blindfoldorders · 7 years
@flowers-for-2b: Why-- where did you even come from??? @yorhanovemixs: Still better than kinkshaming!
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organizedglory-blog · 7 years
ACCESS_POINT - @flowers-for-2b & @modelo2b SUBJECT - YoRHa Type B No.2 MISSION_STATUS - COMPLETE
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                “ Is that you, 2b? ”
     The Commander heard the clicking of heeled boots fast approaching, yet she didn’t even bother to turn and greet her most faithful subordinate. If there was one among the many YoRHa units that she took great pride in besides 9s, it would have to be 2b; a female android that had kept loyalties to her in trying times of the machine menace and.... other stresses. “ Your mission was a success, well done. Now that you’ve returned to the Bunker, I want routine maintenance performed on you before rest, I advise you take it to ensure mission efficiency. Once you’re cleared you may resume your data gathering on Earth--.... where is 9s? ” how strange that she’d not heard a pained sigh... was he off on his own?
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machinistic · 7 years
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     Now, it’s not every day he’s given the chance to actually prance about. Usually, he’s told to stay in place, stay where his brother has designated for him. But this time, just this once, he’s been allowed to wander (so long as he comes back in one piece).
     But even being given the opportunity to wander didn’t really prove to be as enjoyable as he had hoped it would be. No, instead it just proved to him that there was nothing more in the areas than small machines hobbling about, some flyers here and there but nothing entirely new that he hasn’t seen before. Hasn’t witnessed in some form.
     Well, that’s what he thought, until something caught his attention.
     A little blip in his vision. Red, orange and yellow mixed together to form a signature and he wonders what in the world that could be. Of course, his child-like curiosity kicks in and he’s sprinting in that direction, smile wide on his face. For a moment. It disappears as he skids to a stop, seeing an android blocking the path he wishes to go. Combat unit, he recognizes but...she was in place of where the heat signature had come from. So what could that possibly mean? She was an android, she shouldn’t...or maybe...? Could she? Impossible!
     He thinks about it for a moment, bares his teeth and his body splits in a glow of light, appearing behind the woman for a second to allow him to tap her shoulder. And he’s gone again, body coming together as he stumbles back in his steps and lets arms fold over his chest.
     “Yo,” A charming greeting, “You’re that one from before aren’t you? ...2D, was it?” No, that wasn’t her name, Eve. But it doesn’t look like he cares, not when there are more important matters at hand.
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ajisxi-moved-blog · 7 years
@blindfoldorders 「 Why do you have so many pictures of her back!? 」 @flowers-for-2b
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
@flowers-for-2b I knew it, You are jealous, 2B!
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
15 ASSOCIATIONS: Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question. 1. ANIMAL: Dog and cat. 
2. COLOR(S): Black, white, and gray. 
3. MONTH: January 
4. SONG: No clue. I don't listen to music enough for any sort of association. 
5. NUMBER: 9
7. PLANT: waterlily flower. 
8. SMELL: shampoo. Fresh water. Oil. 
9. GEMSTONE: Beryllonite 
10. SEASON: Spring
11. PLACE: ruined places, factories, old buildings, open fields. 
12. FOOD: rice..? 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aquarius 
14. ELEMENT(S): water. 
15. DRINK: Water. Tagged by: @flowers-for-2b Tagging: (°▽°) who knows?
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
"How do you feel?"
“It feels like there’s a ton of weight off my back and I think I’m actually feeling what hunger is as well. Humans bodies are so weird, I can’t wait till I turn back.. That is if I can.”
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
2B was hiding something. She would always keep her things away hidden from others eyes or not answer honestly when he asked. Today, she left her computer out in the open and 9S was determined to find out what was going on. It didn't take him long before he got into her computer, actually it was really easy for him. Which wasn't too surprising. After a few minutes of searching he found a file titled 'secret'. "Not really a secret if you title it like that, 2B." He said to himself before clicking on it. "W-what is all this?" He said upon looking at the contents he had opened up.
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
“ It’s nothing. I’m fine! “
“It might not be just /nothing/, 2B! We should still inject the logic virus vaccine and use some staunching gel on it!” It may just be some sort of small cut that would heal up or a waste on a vaccine but it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious over this.
