. Once you did so his already excited mood skyrocketed. He believed he had made progress with you.
"More! You can have more! Do you want a fizzy faz too?! You like treats! I. Can get you more!" He swayed and slightly jumped as he talked. He seemed unable to stay in one place for too long when he was excited. Your eyes widened in surprise as he continued to outstretch the candies towards you. You hadn't expected to be allowed to have that many. You took the other two gratefully and with a look of astonishment that only furthered Sundrop's joyful state.
"Great! I'm glad you like them! Can I fix your boo-boo now? Can I? Can I!?" His hype level didn't seem to have a limit, though his excitability was growing on you. So, placing the candies next to you, you nodded, slowly outstretching your scratched-up hands to the animatronic. 
"Oh no! You had a big bad fall didn't you? Don't worry! Doctor Sundrop will make it all better!" He joyfully spoke before practically throwing himself into the wheeled chair of the doctor before him. Granted he didn't entirely fit as his legs bent and his head was way taller than the chair, but he did anyway.
Even though it looked incredibly funny
Due to the nature of hands you couldn't just put a bandaid on your scratches, so he had to use wrap-around bandages to help cover the cuts. Luckily he seemed at least a little experienced with fixing injuries as he knew where everything was and how to do it. He kept you distracted the entire time with little jokes, even more of the Sundrop candies, and, when you would get especially anxious, funny gestures. It didn't take long at all before you were fixed up. In fact, he was just about to finish the second hand when you let out a sharp wince. Something that most definitely shouldn't have happened considering he was no longer near your cut up hands, the end of the wrapping stopping at your wrists just to keep them more secure. He suspected there were more injuries so he went to pull up your sleeve. He didn't get that far though as you quickly snatched your hand away, an almost panicked look taking over your face. Something that was quickly mirrored in Sun's posture and he assumed he must have really hurt you.
"Sorry! I-I didn't- uh- candy! You want more candy?! I can do more tricks! Sorry sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" He bumbled over sounds like a panicked child, his words genuine as he quickly attempted to find anything to make you feel better. Once you saw your panic in his gestures you immediately calmed, realizing that your panic only induced his own. You felt guilty in a way, as if you had caused him stress. That being said, you still didn't give your hands back to him. You didn't want him to see, you didn't want anyone to see. 
It only ever made things worse when someone else knew...
Seeing your calmed posture he calmed as well, though that only left confusion in his body language.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked, now unsure of his assumptions. When you slowly shook your head it only served to confuse him more. He tried to figure it out, to understand why you had pulled away, but he was truly at a loss.
"Can I see your hands again?" He asked with the utmost curiosity, only to receive another slow shake of the head.
"I-I promise I'll be gentle! I won't hurt you! I'll even pinkie swear on it!" He quickly spoke before outstretching his pinky to you. He was attempting to get answers to solve the sudden mystery before him, his hightened sense of curiousity not something easily dissuaded. Not to mention that if it was another injury he wanted to help make it better.
You thought on it a moment, his attempts to gain your trust having wilted down your initial apprehension towards him. Dispite his first impression he had a way of calming you down, of knowing exactly what you needed when you needed it. He had been gental with your cuts and had tried to keep your mind off them throught his time fixing them. Maybe...
Maybe it wouldn't be bad to let them see.
Maybe he really did want to help...
Slowly, and fighting your paranoid thoughts the entire way, you pinky promised with him, an action that once again caused bounciness in him. He did try to keep it contained as to not further harm your hand but it was still very visable. After you pulled away from the pinkie promise you kept your hand out so he could continue. Carefully and as gently as he's ever done anything he pulled up the sleeve you had attempted to hide behind.
He noticed a few bruises at first, a lot of them actually. He began to wonder what type of fall you must have had to gain this many. What he found most unfortunate though was the fact that he couldn't help with bruises. There were no amount of bandaids he could cover you with that would help with those. He was already saddened by this so by the time he realized what you had actually been trying to hide he practically froze.
