#flesh;; merek
kresnikxkaden · 6 months
Continued from here
Kaden bit his bottom lip against a groan, Merek's touch sending sparks flying throughout each and every nerve-ending in the most pleasurable way. "Don't play coy now, darlin', I reckon you know exactly what I need." He held Merek by the waist and cupped the back of his neck with his other hand as he pulled the pyromancer in for a kiss.
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councillor-roland · 7 months
continued from here
"I suppose there is a certain appeal." Roland agreed, grinning, though closed that teasing gap almost instantly to grab the back of Merek's head and pull him into a rough kiss. It was even better than usual with the spell, every touch more exquisite and making him shiver even harder. Roland had less patience than usual, though, and used his speed to slam Merek back into the wall even as he ravaged his mouth, dragging his claws down his chest to cut clothing and skin alike.
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bad-dog-byron · 7 months
Flesh (from Merek ❤️)
"Is this cuz I said you didn't have an office? Cuz I'm happy to say sorry. I'll use my mouth and everything. Come a little closer. I promise to be good ..."
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dorian-ammann · 2 years
Dorian's Spring Mischief Card
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Body Swapped with Lazarus
Leather (Merek's Slave)
Body Mod (3 Inch Dick)
Kinky Boots
Mask Off
more tbd
If you want a thread with Dorian and any of these spells, like or comment on this post
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lizardinacoat · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - Day 1: A little out of the ordinary
The soft flesh of the ground yields easily as Bakar sinks his claws into it, the blood that seeps through his fingers long since a familiar warmth. Each step is harder to take as the ground tries to pull him in, writhing flesh wishing to devour him whole and it’s only the heavy steps of his partner behind him and the reassuring dread they bring that keeps Bakar from giving into the pull.
He doesn’t know where they’re going. He doesn’t care. Bakar doesn’t think much these days. Yet, through the haze of blood craze and clouded thoughts, a nagging feeling has nestled into the back of his skull that refuses to be ignored. Focusing on the feeling brings forth a headache of memories; the darkness of the alleyway, the fear in his eyes, the sweet taste of his blood that still lingers.
He tries to focus on the man.
Standing there before him as he once did years ago. It was easy to figure out it was really Merek standing in that alleyway. Rahkut had been dead for years, so it must’ve been Merek. After all, Merek was behind the trickery the last time Bakar met with Rahkut. So seeing him there once more it was easy to figure out what was really beneath that skin.
The rage had flooded him in an instant upon hearing his own name pass those lips, suffocating any reasonable thought that might have remained after a year in this state, and he lunged instantly.
The devil wearing his brothers skin had the audacity to keep the act up, feigning shock and fear at his assaults. Eventually the devil stumbled and fell, shuffling until his back hit the cobbled wall of the alley. He didn’t remember Rahkut’s eyes being blue but staring into them brought a spark of familiarity nonetheless.
Then he’d spoken. A soft voice. Softer than Rahkut’s. Softer than Merek’s ever could be. The sound of that voice brought a rush of warmth, conjuring an image of meadows and sunflowers and this wasn’t Merek. Staring into those eyes, Bakar truly looked at the man before him. Blue eyes, slightly tanned skin, blond hair, and a face he could never forget.
He saw the moment hope entered his eyes upon hearing his name, and the subsequent fear as Falzaphir spoke.
“What are you waiting for. Kill him.”
Kill him? But this is Leif.
Bakar isn’t sure what he says, speech just as much instinct at this point as everything else, but he’s sure he hesitated. Tried to draw Falz’ attention to the fact that this isn’t just anyone. It’s Leif.
“It’s not. It’s just your delusions.” was the only answer he received.
“But it’s Leif.”
Bakar never pushed back on Falzaphir’s decisions. There was never a reason to. But this was important.
“Kill him or I will.”
No no no no no.
Not Leif.
Well aware of Falzaphir’s preferred methods and the pain they caused, he made up his mind. It didn’t stop him from hesitating as he looked into those eyes again, a softly whispered ‘please’ barely registering in his mind. Then he’d put his jaws around his throat and crushed. Leif’s blood flooded his mouth and the sweetness only felt wrong.
This was never supposed to happen.
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donutcats · 4 years
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made some d&d ocs using this picrew!!
