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Princess Ariane || dress by Floreat
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cantuscorvi · 20 days
Lilu leaning over to Raum's space to merely rest shoulder to shoulder, hands remain in his lap at the mercy of Solomon's snoring form and his lids low. Tired but not enough to sleep but close enough to power down and stop talking for eons as usual. Thus, peace and a moment for two to relax in the same space.
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When the usual flow of conversation lapsed into silence, he didn’t think much of it, until weight came to rest against his shoulder. Raum’s eyes moved away from his glass to Lilu’s profile, catching that drowsy look on his face and huffing a soft, almost mocking amusement through his nose.
He recognized the feeling of torpor that Solomon gave to those who weren’t used to his presence. So hard to notice, but slowly affecting all the same. There was a reason Raum had tried to kick the ‘dog’ out so many times — especially when he hadn’t been free to roam in his own body. It could be exhausting when he stuck to you.
These days, he simply ate better to combat the parasite. He didn’t feel it anymore.
Carefully Raum set aside his glass on the side table. His arm slinked around the back of the sofa, behind the other demon’s shoulders.
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“And I thought you didn’t like dogs.” Fingertips touched the side of Lilu’s neck to rouse him. “Don’t get too comfortable, now — he’ll snore the life right out of you.”
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prestigecardetailers · 11 months
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gardensaustralia · 1 year
Expert Lawn Laying Services In Floreat, Wa: Gardens Australia
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your outdoor space with expert lawn laying in Floreat, WA, by Gardens Australia. Our skilled team specializes in professional lawn installation, using top-quality turf to create a lush and vibrant lawn.
Gardens Australia
Floreat WA 6014, Australia
Phone: 0401-326-902
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Finding The Qualified Therapist For Best Sports Massage Perth
A sports massage is a type of massage that is designed to help athletes in training or recovering from an event. A sports massage aims to improve the athlete's performance and prevent injuries—sports massage makes use of before, during, or after athletic events. Sports massages are not just for athletes. Anyone looking to improve their physical performance or recover from an injury can benefit from a sports massage. Sports massage can be a great way to improve your performance and training. However, it is essential to know the potential risks associated with sports massage and consult a qualified massage therapist to ensure it performs correctly.
The benefits of a Best Sports Massage Perth include:
One of the most important benefits of sports massage is that it can help to prevent injuries. Massage can also help to increase blood flow and circulation, which helps to nourish and oxygenate the muscles and can also help to reduce the risk of injuries.
Another great benefit of sports massage is that it can improve your performance. Massage can increase flexibility and range of motion, leading to better performance in your chosen sport. Massage can also help to improve your endurance and stamina and help you go longer and harder during your workouts, leading to better results.
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Sports massage can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. When you are under stress, your body produces cortisol, leading to weight gain, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Massage can help reduce the amount of cortisol in your body, leading to better overall health. Finally, sports massage can help to improve your recovery time. When you are injured, your body needs time to heal. Massage can help increase the rate at which your body heals so that you can return to your sport or activity sooner.
If you are looking for a way to improve your health and performance, consider sports massage, Bodyright Massage provides sports massage to those activities throughout the week. Their team of highly trained professionals utilizes an extensive range of techniques to deliver targeted treatment for each client. Identifying tight or weak areas before they become a problem and assisting with injury recovery can help you improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall performance. Do not hesitate to contact them for more details about Sports Massage Floreat.
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jurnaltalking · 1 year
Why Seeking Treatment for Lower Back Pain is Important
Lower back pain is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injury. While many people try to ignore their lower back pain or treat it with over-the-counter pain medication, seeking professional treatment is important for several reasons.
Causes of Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be caused by a variety of factors. Poor posture is a common cause of lower back pain, as it puts extra pressure on the muscles and ligaments in the lower back. Muscle strain is another common cause of lower back pain, which can occur due to overuse or injury. Herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other spinal conditions can also cause lower back pain.
Symptoms of Lower Back Pain
The symptoms of lower back pain can vary depending on the underlying cause. Some people experience a dull ache or stiffness in their lower back, while others may experience sharp pain or muscle spasms. In some cases, lower back pain can also cause numbness or tingling in the legs.
