mewnia · 18 days
How many cats do you have? And can we see them?!?!?!
I currently have two! Lemme show you pictures :3c
Here’s Ninja, 15, I love him very much he is my son <3 He’s getting older, so he’s slower and not as playful as he used to be. But he’s still such a sweetie and gets plenty of hugs!
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And then here’s Poppy, she’s 3 now! She’s very rambunctious, constantly being called a gremlin. She also doesn’t have a full grasp on what gravity is..
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I love them both very much. While Ninja was definitely intended to be mine, Poppy has made it clear she likes me a lot more than the others living in my house, so I have two kids <3 Hey, I’m not complaining.
Honorable mentions go to Tommy (16, Dec 17, 2019) and Tigersocks (18, April 11, 2022) who were previous cats we had and were present throughout most of my life. Tommy (the ginger) was a big sweetie pie and a major attention stealer, and Tigersocks (the tabby) was a little skittish but the perfect lap cat you could have a conversation with. I miss them a lot!
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I LOVE MY CATS they are the loves of my life and I will always happily talk about them when someone asks!!
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mar-iiposa · 1 year
prompt: the boys find out that their s/o snorts when they laugh
tag(s)/warnings: GN reader, suggestive comments/themes/jokes, vv fluffy
requests: open
authors note at the end for readers!! stay tuned :D
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he’s trimming his bonsai (you know how much he treasures them)
he’s slightly humming “boy’s a liar too
you’re reading a book whilst in the dojo
the dojo is quiet except for the calculated snips
you decided to save the next chapter of your book for later, so you quietly go on your phone
until you see a cute couples date idea on your ‘for you’ page
“hey, leo?”
you didn’t expect your voice to come off as wayy louder than intended
and neither did your boyfriend
the blue-masked ninja jumps at the unexpected noise
so much so that he knocks his bonsai over
his heart stops and he swiftly dove to the floor and scrambled to juggle the plant before finally catching it
he wipes his forehead and breathes a loud sigh of relief
however, you’re laughing your literal ass off
never have you seen him so visibly stressed
you were convinced he was gonna have a heart attack
hunched over and gripping your own sides, you’re hollering
and out comes snorts while you laugh
but as soon as you realize you’re snorting, you put a hand to your mouth
as you blink in embarrassment and security,
leo smiles over at you in adoration
with those criminal cute dimples too
“what was tha-?”
“you heard nothing.”
“babe, I know what I heard.”
you look away in pure embarrassment, heavily avoiding eye contact
“I know it’s weird-“
he’s now visibly confused
like wtf??? wdym ‘weird’??
he thought, if anything, that he’s the weird one
considering he’s a mutant turtle
“how is that gorgeous laugh weird?”
you’re about to respond when you pause
your cheeks grow warm
“you heard me.”
and he’s giving you that little coy yet sincere smile of his
“you should laugh like that more often, princess.”
your jaw has dropped
he takes a few steps towards you
and he gently holds your chin, lifting it so that you look up at him
eye contact (l o r d)
“I like that raw beauty.”
you sink into your seat, oh my god
he chuckles softly and pecks your lips with a kiss before walking out of the dojo
you’re stunned.
and why are you turned on-
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so we all know raph
and he is the biggest “gym rat”
( no offense to master splinter )
and you guys know those squats that you do with weights???
yeah, well, raph wanted to try those out today
and so he did
but it didn’t go by unnoticed
you were spotting raph (gym term) when mikey passed by
and my god, does mikey always have something to say
right as raph was mid-squat
“nice ass-popping, raph”
in tears laughing
mikey instantly fled from the scene
the look on raphael’s face just made it so much better
and so did it make you laugh much harder
thus, you began to laugh your “real laugh”
snort after snort surrounded your laughter
uncontrollably snort-laughing
“ya got the hiccups there?”
and just as quickly as he mentioned it, you were just as quick to stop it
you stood from your seat and your brows furrowed together
he knew that look
that was when he knew he was screwed
and off you went, grabbing your things and ready to head up go the surface and back home for the night
he strides after you, reaching out for your arm
but you pull it back before he can get the chance
“babe, what’s wro-“
you stop briefly outside of the lair’s entrance, tears pricking at your eyes
you feel the droplets on your lashes, and you can’t look at him
so, he stands in front of you
and his heart stings
“I feel like a pig,” you cough slightly as you begin to cry
raph’s expression instantly softens
“baby… yer speakin’ nonsense.”
he gently takes your hand in his big, rough and calloused one
“everyone always says that when they hear my real laugh.”
your pout quivers as your lips do so, your shoulders shaking slightly as you cry
you move to cover your mouth and half of your face with your other hand as you cry
but he stops you
and he carefully places it on his cheek
and his left hand rests on your cheek too
“I love ev’rythin’ about ya. sweet cheeks, look at me.”
your gaze flickers to meet his amber eyes
“you could have a million laughs… but this one right here? jesus, that one’s my favorite. now that’s for sure.”
you get on your toes and desperately hug your much-taller boyfriend
now this is one of the reasons he’s the love of your life
“I love you, raphie.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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that’s it
he’s convinced you are 110% his soulmate
and here he thought that he had the worst and dorkiest laugh
this snort-laugh of yours occurred when donnie had accidentally taken a sip of scorchingly-hot coffee
he was sleep deprived
thus, he forgot how hot coffee could be
directly after pouring it
and you weren’t quick enough to stop him
so you snort laugh, stomping a little as you throw your head back in your chair
he used to hate his own laugh that involved tons of snorting sounds
but now you’ve effortlessly convinced him that it’s the best laugh in the entire universe
“what was that?”
donnie’s got the biggest and most goofiest grin on his face
“I can explain-“
his grin expands
“yeah, huh? give me another demonstration, darling.”
you shake your head in disagreement
just as you open your mouth to further reply, he continues
“oh, I bet I can out-snort you, jellybean.”
a wicked grin plastered on his face
and a mirroring grin begins to grow on yours too
“how much are we talkin’?”
“un-licked poptarts.”
“annddd I’ll have to be out of the lab for a week.”
this dude was serious
“deal. pleasure doing business with you, an-“
“nuh uh, no stalling. let’s hear it, you first.”
donnie gestured towards you to start off the competition
you give a purposely-snarky little laugh, snorting near the end
your boyfriend gives a nod of approval
“very cute, might be hard to beat.”
then he gives it a go
“such a rookie”
he shoots such a devastatingly-cute yet playful grin over at you
he then cracks his knuckles
“game on.”
and so now this just sparks your competitive side
you two spend the next 15 minutes just going back and forth
and those passing by right outside of the lab are so confused
“what the hell’s going on in there-”
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thank god he’s a comedian
you’ve giggled countless times around mikey and towards his jokes
he’s a funny one
indefinitely getting giggles and chuckles straight out of you
but your actual laugh???
it had yet to be unleashed
until today
your boyfriend’s trying to show you how to get creative with your art
lately, you’ve been out of the zone
and who better than than the master of creativity himself to help you out of your art block?
so here you are in the sewers, spray painting on the walls
“angelcakes, you’re too stiff! you gotta relax, chillll”
“but I’m trying!”
he moves to stand directly behind you, covering your eyes with the tails of his mask, his hands over them as well
“what’re you doing?”
“just spray with your eyes closed and move, babes.”
you inhale and then exhale
with a few movements here and there, you decide to start off small until you could hopefully gain inspiration from there
instead, all you got was a surprise
apparently, you accidentally drew one
mikey yelped, falling to the floor as he banged his fist against it in fits of laughter
he had the humor of a middle-school boy
and so did you
top tier comedy imo
you kneeled down to the floor beside him
clapping your hands, you feel yourself losing control of your body
and that accounts and goes for your laugh too
least expecting it, you begin to snort as you uncontrollably laugh
some squeals in there too as you try to regain your composure
he laughs harder, pointing at you
you nearly feel the insecurity start to seep in
that is until you hear him go “awee!”
and your heart melts
but not as much as his has
“you like my snorting??”
“who wouldn’t?! it’s the cuuutest thing ever, baby!”
you swore that you fell deeper in love with this man
you both just sit there in those sewers
laughing over an accidental penis drawing
and continuing to laugh like a couple of fools
lovesick fools
author’s note: hello, everyone!! glad to be back! I’ve been on hiatus recently, but I hope to be more active and produce more fanfics and headcanons for you guys :) I am currently open to requests, so please send them my way! and don’t limit yourself, you can send as manyyyy requests as you want!! please leave comments and stuff, they fuel my motivation and validation tbh 🫶 thank you for reading, thrilled to be back!!
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honeybeedrabble · 9 months
Kinktober Day 10: Cheating - Sasuke x AFAB!Reader
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CW: Sasuke x AFAB!reader, cheating sasuke, guilt, sex pollen venom, dubcon (maybe ??), unprotected piv (don’t be stupid), multiple creampie (again don’t be stupid), oral (m receiving), overstimulation, rough sex at the end, breast play, improper use of genjutsu, mention of pricking reader with kunai to release genjutsu, lmg what i missed !!
18+ MDNI
You and Sasuke were sent out on a mission to capture a rogue ninja from just beyond the hidden leaf. There were sighting of her in the land of fire, so you two were scouted out for days, searching for the genjustsu user. Finally you two had tracked her location- more specifically you did. Sasuke had left you alone for only a few minutes when you were ambushed. The woman appeared out of nowhere throwing a kunai at you, which you were able to dodge.
“Thank god that pretty boy left you alone, I was nervous I wouldn’t get the chance to fight you!” She sneered. You lunged, weaving fire style hand signs- something you were told she was weak against. She gasped, getting struck by the small embers that emanated from your attack.
The genjustsu user was quick on offense, spraying a water style attack to combat your first move. Steam surrounded you, and you were alert, ready for her to pop out at any moment for whatever she had left. You could sense the enemy’s chakra behind you and when you turned around she sprang out. She was quick, but no match for your reflexes.
You grabbed her by the arm and threw her down to the ground, she crashed into the dirt with a grunt.
“SHIT!” She gritted through her teeth. You were about to land the finishing blow when suddenly you felt a vine creeping up your leg.
“W-What?!” You were shocked, rose vines growing from nowhere and tying you up, the thorns piercing your skin and where they had punctured you, you felt a burning sensation, far beyond just a simple wound.
“Earth style- roses temptation genjustsu!” She exclaimed. You fell back, the thorns creeping up higher and higher up your thighs. You felt your core tighten and your body temperature raise. You were starting to sweat, a painful arousal stirring in your loins almost immediately.
You heard you name being shouted from beyond the tree line. The genjustsu user swore, before making a break for it. You saw your comerade rushing into the scene, watching you writhe in lustful agony.
“What did she do? How did she hurt you?” Sasuke asked, kneeling down worried at your side. He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and you felt electricity through your veins from the simple touch.
“Ngh- AH!” You moaned loud. “S…She said it was a genjustsu…” You were able to make out. Sasuke grabbed a kunai from his side pouch, slicing the growing vines off of you and pricking you with the sharp tip to try and break the genjustsu. You let out another moan, thighs clamping together tightly. Sasukes eyes widened, he swallowed deeply, you watched mesmerized as his adams apple bobbed up and down before he licked his lips.
“It… It’s not working. It hasn’t broken…” You whimpered, feeling a drop of arousal coat the inside of your panties. The sensation alone was enough to have you arching your back. “S-Sasuke…” You gasped, writhing in the fluffy grass.
“I-I don’t know what to do… Ive never seen… this kind of genjustsu before!” His face was red, and he clutched the kunai tightly. “I’m going to find her and force her to break it-“
“No! D-Don’t you dare leave m-me like this…” You said with fear. “Sasuke I need your help… P-please. It hurts…” Tears ran down your eyes, your hand rested on your breast as you played with it to release some tension. You moaned, biting your lip and looking up at the Uchiha man through your eyelashes.
Sasuke couldn’t deny he was at least slightly aroused by your lewd display, begging him for “help” which he knew meant was to fuck you. He watched you cry and thrash against the ground, your face red with embarrassment while you were at your most desperate with carnal desires. His comerade was in trouble- how could he deny her the help she needed?! Especially when you’re in oh so much pain… The guilt sat heavy on his mind, needing to fuck his partner while his wife was at home worried about his well being.
Before he could make up his mind you got up and pounced on him, bringing him to the ground. He gasped, feeling you grind against his erection between both your layers. You moaned, the feeling of his hard member against your pained clit was a relief like no other. Watching his face redden while you were on top of him only turned you on more. He let out soft sounds, his hand resting on your waist as you rolled your hips into him.
“Ngh- i-it’s just a genjustu. It’s all in your head, you have to fight it!” Sasuke stammered, although his hips rutting back against you was telling a different story.
Pins and needles were all over your body, your cunt was aching to be filled by him- you needed to feel the stretch of cock on a carnal level, tearing at his shirt, crying through the pain of your animalistic craving.
“It’s doesn’t feel like one…” you huff, his shirt coming off and revealing his muscular abs. Sasuke sat up, his hand coming off of your waist and tangling in your hair.
“You… we… need to fight it…” he said softly, face inches away from yours.
“I can’t think straight Sasuke… I need you.” You closed the gap, lips crashing into his own. He didn’t follow his own advice, tanging his tongue with yours the second he was able to slip past your lips.
You pulled your shorts off, then reached for his pants and unbuttoned them, zipping his zipper down and tugging his boxers waistband to the side. His cock sprung loose, his angry red tip lathered with precum. You bent down and shoved him down your throat, he grunted, pulling your hair.
You shoved him down the back of your throat, playing with your cunt from outside your panties. You felt your slick seep through, making your fingers slippery. You used that hand to fondle his balls, starved for his cum.
“Ngh- ahh- shit. It’s t-too much… I… I can’t…” He whimpered, shooting a fat load into your mouth. You gratefully swallowed, playing with your pained pussy to release the tension. The heavenly taste of his salty spend on your tongue was enough to have you seeing stars, plunging your index and middle finger into your weary hole, pulsing around your fingers.
You kept sucking, his legs twitching as you sucked him dry and then some. His eyes began to water, moaning your name to you in the forest. His mind was racing, thinking about Sakura, wishing she had this kind of a mouth on her. He felt awful, drooling over the feeling of your sloppy sucking and comparing it to that of his wife. He felt even worse, knowing yours was better.
“I- oh fuck,” He stammered, eyes threatening to roll back. “I-Is that it? Is it over?” He asked, pulling you off his dick, watching you lick your lips. You shook your head.
“It’s worse now,” you blubbered, face red. Your eyes were still full of tears, a pained expression on your face. Sasuke wanted to help you- really- but he felt awful at the idea of fucking you.
“I know, I know. I’ll do the work, just please Sasuke! My fingers can’t get the job done, it’s hell! My skin feels like it’s burning.” You threw your compression shirt off, tits spilling out. His eyes were fixed on them, you felt his cock harden underneath you again.
“Make it quick…” he muttered, licking his lips.
You quickly mounted him, stuffing his girthy cock into your sopping hole, moaning loudly as you took him balls deep. Sasuke grunted, ashamed of his reactions as he twitched inside of you. You rocked back and forth on him, clit brushing up against his dark hair and your jaw hung loose as you coated his loins with your arousal.
Sasuke stifled a moan, watching your tits bounce up and down as you rode him. He attached his lips to your hard nipple and you cried, pushing his head deeper into your breasts. He licked at your tits, silencing his groans into your chest, embarrassed he was so sensitive from a woman who wasn’t even his wife.
“FUCK! Y-yes sasuke! M-More!” You yelped, feeling your core tighten as your thighs shook.
You came desperately, choking his shaft with your velvety walls as you leaked on his lap. Sasuke moaned, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead while you pumped yourself on him, using his hard cock like he were a simple toy. It was too much for him, he shot hot spurts of cum deep inside of you, your toes curled and you clamped you eyes shut, feeling the euphoria from being so unbelievably stuffed.
It was so perplexing, never had Sasuke been fucked so desperately, this type of sexual energy he wasn’t used to and all he could do was curse himself for enjoying it so much.
He panted, falling back, hitting the ground with his spine as he waited for you to get off of him. But you didn’t. You sat on his cock, breathing heavily with your hands splayed on his chest. While you felt slightly better, you were still at the mercy of your arousal. Sasukes eyes shot open as you slowly started bobbing up and down his shaft again.
“W-What? That’s not enough?” He asked shocked, brows furrowed as your hips rose and fell back against him.
Your eyes were still red, face scrunched into a tortured grimace, teeth gritting as you kept at it.
“N-Not even close.” He let out a whimper, biting his lower lip as he watched his sticky cum leak out of you and stick to where your sexes met, stretching into a stringy mess when you came off, just to pool again when you came down on him.
