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flex desk (flexible desk)
Sekarang kamu tinggal sendirian? bareng keluarga kamu? atau bareng temen-temen kosan/kontrakan kamu? pernah ga ngerasa kesel pas semua hal udah kita beresin, kita udah coba decluttering tapi ternyata gak lama kemudian semua kembali ke keadaan semula. berantakan lagi, berantakan lagi. lama-lama capek ternyata dan akhirnya yang awalnya idealis menjadi seseorang yang suka bersih dan ngerapihin, tiba-tiba ada satu kondisi dimana kita sudah tidak peduli lagi dengan kondisi kerapihan dan membiarkannya tetap berantakan. Kalau kamu pernah mengalami hal yang sama, kamu boleh lanjut baca post ini. have a nice read.
Potret dari teman satu perjuangan selama beberapa bulan ini
sebelumnya fyi dulu kalau sekarang saya tinggal di sebuah rumah milik dimana penghuninya 6-10 orang per hari. ini tergantung sedang weekdays atau weekend. kalau sedang weekdays, mungkin maksimal 6 orang. tapi kalau weekend bisa sampai 10, malah terkadang 12 orang. Tentunya semua orang yang ada di rumah tersebut mempunyai habbit dan tingkat kerapihan dan kebersihan yang juga berbeda-beda. Ada yang rapih dan ada yang tidak rapih. Yang rapih pun ada dua jenis, ada yang rapih ke semua barang dan ada yang rapih hanya pada barang sendiri. Pokoknya unik saja. Saya yakin pasti ada beberapa dari teman-teman minimalis yang juga pernah atau bahkan sedang mengalami pengalaman yang sama. Apalagi kalau kita adalah tipe yang merantau saat studi, hidup bersama orang lain di kontrakan mungkin akan menjadi sesuatu yang biasa.
Mimpi yang Tak Sampai
Awalnya saya mau sharing terkait bagaimana kita bisa menjaga kerapihan dan kebersihan di ruang yang biasa digunakan untuk mengobrol, menonton tv, dan menerima tamu. Apalagi kalau bukan ruang tengah. Marie Kondo dalam bukunya the life-changing magic of tidying up berkata kalau kita ingin bersih-bersih rumah kita. kita harus memvisualisasikan ingin seperti apa rumah kita. kalau kita hanya berkata “saya tidak ingin rumah tidak berantakan” atau “saya ingin rumah rapih” itu kurang tepat. Contoh yang diberikan oleh Marie Kondo yakni ada salah satu client perempuan yang ingin mengubah tempat tinggalnya menjadi hunian yang lebih feminis. Kalau saya pribadi, saya ingin membuat hunian saya menjadi seperti coworking space. Tapi saya pribadi merasa telah gagal untuk mencoba menjaga kebersihan di ruangan tersebut. Makin kesini saya merasa menyerah untuk membersihkan barang-barang yang tak pernah henti-hentinya berserakan, bekas makanan yang kadang tidak dibuang, sampai kertas-kertas/plastik yang entah datang darimana dan biasanya bertumpuk tidak jelas.
Mengepel? ah sudahlah, saya sendiri bertanya-tanya ada apa ini. Apakah kapasitas penghuni di rumah tersebut overload atau memang ada masalah yang lain. Padahal rumah yang sedang saya tinggali bisa disebut besar dan juga luas. Harusnya kapasitasnya tidak overload.
Dulu sebelum mendeklarasikan diri ingin menjadi seorang minimalis, saya adalah tipe orang yang suka misuh-misuh sendiri sambil bersih-bersih. Walaupun laki-laki, saya pernah menjadi yang paling cerewet sampai ada satu kejadian beberapa tahun lalau dimana saya berantem dengan seorang sahabat dari beasiswa hanya karena masalah kebersihan ini.
sayangnya orang minimalis yang berada lingkungan maksimalis biasanya akan terkesan perfeksionis dan idealis
iya lah gimana mau gak kesel ketika sudah membereskan dan merapihkan, tiba-tiba ada orang yang ‘kurang menghargai’ (begitu saya menyebutnya) hasil pekerjaan kita.
