#flint (aos)
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thingsasbarcodes · 29 days ago
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 6x12 - The Sign
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 years ago
June 24, 2023
Happy 25 Birthday to Coy Stewart. 
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jennastarkhasaheart · 2 years ago
yeah and also lets not forget, flint was literally created out of thin fucking air only like half an hour ago in the temple that got blown up by the evil demon shield was actually currently trying to stop. yeah, day got weirder.
I can’t stop thinking about Season 7 from Piper and Flint’s perspective. They’re in the quinjet, flying away from a battle, and then Fitzsimmons just appear onboard with their robot buddy
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And they’re like, nope, go back into the warzone, and while you’re at it: we’re gonna need a bit of space rock
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And then they abandon them and run off to the Zephyr…
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BUT two seconds later, here’s Fitz, bringing down the containment module
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And they’re like ok, Fitz is gonna go inside here for a bit, GUARD IT WITH YOUR LIVES, ok? Bye.
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AND THEN the temple just BLOWS UP from some fucking SKY LASERS they know nothing about
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Wait, wtf, wasn’t Fitz in the box here??
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NOT ANYMORE, PSYCH! But wait…. check around back!
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There’s a kid in there!! She’s our daughter, she’s 5! Surprise!!!
And this all went down in like…. 10? 20? minutes
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agentoffangirling · 1 month ago
Ngl I don't like the way AoS turned Inhumans into "pretty people with powers"
Like don't get me wrong, there are several Inhumans in the show who suffer from physical drawbacks as well, namely Gordon, Raina, and Andrew. And sure, Daisy risks harming herself with her powers when she's not wearing her gauntlets, but that wasn't brought up past s4. I'm mostly talking about non-human attributes, things that are outwardly Inhuman
I understand that for several characters, such as Flint, Vijay, Robin, and Ben, their powers are supposed to remain a bit more hidden. To make it seem more of a surprise when they unleash their powers. And I also get that makeup application for literal "inhuman" features can take a while and be expensive
But it still annoys me! There are ways to do that without it feeling like too much. What if an Inhuman had talons, or oddly-colored eyes? Or who couldn't breathe oxygen? Those wouldn't be too hard to replicate. Even "Inhumans", which was originally supposed to be a movie and had a fairly good budget, fell into the trap of "pretty people with powers". There were a few instances where their powers could be considered a negative, like with Black Bolt, but like I said, a few
Give me Inhumans who don't look like humans. Who avoid using their powers at any time. Who hide away bc they can't be risked being seen in public. Please, I want Inhumans to BE Inhuman
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tceron · 16 days ago
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∟ these days I'm becoming everything that I hate wishing you were around but now it's too late ↔ a series about norell ↔ p.o.v taeron
Taeron olhou-se no espelho, vendo o cansaço aparente em sua face. Os traços de sua juventude começavam a desaparecer, e mal se recordava dos dias em que acreditava ser invencível. Agora, com os anos e as perdas, sentia-se o oposto—quase derrotado. Suspirou, sentando-se em sua cadeira, e abriu uma das gavetas da mesa de estudos. Seus dedos deslizaram até o fundo falso, retirando um pequeno maço de cadernos de capa gasta. Seus diários. A caligrafia lhe era tão familiar que parecia pulsar sob seus dedos. Eram de um tempo em que ainda carregava a honra de ser um di Medici, quando acreditava que seria grandioso o suficiente para fazer jus ao nome.
Entretanto a ironia era cruel—tornaram-se valiosos por um motivo completamente diferente. Não porque desejasse ser como os outros di Medici, o don juan mauricinho que gastava a fortuna da família sem propósito. Não. Taeron já não poderia estar mais distante de tudo o que aquele nome representava. Ainda assim, eram naquelas páginas que suas memórias mais preciosas estavam guardadas. Segurou um dos diários por algum tempo. Cinco anos. E, no entanto, seu coração ainda estava em mil pedaços. Porque, com os anos, as memórias se tornavam mais distantes. E nada era mais assustador do que perder qualquer parte que restava de Norell.