He threw his head back, hips thrusting into you against his will, diving his overstimulated cock into your tight, wet cunt, bottoming out with a shudder each time his tip hit your hilt. He grabbed one of your tits, thumb rolling over your nipple eliciting a growl from deep within your gut.
You threw your hands on the ground, one on each side of his head. You began to ride him faster, sounds of moans and the slapping from your wet skin on eachother filling the woods. He cried out your name panicked.
“Please! I cant… oh god…” Sasukea legs twitched, hips hitting the grass as he lost his energy.
“Sasuke, m’so sorry,” you mewled. “I’ll be good, just let me do this.” The stretch of his cock nestled deep inside of you felt too good to be true, scratching the itch deep inside of you.
“Soooo…. g-good…” He moaned, regretting his words. This was wrong… he knew it was. Balls deep in his sexy comerade, Sakura had no idea. The worst position to be in, yet the best position to lay down and take some wet pussy after a lengthy mission.
“F-Fuck!” You cried, ripping out a few blades of grass while your assed bounced on his cock with fervor. Soon enough you were a moaning mess, cumming around his member with passion. Sasuke thrashed, feeling you tense around him again. He was so tired, he couldn’t cum again, but the scene was so erotic he felt like he would’ve right then and there if it wasn’t for your appetite.
The burning was back and you screamed, tired of the poison that was seeping through your veins, the poison that made you a cock crazed lunatic. Sasuke was tired too, more so than you. He knew whenever he fucked Sakura next that he would be thinking of this- thinking of you. In the heat of the moment, watching your fucked out face produce a gut wrenching scream he decided that if this moment would fuck up his life forever, he would make it worth it.
Sasuke quickly got up, throwing you to the ground with this powerful arm and grabbed your hip with it. Your eyes widened, watching him lower his pants further before grabbing his cock and parting you in two with his smooth tip. You yelped, scratching his back as he finally gave you the sensation you needed.
“Ngh- GOD YES!” You cried, his dick was pumping in and out of you with an almost violent vigor. He fucked you the way he wouldn’t treat his wife, grabbing your tits and slapping them while he pummeled you. It felt amazing, you propped your head up, watching how his cock disappeared inside of you, only to bulge in your stomach the moment he reached your hilt.
“Fuck- So fucking good….” It came out as a whimper, then an animalistic groan when you threw your hips into his, meeting him whenever he thrusted inside of you.
“Thank you Sasuke, your cock s’fucking good,” tears rolled down your face again and he smirked, licking them off your face before spurting another load inside of you with a throaty groan.
Finally the pain was over, you laid there a fucked out mess unable to think straight- unable to think about the mission. Sasuke buttoned his pants and sat there next to your shirtless with his head in his hand.
“Shit…” He sighed. “Let’s promise to keep this out of the mission report, okay?”
Tag list: @fuckmachine42069 @pasdasin @alien-girl-violet
Next: Day 11 - Pet Play - Kiba X Reader
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senseifupa · 19 days
Family Day
  You’ve turned a house into a home and a home into a sanctuary for Choso. He never thought he’d be given the gift of parenthood or love, so he wants to say thank you on an important anniversary.
Sfw, cute Papa Choso x reader. Fluffy, cutesy, teeth-aching sweetness. Reader called Mama but mostly gn.
a/n: I’ve been watching turtles go into the ocean after hatching, and now I’m here. Idk how I got here but we are here so let’s smile about it 😭
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Weekends were meant to rejuvenate and catch up on the hobbies you neglect during the week. Waking up just in time for brunch and pajamas all day until time to get out of the enclosure.
Weekends for Choso were meant to play battle ninja princess and make pasta because his daughters wanted it for literally any meal when you weren’t around to say otherwise. He cherished the busy days as much as the calm ones. Running across town to toy stores and the bakery was his rejuvenation today.
“Mama would want the sprinkles!”
“Yea! Sprinkles! With the cereal, too, papa!”
“Make it five!”
With an apologetic expression to the cashier on his face, Choso took his wallet out of his fanny pack while using his free hand to massage his energetic children's heads gently.
“I’m sorry. Would you please give me two of each specialty donut and a dozen matcha macarons? Oh! And if possible, one of your full-sized ube mango tarts?” The twins exchanged "thank yous" to the cashier as Choso picked up the boxes, placing them in the stroller's attached storage bag before heading home.
It wasn’t a lengthy walk home. The weather, however, proved pleasant enough to go a longer route. Early summer was always more forgiving. The blossoming trees shadowed the ground, reprieve from the hint of heat. A soft breeze carried the delicate fragrance of blossoms and mowed lawns that lingered as Choso glanced in both directions before joining the group on the crosswalk.
“Papa. What’s a tart?”
“It’s like a pie but with less crust and more tasty filling like berries or custard.” Choso focused on the pathway ahead while answering.
“Who’s gonna eat the obey tart you got?”
Choso chuckled. “Ube, birdie. And Mama likes it. It’s her favorite.”
Saturdays started with the inevitable cuddle mountain attack from Ani and Nori once they realized it was a no-school day. This promptly led to them dashing around the house as ‘Papa Kong’ chased them until breakfast was done. Perfected chaos.
On this Saturday, things were different. Choso, with the twins accompanying him, instructed you to stay in bed as he ran a few errands. You didn’t even try to protest. You nodded, turning over to go back to sleep for another hour.
While you enjoyed the morning of reading with the humming humidifier in the background, you began to miss the sound of your rowdy duo and patient husband.
When you first met Choso and a teen Yuji, weekends were filled with nothing but noise as Yuji had his 2 friends over often. The liveliness around the house reminds you of those days when you watched the three having the “Is a hot dog a sandwich” debate in your cute little apartment back then.
“We’re back!”
The energetic war cries sliced through the silence, and you sat your book down. “Well, there my little birdies are! Where did you all go?”
“We went to eat pasta! And we went to the park! Papa took us to get sweets!” Nori stated as she sat beside you, wrestling with her shoes before pulling them off.
“yeah! We got mac’rns and donuts! Ones with berries and sprinkles!” Ani added, setting her small bag down before she climbed into your lap.
You looked to see Choso heading to the sunroom. Curious, you attempt to get up, but Ani traps you with a toothy smile on her cherub face.
“No, no, sorry! Papa said to keep you here until he finished uh… Preppering for you!”
“Preparing for me?”
They nodded in unison, snickering with glee.
The raven-haired girls tugged at your heartstrings with their sweet existence. Spitting image of their father with you being seen in their mannerisms and warm smiles. “What’s happening with you three, hmm?” The pair smiled at you as they spoke in hushed tones about the super secret Kamo party in what could only be described as the loudest whisper known to man.
While your children were talking to you about the squirrel they insist said hello to them, a very familiar knock was suddenly heard at the front door. “Be right back, birdies.”
The knocking persisted, and you knew exactly who it was the moment you saw the pink hair through the door's frosted glass.
“Yuji! What on earth are you doing in town?”
Yuji embraced you tightly, his bag falling to the floor as he practically picked you up, his boyish grin never fading.
“Cho called me! He said he wanted to get together soon. Though maybe I should’ve asked when…”
“Nonsense! Now is the perfect time. It's so good to see you.” You gave his cheek a slight pinch as he closed the door behind him.
He gave you another hug, this time squeezing you like he used to when he was younger. The familial warmth set in as he pulls away, looking at you. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you all. It's been forever”
“It has been. And your nieces are going to be thrilled to see you.” On cue, the twin girls ran into the foyer, screaming with excitement as they jumped onto Yuji.
“You two have certainly grown. You'll be bigger than Uncle soon! Must be eating your veggies, hm?” They giggled as he kneeled down to be at their level, his new tattoos being their point of interest with shock and awe.
A few minutes into your mini-reunion, Choso appeared at the foyer entrance.
“Little brother!” His tone was warm, and his eyes were shining. Choso went to Yuji, kissing his forehead before subjecting him to the most suffocating hug he could. “I’m glad you could make it!”
“Of course. I’ll never miss the chance to see you guys!”
Taking in the energy from his most beloved people, he settled his eyes on the twins “Birdies? Do you mind leading the way to the back?”
“Uncle Yu, come on!” They both took one of his hands, you and Choso following behind.
  “Choso? What’s all this about?” Most of them being a much younger version of yourself and Choso; curiosity sets in as you scan over the various Polaroids that trimmed the hallway.
One in particular with you, Choso, and Yuji, eating ube tartlets after your graduation, catching your eye.
“Just wanted to do something for our family to celebrate today,” his lips landed a peck at the corner of your mouth.
“I’ve forgotten a holiday? Oh hell, Cho-cho, I’m so sorry-”
“Baby, you forgot nothing. It’s a new holiday.” Squeezing your hand, reassuring you, “One I declared and didn’t announce til today. So, do you remember what we did on this day 9 years ago?”
You pondered a moment. Your anniversary was a few months away, while birthdays were set for later in the year.
Hanging on the wall was a framed photo of Choso, Yuji, and you. Taken in front of your first apartment when Choso became Yuji’s guardian. It all clicked. “Oh Choso”
You paused at the opened French doors leading to the sunroom. Cherry blossom fairy string lights cross over the ceiling, highlighting drawings made by the twins. Sweets were arrayed on a table, and traditional tea was set in the center of the room. Yuji stood next to the setting, proudly looking at his brother's work.
“9 years ago, you stood right with me as I became his guardian. And you never left.” Yuji smiled on, remembering the moment when you welcomed him into your arms like you’d known him all his life. “You helped me grow. You became a figure in both our lives that we needed, and I haven’t properly shown how much I appreciated that.” Choso led you into the room, the girls sitting down as Yuji began to pour tea and plate their sweets. “You became my family and gave me the best gifts anyone could ever ask for.”
Speechless, you hugged him tightly, butterfly kisses to his now flushed cheeks before you looked around the room. Every detail from past dates to recent events in your lives is shown in the decor. “Thank you”
“Im pleased to say our first Kamo Family Day is officially here!”
Ani and Nori cheered as you sat with them, passing you the designated party hat as Yuji and Choso shared stories of their first years together.
Later that evening
  With both the kids and Yuji settled in for the night, you and Choso settled on the couch with the leftover tart.
Holding the fork out for him to take his bite, you peered over at him, deeply engrossed in the episode of Master Chef.
“I really feel like Gordon Ramsey would make me cry.”
“Hm?” you swallowed, trying to hide your laugh.
“I’m serious.” He glances over at you, low-lidded eyes showing a hint of melancholy. “Remember when the girls talked about how I did their space buns, which were all wonky, according to Nori? That haunted me for a week.”
He finally took a bite of tart and looked back at the TV. “Gordon would have me sobbing in our linen closet over how raw I like my burgers.”
You couldn’t help but grab the pillow, chortling into it. “I’ll protect you Cho, don’t worry.”
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izzabela · 3 days
Hello! I was thinking about what would happen if the female reader was first to say "I love you" to the Lin Kuei trio (different scenarios) and since their whole lives involved with training and counseling emotions that they freeze upon those words and trying to process but it causes the reader to think they don't reciprocate their feelings and walks away depressed and now the boys have to figure out how to tell the reader "I love you" back.
Up In the Air - Lin Kuei x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which your brazen love confession leaves Tomas, Bi Han, and Kuai Liang speechless
ship[s]: tomas, bi han, kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): anxiety/panic attack mention, fluffy ends
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[why the fuck does kuai liang sit like that, straight back and arms tucked in his lap, ON A WOODEN BENCH]
"I love you," you tell Tomas softly, your eyes closed as you slipped your hands in his.
You two were walking around the compound, the Summer air and winds treating you two with a warm evening. Despite the warmth of both confession and evening, Tomas was at a cold still.
You and Tomas may have started as initiate and teacher, but as you climbed the ranks in the Shirai Ryu, you proved to be indispensable, unique, and talented. Grandmaster Kuai Liang appointed you as Tomas's second in command, and you two had begun spending more and more time together.
Tomas, despite being the ruthless and calculated ninja he is, was kind and soft with you. He spent nights with you when he couldn't sleep, spoke to you about his frustrations and fears, and even confided in you when he gets into arguments with his older brother.
He's your best friend, no doubt about it, but your heart yearned for more than what was available. You craved him to hold you longer than his hugs, do more than just pat your head, and even more than just walk side by side on an evening like this. In fact, you really hoped the confession you had planned would signify he felt the same way with you.
When you opened your eyes to see his expression, he simply stared back at you with emptiness. You were shocked at this response, since he was the most expressive one in his family- why was this any different? You were so sure of yourself, even talking to Harumi to see if she saw it as you did, and she assured his affections for you were mutual.
Your hopeful smile deflated faster than a clown's balloon, and you masked your broken heart with an awkward smile.
"I- I meant to say I love you... for the mission you sent me on!" you recovered badly, "Toughie, but definitely..."
You frantically let go of his hands and shuffle away from him, "Definitely worth... it... yeah."
Tears welled in your eyes as you realize your mistake. So stupid, for you to think he would love you the way you loved him. He was busy with his family drama, his new clan, and dealing with his newfound trauma- of course he wouldn't have room in his heart for you.
"Goodnight then, Tomas," you abruptly say, running away and retreating to your room.
Tomas watches as you leave him alone in the summer evening, your words hanging in the air and ringing in his ears.
When was the last time he heard those words? Perhaps before his sister and mother died back in Europe, or when Kuai Liang opened up his heart to him and accepted his brotherhood. Those words had lost meaning to him when Bi Han betrayed him and Kuai Liang that fateful mission at Ying Fortress.
However, when you said it, it was like all the color that had faded over the years came back. Sure, Tomas stared at you like he died inside (I mean, he kind of is), but it wasn't unwelcome.
As you rounded the corner of the compound, your stifled sobs echoing in his ears. Tomas leans back on a wooden pillar, hand clutching the patch of fabric that covered his heart. He grips his uniform tightly with that hand and runs his other through his hair. Tears burn Tomas's eyes as well and his breathing becomes labored, chest rising up and down as he puts his head in between his legs.
Kuai Liang and Harumi are chatting happily, but their conversations stop at the sight of the poor man on the verge of a panic attack. Kuai rushes to his brother's front while his wife is at his side, trying to bring the young man back.
"Hey, Tomas!" Kuai Liang yells frantically, "Tomas, look here brother. Stay with us, you can do it."
Tomas's head rises, chest still heaving as he makes eye contact with his sister-in-law and brother. Kuai Liang puts his hands gently on his shoulder as he coaxes him back to reality. Tomas matches his breaths while Harumi rubs his back gently and softly, like a feather duster on china.
"We are in Japan," he begins to list, "You are in Harumi's compound, it is Wednesday evening, and you finished a debrief with (y/n)."
At the mention of your name, Tomas looks at his family with worry, words sputtering like a struggling car, "Is she alright? She left crying after... after I..."
Kuai Liang looks at Harumi worriedly, "Tomas? What happened? Why is she of concern?"
Tomas is finally back to his usual self, ish. He sits up against the pole as he explains his dilemma to his family.
"So... you froze after she confessed to you?" Kuai deadpans, which earns a smack on the back of his head from Harumi.
"Tomas," she begins, "You must've been reminded of something, or perhaps letting her words register?"
"It's... It's been too long since I heard something like that," Tomas explains, "She said it with heart, brother and sister. So much I thought my own would explode."
Kuai offers his hand to Tomas, to which he accepts and gets put back on his feet. Kuai places a hand on his shoulder while Harumi holds onto her husband's bicep.
"And did you answer her? Give her your answer that you feel the same way?"
Tomas has loved you before he even knew it was called "love". He loved being able to talk to you, confide in you during his darkest moments, and just be around you. Normally, he'd say that his fire was his brother, but now it's you. You ignite something inside his heart, and it pushes him to put one hundred percent in everything he does.
Smoke follows your burning passion and dedication, and it's not just his magic. He wants to be with you more than command head and second, and more than people working to defeat evil, and definitely more than friends.
Tomas just stares at his brother before he shakes his head side to side. Kuai sighs and his head is down in disappointment, and Harumi nudges Tomas's shoulder.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Go on!" Harumi urges, "Come on, Tomas, before it's completely ruined forever!"
Tomas rushes to your room quickly, heavy steps padding on the wood in thumps. He finally makes it to your room, and unfortunately, he can hear your sobs past the thin material of the door. Tomas wants to slide the door to the side, but he simply announces himself with a knock.
"(y/n)?" he said softly, hand on the door, "By the gods, I am so sorry."
You stop crying, head turning to the door to see Tomas's silhouette past the door. You didn't want to come to the door, but you didn't want to sound like you were crying for a whole fifteen minutes. You wipe your tears and blow your nose into a dirty shirt before clearing your throat and speaking.
