#fmla compliance webinars
kiranarushi · 3 months
Navigating FMLA: A Comprehensive Guide
Paid Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave are rapidly gaining traction across numerous states and localities, often imposing more extensive obligations than those required by the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). For employers with a workforce spread across multiple states, navigating these varied requirements has become increasingly complex, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will offer a comprehensive overview of the states that have enacted Paid Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave laws, highlighting their key components and what employers need to know to ensure compliance.
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eeo-1 · 3 months
"Navigating the Legal Landscape: 2024's ADA, FMLA, and Workers’ Comp Challenges"
"Join our webinar for a comprehensive exploration of the legal intricacies in 2024 surrounding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Workers’ Compensation. Delve into the latest updates and practical strategies to navigate FMLA leave entitlements, certification requirements, and employer obligations effectively. Learn how to manage the intersection of FMLA, ADA accommodations, and Workers’ Comp claims, addressing common challenges with real-world insights. Whether you're an HR professional, legal practitioner, or employer, gain valuable knowledge to ensure compliance and foster a supportive workplace environment. Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and prepared. Register now!"
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supremetrainer · 3 years
Most HR and Benefits professionals would likely agree that when it comes to managing sick leave situations, it’s easier said than done. There seem to be obstacles every step of the way from establishing reduced work schedules, requesting physician certifications, and getting second opinions to recordkeeping, deciding whether to use the calendar year method or rolling twelve-month method for calculating the amount of leave available and all the steps in-between.  
Legislation such as the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act  and the newly-enacted American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) represent significant challenges for HR and benefits professionals, and one that, if not done correctly, invites employee abuse and potential legal liability for employers.
Provisions of the Family & Medical Leave Act and the Families First Corona Virus Response Act (FFCRA)
Provisions of the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA) under FFCRA
The American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARPA) – expanding and extending provisions of EPSLA and EFMLEA
Changes to the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program (PEUC), the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Plan (PUA) and the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Act (FPUC)
The Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation (MEUC), COBRA subsidies, Employee Retention credits, and Voluntary Paid Leave Programs under ARPA
Updated FMLA forms
Why You Should Attend:
Are you familiar with the ins and outs of the FMLA, FFCRA and now the ARPA?  Does your organization have a thorough policy in place that covers all of the situations you might face in administering those 3 pieces of legislation?
Don’t get caught unprepared. Your organization could end up in a tangled legal web of non-compliance if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of those pieces of legislation. Participants will gain a better understanding of the FMLA, FFCRA and the ARPA and learn how to eliminate confusion.  Join us for this informative and insightful webinar that will assist you in minimizing the risks to your organization associated with sick and paid leave regulations.
Who Should Attend:
Senior leadership
Human Resources Professionals
Operations Professionals
Compensation Professionals
Managers & Supervisors
Team/Project Leaders
During the Q&A session following the live event, ask a question, and get a direct response from our expert speaker.
Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 365 days ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)
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Payroll Deduction – Mandatory Taxes, Courtesy Taxes and much more
"Payroll Deduction - Which Taxes are Mandatory, Which are a Courtesy"
In payroll we calculate the gross wages of an employee by meticulously following strict regulations on what must be or must not be counted as hours worked and taxable income. We pay the employee their net paycheck only by the payment method that is permitted.
Of course everyone knows that payroll deducts for federal and state taxes. However, how much input does the employee have concerning these deductions? This will be answered in this webinar. Which taxes are mandatory, if the IRS or the state wants payroll to collect for back taxes; how is that processed? What does payroll do if a “payday loan” deduction is received as opposed to a creditor garnishment? Which ones must we honor and why. We will discuss this during this webinar.
In this webinar expert speaker Vicki M. Lambert, will be answered which taxes are mandatory, which are a courtesy and which ones the employee controls will be explained during this webinar. If the IRS or the state wants payroll to collect for back taxes; how is that processed?
Session Highlights:
Taxes—which are mandatory, which are a courtesy, and which ones the employee controls
Tax levies—federal and state
Creditor garnishments—how many can you honor and how often
Voluntary wage assignments for “payday loans”—when are they required to be honored
Handling fringe benefits such as health insurance or group term life
Uniforms—when the employer pays for it and when the employee furnishes it
Meals—when they become part of the employee’s wages
Shortages—the employee came up short so they have to cover that right?
Breakage—you broke it so you have to pay for it, legal or not
Overpayments—the employee was overpaid so you can just take the money back or can you?
Advanced vacation pay—the employee knows the vacation hours were advanced so we can take them back when the employee quits can’t we?