Francine Jay (miss minimalist) mengatakan selalu ada tiga tahap untuk menerapkan konsep minimalisme di sebuah tempat: rapihkan, simpan dan rawat. Rapihkan dan Simpan mungkin bisa kita lakukan sendiri. Tapi butuh banyak pihak untuk bisa ‘Rawat’.
Matt D’Avella dalam salah satu vidionya yang berjudul living with a non-minimalist memberikan tips bagaimana caranya tinggal bersama seorang yang bukan minimalis. Oh iya, fyi selain ada istilah minimalis. Ada juga istilah maximalist yang biasanya memaksimalkan ruangan yang ada untuk menyimpan semua barangnya. Ia berkata kalau kita tidak perlu memaksakan konsep hidup kita kepada seseorang. Biarkan mereka menjadi diri mereka. Just let them be. Cukup kita yang menerapkan, maka lama-lama mereka akan mulai respect dengan lifestyle yang sedang kita jalani (minimalisme).
“biarkan suasana yang tentram pada ruangan yang kita ciptakan menjadi perkenalan pertama keluarga kita dengan cara hidup yang lebih sederhana”, - Francine Jay
Miss minimalist pun mengatakan hal yang serupa, yakni kita harus memberikan contoh kepada orang-orang yang berada di lingkungan kita: teman kita atau pun keluarga kita.
Saya yakin bahkan saya, dan semua orang yang tak jarang misuh-misuh pun sudah melakukannya. Pertanyaan berikutnya, lalu harus apa? Seberapa bersih pun kita membersihkan rumah, tidak ada yang berubah. Berantakan adalah berantakan.
Saya menemukan hal menarik dari Fumio Sasaki. Dalam bukunya ia mengatakan agar kita tetap konsiten menjadi seorang minimalis. Kita harus mendeklarasikan diri menjadi seorang minimalis di lingkungan kita, -- dan di media sosial. Beritahu dunia bahwa kita yang dulu bukanlah yang sekarang. Kita sekarang adalah seorang minimalis yang sangat suka kebersihan dan kerapihan dan siap menerima dan sharing bersama kamu untuk mengikuti gaya hidup minimalis.
Kalimat ‘tolong jaga kebersihan’ mungkin sudah tidak bisa mempan lagi alih-alih menggunakan kalimat tersebut. Alangkah lebih baiknya menggunakan kalimat “saya sedang menerapkan konsep minimalisme. Kalau kamu tertarik, kamu bisa join”
Okay tadi itu dasar pemikirannya. Panjang juga ya ternyata. Sekarang kita langsung ke membahas flex desk.
Flex Space
Di dunia usaha ada yang namanya flex space yang berarti ruang kantor yang boleh digunakan siapa saja. Kita datang pagi, menempati satu meja yang kosong, bekerja disana sampai sore. Saat akan pulang, kita merapihkan dan membawa pergi semua barang. Meja tersebut pun bersih dan siapa digunakan untuk besoknya. Di case yang sedang saya hadapi, saya masih belum bisa menerapkan space di rumah yang saya tinggali karena saya tidak punya position yang cukup tinggi dan pasti ‘rawat’-nya akan cukup sulit. Jadi saya coba menerapkan konsep minimalisme ala Francine Jay ini ke yang lebih kecil dahulu yakni ke meja belajar/kerja yang selalu digunakan bersama. Saya menyebutnya flex desk.
Flex Desk
Gambar diatas adalah kondisi meja sebelum dibersihkan. Gambaran ketika semua orang di tempat yang saya tinggali tidak menggunakan konsep flex desk. Semua barang ada disana. Bahkan ada beberapa bumbu masak dapur nyasar ke meja kerja???. Jujur saya stress ngeliat kondisi kaya gitu. Saya pribadi benar-benar tidak bisa bekerja dengan fokus karena seolah-olah barang-barang tersebut memanggil-manggil untuk dibereskan.
