#flora is completely underground btw
bunsuuu · 4 months
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[Trip to Flora]
"As the pair made their way through the numerous halls of the Flora palace, wandering eyes could not help but stare. From the members of the court to war chiefs, all confused about two things; why was Evelyn back only now after very sudden disappearance and who was the stranger walking by her side."
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I did some lore stuff- I actually had to somewhat remake Jak's outfit because he needed to fit in. If the people of Flora learned that he came from the surface, everyone would absolutely panic.
This is still ship stuff which is why Daxter nor Red aren't there. I do wanna draw more of Flora's map and key places so I will include them later though.
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✨️ Reminder that Evelyn's ask box is still opened and will be for a while, feel free to ask anything 🩷 ✨️
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paladinsheadcanons · 7 years
what kind of funerals would each champion have if they were to die in battle? assuming it's some great battle or something like some fantasy war?
Writing from the context that only one champion died and everyone else is still alive and attending the funerals. By the way, some are more of burial ceremonies than funerals exactly…? But you get the point. Btw I couldn’t come up with a few of these, so I ended up filling those in with extra HCs. 
-Mod Inara
We’re just gonna leave it under a cut since it got super long and also some of you might not want to read it because death mention and discussion. 
- Mod Mal’Damba
Makoa: A simple one, in which the champions silently pay their respects as they sail out to Makoa’s favourite islands, and give the Ancient One a proper burial at sea by lowering his body in a special wooden casket into the depths. 
Fernando: Fernando would’ve wanted to be celebrated, and so his funeral would be more on remembering his glory and fighting spirit on the battlefield as the champions give him one last toast in his name. 
Ruckus: Ruckus was buried along with the ashes of a destroyed Bolt, not far from Splitstone Quarry. They had both wanted this, despite saying they hated each other to the bitter end. At their funeral, the other Paladins made a special toast in the name of their dysfunctional but powerful friendship.  
Barik: Barik’s body was placed upon a stone pedestal in a small cave underground, surrounded by his inventions, both complete and incomplete. The Paladins paid their respects, and sealed the cave away by blocking the entrance with a massive boulder. 
Ash: As a general serving the Magistrate, Ash was given a grand and honourable funeral by the state, a public cremation for her and the soldiers in her vanguard. All the Paladins attended to pay their respects, all except Terminus, who only watched from a distance in silence. 
Torvald: Before his death, Torvald had only wished to be buried near the libraries of Stone Keep alongside his precious scrolls and scripts. The Paladins abided by these wishes, though they were unable to completely fulfil it, as anything Torvald owned relating to runic magic was nowhere to be found. 
Inara: After her death, the champions raised Inara’s body as a now lifeless stone statue within her beloved sacred lands as her soul returned to Mother Nature, living on as the guardian spirit of those lands. 
Drogoz: Dragons don’t have funeral rites because in the past, it was a matter of survival of the fittest and those who couldn’t survive didn’t deserve to survive. Having friends that actually cared for him more than wild dragons would have, Drogoz’s funeral is simple. His body is buried in the Enchanted Forest under an open gap in the canopy, so that he can fly off freely.
Bomb King: Bomb King had always wanted to “go out with a bang” even after death, which was why the others respected his unusual wishes for his funeral, setting his body up with bombs and fireworks on a small, uninhabited island, so he could have one last grand explosion in his name. He always was quite the drama queen. 
Cassie: Her father Arturos flew back to Crosswind Hold for his daughter’s funeral, as does Cassie’s mother she hasn’t seen or been close to in years. While her parents do the most during her funeral, wake and burial, her friends in the Paladins are there the whole time and celebrate her life as it was. 
Lian: Her body would be dressed in gold silk and crystals, and she will be cremated upon a golden pyre as per the traditions of House Aico, to symbolise her rise from the ashes in the next life, like that of their golden phoenix.
Kinessa: As a bounty hunter, Kinessa knew death was always near for her. She didn’t mind, and asked for a quick and easy burial should it ever claim her. That was exactly what the Paladins did, giving her a simple funeral and burial near the base.
Sha Lin: Having been a traveller in life, the champions believed his spirit should be free to continue his journey in death. And so, they left his body atop a mountain in a traditional sky burial for his soul to ascend to the skies as they body is left in nature’s hands. 
Viktor: Like any soldier’s funeral, Viktor is given a proper military send off, including a flag draped over his coffin, and the three-volley salute for his military honour in death. His coffin is buried in the military graveyard, amongst many others that he knew, or did not.