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andrasteisolde · 2 years
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Chapter VIII, Part I
"Repent, I say unto thee, for The Watcher has seen your deception, your debauchery, your depravity. He has seen your cohabitation out of wedlock, your consorting with the Devil, your sins of the flesh. He has heard your untruths, your blasphemy, your cruelty. For too long has he turned a blind eye to your wickedness. He has watched you worship false idols, summon spirits, cast rituals. There is but one Watcher and you begrudge him, forsake him with the very breath he breathed into your wretched souls. You have become heathens and savages for covetousness, pleasure, gluttony. You have divorced yourself from purity, seeking to bask in the murky depths of sin. The Watcher has seen and heard all of this and now demends retribution. Now is the time to repent, to seek forgiveness, to align yourselves with The Watcher's teachings. The time for cleansing is neigh. Those who resist, those that continue to seek guidance from the demon himself, sorceresses, shall face the most severe reckoning. There can be no absolution for the Devil's cohorts, his mistresses. These foul creatures whisper in the ears of the faithful, pervert their minds and collect souls for The Evil One. Do not be mislead by their charm. No, there is no absolution for those that conjure. They must be condemmed. They must feel The Watcher's wrath. You, The Watcher's misbegotten and misguided flock, must show your atonement by finding and rooting out this evil. Only then will The Watcher forgive and cleanse you of your misdeeds. Only then will you be on the path to grace."
The congregation was silent and motionless, so much so that if a coin had fallen, all would hear the sound. The Queen's heart dropped. She could barely believe her ears. In all the years she had known Father Dolane, she had never heard him lead a sermon as accusatory and fanatical as the one she had just wittnessed. Glancing around the parish, Father Dolane raving on, her ears deaf to him, she watched as folk came out of their stupor and begin to agree with the old priest, offering up their enthusiasm for the words he spoke to her horror. Witchcraft had always been a hushed subject around the kingdom, something that was thought to be practiced, but unfounded. Her grandfather's reign had sought to wipe the existence of witches from the face of the earth, The Cleansing War as it had been dubbed, but with his death and her father ascending the throne, the time to weed out so-called soothsayers and enchanters from the commonfolk had dwindled and sputtered out. Along with most women in her family, her mother had been such a woman, a sorceress, a white witch who took from the earth only what she so needed, a healer with powers she chose to use for good rather than evil who held the unpopular belief that perhaps there was not a Watcher but a Goddess to be that reigned on high. Her father, King Atticus, shared not the beliefs of his wife, yet understood she would continue to practice in privacy. He also knew that Andraste had inherited her powers from her mother for at a very young age she had started showing the ability to manipulate her surroundings, levitate objects, manifest orbs of immense power, and commune with the dearly departed and it was at this very young age that she was forbidden to let others know or see what she could do. It was this secret that she lived with for years, the only other people knowing the truth those she found with the same powers, her coven, and Dionysus Rhys. And now... now Father Dolane wished to lead a witch hunt.
Rage consumed her, turning her hands in her lap into fists. Turning to Merek, she noticed he too looked riled up, a scowl on his features, his eyes fixed on Father Dolane at the pulpit, looking past her. "This is an outrage," Andraste said between pursed lips quietly, not wishing to gain unwanted attention from nearby parishioners. "I do not recall the good book demanding this sort of retribution. How he perverts the words of The Watcher. I shall not stand for it." Moving to rise from the pew to interject, she felt the warmth of Merek's hand at her elbow, stopping her in her tracks. "Your Majesty, although I will defend you at all costs, I am but one man and am outnumbered by what seems to be a growing mob. To my mind, it would seem safer to make any and all proclamations behind the walls of the castle." Squinting, looking between Merek and Dolane who seemed close to a conclusion, she sighed and nodded, retaking her seat. Putting a hand over her mouth so as not to utter any disagreements with what the elderly priest said, she tapped her foot impatiently and looked around the gallery, seeing nods in agreeance with the utter drivel being preached upon them. "Seek out these necromancers. Any and all who are found will face swift justice at the hands of the hangman's noose for that is the command of The Watcher and those who harbor such evilness shall await the same fate. This is the word of The Watcher. This is the repentance The Watcher demands. Repent, I say unto thee, and find those amongst you who enchant, who cause so-called miracles, who peddle solvents and potions and cures, for it is the will of The Watcher."
Beginning // Previous
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apricuscity · 2 years
The Council Speaks.
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“Apricus City! Mayor Lowell here, and while I’d love to say this was just another Mayor Lowell Presents, we have something much more serious going on. Now I don’t know how long we’ll have control of the city-wide communication system for so we’re going to make this brief.”
“First I’d like to thank the PWSB’s Hadrian Ves for making sure I got to a safe location. Secondly, I’d like to address all of you out there. Our city has seen tough times before, it’s what makes us who we are. The city was born from conflict, from rising up against an unjust empire and claiming our own future.”