"Tomas? W-what are you doing? It's quite late, and you should be asleep."
You can hear him take a deep breath before speaking again, "(y/n), I..."
Your breath stops, your eyes watching Tomas's shadow fidget. Quietly, you walk closer to the door and press your hand and forehead on the door to hear him better.
"(Y/n)," he begins again, "I haven't heard those words in a long time- and I mean a long time. I lost my first family, my faith, my second family... I was so sure I could never feel this love again despite being surrounded by it.
More tears form in your eyes as he continues, "But spending time here, watching brother marry, taking Hanzo in, and meeting you... I realize that maybe things are turning up for me."
You carefully slide your door open, eyes meeting a tear-stained Tomas. He smiles weakly, wiping the tears away, but they keep replacing themselves as he continues speaking.
"(Y/n), you said you loved me. I hope I'm not too late in saying that I love you too."
You smile softly, taking his hands in yours and squeezing it. He's shocked, but he this time his eyes aren't empty. They're full of love, life, and hope- and there is no slowing down with the overwhelming emotions he was feeling.
The moon shines brightly over both of you, almost like the gods blessing you two with eternal happiness. There was also Kuai Liang and Harumi quietly stalking you two in the distance, but you two didn't care. Not when the confession isn't left hanging in the air.
Kuai Liang
"Oh my goodness," you say happily, "Thank you, Kuai Liang, I love you so much!"
It's the middle of the night, and you two were in Kuai Liang's room discussing battle plans and information over matters regarding the Lin Kuei. However, as you two were planning, you had lost a very special pen from your family. He stopped everything to help you find it since you were on the brink of tears. Your outburst, though, might make the dam burst.
"You... I beg your pardon?" Kuai Liang says with a bewildered look. Your face burns hot and grows pinky-red, you wave your hands around like a maniac, flailing as you try to explain yourself.
"I mean, I love you for finding my pen! I mean, I love how you found- Ah! Uh, agh..." you groan, sucking up your divine punishment and confessing, "I can't lie to you, Kuai Liang, not about how I really feel."
You knew them through Harumi, since they were childhood friends. And, like Harumi, you were the inheritor to your own clan, which specialized in tactical brilliance, weaponry, and manpower. You offered your support and frequented their compound, where your relationship with him grew from colleagues, to partners, to very close friends. You remember after a few months, you spoke to Harumi about your feelings towards him, and ever since that she's been doing her best to give you more chances to meet and talk.
This was no different. Harumi actually set this whole thing up, shoving papers into the already busy Kuai Liang's hands and telling him to work with you on it. Dutiful to his work and clan, of course he'd work on it, and Harumi made sure you could jump on this opportunity.
Now, here you were, spilling your heart out to your friend about the feelings you had been harboring.
"From the minute we began working together, you made me feel like I wasn't my clan's inheritor. You made me feel normal, like a person, and like a woman. Being a leader is tough, but being a female leader is harder- you grounded me. You made me feel... seen. And for that, I love you- very much."
He doesn't move, still like a marble statue. You look and search his eyes for any sign of reciprocation, any hint that perhaps that Harumi was right about the things she told you about your crush. But he remains unmoving, and your heart completely shatters. The dam in your eyes crumbles and you begin to let go. Finally, Kuai Liang reacts and robotically gets you tissues, trying to calm you down.
You look at him with a ridiculous "what the f#ck" face as he hands you a tissue, to which you knock the box out of his hands and storm out. All he can do, though, is begin to clean up quietly, leaving your sudden outburst in his head.
Kuai Liang kept his heart locked in a bulletproof, titanium metal, fire-proof, and multi-padded safe. He was loyal to his duty, family, and clan, emotions were good, yes, but they were unreliable to his mission. Yes, he cared for his friends and little brother, and yes he cared for the defense of Earthrealm, but that was duty- there's no heart in it. Hence, his robotic motions, however being with you slowly unlocked the layers that buried his heart.
He felt the same with you, truly, but with how tightly he locked his heart up, he was afraid. What if things don't work out? What if his heart overtook his mind? What if...
His thoughts were interrupted with Harumi stepping in his room, watching him clean up with a slacked jaw. She pieces everything together and puts two fingers on the bridge of her nose, sighing at the way her plan unfolded.
"How in the gods names did you mess it up?" Harumi seethes out to her friend, "What even happened?"
He sighs and sits down in front of the tissues and messy papers, "She, uh, (y/n), confided in me her feelings."
Harumi egged him further, "And? Did you respond? Did you say anything to her at all? You know, I see how you look at her and-."
Kuai Liang disassociates from her rant, processing your words even harder. By the gods, he does love you. He loves how you laugh when he tells you stories about Tomas, he loves your confidence, your leadership, and your very being. He, too, feels grounded, and being with you makes him forget the war he was fighting against his own blood brother. He would hate to see you drawn into this feud, but you already involved yourself by supporting him.
Funny, since love works exactly like that. You can deny it, bury it, lock it up as best as you can, but it always wins. Love is fun, fleeting, and scary, but when is anything in life not? Getting up, he towers over Harumi and asks for your location.
"Perhaps check the roof? I know she frequents the roofs when things become too much," she ponders, a finger on her chin.
Kuai Liang storms out and leaps on the walls that surrounded the compound. It's a huge plot of land that stretches far, right before a pine tree forest. However, he finds you atop the peak of a tower to the left of the main home. He sprints over to you, jumping, leaping, and climbing up to reach you. When he reaches you, you're eyes are wide and you try to scoot away from him.
"Go away, Kuai Liang," you hissed, "Just ignore what I said- it was a mistake." He doesn't listen, though, and walks closer to you while talking about his newly processed feelings.
"(Y/n)," he starts, "You are more than your clan's leader. You are the pride of your parents, the future of your people, and person that took my heart by storm."
You gasp, and he keeps talking as he squats to your level, "You cannot fathom how much your very being has helped me, but how I repaid your help, and love, was inexcusable. My heart has been locked up since... well, forever, and duty had really guided me for the rest of my life, for fear of losing everyone I know and love- including you."
Tears spill over your eyes, blurring your vision of Kuai Liang's face. However, unbeknownst to you, he too was holding tears back as he finished his confession.
"I love you, (y/n)," he whispers, "I love you more than anything. If you have me, my heart and duty is yours to command, yours to control, and for once I am okay with someone else taking control."
You nod happily, tears still streaming down as you bring him into a deep hug. The warmth of the evening and Kuai Liang's magic filled you with pure joy.
No, his fire did not waver, in fact, it burned brighter than any light in the entire universe.
Bi Han
"Thank you, Bi Han," you wince as wraps your bloody shoulder, "You did not have to do this." Bi Han grunts, but he does not halt any operations he has on you.
You had come back from a mission with Sektor across the world, in Japan to be specific. Sent to scope the possible locations of the Shirai Ryu base, you two were ambushed by a group of Shirai Ryu ninja and wounded pretty badly against the battle. There were losses, but you and Sektor came out victorious. Bi Han, though, was not pleased to see his second-in-command and familiar injured.
A cooling sensation came over your shoulder, and you sigh in relief when you realize it's Bi Han using his powers to relieve some of your pain. You lean backwards just a bit, your head hitting his lower abdomen area as you preen in the comfort. Bi Han flinches a bit, but it isn't unwelcome.
Bi Han was fascinated by you ever since you waited for him to wake up in the infirmary. In fact, you found him first while on watch duty, Bi Han's body sluggishly walking through the snow before passing out by the grand entrance. You were moved, the mighty grandmaster betrayed by his family and left alone. It angered you so much so that you began to train even harder than you already did, waking up early to get more reps in, more spars in, and more time to hone your deadly skills.
Bi Han saw your efforts, even offered to train with you (which was a big deal to your little heart). It was rare for him to spar with someone outside of his circle, even rarer for him to train with a simple soldier. He had you in his sights, though, ever since you waited for him in the infirmary. After his first spar with you, he concluded that maybe having you around would be nice.
Sometimes, you had breakfast with him after your spars. He would tell you all the places you needed to work n or improve in a scarily gentle tone. He would also send you on missions with people in his inner circle, your skills exceeding the expectation he held for his star pupil, Frost. But your favorite moments were when you two sat in comfortable silence, doing nothing but palace-temple chores, stretching, or walking around your home. This was something that solidified that he liked you too (although, delusions might have been taking over at this point).
As Bi Han kept alleviating your shoulder, your true feelings slipped out like buttery bread in a pan, "I love you, Bi Han."
The constant chill Bi Han's magic provided ceased immediately, and you don't realize the weight of your words until you feel the air grow chilly. You look at your crush's face and see a truly awful scowl on his face, his brows facing downward and the amount of lines that formed on his pale face.
You notice ice beginning to line his arms and growing around his feet as he grunts a command, "Explain. Now."
"I-It-It's, ah, uh," you stutter, his fear-mongering getting to you, "It was a mistake! I misspoke, Grandmaster, I was-," Bi Han wasn't buying it, though.
He barks the same order at you, so you give up and muster your courage to face your Grandmaster with a situation beyond his control.
"It wasn't a mistake, I apologize for trying to deceive you," you begin, "But what I am about to say is not a trick. I do love you, Bi Han, more than anything in the world, realms and universe combined. Your mentorship over me, and the little "friendship" we developed over the past couple of months has bubbled into this- I am in love with your firm leadership, quiet attentiveness to everyone within the palace..."
You looked in his eyes with unwavering confidence, finishing your last statement, "And I am especially in love with your comforting silence. The way your eyes spoke to me, the way we had mutual understanding while alone together, everything. I love it- I am in love with you."
You search his eyes for any sign of your feelings being reciprocated, but his pupils were small and his deep brown irises took over- there was no hope for any reciprocation. Your confidence shattered, and any pain you felt was gone as adrenaline forced you out of that room, sprinting away from the infirmary and somewhere else in the palace-compound. Bi Han, though, stood still and finally grasped the situation he was in.
Though Bi Han was no longer with his brothers, he recalled the memories of how he kept his heart so buried in ice and snow while he was living with them. Emotions were a liability, a weapon that could be used against him, and now that they were gone he thought he was safe- until you. You were his new liability, yet he wanted that risk, he wanted to have you because for the first time in a very, very, very long time, he was willing to put himself on the line for something, you.
The chilled air began to recede, and the ice that formed on and around him did the same. As he brought himself back to the real world, Sektor walked in on the scene. His cyborg-like helmet was off, revealing his aged face and hair wrapped in a tight bun in the back of his head. He carried tea, rice balls, and a content face, but it drops when he sees his leader.
"Grandmaster?" He asked carefully, "What in the realms happened here?"
Bi Han shakes off any remaining ice on his body, stretching his body in the process as he explains, "Nothing of your concern, Sektor. Leave."
He shrugs, not wanting to egg him on, but he departs with some useful information, "In case you were worried, (y/n) is in the training room. For what reason, I do not know, but she's been at it for roughly fifteen minutes now."
He immediately leaves the room, careful not to bump into his friend(?) and the treats he was holding. Quickly, he heads to the training room and finds you sparring with another assassin, completely obliterating them and sending them tumbling towards the wall. He huffs and jumps in the ring, watching your face morph into a foreign emotion he's never seen before- fury.
You taunt him, "I mean no disrespect, Grandmaster, but I am sparring. I never asked you to join."
He tuts his mouth, simply walking towards you to try and close the distance, "You are a strong-willed woman, that is certain."
Tears begin to well in your eyes, so you throw a punch at him to distract yourself, "Is that all, Grandmaster?"
The punch is easily caught by Bi Han's calloused hand, "Not yet, but let us see you work."
You grit your teeth, quickly letting go from his hand and throwing a roundhouse kick, which was caught again. He taunts you a bit more, "Closer, but you're close. One more, and I will speak."
Angered beyond compare, You unleash a fury of kicks, punches, and jabs to the grandmaster, all dodged by his years of experience. One of you punches was stopped, and he took you down on your back and pinned you to the floor. You wriggle and writhe under him, trying to get away.
"Will you allow me to speak? Or do you wish to cause more trouble?" Bi Han asks with a quizzical look and upturned brow.
You stay silent and turn away, the tears not stopping. He sighs, and beings to talk.
"You are strong, resilient in any task given. Kind, to everyone and not just me. But most importantly, you are a risk, and one I am willing to take," Bi Han says very softly, which differs from his usual demeanor, "One final risk, if you will take it with me, is that I do, truly, love you as well, (y/n)."
Your eyes widen and turn your head to him. The tears keep flowing as he gently pulls your head into his chest, raising you up with him as he cradled you in his arms. You hug him tightly, feeling his chill breath on your skin where it was exposed. He breathed softly, taking in this experience with all five senses.
The training room went eerily silent, the only sound being the footsteps in the distance and the gentle howl of the the winter wind. Yet, Bi Han kept you warm and safe with his embrace, perhaps another risk he didn't realize he was already taking.
if Bi Han didn't become an opp, maybe Harumi would help him bag a baddie too. also, when i described sektor, i used the mk9 version of him (best version of MK btw) to fill the gap. i discovered the power of the <s> button, and i will be using that to type my longer fics
i also understand the importance of tags and the specificity of them, so big ups and thanks to the accounts that told me!
thank you for reading, and i will see you in the next fic!
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gren-writes-stuff · 8 months
``Domesticated Greninja headcanons★
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Tags/Warnings: a little fluffy, goofy ahh, domesticated Greninja, strong bond, cat-like behavior.
Fandom: Pokémon.
Character(s): Greninja/Gekkouga.
Word count: 1,706 words.
Mod Gren's note: What would be the fitting fanfic that l post when l come back? Hm.. certainly not a Greninja-related one. Totally not. /Sarc (l just wanted to post something about Greninja, it's been a while.)
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•They sleep around like cats. No, really, they would absolutely sleep on their backs and give you a heart attack unintentionally. They're quite flexible!
•Nom. They have the tendency to bite your hands as a sign of affection, because they don't have teeth (or any visible ones for that manner), they know they can't hurt you by doing this, but they would still be gentle though.
•Very hyperactive. It's recommended that you take them to battles often and perhaps participate in their training sessions sometimes. A Greninja does not have to be kept indoors all the time, though l imagine that isn't highly recommended anyway.
•They love it when you pet their tongue scarf!! They'll start to make purr-like noises if they're happy, though they sound more like faint croaking.
•The one who swallows every food they're given whole, no time to chew or anything. Just swallow them whole with almost no issues.
•Squishy and smooth frog skin, very comfortable to hug. Highly recommended.
•Not only are they short, but they're also quite light meaning you can pick them up and carry them like they're your child.
•They can be very vocal despite being the Ninja Pokémon, they're only ever vocal in private and can be loud if they ever get upset. Although, they won't show those types of emotions in public.
•While they do keep a calm and composed demeanor in battles and in public, they would drop that kind of demeanor in private with their trainer sometimes, even if it's subtle.
•Because they're usually calm and composed, they are also very patient with others and quite chill outside of battles.
•Playful little creatures. They love playing around with their trainers, particularly with smaller and younger Pokémon.
•They're devoted and loyal to their trainers, they may even risk their own lives to protect them. Their devotion will be especially strong if raised from a Froakie.
•They can be unpredictable. It's recommended to not raise your hopes too high nor should you try and predict them on your own, as you never quite know on what they're thinking.
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findafight · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know that I have not been able to stop thinking about your Steve/Barb au it's so good!! and so interesting to think about how that would change things!! Idk rare pairs are so fun to think about!
Forgive me if this is not where you were going with this but I'm thinking about Barb surviving the demogorgons attack because she's not in the pool with a cut hand. Barb doesn't know where she is or what happened to her, but she's scared and she knows that /something/ is hunting her. Everything smells like rot and decay and all she's focused on is survival. Her glasses are broken and gone, and she's sprained an ankle, but she's alive. Steve's sweatshirt is warm and still smells like him. It's a comfort, she thinks, as she runs and hides in the woods behind Steve's house.
Topside Steve is getting sucked into the Upside down stuff way earlier because his sort of (they haven't made it official yet) girlfriend is missing after leaving his house and she wouldn't just dissapear like that. And he's scared but he has to do /something/.
After some time in the Upside Down, God knows how long, Barb hears something. And it doesn't sound like the monster that's hunting her. So she stays silent, grabs hold of a stick or something to make herself feel safer, and peeks. And it's a boy. Alive. Human. Trapped just like her. And then for a while it's her and Will Byers, growing weaker and trying so hard to stay alive and let people know they're there.
