#Fnaf security breach x child reader
t-z-random · 2 years
Sanctuary of Nightmares PT11
Platonic SB x Child Reader
Chapter Selection
A/n: well...it's been a hot minute hasn't it? Sorry to keep you all waiting, I'm sure many of you know by this point that I'm going through a real rough patch right now. But I did manange to finally finish and edit this chapter. So enjoy!
Dusk moved through the halls in quiet and panicked movements, their agility showed in their ability to jump and crawl into random nooks and crannies. The lights had gone out a few moments ago, making their rush to find you all that more anxiety-inducing, their thoughts wondering to what harm could become of you from walking alone in the darkness. However, despite their rush, they made sure to keep out of sight from the others that walked down the halls, always peeking around corners to ensure that it was empty and paying close attention to the sounds around them.
Neither of them saw the others very often in their daily lives, not that they hadn't tried to make acquaintances on more than a few occasions. Since the Bonnie incident though they had decided it best to keep their distance. Rumor said it was one of the four stars that had put Bonnie out of commission and if that was the case then the two of them wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. They had both preferred DJ anyway, even if seeing him was even more of a rarity.
Their thoughts didn't stay on that long though as they continued through the many empty halls in search of their lost kid, eventually finding their way down to rockstar row. They rather despised this place, their attention caught by glowing signs and bright names that they were never given. How the stars had their own pods all over the plex to charge in, how they got to roam around and do as they pleased while the two were stuck in perpetually similar days, unable to leave that large bright room. Well, not entirely unable. Moon often left during the night. Sun was always too afraid to be caught-
They stopped, suddenly noticing a peculiarity they had just passed. They turned their heads back to the four rooms, trying to spot what had caught their attention.
'What is it?' Sun asked, confused as to why Moon seemed to find an interest in something Sun saw little to no change in.
'Roxy's curtains...They're closed' Moon finally pointed out, their eyes locking onto the peculiar sight.
'And...? Do you think Y/n's in there?!' Sun asked, panic taking over his tone as the two of them slowly stepped towards the room, still very aware of their surroundings, afraid that any of the others might spot them.
It wasn't like they weren't allowed to be out right now, they had been given permission by Vanessa after all. However they weren't quite sure the others had seen them like this before, not to mention that their mission at the moment wasn't what they had been assigned. Frankly they just wanted to keep you away from any of the others in fear that they might give you back to your parents tomorrow. Or maybe they'd realize Sun was the reason you were here and both of them would be decommissioned because of it. In short, they had every reason to hide and no reason to be seen.
'Maybe' Moon responded, both of them now standing at the purple curtain covering their view into the glass. However, just at the bottom there was a small window of dim purple light that peered through, a triangle space no bigger than a soda can held ajar by a most fortunately placed toy. Slowly leaning down they looked in through that window, their wires sparking with joy the moment their eyes landed on who sat inside.
They found you!
The first thing they spotted was your distressed state, your eyes looking around the shadowed room in quiet panic, though remaining sat on the floor with a plushy tightly held to your chest. Your fear sparked their own, their worry multiplying as they wonder what hell the narcissist of the four stars might have put you through. Seeing as you hadn't noticed them yet they decided the best way to get your attention was to quietly tap on the glass, hoping that the sound wouldn't attract others. It was enough for you to hear though, your eyes slowly falling to meet theirs.
They found you.
Was your only thought as horror went striking through your veins, your eyes widening at the terrifying glow. You quickly scooted away from the window though you only got so far before your back hit the cold metal of a door, a squeak of fear following after.
They stood, jingling following the movement as the bells on their feet gave little regard to any previous attempts as silence. They made their way to the door, quickly pulling and pushing on it. But no matter what way they tried the door didn't budge. It did nothing but further grow your fear.
"[Sunflower] [Lamb] hurt?! [Okay] [Alright]!?" Their voices melded into a whispered yell as words overlapped and glitched through one another. Their voice was a horrifying sound in their panicked state, instilling the discomfort of tv static.
"It's okay! Us! Us. There's no need to be [scared][frightened]" they continued to mess with the door, the clacking of their metal against it causing you to curl into a ball, afraid that they might make it through. After a few more moments they stopped, sudden silence falling over the room.
"Y/n?" They whispered, their voice quiet, almost calm. You felt your stomach sink at the name. You held your plush tighter, hoping that they would stop.
"Scared...dark? Or...I-I-Is it uh-uh-us?" their voice glitched further, though a strange tone had fallen in it. A tone that caught your attention with its almost sad quality. You remained silent.
"It's us?" They asked again, to which you once again said nothing. That was response enough though.
"We're sorry...we didn't mean-mean to. We were...sc-sc-scared too! We thought you were hurt! That someone-someone hurt...Sorry. So so sorry little starlight" they apologized profusely, followed by what you best described as robotic crying, a sound you wouldn't have ever thought was possible.
You were frozen now in not only fear but shock. You almost couldn't comprehend the strangeness of that sound, to hear it come from someone other than yourself. It was almost surreal. But was it what you thought it was? Or was it just a strange sound they were making? It sure sounded like crying, but it was hard to tell. Either way, you felt guilt slowly start to soak in at the thought that you had somehow greatly upset them, even as terror still built in your system.
So you stayed in silent indecision for a while, unsure what to do now. When it didn't go away you slowly stood up, your feet hesitant as they began to move, the weight of your body as you approached almost too much to take so much as a single step. You held your plushy tighter, hoping it would give you some comfort.
You soon stood next to the door, pressing your ear against it, hoping maybe you were wrong, maybe they were fine, maybe you had mistaken a sound of anger for a sound of sadness. However, all listening closer did was solidify that you hadn't heard it wrong.
You made someone cry.
You had never heard someone else cry before, let alone been the reason for it. You feel your guilt grow, the thought now resting in your mind. It was your fault. Your fault, your fault. You really were such a horrible child. Such a selfish brat. Your fault, your fault.
Your hand began to slowly rise, hesitating right above the door handle. You felt fear still dwell within you, though your guilt was slowly outweighing it. Despite how terrifying the new bot was, you hadn't meant to hurt it.
So, being a child unaware of the true dangers of this place, you turned the door handle and cracked open the door, not having given much thought to anything other than your guilty conscience.
On the other side, sitting in a curled-up position, was what had terrified the life out of you only a few moments ago. Their mechanical muffled sobs continued as they remained oblivious of you at the door. You didn't move for another moment, assessing whether or not what you heard was real. After which you quickly deduced that they were very genuine in their crackling sounds of sadness. So you slowly opened the door a little more, trying not to trigger any sudden movements from them. Once the door was fully open, and you stood a few inches away, you finally spoke.
"Sorry" You spoke in almost a whisper, their head popping up to turn towards you, one of their eyes glowing a swirling red. They stared in stunned silence for a moment, no movement made between the two of you.
In a split second they grabbed you, pulling you into their four arms before you even had a moment to register it.
