#fluermione fic recs
drabsyo · 2 years
So I know you’re doing life things and I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to let you know I found a Cissamione story for you that I told you about in a previous ask. It was about Hermione opening a security company and Lucius ticking off the mafia. It’s called Safe Keeping by Liidg. You can’t find it on ff.net anymore but some wonderful soul saved their work before it was purged. You can find it if you google it. If you’re not into Cissamione anymore that’s cool but I figured I’d let you know since I recently found it again for myself. Hope you have a good day and a great week!
Hey anon! How have you been? I just want to say, I really appreciate all the asks you send me. Especially when I get notified of them during extremely tiring days, they just make my days a lot better. I'm still flooded by school projects, and all my personal projects are currently on hiatus. But yes, I am still Cissamione and Fluermione trash lmao 🤣 (Though, I've been playing a lot more Mass Effect as of late, been modding it to the high heavens!)
I've heard of that fic before, and I was very interested in reading it. Although, I don't think I found it? I can't remember, but it sounds very familiar to me. I'll look it up on google. Thank goodness for the wonderful souls who save fanfics 🥹
Thanks for the fic rec and for the cute ask. I hope you have a great week, anon <3
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drabsyo · 4 years
Hey! I’m new to the fleurmione fandom and I’m loving it here. I just stumbled upon the ship while scrolling through tumblr. Are there fleurmione fics that you would recommend I read? I would really appreciate your recs
So far I’ve read Aucune Defense Pour Toi, Saving Souls & Healing Hearts, and the Dusk of Summer series- all of which where amazing
Ah! Certainly, anon ;) Also welcome!!
Fleurmione fic rec p.2 💙💖✨📚 p. 1 here.
What We’ve Missed by lipeviez
(Oh gosh, this one. Beautiful. Angsty. Passionate. Hello?? I raved about this for an entire week, and had to reread it twice after reading it the first time. I think this one is definitely one of the best. Rated M for My Favorite and MMMM.)
Summary: Hermione detested failure. She hated entering a new situation where she wasn’t absolutely confident in her abilities to succeed. Dating women was one such new situation. She decided to arrange a no strings encounter but was not prepared for the feelings and memories it dredges up, feelings she thought she’d buried after she lost touch with a certain Frenchwoman.
Falling Towards Something (It Might Just Be You) by thewaywedo33
(Hello angst-trip! But so, so worth it. Into that high stakes, high tension setting? Well this one takes the cake. Beautifully written in Hermione’s third person perspective. You won’t regret reading this one. Fleur Delacour has never been more alluring, magnetic, enigmatic.)
Summary: At the Battle of Hogwarts Hermione discovers Fleur is not who she thinks she is. As they are drawn together again and again, Hermione might just discover she herself is no longer the same person either.
The Dress by waxwing_Saint
(Fleur and Hermione, happily married. Married couple things. Shortest one in the list, but the idea of these two living a blissfully domestic life is 💖. Please know that this is Rated E.)
Summary: The Minister For Magic and her lover secret away in the middle of a gala and find a quiet little stairwell all to themselves.
Cherry Blossoms Across Your Lips by Sosh_022
(This one is new and on-going, but I’m already obsessed. The culture. The plot. The rivalry. The characterization. HERMIONE. Brilliant. One for the bookmarks definitely!)
Summary: Hermione, Harry, and Draco have been nominated to represent Hogwarts in the biggest wizarding competition of all time - the Triwizard Tournament. Teams of three from nine wizarding schools all around the world will gather together to compete for a chance at eternal glory, fame, and money. It's here within the jade green walls and everblooming gardens of Mahoutokoro where Hermione and Fleur meet again. AKA an HP AU with HP characters. Voldemort never happened. Everyone is a seventh year student.
Witnessed here in Time and Blood by whistle.the.silver
(Definitely one of the classic Fleurmione reads. Poetic, painful, intricate. Shell Cottage has never felt more like home, has never felt this safe before, has never felt this torturous. I’d listen to To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra while reading this. The fic is written in Hermione’s POV, but To Build A Home grants us a glimpse into Fleur’s perspective, at least that’s what I think! Not a lighthearted read but worth reading every word and so much more.)
Summary: When Shell Cottage receives a motley group, Fleur and Bill do their best to ensure their safety. In the weeks that follow, wounds are healed and plans are concocted. Fleur and Hermione find themselves coming to a new understanding of one another.
Our Minds Work in Mysterious Ways (But We Like It Like That) by  InsomniacAndBi
(Another awesome AU by InsomniacAndBi. Always been a fan of investigatory crime documentaries and series, and if you are too, then this is perfect.)  
Summary: Fleur was always an observer in life, choosing to watch and not get involved. So, she wasn't entirely what she was doing in a dingy old cottage with five other students whose minds worked in the same, odd ways as her own. An Au inspired by the Naturals book series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.
Hear No Evil by The_Lochness_Monster
(Another on-going fic, but absolutely brilliant. I just love this so much.)
Summary: There were three things that Hermione knew with absolute certainty: she despised ungraded homework, her front teeth were too large for her face, and she would never hear. Deaf Hermione AU.
Oath of Silver by i_shall_wear_midnight
(Because I can never get enough of the Witcher franchise, and this fills the void of longing for a wlw Witcher story.)
Summary: Fleur hires a witcher and then decides to keep her.
Cruel Intentions by Perpetual_Nonsense
(Okay, so... you know those rather cliché The Bet, I-Dare-You-To-Woo-This-Person stories? Well here you go. I swear. With this one, you’re in for a ride. This entire fic plays like a MOVIE, and if that isn’t everything, I don’t know what is. Watching those coming of age/teen romance films a guilty pleasure of yours? Read Cruel Intentions.)
Summary: Fleur Delacour is a seductive, manipulative heiress who gets what she wants when she wants it. Bored with her life, she decides she needs a challenge and sets her sights on Hermione Granger, the golden girl, during the Triwizard Tournament. She plans to take Hermione's virginity by the third task; Hermione has other plans.
I did my best to compile complete ones, except for the other two because I’m already so in love with those. I excluded the other classics like the ones you’ve mentioned but I’m pretty sure there are tons more out there, these are just the ones I’ve completed reading and tend to reread a lot. It got a bit long again... But please, I hope you have a happy reading! :)
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