Ini kondisi meja yang sudah diterapkan konsep flex desk. Permukannya benar-benar bersih dan saya bisa fokus mengerjakan sesuatu, termasuk menulis tulisan ini.
flex desk adalah meja kerja yang bisa digunakan (tentunya saya rapihkan dan pilh dulu barang-barang yang saya kan rapihkan sesuai kategori yang nantinya akan saya share di posting-an IG hari ini) oleh banyak orang. Mejanya tidak perlu canggih. Meja apapun yang bisa digunakan selama masih layak. Yang berbeda adalah ada aturan yang sama dengan flex space. Buat yang sudah berkeluarga, bisa menggunakan kata ‘game’ kebanding aturan. Setelah menggunakan meja tersebut, barang-barang yang dibawa ke meja tersebut harus dibawa pergi juga. All Surfaces Clear -- begitu bunyi dari salah satu metode STREAMLINE ala miss minimalist. Matt D’Avella pun mengatakan bahwa salah satu alasan mengapa kita menyimpan barang sembarangan adalah tersedianya banyak permukaan, pun termasuk meja kerja kita. Akan jadi panjang kalau saya bahas permukaan, jadi saya cukupkan untuk bahasanya surface dan akan saya bahas di tulisan lain.
Akhir Kata
Teman-teman minimalis bisa menggunakan konsep flex desk ini, jangan lupa untuk declare ke temen-temen dan media sosialnya. Kalau berhasil, saya sarankan untuk mencoba konsep flex space di ruang tengah. Semangat dan salam minimalis.
@ryanfryzky | menjadiminimalis.com
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Co-working space jump-starts the community by combining diverse companies together while enabling flexibility, necessary for a startup. Each co-working space has a different layout, often an open office plan, with breakout areas, some also have enclosed, private areas. . Flexibility means you can rent your space for a month, or a week, or even a day in some cases. Alongside co-working space are often other benefits, for instance, networking meetings or business incubators. . Thinker offers co-working and shared office space at a 4,000 sq. foot facility at 317 W. Jefferson St., Rockford, Illinois. Daily and monthly plans are available to support you and your organization. Learn more or sign up at thinkerspaces.com #thinker #thinkerventures #coworkingspace #rockford #rockfordillinoisusa #815 #flexdesk #desk #meetings #office — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TXqft7
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Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk
In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk.
Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Clark Jacobs and I am the Co-Founder & CEO of FlexDesk, which is a marketplace platform to list and rent short-term workspace. You can think of us as Airbnb for workspace.
Most recently, I was a seed-stage hire for a real estate startup called the Guild, which is essentially WeWork for hotels. During my time at the Guild, I served in a variety of business functions and accrued domain expertise in the PropTech sector. I also gained insight into some of the underlying challenges with asset-heavy business models, which helped shape the vision for FlexDesk. Before the Guild, I spent three years as a management consultant at Bain & Company.
What problem does your product/service solve?
As a two-sided marketplace, FlexDesk solves a problem for Suppliers (office owners w/ unused space) & Users (employees of remote-first companies).
Our Suppliers consistently have furnished, underutilized workspace – FlexDesk equips them to efficiently monetize it by debundling the asset and rent access on a flexible basis. In doing so, they unlock an incremental revenue stream for this unused space. Suppliers can “double-dip” by simultaneously searching for a long-term tenant while making money through FlexDesk.
In the post-covid world, the average worker desires a hybrid remote/office solution. As many companies shift to a permanent distributed workforce, FlexDesk allows the employees to discover and book a space that meets their individual needs, with no obligation to rent for longer than one day.
What’s are you most excited about right now?
Even amidst the uncertainty in the world, I am excited to see momentum build for a remote-first culture in the post-covid world. I enjoy assessing how FlexDesk can help many employees strike a balance of “working from home” and “working from anywhere”. As the concept of the ‘Nomadic Millennial’ becomes more common, I am excited to see how FlexDesk can equip those employees to remain productive “at the office” while living a fulfilling life of travel outside of work.
What’s next for you?
At the moment, we’re focused on refining our product, aggregating Supply, and acquiring Users in the Texas region. The tech ecosystem in Texas – in Austin, especially – is a prime territory to gain feedback and build a playbook for acquiring Suppliers and Users at scale. We are excited to expand nationwide (and beyond) once we’ve nailed it in Texas.
What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?
I’m passionate about the mission of the Salvation Army to fight homelessness and provide support for recovering addicts. As someone who has family history in alcohol addition, I’ve enjoyed getting involved in a meaningful capacity. I recently served as the Co-President of Echelon in Dallas, which is the Young Adults auxiliary group of the Salvation Army. We exist to raise awareness of the Salvation Army amongst millennials and provide an avenue for volunteering and fundraising.