Reunindo toda a coragem que ainda lhe sobrava, abriu a primeira página. E, no instante em que seus olhos percorreram a caligrafia do passado, sentiu sua alma se partir mais uma vez. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, um alívio sutil o envolveu—uma sombra da felicidade que ela um dia lhe trouxera.
"Taeron di Medici III,
Ontem à noite algo aconteceu. E não, essa não é mais uma confissão bêbada ou só mais uma de minhas aventuras. Algo incrível aconteceu.
Não é nenhuma surpresa sobre a guerra silenciosa dentro de casa—o casamento de fachada dos meus pais está ruindo aos pedaços e, a essa altura, é quase cômico assistir. Sempre soube que, em determinada idade, teria que cumprir minha parte na família. Casar com a noiva perfeita, escolhida por eles tantos anos atrás. Mas tudo mudou.
E, embora ainda seja cedo para dizer, não acho que já tenha me sentido assim antes, talvez seja resultado da concussão. Ela é um pouco assustadora—e talvez seja exatamente isso que me atrai a ela, como uma mariposa ao fogo.
Flint não está muito feliz com a minhas aventuras até então, mas sou um homem de riscos. Preciso saber, preciso entender o que estou sentindo. Luxúria e desejo não me são estranhos, e claro que amo minha noiva… Mas ontem à noite foi a primeira vez que me senti inteiramente vivo.
Talvez a loucura seja de fato contagiosa e estes sejam meus últimos dias. Mas tudo que sei é que estarei voltando lá hoje à noite. Acho que temos um encontro marcado."
— 15 ANOS ATRÁS, em um bar qualquer em zelaria.
Taeron e seu pai, Talon, eram quase como dois estranhos. Desde muito cedo, nenhum dos dois suportava a companhia do outro por longos períodos de tempo. Felizmente, a casa di Medici era grande, e Taeron, ainda adolescente, fazia questão de evitar a ala do pai. Era mais fácil fugir assim.
Mas do que, exatamente, fugia? Do tédio, da responsabilidade, e certamente do compromisso que não sabia se estava pronto para assumir. Suas escapulidas eram constantes e bastante comentadas pelos nobres, mas ele não pretendia manter esse costume após o casamento. Ainda assim, só a palavra já lhe causava um aperto no peito. Pulou a janela de seu quarto, encontrando o amigo do lado de fora, prontos para mais uma noite de bebedeira. Os problemas, lidaria com eles pela manhã.
Taeron era conhecido em quase todos os bares. Embora generoso, tinha o costume de partir corações por onde passava. Nunca prometia nada que não pudesse cumprir, mas algumas noites eram o máximo que podia oferecer.
Cerveja após cerveja, bar após bar, Taeron e seus amigos finalmente chegaram ao verdadeiro centro da diversão—os botequins de Zelaria. Músicas típicas preenchiam o ar, e havia todo tipo de gente, não apenas as mesmas faces entediantes da alta sociedade. Como sempre, ele escaneou a multidão, buscando algo que agradasse seus olhos.
E encontrou.
Vestido com trajes finos, sem qualquer vergonha, aproximou-se de quem deduzia ser uma montadora. — Posso pagar uma cerveja para a senhorita?
O riso da mulher veio de imediato, uma gargalhada cheia, como se sua oferta fosse a coisa mais ridícula do mundo. O orgulho ferido foi suficiente para que Taeron apenas se virasse para ir embora.
— Eu tinha certeza de que você nunca tinha ouvido um "não" na vida — ela disse, os braços cruzados. — Mas agora tenho certeza, você é mais impaciente do que eu imaginei.
— Apenas não entendi o motivo da graça. Se não estava interessada, não tenho a intenção de incomodá-la — respondeu, largando moedas na mesa para pagar a bebida dela. — E, ao que parece, você já sabe tudo sobre mim, não é mesmo?
A morena de cabelos cacheados gargalhou mais uma vez antes de dar de ombros.
— Sim, eu sei tudo sobre você. Não é preciso olhar mais de uma vez para saber. E eu não preciso do seu dinheiro. — Ela bufou, colocando suas próprias moedas sobre a mesa.