Importance of Seeking Treatment
Seeking treatment for lower back pain is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it can help alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Professional treatment form physio Floreat can also help you identify the underlying cause of your lower back pain and develop an effective treatment plan.
In addition to alleviating your symptoms and identifying the underlying cause of your lower back pain, seeking professional treatment form physio Subiaco can also help prevent future episodes of lower back pain. By working with a healthcare professional to develop an exercise plan and improve your posture, you can reduce your risk of developing chronic lower back pain.
Treatment Options
There are several treatment options available for lower back pain. Depending on the underlying cause of your lower back pain, your physio Subiaco provider may recommend physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or other treatments. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the underlying problem.
Prevention Tips
While it's not always possible to prevent lower back pain from occurring, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk. Maintaining good posture throughout the day is one of the most important things you can do to prevent lower back pain. Regular exercise can also help strengthen the muscles in your lower back and reduce your risk of developing chronic pain.
Lower back pain is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. While many people try to ignore their symptoms or treat them with over-the-counter medication, seeking professional treatment from a physio Floreat is important for several reasons. By working with a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause of your lower back pain and develop an effective treatment plan, you can alleviate your symptoms and reduce your risk of developing chronic pain in the future.
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merrinla · 10 months
I need more of him speaking latin please
Translated spells from devnotes
Flagra – Blaze
Arde – Burn
Maior, fortior – Greater, stronger
Fulgur – Lightning
Glacies – Ice
Acidum – Acid
Dolor – Pain
Malleus – Hammer
Confusio – Confusion
Morere – Die
Veni et iuva me – Come and aid me
Configo – I pierce
Ignis – Fire
Peri – Perish
Macte virtute – Be blessed (for your courage)
Ira et dolor – Wrath and pain
Te curo – I cure you
Treme – Shiver
Quod dico face – Do as I say
Invoco te – I summon you
Tonitrus – Thunder
Deure – Wither
Macesce – Wither
Cudo – I beat
Mortalis – Deadly
Ferio – I strike
Frange – Shatter
Inficio – I poison
Stupefacio – I strike (you) dumb
Impero tibi – I command you
Incende – Set fire
Diminuo te – I shatter you
Tormentum – Torture
Gela – Freeze
Perure – Be consumed
Ira – Wrath
Caedo – I cut
Ex Textura – From the Weave
Detono – I thunder
Mortem tuum sum – I am your death
Venenum – Poison
Tu es nihil – You are nothing
Dissolve – Melt
Dialino – I shred
Torre – Roast
Vis medicatrix – Healing Power
Seco – I carve
 Circulus mortis – Circle of death
Resisto mortem – I resist death
Vita excolatur – Let life be enriched
Voco spicae – I summon spikes
Magis amica veritas – Truth is a better friend
Te video – I see you
Tempestas – Wind
Risum teneatis? – Can you help laughing?
Resisto ignem – I resist fire
Non fit injura – No harm is done
Sphaera mortis – Sphere of death
Corpora sana – Healthy bodies
Diminue – Be diminished
Crescit eundo – It grows as it goes
Intactilis sum – I am untouchable
Ververo – I lash
Obedi me – Obey me
Pulso – Open up
Ad lapidem – To stone
Non compos mentis – (You are) not in control of your faculties
Esurio – Be afraid
Resisto frigus – I resist cold
Omnia mutantur – Everything changes
Signum arcanum – Magic symbol
Ad maiorem dei gloriam – For the greater glory of god
Tenebra – Darkness
Mundus vult decipi – The world wants to be deceived
Nulla salus – There is no salvation
Punge – Sting
Ludus non factum est – The game is not over
Hostium munera – Gifts of enemies
Plue – Let it rain
Esto perpetua – May it be perpetual
Bene curatur – It can be healed well
Non movere – Don’t move
Voco murus – I summon a wall
Morio – You absolute fool
Voco flagella – I summon tentacles
Venustior – More charming
Pallida mors – Pale death
Aresce – Dry up
Resarcio – I repair
Evanesco – I disappear
Vincere est vivere – To conquer is to live
Fiat voluntas dei – May god’s will be done
Et alibi – And elsewhere
Invisibilis – Invisible
Propera – Hurry up
Inaccessus – Inaccessible
Nocturnus – By night
Vos curo – Heal you
Demento te – I drive you insane
Agilius – With more agility
Caveat incantator – Let the caster beware
Inexpugnabilis – Impregnable
Virtus et scientia – Virtue and knowledge
Voco vineae – I summon vines
Tempora mutantur – The times have changed
Maledicte es – You are cursed
Vincit qui patitur – He conquers who endures
Voco potentia – I summon power
Risus abundat – Laughter is abundant
Pulchrior – More beautiful
Da mihi facta – Give me the facts
Ocior – Make haste
Resisto venenum – I resist poison
Horribilissimus – The most horrible
Loquere si tibi placet – Speak if you please
Stabilio – I stabilize
Voco araneae – I summon webs
Te occludo oculos – I close your eyes
Dum vita est, spes est – Where there’s life, there’s hope
Canto te – I enchant you
Caeco te – I blind you
Mors tua, vita mea – Your death, my life
Fiat lux – let there be light
Para bellum – Prepare for war
Volo non fugia – I fly but do not flee
Gigans – Giant
Vivat crescat floreat – May it live and grow
Efferve – Swarm over
Ubi es? – Where are you?