Eventually, they get out. And she's sick and barely holding on and traumatized but she's alive and in the hospital recovering. As soon as Steve's allowed to see her he's there. He's bought flowers and a fluffy teddy bear. He calls her Barbie because he knows she'll roll her eyes fondly at him. He kisses her forehead and holds her hand.
Sorry this isn't more coherent I'm just !!!!!! Thoughts!!!!!
Are you in my brain?? Because exactly. (I have been holding on to "steve is the only one allowed to call her barbie" for way too long. not even romantically just in "barb lives au" they deserve to be annoying friends to each other haha) In the show Barb almost got away, and possibly would have it weren't for the fact she was in the pool, so I don't think it's too far of a stretch for us to say she survives in this au (there is a version where she dies and it's just. Angst. But that's not this one!)
I think the potential for Nancy to suspect Steve of doing something (even when it was Jonathan who is officially the last person to see her) would lead her to Jonathan. Similar to the show, she sort of just...brushes off the creepy pictures (it's both easier and hard for her here because it's not her in the pictures so who cares...but it's Barb [and Steve] so she cares very much, actually) and they go monster hunting without Steve and see the deer and Nancy gets pulled in through the tree etc.
Steve, who's definitely freaking out that is (basically) girlfriend is missing and her best friend is mad at him and won't talk to him, uses his ninja skills to check on her to see if she's okay, and sees her with Jonathan. Nancy isn't his girlfriend so the only thing he's mad about is her hanging out with the perv who took pictures of him and Barb and specifically a picture of her almost in her car which they know she never got into. So he knocks on the window and they jump but let him in. And that's how Steve gets into monster hunting. (idk if Tommy and Carol also join...maybe Steve waves them off through the window, maybe he gestures for them to come to...idk. much to think about. Maybe they don't join the upside down gang but they remain friends with Steve and know Something Happened, but he can't tell them what)
blah blah blah it all basically goes the same except because no cheating allegations there's no graffiti or fight, Steve 100% gives a backhanded apology for breaking Jon's camera "Hey, man. I shouldn't have broken your camera like that even if you deserved it..." or something. The trio fight the demogrogon, even if Steve is a bit, ah, weary of leaving a bunch of twelve-year-olds who have proven that they don't listen to grown ups when they say to leave well enough alone even for their own safety...but leave them he does. Fight an interdimensional monster with a nailbat he does. Dies, he doesn't.
Meanwhile, now that our girl Barb has survived he initial confrontation with the monster with no face, she's wandering, hiding, around the woods behind Steve's house except...it's not actually Steve's house. It's some twisted up version, and it's dark and creepy and oh so scary. Her glasses are cracked through one lens but it's better than not being able to see at all or not feel the comforting weight on her nose, and Steve's sweatshirt is big, comfy, and smells like him. She holds onto these tiny bits of home as she tries to figure out how to get out of...wherever she is.
At some point, she hears shuffling in the woods, but not from the monster. It's definitely smaller, and...there's a voice. Singing. She walks over quietly, and says "hi". the little boy jumps and stares, wide-eyed. They stick together, she holds him close.
When all is said and done, she and Will end up sharing a hospital room, due to Upside Down convenience. She;s older and wasn't in it for as long, but she's still weak. Her parents are besides themselves, having been told it was a gas leak that led her to be disoriented and lost in the woods, only by grace of god did she find and help Will.
Steve is behind them, with scratches on his face and a haunted look in his eye, but he smiles a little, and wiggles his fingers at her. She wiggles hers back. Her parents shuffle around, and leave the room to talk to the doctor. He sits beside her and reaches out to gently fiddle with her fingers.
"Hey," she says.
His voice is soft, when he responds, "hey," and doesn't take his eyes off her face.
She squeezes his fingers a bit. "heard you fought an interdimensional monster with, like, a lot of teeth for me."
He shrugs, squeezes back. "also to get Will Byers back."
"He's a good kid." she flicks her eyes to where little Will is being smothered by his gaggle of friends who nearly died trying to get him back.
Steve blinks rapidly, and tucks his chin to his chest. "I was so worried, Barbie." the nickname usually annoys Barb, too baby-ish, too connected to the doll, too...a lot of things. But Steve says it like it's precious, like she's precious, and she thinks letting her boyfriend (because that's what he is, isn't he? What's a boy you kiss and who would fight monsters to find you?) can call her Barbie.
"I'm back. I'm okay now."
"Yeah. But. Christ, things could have gone so much worse." He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezes his eyes shut.
"Hey." she rubs the back of his hand with her thumb. "Hey. It didn't though. The government goons will be on us, sure. But Will is safe. I'm safe. All those kids and Nancy and Jonathan are safe. You're safe. Okay? And, when I get out of here, you're taking me out for burgers and milkshakes."
He smiles, actually smiles all squinty-eyed and toothy, "Yeah. okay. It's a date."
"Yeah, it is. I've got high expectations, Harrington. Killing a monster for a girl really sets the bar high, you know."
He laughs, and presses a kiss to her cheek, smiling.
(later, he tells her everything that happened on the rightside up, and she tells Jonathan to burn the negatives and that her boyfriend has a nailbat he's pretty good with, so he better not try to trick her...)
and idk. i think they're cute. They bicker, and Steve chooses topics just to rile her up so she'll roll her eyes at him but then explain why exactly he's wrong in step-by-step detail, and he also scoops her up and twirls her around and kisses her in the halls. they're gross and in love. In s2, i think Nancy still wants to expose the lab (other people did die, those hunters? what happened to them?) and both steve and barb are like "they will kill us" (pragmatic duo) so that's why they both go to nancy's to try to talk to her about it, which is how dustin kidnaps them, etc.
s3 we get scoops troop except robin is just tallying how many times Steve sighs dreamily until his gf comes by and he turns into a golden retriever and robin is like. ew. straight people (they are not, actually. I have a coming out scene between starb (seriously i need to figure out a ship name for them haha) that involves barb telling steve she once had a crush on nancy and steve's like yes obviously everybody has crushes on their best friend of the same gender you just don't do anything about it...like buddy...do i have news for you...bi4bi starbara) anyways the five of them get stuck in the elevator, stobin still hold the door, get tortured, etc, but this time dustin and erica have Angry Protective GF on their side. They get out, steve and robin have bathroom confessionals, which involves robin asking if steve's ever been in love and then immediately realizing he's going to wax poetic about Barb and steve also being like "i wanna be your best friend sooo bad barb said i maybe have a crush on you but i don't i wanna be like, the best man at your wedding, y'know? you're so fun and make me laugh and I want you and Barb to get along because I love Barbie and omg you could be my kids' auntieeee..." and robin tells him that he doesn't know her, and if he did he wouldn't want her around any of his hypothetical future children, tells him about tammy, and they sing total eclipse of the heart when dustin erica and barb bust in, and steve is like "barbie, honey pie, robin is gonna be our kids' godmother." as though that makes any sense. everyone else is like ????
idk i just like monster fighting power couple barb/steve a lot i think theyre neat.
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owlwithanapple · 2 months
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 2
When the alarm clock rang, you opened your eyes looked at the ceiling. The paint color of the ceiling was your favorite blue. You sat on the bed, raised your hands, stretched out, and yawned.
In the past, you didn't have a chance to get up on time in the "organization", always wake up by the sudden attack. The sudden tranquility made you very uncomfort, felt as if something was missing.
You get out of bed, go into the bathroom, pick up the toothbrush and squeeze the toothpaste to start brushing your teeth, squeeze some facial cleanser and rub it in the palm of your hand, apply it evenly to your face, wash the facial cleanser on your face with water, and wipe your face with a face towel.
You take off your pajamas and underwear, adjust the water temperature to warm water, which can release the fatigue on your body, turn on the shower head and let the warm water wash your body, squeeze some shower gel on your body and then wash it.
Take a towel to wipe every part of the body, dry the wet hair with a hair dryer, leave the bathroom and return to the room. The most distressing question every day is what to eat, what to wear and what to do.
Open the drawer in the wardrobe, which is full of all kinds of underwear. Choose a set to put it on, choose a simple vest and denim trousers to match, which can highlight the curve of your figure, and then tie your hair up. Today's matching is complete.
You posed to the mirror in front of you and appreciated your figure, but you were heard "Woff!" from the living room. Somebody interrupt you, your pet corgi, named Kirin, which barks outside the door.
As soon as he see you open the door open , he quickly run into your room. You see him jumping like a child in your bed. You lie on his fluffy stomach and absorb energy to heal you.
You pinched his fat cheeks. "Little bad boy, I'm going for a walk today. Don't make trouble. Do you understand?"
"Woff~" He ignore you and lie lazily on the bed. You open the curtains let the sun outside shine in. His cute appearance is really super charming and healing.
"If there is a bed, there is no master, you traitor corgi." You smiled at Kirin and touched his head, you took out your bag and mobile phone from the drawer and left the room. You went to the hallway and put on a pair of boots and left home.
The first time walked on the street, opposite of last night. In the morning, it was full of hardworking workers, and at night, a bunch of criminals were messing up the city. The buildings saw last night seemed like a horror city. But, the buildings in the morning were clearer.
Yesterday you only had a bowl of instant noodles, so today you must have a good meal, but facing a strange city and crowds, you are really a little scared, but you have to overcome these obstacles. Since you are here, you can't rely on others.
Told yourself that you must learn to be strong. You are a very experienced ninja. How could you give in because of fear? So you took the first step. Inadvertently, a motorcycle came from the right. Thanks to him braking in time, he didn't hit you.
You were so obsessed with self-thinking that you completely forgot that you were wandering at the intersection. You subconsciously stepped back two steps from the motorcycle. If the rider hadn't stopped in time, your death record in Gotham City would be crossing the road without looking.
When the news of your death reaches the "organization", they definitely make fun of you. You will die with eyes wide open and cannot be buried in country. Calm down first, don't mess up your thoughts, and apologize to him first.
You saw him get off and push the motorcycle aside park it. You went forward to apologize. As soon as you got close, noticed that he was tall. Before you could say anything, he had taken off his helmet. His face looked very handsome, cool and stylish motorcycle, a part of his bangs is white, smooth black jumpsuit, matched with a cool leather jacket, and a pair of combat boots, the overall look is cool and atmospheric.
You noticed that his handsome face was the type of man that was pleasing to the eye, and he also had a sexy temperament. I saw Batman last night and thought he was quite mysterious and sexy, especially his lips. Are the males in Gotham City all that good looking?
"Lovey, are you okay?" You were interrupted by him when you were thinking. You panicked and hesitated about how to answer. As a ninja, you are a very confident person. But now you just an ordinary person, so you have to give a relative conclusion.
Unlike before you could easily knock people out, hide in the shadows, or scare people. Since you are an ordinary person, you should play an ordinary role. You smiled slightly to show that you are kind, and then an idea came to you, "I'm fine, sorry, I didn't look at the road when I walked."
Jason POV
I have been busy on patrolling and fighting criminals for several consecutive nights, and I don’t even have enough time to sleep. I woke up early today with a lot of resentment. I ate fast food for three meals, and I made a mistake to schedule the maintenance of the motorcycle in the early morning. I didn’t even have a little free time.
There is no point in complaining more. Work is work. The motorcycle can help me at work, and can’t ignore it. Criminals won’t wait, and I can’t take it lightly.
"Hwah~, so fucking sleepy." I yawned, changed into clean clothes, went to the garage to start the motorcycle, picked up the helmet and put it on, rode the motorcycle and left home.
Morning of Gotham City, people come and go, busy office workers, and the bustling commercial streets. People never stop but flow away one after another. I stopped at the intersection waited the traffic light to turn on.
Accidents always happen. When the traffic light turns on, I continue to drive. I see a woman suddenly walk out of the road. I brake immediately. The thrill of a moment makes me completely sober.
I parked my motorcycle aside, making sure was fine, I spoke to the woman. She said "I'm fine." From the looks of her, apart from some old injuries on her arms, there were no signs of me hitting her, she didn't ask me for compensation. I was so lucky.
But look closely, although she is wearing simple clothes, she is particularly eye-catching, with a pretty face, a slim upper body, jeans that make her legs look long, and long brown hair. She is simply beautiful.
Perhaps can be said the bad luck of several consecutive days has finally brought a good thing. I wanted to ask her out, but accidentally trespassing on the road cannot be a reason for conversation. It is really distressing. I have done everything I should care about.
What should I do?
You were lucky not to be hit, but why did he keep staring at you? Did he want compensation? That would be reasonable. There will always be such people in life. They suffer even though nothing happened. Gotham City is not short of such people.
It's just like what happened during the training. It was obviously not you broke the sword, but framed by others and punished. You knelt on the stone cut bamboo with a sword every night. The person who framed you, will definitely beat him up next time you see him.
With no choice, you reached into pocket took out your wallet, wanting to give him some cash as compensation, but plans can't keep up with changes. When you opened it, there was no cash in it, only your ID, driver's license and two bank cards.
You forgot go to the ATM to collect the cash you need for daily use. You took out your phone and checked your bank account. You found that you had not yet processed the online transfer procedure. You could not use force,"Ummm,I'm sorry, I don't have any cash on me."
When he heard what you said, he immediately shook his head to indicate no. You were confused. He noticed your expression showed confusion, and hurriedly explained, " No, Lovey ,I don't mean anything else. I just want to make sure you are unharmed."
You were stunned but relieved, thankful the situation didn't develop to serious level and didn't need to be resolved by force. You hesitated for a moment and pointed to the other side, "Then I'll leave first, bye."
When you said you were leaving, he had no reason to keep you, he had to let you go. "Yeah, bye sweetie." You heard his reply and walked across the street to the other side, while he got on his motorcycle dejected and frustrated.
Jason POV
"Fuck me! Why am I such an idiot and so timid! Ask her out for breakfast! Hey, Lovey , do you want to have breakfast together..., it's so simple! Why are you so stiff!
I complained as soon as I got on the motorcycle, regretting not getting her contact number. I hadn't even started chatting her up yet, and I, Red Hood, backed off when I met a girl.
But what's the matter with the scar on her arm...
You left the intersection , on the way, you smelled a faint smell of coffee. You followed the smell to a cafe. It was the smell coming from the cafe.
The smell increased your hunger, you stepped into the cafe. There were many people in a hurry, perhaps office workers. You noticed the cafe was a counter ordering place, called the number and went to pick up the food.
You hurriedly followed the line waited for your turn to order. After a few minutes, finally it was your turn. You went to the counter read the menu. The menu was accompanied by pictures for reference. You wanted to try every food, but didn't order more just to avoid wasting food.
You ordered your favorite cup of cappuccino and a simple delicious English breakfast. The waiter gave you a number card, noting you were dining indoors. You found a seat by the window and put the number card down to reserve a seat.
While waiting, you listened to the lyrical songs playing in the cafe. During that free time, you took out your phone to check the news. Sure enough, there was content about Batman arresting criminals.
"The hell?" Something caught your attention. Last night, someone filmed a video of you doing parkour on the street wearing equipment and posted it on social media. But! What is "Gotham runner"? ! The title is so shit!
Let's pause the story content and make a simple self-introduction here. My name is Y/N, code name Kitsune, I just turned 20 years old, I grew up in the organization "SHINOBI" founded in Japan.
It is an organization that trains people to have super high-level combat capabilities. "SHINOBI" is divided into two groups, SHIRO and KURO. Even are divided into two groups, everyone's work style is completely different, but the purpose is the same, which is to contribute safety of public security for the country and produce social poisons.
No matter which group, there are levels, such as S, A, B, C, D, which are called "Cyber ​​Ninja". I am a ninja in A, which belongs to the middle and high-level group. I go on missions and take a break from my busy schedule.
For some reason, I was kicked out by "SHINOBI" and exiled here. Forget it, as long as they can continue to provide equipment and money, it won't be disadvantageous to me. For the time being, I will just watch and find something I want to do.
The above is my introduction, and the details will continue from the story.
When you hear the waiter calling your number, you take the receipt to the front desk to collect the food, and go back to your seat to eat.
"Huh?" You looked out the window. It was the motorcycle guy just now! Are you kidding? Why did him chase you here? Is he following you? You let your guard down didn't even notice that you were being followed.
He knocked on the window again. He stood outside the window and talked. His lips moved as he said, "Wait for me." Then he ran into cafe and stood in front of you. His forehead was a little sweaty. He put his hands on the table and winked at you, "Hi, Lovey."
What exactly does he want to do? You can't feel any murderous intent at all. You don't understand what his intention is. Does he know your true identity? Since he is in front of you, you can't back down.
"Can I sit down?" He asked politely. You were embarrassed to refuse him, so you nodded. He moved the chair back and sat down. You took a sip of cappuccino to your mouth. You took a peek and saw that his appearance was durable.
