#flat cyber prices
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irisarchborn · 7 months ago
✨ Hello Everyone! My commissions are open! ✨
Venmo or PayPal please Any Gender and Species
▶️ What I'll Draw ◀️ -Sona's -Fanart -Oc's -Sfw and Nsfw (Nsfw costs extra) -Fantasy Races -Steam Punk -Humans -Character Sheets -Profile Icons -Etc
▶️ What I Won't Draw ◀️ -Real People -Pedos -Heavy acts of violence -Heavy Gore -Mechs -Cyber Punk
💵 Prices 💵
🌟 Flat Color - Bust shot/Half Body/ Full Body -10$ (Single) or 20$ (For Two) Additional Characters are 5$ each.
🌟 Full Color/Shading and Highlighting - Bust shot/Half Body/ Full Body - 15$ (Single) or 35$ (For Two) Additional Characters are 5$ each.
Please allow one to three weeks for your piece to be finished. Thank you for reading and DM me or message on Discord Iris_ArchBorn and we'll talk. <3 Below are some examples of what I can do. (Some backgrounds are minorly edited and I don't own them.)
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Thanks again for reading and making it all the way to the bottom X3
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wolfskull-bones5392 · 9 months ago
Hey, I have recently started getting my thoughts onto paper for a fursuit, and I was wondering if anyone could give me a price estimate and how much time it may take to make my fursuit?
I don't plan on actually commissioning it for a WHILE, but I was just hoping to get an idea about how much I would need to save up so I can go ahead and start, and have an idea about how long of a wait it would be before I would actually have my suit after getting it commissioned by someone.
So, their name is Misfit, and he has a LOT of different parts. His head is a simple Skulldog with some cracks over their eye and on a few teeth, it's right arm is a cyber-styled robot arm (as metal looking as possible), the left arm is supposed to be ghostlike with eyes all over and a few shades of purple in swirl patterns, the right leg is more feline with a white base color and lots of black details for a really "elegant" and feminine look, the left leg is supposed to be very bear like and stocky with a black base and some neon blue shapes in a very "electric bolt" sort of feel, there's a classic black devil tail with the little spade shape on the end and a very thin kind of shape, some large bat wings on the back, moth antennas, and the torso is supposed to be a dark blue base with a silver moon on the chest and some silver stars scattered around, and finally, a triple moon goddess symbol in silver on the back.
Most of the fur I'm hoping to keep shorter, though probably a bit longer on both the head and (maybe) the bear leg. I want the claws to be made of resin, and have a clearish purple with some glitter for the ghost arm, a chrome silver on the cyber arm, electric blue on the bear leg, and just black on the cat leg.
Some extra details to note is I want more of an hourglass shape for the torso, the cat leg is going to be more toe-walking in shape, and the bear leg is going to be flat footed.
Also I'm super chunky so that's also probably a factor-
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homebrew-rifts · 10 months ago
Noli Bushman
Originally released on pg 137 of Rifts World Book 20: Canada
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The Noli are D-Bees who emerged from the Detroit-Windsor Rift at least two centuries ago. They have adapted to the forests of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States, and some have recently migrated to Ontario and Lower Michigan. They are bipedal humanoids with grass-green skin and dark green or brown tufts of fur that resemble dreadlocks or thick, soft quills on their heads, shoulders and waist. The neck i s long and thin, supporting a rather melon-like head. The mouth is large, with flat teeth ideal for biting and grinding tree bark, tough roots , grass, fruits, nuts and vegetables, which are their main food. The dark green eyes are large and round, with a light green iris. The nose is two, barely visible pinholes and the ears are small holes just above the jaw.
Noli are natural woodsmen w h o love nature, particularly forests , where they live as hunters and gatherers. However, Noli are not opposed to using modem machines and unlike some wilderness people, Noli do not find cities and towns distasteful, although if they live in one, it will be a small town. They simply prefer life in the open and choose to live a simple, quiet life in the wild.
All Noli are psionic. They respect magic and practitioners of magic, but never study magic themselves. Noli communities are typically small towns or tribal communities. Unlike the Coalition States, they accept most other people as equals and allow humans and D-Bees to live in their communities provided they obey tribal customs and help to defend "the people." They make excellent scouts, cowboys, ranchers, animal handlers and explorers.
~ Text from Pg 144 of Rifts World Book 30: D-Bees of North America
Noli Bushman
Alien Physiology (-2): Noli are quite alien, giving those unfamiliar with their biology a −2 penalty to Healing checks. Compatible medical supplies/services and cybernetics cost double the listed price.
