#flow of thought wrt to the latest starlight event
ievaxol · 2 years
there are ten thousand roads to run away
"Little helper, is it?" Seike feels a smile pull on her mouth as the girl runs off with her new coat clutched to her chest and Aymeric ducks his head with a quiet huff.
"As a citizen of Starlight's birthplace, I felt compelled to volunteer my services in some way, however small — and thus I seem to have become a little helper indeed." He looks her over, affectionate warmth plain in his gaze.
"While 'twas an audience with the Elder Seedseer that called me here initially... I am glad for the oppurtunity to bear witness to the bright smiles of Gridania's children. Equally glad am I to meet you here, my friend."
"It's been too long," Seike agrees.
She shifts her weight uneasily.
Laurenssen's presence shackles their conversation — it's easy to tell in the rigid way Aymeric holds himself, the stilted formality present in everything but his eyes.
"I will be right back," she says brusquely to Laurenssen who looks between the two with a gaze a little too calculating for Seike's taste; but he says nothing and Aymeric bows to the man before following her lead.
They don't walk far, just enough to be out of sight of most. As soon as Seike makes it behind one of the large hedges close by the Botanist's Guild she feels her shoulders drop, tension bleeding out of her.
"I know exactly how you feel," Aymeric muses. "'Tis an exhausting thing to uphold a title, let alone several."
"It's for a good cause," she says quietly and Aymeric nods in understanding. "I met Emmanellain as well."
"Ah, yes. I heard him." It's said with a grimace — no wonder, considering Emmanellain was loud enough that half of Gridania must been alerted to his presence, not only Aymeric.
Quiet settles between them, easy and familiar, a moment to take a breath for the both of them. After some time Seike nudges Aymeric's elbow and he smiles, only for the smile to turn strained.
"I must —"
"Go," Seike finishes for him. "I understand. Happy Starlight, Aymeric."
He hesitates before he bends down to rummage in the sack he uses to carry the presents in. After a little while he seems to find what he's looking for, emerging with a bundle of deep blue.
"If I may?" He asks, and although Seike isn't entirely sure what he's asking of her, she nods.
Aymeric unwraps the bundle to reveal a beautifully knitted scarf that he wastes no time in winding around Seike's neck, standing so she's hidden from the sight of any passerby's. When his fingers brush against the skin on her throat she shudders and that makes him lean in, makes him tug the scarf a little tighter.
It's cloying and intimate, a welcome touch — she's been separated from anyone who knows her for far too long, doing odd jobs and tying up loose ends.
"It would not do for you to catch cold when I have the means to prevent it," Aymeric murmurs. "I only wish I had a color that matched your tastes better."
"This is," she has to clear her throat, overcome with that dizziness that always exists between her and Aymeric, the electrical current neither would dare put a name to. "This is fine."
"Next year, won't you celebrate Starlight proper with us? In Ishgard?"
Seike feels a pang of pain, of guilt — she has been avoiding them and this is Aymeric's kind way of letting her know he's noticed.
"I would like to." It's the closest thing to the truth she can give and he doesn't press the issue, stepping back after a final adjustment of the scarf.
"Well, hopefully we will meet before then. Happy Starlight, Seike."
Aymeric bows and she bows in return, watching him go.
She feels warmer already.
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