Surge – Arise
Incommodum – Disaster
Siccut cattus – Like a cat
Citius – Faster
Resisto acidum – I resist acid
Mors certa – Death is certain
Te adstringo linguam – I bind your tongue
Ex nihilo – Out of nothing
Sine metu – Without fear
Voco glacies – I summon ice
Minimus – The smallest
Intellego – I understand
Voco nubes – I summon clouds
Auribus teneo lupum – I hold the wolf be the ears
Corruptus – Infected
Ale me – Feed me
Flagello – I whip
Es praedae mei – You are my prey
Cave circulum – Beware of the circle
Amo sanguinem – I love blood
Amicus animalis – Friend of animals
Mors animae – Death of the soul
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua – With the dead in a dead language
Aqua pura – Clear water
In nocte consilium – The night brings advice
Umbrae – Shadows
Tibi do pennas – I give you wings
Te absolvo – I acquit you
Inveniam viam – I will find a way
Irretio in sphaera – I trap you in sphere
Ostende secretorum tuorum – Reveal your secrets
Oculus tempestatis – The eye of the storm
Resurg – You will rise again
Mutatis mutandis – With appropriate changes
Tuebor – I will protect
Aridissimus – Driest
Intelligenti pauca – Few words suffice for he who understands
Eiecto te – I throw you out
Cresceat scientia – Let knowledge grow
Silentium – Silence
Impero te – I command you
Time – Be afraid
Resisto – I resist
Video veritatem – I see the truth
Viam sapientiae – The way of wisdom
Stultissime – You most stupid
Ut ventus – Into the wind
Secreti umbrarum – The secrets of the shadows
Clausus – Locked
Lux in tenebra – Light in darkness
Ab uno disce omnes – From one, learn all
Ad vitam aeternam – To eternal life
Impero mortuos – I command the dead
Morbidus – Diseased
Sol Invictus – Unconquered Sun
Te exsecror – I curse you
Mors incerta, vita certissima – Death is uncertain, life the most certain
Gustas dulcis – You taste so sweet
Fronti nulla fides – Appearances deceive
Dissera – Open up
Expello te – I expel you
Extende – Enlarge
Voco arvina – I summon grease
Vae victis – Woe to the conquered
Scio, Didici, Pecto – I know, for I have studied, with my mind
Vita, Mortis, Careo – Life, and death, I am without
Manus, Potentis, Paro – A hand, powerful, I prepare
Veritas, Credo, Oculos – The truth, I believe, with my eyes
Facio, Voco, Ferre – This I do, I call, to bring you forth
Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio – Uncertain, beautiful things, I command
Cupio, Virtus, Licet – I want, excellence, allowed to me
Praeses, Alia, Fero – Protecting, another, I bring this forth
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thank-god-and-you · 3 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @4getfulimaginator2022. Thank you! <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
I'll use my FFN stats since I'm not transferring everything from there over to AO3. Fic count on FFN is 204, though that's not including the ones I archive privately, so technically the number of fics I've posted is 253.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Again, going on FFN word count since that's where everything is. That stands at over two million: 2,197,752.
