rjalker · 2 years
anyways. Transphobes shut the absolute fuck up about how neopronouns are just so impossible to learn and use challenge.
Do not fucking call yourself a linguistics nerd if you can't even fucking be assed to learn how new pronouns work. You're literally just a transphobe trying to pretend that your unwillingness to learn something means it's fucking impossible. I swear to fucking shit. You are literally just making yourself look like a fucking idiot by insisting shit that's literally not true.
Here's some fucking neopronouns that I have zero fucking practice using, in action, in the fic I literally made them up to use in. Literally the only effort required is for me to double check the list of pronouns if I can't remember which word I'm supposed to be using.
Here's the fucking list so you can also fucking double check it! I literally just started writing this fic an hour ago! I haven't even fucking proofread it yet!
Queen = ki/rir/rik/rirself Consort = zu/zev/zek/levself Female Arbora = ny/nayr/nayi/nayrself Male Arbora = ry/jur/juk/jurself Mentor = uq/bir/balk/birself Warrior = jor/oko/oka/okoself Multiple Raksura: flei/fleir/fleirselves Moon = hiu/hia/kiar/kiazi
Feel free to use any of them if you like them, obviously.
The sound sent Jade and Chime falling out of the bed in alarm and onto the floor, and it was only kiar whole lifetime of sleeping in much smaller trees that spared Moon from the same fate as probably every Raksura in the Indigo Cloud court was jolted violently awake by the earsplitting roar. It was so loud Moon could feel it vibrating in kiar bones like the deepest thunder, and it sent kiar heart pounding up its own storm inside kiar chest as hiu shifted into kiar winged form, digging kiar claws into the wood of the basket in alarm, caught between the dual impulses of bolting to the door deeper into the tree, or staying where hiu was as still as possible, so whatever horrible predator was shaking the tree wouldn’t notice hia. Then hiu heard the clap of Jade’s wings, and suddenly ki was crouched protectively over hia, making the decision for hia, even while ki dumped Chime back onto the bed next to hia so uq fell against kiar side in balk groundling form. Moon, still shifted, immediately grabbed Chime kiazi and pulled bir so uq was shielded protectively under kiar wing, just as Jade was sheltering hia. The sound continued for seemed to last an eternity, and Moon was sure kiar heart would burst out of kiar chest at how hard it was pounding in kiar ears. Then suddenly, with horror, hiu realized the sound was getting louder. It was almost impossible to notice, because it was so loud it felt like kiar head was going to break, but it was steadily getting louder, which meant it was getting /closer/-- Then Moon’s world went black as the roar, which before had been earsplitting, transformed into something beyond comprehension. The entire tree shook violently, sending fleir bed swinging wildly through the air, so that Moon had to dig all of kiar claws in to keep from flying out. Not that Jade would have let hiu, with how tightly ki was holding on above hia and Chime.
anyways feel free to guess what the fuck's happening because let me tell you now: it's hilarious and Martha Wells should actually make it canon if she knows how to have fun.
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