Taeron ergueu as mãos em rendição. Talvez fosse um sinal para simplesmente voltar para casa. Estava tarde. — Sinto muito se essa é a impressão que tem de mim. Espero que tenha uma boa noite — disse, afastando-se, ainda tentando entender as palavras dela.
Teria sido mais inteligente chamar seus amigos para ir embora juntos, mas a embriaguez lhe dava uma sensação de invencibilidade. Então, decidiu ir sozinho. Cambaleando pelas ruas, com vestes nobres e finas àquela hora da noite, não era difícil entender por que chamava atenção. Mas só ali compreendeu por que aquilo era uma péssima ideia.
Cercado por três estranhos, Taeron soube, no instante em que viu os olhares predatórios, que estava em apuros. Ainda estava em seu segundo ano em Hexwood e não tinha controle total sobre sua magia muito menos quando embriagado. Também não era um grande lutador—seu pai nunca tirou tempo para ensiná-lo. Tentou reagir, mas foi facilmente imobilizado. E então, sentiu sua sobriedade voltar de forma brutal, uma descarga de dor e adrenalina ao levar um soco direto no olho, que inchou quase instantaneamente. Os golpes vieram de todos os lados, cada vez mais fortes, até que, de repente, tudo parou.
Achou ter ouvido uma voz, mas talvez fosse um delírio. Porque ali, diante dele, estava a mesma mulher que o rejeitara mais cedo. E ele tinha certeza de que ela acabara de dar uma surra em um dos assaltantes, enquanto os outros dois fugiam. Mesmo incapaz de se manter em pé, Taeron se forçou a ficar. Levou a mão à cabeça e sentiu o sangue nos dedos.
— Você é tonto ou burro? — a voz feminina bradou, irritada.
Ela o segurou, dando-lhe apoio, mesmo que ele não tivesse pedido. Talvez, de fato, soubesse bastante sobre ele, já que Taeron era orgulhoso demais para pedir ajuda.
— Acho que tive uma concussão... — murmurou, incrédulo com o que estava acontecendo. Ouviu-a resmungar.
— Você está pior que uma galinha depenada. Concussão é o menor dos seus problemas.
Taeron riu, sentindo a cabeça latejar. — A senhorita certamente é alguém para ser estudada...
Ela bufou, ajudando-o a se sentar. — Para você, é cadete Rothschild.
Ele a observou por alguns segundos, intrigado com o que parecia ser preocupação em seus olhos. — Cadete Rothschild — repetiu, testando o nome. — Muito obrigado pelo seu serviço. Posso recompensá-la de alguma forma?
Ela riu. — Eu não sei quem é esse tal cadete que você está falando, mas posso pensar em uma forma ou outra.
Taeron riu, se dando por vencido. — Bem, tenho certeza de que, se me ajudar a chegar até em casa, posso lhe pagar abundantemente...— Mal terminou a frase antes de sentir um beliscão forte no ombro. — Ouch!
— Essa já é a segunda ou terceira vez que você tenta me comprar hoje. Se quiser ajuda, seja homem e peça. — Ela soltou um suspiro. — Norell. Meu nome é Norell.
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alenkorra · 2 years ago
Honestly I agree. I think the writers were so focused on making him the comedic relief character that they forgot about his development. I mean sure he's not unhappy in the end but it still feels like he gets no closure emotionally. It's a shame because I really liked his inner conflict and development in season 7 (and I say this as someone who couldn't stand him in season 5, lol).
I also think halfway through s6 they may have realized most people hated Deke x Daisy so they took his character in a different direction, because I swear for a while it really felt like they were setting them up to be endgame. Personally, I'm glad they didn't go that route but I do think it may have influenced his ending.
not to knock on the actually decent series finale of Agents of Shield (can't say the same for other mcu shows *coughs Secret Invasion*) but why does it irks me so much that Deke was never fully accepted into the Shield family? By the end of the show, he's just a *somewhat technologically efficient* Shield agent-turned-director that knows little to nothing about the history of the organization, and his genetically-related family either hasn't been born yet (assuming Fitzsimmons parents survived the Chronicom destruction of that timeline) or left this timeline.