Loans to employees: what terms can be set while the employee is still active and what can be taken when the employee terminates
Employee purchases—active employees and terminated employees
Why You Should Attend:
In this webinar, Speaker will discuss what can and what cannot be deducted from an employee’s regular paycheck as well as their final one. Failure to follow the regulations pertaining to employee wage deductions can result in substantial penalties and interest. How to process voluntary and involuntary health insurance deductions. You will come to know about deductions on basis of uniforms and meals/lodging, etc.
Who Should Attend:
Payroll Professionals
Human Resources
Accounting Personnel
Business Owners
Attorneys, or any individual or entity that must deal with the complexities and technicalities of ensuring compliance within the payroll process
Ask your question directly from our expert during the Q&A session following the live event.
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concordeducations · 2 years
FMLA Step by Step Compliance
Although the Family Medical leave Act (FMLA)was enacted 18 years (1993) ago the workplace still has problems complying with its requirements. Sometimes that required compliance is ignored because either the employer or the employee is not aware of their obligations, rights, or both. This webinar is designed to make that compliance easier to understand regardless of if it is a first line supervisor, manager or leave/benefits administrator or the employee.
Why Should You Attend
It’s been said that “ignorance of the law is no excuse” and that “What you don’t know can hurt you.” This was never truer than with the FMLA. That’s because it is unlawful for an employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to exercise any rights provided by FMLA. It is also unlawful for an employer to discharge or discriminate against any individual for opposing any practice, or because of involvement in any proceeding related to FMLA. So, all the more reason to become as knowledgeable as possible regarding one’s FMLA compliance obligations to avoid any legal complications. Do all first line supervisors, managers, or other staff including the employees know what to do when an FMLA issue comes up? Have they been given a road map that clearly gives them the step-by-step guidance they need to steer their way to compliance? This webinar is designed to fill such gaps so all can navigate these tricky compliance waters.
Areas Covered in the Session Participants will have an increased understanding of and be better able to assist in the areas of
» Identifying covered employers » General notice requirements » Employee’s obligation to provide notice. » Employee eligibility » Rights and responsibilities notice. » Qualifying reasons for FMLA leave. » The certification processes. » Military Family Leave » Employer’s designation notice » Rules for scheduling and taking FMLA leave. » Calculating FMLA leave » Substitution of paid leave » Maintenance of benefits » Restoration of employee/Right to Return to Work » Record keeping requirements. » Interaction with other Federal and State Laws and Employee Policies.
Who Will Benefit » All level managers, supervisors, and executives. All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel. All levels of Union representation and officers (stewards, Business Representatives, Business Managers, Presidents, and all officers/ board members). All levels of Human Resources and especially benefits and leaves areas/administrators. To Register (or) for more details please click on this below link: https://bit.ly/3yY5hQZ Email: [email protected] Tel: (989)341-8773
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sarikadutta00 · 3 years
Webinar on FMLA Compliance Checklist for 2022
Attend this webinar to learn about the FMLA compliance checklist for 2022. Learn about the tips for drafting a legally compliant FMLA policy.
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alkaayadav · 3 years
Attend this webinar to learn about the FMLA Compliance Checklist for 2021-22. Learn the step-by-step checklist to ensure FMLA compliance and FMLA's new opinion letter.
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stevenbennett · 3 years
Webinar -"Best Practices For HR Recordkeeping Requirements: The Question Is To Keep OR Not To Keep"
Live Webinar: Best Practices For HR Record keeping Requirements: The Question Is To Keep OR Not To Keep  When: Monday September  27, 2021 - 01:00 PM Duration: 60 Minutes.
Register Now      
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As an HR professional, you know that the sheer volume of paperwork that you contend with is overwhelming at best and uncontrollable at worst. And if just one important document is misplaced, misfiled, or unintentionally destroyed, your company could end up on the wrong side of a lawsuit. And you’re the one who will have to explain what happened. Keeping all the laws and recordkeeping requirements straight can seem like a full-time HR job.  All HR functions have federal recordkeeping requirements – from recruitment and selection to hiring and onboarding, to compensation and benefits, to employee relations (policy administration and disciplinary actions) and training.   This webinar will guide you through those requirements so you understand how to ensure compliance and understand the consequences of noncompliance.  The webinar will also outline record retention requirements and notification requirements for several federal laws. Areas Covered in the Session: An introduction highlighting the importance of records and notices and discussion on retention, storage, and destruction of records Understanding of the new reporting requirements and compliance schedule. Record retention systems that work best for compliance with changing requirements Understand notice requirements to be aware of what notices need to be posted and how to post them in compliance with the laws Case studies on documentation How to use documentation to prove FLSA exemptions Documents and notification for FMLA and ADA leave
Register soon because space is limited.
We hope you’re able to join us!
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compliancekey · 5 years
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The Complexity and Interplay Among ADAAA, FMLA, and Worker's Comp (WC) - How Do They Work Together, or Not?