“Is it natural to be afraid, but understand that we can and will get through this. We will persevere, we will stand up and say “no more!”, we will take back our city, we will drive out these imperial sympathizers. We will say “never again!”, and we will prove that the biggest mistake they ever made was thinking they could take the people of Apricus lightly!”
“Now I’m going to hand things over to the council.”
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“It seems reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. As much as checkmate doesn’t want to believe it, I’m still here! I’m still standing! I am still very much alive! Much like Mayor Lowell, I owe a great deal to Hadrian Ves. I will not waste time talking about my rescue. I will not waste time talking about the message you all heard. Yes, it’s all true.”
“We are going to put aside our differences, we are going to stand together, and we are going to take our city back. I want all the students, and staff at the University to know that I’m coming back. We’re going to drive checkmate out of our hallowed halls.”
“Whitney, I’m going to do whatever I can to save you, no matter what. Nephthys, I know you’re watching this. You took someone from me, I want you to pay attention to what happens next. The war ended a long time ago, your side lost. Your side will lose again. No matter how powerful you think you are, you’re going to lose.”
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“There was once a time when the church and the empire were one. Those days are dead. Any who try and proclaim we will stand by or switch side like our forbearers did during the Revolution, I am pleased to say you are wrong. Creation deems this a holy fight! The Templars are doing their all to prevent this unholy abomination of machinery and man-made flesh from spreading its carnage any further. The chimeras will fall and Nephthys will be utterly destroyed. Nor will I stand back within the halls of the cathedral. Delta Town has lived on the edge of the chimeras’ home for as long as the Bureau has. We know how to fight and we know how to survive! We are blessed with victory, Hades! Nothing will go the way you wish.”
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“Adversity has always made us strong. Without challenge we simply grow weak. I had to fight for everything I have, I had to scratch and claw my way up from nothing to build my company. This city, these people, they know what it’s like to struggle for what they have. I will use every resource available to me, I will spend every single credit I have, I will fight until I have nothing left.”
“In the end, WE will stand tall. If it costs me everything, I’ll start over again. I’ll put everything on the line for these people. We are going to secure Aurora Vale, and we are going to aid the Templars in retaking Delta Town. The time for talking is long gone. It’s time to rise up and fight!”
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The sounds of crashing and screaming monsters garbled Tyrael Cheshire’s broadcast as the camera shakes around him. “I’m already in Solis Heights. Cheshire security has been sweeping the streets and keeping the banks secure. Merek has the other half of the district.” He shouts and swings his sword in a large arc. “I am cutting a path through to the War Museum! My wife is in there! I know half of you hate her but if you don’t believe her believe me! We have a plan to handle General Baskerville! We just need to get there! Anyone willing to take my gamble, with me!”
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“I know I always talk about how Cherry Hills is the safest district in the city. Our people are always protected. However at the end of the day I am a member of this council. It’s true I represent one district but I also represent this entire city. You are all our people, no matter what district you reside in. When something threatens one of us, it threatens all of us...and that my friends is a terrible mistake to make.”
“Cherry Hills has set up safe zones outside of the district, we will provide food, water, medical aid, and protection for all those that need it. We may not have a huge military force but we have our fair share of things to contribute to this fight. Do not hesitate to call on us should you need help.”
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“The PWSB was partially created to deal with situations such as this should they ever arise. We have already established safe zones in every district. We are hunting down and eliminating the chimera threat, and believe me we are making more progress than checkmate wants to admit.”
“We are pushing their forces back, reclaiming little by little. They may have thought the council wouldn’t put aside differences. Yes we may argue more than we should, but rest assured that when the time comes..all of that gets left behind.”
“We stand united, this city stands united, the darkness will give way and the dawn will come! To the forces currently surrounding Capitol Square, push forward! Let justice be done!”
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“You dare to threaten us. You dare to kill our people! You dare think you can walk in here and take what you want! And you FUCKING DARE have the audacity to still be alive!? BULLSHIT! Did you forget something, Baskerville!? We kicked the ever-loving shit out of you last time! Nephthys! You forgot that you’re just a worthless computer! AND YOU, HADES!
“Resource Workers United! Let’s show this asshole what several thousand strong of collective labor to the face feels like!”
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A scarab swarm buzzed in the air before dropping the head of one of the checkmate mechs down on the ground.
“You have threatened my people. You have threatened ALL of our people. Those who share my beliefs, and those who do not. They are ALL under my protection. All the damage you have caused, I will pay you back ten fold. I will rip apart your machines, I will tear your chimeras to pieces, and when there is nothing left between you and I...I will rip your hearts out and give them to the jackal god for judgment.”
