stillnotajedimaster · 3 years
I’m bored and curious sooo 1-41! 😏 Goooo!
oof alright lets do this lmao
1)Do you have siblings? How many? 1 older brother
2)What was you favourite toy as a child? hmmm probably my action figures lol
3)Last thing that made you laugh? a podcast i was watching made me laugh
4)last thing that made you cry? idk off the top of my head but probably just my dog being sick making me sad
5) What traits do you like about yourself? hmm idk maybe im polite i guess
6) What’s your last text that you sent (do not give any context) "LMAO no way its white as white can be!"
7) Dream place to live? somewhere away form people
8) Favourite quote from a tv show? That guy fed me Spongebob Squarepants and now I'm gonna die like in 'Alien'! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us4n7EJzuWI
9)Favourite quote from a movie? ummmmmmmmm yeah idk
10) Last person you called? my mom
11) First app you check when you wake up? depends but i guess snapchat
12)s there anything in your drafts/queue lmaoooo lotta stuff not for public consumption
13) Favourite school subject history n gym
14)What high school stereotype were/are you? idk its been forever
15) Do you think your teachers liked you in school? eh some did but i was loud and annoying (imagine that...)
16) Favourite article of clothing? hmmm probably my hockey jerseys
17) Fashion fears? ripping my pants in public
18) What is one skill you want to learn? blacksmithing would be sick as fuck
19) Have you learnt anything in self isolation? i fuckin wish
20) Have you fulfilled any goals you had for 2020? damn i guess i havent
21)Any goals for 2021? ive got a few
22)How much do you think you fit into the description of your star sign? ummmm sure
23) What would you say your aesthetic is? im not sure lol
24)You can change one physical trait about yourself what would it be? hmm maybe be a little bit taller
2Last person you had a dream about?5) You can change one of your personality traits, what would it be? i wish i was less fuckin awkward (idk if that fits or not lol)
26) Finish the sentence : “My favourite thing about tumblr is...” ummmmmmmm
27) What is the last assumption you made?
28) The last mistake you made? i fuck up a lot so idk
29) Would you rather live in the Sahara or Antarctic? hmmm antarctic
30) Favourite animal? penguin
31) What is ‘your’ emoji? umm i guess the laughing face (im on my computer so no emojis)
32) Last thing you bought that was so bad that it was good? idk about that but the last thing i bought was a sweatshirt n some pants today lol
33) Something you bought but were never able to wear because of covid? nothing
34) What is the best piece of advice you received? think positive be positive
35) Is love something that scares you? no i dont think so
36) Do you believe in love at first sight? no
37) What would a romantic partner say is your best quality? no idea
38) What does the person that is physically the closest to you right at this moment mean to you? a lot
39) Favourite place to be kissed? umm i just wanna be kissed its been forever
40) Last person you had a dream about? i dont remember
41) Kinda stupid but... cupcakes or donuts? both but donuts
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