You put down the cup and looked at him, facing him with a very optimistic attitude. "What a coincidence, you are also nearby?"
He heard your question, and this time he decided to go for it. "Hahaha, yes, my motorcycle is being maintained nearby."
You nodded slightly "So...?"
He swallowed and held out his hand "Do you mind making friends? My name is Jason. What about you?"
You were confused. What is this? A scam? You held his hand "No, hello, my name is Y/N."
After letting go of his hand, you just looked at the plate of food on the table in silence. You didn't know how to send him away, but you felt bad to send him away like this, you took the initiative to start a conversation "I just moved to Gotham City recently, and I'm not familiar with this place. It's good to make some friends."
He frowned when he heard it, and you realized that his expression was different, but soon he returned to a smile, this time he looked more confident and charming "Wow, then I have the honor to be your first friend?"
He spoke with a sweet tone accent, you have met many men, but this is the first time you have met a man with such a personality. You are unconsciously interested in him. "Haha, of course."
At the moment you laughed, Jason felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart, an unprecedented feeling. Even though he had been with many girls before, your actions were attracting him step by step. He blurted out what he wanted to say most in his heart, "Y/N...Your smile is very beautiful."
The sudden compliment made you a little overwhelmed. You didn't hate it. There was a warmth lingering in your heart. He gave you a feeling that was a little difficult to grasp, but he was not a bad person.
In a strange city, you are alone without any friends. Maybe it is a good thing to make a friend. Since you have started a new life, you should move in a new direction and not stop at the same place.
The wonderful thing is you two can chat with each other. Through Jason, you know every bit of the city. He even recommends restaurants and supermarkets near the apartment to you, which are exactly what you need to know.
When you came to Gotham City, you didn’t know much about the daily life of this city. You didn’t even know where the supermarket was. Thanks to him, you finally know it. You can go to the supermarket to buy some things in your free time later, and then go home to cook.
When Jason learned that you immigrated here from Japan, he was very surprised, and you live alone. He heard you also have a corgi. Jason likes dogs very much.
Jason POV
Actually, someone just contacted me said the motorcycle has been fixed can be picked up, but I replied it would be later, because I want to continue spend my time with her. It will be too late if I don’t seize this rare opportunity now.
I didn’t expect to have such a good chat with her. I didn’t notice how much time had passed. At first, I was really afraid I would scare her away, but she was so easy to talk to. I was glad I didn’t miss the opportunity when I met her.
Suddenly a phone rang was interrupted us. I clicked on the phone and it showed "Dickhead". I hung up the phone and continued to chat with her.
The word "Dickhead" show again, the second call. I hung up the phone impatiently. The quiet time was interrupted by the third call again. It was that "Dickhead" again.
After a while, I received several text messages…
Dickhead: Good morning, Babybird😆
I muted my phone put it on the table. A few minutes later, it suddenly vibrated. I picked up the phone and saw that it was “Boy Wonder”. Even Tim called, but I hung up.
His phone kept ringing, maybe it was something urgent. You two had been chatting for a long time, and it felt like it was time to find something else to do, so you said, "Jason, if you're busy, let's talk next time."
Indeed, you talked for a long time, and the phone kept interrupting the conversation, so he turned off his phone in anger, but you didn't know when would talk again. You got up walked to the counter to ask the waiter for a piece of paper and a pen, and then put them on the table.
"What's wrong?" He was confused and looked at you blankly.
You thought and wanted to know if he would have a chance to see you again, so you took a bold try. You opened the pen cap and wrote your private phone number on the paper.
After writing, you folded the paper and put it in the front pocket of his jacket, and said "Let's keep in touch." Jason was dumbfounded and quickly took out the paper. It was your phone number. He excitedly said, "Wait for my call!" and then left the cafe.
Jason POV
I ran to pick up the motorcycle that had been maintained. When paid the bill, I confirmed the paper was still in pocket. It had your phone number. I can’t lose it, otherwise the chance to see her again would not be so easy.
I happened to want to buy breakfast today, and then I saw her sitting by the window. Without thinking, I went to the window to attract her attention. Although she looked at me with a smile on her face, I knew she were confused when I suddenly appeared out of thin air.
I leaned against the motorcycle and took out my phone to turn it on. I found a bunch of missed calls and messages from "Dickhead". I was hesitant because very difficult talk to this guy. I had no choice but to call "Dickhead" again.
"Hey, idiot Dickhead, what do you want to talk to me for?"
"Hey, Babybird! You finally answered my call! ~"
"Fuck you..." I was about to hang up the phone.
"Did you call me back for breakfast?"
"Right! So smart!" Dick said happily, and I was annoyed...
"Go to hell, Dickhead!" I yelled at him.
"Damn, you really know how to mess things up at the right time. Don't let Tim sit in my seat." I hung up the phone.
I saved Y/N's phone number and clicked into the chat room see your profile picture was a corgi face. This was the corgi you mentioned. The description said "Hello" in Japanese. What a simple style.
Looking at your chat room, I hesitated about how to start the topic, but I still put away my phone, put on my helmet, and rode my motorcycle back to the manor first. Bruce asked Tim to investigate something, maybe I could help.
You are sitting alone in a cafe, looking at your phone, but you haven't received any message from Jason, which means he is really busy. You are a little lonely. Don't think about it now. Going to the supermarket to replenish food is the most important thing.
You walk on the street and feel that this city brings a strange charm. It is a scenery you have never seen before. This can be said to be your new beginning and new life.
Occasionally, miss your previous life.Practiced as soon as you woke up. Even the rest time was only ten minutes. Three meals were carefully selected and prepared. There was no day to go out and stroll around, just stayed indoors.
Now can walk on the street with a swagger, eat and drink casually, and see the sun. Even the shadow can be seen. It is no longer a dim room. You are now on the road of light.
Now there is a foul smell of alcohol coming from behind. It is conceivable that this smell has been smelled since you left the cafe and walked a distance. You walked into the alley decided to lure the wolf into the house. You stood there motionless waiting for him to take the bait. The prey always appears as the prey.
"Hey, beauty~ Come have a drink with uncle~ I'll treat you~" Sure enough, the good times didn't last long. A strange uncle with a strong smell of alcohol stood behind you and followed you all the way to the alley, even putting his hand on your butt without any hesitation.
Originally, I just wanted to shake him off and run away, but facing such a person who is mentally confused and addicted to alcohol, the more you resist him, the more excited he will be, indicating that the problem cannot be solved in an ordinary way.
You turned around to face him and observed that he was holding a bottle of wine in his hand. If you use force to solve it, he might hit your head with the bottle. At that time, you hand it over to the police, they will be treated as mentally confused and the matter will be hastily dealt with.
You looked around to make sure that there was no one around and no surveillance. You put your hands behind so that he couldn't see your hand, you clenched your fist and hit him on the chin at lightning speed to make him lose his balance. Then he fell to the ground and fell into a short coma.
You made sure he fallen to the ground then dragged him to the side of the trash can. You leaned over and whispered in his ear, "If you touch me again, I will break both of your hands."
"Ah..." You thought of the point. It was too late for you to say that he fainted, but this kind of person deserves a lesson. If he makes the same mistake again, you can only pray that he will not meet you again, otherwise it will definitely not be as simple as fainting.
The matter is resolved, you leave the alley and walk among the crowd as a passerby. This is a habit. Ninjas always act secretly and remain vigilant and cautious no matter where they are.
Your phone receives a message. You click into the chat room to find out. It is a report from "Gotham runner" and there is a message send by your companion "So lame, bad name." You reply "Shut up!"
Put the troubles behind continue to carry out the main task, which is go to the supermarket to buy things and fill the empty kitchen with food. No matter whether you are a ninja or an ordinary person, it is never allowed to have no snacks at home!
Chapter 2 End.
Do you hope there will be Chapter 3?
Leave a message to let me know 😁
Other Chapter
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tangledinink · 11 months
Does swannie have access to his ninpo
Swannie does not currently have access to his ninpo.
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@sleepyheadhayden they are very soft and fluffy yes u w u but if you try to hug him he will bite you im sorry 😩
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:3c :3c :3c
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he does lose/shed feathers as a stress response :< it definitely freaked his family out the first time they saw it, but they're used to it by now. they always grow back pretty quickly.
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that's absolutely why! maybe if they felt that the situation was dire and donnie was in active danger, they may reconsider, but what they could potentially gain from having access to the lake during the day (and they have no idea if they would actually gain anything at all) isn't worth risking mikey's safety.
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@faiakishi 👀 i can neither confirm nor deny this... but i do agree that he DESERVES a bone collection <3
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@whattraintracks ahhh thank you ; w ; i really appreciate it!!! <3
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hehehe :3c but also of course he'll still like dancing! <3
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i think you're onto something.
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thank you!!!!! ; w ;
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kind of? physical things (photographs, childhood toys, trinkets from his lab or room, etc.) always help, and so does just having a family member around point blank. the problem is that if it's truly a bad day then none of them are going to get the chance to do any of that stuff. if he isn't aggressive but doesn't know who they are, they will sometimes try to gently prompt memories, but they usually tread carefully as this tends to be somewhat hit-or-miss. sometimes it helps, but sometimes it doesn't achieve much beyond upsetting and confusing donnie, and it's hard to predict the outcome. if donnie is having a 'nothing is wrong and i'm the lake guardian and i'm totally comfortable with that! yay my family is visiting! nothing is wrong!' day then they usually won't try to prompt memories, because nine times out of ten it'll lead to donnie either becoming upset and aggressive or confused and distressed. either way, less than ideal.
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@fan-fucking-tasty absolutely he has-- he's attacked all of them before and splinter is no exception. it was pretty heartbreaking for him the first time it happened and he definitely spent a good deal of time locked away in his room just... being sad and not knowing what to do. but he remembered how excited donnie was the first time he went to go visit. so after letting himself be devastated for a while, he picked himself back up and kept trying. his son still needs him.
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@whyamiheretumbled the imagery is just so good...... we deserve ballerina femboy ninja mutant turtles
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 10 months
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*slams table*
Well thank you for the excuse to dump my brainrot–
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This is (a very quick sketch of) Cam. She is Jesse and Cole's daughter. She is the next Elemental Master of Surprise.
...wait, what?
Sometime Post-Legacy!Crystalized, the world is finally free of the influence of the Overlord, meaning that there's finally time for the Ninja for themselves. They all still live at the Monastery together, and train to remain vigilant for the next threat, but eradicating the most prominent source of all evil in the Realm kinda takes the sails out of anyone/anything else, so y'know. Things are calm. For now.
And Cole, now happily married to the "most perfect, most prettiest, most pizazziest, most pinkest person ever" (his words, not mine, and definitely not Jesse's), kind of longs for a kid. We already know he's got the killer dad instinct, is great with children, yadda yadda, it was all only a matter of time. Jesse knew this too, but is terrified of being a parent (although taking care of Miranda + his own inherent paranoia about things has made him rather attentive, if not a touch over-protective). And if Cole's with him, then...maybe it's doable.
So they try to adopt.
("There's so many orphans, Jess. So many orphans. Maybe we could just—" "We are NOT adopting them all." "But the guilt of leaving them all behiiiiiind..." "...oh no the guilt." "How are we both like this??")
("Just pick the cutest one, duh! Or the most talented! And stay away from the mean ones!" "We're choosing a CHILD here, Mira, not a damn pet!" "Can we get a baby though? I kinda want the baby experience." "...and now Cole sounds like he's shopping at a grocery store." "HEY.")
("Are we still going to that meeting today?" "Shoot, I forgot, I've got a show in West Haven tomorrow; I have to leave tonight! What about Friday?" "Can't, that's the day me and the boys are investigating a potential sting operation." "UWAAAAH HOW ARE WE THIS BUSY?!")
...so, uh, that kinda doesn't go well.
("...if we had a kid of our own, what do you think they'd be like?" "...Cole I think we're kinda lacking in the equipment for that—" "Humor me, Jess." "Well, uh, they'd obviously inherit your powers, so probably very strong, and brave, and would love music and art and can't really cook–" "...is there any of you in this theoretical child or are we just making a lackluster clone of me?" "...they could have my smile?" "Jess.")
("Too bad we can't just work a miracle, huh?" "..." "...Jesse?")
("...but what if we could?")
So three to four existential crises and one very heart-wrenching discussion later, Jesse uses Miracle Make to manifest their kid, sacrifices his powers (thinking they've hit a point where he's not really in need of them anymore anyway), and boom, they're parents of a beautiful baby girl now. Whee!
...except with Jesse sacrificing his powers in the very same instance that Camellia Brooke Marvell is born, she becomes "the most unsuspecting individual" at the time, and winds up inheriting the Element of Surprise. Uh, Surprise?
That little unexpected snag-or-maybe-not-a-snag aside, things are great! Cole was destined to raise this child and is utterly crushing it, while Jesse becomes okay with being powerless and a parent and gets excited at the prospect of teaching his daughter all his old tricks. Jesse's still not big on cutesy nicknames, but will call Cam 'our little miracle' or 'sweetpea' from time to time...while Cole calls her a list of fluffy nicknames but his favorite is "my little lily".
Cam calls Cole 'Papa' and Jesse 'Daddy', and while she's got Jesse's habit of catching people off-guard (i.e. seemingly disappearing and reappearing from sight, giving both of them heart-attacks at least once a day) and is also scared really easily herself. So loud sounds are a definite no around her, especially during nap-time (looking at you, Jay).
Jesse's family goes ham on making sure she's well-fed and "getting a well-rounded palate" while Miranda, a high-ranking member of Borg Industries' staff now, becomes the favorite "rich aunt with no kids" that spoils Cam.
("Happy First Birthday to my favorite niece...! Just a little something-something ;) " "MIRA DID YOU BUY MY DAUGHTER A PONY?!" "Nooooo! ....it's a unicorn!" "YOU TAPED A PARTY HAT TO ITS FOREHEAD?!" "Oh stop whining! Look she loves it!" "I'M NOT RAISING A HORSE!" "Calm DOWN I just rented it for a week!" "A WHOLE WEEK?!")
Grandpa Lou also spoils his granddaughter rotten, and very unsubtly tries to encourage her interest in the performing arts.
("Oh, look at how adorable she is in this tutu! I'll have to get express shipping on some ballet shoes for her—" "...Dad you are not about to make a dancer out of my daughter." "But what if she likes it?! We have to find out early! What if she's a born-performer like her daddy? Look, she's pirouetting around already!" "You swinging her around in the air is NOT dancing, Dad...!")
Either way, it's as delightfully chaotic as you'd hope raising a child to be, and Cole, Jesse, and Cam are blissfully happy just as they are.
Cam is only two when The Merge strikes.
. . .
Cam is seven going on eight when "the dragons began to rise", and rumors of the old Ninja Team along with a brand new one begin surfacing. She asks her daddy constantly if that means Papa is coming back, but he never gives her a direct answer. Daddy doesn't like to talk about Papa; only once bitterly mentioned that 'Papa went to fight The Merge when it first appeared' and...then never came home.
Cam doesn't remember a time when The Merge did not exist.
And now her daddy spends the days looking to the skies, waiting for another rift. Aunt Mira has their appearances above the remains of Ninjago City timed almost-perfectly now, and when another is set to strike, Daddy quickly pulls out his old weapon. The crystals it is adorned with have faded back to their natural blue. He curses, and regretfully turns back to his daughter.
("Are you gonna do your magic again, Daddy?" "...something like that, yes." "Yay! I like when you do magic!")
So Cam taps the crystals, feels a small portion of her own power seep into them (despite the lack of her own potential), and watches them change from blue to a brilliant pink. Her daddy thanks her quickly, then swings the wand out, shifting it into a naginata with a single wave. Cam gasps in awe, admiring as her daddy's eyes temporarily glow, and launches himself towards the sky, sealing up the rift with the strongest blast of "surprise" he can manage, even despite the meager amount. He doesn't want to siphon too much power from his daughter, but this isn't going to be enough–!
Suddenly the sky erupts in green and gold—Cam winces at the bright light, but the rift is sealed in an instant. Daddy returns back to the ground with a stunned flourish and sparkles, standing protectively before Cam, as the legendary Green Ninja appears as if from nowhere, eyes shimmering with complication.
But, he addresses her daddy like the old friend that he is.
"Hey, Jess. There's...something I have to show you."
. . .
They're whisked to the Monastery in a near-heartbeat, Uncle Lloyd guiding them up those almost-familiar steps and into a definitely unfamiliar courtyard with equally unfamiliar people. There's a beautiful golden fountain with a dragon and waterlilies that Cam immediately scrambles over to splash around in, if Jesse hadn't scooped her into his arms beforehand.