“Baskerville, you’re trespassing in my home...and I’m coming for you..”
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“I’m not here to make long speeches. I’m here to give you checkmate fuckers a warning. I’m the only one here who knows what it was like to fight an actual empire. You dipshits aren’t even close to what I’ve had to deal with. My marines stand ready to drive you out of our city.”
“You had better pray to whatever god you believe in that you aren’t anywhere near a body of water or I’m going to drag you down under the sea to rot. For those of you that think you don’t have anything to worry about...I’m just going to rip you apart with my bare hands! Stand up Apricus! Show these bastards they picked the wrong city to fuck with!”
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on-a-lucky-tide · 3 years
First Sentences Meme
(List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag your favorite authors!
(tagged by @greyduckgreygoose - thanks Grey!)
Lambert and Eskel had settled in a familiar, comfortable pattern over the last two winters. (from: “Winter Socks”)
The rerebraces on Lambert’s biceps were a source of great amusement to Aiden. (from: “Barmin’s Monument”)
Keldar learned many things about himself in the first few months of his relationship with Vesemir and Guxart. (from: “In Your Arms”)
Sparks of liquid metal and flux shot out from beneath each hammer blow, singing the flesh and fine hair on Lambert’s arms. (from: “Scalded”)
It started with a chance meeting in Tridam. (from: “The Spectre of Blaviken”)
At the height of summer in Corvo, the witchers enjoy regular siestas. (from: “Sleepy Summer”)
Lambert’s a young, budding alpha—not that he knows that yet. (from: “A Young Alpha”)
Eskel was not your garden-variety fairy—actually, no, he was. (from: “Love Looks Not With Eyes”)
The child that walked through the gates alongside thirty-seven others was less wild than when Alzur first purchased him from his mother. (from: “The Sky Fills Your Lungs”)
Geralt presses his thumb into the firm curve of Eskel’s ass, the skin red and hot beneath his touch, and the chains around Eskel’s wrists rattle as he clenches. (from: “If I Was Dying On My Knees”)
Once Geralt made himself comfortable in Corvo Bianco, it took six months for Eskel to retire from the Path and settle down alongside him. (from: “Your Love Is a Turning Page”)
“This is your fault,” Lambert seethed through a clenched jaw as they stared out of the cave mouth at the blizzard. (from: “Of Asses and Sweet Buns”)
Geralt was nervous about Jaskier visiting Kaer Morhen. (from: “The Cute-agen Chronicles”)
Jaskier walked down the cracked pathway flanked by beds of begonias with little idea what he would find at the end. (from: “Duality of Witchers”)
Lambert’s hair was disgusting. (from: “The Red Wolf”)
Cadaverine in the eyes. (from: “Lost (and found) in Novigrad”)
Jaskier had everything laid out. (from: “Hearth and Home”)
“Julian Pankratz,” Geralt read from the clipboard as he stepped into his office. (from: “A Little Prince”)
Merek chalked a line on the doorframe about Coën’s head with a triumphant bark. (from: “A Griffin’s Squire”)
Despite his deeply ingrained pessimism, Lambert had always hoped that his first time with Aiden would be heralded by a choir of fucking angels. (from: “Lambert’s Not-So Mysterious Vial of Oil”)
Phew. This one took a while! I’ll tag: @octinary; @round--robin; @tumbleweedtech; @major-trouble; @stinastar; @stardustlupin
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yasmijn · 4 years
Day 1: five problems with social media
Biar agak fokus, social media di sini di-narrow down jadi hanya Twitter dan seuprit Instagram. Dalam konteks netizen Indonesia, dalam periode beberapa tahun ke belakang dan selama pandemi.
1. Tempat berkumpulnya orang-orang berpenyakit hati
Bisa ditemukan dengan mudah di kolom komentar IG. Waktu itu pernah nemu ibu-ibu yang komen jahat di postingannya BCL setelah Ashraf meninggal, bilang bahwa paling juga sekarang BCL lagi seneng-seneng karena dapet warisan banyak. Oh, kalo mau nemu komunitas orang-orang Indonesia bermulut paling jahat dan ngerasa paling tau segalanya, bisa cek di Detikforum (Sekuter Selebgram ftw). Sampe ada thread yang didedikasikan khusus buat bahas Andien dan semua pendekatan parentingnya yang dijulidin dari awal sampe akhir. Menarik banget sih jujur lihat gimana orang bisa punya penyakit hati yang tumpah-tumpah sampe ngerasa harus menyerang orang yang bahkan dia gak kenal secara personal, dibawa-bawa sampe ngomongin keluarganya, anaknya, cara dia dibesarkan, dan hal-hal lain yang sebenernya irrelevan. Toksik.