"You're safe you're safe you're safe" they repeated in a crackled whisper, their sudden hug tight but not bone-crushing. You didn't dare move, your eyes wide with shock as confusion and fear were written on your features. After a few seconds they pulled away ever so slightly, two of their hands holding your face while the other two continued to hug you. They began to turn your head in every which direction, looking for further injuries.
"Hurt?" They asked simply, the once red glow of one of their eyes turning to a light shade of purple. You shook your head, their shoulders falling as you did. After that they seemed to relax some of their previous spastic movements.
"So glad you're [okay][alright]. We thought you...you weren't safe" they spoke with a tone of relieved worry as you began to calm a little more. They hadn't hurt you yet, hadn't even tried to. And as you stared longer you began to see the previous parts of the two that had calmed you when you first got here. Though their forms melded they remained familiar, at least enough for you to recognize that they were the same from before. This realization allowed you to remember the kindness the two had shown you, which made you feel all the worse for having made them cry. There was a short silence for a moment before their attention suddenly turned away from you and began to look around.
"It's not safe here. Not with [them][the others]" they spoke before swiftly standing up, you still in their arms. You clung on tightly, afraid that you might fall. Before you could really even get a word in they began walking, their long strides allowing for a faster speed than you could ever hope for with your tiny legs.
'Roxy did their hair' Moon's voice carried in their head, their eyes staring forward but occasionally glancing back at you.
'Yes, she did...does she do that a lot?' Sun asked, though his voice was quite a lot more cautious than Moon's.
'I don't think so...' was Moon's reply, which only further put Sun on edge. Why would she do that? Why were you left alone in her room? What was her motive? How did she even come into possession of you? Was she planning to bring you to Vanes-?
They froze, the clacking of familiar shoes approaching them. They turned every which direction, soon finding no safe place for them to hide whilst holding you. Usually they would just jump somewhere high up, or dive into a dark corner. However those options weren't viable with you in tow. So, thinking as quickly as they could, they spun and hid you behind them with two of their arms, holding a finger to their mouth in a shushing motion. They then quickly spun back around, taking only a few steps before Vanessa came into view. She perked up upon seeing them, though what caught their attention more was the thing that lay unconscious in her arms.
"You found [it] [him]?" They spoke with an inflection of a question, even if it was obvious. She smiled, almost proudly, at the declaration.
"Yep. Caught him just as he was heading down the elevator. Do you know where Chica is?" She asked, skipping over any conversation and moving straight to what was on her mind. They only thought a moment before shaking their head, her proud smile falling quickly with the response. She let out a huff, swiftly moving past them, their body turning with her pace to keep you hidden.
It was in this swift moment that you caught a glimpse of what was in her arms, your eyes widening upon seeing Gregory. Your first thought was that he was hurt, your second was that she had hurt him. Your mind went back to earlier and his hesitance to seek her help at all. You quickly learned that this must be why.
Vanessa went back to grumbling as she walked off, very annoyed at not having found the bird-like animatronic. Dusk took that as their cue to leave, backing away until they were far enough out of sight to turn around, placing you back in front of them.
They were left shocked upon seeing your tear-filled eyes, your head peering in the direction Vanessa had gone. They went back into panic mode again, your tears causing them great distress.
"Crying? Wh-Why crying!" Their voice box glitched a little as they addressed your state. You looked up to them, fear evident in your eyes, though not because of them. Rather the thought that your new friend might even be dead.
"He...He was my friend" you softly spoke through a choked voice. They became confused for a moment, unsure of what you were referring to. That was until they walked back the previous moments, drawing the only conclusion they could, even if it was one they hardly believed.
'Are they talking about the lost child?' Sun asked, a question that manifested a confused feeling from Moon that both of them felt.
'Lost child? You mean the thing that Vanessa was carrying?' Moon asked, another wave of confusion running through them.
'That was a child...wasn't it?" Sun, now thoroughly bewildered, asked Moon.
'No, that was anything but a child. It was dangerous. It snuck in during the day, my security measures told me to disassemble it' Moon explained in a precise tone, one full of conviction. Sun, not having these security measures, was inclined to believe Moon. After all, the boy- er uh- thing, had caused him great strife earlier tonight. It wouldn't be too far to say that it was dangerous to those that weren't made of metal.
'but it looked like a child...' Sun only half-heartedly argued, his conviction in his prior belief having weaned incredibly.
'It was made to bypass our security measures. It failed' Moon's words made sense. After all, they were some of the most advanced animatronics and the company had been rather strict about constantly updating and improving their security.
"You mean what Venessa was holding?" They asked you, you gave a nod as you tightly held your Roxy plush. They didn't quite like that you had kept the stuffed toy, though they also weren't about to take it from you.
"[Sunflower] [little lamb], that wasn't a child. It was dangerous" they tried to explain, though that only caused confusion to fall on your face. They stepped into the elevator before trying to explain it better.
"It was made to look like a child, but it is dangerous. It has caused a lot of problems" they continued, which only earned a further confused look to grow on our face.
Dangerous? Gregory hadn't been dangerous! He had helped you!
Well...he did kind of put you both in trouble with Roxy. And he had tried to get you to go back into the vents- but that- that wasn't...
He wasn't trying to get you hurt was he-?
You felt the pressure of two cold thumbs across your cheeks, only now realizing that tears had started to fall down your face. Despite their immovable facial features, you could tell that they were quite upset to see you crying. At least that's what you assumed when they had gone to wipe away your tears.
"Just stay close to us" they asked, their tone softer than before. Despite your previous terror in their presence, you felt safe with them. It felt nice to have someone hold you as you cried, even with how surreal it was. It felt-...
It felt like everything might just be okay...
So you nodded, hoping that the world would remain calm, if only for a little while longer.
It was then that the elevator doors clicked open, their feet stepping outside before they froze in place. Confused as to why they had suddenly stopped, you turned to where their eyes now stared, only to come face to face with the famous bird themed animatronic known as Chica. She stood with a pizza in hand, another pizza falling out of her mouth, and her eyes locked onto the strange scene in front of her. No one moved for a moment, your breath held in your throat at the suddenly tense scene, though you had no clue why they seemed to find the other so strange. That was until Chica broke the sudden silence with a yell.
"Who are you!?!?"
- x -
Tag List Open!
Couldn't tag for some reason on another -> @mary-wolf @gundams90cmbobs @simpsilky @candychaox @idcplss
@honeycovered-bandaids @lethalbeautiful @kiinokochii @just-a-frudgin-simp @nothing-leave-me--alone @eafv2323    @lemonrolls @ch8rrybl0ssoms @crea8ive-traveler91 @porkcracker @carmelchocola @a-rare-female-blaziken @sssleepless @plaguerat44 @zachariethememerie @sunnshineflxwer @sundropsideup @givemesomebeans @isometimeswritestuff @allidde @wheres-the-effing-pie @theasexualpan @kittenlover614 @arialikestea @ayoitshayden @jinxedleo @beanie-boo0 @over-active-daydreamer @mistertiberius @large-juice @lokigirlszendaya @s0ggyrats @feverish-dove @pencildrawer12 @pastelpinksippycup @nonamedasimp @pastel-skies-and-doves @supernerdycookietrashblr @queenthorin1 @strawberry-moonpies @dweeb-central @asmodeus-snoof @wonderlace19 @lust-for-pan @a-trash-person @shads121 @merymikey @thegeekishere
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
I think awhile back you did glamrocks x child reader (platonic) saying their first words but I saw you didn't do the same with Sun and Moon,sooo could you possibly do sun and moon aswell pls?