Cyber Resistant (-1): Cybernetics are incompatible with Noli physiology. Juicer and Crazy augmentations don’t work for this race.
D-Bee (Major) (-2): The initial Reactions to Noli typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Those with an Unfriendly or lower Reaction will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence.
Restricted Path (-1): A Noli has no capacity for magic. They cannot take any Arcane Background or Framework using PPE.
Fast (+2): Increase Pace by +2 and Running die by a die type.
Natural Psionics (+2): Noli begin with the Arcane Background (Psionics) and start with 3 powers of their choice. If a Noli chooses a framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics) they gain 1 additional power to his starting total (e.g. a Noli Burster starts with four powers, a Mind Melter with six).
Natural Woodsman (+2): Noli begin with the Woodsman Professional Edge which grants them a +2 to Survival and Stealth rolls made in the wild (not towns, ruins or underground).
Polarized Membrane (+1): Noli have a membrane-like second eyelid covers and protects their eyes from bright lights. A Noli have a +4 bonus to resist the effect of effect intended to Blind that use a Light trapping.
Nightvision (+1): Noli ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
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solalunar-eclipse · 1 year ago
Chapter title: Ah, the Cache. Truly the most tsundere of Addisons.
AO3 Link
Getty | Cache
Summary: One fateful day, Cache stumbles across a Lightner who's found herself terribly lost and a long way from home. Neither of them could have predicted what happened next.
(Mild warning for lots of swearing from Cache)
Cache sighed tiredly, pulling on their denim jacket at the end of another long day’s work. It was their turn to close up the shop today, and they did so with practiced ease. As always, they saved the best part until last: checking on all of their pets one more time to make sure all was well.
They patted the aquarium screensaver fondly and gave the Tamagopets a brief once-over, making sure all of the little ones were present and accounted for. The blue birds had been slightly quieter as of late—Cache inspected them carefully, running through possible illnesses in their head. They’d have to have a word with Pixel about their diet tomorrow. The birds had been relatively picky as of late, and while Cache was willing to indulge them to some extent, they were not about to let any of their pets get themselves sick.
Next, they gave a bit of extra food to some of their more care-intensive pets, including the (mildly glitchy) purple primate-looking creature and the dog-cow hybrid they’d rescued off the street one day. On the other hand, they simply shot the Tasque kittens a flat look, muttering, “If I find out either of you little shits are getting up to no good, I will mark down your price, you hear?”
…the kittens didn’t need to know that they’d never actually do that.
Satisfied that all of their pets would be well for the night, they stepped outside and flipped the sign on the door to read Closed. Quickly, they locked the door, and then walked off, searching for some way to kill time. They had hours until they’d be expected at the Cyber Grille, after all, and…not many people to spend those hours with. Their cousin was busy most of the time, and Pixel wasn’t exactly up for socializing after working hard in the store all day.
The mint-colored Addison resigned themself to wandering the streets until they stumbled upon something interesting, brushing a few strands of hair out of their face to get a better look at their surroundings.
Most people, upon meeting Cache’s eyes, quickly looked away. Some even increased their pace a little bit—after all, they had built a pretty well-known reputation over the years for not taking shit from anyone. Only those who didn’t know them well were brave enough to look back or attempt a polite nod.
After a few minutes, Cache found themself in front of Pink’s store, and breezed in with their customary smirk already in place. “I’ll have the usual, Pink. To-go.” they said simply, earning a raised eyebrow in return.
“Oh, I see how it is.” he replied, casting a glance to the ceiling even as he turned to his shelf of tea flavors. “No ‘Hello, Pink’, or a ‘How are you doing, Pink’. Not even an ‘It’s nice to see you, Pink’! What is the world coming to these days?” Despite the Addison’s protests, he began to brew Cache their usual tea, pulling out a to-go cup and sliding a pale pink cardboard ring around it.
They leaned on the counter casually, clearly unbothered. “C’mon, Pink, you know me better than that. ‘Sides, I’ve got places to go, people to see, y’know?”
Pink scoffed lightly, handing over their tea. “I know for a fact that Getty is too busy for you to visit him right now, and I’ve never seen you come in here with anyone else besides him. Who is it that you’re planning on seeing, hm?”
Cache’s expression tightened abruptly, and they gripped their drink so forcefully that the cup nearly crumpled. “Yeah, yeah, fuck you too. See you around.” they muttered, stalking out of the store irritably.