He and Lloyd have been speaking in very careful, very hushed whispers since arriving, and Cam desperately wants to know what the big dramatic secret is, if it's got nothing to do with Aunt Nya working with the cat-girl on a mech, or the dragon-girl gnawing on Uncle Kai's arm. Lloyd walks pass them all, leading them to the back gardens of the place.
Jesse stops as soon as he sets foot onto the cobblestone path. Lloyd bites his lip, and, as ever, quickly ejects himself from the impeding potentially awkward and/or emotionally charged conversation.
Cam peeks over Jesse's shoulder, watching as a large man in black and orange paces frantically back and forth across the garden, muttering aimlessly to himself and unable to keep himself calm. Jesse curses Lloyd's name under his breath—the other man picks up on the sound, marigold eyes instantly connecting with Jesse's.
"...Jess—" Jesse immediately takes a defensive step back. The other man's voice turns devastated. "J-Jesse, please, you have to hear me out. Just that, nothing else—!"
"...What's there to hear out?" Jesse's words are clipped as he clings tighter to Cam on his back. Cam shrinks under the thinly-veiled fury. "That you, once again, chose to do something reckless and endanger yourself when I begged you not to? That you, once again, left me to think you were dead? That's not something that should be a reoccurring pattern, Cole!"
Cam perks up at the mention of 'Cole'—that's her papa's name! Excited, she starts fidgeting, but Jesse keeps her still. She pouts; he gently quiets her down before redirecting his fury back at Cole.
"...and worst of all, you left me to raise our daughter without you! She...she doesn't even remember you, Cole!" Cole physically buckles at that revelation. "And now you're just gonna pop back up five years later like nothing's wrong?! And you dragged Lloyd into this–?!"
"In Lloyd's defense, he is a little familiar with growing up without a father that would have wanted to be in his life otherwise." Cole tenses, eyes glowing with despair. "So I knew at least he would have understood from the get-go."
That breaks Jesse a bit, giving Cole the opportunity to close the distance between them, just a bit.
"...Jesse, you know that this is the very last thing I wanted to happen." Cole speaks slowly, lest he break down crying otherwise. "And if I didn't help when I did, things could've ended up a whole lot worse. I've spent every single second since trying to navigate this new, crazy, giant, mixed up world to get back to you. And the thought of seeing you, Cam, and everyone again is the only thing that's kept me going."
"...I know." Cam's never heard her daddy sound so broken before. "But the fact that you've done this to me so many times and I know it's never really your fault and yet it still hurts! I'm allowed to be mad at the circumstances!"
"You are," Cole agrees, and Jesse's lip starts to tremble. "And I'm so, so, so sorry."
Things go quiet between the two, with half a decade's worth of more conversation to catch up on, and yet neither being sure of what move to make next. Cole, however, can't help but peek around at the little girl staring curiously right back at him. His heart clenches.
"I-Is...that her? She's...she's gotten so tall..."
Jesse nods, and, after thinking on it a moment, places Cam on the ground and encourages her to introduce herself.
"...I'll let her decide, then." Jesse clarifies, watching as Cole's heart now jumps into his throat. Cole's breathing goes still as Cam looks back with fuchsia eyes full of potential. She trots up to him; Cole crouches down on instinct, lowering himself to her level.
"...hi," he says, holding himself back from being an overly emotional as he'd like. The last thing he wants is a bad first impression. "I—um...it's nice to meet you. You're Camellia, yes?"
Cam nods. Cole smiles, though it trembles.
"Do you...know who I am?"
Cam puts a hand to her chin, wondering if she should voice her hopes. She glances back at Jesse; Jesse gives her an encouraging nod. Thus, she returns Cole's question with another.
"Are you...my Papa?"
Cole nods, curling his hands into fists to ground himself.
"I am, but...only if you'll have me."
Like a light switch, Cam plows into Cole's arms; Cole springs back up, hugging her with all the strength he's got (without snapping her tiny self in half, of course).
They laugh and cry and Cole can't contain himself as he whispers apologies and promises and a thousand questions into her ear that Cam swears they have all the time in the world to get around to.
Jesse watches them, a little overwhelmed by the sight, until Cole swings in front of him, freeing up a hand to hold out to Jesse. He smiles warmly, in the way that Jesse's missed for so, so long.
"Hey, I missed you too, y'know."
And then of course that's when Jesse starts crying and throws himself into Cole's arms too, the trio hugging as a family for the first time in forever...and then Cam gets to bear witness to her parents having a long overdue kissing session (read: ew).
But then again, she doesn't remember time when Jesse was this happy, either. So she'll let them have the moment.
. . .
Cam then begs to be a ninja and "join the cause" but while both parents at least allow her to train (as they both wished they'd been in the know about their powers when they were younger), she's not allowed on any dangerous missions until she's older (or at least, gets her True Potential). In the meantime, Miranda hooks her up with a bunch of video equipment to become something of an internet idol to "bring the people of all realms together" (as to Cole's somewhat horror, Cam indeed has the blood of a performer and has Jesse's ability to sing). It takes some getting used to (and a lot of hugs and probably therapy to comfort Cole on the fact that he missed five years of his kid's life), but...eventually, things do return to a state of normal.
(...And then maybe down the line they actually do adopt this time, and Cole gets to be around for it this time, and Cam's little brother willingly becomes the next Master of Earth once he's ready)
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melloianv2 · 1 year
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Dr. Abe's Laboratory
Game Concept (read needed so some bosses info makes sense)
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BEFORE I START!! I ended up posting this of result of an comic was taking to long and i didn't want folks to think am dead are smth. this post is little rushed it self because I worked on this shit for too long.
And btw some of them I didn't draw all the attacks caused rushed and lazy 🥴.
btw this post is very long, so if you just stopped by the look at the bosses image then that's ok. But if you stay to read some lore and uhh attack movements and description then continue on
warning for murder
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The shy ego painter?
ah the first boss. Attacks the same way, same health, same everything. The only difference is phase 2. After phrase too, instead of being repeat, he ends up chasing you throughout the level, until you reach to the end. There is obstacles, like slopes.
No I didn't forget his clothes, he don't wear them well sense he's fighting actually I didn't feel like drawing it
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certified weeb
Same health.
He uses pipe sword which kind of replaces revolver. But throwing spoon most likely does. pipe sword he goes towards the player.
Pipe bow replaces bazooka
Shuriken replaces dynamite.
soda nunchunks replaces flamethrower
Fork Sai sword doesn't replace nothing, its new ability. Similar to pipe sword expect he attacks 3 times.
Smoke bomb, senoraki just goes to the other side of the room.
Things that not shown in the image: His grandfather still attack. he calls for fox backup instead of cow
Straw dummies instead of targets men phase 2 happens the same however the defeat is different depending the choice you picked. if you joined the ninja squad by mr secrets (mr incognito) , then the duel would never happened, instead it cut to mr secret stopping the fight. If not, then the duel happened and senoraki gets defeated.
duel is basically draw.
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6 health
The map have platforms, top, middle, bottom
Mecha charges large laser blasts that can cover somewhat half the screen. either targets top, bottom or middle.
Ground pound
He has a tail mace, uses to hit the player, depending on which area platform he own.
He flies around with saw claws, usually above the player.
In phase two, he starts shooting the laser downwards.
He always shoots mini laser blasts.
Flower Lady?
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"Flowers are blooming, waters are looming, as yellow as bee, as fast as I can flee, where can I go, what can I do, as grass are trembling, my mind is troubling, all I can see is dark, as it makes me irk. I yell for help but It sound like yelp. " - poetry one of the levels.
8 health
Flower lady mostly uses her parasol for attacks.
Most her attacks are sending big plants at you.
Midair is a laser attack.
Flower bomb is air and ground bomb
Vine attack is a ground attack
Spin attack
vulernable is when she starts thinking.
Phase 2 is the same, instead there's more added plant attacks.
she's using the parasol powers.
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Big fluffy bee
6 health
The picture explains for me. Giant bee flies around level cant get hit only by boxing glove. But the more the bee gets hit, the bee drones starts to go back their own, one by one. eventually flying all over the room. They can be defeated, but reappear in phase 2.
Fake Peppino
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Same health
Explained on the first half the image, he starts off shape shifting previous bosses before attacking you with his actual powers.
Because there's so many fucking attack moves am not going even mention half of them.
Human centipede charges at you basically.
Uhhh... is a grab attack. In rare, it shows a smaller fake peppino head instead. he bites you if he succeed grabbing you
Ball form goes pouncing on walls.
Grabby hand is similar to uhhh.... but expect his hand keeps extending across the room. how to involve this? go wall climbing bro. if he succeed grabbing, he tosses you.
leech mid air charges downwards at you.
He still super taunts
He still super jumps
He still dashes.
Yes he clones himself still
the other grab attack still exist, and still using his tongue.
still is vulnerable
he can charge in acid, and shoot it from his mouth, which straight up makes him vulnerable afterwards.
sorry bois he banned from throwing his head.
Phase 2: Fuck shapeshifting that's isn't working,
Fake peppino resorts to light-armored knight (there's two different knights forms in this au btw)
In this form, he start attacking with his sword. Phrase two don't start unless peppino grabs the light-armored knight transformation as well.
Slash attack
Dash Charge Attack
Spin sword attack
he turns around fast if he misses the player.
double jumps
slides as attack as well
He may even throwing his sword ay you, no matter what spot you at. even in air.
In this state, no longer clones himself. However, it replaced with him being much more faster with his attack, and less vulnerable. AND YOU CAN'T STUN HIM. have fun :)
Duel is different here, if you manage to get in this, you get a bar. you basically have to press a certain key repeatedly until your bar fills up, which causes back up giving you a chance to attack him
The armor starts falling piece by piece as his health goes down.
no not in this battle, but you'll have to fight him again later, which fulfills that chase part. in story wise, he was going to get in trouble the further he continue this fight because he fought you without listening to orders.
Dr. Abe
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"behold, my freeze-a-NATION!!!"
Same thing with fake peppino, am not going go over every attack. please note he fought as the finale boss in one ending and fought as 1st phrase of pizzachulu.
Same Health
His attacks are mostly the same. there are differences though
An attack where he throws chemicals that causes different effects:
slow effect
freeze effect
firebutt effect
no effect, just hit you
still taunts at you
phase 2
abe starts getting more faster.
roobma - spawns every so often. comes across the room in a straight line and disappears afterwards. it does hit.
Wall roobma - same thing but instead attaches to the walls and celling.
flying drone - drops bombs like how abe drop bombs
saw - same with roomba, goes to a straight line or on walls and disappears afterwards. only spawns.
Added chemical effect, daze. Daze slightly only slightly distorts the screen.
Abe bomb that walks ig and Abey.
Phase 3
am thinking about this for awhile so uh....
King Pizzachulu
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✨Panino con polpo ✨
since he's the only one whose attacks is fully different...and going to be the longest the explain because phrases!! there's
Same Health
there's is no walls in this level.
phase 2
Only thing that's the same is summoning enemies that's it.
He launches arm attack, which hits the ground. it usually either be his right, left or both. the arm does hurt if you run into it.
Phase 3
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✨Capretto Arrosto ✨
Pizzachulu turns into Goattail.
most goattail attacks are same. only difference he throws a platform that bounces and pull down tv hud. tv don't bounce but instead shoots out words. after 3 hits:
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Phase 4
Goattail's Servants.
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devil advocate?
Before you attack Goattail, you attack his servants. why isn't it attacking all the bosses you fought again? laughs in fighting 13+ bosses again. yeah no, that's why I did this. but only one am talking about right now is pizzamancer since he was original concept in original pizzatower before I talk about the rest.
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skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle
Lore long story: Centuries ago, Dr Pizzaman and Peppino's ancestor used be lab business partners and close friends. They specifically create medicine, drugs and cures together. Machinery counts too. pep's ancestor was known to be friendly, awhile pizzaman was something. The two was popular amongst the other scientists, and was used for most operations and awards. One day, the two was challenged to a contest of machine curing process, by doing it separately. The two accepted the challenge. Pizzaman thinks he's going to win, as pep's ancestor just took his time. Then the contest arrived, as the two show off their machines. Pep's ancestor showed off his machine, it could cure multiple symptoms, preventing some terminal diseases and its a painkiller machine. Pizzaman creates a machine that only cures one strong disease. Result came in, Pep's ancestor won the contest, which caused Pizzaman to be pissed and felt like he was robbed. Pep's ancestor shared his happiness and shared he liked his machine, but Dr. Pizzaman decided he wasn't going to be his friend no more because he didn't win. Then he left. Pep's ancestor was kind of upset about this but move on later, continuing creating medicine, drugs, cures and machines, by himself now. One night later, the laboratory they worked at was slowly getting more emptier and quieter. Pep's ancestor questioned where was everyone, and begin to look (awhile carrying a flashlight.) He found out people was getting murdered one by one. He followed a saw blood trail, begin following it, and leading to cooking area. He saw a spell book, ingredients, cauldron, etc. He found out there's witchcraft going on around here, before he know it, he hears familiar voice. "looks who went looking for his own death." he turns around, realizing it was ex-friend, Pizzaman. Pep's Ancestor begins questioning him about everything, until Dr. Pizzaman admit he used witchcraft to kill people he hated, and he was next. Before he tries to kill pep's ancestor, he decided to curse him with eternal generational bad luck, can't do nothing in peace, and finally, no generations will ever have the same intelligence as him or ever able to become scientist (he makes sures they fails at it.) despite being cursed now and despite he about to kill pep's ancestor, pep's ancestor decided to grab dr pizzaman and throw him into hot boiling cauldron, which caused him to scream, slowly melting his body (explains his ghost form) before he dies. Instead of becoming a ghost, he was instantly sent to the void. he questions where was he, As Mushrazel responding about to get sent to hell. Pizzaman quickly got mad explaining how he was a good person and was wronged by everyone. Mushrazel tells everything he has done was evil and did one of the rules of going to straight to hell, it was witchcraft. Pizzaman still didn't agree but was sent to hell anyway. Mad about it, he decided to cause chaos in hell. Which ended up catching prince Goattail attention. He impressed by his destruction that he invited him to his tea table. He asked him to join his team. Pizzaman refused at first but was later convinced. When he joined, he was renamed as Pizzamancer. He was fine until he heard his ex-friend died decades later and went to pizevan (heaven).
tl;dr: Dr pizzaman used to be friends with Pep's ancestor until he got jealous and started killing everyone. He cursed his ex-friend with bad luck, suffering and no high IQ allowed but ended up getting killed at the end by his ex-friend. Now he in hell serving Goattail.
8 health
Pizzamancer casts spells, the spells are similar to abe's checimal throwing attack, Expect most are attack projectiles.
when applies spell himself it usually boosting his speed or duplicating self.
Broom usually melee attacks the player. Broom spawns dust attack.
When half health, he turns into a ghost state. he usually just follows the player until the player defeats him. the broom turns ghost-like, and shoots ectoplasm instead.
Back to Goattail
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the most rushed art
At this point goattail is in a rage state. he starts moving much more faster then originally.
charged run
stomp attack
punch attack
tentacle - slams ground then knock back player.
Summoning - this isn't enemies but more like a long list of spells. most are projectiles or lasers.
in this state, the stage is continuously moving
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Mrs Answers.
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"Riddle me this, Peppino"
before the fight, you met her as npc in the final level of section 3 before going to her boss stage.
anyway boss stage:
phase 1
she makes you answer her questions in limit to 15 seconds. no matter how long the questions are. incorrect answer causes the player lose a health.
phase 2
she changes into a big screen tv.
bass attack - (soundwaves)
Laughter attack
glass shards attack
knife throw attack
microphone attack (she toss a microphone at player which grabs them)
at some point she makes you answers her questions again, but this time under 8 seconds. don't worry the questions are short. but only this time you can dodge the hit whenever you answer wrong.
Spinal Worm
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guys this isn't a reference I swear!!
This guy boring as hell im just say what they do in one sentence, digs in and out ground. chase only boss. You have hit 8 parts separately, in order to defeat it. level doesn't have walls. That's it, what's phase 2?
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"no this isn't therapy, this is anti-therapy. I just want you to suffer through your problems again by forcing you to remember them all" - a villain probably
similar to mrs questions, starts as an npc in specific level. emotionless alternative design
8 health
phase 1
he starts off small in sanity form. spitting out full sentence words as attacks.
he also frowning, so he sometimes shoots out tears as attacks instead.