Idk there's something unsatisfying about the Deke arc, like sure he's become more responsible compared to his Season 5/6 ways but for a guy who basically lost all his family from the destroyed earth timeline (that doesn't exist anymore? If we're following mcu multiverse theory, the timeline does exist, just that the main timeline was able to prevent the cracking of earth) and his new family had to leave him in this new timeline, I feel like he deserved more credit than given. Yeah ig he's famous in the timeline he stayed in bc of the Deke Squad and all but... idk...
Meanwhile, Sousa, who's barely been with the group for a few weeks gets sent back with the team no questions asked. Like I love Sousa, and I'm NOT saying Sousa should've stayed (cuz Dousa/Dousy is cute af) but I also kinda wished the others had put up more of a fight for a guy that cares more about the team than he shows, despite his past history.
And this has been a rant about a show that ended 3 years ago lol. I know Deke isn't everyone's favorite character and all, but it just felt that his arc is the most *incomplete* of the main cast.
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koisplosion · 5 months ago
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★ Arlan ID pack / NPT's ★
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★ Names:
Arlen, Arlo/Arlow, Allen, Alden, Asher, Archer, Atlas, Aaron, Adonis, Amerei, Aisley, Arwin, Arriel, Arlyn.
Baela, Barra, Belia, Bibel/Bibele, Bond, Bind.
Desma, Danny/Danni, Daniel, Daniell/Danielle, Daniela.
Elial, Elenei, Elar, Erzsie, Earl/Earle, Earlene, Ellison.
Finn, Finlan, Flinn, Flint, Flair.
Gaige/Gage, Grace, Gilbert, Gilby, Gilen, Gisella, Gizi.
Horkos, Honor/Honour, Hock, Hawk.
Kalon, Kestrel, Krow/Krowe, Kraven
Levi, Liddy, Libbie
Oliver, Orcus, Oath, Omen.
Price, Peyman, Promise, Pledge, Parole, Pact.
Rowan, Rowel, Rigel, Rela, Ren, Raviro.
Shiloh, Sebastos, Sebastian/Sebastien, Sebby/Sebbie.
Tyne, Truth, Trust, Token, Troth, Talen.
Vow, Voucher
Warren, Warrant, Will.
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★ Pronouns:
1st: I/me/my/mine/myself -
Si/secure/security/securitine/securityself, - shi/shocke/shocky/shockine/shockself, - sti/stare/starry/starine/starself
2nd: you/your/yours/yourself -
So/secure/securities/securityself, - sho/shocker/shockers/shockerself, - sto/star/stars/starself
3rd: they/them/theirs/themself -
Ar/lan, - arl/an, - arl/Arlan, - Arlan/arlans
Constel/ation, - con/stellation, - constellation/constellations
Elect/electric, - elec/electro, - ele/electricity, - electric/electrical, - electric/electrics
Li/light, - light/Ning, - light/lightning, - lightning/lightnings
Off/icer, - office/officer, - officer/officers
Secure/secures, - secure/security, - security/securities, - security/guard, - security/officer, - shock/shocks, - star/stars, - star/starry
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★ Titles:
Head security guard / Head of security.
Security Specialist, Security Manager.
The head of security, the boss of security, the strongest guard, the wielder of lightning, the space station's security, the secure lightning bolt, the dog walker.
(prn) who wields electricity, (prn) who guards the base, (prn) who watches the security cameras, (prn) who surveys security tapes.
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Destruction - lightning
Stellarregressic - arcadespacic - spacemechic - starrailgamic/visuic
Memorybubblic - electricinjection - destructionic
Nephoastragender - destrossesic - destructic
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italksstuff · 8 months ago
Because I’ve been seeing too many people on Tiktok complain about Aos not being canon, I would like to explain something but first things first, do not fear. Aos is very very canon but it’s a little complicated.
The majority of the MCU takes place in universe 616. Like iron man and endgame and all that shit. In season one, SHIELD established that they are also in that universe by doing a little nod by calling the main team of coulson may Skye etc SHIELD team 616 which is why when May/Ward interacted with the people in charge they would say “this is shield 616 blah blah blah”
The show made other nods to this fact in other instances but we’re skipping to s5.