-Greek myth anon 📜
Aw you remember those? They're ancient haha.
Here were those hcs for anyone who wants to read them
"Sun! Bye-bye!"
At first, he didn't think much of it when you spoke, waving goodbye and going back to the tables after handing you over to your parent(s).
Yet they went up to him, and at first he thought they had a serious complaint.
Or maybe he accidentally gave them the wrong child.
But after revealing that you just said your first words, including his name, it clicks in his mind and he's SUPER overjoyed, bouncing on his heels and grinning.
"Oh my gosh I am SO proud of you, starshine!!" He coos, shaking your tiny little hands. "Keep up the great work!!"
If you ever come back to the Pizzaplex when you're older, he's never gonna let you forget that.
"Yes, little firefly. I'm.....what's that look for?"
Moon stares at your bewildered guardian, who has to explain that they've been trying to get you to say your first words for weeks now, without much success.
You refused to say "Freddy" no matter how many times they've taken you to see him for photo-ops and events. Not even the bear himself could encourage you.
Yet within five seconds of meeting Moon for the first time...you said his name and were eager to go with him.
He's kinda shocked that you weren't immediately scared of him like all the other toddlers.
But he's happy (and definitely smug about it, bragging to Sun 100%).
"The children may like you more...but have any of them ever said their first word was "Sun"? I don't think so~"
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Sun and Moondrop taking care of a child reader
-Reader: no pronouns used + no gender implied -It/they for Sun and Moon
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: This is my first writting so I'm sorry if it isn't that good. All banners are made by me (the drawings and stuff are NOT mine, credits to the ones who drew them i just mixed them together and made banners)
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^ Made by me
-☼ When you first walked in with your caregiver Sun was just doing their job, take the kid from their parents, get the kid checked in, than entertain them until naptime, after you said bye to your caregiver Sun took you into the sea of loud, messy and running children. -☼ You didn't really know what to do when Sun left you alone to go help other kids, so you just went off to play with the toys and be in your own little world, though not acting like the other kids around you, where still a kid, a kid who needed attention and attention was what you where going to have! -☼ Now having children who don't like playing, loud noises, and just can't handle overwhelming places where not uncommon for Sun, so it gave you your space but made sure to check up on you every once and a while, making sure your eating when its snack time, making sure you haven't left the daycare, asking if you wanted to join in with the other kids, ect. Sun was watching over the kids while they ate, it counted all the kids but found one missing, they looked around but couldn't see you anywhere near the eating tables, so they started looking around any corners or places you might be when it found you huddled in a small-ish place with blankets and pillows, you seemed tired and floating in and out of consciousness. "Oh little sunbeam, tired already?" Sun asked as they carefully picked you up and huddled you close in their arms and pulling the blanket over you "it is about naptime isn't it my little sunbeam" Sun said after booping your nose and walking back to the children to tell them its naptime.
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^ Made by me
-☾ After Sun turned the lights off and all the children went to their sleeping bags Moon looked down and saw you half asleep in their arms, smiling softly it walked towards where the children where sleeping and sat down humming a small lullaby while holding you close to their lap. -☾ If you are one to have nightmares often or bad nightmares they will slowly wake you up and just softly reasure you that your safe in its arms, that no one and nothing can hurt you while they are here.
Moon was keeping a eye on all the children in a protective manner, being a almost second parent to most of the kids they took the role seriously, nothing was going to happen to you or the others. It felt movement in its arms and when it looked down and saw you looking up at them with grabby hands it softly smiled and held you so you where sitting on its leg. "Whats wrong little star? shouldn't a little star like you be sleeping?" Moon asks softly as to not wake up the other children. You looked up at them and whispered "puppet!" at first it took Moon a second before they smiled and patted your head "a puppet show? well if my little star wishes who am I to say no" Moon than placed you on the floor and went to get a flashflight. After a while other kids woke up to the puppet show while you sat in their lap and watched with amazment at the puppet show. Soon all the kids woke up, some watching the show and others playing around where Moon can see them, after a while the puppet show finished and Moon asked you to sit still while it goes to grab something and to put the flashlight back. When it came back it knelt down and showed two plushies, one of them and the other of Sun "Sun and I thought you would like them, so whenever your not here you have something to play with and to cuddle with when you sleep" Moon smiled softly as you grabbed the plushies and hugged them "thank!" they patted you on the head and went to turn the lights back on.
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Sun & Moon X Child! Reader
TWs: Hints of abuse/Child neglect (if I need to add more, I will later on)
Note from Kyo- I made this so people can see an idea of how I write! This is my first time properly doing this so please dont be too harsh on me, I mostly do this in hopes of bringing comfort to those who get them from reading stories with things the go through.
Sypnosis: A (NB) child is left at the daycare and all the kids seem to not want to be around them. Which causes the kid to become more and more distressed and lonely, until the daycare attendant approaches them!
Your parents had dropped you off at the daycare very early today… Your father had already gone off to work and your mother was grumpily dragging you into the cursed place.. Well it wasnt exactly cursed, you very much enjoyed being at the daycare when your parents were at work! You only protested against it though because of the other kids ‘being mean’. To which you only earned eye rolls and were told to just deal with it… And what soon shut you up about the whole ordeal was when your mother snapped at you, yelling at you to shut up about the kids there and just deal with it, you were getting dropped off there whether you liked it or not.
So here you were.. In such a giant and colorful play area. Kids were running around, screaming, playing, coloring… Yet you were just standing there awkwardly. Should you try to play with the other kids? Would it hurt again if you tried?
You only took a shaky breath as you went to where some kids were playing tag. You wanted to join in quite a lot so you quickly ran to a kid and asked, “Hey can I join?-“ To which the kid immediately laughed at you. “You again?? No! Leave us alone freak!” The kid giggled as he ran off and you only stood their dumbfounded. You seriously ran into the rudest kid on your first try. After a few seconds you moved to the wall, should you try again?
Well you did. This time you ran to kids playing hide and seek. They had just started a game too which was perfect! “Hey can I join?” This little girl gave you a curious look but you noticed how distant her eyes looked at the same time. “Oh yea sure-.. Um- Ill count an extra… 20 seconds for you-“ You had nodded excitedly at that and already ran off. Going straight into the play structure and hiding in your favorite spot.
And there you sat for what felt like forever… And ever.. And ever… They werent looking for you.. Were they?
Thats when you felt tears well up in your eyes as you buried your head in your knees…
Then you heard someone coming near you in the structure. Oh great now another kid would call you a cry baby.
