#floki x katherine
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axelflare9700 · 2 years ago
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Some attempts to Floki x Katherine gifs
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thefangirlkingdom · 7 years ago
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Well this scene broke my heart for sure 😢
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dauntingdarling · 5 years ago
Reviewing Cursed (Netflix)
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So I finally jumped on the bandwagon for this show and I’ve got some thoughts: (spoilers)
Bad Stuff:
For all the hype I’ve read about the show, I was expecting the main lead to be at least more than she was. Nimue was a disappointment and honestly is one of the weaker parts of the show. 
The 2nd weakest part being Nimue x Arthur relationship  
And I’m not going to even start on the effects in this show, JESUS
While I don’t necessarily blame the hollowness of Nimue’s character on the actress Katherine, (I will say the reason it took me a while to get into this show was because Katherine has 13 reasons why stamped all over her still in my head) I do think she handled some of Nimue’s scenes a bit... awkwardly. 
Case in point: Her first interaction with Arthur 
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^But honestly, this wasn’t that horrible when you look to the effects the show used to make this show “graphic” 
All the bloody gore they showed was done so badly that I scoffed more than  grimaced.
^Also can we just point out that when Nimue strung up that red paladin in vines, they made it seem like it was horrible and prime gore material when in reality it looked like a cheap set piece... what a let down
Now lets chat this up a moment:
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We all know how the King Arthur tale goes. He marries Gwenevere who then G cheats with Lancelot (more of him in a moment) etc. I feel for Nimue from the get go when I noticed how quick they were to use her to glow up Arthur... like seriously? 
What girl would start a relationship with Mr. Goody (to the point where he is boring) when her life is literally turning to shatters in all directions? All male writers red flag
And while we are on the topic, Arthur-sir, you are the most annoying and basic good guy I’ve watched in some time. Not only does he seem to be too good to the point that its unrealistic, they seriously played off him stealing Nimue’s sword as an okay thing to do... Sir no. 
Devon portrays all the characteristics of King Arthur perfectly, but I feel like if Arthur is to progress into becoming a king, we should be seeing him making mistakes and learning so as to become the great ruler he will one day be. (writers take notes please)
We need some dirt in that perfect persona he carries 
Also known as Weeping Monk 
Good Stuff: 
Let me just start by putting this magnificent thirst trap right here: 
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I’ve got to hand it to Daniel Sharman, he has a very loyal fanbase that seems able to carry THIS ENTIRE SHOW on their shoulders. 
Like honestly, I looked through plenty of content on various apps and the Weeping Monk is blowing through social media like wild fire. 
And for good reason too:
-he’s an attractive dude playing the gothic misguided character (serious cliche but highly effective)
-he’s one of the few characters with an interesting character arch (so far)
-he’s Lancelot (hello ladies man)
-he’s great with kids *swoon*
-and don’t get me started on that entrance in ep1 (the writers knew what they were doing)
I’m going to write another post at some point to address why I don’t think he is a toxic, manipulative character that just so happens to be romanticized because of looks (as is seen so far). So watch for that if that interests you. Post in Question
But to tie this off, Daniel Sharman is a fantastic actor and I hope we get more of him next season. 
And, no, it’s not just because he is visually pleasing to the eye (but god bless guy liner)
 I feel like the writers have suspended his meeting with Nimue to the point were we are all shipping the pair of them together, when it’s possible that they may have a different bond, closer to that of Lancelot and the Lady of the Lake in classic lore
But if they hook up I will still be very pleased ngl
Other things I really loved in this show:
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-Pym (her time in the viking ship as a healer was prime humor) but I’m pissed she doesn’t end up with the hot viking because unlike our main couple of the show, these two had chemistry for the short scenes they shared together. 
-Merlin (The moment I saw Gustaf Skarsgård in the trailer, I started the first ep. I loved him as Floki in Vikings and wanted to see him in other things) I was pissed that the writers made him seem... boring. 
-I was happy with how Merlin opened up to us as a father to Nimue. Nimue just needs to get her shit together and learn from him because we all know she’s powerful, she just needs to work on it. 
Watch the writers get lazy and just magically having her cast all sorts of powerful magic just because once upon a time she manipulated an apple tree
-SQUIRELL (I loved him from his first scene)
-the Widow! She was the perfect middle ground for a character and her voice was strangely motherly (and I LOVED IT!) While I know Morgana becoming the widow was a great power play and all that, I miss the original widow. 
-Morgana’s general storyline was great considering what happens in the lore. I expected her to go evil the moment her sweet love (that poor nun!) came from the dead with burn marks and talked about being powerful. I’m glad they didn’t push that on her so quickly. They should let that storyline fester a bit more. She’s too great a character to turn to the dark yet (unless they pull a complete 180 of the Weeping Monk)
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-Awesome baddies- And by that I mean Iris and the head monk that came to a very satisfactory end in ep 10. Also, props to the show for making the Pope a quick to anger tyrant and his second in command being a literal weasel. 10/10  villain act right there. With these villains in play, it’s easy for Weeping Monk fans to see the light in him, thus driving his character arch. 
-The Christian themes. This may be surprising to some, especially if you are like me, a christian (I’m catholic). But honestly, I loved how they took snippets of Christian history and flipped it to create a complicated power in this show. By this I mean, the red monks act a lot like the holy orders in Catholicism back during the Crusades and the nuns act as healers and helpers to those that ask for sanctuary (the Abbess kept her mouth shut about Nimue, even when she was at risk) - thats what the core of Christianity is supposed to be, and I’m glad they made religion complicated through the monks and nuns. 
-Red Spear/ vikings- cool concept to add vikings to the story and the red spear is a bad ass. I hope we dive further into her storyline next season (I expect so given the rumors I’m hearing about how she is supposedly Gwenevere)- If that’s true, I’m worried the writers are going to ruin the relationship G is supposed to have with Lancelot, solely because both characters are more Alpha energy than Beta, and we all know how that goes...
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Maybe that’s why Red Spear’s interaction with Arthur was so great. He screams beta and I’m all for it. 
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axelflare9700 · 2 years ago
A Floki x Katherine mood board
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axelflare9700 · 2 years ago
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Floki and Katherine enjoying the fire place and nice warm fur pelts
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axelflare9700 · 2 years ago
Floki x Katherine because this crack ship has been on my mind
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