Challenges - It's confusing, isn't it? How are we supposed to keep it all straight when there are times when the legal requirements of both Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the American Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA) are similar, yet at other times one law contradicts another? We find that we can't comply with both laws at the same time, so which one takes precedence over the other. And where does WC come in? To complicate matters even more, WC is a state law, while FMLA and ADAAA are federal laws, and there are other state civil rights laws that also impact FMLA and the ADAAA. Consider that an injury under WC may also be a "serious health condition" under FMLA. State laws may differ from federal laws by covering additional health conditions, may apply to small organizations, or may cover situations in which the federal laws have no say such as domestic abuse. As HR, we have the responsibility of sifting through these laws to ensure that we comply with each law that provides the best benefit to our employees. These laws provide entitlements to our employees which means they are not considered an optional benefit. So, even if you fail to apply the law to your employee, they can claim protection anyway. For example, if you fail to provide appropriate leave under FMLA, that does not remove the employees right to job-protected leave. The ultimate goal of all three laws is to assist the employee to return to work.
Speaker Profile:
Susan is Keynote Speaker at ComplianceKey. She has worked as a registered nurse (RN) in a variety of nursing specialties. She has also been the director of healthcare quality improvement, director of education and development, and held other healthcare leadership roles. One of Dr. Strauss's areas of expertise is with bullying and harassment in healthcare- working as an expert witness for lawsuits, training, and conducting investigations. She researched physician abuse to RNs in the OR to determine if the abuse varied based on the gender of the nurse.
Register: https://www.compliancekey.us/webinarDetails?industryId=3&webinarid=1405&speakerid=68
Contact Info:
Compliance Key
Visit: https://www.compliancekey.us/upcoming-webinar
Phone: +1 717-208-8666
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williamcsanchez · 6 years
Affiliate Webinar: Taming the Paper Monster – Make the Shift to Electronic Records
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Do you have dusty rooms crammed with personnel files and company records? How much are you spending to store paper documents offsite? Are you aware of the liability risks of keeping those documents in paper format and not shredding them?
It’s time to stop living in the paper past.
Electronic records management isn’t a sexy topic, but it’s hitting HR departments hard these days as organizations seek to reduce costs, ensure compliance and reduce their facility footprints.
Register for the Business Management Daily webinar to learn how to leverage technology to manage your employment and company records. You’ll discover the practical steps to prepare for (and execute) the migration from paper to electronic records – or to improve your current migration.
Topic: Taming the Paper Monster – Make the Shift to Electronic Records
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Time: 1 p.m. EDT, 12 p.m. CDT,  10 a.m. PDT
During this session, you’ll discover:
A systematic approach to paper removal – identification, destruction, compliance, and workflows.
Strategies for dealing with sensitive data (FMLA, WC, STD, LTD, ADA, HIPAA and OSHA).
Navigating the “electronic shred” process successfully and legally.
Appropriate methods of destroying documents after satisfying retention and disposition schedules.
A better understanding of what a migration to electronic records management entails.
The importance of strategic thinking about your records – and how it relates to long-term success.
A toolkit of resources to help manage this process – industry software, retention schedules, and best practices for purging/retention.
Get a first-hand look at the intricacies of a project this size – retention schedules, sensitive documents, workflows, and document security – through the advice of a university records officer who successfully went through this process (and shredded more than a million pieces of stored paper!).
Your organization can’t afford to ignore this issue anymore. And these are the type of strategic projects that get you noticed – and get you promoted! Click here to register now!
from All Things Admin https://ift.tt/2ym340M
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eeo-1 · 3 months
"2024 Legal Crossroads: ADA, FMLA, and Workers’ Comp Challenges Demystified"
Step into the future of legal compliance with our webinar, "2024 Legal Crossroads: ADA, FMLA, and Workers’ Comp Challenges Demystified". Join us as we unravel the complexities of navigating the dynamic legal landscape surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and Workers’ Compensation. Our expert panel will provide invaluable insights, practical strategies, and best practices to empower you in addressing the intricate intersection of these crucial legal frameworks. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and ensure compliance in 2024 and beyond. Register now to secure your spot!
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yesusefullstuff · 6 years
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Webinar: How to Handle Workers Compensation Claims
The interaction of the FMLA, ADA and Workers Compensation laws is known by many employers as the “Bermuda Triangle”. It can also be akin to a “Tsunami” ready to happen. It is crucial that employers ensure compliance with these laws as a violation can result in significant damages such as wages, back pay, reinstatement, retroactive benefits, compensatory damages and punitive damages. The best way to handle Workers Compensation Claims laws is to know when each law is implicated and exactly what each one requires.