Sure, they might not know many people, but Pink had no right to point it out like that! They weren’t some loser without any friends—they knew other people besides just their cousin! 
Remembering the tea in their hand, they took a long swig of the drink as though it were liquor, hoping it’d ease the discomfort they felt. It didn’t help as much as they’d have liked, though. Getty was a great person, and they loved him dearly, but he didn’t exactly have a forceful personality. There was only so much his tea could do to cut through their frustration.
Before they knew it, the drink was all gone, and they eyed the cup in their hand with something approaching disappointment as they tossed it into the nearest trash can. They didn’t feel like they were going to explode at any moment anymore, but their afternoon had still been soured by Pink’s comment.
As they reached a street corner, they heard a massive clamor coming from down the road to their right, and looked over to see what was going on. A whole swarm of Addisons were clustered on the sidewalk, all talking with overlapping sales pitches and eager gesticulations, assaulting Cache’s eyes with a riot of color and sound.
They were just about to jaywalk across the street, already rolling their eyes at the eagerness of the other Addisons, when they saw just who the group’s target was.
A Lightner practically cowered in the midst of the group, their eyes darting about in distress as they struggled to cope with the situation escalating around them. They were fumbling in their bag, clearly helpless against the onslaught of salespeople so much more insistent and demanding than anything they’d expected, and—
—for the briefest of seconds, Cache remembered a much younger mint-colored Addison, stressed as could be, just trying to do things right and keep their head above water and Mr. Spamton, sir, please, if you’ll only give me just a moment—
“HEY!” they roared, storming down the street and shoving their way into the crowd. “Back the fuck off, assholes! Give them some goddamn room to breathe!”
The Lightner’s eyes met theirs, gratitude written all over their face. Some of the other Addisons hadn’t gotten the message just yet, though, opting to offer discounts instead, and so they whirled around, keeping themself in between the human and the other advertisers. “What part of ‘fuck off’ do you not understand?!” Cache snapped, fixing the others with the full force of their angry glare. 
“I was just about to offer an extra-special deal—” one of them protested, and Cache practically felt you tense up behind them. 
“No, you fuckin’ weren’t. You were about to leave. Capiche?” the mint-colored Addison growled, their hands curling into fists. They almost wished they’d brought security along with them. Almost.
Thankfully, that seemed to be enough for the remaining few to get the message, and they dispersed quickly.
Once the last of the salespeople had left, they turned back to you, frowning. “Why the hell didn’t you stick up for yourself? You know they’re not gonna leave you alone unless you tell them to, right?”
You shrank away from them, eyes wide and frightened. “I’m sorry—I really didn’t know—!” you said quickly, taking a small step backwards.
Damn, you were nearly as skittish as some of the poorly-treated pets they’d had to care for over the years. They backed up, settling into a slightly less confrontational posture and letting themself slouch a little. No sense in towering over you after everything you’d just been through.
“Oh, my bad. You’re new here, are you?” they asked, using a slightly less sharp tone but neglecting to offer you a true apology. “Well then, uh, hi, I guess. I’m Cache.”
“Mm-hm!” you agreed, looking up at them nervously. “Just arrived here today, actually. And, um—” you introduced yourself in turn, and they repeated your name once, just to make sure they’d heard you right. You were quiet. 
“Oh yeah!” you added suddenly. “I heard you—well, I mean—I appreciate you not assuming, but I use she/her. Just…for future reference, and all. You know.”
Cache couldn’t quite decide what expression to make at that. It’d have been an asshole move of them to assume they knew everything about you just from the way you dressed, but the fact that you’d noticed sure was…well, it was something. “Cool. Guess it’s only fair I trade you back, then—they and them only. None of that ‘he’ bullshit, ‘kay?”
You nodded quickly in agreement. With the momentary lull in conversation, something else you’d said suddenly came back to them, and Cache studied you a bit more closely.
“Damn, so you said you really just got here today? No wonder you don’t know shit about Addisons, then. Free piece of advice—give ‘em an inch, and they’ll take everything you got.” they told you, letting some of their disdain bleed into their words.
You blinked, looking confused. “But…aren’t you also an Addison?” 
“Gold star for you, got it in one.” they drawled sarcastically. “I’m not like those guys, though. Not into all of that kiss-ass BS.”
“Well, thank you for all of your help, Mx. Cache!” you said politely, smiling up at them.
They grimaced. “It’s just Cache. Fuck, that makes me sound all stuffy and shit.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” you gasped, but then shyly tacked on “...Just Cache.” You gave them a little grin which vanished as soon as it had appeared. 