2. Membanding-bandingkan diri sendiri dengan orang lain... dan membanding-bandingkan orang lain dengan diri sendiri
Dengan adanya sosial media, kita jadi tahu apa yang orang lain punya, dan apa yang kita tidak punya. Dan nggak semua orang bisa terus-terusan merasa cukup karena kadang ada dorongan untuk, paling tidak, bisa menyamai kemampuan orang lain. Rasanya kayak lihat orang yang berdiri di atas panggungnya masing-masing, berebut lampu sorot. Kadang menerima diri sendiri sudah cukup sulit tanpa perlu amplifikasi kecemerlangan dan ketajiran dan kebahagiaan orang lain yang nampak tidak berkesudahan. Dan kadang orang nggak tahu harus berhenti membandingkan diri dengan orang lain. Harusnya, bandingin diri sendiri tuh sama diri sendiri. Sama kamu di tahun lalu, sama kamu di waktu SMA, kamu di waktu kecil. There’s (hopefully) always something you can celebrate.
Dan kadang yang semakin bikin masalah, adalah orang yang juga suka saling menghakimi dengan standarnya masing-masing. Yang paling baru, ada Tiktok cewek umur 17 tahun yang update bahwa setelah dia nikah dia jadi bisa beli make up buat sebulan (foto: Vaseline, parfum Izzi, dan merek-merek yang bisa mudah ditemukan di toserba), bisa jajan terus (foto: Cheetos, Taro, Teh Kotak), dan punya rumah sendiri (foto: RSSSSS entah dimana). Terus rame, bahas kalau gituan doang ya kerja sendiri lah, udah nikah cuma bisa beli barang-barang Alfamart. Dunia itu kan kompleks ya, dengan kondisi sosioekonomi orang yang berbeda-beda, standar yang dia lihat dan rasakan dari kecil. Kalau hal-hal sederhana dan murah yang disepelekan orang lain memang bisa buat dia bahagia dan merasa cukup, lalu kenapa harus menihilkan hal itu?  
3. Panggung dan lampu sorot buat orang-orang kosong, dan orang-orang yang isinya tumpah-tumpah
Mungkin ini strategi para influencer ya buat naikin rate mereka, dan sayangnya masih banyak orang Indo yang gampang kepancing dan malah naikin engagement, followers, dan exposure. Lingkaran setan yang bikin mereka makin semangat membawa konten ngaco. Yang lumayan baru, Dinda Safay, deh. Rilis tutorial sesat bin halu untuk bikin hand sanitizer, netesin Dettol ke air diffuser, dan entah doktrin ngarang apalagi yang dia bikin. Kadang kesel dan takjub aja sih, ternyata banyak banget ya orang yang nggak ngerti apa-apa tapi paling vokal dan ngegas. Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya, in the flesh. Banyak lagi, nggak cuma satu-dua. Terus muncul simpatisannya yang nggak kalah kosong dan jauh lebih toa lagi. Plis stop.  
Gak cuma yang kosong, tapi para so-called SJW yang bergerilya dengan nilai-nilai mahaluhur mereka. Permasalahan kecil tentang komunikasi yang kurang baik aja ditarik jauh banget jadi permasalahan struktural patriarki yang memposisikan pria dan wanita dalam level berbeda. Postingan Tara Basro soal body positivity diserang, dan usahanya untuk paling nggak memberi ruang tentang definisi tubuh sempurna jadi dinihilkan. Coba dong lihat dari perspektif dia sebagai pekerja seni yang dituntut untuk kurus, untuk putih, untuk selalu tampil sempurna? Terlalu peduli sama perspektif sendiri sampai mendiskreditkan perspektif orang lain. 
4. Semua orang ngerasa punya hak berbicara, berkomentar, dan ikut campur
Tapi tbh, kayaknya emang pengen viral aja sih. Jujur kadang udah susah banget ngikutin obrolan di linimasa dan ada thread viral di Twitter. Skandal-skandal hubungan pribadi yang diangkat dan jadi konsumsi massa. Thread-thread sok edukatif dari orang tanpa kredensial. Terus orang-orang mulai nimbrung dan berpendapat, terbagi jadi dua kubu atau lebih, komentar seakan paling tahu, lalu menghakimi keputusan-keputusan yang diambil oleh orang lain. Tiba-tiba muncul thread dari perspektif-perspektif lain, thread klarifikasi, thread baru. 
