#flight attandant
calvinamerika1984 · 1 year
A flightattendant isn’t just there to serve coffee ☕️ … a flightattendant is way more than You probably see on a plane ✈️ … They are all firefighters 🚒 who receive a yearly fire fighting training 💪🏽 with real fire scenarios … They are there if first aid ⛑️ is needed. Again a yearly training concerning all possible situations on an #airplane 💪🏽 … They are there to evacuate an airplane within 90 seconds 💪🏽 … and again they are trained and checked on this each year - on each airplane type. … They are able to communicate and interact with many different people from various cultures and countries ✈️😃 everyone with their own travel story to tell ✈️😃 on a Aluminium Plane that rides almost with the speed of sound through the air 🚀 ✈️ … Maybe You’ll remember those aspects when You receive a warm smile ☺️ from Your flightattendant at 5am on Your next #redeye #flight👩‍✈️ 🧑🏽‍✈️ ✈️ … I’m very proud of my crews and their profession. And as You see on the pic - even in nasty rainy weather - they made this pic after my last #a320 flight ✈️ and made this moment unforgettable to me. … Thank You. 
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micdotcom · 7 years
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Man reportedly assaults  Delta flight attendant, forcing flight to turn around
A Delta Airlines flight that was headed from Seattle to Beijing was forced to turn back on Thursday after a man allegedly assaulted a flight attendant about 45 minutes into the flight, the AP reported.
A spokesperson for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport said the incident occurred aboard Delta Flight 129, according to the AP. 
The passenger, a 23-year-old man whose name has not been released, was seated in first class. The spokesperson said the passenger assaulted and injured the flight attendant and passengers helped to restrain him. 
The man was arrested when the plane landed again in Seattle. In a statement, Delta said that “the passenger was restrained on board and was removed from the flight by law enforcement without further incident,” the AP reported. Read more (7/7/17)
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marywardvvell · 4 years
Can you drop some spoilers for The Flight Attendant book? 🙏🏽
okie dokie!! here’s some info from the book that I found interesting and that I think michelle fans would find interesting. I’d also like to note that things will probably change from book to tv show, especially if they hope to have a second season.
the main question that the flight attendant marketing I’ve seen is “did Cassie kill a man???” but you find out very early on in the book that no, Cassie did not kill anyone, it was Miranda.
Michelle’s character Miranda is a russian assassin with daddy issues and she’s the one who killed the dude
Cassie has several sex scenes, Miranda doesn’t have any altho in the verrryyyy beginning Cassie wonders if what’s his name (the dude who gets murders) wants to have a three way and is fine with that (this was the only vaguely gay thing that happens.)
Miranda is told that she needs to kill Cassie and doesn’t really want to? She spends most of the book thinking about how she doesn’t really want to kill Cassie but she kinda has no choice
There was one very small scene, near the end, which I thought was hilarious since it’s strongly implied that Cassie watches the Big Bang theory
Uhhhh so. Miranda is killed at the end. The whole book is like Cassie kinda looking for Miranda and Miranda debating killing Cassie and then they don’t meet again and Miranda is killed
I didn’t like the end of the book (or,,, most of the book; i found it underwhelming and not well written for a thriller) since the epilogue decided to redeem Cassie via motherhood and I found that not great
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thetrainingacademy · 8 years
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Build an Entire #Career on a #Smile
#STOPDREAMING #STARTFLYING... Batches Start for 3 Months #airhostess Course #15thMarch #50%OFF
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vomvoming-blog · 6 years
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The First day of work
Monday, 28 January 2019
I just start my field placement at Seneca Markham as a FSO Assistant. My schedule for the field placement is Monday and Friday at 0800 to 1600. A duty of FSO Assistant is helping out professors and officers in the FSO department. I am also going to be a helper in Career Expo and Open House.
Today, I had a brief introduction about the work and looked around the officers (M626, M450, M460, and G20). Then, I got four works to do:
Attaching the flyers about the Air Transat Flight Attandant job posting from a professor, Carrie Broughton.
Sorting the name tag in alphabetical order.
Sorting the self-defense certificate in alphabeitcal order.
Starting the day with cleaning the trolley and equipments in M460 every Monday and Friday. (starting from this Friday, Feburary 2nd)
I started the first day as FSO Assistant with attaching the flyers on M460, M450, M360, G20, G92, and 6th floor near the elevator. While I was taping the flyers, I hoped every FSO student can find it easily when they walk around the floor or are waiting for the class.