Tyra: A Viking’s send off, her body set off on a boat dressed in her battle armour, with her weapons and prized possessions all with her to bring to Valhalla as Sha Lin fires the flaming arrow and sets her boat ablaze. 
Willo: Mourned both by the Paladins and the Summer Court, her funeral takes place within the latter’s grounds. Her grave is stuffed with her favourite flowers, and was later buried in a flower field without a coffin, so that one day her body may become nourishment for the flora. 
Evie: As an immortal, she knows she will never have a funeral. However, if she were to die somehow, the only thing she wants for her funeral would be for it to be held during a gently snowing evening.
Skye: “Make sure I look pretty for my last party okay?” were Skye’s dying words as she passed with a smile on her face. Heeding her last request, the others dressed her up in fancy purple clothes as they held an open-casket funeral service for her. 
Androxus: Finally freed from the curse in death, Androxus’s funeral was more of a ceremony of his release rather than a mourning of his passing. After a simple burial near the Paladins base, Seris personally escorted his soul into the afterlife.
Buck: Having strong roots to the earth, upon his death Buck was cremated and his spirit released into the afterlife, where he took the form of an ox spirit to watch over his friends.
Maeve: Her only wish had been to be cremated with her precious enchanted coat and knives that had helped her through her hardest times on the streets. A simple funeral is held for the rest to pay their respects, and later, they scattered her ashes into the nighttime winds.
Zhin: Held by the Thousand Hands, with the Paladins in attendance, Ying as their sole representative during the process. He is cremated and his ashes left in an urn kept by the Thousand Hands on a shrine to their past great leaders, where the followers of the Thousand Hands will pay their respects to on his death anniversary.
Lex: A public funeral is held for him by his fellow lawmen, with salutes in his honour as his coffin is transported to a military graveyard where he is to be buried among others who have been killed in action. A much smaller, private funeral is held at the Paladins base, in which the others quietly paid their respects, as he would’ve liked it.  
Mal’Damba: The night before his funeral, a vigil is held by the other Supports in his honour, and his bed removed from his room to signify his passing. His body is cremated and scattered, his spirit released back to Wekono. Pancake is released into the wild with Grover’s help, and Waffles returns as a spirit to join Wekono and her master once more in the next life. 
Pip: Pip was buried in a special graveyard sacred to the Vulpin north of Brightmarsh, at the base of a massive waterfall. During the funeral service, the others burned all of his personal belongings before his grave, so that he may take them with him to the afterlife, as per Vulpin beliefs. 
Grover: His funeral was a planting of his body into the ground of his favourite forest, where the last of his magic transformed him into a normal, non-sentient tree, so he can live on one last time. 
Grohk: At Grohk’s burial, which took place under a lightning storm as per his culture, the Paladins gathered around and danced around a totem raised in his honour, each dropping a flower, provided by Willo, who had been given responsibility over Grohk’s garden, into his grave atop his coffin as they danced close. 
Seris: Though Seris cannot actually die, the damage done to her physical form had been too intense, banishing her to the depths of the Abyss, never to return to the mortal realm again. Knowing that they would never see her again until their own time came, the other Paladins held a quiet memorial for her. 
Ying: Upon her death, Ying’s form faded, leaving behind only her shattered mirror. The other Paladins placed the broken mirror in a beautiful shrine decorated with many flowers dedicated to her, and many tears were shed during the memorial service. 
Jenos: Upon his death, Jenos’s body had dissolved into starlight, and floated up to the heavens, where the stars took his form in a new constellation. The other champions then held a memorial for him under those new stars to pay their respects. 
Strix: Strix’s body is dressed in his combat attire and lavender, and the mark of a warrior was painted onto his face. He is cremated within a simple coffin, and after a seven day mourning period, the other champions spread his ashes on the ground within the forests, returning his body to the earth. 
Talus: As per Ska’Drin traditions, Talus is given a warrior’s funeral, his body is left beneath a great tree, one final rune of honour to be tattooed on his chest, done by Mal’Damba, as the champions surround him with flowers. (Yes it’s Rue’s death from the Hunger Games don’t kill me.)
Terminus: Terminus himself never cared for a funeral, but upon his final death, accepted Inara’s offer of a traditional Stagallan warrior’s send off. The Paladins took his body was taken high up a mountain near the Paladins base, where Inara embedded his form into the cliffside. 
Vivian: It wasn’t a simple funeral, but it wasn’t particularly grand either. After her burial in a coffin engraved with her sentinels, a feast was held in her name, honouring her. 
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