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historicallyou · 4 months ago
The Real George Washington - Founding Father or Flawed Hero? George Washington is celebrated as America's founding father and the first president of the United States. But beyond the heroic image, who was he really? This video dives deep into Washington's complex legacy—from his achievements in the Revolutionary War to his role in shaping the presidency, and the controversies that still spark debate today. Was he a flawless hero or a man of contradictions? Join us as we uncover the true story of George Washington, exploring his contributions, scandals, and lasting impact on American history
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jotfabe · 7 months ago
Congratulations, you just (re)invented programming 👍
I was thinking about how there's been a couple of times in 4:3 Star Trek where an episode written for one series gets repurposed for another series: ie, TNG's The Child from season 2 started as a script for the canceled Star Trek: Phase II show.
The thing is, they have to swap around characters when they do this. It's not Captain Kirk anymore, it's Captain Picard. The doctor is Crusher, not Bones, etc.
I was thinking it'd be amusing if some future Trek show started requiring that scripts be written to make this easier to do.
SMARTGUY: Captain! ENGINEER says the core is nearing collapse.
CAPTAIN: Understood. SCIENCEGUY, get down there and help with the TECHTECH.
TACTICALGUY: Captain, permission to engage the enemy ship?
CAPTAIN: Granted. PILOTGUY, evasive maneuvers, MAKEITSOPHRASE.
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creedlol · 5 months ago
I love Batman but hate the reasons other people love. Yeah he’s cool af and everything but the aspects of him as a father figure to the Batfamily, brother to the Justice League, and the duality of him as a hero being one of the greatest but as a person him being as bad as some villains is way more fucking interesting then him being some bad ass human who can fight gods.
#Batman #BruceWayne #BatFamily #FatherFigure #JusticeLeague #HeroComplex #Duality #DCComics #DarkKnight #Gotham #Vigilante #WorldsGreatestDetective #CharacterDevelopment #AntiHero #MoralGrayness #ComplexCharacter #BatmanFans #HumanHero #DarkKnightReturns #BatSymbol #CapedCrusader #WayneFamily #Batsignal #BatmanAndRobin #BatmanAndTheJusticeLeague #DarknessAndLight #SuperheroPsychology #TragicHero #SuperheroVsVillain #BatmanVsSuperman #HeroVsVillain #BatmanLore #BatmanLegacy #MaskedHero #BatFam #DetectiveComics #GothamKnight #BatmansDarkSide #BatmanBrotherhood #BatmanMentor #BatmansFlaws #RealisticHero #FlawedHero #ComicBookHeroes #DCUniverse
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flawedhero · 6 years ago
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carriejonesbooks · 7 years ago
Writing Heroes Who Don't Suck
Writing Heroes Who Don’t Suck
Who do you root for?
In your own life, this question is easy. We root for ourselves. A lot of the time we root for our friends, our family. We almost always root for the dog. I mean, even in Cujo, the horror-novel by Stephen King where the dog is killing everyone? A lot of us still root for the dog.
But when we write books?
We want to root for the hero. The hero is who we like. The hero is who we…
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zeibfps · 6 years ago
http://bit.ly/2U2nTrm via /r/Games
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