#Ninja and Poppy are so cuuute!
mewnia · 18 days
How many cats do you have? And can we see them?!?!?!
I currently have two! Lemme show you pictures :3c
Here’s Ninja, 15, I love him very much he is my son <3 He’s getting older, so he’s slower and not as playful as he used to be. But he’s still such a sweetie and gets plenty of hugs!
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And then here’s Poppy, she’s 3 now! She’s very rambunctious, constantly being called a gremlin. She also doesn’t have a full grasp on what gravity is..
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I love them both very much. While Ninja was definitely intended to be mine, Poppy has made it clear she likes me a lot more than the others living in my house, so I have two kids <3 Hey, I’m not complaining.
Honorable mentions go to Tommy (16, Dec 17, 2019) and Tigersocks (18, April 11, 2022) who were previous cats we had and were present throughout most of my life. Tommy (the ginger) was a big sweetie pie and a major attention stealer, and Tigersocks (the tabby) was a little skittish but the perfect lap cat you could have a conversation with. I miss them a lot!
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I LOVE MY CATS they are the loves of my life and I will always happily talk about them when someone asks!!
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