Phase 2
there's is were the real attacks begins. he's bigger now. He starts showing different emotions as attacks. (he changes his face)
Happy? not really..
laughing attacks
spitting out bullets attacks
fire attacks
dancing as attack ig
large tear attacks
words attacks or sentences attacks.
tossing memory attacks (lore??)
summons ghosts attack
throwing corpses attack
Gravestone falling attack
throwing head attack
breathing in and breathing out large amount of air as attack
sweating attacks
summons a mini-emotion enemy
smoke attack
roll attack (he rolls over)
summons a mini-emotion enemy
stomps the ground
stare eye attack (he basically stares at player and stop with a red light circle. if the player is there, they get hurt.)
bullet from mouth attacks
knife attack
Grenade attack
shotgun attack
revolver attack
bazooka attack
tossing flesh sandbag off of him
spitting out blood as an attack?
When down to 2 health
(he losses the fleshbags and military office, still look like sanity form, it just he has a chef hat now.)
sentences as attacks: "why care about anything anymore?"
summons as eyeball enemy that follows the player until attacked.
papers as attack
telephone attack (he tosses a telephone at player)
food bullets attacks
throwing a hammer
clock rolling
motor-scooter attack
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big brain
phase 1
he's invincible, only sending you 5 cell drones to attack.
phase 2
he starts playing the illusion game. guessing which one is the real one.
he also attacks like previous bosses attacks.
In phase 2, there's a fog that covers the the rest of level. (you can see still)
expect the room changing every time brainfog does data move. sometimes the room looks platformy, sometimes the rooms normal, sometimes the room has no walls, etc etc.
Goattail's Other Servants
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devilish trio?
the rest of the crew:
6 health
charges at player.
each head melee attack the player when standing still.
have vulnerable animation.
wind as projectiles
throws sand, dust or dirt as attack
grave sliding across the floor
throwing skulls at player
bone attack
teleporting to other side
surfing on corpse as an attack
accidentally using his pen ink.
urn or coffin falling from sky
flower bomb
Ghost attack
mushrazel archangel form conpect
acts like bee boss. flies rotates him like a halo until cheeselzbub gets hit.
after 3 hits, he starts attacking, making player can now directly hit him.
swarm of flies attack
hits you with his leek.
toss his leek
summoning a fly enemy
fly swatter attack lol
water spray attack
for the other bosses, yea am still working on them... this is the fairest I got. I do have one for randy just his idle post concepts
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can't post more images anyway, am kind of on my limit so.
Beendaryl goes by she/they
I got the whole idea of pizzas being demons from original concepts. So, I thought it would fit the horror theme.
Dr Abe and Abette in concepts was going to have been fought twice. Dr abe first battle was he just testing you out. Abette 2nd battle is testing your strength once again before you fight Goattail. This time, she using her powers and not from the parasol. Scrapped.
There's a secret boss called Venus. it was a plant creation failure, in result of eating humans. as the flowers appears to have faces on them as well. the plant is kind of based off the little shop of horror.
There's more planned secret bosses, its only going be 3.
Sanity was originally going be named Propaganda. And emotionless was originally named Smiley.
recruiting the 2 bosses that are recruitable will gave you approved badge.
sigh...time to get back doing the comics.
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usagiverse · 8 months
Am I? Wow thanks for the welcome, and for that I noticed my username, was little weird read the name lol, but is fine call me Nerish.
I think you have a very adorable and cool drawing style, I really like how they all look so fluffy, and I think the expressions are really good. I want a Yuichi axolotl plush.
About the timeline, the antagonist make me feel curious if it's focused on the turtles enemies in which case it might refer more to Big Mama or Draxum, if it's Usagi Yojimbo I just think of Jei, if it's Space Usagi I think of Akira, losing that hand must have been a more satisfying scene than it actually was.
But, yes I meant more like Princess Miya (lovely name), the magical girls gave me Madoka Magica vibes, just me? I just can't with the designs are so pretty.
For the Usagis I hope they can fix their things, I understand the Miyamoto's POV, but how feels Yuichi? i'm just curious, for now I stop here, also goodluck with your anon doesn't eat the other user, your last update of princess Miya was most adorable, I think like Raph I want to put myself on the waitlist.
Nerish.. of course you're one of my earliest followers... (everyone is!)
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Oh yes, an Axolotl Yuichi plush would be so good! And very sensory appealing, with his fin-like ears and cheeks. Yes. I want one too... For the timeline, I did just answer an ask about potential characters which do include potential villains! I have not yet read Space Usagi, but that might be an interesting one.. yes.. -takes notes- We'll see Neko Ninjas, Big Mama, (I don't think Draxum would fit well into the story, since he's a Yokai extremist-- he would have no reason to attack or prey on the people he swears to protect), the Krang will make an appearance in terms of the bad future from the movie (What are the Usagis up to in that time? How did they handle the Krang?) and yeah, you know, some of the feudal lords like Hebi and Hikiji, Jei, and some other stuff. It might be cool. Final Question : How Does Yuichi Feel? Well, at first, it seemed fine. Miyamoto (8) asks Yuichi (30) if he will be his sensei. Mizuki and Shuji are supportive, after all it's the Usagi way, so they tell their kid to ask Yuichi. Shuji thinks his brother is a much better samurai anyway. Miyamoto looks up to his uncle because of this fact (he adores his father as well) and this is when the two of them are the closest.
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-- Miyamoto (9) watches Yuichi and Shuji (31) leave one day before scheduled training. Miyamoto is a little less than a year into his training, but he still isn't allowed to go on these particular errand runs with the twins. They are usually quick about it, but also extremely careful. Maybe when Miyamoto has more training, he can join them.
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-- Some time has passed, and Yuichi (33) seems.. different. Maybe it's the bandage over his eye. The now open wound. The warm blood dripping down his face. Maybe it's the faces that Miyamoto (11) makes. Maybe it's the fabric on his skin, making him feel clammy. Claustrophobic. Annoyed. Panicked. Something is wrong. A voice in his head echoes the thoughts he relayed to his nephew. Miyamoto is doing his best, working as hard as he can, trying to get better, trying to please his Uncle. Why is he so different now? Miyamoto doesn't understand. He's in disbelief, he's angry and frustrated.
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Being the oldest is hard. The weight of the world sits on your shoulders, and it's a task that even the strongest Samurai can't handle. But he has to. He has to protect his family, but he needs to teach Miyamoto. If he fails as a Sensei, then he's failed as an Uncle. A Brother. A Son. A Samurai. With Miyamoto's sudden disappearing habits, Yuichi is scared of what will happen if Miyamoto doesn't come back. Would he be the reason his brother no longer has a son? He would fail his family. He would have no honor. It's a crushing thought.
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chrimson-oc-central · 2 months
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Name - Makoto Osaka
Birthdate - August 28
Age - 38 years (Part 1), 41 years (Shippuden), 44 years (The Last), 45-51 years (Blank Period), 56 years (Boruto)
Birthplace - Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves)
Pronouns - She/Her
Nationality - Hinokoku (Land of Fire)
Hair Color - Black
Eye Color - Green
Height - 5’5” (~165.1 cm)
Best Traits - protective, intelligent, cunning, affectionate
Worst traits - proud, stubborn, secretive
Mannerisms - left-handed, speaks formerly to strangers
What they hate the most - betrayal/disloyalty, liars
What’s most important to her - her daughter (Chihiro), her clan
Secrets - never fell in love, and still feels like there’s something wrong with her cuz of that sometimes. Worried that she wouldn’t be able to love her child proper (not the case she’s a good mom).
Do they get along with or avoid other people - gets along with people pretty well. She’s easy to like but earning her trust is difficult.
Parents - probably one of the elders is her mom or something
Siblings - None
Significant other - Chihiro’s father (he doesn’t have a name sorry. They weren’t ever really in love, but they were married and did grow to respect one another)
Children - Chihiro Osaka (daughter)
Other Notable Family Members - Neji Hyuga (Son-in-Law)
Pets/Animal Companions/Summons - the wolf pack from Mitsumine Mountain
Teacher(s)/Sensei(s) - n/a
Friends - Anko Mitarashi, Tsume Inuzuka, Choji’s mom, Ino’s mom, Yoshino Nara, Shibi Aburame
Best Friend(s) - n/a
Enemies - Akatsuki Organization, Orochimaru, Osaka Elders (to an extent), Kabuto Yakushi
Acquaintances - Hiashi Hyuga, Chosa Akamichi, Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka
Occupation - Osaka Clan Head, Leaf Shinobi (Ninja, Kunoichi)
Rank - Jonin
Chakra Nature - Fire
Kekkei Genkai - Osaka Shapeshifting
Affiliations - Hinokoku (Land of Fire), Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves), Allied Shinobi Forces (1st Division), Osaka Clan
Other Names/Nicknames/Aliases - The Wolf Queen
Blood Type - A+
Favorite Food - Takoyaki
Least Favorite Food - leafy greens
Hobbies - Walks, Koi Fish, Calligraphy
Brief Description:
Makoto has black hair that she keeps long and fluffy, similarly to Chihiro. She has green eyes and a scar located on her left jaw. She is often seen wearing red eye makeup and red lipstick, a sign of her status within the clan.
The current head of the prestigious Osaka Clan, she is a master of their shapeshifting ability, as well as summoning and fire style jutsus.
While Makoto did marry, she never truly felt as if she was in love with her husband. However, they did have immense respect for each other, and considered each other friends. After his death during the Nine Tails attack, she chose not to remarry, much to the elders’ dismay. She didn’t want to go thru the courting process again, especially since she had a young Chihiro to care for in addition to the clan.
She has immense pride for her daughter, who is considered to be one of the most powerful heiresses the ancient clan has ever seen. Makoto only wants the best of the best for her.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
All the fandoms I'm doing and taking a break from. Always up to date, check often :)
Last Edited: 6/25/24
Bold -> Written Before
Not Bold -> Hasn't been written before.
🔪Fandoms I am currently writing for🔪
- Adventure Time
- Arcane
- Assassination Classroom
- Attack on Titan
- Avatar (Movies)
- Beastars (Season 1 + 2 of the anime)
- Bionicle: The Journey To One
- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- The Boys
- Carmen Sandiego (Netflix show)
- Death Note
- The Devil is a Part-Timer!
- Ducktales 2017
- Gravity Falls
- Fire Force
- Halo RvB/Red vs Blue (All seasons)
- Happy Tree Friends (Anthro Animals or Hybrids/Humans [Like my OCs])
- Haikyu!
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Monkie Kid (Lego)
- Invader Zim (Original series and Enter the Florpus)
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony (FiM and a New Generation)
- Murder Drones
- Naruto
- Ninjago
- Noragami
- One Piece
- One Punch Man
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Puss in Boots
- Rick & Morty
- Saiki K
- Spooky Month
- Star Wars (Movies + Clone Wars)
- Steven Universe
- Solar Opposites
- Terminator (All movies)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Media (2003, 2007 movie, 2012, 2014/Bayverse, 2018/ROTTMNT)
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
- Treasure Planet
- Trigun Stampede
- Umbrella Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Wednesday
- The Witcher (Show)
- X-men Evolution
- Apex Legends
- Arknights
- Assassin's Creed
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Bioshock (All games)
- Borderlands (Including 1, 2, Pre-sequel, and 3)
- Cookie Run
- Call of Duty
- Cult of The Lamb
- Danganronpa (Games only)
- Dauntless (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Darksiders
- Dark Deception
- Dark Souls/Souls-Like games
- Dead By Daylight (All Survivors and Killers along with costumes)
- Dead Space (1-3)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Devil May Cry
- Deltarune (Both Chapters)
- Disney Mirrorverse
- Don’t Starve (All Survivors and Costumes)
- Dying Light
- Evil Within
- Evolve (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Fallout
- Far Cry
- Fear and Hunger
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (All Games, Books, Fluffy AU) (Animatronic or Android)
- Friday Night Funkin (Base game)(?)
- Final Fantasy (Primarily anything past 7)
- Gears/Gears of War (Yandere Fics)
- Genshin Impact
- God of War
- Half-Life
- Halo (Reach, CE, 2, 3, 3 ODST, 4, 5, Infinite, Wars 1+2)
- Hollow Knight
- Identity V (All Survivors/Killers and their costumes except Hastur and younger characters are depicted as Platonic)
- Honkai Impact
- Killer Frequency
- The Last of Us
- League of Legends
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Legend of Zelda
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Mario Franchise
- Metal Gear Solid (All games, although I like Revengeance the most)
- Mortal Kombat (9 through 11)
- Metroid
- Mystic Messenger
- No More Heroes
- No Straight Roads
- Obey Me!
- Outlast
- The Outer Worlds
- Overwatch (All characters/Costumes)
- Payday 2
- Persona (3-5)
- Portal (1 and 2)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Pokemon (Just Trainers Right Now) (All games)
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Resident Evil (All Games)
- Silent Hill
- Red Dead Redemption (Mostly 2)
- Skyrim
- Street Fighter
- Team Fortress 2 (All Classes and characters like Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale)
- Twisted Wonderland
- Ultrakill
- Undertale
- Warframe
- We Happy Few
- Xcom
- Halo Books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Cryptum, Broken Circle, Hunters In The Dark, Last Light, New Blood, Envoy, Retribution, Smoke and Shadow, Bad Blood, Renegade, Point of Light, Divine Wind)
Fits in more than one category
- Black Butler
- Alien vs Predator (Just Alien movies or Predator movies are also included. Also books and games.)
- A Song of Ice and Fire/House of The Dragon/Game of Thrones
- Creepypasta/Gaming Creepypasta (Not everyone, it depends)
- Bungou Stray Dogs
- Cuphead (Game/Show)
- Cyberpunk 2077 (Anime/Game)
- DC Comics (Comics, Games, Movies) [Injustice and Arkhamverse mainly, but let's discuss]
- Demon Slayer
- Hiveswap
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Homestuck
- Madness Combat (Game and Series)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Endgame)/Marvel Comic Universe (SPECIFY WHAT COMIC PLEASE-)
- SCP (Not everyone, it depends)
- Slashers/Horror in general (Please say what movie your slasher is from)
- Sonic (All games + The Paramount Movies + IDW Comics. All characters are aged up except characters Classic! Tails, Movie! Tails, Cream the Rabbit, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Classic Amy, which are Platonic as I can't see them as aged up.)
- Splatoon (Manga/Games)
- Transformers (Animated, Cyberverse, Earthspark, Generation 1, IDW comics, Prime, Robots In Disguise, War for Cybertron)
- Yandere OCs I have (Look at this list)
🚫Fandoms I am taking a break from🚫
- South Park (All aged up of course, Show and games)
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I’m not sure where you’re ask went, but its gone. So, here it is.
Ask: Hello. I have a question for you; How would the 2p Allies react to finding how that their darling was homeless? I like to imagine that, during the stalking phase of things, they realize that Y/N is staying in an abandoned building/sleeping in a car/living in a makeshift shelter/campsite in the woods. My personal preference is for a combination of these with the campsite being used for most of the year and Y/N switching to a car/abandoned building in inclement weather and then moving back to the woods before they are discovered in their temporary accommodations. I would really like to know how the yandere 2ps react upon discovering this situation. (Please don’t feel obligated to answer if this topic makes you feel uncomfortable.)
Summer’s reign on the land had begun to wane with the attack of a cool breeze. It rattled not only the leaves on the trees but also the young woman that walked beneath their full arms.
(Y/N)’s spine shuttered as she cuddled deeper into her red and black plaid jacket. Breathing deeply as the warmth slowly returned like the rise of a freshly squished piece of memory foam.
Standing tall once more, (Y/N) turned off the park’s asphalt path. Her scuffed boots crunched the foliage under her foot as she swept branches out of her way. Until she came to a familiar clearing.
As the meadow’s tall grass greeted her with gentle waves, (Y/N)’s shoulders relaxed. Her (E/C) looked toward its shaved center, where her faded blue, tattered tent stood like the ruins of a castle awaiting its lost queen’s return. The fire ring full of white, fluffy ash, and smoked wood quickened her summoning at the promise of dinner and hypnotic entertainment.
All the while, she was unaware of the shadow lingering in the tree line.
America: Under the influence of nature’s rhythm, (Y/N)’s evening and night went as smoothly as a newborn’s first in this world.
The hum of cicadas and the singing of birds acted like an alarm as (Y/N) stretched her stiff body. Muscles burned for a moment before a purr-worthy tingle came from their relaxation.
Shaking the sleep from her eyes, (Y/N) shuffled around, changed, and packed a small, silver bag of toiletries into a large black bag full of her necessities for the day.
(Y/N) left the tent, she inhaled deeply. Letting the fresh, morning air fill her lungs as she began to jog back to society.
Her steps were muffled until they turned into the loud taps on the asphalt.