Tapi seru sih. Kadang lebih seru di thread komentarnya daripada thread utama. 
5. Information overload
Kadang nggak tahu harus ikutin apa aja. Kalau kata Hasan Minhaj sih, kita harus tutup beberapa tab. Lo gak bisa peduli sama semua hal. It’s gonna overwhelm you, and make you feel powerless and skeptical. Sure, the world is a shitty place, governed by shitty people, filled with shitty people doing shitty things. Dunia ini penuh sama masalah, mulai dari masalah kecil seperti hilangnya Viennetta dari kotak pendingin Alfamart, tingkat kejahatan di Tangerang yang meningkat karena orang-orang lapar dan nggak punya uang, residivis yang langsung berulah begitu usai asimilasi, orang-orang bebal yang nggak mengerti betapa seriusnya pandemi ini, sampai konflik kemanusiaan di Papua yang nggak kunjung berhenti.
You slowly drift from “Okay, which one should I care about?” to “Why should I care?”
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kresnikxkaden · 7 months
Flesh (from Merek 😘)
"I bet you're real proud of yourself for this, aren't you, darlin'?"
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councillor-roland · 7 months
Flesh (from Merek ❤️)
"Have I not been rough enough or responsive enough for you before, mon ami? But all right, if you insist."
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scarlett-olivier · 6 years
The Golem's Curse
An Excerpt. CW; severe depression, anger, blood, mild violence
Nimue threw the vase onto the floor watching it shatter into a million pieces. As it shattered she watched her memories shatter across that flagstone with it. Flashes of her life played in each little scattered piece, reminding her of all the things she wished she could forget. There was no forgetting, however. There was no relief. The pieces of her that were strewn all over the floor seemed to mock her with this fact. Tears burned her eyes as she looked up at him, the pain in her chest cutting her open with each ragged breath. His expression was blank, but his hands were fisted at his sides and his posture was rigid.
"I can't do this anymore." Her knees gave out from under her, her palms stinging from the shards of ceramic digging into her flesh. "I can't."
He was infront of her in an instant, his face pale. Picking up her hands in his pale, shaking ones, he kissed her fingers. Turning them over, he exposed the jagged pieces of pottery jutting out from her flesh. As he began pulling the pieces out of her skin as tears poured down her face. A sob wrenched it's way from deep inside of her.
"Stop!" She pushed him away and jerked to her feet, taking several steps back. "I can't take any more of you. Go away!"
"Please..." He trailed off as he stood up, his hand outstretched to her. "Please. We can fix this."
"I'm not something you can fix, Merek!" She flung her hands out, blood splattering against his white shirt, and she stomped a foot. "Look at me! Really look at me. Sometimes, people don't want to be saved. Just let me go. I'm begging you."
"Why are you so determined to die?" A snarl twisted his lips as stalked over and grabbed her shoulders. "Give me one good reason why you should die. One!"
"Because everyone I've ever cared about dies!" She jerked away, wrapping her arms herself and turning from him. "My parents, my sister, my friends. Everyone."
"I won't. You know that." His voice was shaky. "You don't have to leave."
"Yes. You will. I don't know how, or even when, but you will. And for what?" She turned to him, her hand slicing through the air, her whole body trembling. "For me? I shouldn't even be here. My existence is an affront to the gods, and they've made that abundantly clear to me all my life. Let. Me. Go."
"I..." His voice cracked and his shoulders caved forward, his whole body seeming to collapse in on itself, and he squeezed his eyes shut as a single tear slid down his cheek. "I can't. You're my friend."
"Which is why you need to let me go."
"Don't I get a say?" He fisted his shirt at the center of his chest and his brows furrowed. "Doesn't how I feel matter in this?"
"Not enough. Sorry."
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grimdarktales · 4 years
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Another commission done! This Kaldor Draigo proxy, Grand Master Merek, was a joy to paint in such unique colors for the Flesh Tearers, and he’s just the first in an entire army of Grey Knights I’m doing! If you’d like me to do commission work for you, send me a message! If you’d like to support me, consider my Patreon, link in bio!! https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Ft6AhHjFD/?igshid=bg7d989b0riu
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themusicenthusiast · 7 years
2017: A Year in Review - Honorable Album Mentions
As another year comes to an end, it’s time for the first of the only two lists that  ever appear here on The Music Enthusiast. As usual, a “Top 10″ list will be posted soon, but first up, here’s a compilation of honorable album mentions. That’s to say that the following list is comprised of records added to my library of music throughout the past year that won’t be featured on that forthcoming list. Plenty of links are provided to the artists’ page and their releases from 2017, so if you find yourself with some spare time, do give some of the acts you may not be familiar with a listen. Hope you enjoy!