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The Impact of New FSVP & Third Party Accreditation Rules on Your Food Business
The wait for final FSMA Rules is quickly ending and the implementation periods have begun. On November 10, 2015 the FDA published the final rules for the Foreign Supplier Verification (FSVP) and Third Party Accreditation programs and is now preparing guidance documents that extend the requirements previously published under the final rules for cGMP, Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human and Animal Food. Most businesses have less than one year for full implement compliance implementation. 
Since the final FSVP and 3rd Party Accreditation rules rely heavily on new rules for HARPC, Environmental Monitoring, Validation and Validation of Preventive Controls. In this webinar expert speaker John Ryan will review earlier final rules and he summarize the final FSVP and 3rd Party Accreditation rules. It is critical to begin to understand how the FDA has interwoven the FSMA  into more of a compact and focused set of rules than proposed rules might have led us to believe. 
The FDA FSMA rules are based on the ideas that risk can be reduced through preventive approaches not widely understood or followed in the food industry. Regardless of your ability to understand these new rules, the implementation period has begun. The waiting period is over. Session Highlights: Understand how the new rules will impact your business Learn how to improve control over suppliers Review basic rule requirements Prepare your business to comply with changing food safety and quality standards and audits Find out who is exempted Evaluate Food Risk and Supplier Performance Subpart G – Supply-Chain Program Validation of Preventive Controls Environmental Monitoring Requirements Hazard Analysis Review Requirements for Accreditation and Certification Bodies Begin to bring your internal food safety systems up to date Understand FSVP and 3rd Party Accreditation reporting requirements so you can protect your company. Know about conflict of interest between your company and 3rd Party Bodies Why You Should Attend: The implications of these newly published FSMA rules go far beyond what their titles imply. Based on FDA recommendations, we are presenting this critical session so that domestic and food importers and exporters can begin to protect themselves. More importantly, the Third Party Accreditation Rules need to be understood by all food industry personnel because earlier established food safety standards and audits will be changing to accommodate the new rules. Who Should Attend: Food producers, shippers, carriers and processors Food Safety Certified Auditors Food company CEOs, VP and Director Level Personnel Internal Food Safety and Quality Team Members Food Testing labs and Quality Personnel cGMP Specialists Operations personnel Ask your question directly from our expert during the Q&A session following the live event.
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concordeducations · 2 years
FMLA - Simplifying the Most Complicated Employment Law Ever Passed
The Family and Medical Leave Act is probably THE most complex piece of federal employment legislation ever passed.
Trying to administer FMLA creates many questions. The first two questions are,
“What type of leave is being requested?” and “What documentation do I need?”
Then the question is: What is the FMLA request for:
» Birth of a child? » Adoption of a child? » A block of time? » Intermittent? » Reduced Schedule? » Episodic Illness? » Chronic Illness? » Qualified Exigency? » Military Relative Wounded in Action? » For the Employee? » Employee’s Spouse? » Employee’s Child? » Employee’s Parent? » Is it a workers comp injury? » Is it a “Key” employee? » Do I need a letter for each situation?
Why Should You Attend
» FMLA is very complicated. Everyone needs an update on how to comply. » Make a mistake and go to court - Not a good way to take care of your employees or your employer. Make sure you know what to do. » Most managers do not understand FMLA, this webinar will give you tips on how to communicate with your peers on the nuances of FMLA.
Areas Covered in the Session » A Summary of the Family and Medical Leave Act » FMLA Communication Requirements » How to handle requests for FMLA » Is it necessary for an employee to request FMLA? » How to track FMLA and stay in touch with employees on leave » The proper documentation you need exceed the minimum compliance standards » The difference between all of the various reasons for FMLA and how to handle each. » Tips to ensure receipt the documentation you need. » Using electronic recordkeeping and reminders » What to do if the employee cannot come back to work after their FMLA expires.
Who Will Benefit Any and all employers with 50 or more employees in a 75 miles radius. » Human Resources Professionals » Employees required to manage employee leaves » Payroll administrators » Individuals responsible for maintaining personnel files To Register (or) for more details please click on this below link: https://bit.ly/3PhCCvK Email: [email protected] Tel: (989)341-8773
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eventsget-blog · 8 years
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eeo-1 · 4 months
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Explore the evolving legal terrain in our webinar, "Adapting to Legal Dynamics: ADA, FMLA, and Workers’ Comp Challenges in 2024". Delve into the latest updates and shifts impacting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and Workers’ Compensation landscape. Our seasoned experts will dissect key trends, offer proactive strategies, and equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate these legal crossroads effectively. Gain invaluable insights to ensure compliance and mitigate risks in the dynamic legal environment of 2024. Secure your spot today to stay abreast of legal changes and adapt seamlessly to the evolving legal dynamics.
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