Bruised onto your tiny body was a handprint. One too big to be a child's, one too small to be an animatronic. It was clear by the deep color that harm had been intended in whatever grip had caused it and the thought alone brought a horrible feeling throught Sundrops system. It was after noticing it that he looked back over the other brusis, now noticing fingerprints in a few of them.
The thought of what those meant brought a sickening, dreadful feeling through his wiring and it came with his own horrible memeories. Of losing control, of being forced into his moon state when he wasn't ready and not being able to keep the kids around him safe. Of failing to protect, failing to care for...
It was then that he looked back up at you, his permanent smile not allowing him to show the devastation that ran through him, a shock of pain that began to mess with his coding.
He would protect you, he would keep you away from the harmful humans that had done this to you.
No matter the cost
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travisphelpslover · 3 years
Characters I’ll write for and fanfics from those characters ^^
Sally Face
-Travis Phelps
-Sal Fisher
-Larry Johnson
-Ash (forgot her last name)
Camp Camp
-Daniel (maybe)
Gravity Falls
-Michael Afton
-William Afton
-Phone Dude/Guy
-Glam Freddy
-Glam Chica
-every other animatronic will be platonic
Helluva Boss
-that one teacher
Saiki K
Genshin Impact
-basically anyone but the kids
-Day/Daniel Wing
(And more ^^)
Hunter x Hunter
Doki Doki Literature Club
Metal Family
Haven’t posted anything about them but will add them when I do ^^
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
i meant of all time guess, but how bout top five fnaf fics?
-salt anon
In no order:
Hidden in the Sand (platonic Springbonnie x Reader) Nightmare!Reader protecting CC Mechanic!Reader fixing Roxy's eyes Monty dealing with sensory overloads (with Reader's help) Child!Reader dying in Sun's arms
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mason-gaylord · 3 years
Over these last few weeks I've been tits deep in FNAF Security Breach ships, head cannons, and fan theories.
The ships I believe in are:
Freddy x Bonnie
Roxy x Chica
And Monty x Sun/Moon
A few days ago, I came across THIS.
I recommend readers read it before pressing the keep reading button.
As a quick summary, the op theorized Sun and Moon were effected by Vanny and Afton (or the Afton virus) first, making them to be closed off from everyone, including staff, the other animatronics, and Staff bots. Making them confused and anxious.
I believe, building on top of what op discussed and the ships I have, Moon got effected first because he comes out at night and is probably more strict about things (like Naptime). Then that spread to Sun because they're the same animatronic but with different programs for different times (kinda like a lamp timer).
I feel like Monty has always been a little agro, having a short temper and programming to have migraines because his eyesight is like looking through tinted plastic, the techs having programed him to have poor eyesight like an actual aligator, and needs the glasses to see what he's doing. This would make him vulnerable to the "Afton virus" if he went to see Sunny after being told that the daycare is on lockdown.
Assuming he did, Sunny would have been ecstatic to see him, but scared because, if there's something wrong with him and Moon, he might spread it to Monty.
It would end with Monty being sent away after some talking, upsetting him and him contracting the "virus", taking it back to the others, starting to ransack his room and becoming even more agro and irritable.
I feel Chica would go to try and calm him but contract the "virus" because of her insecurities of her programming to eat.
She then would pass it to Roxy very easily because of Roxy's narcissistic tendencies.
I don't think Freddy would have been effected because he seems very happy and untroubled, except for Bonnie's disappearence. From his voice lines in game, it makes me believe that in his room he will let the depression get to him about his hubby going missing but outside of his room, he puts on a mask of happiness to do his job as a child entertainment figure. He wouldn't be vulnerable enough to contract the "virus" from the others when he's around them because he's only vulnerable when he's alone.
That's about it for now. I might have more later.
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I made this post to come back to old posts I love
Axolotl Tendo and Jima
Ojiro 😳 {drawing SFW}
How to carry child (Tokyo revengers)
Monty gater x reader x glameock Freddy {NSFW}
This is his year
Denki reacts to my cursed emojis
Gazelles reaction to my valentine's gift
How does it feel.., TO LIVE MY DREAM, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
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