That was until you heard the voice. “Oh my goodness! Why are you crying little one?” You looked up at the cheery sun that some how fit inside the structure. “O-oh!- I-im- Im ok-“ You stuttered in a hurry as you wiped your tears away. Even though the Suns face was a constant smile, he approached you a little cautiously until he managed to sit right in front of you. Sure he was meant to be happy and entertain kids while the lights were on, but there was a little bit of code in him that told him what to do with upset kids. Plus he has already experienced seeing kids who had gotten abused before!
“Would you like to tell me whats wrong little one?” Sun had asked while letting his head rotate some to one side, maybe a bit more than he intended. You debated telling him.. Would he get upset like your parents did..? No, he was such a happy Sun! But still, should you trust him…?
You hesitantly spoke up. “W-well.. I tried to play with all the other kids again… They just left me out again and said mean things.” Sun left out a gasp that you could determine if it was real or for dramatics. “How rude of them! Well what did you want to play little one?” “.. Tag-.. And hide and seek-… But now I just want someone to play with me. That wont just leave me alone.” Sun seemed to think for a moment, tapping hid non-existent chin. “How about we play together then! Ill give you all the special attention you deserve! We can finger paint, play with crafts, or with glitter glue! Whatever you want!”
You couldnt help but giggle a bit at his enthusiasm.. And at the idea of getting all his attention.
And well, if Sun could have grinned wider, he would have. “Can we play with the paints?” You asked to which the Sun immediately, somehow, nodded. “Of course! Lets go now little one!” He held his hand out to you which you immediately took.
Then there you were, finger painting, putting googley eyes on each other, and having so much fun. You almost completely forgot about what had happened early. Soon enough, Sun told you he would have to go away soon and Moon would come out to put all the kids to bed.
You nodded at that and let out a small yawn. Maybe you would nap this time.. You had so much fun so of course you would be tired.
And when Moon finally came out, all of the kids hurried to bed while you were quickly finishing your fingerpainting you were working on some how behind Suns back.
Moon soon enough went up to you. “Naughty naughty.. You know you shouldnt be painting, its nap time.” You were quick to nod at him but then you held on your painting.. Which was one of you, Sun and Moon holding hands. Moon stared at the painting.. Or what you assumed was staring before he slowly grabbed it. He hadnt had any special experiences with you yet you still added him..?
“Thank you little one but you still have to sleep.” You nodded as he continued to speak. “Ill hang this up in our room and then help you to bed, ok?”
You nodded and then Moon… Floated? Flied away? It was too dark for you to tell anyways so you went right over to an area where you could cuddle up…
And soon Moon got over to you, only to find you already passed out under your blanket. Moon watched you for a few seconds before pulling the blanket all the way up and moving some hair out of your face.
Kyo- Well… This was my first attempt at something, hope you enjoyed :)
Id like to think Sun has kept you in his database and whenever your there, you get a special bit of attention to make sure you arent too lonely or left out!
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Hii I’m here to request fnaf sb (pre-ruin) Headcannons or a fic :) idm either
I would like to request Moon with a child!Reader with insomnia who can’t sleep in the daycare.. like never,,
You can choose the gender of the reader :D
Have a great day/night!!
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Hi hello there!! I am so excited to do this reply, I think it is very cute!! I am so sorry for all of the delays. I totally accidentally lost my account info and could not log back in after a comedy of errors with my old laptop. But! I am back now! I hope you enjoy~!
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✦ The first time it happened, Moon acted the same as he would whenever a child would refuse to take a nap, picking the child up and tucking them into their cot (and perhaps tying said child down with streamers). However, as incidents of you being unable to sleep began to occur consistently, Moon realizes that there is more of a problem than just 'defiance' or 'not being tired' like other kids in the Daycare. ✦ Moon never asked directly, but he could tell that you had insomnia. From the way you would get so restless even when you were trying your hardest to sleep or the dark circles under your eyes. Truthfully, it worries him that you have such a condition, it causes his code to give him warnings about your state near constantly. ✦ During naptime, Moon will often gently take your hand and take you away from the other children. He does not think that you will wake them up, but he does not want any of the others getting any funny ideas on how they can avoid naptime as well. Not only that, when he brings you into the separate room he is able to entertain you so that you are not laying there restless and miserable in your cot. ✦ Moon notices during the day just how tired you are, how slow you blink, how often you yawn, and how lethargic you are compared to all of the other children. It makes him feel a certain way emotionally that he is not used to experiencing. When the effects of your insomnia are particularly bad, Moon will scoop you up in his arms and walk around with you so that you are not at risk of collapsing and getting hurt. ✦ If you do fall from exhaustion, Moon immediately will get bandages and an ice pack to tend to any of your cuts and scrapes. And then he will watch you all day long and try and keep you on the soft play pads. ✦ After talking with Sun, when it is time for naptime, Moon will make you warm milk with some vanilla extract and honey in it to try and induce sleep. Even though it does not work, Moon is happy to see you have a sweet treat to distract you from the fact that everyone around is asleep. ✦ Moon will sit down beside you on bean bags while overlooking the sleeping children to make sure no one is getting up. While he is not as good as Sun is at arts and crafts, he will try to make bracelets and other quiet activities with you. Honestly, it is one of his favorite parts of the day and you are one of his favorite students in the daycare. He is so much kinder and worrisome to you than he is to the other kids.
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purple-plum-petals · 2 years
Could you write platonic headcanons or a drabble for if Moon hurt child!reader while under the influence of the virus, and then reader comes returns to the daycare a few weeks later when he’s back to normal but they don’t really understand that he didn’t mean to hurt them and Moon has to earn their trust again? Just some good hurt/comfort :)
—⊱ Forgive Me, Little Star ⊰ || Moon with a Child!Reader Who He Hurt when Glitched  
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮       Character(s): Daycare Attendant, Moon (FNaF: Security Breach)        Reader Type: Human (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)        Warning(s): Nightmare of a Traumatic Event (Implied Attempted Murder)        Genre: Headcanons/Scenario, Angst (Hurt/Comfort), PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP ONLY        Word Count: ~800 words        Request: “Could you write platonic headcanons or a drabble for if Moon hurt child!reader while under the influence of the virus, and then reader comes returns to the daycare a few weeks later when he’s back to normal but they don’t really understand that he didn’t mean to hurt them and Moon has to earn their trust again? Just some good hurt/comfort :)”        Author’s Note: This is my first time writing anything with a Child!Reader, so I hope I didn’t butcher it too horribly! I’m a huge sucker for hurt/comfort as most of you probably know by now so, whenever it’s requested, I have this insatiable urge to write it. 😂 Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I do apologize that it isn’t longer, though;;
      → If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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     🌙: When Moon comes back to his senses after the virus that was plaguing his system seemingly disappeared overnight, he was overcome with guilt and anger – anger towards himself over the fact that he had hurt so many of the children he had been built to care for, and guilt knowing how many of said children were probably now fearful of him. It had taken a month or two for staff to make sure the Daycare and Naptime Attendants were fully-functioning and able to start working safely with the kids again.