HOWEVER, I also have a further 817,563 words of fics privately archived, so in actuality I've hit the three million mark: 3,015,315! I knew I must be climbing up there, but I had no idea that I'd surpassed it, so that made me happy!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, it's Downton Abbey (Anna/Bates), EastEnders (Suki/Eve), Game of Thrones (Daenerys/Jorah), Gentleman Jack (Anne/Ann), and The Incredibles (Bob/Helen).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sed Me Domum et Aedificabo a Throno [Game of Thrones, Daenerys/Jorah]
Tokens of Deep Affection [Wreck-It Ralph, Felix/Calhoun]
Vivat Crescat Floreat  [Game of Thrones, Daenerys/Jorah]
Magic in Mundanity [The Incredibles, Bob/Helen]
Veritas, Unitas, Caritas [Game of Thrones, Daenerys/Jorah]
And favourites on FFN, since I still use that site:
1. Seeing is Believing [Pokémon, Jessie/James]
2. Swinub May Fly [Pokémon, Jessie/James]
3. The Shadow Proves the Sunshine [Downton Abbey, Anna/Bates]
4. A Comedy of Errors [Pokémon, Jessie/James]
6. A Meeting of Fates [Downton Abbey, Anna/Bates]
5. Do you respond to comments?
On FFN, yes, since it's done via PM. On AO3, no. I really appreciate all comments, but I despise that it counts my response, and I won't inflate my comment count. But of course I read each one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
One of my suuuuuper old Pokémon fics, Twisted. It's sooooo bad. Young teen Dan was dark and depressed. If I didn't think it was important to leave everything up to show progression, I'd delete it and pretend it never existed.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Nearly all of my fics have happy endings because I mostly write fluffy oneshots, so pretty much take your pick.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once have a comment on a Dany/Jorah fic which had nothing to do with the fic and just hated on the ship, which I rolled my eyes hard at. What is the point in seeking out something you don't like? Weirdo behaviour. And, you know, it was from a Dany/Jon stan, so...people in glass houses and all that.
9. Do you write smut?
I do. Not as often as I used to, but when the mood strikes. Most of my smut scenes/fics are archived privately, though.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I did extensive planning for one once, but the crossover universe was mostly just there as background. Whether I ever get around to actually writing it remains to be seen, but I wouldn't write another because I have no real interest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone once asked wayyyyy back in 2012 if they could translate one of my fics, but I don't know if that ever happened. And I deleted it to archive privately, so probably not, LOL.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! I'm not sure if I'd be any good at it, I'd feel the pressure!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Well, it's been over twelve years since I wrote my first Anna/Bates fic, and I still write a little bit for them most days (just a slow and steady process). I still love all of my old ships, but Anna/Bates has had the longevity to endure almost nine years after the end of the show (I don't count the movies because they're whatever), and they're still so, so special to me. <3
(Although I do spend most of my time these days completely fixated on Suki/Eve because MY GOD, that ship has completely altered my brain chemistry.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It's not a 'doubt I ever will' thing just yet, because I am still very much writing Anna/Bates fic, but I have one in particular that I haven't touched in six years where the final line of the penultimate chapter has lived rent-free in my head for all that time...I've just never committed it to paper yet, and I'm still a couple of chapters away from it.
But I finally finished the bonus chapter of Made of Starlight [Downton Abbey, Anna/Bates] seven years after posting the final chapter on FFN, so there's every chance I'll pick it back up in the near future.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't think I'm particularly good at anything, but if I had to pick something...Dialogue, maybe? I always have lots of fun with characters interacting with each other, anyway, regardless of whether it's good or not.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. I feel like it's often clunky and not evocative enough.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I used to write it in italicised English. Nowadays, if a character is speaking to another in a language they both understand, I'll still do this, but if it's from the POV of a character who doesn't understand it, I'll write it in the other language but try to do the HTML on AO3 where hovering over it on desktop will give the English translation. For example, this was pivotal for the fourth chapter of Vivat Crescat Floreat, since the whole point of the chapter was supposed to be Tyrion's frustration at not knowing what the hell Daenerys and Jorah were talking about. It would not have worked if the audience could read the Common Tongue right off the bat, but the hovering at least gives the audience the context that Tyrion does not have.