Cache flicked their eyes up to the green grid at that, which seemed to encourage you to continue. “Um, do you…know what time it is? It seems like it’s dark all the time here, and I can’t tell if my phone is right.”
The mint-colored Addison checked their own phone and gave you the time, which you confirmed on your own device. “So it is getting kind of late, then.” you said, mostly to yourself. “I guess I’d better go find someplace to stay. Thanks again!”
“Whoa, whoa, hold it a goddamn second.” they snapped abruptly, your words registering heavily with them. “You’re telling me you’re fuckin’ homeless right now?”
“Well, until I find a hotel…I guess so?” you said, giving them a slightly bewildered look.
“Do you even have any money to get a room with?” Cache pushed, trying to ignore the mounting evidence that their protective instincts were threatening to take over.
“I…” you began, rifling through your wallet, “…have some gold? I got some other kind of money earlier from a sort of battle thing, but I had to spend almost all of that on lunch. I’m pretty sure this should be enough for a night or two at a small place somewhere…”
“Okay, okay, I don’t know what the hell gold is, but I’m assuming it’s some kind of Lightner money. You at least know what Lightners and Darkners are, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah, a nice Virovirokun explained that to me.”
“Cool. So yeah, no, that’s not gonna get you shit. We only use Dark Dollars here, so you’ll need some of that if you want yourself a hotel room.” Cache explained.
They immediately regretted it when your expression crumpled, before you made a valiant effort to cover it up and put on a brave face. Damn their soft heart. They spat several choice words internally before gearing up to do something they just knew they’d regret.
Cache heaved a deep, long sigh. “Guess it’s a good thing I’ve got money on me. C’mon, let’s go hunt you down a hotel for the night.”
They whirled around and began to stalk down the sidewalk, hearing you rush to catch up with them after a moment. “You—you really don’t have to do anything like that!” you exclaimed, sounding as though you’d literally rather sleep on the streets than accept their money. “I can’t repay you, and I’m sure you already have your own things to worry about!”
Cache shoved their hands in their pockets and shot you an irritated look. “Listen, there is no way in hell I’m letting you spend the night in some alleyway, you hear me? Don’t think you’re gonna be able to change my mind on this, because you won’t.”
Your eyes widened even further somehow, and seemed to almost shine briefly in the city lights. “Oh, oh my goodness, thank you so much! That’s so nice of you, I promise I’ll—”
“You’ll nothing.” they insisted, glowering at a point just over your left shoulder. “I just don’t wanna be the unlucky bastard who’s stuck thinking about you out in the cold all night, you hear? That’s it.”
“O-okay…” you agreed, but you didn’t sound very convinced. 
Cache refused to say anything beyond clipped directions for the rest of your walk to the nearest hotel, maintaining an absolutely scorching glare at the sidewalk. They yanked open the door, but held it in place with a hand until you had a decent grip on it, pointedly ignoring the shy smile and ‘thank you’ you gave them.
“You got a vacancy?” they asked the unfortunate receptionist, a person who looked vaguely fox-like—and who also immediately quailed at the look on their face.
“Um, yes!” he said, rapidly typing a few things into his computer. “What kind of room would you like?”
“What’s cheapest?”
“We have a small room on the third floor—I have the price right here.” He summoned a screen with the information, and Cache sucked in a breath. Their movie money was going to get slashed for this.
Their reaction was nothing compared to yours, however. “Cache!” you cried. “You really don’t have to do this, I’ll be fine, I swear!”
Your protests had the exact opposite effect as intended on them, actually convincing them to open up their wallet and slap several bills down on the counter without even haggling on the price. “I’ll take it.” they said, and the receptionist fumbled to hand over the key.
Cache walked you up the two flights of stairs and to your door, shooting looks at anyone who dared to give you a second glance for being a Lightner. Hesitantly, you unlocked the room, and then just stood and stared at it for a solid minute.
“Thank you.” you finally said, your voice sounding tighter than usual. “This…means the world to me.” You didn’t look at them as you spoke.
“I’ll come back tomorrow and find you someplace decent to get breakfast, ‘kay?” they said, not actually caring what your answer would be. “‘Till then, here’s a little cash for dinner. Don’t go blowing it on stupid shit. Understand?”
“You’re a great person, you know that?” you sighed, finally stepping inside the room. “I’ll…see you tomorrow, then. And thank you. Again.” Shooting them one last smile, you closed the door.