Artist: Aaron Watson Album: Vaquero (BIG Label Records) Must Listen Song: “Texas Lullaby” Artist: Adelitas Way Album: Notorious (Vegas Syn/The Fuel Music) Must Listen Song: “Notorious” Artist: AFI Album: AFI (The Blood Album) (Concord Music Group) Must Listen Song: “So Beneath You” Artist: Aimee Mann Album: Mental Illness (Aimee Mann / SuperEgo Records) Must Listen Song: “Patient Zero” Artist: All That Remains Album: Madness (Razor & Tie) Must Listen Song: “Halo” Artist: Alyse Black Album: Alyse Black (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Be with Me” Artist: Andrew Combs Album: Canyons of my Mind (New West Records) Must Listen Song: “Dirty Rain” Artist: Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness Album: Zombies On Broadway (Vanguard Records) Must Listen Song: “So Close” Artist: The Band of Heathens Album: Duende (BOH Records) Must Listen Song: “Sugar Queen” Artist: BNQT Album: Volume 1 (Dualtone Music Group) Must Listen Song: “Restart” Artist: Blacktop Mojo Album: Burn The Ships (Cuhmon Records) Must Listen Song: “Burn The Ships” Artist: Blindwish Album: Good Excuses (Rise Records) Must Listen Song: “They're Not Real” Artist: Brand New Album: Science Fiction (Procrastinate! Music Traitors) Must Listen Song: “Can't Get It Out” Artist: Cold War Kids Album: LA DIVINE (CWKTWO Corp.) Must Listen Song: “So Tied Up (feat. Bishop Briggs)” Artist: Colony House Album: Only The Lonely (RCA Records) Must Listen Song: “You Know It” Artist: Deaf Havana Album: All These Countless Nights (SO Recordings / Silva Screen Records Limited) Must Listen Song: “Trigger” Artist: Deaf Poets Album: Lost in Magic City (Waxromantix and Limited Fanfare) Must Listen Song: “Are You Dp” Artist: Dear Rachel Album: But Really, Only You (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Say Yes” Artist: Father John Misty Album: Pure Comedy (Sub Pop Records) Must Listen Song: “Two Wildly Different Perspectives” Artist: A Giant Dog Album: Toy (Merge Records) Must Listen Song: “Photograph” Artist: Hurray For The Riff Raff Album: The Navigator (ATO Records) Must Listen Song: “Hungry Ghost” Artist: Imelda May Album: Life Love Flesh Blood (Decca) Must Listen Song: “Should've Been You” Artist: Incubus Album: 8 (Island Records) Must Listen Song: “State Of The Art” Artist: Inertia Album: The Process (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “The Further” Artist: Jetty Rae Album: Can't Curse the Free (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Can't Curse the Free” Artist: JT Woodruff Album: Lonesome (InVogue Records) Must Listen Song: “All You Need Is Dust” Artist: Laura Marling Album: Semper Femina Must Listen Song: “The Valley” Artist: Leopold and His Fiction Album: Darling Destroyer (ILA / Native Fiction Records) Must Listen Song: “It's How I Feel (Free)” Artist: Lillie Mae Album: Forever and Then Some (Third Man Records) Must Listen Song: “Honky Tonks and Taverns” Artist: Lilly Hiatt Album: Trinity Lane (New West Records) Must Listen Song: “Imposter” Artist: Los Campesinos! Album: Sick Scenes (Wichita Recordings) Must Listen Song: “I Broke Up in Amarante” Artist: Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real Album: Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real (Concord Music Group) Must Listen Song: “Set Me Down On A Cloud” Artist: Margo Price Album: All American Made (Third Man Records) Must Listen Song: “Weakness” Artist: Matthew And The Arrogant Sea Album: The Glooms Pt. 1 (Sweet Dreams Recordings) Must Listen Song: “Broke (For Years)” Artist: Michelle Branch Album: Hopeless Romantic (Verve Label Group) Must Listen Song: “Fault Line” Artist: Movements Album: Feel Something (Fearless Records) Must Listen Song: “Colorblind” Artist: The New Pornographers Album: Whiteout Conditions (New P's/Concord Music Group) Must Listen Song: “Whiteout Conditions” Artist: Night Talks Album: In Dreams (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Mr. Bloom” Artist: Nikki Lane Album: Highway Queen (New West Records) Must Listen Song: “Highway Queen” Artist: Nothing More Album: The Stories We Tell Ourselves (Better Noise Records) Must Listen Song: “Fade In / Fade Out” Artist: Old Dominion Album: Happy Endings (Sony Music Entertainment) Must Listen Song: “Not Everything's About You” Artist: ONE OK ROCK Album: Ambitions (Fueled By Ramen) Must Listen Song: “Start Again” Artist: The Orwells Album: Terrible Human Beings (Atlantic Records) Must Listen Song: “They Put A Body In The Bayou” Artist: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart Album: The Echo of Pleasure (Painbow Music) Must Listen Song: “Anymore” Artist: PVRIS Album: All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell (Rise Records) Must Listen Song: “Heaven” Artist: The Regrettes Album: Feel Your Feelings Fool! (This Compilation ℗2017 / Warner Bros. Records) Must Listen Song: “Lacy Loo” Artist: Rose Cousins Album: Natural Conclusion (Old Farm Pony Records) Must Listen Song: “Freedom” Artist: Ryan Adams Album: Prisoner (PaxAmericana Recording Company | Blue Note Records) Must Listen Song: “Do You Still Love Me?” Artist: Sinkane Album: Life & Livin’ It (Mutluck Musics) Must Listen Song: “Telephone” Artist: The Screaming Thieves Album: Hooligans, Heathens, and Crafty Devils (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “The Fix” Artist: The Shins Album: Heartworms (Columbia Records) Must Listen Song: “Name For You” Artist: Solice Album: Genesis (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Genesis” Artist: Sonar Lights Album: Babelonia (626769 Records DK) Must Listen Song: “Out of Time Out of Mind” Artist: Steven Graves Album: Captain Soul (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Forever Wild” Artist: Stone Sour Album: Hydrograd (Roadrunner Records) Must Listen Song: “Song #3” Artist: Strand of Oaks Album: Hard Love (Dead Oceans) Must Listen Song: “Radio Kids” Artist: Sundara Karma Album: Youth Is Only Ever Fun in Retrospect (Sony Music Entertainment) Must Listen Song: “She Said” Artist: Tift Merritt Album: Stitch of the World (Obscure Superhero Music) Must Listen Song: “Proclamation Bones” Artist: Tim Kasher Album: No Resolution (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “An Answer For Everything” Artist: Valerie June Album: The Order Of Time (June Tunes Music/Concord Music Group) Must Listen Song: “Shakedown” Artist: The Wild Reeds Album: The World We Built (Dualtone Music Group) Must Listen Song: “Capable” Artist: Willie Nelson Album: God's Problem Child (Sony Music Entertainment) Must Listen Song: “Old Timer” Artist: Wilsen Album: I Go Missing In My Sleep (Secret City Records) Must Listen Song: “Centipede” Artist: The xx Album: I See You (Young Turks Recordings) Must Listen Song: “Say Something Loving” Artist: You Me At Six Album: Night People (BMG Rights Management) Must Listen Song: “Plus One” Artist: Zuriel Merek Album: The Tao Less Traveled (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Absolution”
EPs Artist: Black Dog Friday Album: 1 Ticket 1 Ride (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “1 Ticket 1 Ride” Artist: Bishop Briggs Album: Bishop Briggs (Teleport Records) Must Listen Song: “The Fire” Artist: Delta Rae Album: A Long And Happy Life EP (Big Machine Label Group) Must Listen Song: “I Moved South” Artist: Destroy The Line Album: War (Bird Attack Records) Must Listen Song: “War” Artist: Ellen Thweatt Album: Halfway in the Clouds (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Homesick” Artist: Halestorm Album: ReAniMate 3.0: The CoVeRs eP (Atlantic Records) Must Listen Song: “Still Of The Night” Artist: Hollie Hammel Album: Don't Wake Me Up (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Don't Wake Me Up” Artist: Jacob Banks Album: The Boy Who Cried Freedom (Interscope Records) Must Listen Song: “Unholy War” Artist: Kimberly Dunn Album: New Smoke Show Vol. 1 (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Traffic” Artist: PAINTE Album: PAINTE (Wise Sam) Must Listen Song: “Air” Artist: Quiet Company Album:  It's Not Attractive and It Changes Nothing (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Get Beside Me Satan!” Artist: Sigrid Album: Don't Kill My Vibe (Island Records) Must Listen Song: “Don't Kill My Vibe” Artist: The Unlikely Candidates Album: Bed of Liars (Another Century) Must Listen Song: “Your Love Could Start a War” Artist: Vallis Alps Album: Fable (Self-released) Must Listen Song: “Run”
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