I don't bother on FFN since hardly anyone uses that site anymore, haha.
Of course, the only language that I do know is English, so I have to rely on translate for other languages...which, let's face it, can be horrendously inaccurate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pokémon. I don't keep up with the anime much these days, but I'm always there for a new game, haha.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I don't really do favourites because I'm mostly just meh about what I've written, but I'll always have a soft spot for A Meeting of Fates, purely because it was the first multi-chaptered fic that I ever finished.
Lost in Balms [Downton Abbey, Anna/Bates, privately archived] is one I had a lot of fun with. I started it in April 2017 and completed it July 2023, but during all that time I had such a clear image of how I wanted the climax to go down. I actually wrote the fic in an entirely linear fashion, so thinking of that one scene kept me going for five years until I actually reached it, and it was one of the most satisfying things to write because of how long it had taken for me to get there.
And not a fic mention per se, but the fourth 'chapter' of And Beauty There Echoes the Speck of Our Souls [EastEnders, Suki/Eve] gave me all the feels to think about and write. I wrote it at a time where I was struggling with Suki and Eve's breakup in canon, and it brought me great comfort to focus on. And another Suki/Eve fic that I'm working on right now is giving me the same warm fuzzies because it's something I desperately want at some point in the future. <3
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hirocimacruiser · 4 months
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Maserati Karif spotted at Floreat Beach. On checking Wiki one of 221 built. Going off plates sold by Autodelta Maserati. Anyone know what AUSDM versions got power wise? 2.8L twin turbo V6 but power varied from 225 to 285ps depending on market. The 285ps i think is for un-catalysed cars so we probably got somewhere in between.
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turanga4 · 1 year
hey! Can you rec me some good slice of life trio- centric friendship stories?
Hello hello!
I don't have an exhaustive list, at all, but here are a few....
Hogwarts years:`
Where There's a Will by aloneintherain is a sad, gorgeous, HILARIOUS look at the Golden Trio friendship over the years as Harry grapples with the burden of being the Boy Who Lived whose life is in peril.
Two I'd recommend from Floreat Castellum are Crocodile Heart and The Third Task.
Shameless self rec: Boggart is a Minor Canon Divergence that examines how the three of them relate to one another Harry's third year.
Orphanages by Floreat Castellum is a missing moment in the Tent that tugged at my heartstrings.
I adore how pebblysand represents Ron and Hermione in Castles although obviously there's more going on in that long fic than just Trio friendship.
Proof, by orphan_account: Harry-centric, but Hermione and Ron are very present as he grapples with what to do next, a year after the War.
All Your Seasick Sailors by copper_dust is a lovely little meditation set shortly after the battle.
Shameless self rec except SOME shame cuz whoa the head-hopping: my first foray into hp fan fic, After The War, is a hot mess in many ways, but there's much Trio representation.
Multiple timeframes: calamitous love and insurmountable grief by meliebee has some just jaw-droppingly good little trio moments and insights, especially in chapters one, three, and four. My perhaps absolute FAVORITE statement ever made about their dynamic is in this one:
Harry wakes from nightmares and the others may never know but Hermione and Ron do, will sit by him with shoulders pressed together, will know how his heart is made of mostly ghosts and will love him anyway.
Would love to see what others rec, too!
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supertrainstationh · 1 year
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by A. Griffin/ Super Train Station H ---------------------------------
From Sheffield Park so far away, to the narrow stretch of Rockaway, the young at heart count down the days, till Stepney visits Arverne.
A tour spanning across the world, bringing joy to every boy and girl, now New York City gets its turn, when Stepney visits Arverne.
The Bluebell Railway's long revered, does blow her chime so all will hear, and beyond its sound, is spread the cheer, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Brightly the merry whistle tones, beach rabbits scurry to their holes, folks rush out from their bungalows, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Long Island Rail Road right of way, between the ocean and the bay, will carry her throughout her stay, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Backyards on Amstel Boulevard, from there wave children from afar, they see the engine working hard, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Each of her cars, a wooden coach, on streams of steel, away they float, within the sight of canal boats, when Stepney visits Arverne.