Cache stood in front of it, staring into space for far longer than they would’ve liked to admit. Eventually, they pulled themself together enough to make their way over to the Cyber Grille, but left far earlier than usual when even the alcohol wasn’t enough to ease their tension. 
Despite what they’d said earlier, they still found themself thinking about you as they tried to fall asleep.
True to their word, Cache knocked on your door at a decent time the next morning (they did have a job to get to, after all). “Hey! You up in there?” they called.
A moment later, you pulled open the door, shooting them a small smile. “Good morning! How are you today?”
Cache blinked, readjusting as you inadvertently dragged their conversation onto a slightly new track. “Uh…I’m fine, I guess? You?”
“Oh, I’m alright!” you said brightly, but something felt off about it. “So, where are we going?”
“Just someplace down the street. They have donuts, should be good enough for now.”
“That’s more than enough!” You paused suddenly, seeming to remember something. “Oh yeah! I didn’t spend all your money yesterday, here’s some of it back.”
Now Cache was staring at you outright. “How the—never mind, I probably don’t want to know. Keep it. I have work today and can’t get you anywhere for lunch.”
Soon enough, they’d gotten you to the bakery and picked out enough pastries for the two of you to split. As they sat down across from you at a table outside, they neglected to eat for a moment, opting to study you instead.
At first, their stare was laced with suspicion. They weren’t normally this charitable, after all, and they were starting to feel thoughts creeping up along the lines of she’s just taking advantage of you, stupid and didn't you learn your fucking lesson last time?
As they watched you, however, they began to feel more and more like their heart was being stomped on repeatedly by whatever had happened to you. You didn’t hesitate to start eating the food, but you did so mechanically and listlessly, like you were doing it because you knew you had to and not because you were enjoying it.
Once you’d finished your first pastry, you looked up in surprise, as if you’d been so consumed by your own thoughts you’d forgotten they were even there. “Oh, sorry! I’m not always the best at conversation.” you admitted sheepishly. Cache quickly tore off a piece of their own donut and ate it, hoping you wouldn’t notice that they hadn’t even touched their food. 
“Nah, ‘s good.” they said around a full mouth. “Honestly, I’m kinda impressed you haven’t lost your shit yet. I mean, you’re sitting inside the fuckin’ Internet, hanging out with an Addison like ‘oh yeah this is just a regular Tuesday’.”
Your smile grew slightly bittersweet at that. “I love it here,” you insisted. “If it were up to me, I’d never leave.”
Cache frowned. That…wasn’t what they’d expected. “What do you mean, ‘if it were up to you’?”
You sighed. “I don’t know how I got here, which means I don’t know how to keep myself from going back. I sure hope I get to stay for a while longer…”
Your expression fell briefly, before you seemed to remember that you were with someone and perked right back up. Your smile was slightly strained around the edges, though, in a way that made Cache’s heart ache. 
“I hardly know anything about you, though, Cache. Where do you work? Do you like it there?”
They could have just brushed off your question with a noncommittal answer, closing off any potential of getting to know you, but there was something about you that made them want to keep you around. It was so long since they’d met anyone new who had this much genuine, well…everything. And there was something wrong, too, they could feel it. Despite what they might claim, they’d never been able to ignore anyone or anything that seemed helpless and in need.
“I own a pet store, actually. I can take you there once we’re done eating, if you want.” they said, trying extremely hard to make it seem like this invitation wasn’t a big deal. “It’s not bad. The little guys normally behave themselves, and it’s not like there’s anyone else who could take over and do the job right.”
You brightened up at that, clearly excited. “What kinds of pets do you have? Can…can I pet any of them?” you asked hopefully.
“Only if they let you.” Cache said, taking another bite of donut. “And I’ll explain all the different types to you once we get there.”
Once the two of you had finished eating, you set off for Virtual Pets. The walk there wasn’t very long, and by the time they had arrived, the store was already open. “Oh yeah,” Cache added, “I told Pixel to set up the place ‘cause I’d be in late—she works for me.”
“Did I make you late for work?” You sounded far more concerned than was necessary. “I’m so sorry!”
“Hey, stop worrying so much. I’m the boss of this place. What’s Pixel gonna do, fire me?” Cache insisted, smirking. They pushed open the door, catching the attention of the other Addison in the shop. “Pixel! I brought the Lightner I told you about with me, she’s here to meet some of the pets.”
You introduced yourself politely to Pixel (but still with an air of tension about you), tacking on a “It’s so nice to meet you!” at the end.