Thanks to Clark for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.
We’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).
The post Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk
In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk.
Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Clark Jacobs and I am the Co-Founder & CEO of FlexDesk, which is a marketplace platform to list and rent short-term workspace. You can think of us as Airbnb for workspace.
Most recently, I was a seed-stage hire for a real estate startup called the Guild, which is essentially WeWork for hotels. During my time at the Guild, I served in a variety of business functions and accrued domain expertise in the PropTech sector. I also gained insight into some of the underlying challenges with asset-heavy business models, which helped shape the vision for FlexDesk. Before the Guild, I spent three years as a management consultant at Bain & Company.
What problem does your product/service solve?
As a two-sided marketplace, FlexDesk solves a problem for Suppliers (office owners w/ unused space) & Users (employees of remote-first companies).
Our Suppliers consistently have furnished, underutilized workspace – FlexDesk equips them to efficiently monetize it by debundling the asset and rent access on a flexible basis. In doing so, they unlock an incremental revenue stream for this unused space. Suppliers can “double-dip” by simultaneously searching for a long-term tenant while making money through FlexDesk.
In the post-covid world, the average worker desires a hybrid remote/office solution. As many companies shift to a permanent distributed workforce, FlexDesk allows the employees to discover and book a space that meets their individual needs, with no obligation to rent for longer than one day.
What’s are you most excited about right now?
Even amidst the uncertainty in the world, I am excited to see momentum build for a remote-first culture in the post-covid world. I enjoy assessing how FlexDesk can help many employees strike a balance of “working from home” and “working from anywhere”. As the concept of the ‘Nomadic Millennial’ becomes more common, I am excited to see how FlexDesk can equip those employees to remain productive “at the office” while living a fulfilling life of travel outside of work.
What’s next for you?
At the moment, we’re focused on refining our product, aggregating Supply, and acquiring Users in the Texas region. The tech ecosystem in Texas – in Austin, especially – is a prime territory to gain feedback and build a playbook for acquiring Suppliers and Users at scale. We are excited to expand nationwide (and beyond) once we’ve nailed it in Texas.
What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?
I’m passionate about the mission of the Salvation Army to fight homelessness and provide support for recovering addicts. As someone who has family history in alcohol addition, I’ve enjoyed getting involved in a meaningful capacity. I recently served as the Co-President of Echelon in Dallas, which is the Young Adults auxiliary group of the Salvation Army. We exist to raise awareness of the Salvation Army amongst millennials and provide an avenue for volunteering and fundraising.
Thanks to Clark for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.
We’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).
The post Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Clark Jacobs from FlexDesk appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230574 https://ift.tt/3gLz8PE via IFTTT
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+++ Im InsurLab Germany Campus ist immer was los! Jetzt ist auch wieder Platz für neue Startups! Das InsurLab Germany, eine Initiative der Versicherungsindustrie, die durch die Vernetzung von Startups, Hochschulen und Versicherern die Branche bei der digitalen Transformation unterstützt, bietet jungen Firmen reichlich Platz zur Entfaltung. Das InsurLabGermany bietet Startups Arbeitsplätze ab 99 Euro und eine direkte Vernetzung mit zahlreichen Versicherern, Universitäten, Beratern und mehr. Informiere dich jetzt! +++ Als aktiver Unterstützer der Startup-Szene in Köln vebreiten wir dieses kleine Angebot gerne gerne. “Ob FlexDesk, fester Arbeitsplatz oder ein festes Büro für dein gesamtes Team – das @InsurLab Germany bietet deinem Startup und dir die passende Coworking-Lösung zu einem unschlagbaren Preis”, teilt der InsurLab Germany Campus mit. Besonders die Vernetzung mit anderen Gründerinnen und Grünern, die ähnlich ticken, dürfte spannend sein! Kölle is e jeföhl – #Köln In unserem Themenschwerpunkt Köln berichten wir gezielt über die Digitalaktivitäten in der Rheinmetropole. Mit über 650 Start-ups, 25 Gründerzentren, attraktiven Investoren und zahlreichen Veranstaltungen und Netzwerken bieten Köln und das Umland ein spannendes Ökosystem für Gründerinnen und Gründer. Diese Rubrik wird unterstützt vom Digital Hub Cologne und der Stadt Köln. Foto (oben): Shutterstock
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Work Smart to Stop Strain at your desk
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For seamless multi-functionality the FlexDesk 640 works as an in-line document holder and writing slope. So you can make the most out of your workspace, saving you room for what really matters. Simply place the FlexDesk between your screen and keyboard, then you have the freedom to lock the FlexDesk to suit your tasks. Push it away from you as a document holder or pull it towards you to create a writing slope.