Alone, she continued on, passing under trees and around water fountains. Lost in the wonder of her inner monologue, she didn’t feel the stare on her back until a thunderous, mechanical roar ripped away her peace.
Much like a terrified rabbit, (Y/N) whipped around to face her potential predator.
At the path’s end was a large, green hilltop. On its peak was a man, dressed in all black leather, his face covered by a dark helmet. The creator of the cacophony was the matte, black Ninja bike between his legs.
(Y/N) stepped back. Her body tensed as it prepared to run. With the second roar acting as a start pistol, she sprinted.
Dashing down the path, she could feel the vibrations from the approaching bike. (Y/N) dove to the side, rolling and sliding in the wet grass when she felt fingers graze her jacket.  
Panting, she was horrified when the bike turned around sharply, kicking up the dirt in an arch. Charging her once more. Scrambling and falling from the dew, (Y/N) could only scream when she was forcibly pulled across the man’s lap.
Her cries for help were hidden by the machine’s screams. Pushing and struggling against the man did nothing for his grip was stronger than steel cables.
She was helpless and scared of what was to come from this strange man.
France: The fire danced and sang with a crackle of dying wood as (Y/N) relaxed against one of her wooden log seats.
A bowl full of simple, canned chili sat in her relaxed hands as she looked up to the sky. The stars blurred like reminders about battery life on a dying phone as the exhaustion of the day began to lower her eyelids.
Grunting and wobbling to a stand, (Y/N) washed her dishes and cooled the fire allowing its grey steam to hiss from the blue bucket of water before heading to her tent. Hoping to reset her biological clock for the next day.
So deep was her sleep that she did not hear the near-silent shift of dirt, nor feel the ground’s momentarily disappearance that became a gentle rocking.
Birds chirped their loud sonnets of greeting to the bright morning. The frequency and intense volume made her brow twitch, once then twice. Before (Y/N) grumbled, opening her eyes and quibbling her way outside, ready to shout for the birds to shut their mouths.
When she froze at the unzipped tent door. Her jaw dropped at the tall cement walls around her.
Eyes roaming, she crept outward. Spinning around to view the small suburban yard. The only thing besides her tent and the grass was the grey house with a man behind her.
She watched as the man leaned against the black railing. His face was hollow from many nights without rest and a cigarette in his teeth. Stubble and greasy blond hair completed the look of someone that was too old and tired to care about the desires of others.
Frozen still, she listened as he called out to her by name.
“Don’t be difficult, it’s time to come inside. I’ve even got the help preparing a bath for you.”
Shaking, she shook her head no, she shuffled back to her tent. Zipping it up she hoped with squeezed eyes that she would awake back in the meadow.
It was silent until the unzipping of the door only confirmed her new reality as cold hands grabbed her arms. Dragging her to the terrifyingly strange man.
Canada: Arms deep in her tent, (Y/N) began to pull everything she needed from her tent. Canned goods, a pot, large bottles of water, and a bundle of wood were set by her knees.
She was smacking the imaginary dirt off her hands when the loud snap of a stick took made her pause. Slowly she looked in the direction of the sound. Her eyes widened and her heart began to pick up its pace at the monster before her.
A large polar bear with crimson-stained claws and maw stood no more than twelve feet from her. Its wild fur and small bead-like eyes sent earth-splitting tremors through her world. The scent of decay that emitted from the beast caused vomit and bile to lurch up her throat like an aggressive dog barley being held back by a leash.
Swallowing, (Y/N) floundered backward keeping low to ground. As much as she preyed that the predator did not see her, it was in vain as the animal lunged.
(Y/N) shrieked and sprinted deeper into the woods. Dodging trees and holding back cries as cuts appeared from the thorny foliage.
It felt like the bear was chasing her for miles as she was forced to alter her path with each lunge and swipe.
(Y/N) followed the yell to the right, spotting a cabin with a man in the distance. His scarred hands waved her toward safety as he ran to her, grabbing (Y/N)’s arm to force her forward up the stairs.
“The door’s open, go!
Staggering she watched as the tall, lumberjack wrestled with the bear. Still screaming for her to hide in his home.
Only nodding, she followed his orders and hid deep within the coat closet of his cabin. Covering her ears as she waited for the battle to end. Wondering if her savior survived.
Her ears perked at the sound of the front door creaking open, and to her relief, she heard only one set of footsteps.
She peeked out the door and gasped at the sight of her mostly unmangled hero. His large arms suffered minor gashes and bruises which darkened his flannel by a few spots.
Their eyes made contact. His brightened at her safety and her full of concern as she approached. Asking if he was alright and how she could thank him.
Chuckling, he answered. “We’re not out of the woods yet, Maple. That bear’s gonna hang around for a while.”
Fear-filled, (Y/N) stuttered. “W-what am I supposed to do? I live in those woods.”
“Well,” The man scratched the back of his head. “You could stay with me. Even repaying the favor by helping around my house. But importantly you’ll also be safe.”
England: (Y/N) rubbed her feet, sore from the miles trekked in old boots as she sat on the cushioned orange sleeping bag.
With her feet now eased of their deep ache, she flopped back. Ready to embrace the darkness of dreamless sleep.
Her heavy lids closed only to snap open at the sound of a dying shriek. She rushed to her elbows and listened closely. More screams and cries cut through the night like a knife slicing human flesh.
Racing through the night, a simple switchblade in hand, (Y/N) followed death’s whistle like a dog to its owner.
Pushing through the overgrowth, (Y/N) nearly vomited at the blood-soaked man before her.
His ribcage was forced open like angel wings erupting from his chest. Body position like he was attempting to crawl away while maintaining eye contact with a deadly predator. His intestines were thrown to the side like rope meant to anchor a boat, his lungs full of punctures, and his heart was gone.
A squeaky choked sob took the place of the vomit that should have been allowed to flow. (Y/N) backed up a step. Shock left her unsure of what to do.
“Poor dear.” Cooed a British accent behind her.
Her hair whipped into her face as she spun to face a thin, pale man with strawberry blond hair. Covered in blood.
“Who are you?” She whispered, curling into herself.
Giggling like a schoolchild at a fearful kitten, he came closer. “You’re husband, dearie.”
 A sudden sharp blow to the back of the head forced her down to her knees. (Y/N) groaned and attempted to recover as the world swirled around her.
“Don’t worry poppet. I’ll fill you in once you wake up.”
The swirling didn’t stop. It progressed to darkness.
Russia: (Y/N)’s night turned to day like the sweet summer breeze. Now refreshed she gathered supplies to begin her restock.
A wallet, an empty backpack, and two large totes were all she needed as she left the comfort of the meadow.
The journey to the store as well as the shopping was like a repeat cut scene in a videogame. The change came on the return trip.
As she walked down the empty sidewalks, a black 1930s GAZ matched her pace. No matter how she moved through the maze of alleys, there the car was. It played with her mind like it was a sick game.
Fear and anger flared like the heat from an open flame as she steeled herself. Standing tall, (Y/N) yelled to the stoic vehicle.
“What do you want?!”
(Y/N) gasped and her knees trembled as more cars appeared. Each one was the same make and model. Her mind ran with questions that had no answers as a car door clicked open. 
A man of tall stature and with a stoic expression that offered no comfort left the vehicle. He stood still for only long enough to close the door before his long legs closed the distance. 
With no choice but to bend her neck back. She looked into his crimson eyes and was enraptured by his deep voice that numbed her brain.
“Privet, little one.” His tone was gentle, as he emptied her hand of the tote and laid a kiss upon her knuckle. “I believe it is time we discussed your living situation.”
Blinking rapidly, removing her hand from the cold kiss. (Y/N) laughed. “Umm… no. I don’t know you and what the heck do you know.”
“Enough. Now, let us be off.” He turned and took a few steps, before stopping when (Y/N) didn’t move.
“Darling, I did not ask. Come now, or else.”
Shaking, (Y/N) asked, “Else what?”
Force was all he said as banditti began to reveal themselves from their identical cars.
China: Groggily (Y/N)’s mind processed the sounds of barking and slapping against her canvas tent. With some effort, she stumbled toward the door. Opening it with a struggle.
As the panel fell, a bright flash blinded her for a moment; before the shadow of an officer dressed in blue filled her vision.
“Get out of the tent.” His voice was thick with authority.
 Compiling, (Y/N) did not want more trouble for being caught camping within a public park. She stood with her hands up, glancing around. She noted in her view that there were three other officers, two with growling K-9 units.
Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself. “On what grounds are you holding me.”
The same officer from before held up a bag full of white crystals. “Squatting and drug possession.”
Like a whip's crack, she denied knowledge of the foul substance. Claiming that it was placed, screaming for a print dust. Her verbal protesting grew louder as the officers moved to take her to the flashing cop car.
Once within the car, she shuddered into silence. The drive and screening process was faster than the color changes of the siren’s light.
Stuck within her mind unable to process the event, she sat shivering in the dark cell. Crying into her knees as her fears came to the forefront of her solitude.
Left in her torment, she ignored the two sets of footsteps that stopped in front of her cell. The soft, warm voice that called out to her awoke her from the pain.
(Y/N) stared with red, itchy eyes at the arresting officer and his strange Chinese partner. Unsure of what both were going to do with her in the dark.
“See, Jin.” He gestured. “Told ya I would catch her for ya. Now, you’re end of the deal?”
This, Jin, nodded and handed the crooked cop a large bag of the same substance that was claimed to be found at her campsite.
“YOU!” (Y/N) accused, jumping to her feet as she jabbed a finger at the drug dealer.
“Yes, me.” Jin smiled, his eyes twinkling in the darkness.
“Now will you come quietly or do you need a few more days to stew before I force you home?”
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blackbird0blog · 2 years
Short Story Summaries
Here are the stories for which I have chapter one nearly completed and just need to fill in a few more scenes and edit. Currently 5 have been posted.
Uchiha Chiasa (Naruto SI) - Posted!
In which Uchiha Shisui and I trick the whole world into believing I’m his little sister, and together we proceed to wreck canon one step at a time. Or the one in which Bro-con!Shisui saves the world.
Senju Tobirama’s Guide to Screwing Up Time Travel
Tobirama and Mito mourned Hashirama’s death in the tradition of the Senju and Uzumaki; they got blind drunk while cursing his name. In his drunken fugue, Tobirama gets an Idea. In her drunken fugue, Mito thinks it’s Great.
In a display of true irony and proof that karma is very real, Tobirama lives once again as the second son of the clan head – the Uchiha clan that is. 
In which Tobirama is Sasuke, Mito is Karin, and the rest of the world is scrambling to catch up. 
Mustang and Al’s Elemental Nations Road Trip.
In which Truth is an ass, there are dimension, body, and soul exchanges, and suddenly we have Hoshigaki OMG-A-Fluffy-Cat Kisame, Uchiha Why-Am-I-Still-Blind Itachi, and Edward Mysteriously-Missing Elric, who didn’t have the decency to end up together with Al and Roy. 
Surviving Your Genin Team
In which Kakashi gets assigned Team Seven, consisting of a Hokage wannabe, an avenger, and a rabid fan: only they’re not who you think they are. 
Aspiring Hokage Sakura, Avenger Naruto, and Fanboy Sasuke.
Ino Time Travel
Yamanaka Ino isn’t anyone’s first choice for time travel. She is, unfortunately, the only choice. But just because she’s come back alone doesn’t mean she has to do everything herself. Uchiha Itachi was minding his own business, committing great acts of evil while spying for his village, when a pint-sized blonde literally kicks down his door and kidnaps him. Is it kidnapping when your kidnapper is the kid?
Void Contract (Naruto SI) - Posted!
Uzuki Yuuto was content to serve his village as a career chuunin manning an insignificant outpost on the outskirts of Konoha while exploring the wonders of chakra. He stayed far away from The Plot and was happy about it. Then, he accidentally stumbles across Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, and his easy life as an unnoticeable grunt comes to an explosive end.
SI!Sasuke - Posted!
The general consensus around Konoha was that Itachi had driven me into incomprehensible, blithering insanity. It was a wonderful excuse for my personality transplant before and after the massacre. Honestly, I was a little embarrassed for them. They called themselves ninja yet didn’t suspect Sasuke’s body had been taken over by an alien. I wasn’t exactly hiding it.
Hinata - sunflower. A delicate name for a delicate girl. The moment I blew the balls off my would-be kidnapper aged three, I somehow got the premonition it wouldn’t suit me quite as well.
Hidden Fire - Shiranui Genma Time Travel
Officially, Shiranui Genma was still a special jounin with a specialisation in poisons. Good to have along on a mission with his mild, easy-going demeanour, honed over years of practice as a laid-back, wise-cracking pain-in-your-arse. 
To his close friends, he was ANBU who had been incredibly hard to see since the Kyuubi attack, hardly spending time inside the village. 
To the Hokage, Genma was a dedicated shinobi who had mastered Minato’s Flying Thunder God technique since his death three years ago. With it, Genma had become his most efficient assassin. 
Uzumaki Mito’s Guide to Starting Your Harem
In which Mito seduces both Hashirama and Madara at the same time – for Konoha, of course. Not just because she wants two deliciously muscled men in her bed. 
The Dove and the Crow
It’s the greatest scandal of the decade when the Uchiha heir and Yamanaka heiress are caught in bed together by assassins. Ino only wishes they were boning instead of conducting highly illegal experiments on his sharingan – at least then she would be getting laid.
Fem!Naruto Time Travel
Naruto sends himself back in time, Kushina performs the sealing and saves his dad. The only problem is - he somehow turned himself into a girl. Thus begins the saga of Uzumaki Naruto’s seduction of Uchiha Itachi, to the great chagrin of her doting father.
A Naruto x Itachi romantic comedy 
Monsters of the Mind (Yamanaka OC) - Posted!
Summary:There is nothing more terrifying than the fears you conjure in your own mind. No one knows this better than Yamanaka Kazue.
Harry Potter and the Alv Invasion
During the summer before fourth year, the Alv Nation emerges from their portal realm and overthrow the magical world. In Great Britain, a meritocracy is forcibly put in place. Harry, Ron, and Hermione must now find their place in the new world where magic and might are one and the same.
Prison, Piracy, and Perfect Planning
Draco’s plan was perfect: keep his head down, stay far away from Potter, and when the Dark Lord returned, dose his parents with Draught of Living Death and flee the country. Simple. Only Draco could fail so badly he ended up as a fugitive on the run with Sirius Black. 
The Bane of Atlantis
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are being hunted by monsters only they can see. Creatures so horrific that every mention of them have been struck from history. This new, unknown scourge threatens to consume Hogwarts, and only three souls stand in its way.
Regulus Black and the Flames of Judgement
It all happened because of a stray jelly-legs jinx. One moment Professor Flitwick was walking past the Goblet of Fire carrying a stack of old essays taller than he was, and the next half the pile went straight into the lit cup, being consumed by the flames before anyone could stop it. The question now was… who would be Hogwarts’ Triwizard Champion?
A Harry Potter Epilogue - Posted!
Harry’s post-Voldemort life kicks off with a bang when he is attacked by mercenaries seeking the Elder Wand. Soon the Trio find themselves caught up in a race to keep the Hallows out of the hands of those who seek them for their own nefarious ends. Humour and Crack AU.
Grim Apparitions
The Blacks are the stars in the night sky, and Sirius is the brightest of them all. He was so sure, so determined that he would be different from his family. But when his newly discovered animagus form comes with magicks that would make even the darkest of Blacks flee in terror, Sirius starts to realise that perhaps being different from his family isn’t a good thing after all.
Desperation can drive anyone to the greatest heights - or the deepest abyss. Draco Malfoy knows this better than anyone. Draco succeeds in killing Dumbledore, and all that follows.
PKMN Trainer Hiccup 
This is Berk. In a word? Sturdy. And it’s been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting and a charming view of the sunset. The only problems are the pests. You see most places have rattata or beedrill. We have – 
Or that pokémon AU you never knew you needed.
Scorching Fire (KHR) - Posted!
Summary:Something is burning beneath his skin, clawing and screaming and desperate to get out. An inextinguishable fire that can only be felt by him. There is a monster that lives inside of Sawada Tsunayoshi. And the worst thing is – the monster is him.
Grab your Freedom with Both Hands 
 Rickard Stark – intrigued by the idea of alliances with the South – accepts the invitation to the royal wedding of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia. For Lyanna Stark, this was her chance for adventure. Meeting Oberyn, the infamous Prince of Dorne was an unexpected coincidence, and the more time she spends with him, the more she is convinced he is freedom in the flesh; everything Lyanna has ever wanted. Lyanna curses her traitorous heart for falling for his seductive charm, knowing she is promised to someone else. 
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