     🌙: You were absolutely terrified when your guardian dropped you off at the Superstar Daycare (rightfully so). It was a place that had once brought you so much joy, but now it only filled you with fear. Moon knew you were scared of him, it was pretty obvious from the look in your eye as you grasped at the pantleg of your caregiver. You begged them not to leave you there, but they assured you with a smile that everything was okay before giving you a kiss goodbye and leaving you under the care of the Naptime Attendant. Moon did seem as though he had gone back to his normal self, but you weren’t convinced – it was going to take time for you to fully trust him again.
     🌙: It started off small with Moon giving you some of your favorite candies (even though you were supposed to be napping). You sat quietly on your nap mat, your favorite stuffie next to you while a blanket was pulled over your legs as you nibbled on the sweets, your wary gaze never once leaving Moon who had been sitting criss-cross across the room from where you laid. You had asked why he had done what he did, watching the way guilt washed across his face like a wave as he told you in a gentle voice, “I was… sick.”
     🌙: Moon didn’t go into detail about his sickness, but he did ask if he could come over and sing you a lullaby just like he had used to, waiting for permission to come and sit next to you as he had before the… incident. You thought for a moment, still wary of him, before nodding your head. You grabbed your blanket and pulled it up to your chin as you watched as Moon carefully came over to sit next to your form on the floor. He sang just like he used to, watching as the gentle tune playing from the box in his chest eased you into a slumber. He smiled and patted your head, telling your unconscious form softly, “I never wanted to hurt you, little star… I am sorry for that.”
     🌙: Your peaceful slumber didn’t last for long when the reoccurring nightmare that had plagued your mind for months made its sudden appearance again. You remember the moment so vividly, almost as if you were reliving the moment over and over in your mind. Moon had been standing over you, watching you with unrelenting and unusually violet pupils as you stirred from your sleep. You had woken up and asked him if you could grab a glass of water before going back to sleep, rubbing your eyes as you did so. Moon didn’t say anything, the grip on the pillow in his grasp tightening as his pupils dilated further… You didn’t have the chance to ask what was wrong before it was covering your face. You couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t scream – you couldn’t do anything before it all went black.
     🌙: Moon heard your scream while singing to another child and immediately rushed to see what was wrong. You were sitting up, holding your stuffed animal in your arms as you wept uncontrollably. He rushed over to comfort you, but his presence only seemed to make you more upset. He told you in a soft voice, promising you he would never ever do anything like that again, as he held his pinky out to you. You watched as Moon made no move to do anything, his baby-blue pupils bringing you a comfort you had almost forgotten. You rubbed the snot and tears from your face with your sleeve, asking him, “…Y-You promise?” He just smiled, telling you, “I promise,” before the promise was sealed with a pinky-swear.  
     🌙: It may take a while, but Moon will do whatever he can to earn back the trust he lost when he wasn’t in control of himself. Whether that be doing things to earn back your favor like letting you sneak candies before naptime (which he would have never done before) or letting you play a bit longer before putting you down for a nap, he is determined to try and fix things with you and any of the other children he had hurt. After a couple of months and a lot of pinky promises, everything seemed to have gone back to the way that they were before the glitch had messed with his system.
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demonfriend666 · 8 months
Hurt Child Caring Bots 🌞🌜
Sun and Moon run the daycare at Faz Bear's in their own separate bodies (Sun: daytime activities Moon: Naptime activities/ security)
Everything was normal until they noticed you a small child being abused by your mother
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idanceinthegraveyard · 9 months
Scream if you dare
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Hello I'm Lover and this is my graveyard I use he/him prononus and keep in mind 17
I will write yandere and non yandere fanfics here, but keep in mind this will be a fandom blog You can read about my yandere ocs on @idanceuntilidie
what about requests?
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igenuinelywannagohome · 2 months
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moon is next >:)
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randomfandomarts · 2 years
I wrote a lil' fnaf sb story with glamrock freddy because i was bored... I'm not the best at writing....
Hope you like!
Soft Glamrock Freddy with a little girl fic!
The Mega Pizzaplex was busier than usual, bursting with lights and sounds, everyone around seemed to add to its frenzied theme. The numerous children laughing and running around, Music and bright lights blasting from every corner, and the smell of zesty pizza sauce and sugared fizzy sodas flooded the dining area, with the Glamrocks walking around the mall greeting the children.
From a distance, Vanessa could hear their metal footsteps walking around. She stood in silence, leaning against the wall. Her head was aching, and she seemed unsettled. She looked up and noticed Glitchtrap, leaning on one of the dining chairs. "Quite a frantic day, isn't it?" Vanessa turned around and closed her eyes shut. She placed her hands on her lowered head, trying to ignore him inside. His glitched voice resonated inside her. "Some poor child must be lost in all this excitement…How TERRIBLE!" His glitched laughter rang through her mind. His laughter slowly faded. "You know what to do." She opened her eyes and straightened her back. Without reluctance or emotion, she headed to her security office.
Chica placed a plate of pizza on a dining table for a family and strolled over to Freddy. Freddy was giving hugs and greeting kids near the dining area. "Freddy, Officer Vanessa says it's your turn to check security in the utility tunnels. You'd better go before she gets upset." Chica said uneasily. She headed back to the kitchen. "Yes, I will go right now.." He gently placed a small boy he was carrying down and walked downstairs to the utility tunnels.
Underground, a small girl was lost in the utility tunnels. She had lost her mother traversing through the packed pizzaplex. Now, she wandered around in hopes of finding her mother again. But her wandering had led her somewhere she didn't know. She grasped her Glamrock Freddy plush close to her. She kept walking in hopes of finding an exit. Around the corner, Vanessa stood, in her Vanny costume holding her mask, waiting to make her move. Her sharp purple eyes fixed on the girl. She heard Glitchtrap's laugh slowly fading in. "You know what to do, Vanny…" She adjusted her mask and walked towards the girl.
The little girl's eyes quickly met Vanny's. Vanny slowly strolled closer to her. The little girl backed up a bit. "Are you lost?" Vanny's half-glitched voice echoed through the tunnels. The poor girl sniffed and started to tremble. Vanny's red eyes stared at her. The little girl finally found her voice and answered. "Y-Yes…I-I lost my mother…" her voice was shaky, and fear from Vanny's appearance struck her. "I-I can't find her, and I-I don't know where I am…" Vanny slowly slanted her head. "I know where your mother is…Let me take you to her…" She said slowly. The girl was hesitant, but slowly, she reached out her arm. Vanny opened her hand. Behind Vanny's other hand was her knife, ready to strike the girl when she had her grasp. The girl was ready to place her hand in when…
Metal footsteps rang throughout the utility tunnels. Vanny could hear someone was coming. Quick as a second, Vanny tightly grasped the girl's arm and pulled her close, ready to strike. The girl tried to pull away but to no use. The sound was close, and she didn't have enough time. Vanny released the girl's arm and darted past her and slipped away into the darkness. The little girl, shocked by what happened, started sobbing quietly. Freddy stopped for a moment. His ears perked and listened to the soft breathing and quiet sobbing. "Hello? Is someone there?" The little girl quieted her sobbing. She quietly hid behind one of the boxes. Freddy slowly searched around to see where the crying was coming from. His glowing eyes scanned the place. He hauled a few boxes about and found the little girl quivering.