Finishing one assigned work, I started to distribute the Name Tags, which is for the 2nd semester students and above. I distributed one by one in alphabetical order because the Name Tags seemed mixed up. I poured all names start with ‘A’ from the bag and compare with the list. If the name tag is on the list, I put it into the bag again; however, if it is not, I put it into the another bag for unclaimed name tag. When I did until the name start with ‘Z’, I made an excel sheet for the unclaimed name tag in order to make students whose name is not on the list find their name easily. While I was doing sorting the Name Tags, two students visited my office (M426) for their name tags. At that moment, I was in the middle of sorting. The excel sheet could not be used at all. I tried to find their names from the list; however, we couldn’t find. I asked them their semester, and they told me that they were in the 1st semester. As I had no news about the 1st semester students’ name tag, I asked them to leave their names and their available time, which was Monday. Through two students, I learned the steps of asking a question to the customers, so I could be closer to what the customers want.
After I took 10 minutes break for my brain, I started another distributing work for the Self-Defense Certificates. There were two boxes in total. The first box I chose had certificates for almost 10 different classes. I sorted them in both different classes and the alphabetical order. When I just finished three assigned work, the time was already 1600.
I would like students feel happy when they get their Name Tags and Certificates from Friday. I also have three things (Organizing equipments in M460, rest of distributing Self-Defense Certificate and Smart Serve Certificate) to do on Friday, can’t wait for them!
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briinstardust · 4 years
This flight attandant is about to have me on one 😒
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blogmarareactions · 7 years
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Note: Sorry that this took so long to finish. B.A.P Mafia!au are quite popular it seems. I can see why though haha And thank you so much for your support, you are an angel! *sending hugs*
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you don`t know how much I love this gif 
So. Not. Amused. He would`ve seen it coming probably so he wouldn`t be surprised, however he had hoped you were smarter than that. He would be quite calm but in that predatory kind of way. You would try to sneak out at night but he`d be sitting in the garage waiting for you. He`d be slowly approaching you saying:
“So you`re just gonna leave without saying goodbye? That just won`t do, will it darling?”
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He`d be annoyed more than anything else. Like, he has things to do and you trying to escape is just wasting time he could`ve used on work. You wouldn`t get far before he found you. He`d take your hand dragging you back to the car saying:
“Seriously girl, I have more important things to do than to babysitt you. Will you behave now or do I have to keep you locked up?”
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You had been gone for less than 2 hourse when his men had found you at the airport, ready to leave the country with the first available flight. After bringing you back to the heard quarters you are brought into his office. Calmly and without saying a word he gets up from his chair walking up to you grabbing your chin harshly, pulling you closer to him before he speaks.
“This is the first and last warning I will be giving you. Noone betrays me. If you were anyone else you`d already have a bullet in your skull.”
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He had taken you to one of his many VIP parties thinking it would be fun using this night out to spend more time with you but you had other plans. You had run outside as soon as he had attanded to one of his guests. As he came back to an empty table he took a sip from his drink knowing you tried to escape. He`d order his men to follow you and bring you back he next morning. As you come through the door that morning the only thing coming from his mouth would be.
“Had fun last night? I felt rather lonely. I think you need some dicipline for humiliating me like that last night.”
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Probably the only one who`d find it amusing. Not the fact that you tried to escape but the fact that you thought you`d succeed in it. He`d give you another day to get away before he`d start his search, which wouldn`t be too hard as he had eyes and ears at every street corner. He`d find you checking into a motel on a little used road. He`d let you check in before following you to your room, putting his foot into the door before you close it and stepping into your room saying:
“Darling if you`d want a vacation you could have said so and I would`ve booked something way better than this. You didn`t think you could escape me this easily, did you?”
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He had given you everything you ever could have asked for and more. He`d even taken time out of his busy schedule to go see all the places you wanted to see. Now you ran away without so much as a word. Angry would be an underastimated choice of words for his feelings. He`d be furious. As soon as he got you back, which wouldn`t be too long after, he`d make sure you were watched 24/7, never giving you more than a few seconds out of sight. 
“I gave you EVERYTHING, and this is how you repay me? I thought you knew your place by now. It is by MY side, do you understand?” 
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calvinamerika1984 · 2 years
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Happy international flight attendant day ✈️ It‘s more than a job. It’s a lifestyle, a passion, a drop of kerosine in your blood….#LufthansaBestAirlineInTheWorld #Proud to be a part of the family 
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calvinamerika1984 · 2 years
Omg . That’s awesome 😂😂😂😂
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marywardvvell · 4 years
Thanks for the response. Tbh the real turn off for me is Cassie's "redemption through motherhood". That kind of trope needs to die. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Michelle is once again cast as the "villain” 😩 (okay, this does sound super heterosexual but I feel like just Michelle’s presence makes it a little bit gayer. ✌🏽)
I jokingly referred to TFA to my friends as “boring killing eve for straight people” lol, but yes bad trope needs to die- especially as written by men 🙃
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marywardvvell · 4 years
How does miranda die in the book? I eat spoilers for breakfast
In the same way that she kills the first guy in the beginning of the book, Miranda’s throat is cut by another russian spy who’s realized that she’s a double agent and she’s left to bleed out on Cassie’s hotel bathroom floor in Italy.
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