When the team is transferred to the future, they establish that Aos is still in 616 by doing a little nod with the fact that the rock that was reflecting transmissions from the surface was called “earth 616” This means that the same earth that Tony died protecting was destroyed, shield showed up, and later on Flint rebuilt the entire planet.
This is when the shield team leaves 616. When they went back, they changed the future, changing the timeline, which obviously meant that they were in a universe where they succeeded against Talbot, as opposed to the future of universe 616, get it?
So agents of SHIELD is still canon, they just did a little switching of universes in s5, which is where most people say that they went off canon.
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dhr-ao3 · 6 months ago
Brand New World (tradução)
Brand New World (tradução) https://ift.tt/WDczRZh by Stellamendees Draco Malfoy tinha o plano perfeito: usar Polissuco para se transformar na Doninha, infiltrar-se na torre da Grifinória e roubar as memórias relacionadas ao seu pai. Mas a Garota de Ouro teve que estragar tudo beijando-o. Agora Draco desenvolveu um estranho vício por sangues-ruins sabe-tudo de cabelos espessos, e nada além do melhor servirá. Words: 22323, Chapters: 7/72, Language: Português brasileiro Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott, Charlie Weasley, Marcus Flint, Astoria Greengrass, Katie Bell, Blaise Zabini, Original Characters, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Forced Cohabitation, Blood Magic, BAMF Hermione Granger, Snarky Draco Malfoy, Grieving Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Redemption, Library Sex, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Angst with a Happy Ending, Virgin Draco Malfoy, Pregnancy, Lucius Malfoy Being an Asshole, Discussion of Abortion, Kidnapping, NSFW Art, Ron Weasley Bashing, but not ron bashing, Past Domestic Violence (Not Draco/ Hermione), Implied/ Referenced Non-Con (Not Draco/ Hermione) via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/VYgtfsO September 08, 2024 at 11:59PM
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dragaorpg · 4 months ago
RPG tático de pirata, Flint: Treasure of Oblivion, recebe prévia comentada
A Microids e a Savage Level estão empolgadas em revelar uma prévia exclusiva do próximo RPG tático, Flint: Treasure of Oblivion. O vídeo oferece mais de 4 minutos de jogabilidade comentada, dando aos jogadores uma visão detalhada da mecânica do jogo, do mundo com tema de piratas e da profundidade da interpretação de papéis. Trailer de Jogabilidade de Flint: Treasure of Oblivion Em Flint:…
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thingsasbarcodes · 29 days ago
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 6x11 - From the Ashes
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hjbirthdaywishes · 8 months ago
June 24, 2024
Happy 26 Birthday to Coy Stewart.
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frozenfirecats · 6 months ago
Do your pirate101 ocs have their personal favorite crew mates, ones that they would make a permanent first mate?
ooooo that’s a fun thing to consider!
Esmee’s would be Sarah Steele. I headcanon that they’ve knew each other before since Esmee grew up in Skull Island, and of course they’re both swashes.
Remmy would be Bonnie. Excuse me while I go off on a bit of a tangent and retcon his backstory that I wrote out not even two posts ago, but he was born in Albion and has always been sympathetic towards the foxes and their goal for liberation from Marleybone. After the incident with the storm and his parents’ death, he ended up in Skull Island and found himself among the scurvy dogs. Ao my headcanon is that eventually he met Bonnie while she was doing some odd jobs for Avery and was excited to finally meet someone from Albion again. They became friends and he would even tag along with her at times to sharpen his musketeer skills.
Brynn’s would be Lucky Jack. Don’t have much to say I just personally really love him as a companion.
Flint’s would be Ratbeard, since they share a love for fighting and blowing shit up.
Maeve’s would be Scratch. Basic witchdoctor answer I know.
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spinallyspiraling · 2 years ago
Light Bearers in All Belief Systems
All religions and Myths are the same, using different names for same symbols and different allegories for the same teachings
The teachings of Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a savior, a guardian or instructing spirit or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.