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
9S had been researching different ways to show that he was thankful towards 2B for everything that she’s done- for everything that she is. The main way he’s found that humans did for showing appreciation towards each other were through different kinds of kisses. There were so many different kisses; so many he wanted to give to 2B. He didn’t exactly know how they worked or if she would like them but she didn’t like gifts so this would be the best thing for her, he thought. After gathering all he could on the different types and memorizing it all he had to do was go through with it. He then headed to her bunker room to see if she was available. There she was, resting in bed. He was just going to give her a simple kiss on the cheek but he felt so much more than just friendship. As soon as he moved in to give her a kiss /elsewhere/ she woke up. “Ah, 2B.” As soon as she noticed he was over her she sat up moving her legs to off the bed and started to question him with a look. “Ah well, I wanted to show my appreciation through something the humans called a kiss.” Of course she didn’t know what a kiss was. And 9S smiled a volunteered to show her. She was curious too so she for once and luckily said yes to his offer. First he moved to get on his knees and looked over to his legs. “Can I start here.” She nodded of course not understanding what was about to happen. He gently took her leg and then kissed her knee as a sign of /support/. Then he got up and sat on the bed with her wanting to continue the little ‘lesson’. Next he gently took her hand and asked before doing so of course then kissed her on fingertips then moved up to her knuckles lightly kidding her there. Next was the back of her hand and then her wrist. This was getting a bit embarrassing for the both of them but he wanted to show her as much affection as he could. Next he caressed her hair. God she was so wonderful. She was everything to him. He moved in to kiss her forehead then moved down to her nose and cheek. One more. He wanted one more. His true feelings for her would be put into this final kiss. He finally and slowly leaned in to kiss her on her lips. He would have thought she would have jerked or moved him away or something, but she didn’t. She actually ended up enjoying the moment as well and put him into an embrace before he stopped the kiss. “2B..” He was more happy than words could express. “You are the light. I love you.” He said before kissing her once more not giving her another chance to speak.
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
N, Q, T, U, Z (( Z: Favorite joke endings in automata? ))
N - Favourite animal?: Probably.. A dog? I used to be into animals more when I was younger but now not so much. It used to be a flamingo.
Q - Favourite flower?: Tfw I don’t know a lot about flowers or plants in general. Do fictional ones count? ( lunar tears and sopherias are pretty. ) but seriously if I had to pick it would be Sakura flowers. They’re so pretty and make everything around them pretty. ( im a true weeb. )
T - 3 things I love unconditionally.: Video games, my friends, and probably red haired fictional guys. ( don’t judge me! )
U - Favourite time of year, and why: Spring. I love storm weather since it always feels good. But I also hate it because of bees and other stingers.
Z - favorite joke endings in Automata?: hun[g]ry for knowledge, no [I] in team, aji wo [k]utta, break ti[m]e, [N]o mans village, [Q]uestiomable actions, city e[s]cape, fa[T]al error, deb[u]nked, and time to rela[x].
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
“Hacking? It’s more of a game to me than a kink.”
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
“It’s just a cut, really.”
“It may be but it would still be good to get it looked at just in case any circuits were damaged.” He said with a concerned tone of voice. “With the way things have been lately it wouldn’t hurt.”
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
“Huh, 2B?” He was suddenly stopped by the female model when she wrapped her arms around him. Someone usually so aloof was now.. Holding onto him for what felt for dear life for whatever reason. Instead of questioning her actions any further he decided to just go with it and hold her just as tightly. If only 2B was always like this.. If only time would stop so she would never let him go. This was a nice feeling.
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blindfoldorders · 7 years
“You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
Warm synthetic flesh atop a cold Metallic body touching and feeling through his synthetic hair. It was a new feeling and something he didn’t expect of his comrade but he wasn’t going to bring it up. No, it felt too good for him to ruin. He wanted this feeling to last even if it made his pulse rise it was still something he didn’t mind. He wished this moment would never stop. “Really? You can touch it as long as you’d like.”
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machinistic · 7 years
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small mains tag dump
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