These tracks knew steam so long ago, and reminded of the days of old, the beachside rails do creak and groan, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Subway cars get traction too, watch Stepney pull R32s, the silver cars glisten like new, when Stepney visits Arverne.
The engine painted muted gold, whispers with steam the stories told, of escape from scrap, so brave and bold, when Stepney visits Arverne.
The Jay Street Cargo Railroad yard, meets the London South Coast Railway's star, the Brukelen Bridge isn't so so far, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Suited commuters, office bound, are caught off guard by what they've found, tank engine strength gets them around, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Beach 67th needs crowd control, when the famous train is due to roll, perfect shots are the spotter's goal, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Long Island multi-unit cars, though motors rest, they travel far, the engine takes them from the yard when Stepney visits Arverne.
She brought the Pullman coaches too, for dining pleasure on the move, the bayside vistas set the mood, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Not everyone's seen steam before, but the magic they'll learn to adore, from the "Floreat Vapor" ambassador, when Stepney visits Arverne.
And off she goes, all by herself, to have adventures somewhere else, but she came before, and she'll come again, and a few more seaside days she'll spend, on the ocean line, with the blue H sign, when Stepney visits Arverne.
Arverne is a neighborhood situated between the Atlantic Ocean and Jamaica Bay on New York City’s Rockaway Peninsula.
London Brighton South Coast Railway No. 55, “Stepney”, is a tank engine that was built in 1875 and now lives at the Bluebell Railway in England.
The artwork of Lunarian H (my own character) and Stepney in Arverne was provided by Keetah Spacecat.
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not-wholly-unheroic · 2 years
Things that I am tired of seeing in the Peter Pan fandom:
Dark, edgy retellings with Peter as the villain. Been there, done that. It’s not new anymore. Be more creative.
Hook being turned into some goth Jack Sparrow wannabe. OUAT isn’t the only version that has done this, but it’s definitely the most popular. To be entirely fair, I enjoy OUAT…but Killian is NOT James Hook anymore than Rumple is Prince Adam. Also, just…Hook can be attractive while still actually looking like Hook. Case in point: Jason Isaacs in the 2003 film.
Sexually explicit retellings and drawings. I know everyone’s entitled to make their own fics and drawings, but please at least tag your stuff that’s explicit and stop making me need eyeball bleach. It’s a children’s story, and my mind would like to maintain the innocence. Barrie would be rolling in his grave if he saw some of the stuff out there.
Turning Hook into a pedophile. This goes along with the above but is even worse because YIKES. Hook is a lot of things, but a pedo he is not. There is literally no hint in the book or play that he feels that way about ANYONE, much less a kid, and it’s super gross. Just…no. There’s a quote from Disney’s Straight on Til Morning (Twisted Tale series) from one of the pirates talking to Wendy about Hook that I think about sums it up: “He might slit your throat, but the rest of you is safe.”
And finally…Hook is a former Lost Boy trope. This one isn’t terrible. I don’t mind it all that much. It’s just been done so many times, and it isn’t really consistent with the book. Hook canonically attended Eton, and he couldn’t have realistically done so unless he either went to Neverland BEFORE he went to Eton or left Eton after having been there only very briefly. But most of the “Hook was a Lost Boy” retellings don’t allow any room for Eton at all and I feel like it’s a pretty essential part of who he is. It’s why he’s so hung up on “good form.” Expressing his loyalty to Eton is literally the last thing Barrie’s Hook says before he dies. (“Floreat Etona” - “May Eton flourish.”) You can’t take that part of his history away from him and have the same character.
Okay, rant over. I just needed to get that out.
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cantuscorvi · 1 year
Solomon the reason Lilu walks on Raum's ceilings screaming bloody murder.
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Catch him holding the ‘dog’ up to the ceiling like Simba with a shit-eating grin.
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gardensaustralia · 1 year
Revitalize Your Garden With Professional Clean-Up Services In Floreat, WA
Is your garden in Floreat, WA, in need of a thorough clean-up? Look no further than Gardens Australia for professional garden clean-up services that will transform your outdoor space. Our experienced team of gardeners specializes in rejuvenating neglected or overgrown gardens, removing weeds, debris, and unwanted vegetation to create a clean and refreshed landscape.
Gardens Australia
Floreat WA 6014, Australia
Phone: 0401-326-902
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