Léo Taxil (1854–1907) claimed that Freemasonry is associated with worshipping Lucifer. In what is known as the Taxil hoax, he alleged that leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed "The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world" (an invention of Taxil), instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai.
Cultures around the globe assign the Morning Star a central role in Creation. Yet despite its prominence in ancient myth and ritual, the cosmogonical traditions surrounding the
star-god have remained virtually unexamined to date. In the following essay, we will investigate the sacred terminology associated with the Morning Star and argue that itsorigins and theoretical rationale are likely to be found in that star’s unique and cataclysmic recent history.It is notable that the Morning Star is known by similar names virtually everywhere. In numerous cultures the Morning Star was celebrated as the bringer of light. Such is the original meaning of the Latin epithet Lucifer, for example, applied to the Morning Star (Helel ben Shahar) by exegetes of the Old Testament.An early Greek name for the
Morning Star—Phosphoros—has the same meaning.
It is equally common to find the Morning Star described by an epithet denoting “Lord of
the Dawn.” To the Aztec skywatchers in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, for example, the
Morning Star was known as Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Lord of the Dawn. For the Skidi Pawnee of the North American Plains, the Morning Star was conceptualized as being intimately associated with the dawn, the celestial domain of departed souls:
“The Morning Star stands upon the dawn. The dawn is represented as a bed of flint
stones, the souls of the dead. As the Morning Star walks, coming up, it makes a blaze of fire so that the red streaks of dawn are seen.” For Homer and Hesiod alike the Morning Star was conceptualized as masculine in natureand known as Heosphoros, “Dawn-bringer.”Thus Homer writes: “At that time when the dawn star passes across earth, harbinger of light, and after him dawn of the saffron mantle is scattered across the sea.”
Hesiod described the mythological genealogy of
Morning Star as follows: “And after these Erigeneia [Eos] bare the star Eosphorus (Dawn-Bringer), and the gleaming stars with which heaven is crowned.” Countless cultures referred to the Morning Star by a name that identified it as the “day bringer” or day-star. For the Polynesian astronomers who charted that culture’s countless long-distance voyages, the Morning Star was known as Fetia ao, “Star of Day.” So, too, among the Slavic peoples of ancient Europe, the Morning Star was known as Denica, “star of day.” Analogous names were commonplace among Amerindians of the New World. For the indigenous cultures along the Northwest coastal region of North America, recurringnames for the Morning Star include “Bringing the Daybreak,” “Bringing the Day,” “Star of Daylight,” and “Daylight has come.”In the Quiché Maya account of Creation, similarly, the Morning Star was described as the first star to appear in heaven: “This one came first before the sun when the sun was born, the new day bringer.”
All of the aforementioned names are commonly thought to have reference to the planet Venus in its familiar role as the Morning Star, during which it appears as the brightest star in the pre-dawn sky and, so the story goes, seems to announce the forthcoming “light of the Sun and day." Upon reflection, however, it seems most unlikely that any ancient skywatcher worth his salt would have chosen the relatively diminutive Venus to denote
the “day-bringer” or the “bringer of light.” Such names would appear to be much more
suitable for the Sun.
The light bearer is also known as Horus Duat, Athtar, Cinteotl, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Itztlacoliuhqui, papa pachapacari ch’aska, Raven, Nanauatzin, Tecuciztecatl, Quetzalcoatl, Viejito, Nanahuatl, abogado de las bubas y del mal de los ojos y del romadico y tosse, u-pirikucu, Icoquih, is raxa, Venus, Mars, Christ, Tlahuizcalpanteuctl.
Every single faith has a light bearer just as every faith worships the same God whether it be the God of the Bible or Allah; as is also a Shiva and Shakti.