Work Smart & Feel Good
Oozing distinction and quality, every element of the FlexDesk has been refined to offer only the best. A satin work surface, with easy gliding rails, cabin for pencils and crafted from 5mm rigid acrylic. For superb alignment to your computer screen, adjust the height (115-175mm) to create an optimum and proactive working dynamic.
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Utilising this shorter viewing distance between document, screen and keyboard is proven to increase productivity, whilst the sloping work surface reduces flexion of the neck, increasing functionality and work comfort. .
Reduce neck strain by using the in-line document holder which works simultaneously with the monitor and document. The document holder creates more workspace, to you can organise files, notes, phones and any other office equipment easily, making your space fit your needs.
For more information visit BakkerElkhuzien.co.uk
The FlexDesk 640 is available from Osmond Ergonomics for £129.99
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ASSA ABLOY to Shift Access Control Paradigm
ASSA ABLOY’s commitment to partnerships in innovation has once again enabled the creation of a unique security solution. And the development came through the insights of its network of access control partners, collaborative integrators and end users who seek out a trusted manufacturer partner.
Last year, Star Asset Security, an industry expert in high-end integrated security systems, turned to ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions with a new demand it was seeing in the built environment: the need for an access control system that would work on shared assets such as lockers and desks, but with the caveat that the employee could select any locker or desk on any given day and continuously change their selection throughout the week.
“That’s just not how access control works in the way we’ve always used it,” said S. Guerry Bruner, Integrated Solutions Specialist at ASSA ABLOY. “This new application required us to look at the customer problem from their perspective, and really evolve our view of what access control can be.”
And thanks to the network of partners, the solution didn’t take days or months to achieve. “It only took a few hours of joint discussion until one of our OEM partners, Monitor Dynamics, said they could design software to work with our products and make it all happen,” Bruner said. “And within two weeks they had a working prototype. The ability to have those discussions, and work with companies that are nimble, willing and excited to take on the challenge means that when we have a new demand or need put in front of us, we get to solve it.”
The new solutions are being provided by Star Asset Security as FlexLocker and FlexDesk, utilizing software from Monitor Dynamics Incorporated – a manufacturer of unified security management systems that blend access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection and identity products into an open-architecture, command and control IP platform – and the ASSA ABLOY HES K100 cabinet lock with Aperio® technology.
“The system enables building owners and employers to provide new co-working concepts in shared spaces,” said Sage Hirschy, Director of Business Development at Star Asset Security. “Having a background in these types of workspaces we saw a need for a connected solution that is fully customizable to the customers’ unique environment. We believe this system achieves that. Each day a different employee can access a locker or desk in an office, without any changes in the access control platform. This removes the traditional need to set up access through a gatekeeper, reducing operational time and cost for facility managers.”
The relationship between Star Asset and ASSA ABLOY allowed Hirschy to share his company’s insights with the ASSA ABLOY team, and thus, created a new solution in the industry built through consultation with end users and collaboration between partners. “It’s another indication that the industry continues to see the need for innovation that is responsive and interoperable while remaining secure,” Bruner said.
“Our goal at ASSA ABLOY is to both protect the people and places that matter most, and to provide our clients with exciting new approaches to that high level of security technology. That collaboration with our industry partners, integrators, and end users is critical to this type of innovation.”
ABOUT ASSA ABLOY ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions, dedicated to satisfying end-user demands for security, safety and convenience. www.assaabloy.com.
ABOUT MONITOR DYNAMICS Established in 1979, Monitor Dynamics (MonDyn) is a US based manufacturer of unified security management systems that blend access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection and identity products into an open-architecture, command and control IP platform. Monitor Dynamics is the proven leader in developing corporate-wide, military-wide and government-wide managed security solutions that deliver real-time visualization and facility control to over 10 million client access and intrusion points across the globe. For more information on Monitor Dynamics go to www.monitordynamics.com.