"Oh, you poor thing, are you all right?" Freddy kneeled next to her. The poor girl was trembling and was too afraid to look up. Freddy sensed her fear and attempted a softer approach. "Are you lost, sweetheart?" He asked in a soft voice. She finally looked up at him. Freddy lovingly gazed over her tear-stained face. "Sniff, I-I got lost looking for my mother, I don't know where I am…" She took a breath and continued. "Th-There was a bunny lady saying she was going to take me to my mother, b-but when you came she ran away…" She pointed to where Vanny ran off. "Hm…Do not worry, superstar. I will help you find your mother." The little girl rubbed her eyes. "Promise?" "Promise." Freddy opened his hand. The girl placed her hand in his. Gently, Freddy lifted the girl and carried her in his arms. The girl cuddles close to Freddy and her plush. "Come, let us find your mother."
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milktea067 · 2 years
Self love time! This fic is inspired by “I LOVE MY BODY” by Mother moon!
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Hey y’all! Been a while! Have this as payment for my absence! I have whole bunch of unfinished projects in my drafts, so I have been writing I just haven’t finished them!
Sunny x gender neutral reader! Platonic!
Warnings:Mentions of low self esteem and needing validation/Mentions of emotionally unavailable or unstable parents/Mentions of not feeling good enough/some tears but not too many!
Not proofread very well 💀
You had just arrived at the daycare, the sound of other children laughing and playing filling your ears as your caretaker dropped you off with a smile, promising to be back later and encouraging you to have fun.
Gosh you were excited. You loved coming here day after day, almost looking forward to your guardian(s) having to work early or late if it meant you got to spend time with your favorite friend in the world.
Weaving through the crowd of excited children you finally saw him, Sunny. Dressed head to toe in a silly jester costume, bells hanging off of his wrists and ankles, making him jingle with every step or movement. He was currently entertaining them by balancing a plastic ball on his face, his voice playful as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“Hey kids! This is a lot of fun, but you know what else is fun? Singing! I love singing, you can sing about anything!” He exclaimed, hopping up in excitement and causing the plastic ball to fly in the air, coming down and hitting his head with a soft thud.
Of course this made the lot of you giggle, hushed murmurs soon falling onto the crowd as he began to speak again.
“Today we’re going to be singing about my favorite thing ever! Can anyone guess what it is?” He said, his whole body literally trembling in excitement, amusing you greatly as his robotic parts hummed, trying to keep up with him.
“Oh! Oh!! I know! It’s pancakes! I like pancakes!”
“Is it colors?! Mr.Sunny likes to color with my crayons!”
“I like kitty cats! Can we sing about kitty cats?!” They exclaimed.
The kids all seemed to have similar answers, some assuming he was talking about their favorite things such as their doggies or their kitties, others seeming to love the idea of him singing about candy and ice cream and other sweet treats.
None of them seemed to be correct, though.
“Those are all really good answers! Maybe we can sing about those things after! Though, I-I’m really surprised no one has guessed it yet!” The robot said, standing proudly with his hands on his hips while you and the other little ones looked at each other. Equally confused.
Seeing the confused faces and hearing the hushed whispers, Sunny let out a soft laugh, crouching down so he was level with all of you.
“I’m talking about you silly! My favorite thing in the entire world is you!!” He said, his robotic eyes seeming to soften as he gazed at all of you lovingly, his hands gently resting on his knees as you and the other children began to giggle.
You of course couldn’t help but smile, it felt good to know that there was someone that cared for you, and would love you unconditionally. You didn’t get much of that at home nowadays, your parent(s) or guardian always working, or just emotionally unavailable, always pushing you aside or brushing you off whenever you wanted to play or cuddle.
“Now, I’ve set up squares for all of you to stand on! It’s very very important to stand on your squares and your squares only! We wouldn’t want to accidentally hit someone while we’re letting the wiggle worms out would we?” Said sunny, standing up and gesturing to the neatly placed and equally spaced rubber squares he had set on the floor before hand.
After looking around you eventually found a square to stand on, smiling up at him as he reached around one of the slides and grabbed what seemed to be a ukulele.
“It’s okay If you don’t want to sing! You don’t have to dance or move ether if you don’t want too, I know sometimes being playful around new people can be scary, so you can take your time! We don’t mind, do we kids?” The robot said, receiving a collective “No Mr.Sunny!” From all of you.
“Alright! Here we go!” He said, his metal fingers moving along the strings, coaxing out a happy little tune.
You and the other kids happily watched and listened to your daycare attendant play the first couple seconds of the song, the same melody repeating a couple times before he began to sing.
“I love my body from my head to my toes, I love my face— my eyes my mouth my nose!”
“I love the way I look when I look in the mirror, I stand a little closer just to see a little clearer”
“Who is that..? It’s me!”
He sang, the kids around you laughing as they tried their best to sing with him, able to predict some of his words and happily shout along. He laughed with you all, his mechanical head gently tilting side to side as he sang and played, his whole body gently swaying with the music and his favorite munchkin’s voices.
“And I am looking good as good can be..”
“So, what do I say?”
“I tell myself I love me everyday!”
It was…strange hearing those words, especially when it was about you. You had always thought, for some reason or another, that you were not good enough. That maybe, if you were different, your caretakers or friends would love you better.
Tears began to fill your eyes, sadness and joy swirling in your chest as you let them fall. Your little mind didn’t understand why you were feeling like this, the only thing you knew was that you didn’t want him to stop. You wanted to hear those words forever.
Circling back to the previous line, Sunny noticed you had stopped swaying. It didn’t take him too long to see the small tears falling down your face as you listened to the sound of his ukulele, and the kids voices singing in uncoordinated “unison”.
Slowly, sunny crouched down in front of your square, softening his strumming just a little bit to make the kids quiet down, and slowly ease the energy in the room so he could do his best to connect with you on a more personal level.
“So what do I say..?”
He sang, his voice trailing off as he waited for you to answer. Slowly, through your tears, your voice broke through.
“..I tell myself I love me everyday..”
I hope you enjoyed this one! Once again, sorry for being gone for so long!
Tags!: @boxofbadsenses @starryshipz @femalemarvelself @anima-chara @mossygremlinchild
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t-z-random · 2 years
Soooo uh...what if I updated my Sanctuary Of Nightmares fic huh? What if- what if I just did that y'know? Like I just posted the next chapter what if I-
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Soooo for the Ruin dlc,how about a ghost!child!reader who was murdered by Vanny meeting Cassie and kind of just following her around and also doing the best they can to help her with them being a ghost?
-Greek myth anon 📜
When Cassie first saw you, she thought you were part of the AR network, but you're still present even when she takes off the mask.
"Wh-Who are you?"
"[Y/n]...it's..a long story, but I kinda died here and I've been stuck haunting this place ever since."