There is no other belief set that vilifies a day star except for Christianity. In fact you'll see worship of both the Daystar and the morning Star all at the same time, as they saw the importance of both. However the Bible demonizes A Day star and proceeds to call it Satan. as if it's not a star. It proceeds then further to say that the day star being Lucifer or satan waged a war against God, etc, instead of seeing or realizing that for it to even exist God still gave life to it. I just don't see why anything that is celestial or of any importance would ever wage a war against something much greater. We must remember both Lucifer and Christ called themselves The morning Star I'm not saying they're both the same character or the same morning Star because one eventually begins to become the Daystar however here in this must mean they both share importance for the spiritual teachings of mankind.
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colorisbyshe · 2 years ago
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for asking!!!!! Love a chance to talk about myself.
The way I got this ask and like IMMEDIATELY forgot any piece of media I have ever consumed?? If I forgot any of my faves... sorry to them!!
Also, a running theme for most of my faves is that they have overcome being otherized and/or trauma and came out being pettier and more self righteous, lol.
Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto. Pettiest bitch alive and he DESERVES IT! Should be pettier.
Wei Wuxian from MDZS/The Untamed. Went through hell, kinda literally, and did awful things but still chose to do the right thing, every single fucking time.
Fenris from Dragon Age. Watching him emerge from such an awful place and learn to let people in, while remaining sooo rough around the edges, was lovely.
Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From both TOS and AOS, less so from Disco/SNW, because he's just so fucking funny and also watching him be so repressed and then be forced out of that repression is fun. I love him. Baby boy.
Joy from EEAAO. Loved watching her anger, loved watching her creativity, and I loved watching her anger make her mother change. I love that she was able to give up the anger because she was finally seen and her hurt was legitimized.
***** ****** from ******* ******** because *runs away*
NGL.... it's still my boy Edward Elric. In many ways, I should let him go. But he was my first rep of atheism in literally the funniest fucking way ("Yeah I've seen God but... nah.") and I still enjoyed his journey, even if I now have major issues with the narrative and apologism and recognize Scar as a far more compelling character than Edward. Sorry to everyone but when I saw Edward at age.... 13, I did not realize what war crime apologism looked like. At least I let go of stanning Mustang. Cause I wanted that man carnally for a long time.
Sook-hee from The Handmaiden. Watching her fuck shit up was cathartic.
I need to finish my watch through (bingewatching two seasons in a week was mentally taxing, tbh) but Flint and Max from Black Sails. Again... love a selfish character who has felt left behind by the world and so they take what they can from the world. They deserve it!
Recency bias I guess but I'm REALLY loving Frieren from... Frieren. Watching her learn to value other people while going around with her lil :3 face is nice.
I feel like this list is leaving a lot of faves out--my lovely Sailor Jupiter who I imprinted on like a baby duck and have carried in my heart ever since, Dimitri Fire Emblem, Qifrey, and probably so many more. The characters that I love just for horny reasons (Yae Miko, Kaveh, Tighnari my beloveds). Characters I love for their potential (Finn, Poe, and Rey from Star Wars)(Also Cassian but I guess I could love him more if I watched Andor but I will not be watching Disney+ shows.) Characters who I love now (Louis, Lestat, Claudia from IWTV the show) but haven't finished their arcs yet, so idk how I'll feel int he future. Etc etc.
I will also say that this list feels a biiiiiit swayed by characters who I have experienced more in fandom. There are characters from one off books, video games, comics that I CONNECT with more, maybe idolized more, but engage with less often because there's no fandom, so they come to mind less immediately. And they've been butchered less by fanon, so I don't project onto them as much. Like they are FULLER vessels, which means they have less room for me to go "Oh, yeah, we are exactly the same. Let me into your brain."
This list is mainly of characters I love to play with like bratz dolls in my brain and is less about like... maybe heavily fucking with them while consuming their media and then being able to let them go when I'm done.
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addictedtostorytelling · 2 years ago
tagged by @coping-via-clint-eastwood
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
01. sara sidle (csi) 02. juliet burke (lost) 03. abby lockhart (er) 04. melinda may (aos) 05. james flint (black sails) 06. gregory eddie (abbott elementary) 07. josh lyman (tww) 08. jim halpert (the office) 09. trini kwan (mmpr) 10. roy kent (tl)
aaaaaaaaand, as per usual, i’m flaking out on the tags, but anyone who wants to play can consider themselves “it”!
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