Allegiances - The Twisting Shadow Sect
LEADER The Brilliant Dreamstar - A long haired dark brown tabby tom with a bent tail. > Canon counterpart; Brokenstar
DEPUTY Snowfoot - A large white tom with huge, jet-black paws. > Canon counterpart; Blackstar
ADVISOR Cloudshine - A small grey-and-white tom. > Canon counterpart; Runningnose
HEALER Pitchleaf - A black tolly. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed black cat
WARRIORS Marmottail - A brown tabby tom missing half his tail.           Apprentice; Brown > Canon counterpart; Stumpytail
Brackenfoot - A pale ginger tom with dark legs.
Rowanbriar - An old cream-and-brown she-cat. > Canon counterpart; Rowanberry
Nutwhisker - A brown tom with a broad, flat face.
Prickleclaw - A scrawny tortoiseshell she-cat. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed tortoiseshell she-cat
Spiketooth - A huge tabby tom.           Apprentice; White > Canon counterpart; Jaggedtooth
Scorchlight - A ginger tabby tom. > Canon counterpart; Scorchwind
Nettlesnap - A large tabby she-cat with sharp claws. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed tabby she-cat
Boulderpool - A silver tabby tom.           Apprentice; Wet > Canon counterpart; Boulder
Tangleburr - A grey-and-brown she-cat.
Deerfoot - A light brown tom.
Talonpoppy - A black-and-white she-cat. > Canon counterpart; Tallpoppy
Twigstripe - A scarred tabby tom. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed tabby tom
Slatefur - A huge grey tom. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed grey tom
Sootclaw - A tortoiseshell tolly. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed tortoiseshell
Fernhaze - A tortoiseshell she-cat with large white patches. > Canon counterpart; Fernshade
Nightspark - A black tom           Apprentice; Ribbon > Canon counterpart; Unnamed black tom
Cypressclaw - A battle-scarred brown tom.           Apprentice; Little > Canon counterpart; Clawface
Flingfang - A dark grey tom.
Wolfstep - A tom with a torn ear.
Newtspeck - A black-and-ginger tabby she-cat.
Frogtail - A dark grey tom.
Larkfang - A silver tabby tom with sharp claws. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed tabby tom
Russetfur - A dark ginger she-cat.
APPRENTICES Wet - A grey tabby tom. > Canon counterpart; Wetfoot
Brown - A brown tom. > Canon counterpart; Brownpaw
Little - A very small tabby tom. > Canon counterpart; Littlecloud
White - A black tom with a white chest and paws. > Canon counterpart; Whitethroat
Ribbon - A tiny brown tabby tom. > Canon counterpart; Unnamed brown tabby apprentice
NURSES Dawncloud - A small tabby she-cat (mother of Swamp and Marsh).
Darkflower - A black she-cat.
KITS Swamp - A white tom-kit. > Canon counterpart; Swampkit
Marsh - A black she-cat. > Canon counterpart; Blossomkit
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AU where Blackfoot, Flingfang, and Fernshade are kit-apprentices. Brokenstar mentors Blackpaw.
In that AU I imagine Blackfoot would probably grow up being a better person than he was in TPB since he would have to witness his friends (and possibly littermates) dying due to this
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