"Oh no...did one of the Glamrocks kill you..?"
"No, but this lady in a rabbit costume did...that used to be hers." You point out the security mask, frowning. "Why do you have it?"
"I...I don't know. Some STAFF bot gave it to me. I need it to disable all the security systems."
"And..why is that?"
"I'm looking for my friend. He's trapped beneath the raceway..can you help me?" She pleads.
"....maybe, but I can't really do much from...wherever I am now." You tell her, although you agree to accompany her throughout the ruined pizzaplex.
Whenever she puts on that mask again, you feel uneasy and have to look away a lot, feeling sick to your stomach. She always apologizes, though, and takes it off as soon as she's done with her current task.
You do what you can to help her in her journey, such as temporarily possessing STAFF bots to distract the Glamrocks should they show up---yet none of them really hold up for long as they're quickly destroyed or shutdown.
It was sad, as you have watched all of them rot and decay both physically and mentally over the years...no longer being those animatronics you once adored.
Eventually you both encountered Roxy after you found a security bot in good condition to pilot, and you're stunned that she actually recognizes Cassie.
And later on, she recognizes your voice, too, and you gave her some comfort as she's deactivated by her human friend.
You could see she's torn up about it, and you also console her as she cries, clearly feeling guilty and stressed over everything.
"I-I didn't want to do it...but...I had no choice..!"
"I'm sure she understood, Cassie." You pat her back. "We have to keep going...for Gregory. And then you guys can go home and forget this horrible nightmare."
"B-But...But what about you..?" She sniffles. "Is there something keeping you here?"
"I thought it was that rabbit lady, but..I couldn't find her anywhere. And I've been here for years, stalking her until she just...disappeared one day."
While it's indeed a worrying thought, you tried pushing it into the back of your mind, assuring Cassie that your primary concerns are with her and not yourself.
Maybe your reason for being stuck here was to make sure nobody else went missing.
You could settle for that, as you didn't want anymore kids your age falling victim to Vanny or any of her horrid creations.
Cassie wasn't going to be one of them. Not on your watch.
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
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~Honkai Star Rail~ (Some of) Star crew taking care of a child reader (No pronouns used) "Dan heng has a child?!" (They/Them) "Your perfect just the way you are" (They/them)
~Welcome Home~ Yandere RF Wally with assistant reader (They/Them) RF Wally Darling with a gn!child reader (They/Them) Yandere Wally Darling with a male reader (He/Him) Yandere Wally Darling with a male reader pt2 (He/Him) Wally Darling with a merfolk reader (They/Them) Welcome Home with a child whos like nanno/tomie (They/Them) Doll!Wally darling with child reader (No pronouns used) Wally Darling with a child reader (No pronouns used)
Wally darling headcanons (again) (No pronouns used) RF Wally with gn!child who pushed someone into the grinder (They/Them)
~FNAF~ Sun and Moondrop with a sibling reader (No pronouns used) Sun and Moondrop taking care of a child reader (No pronouns used)
Random ass thought I have about Sun and Moon (No pronouns used)
SB animatronics as house pets (No pronouns used)
~Genshin Impact~ Zhongli with a child reader (They/Them) Tighnari with a little brother reader (No pronouns used) Genshin Characters with a child god of Teyvat (They/Them)
Sagau! Genshin archons being prayed to (No pronouns used)
You use them to farm for another character (No pronouns used)
Sagau with a creator thats like me (No pronouns used)
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imjustheretogetalif · 10 months
Hi, this is my first post.
Anyway, does anyone know what happened to that wattpad author that wrote security breach x child reader. Except the child was very unhinged as fuck. Just wanting to know what happened.
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grugruel · 11 months
Horrific findings, sweet nothings
A Fnaf imagine
Pairings: William Afton x f!reader
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Summary: You got a disturbing call from freddy's pizzeria. Sure that it was just a prank, you check it out yourself. What you find has you barely escaping home with your life, but somone followed you back.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: plot with smut, complicated-established relathionship, horror ish, angst, c*nnulingus, pinv sex, soft sex, c*ck warming, praise.
AN: I wanted to try something different, this became somewhat of a angsty, horror fic, hope yall like it.
Edit: This has become my favourite fic written to date.
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"I desire the things which will destroy me in the end."
- Sylvia Plath
Freddy's was a completely different building at night, I barely recognized it as I arrived.
I had gotten a horrifying call from the pizzeria. The voice was muffled and sizzled with static, almost completely frying the sound. From what I could make out, some kids had managed to get inside the diner and were being chased by a bunny suit with a knife. I hadn't called the police because Im almost certain it was a prank, but when I called the night guard, he hadn't picked up.
So I went there myself.
Nothing about the facade seemed disturbed, and all the doors were locked, strange. There was no other way inside.
I unlocked the doors and stepped in, immedietly consumed by the hostile energy that resided within. In ominous reflex, the hair at the nape of my neck bristled, like a cat wary of a threat.
The place was horrificaly eerie at night, it had its charm during the day, sure. But something always felt off, even in the daylight. And it fortified by a tenfold at night.
There was silence, but something was moving unheard through the darkness, felt but not seen. The air was stale and thick, and what little light the moon and streetlamps provided outside did not make it inside, immedietly devoured by the menacing aura surronding Freddy's Much like the way light breaks when it shines through the surface of water. The same goes here. The light breaks at the windows, illuminating only them, then fades into the depths. It just couldn't breach the tainted surface of the restaurant.
A surge of fright tickled my nerves, sending waves of goosebumps over my skin. I reached for my flashlight, turning it on, but it had little effect in here. It shone a few feet ahead of me just to be swallowed by murky shadows, nipping and chewing at the light. It was not wanted there.
Looking around, I found nothing out of the ordinary. I made my way to the security office, and shadows followed me, layering a sense of brewing danger onto the abyss around me. Silently, I thanked Steve for not wanting me as a night guard. I felt silly being scared like this since I was no longer a small child scared of the dark. But this. . . this was something else. In this moment, I feared whatever might be dwelling i side of it. Tucked away in its dark corners, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
I rounded a corner and collided with something—soft. I bounced backward, hitting the floor and losing my flashlight in the process. Sliding and spinning, it danced away from me. It took my mind a second to grasp what had happened, what I had felt. The unexpected feeling of smooth fabric in this setting puzzled me until-
My insides churned, suit. Suit was the only word that came to mind. The flashlight spun to a stop, vaguely illuminating a pair of yellow, fuzzy feet. I scrambled backward, reaching for the light in a frezy. Shaky hands restricting me, desperately trying to get ahold of it. But the fuzzy foot stomped on it, snuffing it out.
I looked up in horror as It crept forward. Hunched, it prowled. With glowing eyes, it dissected. And in its big stained hands, a bloody knife. My mouth fell open, pure terror filling me as I watched the blood drip to the floor at my feet. The shaking that had incapacitated my hands reached the rest of my body. Without the light to keep them at bay, the shadows were crawling closer, curling around my vision. Until I could see nothing more than the 7" bunny standing over me, grinning hellishly, bearing its teeth at me like a wolf before striking its pray. I screamed, and it echoed through the halls, becoming one of many others.