ABOUT STAR ASSET SECURITY Star Asset Security has been providing full service security expertise since 1993 and is a provider of electronic security, video surveillance, access control and fire detection solutions. As highly trained specialists, Star the knowledge expected by security-conscious customers. Star has decades of technical experience in security and safety solutions, and with continuous education, are always staying on top of the latest technology.
ABOUT ASSA ABLOY DOOR SECURITY SOLUTIONS ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions combines the expertise of the industry’s most knowledgeable door opening experts with the comprehensive product offering of leading door and hardware brands to provide complete solutions to partners and end-users in commercial, retail, multi-family, government and institutional facilities. Coupling innovative technologies with insight on specifications, design, support, training and code compliance, ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions works closely with the architectural, security, facilities and integrator communities to address the many challenges they encounter serving and securing their customers. www.assaabloydss.com www.intelligentopenings.com.
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Flex Desk - As Seen on TV TVStuffReviews.com/flex-desk #FlexDesk #AsSeenOnTV
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Working from #starbucks #flexdesk (at Regent Street)
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Working on my customer acquisition #strategy for #flexdesk #swhk (Taken with instagram)
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Das Headquarters bereichert mit gleich zwei Standorten die Gründerstadt am Rhein. Am ersten und bereits nahezu ausgebuchten Standort in Köln-Marsdorf können Teams sich in top ausgestatteten Büroräumen voll auf ihre Geschäftsentwicklung konzentrieren. Das Angebot mit täglichem Frühstück, Inhouse-Gym und wöchentlichem Business Lunch bietet ein für Köln einmaliges Angebot auf 2.000 Quadratmeter. Das am 31. Juli letzten Jahres eröffnete Wertheim, das mit seinem Mischkonzept aus Coworkingspace, Team-Büros und Boarding-Room gestartet ist, kann sich über mangelnde Anfragen von Startups ebenfalls nicht beschweren. Die Team-Büros sind nahezu ausgebucht. Die geplante Kinderbetreuung musste allerdings aufgrund zu geringer Nachfrage eingestellt werden. Networking und Events in der Kölner Innenstadt Der zweite Standort des Headquarters in der Nähe des Barbarossaplatz ist eher auf kleinere Teams und Freelancer ausgerichtet. Der cool ausgestattete Community Space – Graffiti an den Wänden, eine stylische Bar, Sitzkissen auf der breiten Fensterbank und Lounge-Atmosphäre – bietet sich an, um sich mit Leuten zu treffen und die mittlerweile häufiger stattfindenden Events zu besuchen. Interessantes Add-On: Für die 59,90 Euro Monatsbeitrag erhält man auch Zugang zur befreundeten Factory in Berlin. Mit über 100 Mitglieder sei die Auslastung schon sehr gut. Nur noch wenige Flexdesks stünden zur Verfügung, so die Betreiber. Experten-Talks wie hier zur Eröffnung, sollen auch zum 1. Geburtstag statt finden. Headquarters lädt ein Den ersten Geburtstag feiert das Headquarters am 7. Juli ab 14 Uhr in Köln-Marsdorf. Auf dem Startup-Market werden sich unterschiedliche Startups des Headquarter aber auch aus dem Kölner Umfeld mit ihren Produkten und Geschäftsmodellen präsentieren. Experten geben in verschiedenen Talks spannende Insights in wichtige Startup und Finanzierungsthemen – Startup-Ökosystem, Venture Capital, Corporates und Startups. Die Veranstalter laden am Abend abschließend zu Currywurst und Kölsch in die Eventhalle des Headquarters ein. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Laut Veranstalter soll es am 7. Juli eine Ankündigung bezüglich des Ausbaus am Kölner Standort geben. Wir sind gespannt! Membership-Special für alle Leser von deutsche-startups.de: Über den Code HQDS17 gibt es 50% Rabatt auf die ersten zwei Monate der Headquarters Membership (regulär 59,50 Euro inkl. MwSt./Monat – monatlich kündbar). Weitere Infos und die Online Anmeldung zum findet Ihr hier. Kennen Sie schon unseren #StartupTicker? Der #StartupTicker berichtet tagtäglich blitzschnell über die deutsche Start-up-Szene. Schneller geht nicht!
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