He would save the memory for his collection, hiding it away inside him.
My eyes welled up as I observed the bear. Tears began rolling down my cheeks when I envisioned the knife plunged deep inside me. It tilted its head as if inspecting my crying. I did not wish to see it any longer, I closed my eyes. I could not be murdered in cold blood, I could not die alone in a place with such ugly, bloodied secrets. To fall into a darkness that would trap me forever. No, I would decide my own faith, and it wouldn't be this. I collected myself to the best of my abilities and made peace with whatever god was out there.
Then, made a run for it.
I scrambeled to my feet, shoes and knees slipping on the bloodied floor, making an awful squeeking noise that sliced through my eardrums. It mixed with the beating of my heart, becoming a sumphony of terror. I ran for my life, and shadows clung to my back, clawing at my sleeves, whispering, begging me to stay, to join them, to make them company. Then the thumping of muffled metallic behind me, coming closer, but I could see the exit. I gave it all I had and suddenly I was outside, headed for my car and suddenly I was home.
Exhaustion was getting the better of me, I reached for my keys as I came upon my door. But the shadows found me once again, and I fell into a slumber, blacking out from the stress caused to my mind and body.
When I opened my eyes again, I was laying in my bed. I flew up, looking around frantically. Had It all been a dream? Did I make it inside, had I forgotten? Had I lived? I felt myself for wounds of any kind, but I was whole. A sigh of relief left me, but it wasn't over yet. I had to call Steve, and I had to warn him.
He didnt pick up, fuck! What if he had met the same fate I almost did? No, I could not think of it, he cannot leave me like this. I tried calling the police, but it didn't go through. God, what is going on–
A rough knocking pounced on my door. Something was in a hurry. My eyes widened in fear. What if it had come for me? I backed up against the wall, staring at the door in frozen horror as the knocking continued, shaking my head in denial.
"Sweetheart, it's Steve." He called out, and in relief, I rushed to the door without second thought. Opening it, without having to unlock it, and there he stood, in the dimly lit doorway, seemingly unscathed.
He rushed into my still dark home and embraced me tightly, a hand stroking my hair as he pushed my head against his chest. My eyes watered as I smiled against him, I had never felt safer. "I got a call from the pizzeria, im so glad you're safe." He whispered, and I nodded slowly, closing my eyes and drinking in his smell, cologne, dust, and? Something I could't quite put my finger on, but it didn't matter. He was alright. He left me for a second to close the door, locking it, as if a danger might be lurking outside.
"Something is wrong over there, terribly, terribly wrong." I sniffed, my eyes watering again. He took a step back to look at me, placing his finger under my chin, lifting it to make my gaze meet his. Fascinated, he studied my tear streaked face, the redness of my cheeks and wet eyes, admiring me.
Saving the memory and tucking it away safely.
"I know, I know, im sorry." He whispered and kissed my forehead, 'My darling girl, dont cry. . . Dont cry. You're alright.' He pulled me back to his chest, resting his chin on the top of my head.
Unheard, he mouthed, "I'd never hurt you." And closed his eyes, drinking in her scent. Fear, relief.
I shook my head slowly, "Kiss me, please. I beg of you." I whispered, and he nodded, obliging. Our lips met tenderly, contrasting his sometimes rougher handling. He knew it wasn't what I needed right now, so he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to my room. The motion felt stirringly familiar, how he found my room I do not know. We always spent our time at his, but I did not dwell on it, I could not. He must've carried me a dozen times at this point. Neither was my home a maze.
He carefully laid me down on my bed, stroking my cheek. His hands roamed my body, dissecting me, taking me apart and putting me back together again. He took my clothes off, and I gladly let him. He pampered me, kissing my sorrows away, peeling my panties off, spreading my legs, kissing, licking, biting at my clit and thrusting his tounge into my core, starved for the taste of me, pushing me into oblivion. I screamed and cried as I came.
These he would not remember as willfully.
He met my lips with his, lining himself up with my entrance and pushed himself inside of me, gently, thrusting passionately while whispering sweet nothings in my ear, "I love you, sweet girl" And telling me how good I am, "my good girl, just like that." As he made love to me, long and slow, intimate and up close. Real, I wanted this version of him to be real. He came inside of me, and I came shortly after. I cried more, and he kissed my tears away. "You're so pretty when you cry." he said, staying inside of me, wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled closer to him, resting my head in the crook of his neck, kissing his throat and shoulder, tasting metal and sweat. Truly, a horrific finding. I closed my eyes, begging, it must be a dream, a nightmare. It wasn't, but I chose to pretend.
He slipped out of me, standing up, and still, despite it all, I reached for him. Grabbing his wrist and pulling him back for a kiss, with a low chuckle, he kissed me back and stroked my hair. He pulled away and made his way to the bathroom, finding it with ease. He filled the bathtub with water and came back a short while later, he took my hand, kissing it as he led me in there, sitting me down in the soothing warm water, while he sat on the floor, the tub was barely big enough for two. It eased the burdened ache of my body and soul. He had turned the light off but lit candles. It was enough for me to see the dark spots covering his throat and hands, the way it speckled his unfreckled face.
"How did you know I was at the diner tonight?' I asked him, I didn't tell you." He met my eyes with a sullen expression, tears brimming in his own eyes. "How did you find my home, my bedroom, bathroom. How did I wake up inside my house?" I asked, not wanting the answer. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he smiled sweetly at me, finding no words. "Why are you covered in blood? It isn't mine. You haven't hurt me." My voice was shaky, confusion lining my words as they left my mouth, creeping upward, it settled into my features, warping my expression. I did not understand what he was or why he chose to be it.
He shook his head slowly, mystified, not certain himself. "I love the way you scream for me. . . " he whispered, ". . .So scared, so beautiful." He said, stroking my cheek lovingly, tracing my lips with his finger as another tear rolled down his cheek.
I closed my eyes for a second, desperately wishing he meant in pleasure, not pain. His words cut deeper than the knife he had held, but I smiled–a melancholic smile, for still, I loved him.
He was a monster, and we both knew it.
I looked at him again, studying his face, saving the memory, and safely storing it in my heart.
Then I slid into oblivion, submerging my whole being. The water darkened around me, swirling around my vision as the depths embraced me.
Maybe it would be better this way, I thought. I would not, and I could not leave him. This would be the only right thing for me to do, the only way this could end morally for me– But he wouldnt even let me do that, he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up above the surface, forcing air into my lungs. His selfishness would not allow me to do right by myself.
Wordlessly, he undressed and stepped into the bath with me, sliding down behind me, laying and arm around my shoulders and the other around my waist. Tightley secured my back against his chest.
He kissed the back of my head reassuringly as tears mixed with the swirls of crimson tinted water, salt, and iron waltzing around each other. It coated our bodies, soaking into our skin. At our core, this is what we would be, death and grief.
Mourning who we once were and dreading what the light would bring.
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