“It’s good to meet you too, hon!” she said kindly. “Cache told me they’d met someone new, but they didn’t tell me your name or that you were a Lightner until just now.”
Cache rolled their eyes. “Well, excuse me, I was kind of busy helping pipsqueak over here find an actual bed to sleep in for the night.”
“Wh—hey, what?!” you cried, giving them a slightly incredulous look. “Pipsqueak? I’m not that small!”
The mint Addison walked back over to you, straightening their posture and invading your personal space just to make it clear exactly how much taller than you they were. “Doesn’t look that way to me.” they said smugly. Internally, though, they were pleased. It was a lot better to see you indignant than anxious and sad.
You huffed irritably, before finally noticing the pets all throughout the shop. “Aw, hello there!” you practically cooed, darting over to peek at the Tasques with a genuine smile on your face. “Oh, they’re such cute little kitties!”
Cache bit back a laugh, not wanting to make you self-conscious right away. “Yeah, you say that now, but you should see them when it’s feeding time. Those little shits are brutal.”
“I’m sure they’re just hungry!” you protested, nearly pouting. 
The rest of the pet introductions went the same way, with you making a stunning variety of high-pitched noises and Cache slandering all of their pets just for the sake of being contrary. Pixel threw in a comment here or there, but she mostly stayed out of your way, clearly still a little off-kilter in the presence of a new person who wasn’t a customer.
Eventually, you had to leave, since you insisted on finding a way to earn some money so you wouldn’t be a burden to Cache. They had told you it wasn’t necessary, because the last thing they wanted to watch you do was beat yourself up about something they’d decided to do, but you had insisted.
Once you’d left, Pixel turned to Cache and smiled at them. “You really like her, huh?”
Cache immediately scowled, stalking behind the counter. “She’s okay, I guess. It’d just be a shitty thing to ignore her when she has the self-preservation instincts of a fuckin’ Tamagopet.”
“That’s nice of you, Boss.” Pixel said, picking up her broom in a poor attempt at hiding her grin.
“Shut up.” they grumbled, turning their focus to the window and decidedly not worrying about how you were doing out there all by yourself. 
Dammit, they didn’t even remember to get your phone number. 
Over the next few days, Cache kept on checking in on you, although they didn’t need to pay for all of your meals anymore. You’d been getting into small scrapes here and there, which scared the hell out of them at first, but it turned out that you were actually quite good at helping other people solve their problems. You had been quite surprised the first time an Ambyu-Lance offered you a few dark dollars for helping them replace their needle, but it turned out that the people of this city were actually quite generous with their money when they were shown some kindness.
It definitely wasn’t enough to finance most of your needs, though, let alone pay for your own place. That was why you began to actively ask around at jobs to see if they were hiring, clearly assuming that anything would be better than continuing to feel like you were being a drain on Cache’s resources.
They continued to insist otherwise, still concerned for your well-being, but even they couldn’t deny that it was difficult to pay for all of their usual expenses and keep you at that hotel. So, a few days after you’d begun job-hunting, they had suggested something new.
“Listen, shortcake…” they began, tossing out one of their many new nicknames for you. (They’d warmed up to you quite a bit, finally willing to trust the fact that you were really as nice—and as in need of someone to rely on—as you seemed. They pointedly ignored the part of them that was eager to be that person, the person they hadn’t had. They also tried very hard not to think about the fact that they were getting closer and closer to giving in and adding ‘sis’ to their list of nicknames with each passing day.)
“I was just thinking, what if you moved in with me? Then we can start saving up cash to get you a place of your own.” they said, and immediately regretted how tense they sounded. “I mean, if you wanted to. I’m cool with whatever.”
You gave them a look that suggested you absolutely knew what they’d just done, and they silently cursed the fact that you were getting better at reading them so quickly.
“You really wouldn’t mind?” you asked hopefully. 
“Am I not the one who literally just asked?” Cache shot back. “What about that makes you think I mind?”
“Fair enough.” you said sheepishly. “I’d love to, thank you.”
“No shit.” they muttered, internally shouting “Fuck yeah!” and hoping none of it showed on their face. “Alright, let’s get your stuff and move you in.”
You didn’t have much in the way of personal effects, having only been in Cyber City for about a week so far. As a result, it didn’t take very long at all for you to set up camp on Cache’s couch (they were somewhat guiltily glad that you’d insisted on that, because they knew their sleep schedule would be shot to hell if they took the couch).
After that, things began to move…both more and less smoothly than before, if they were being honest. It turned out that you were actually kind of a neat freak, and made it very clear that you disapproved of Cache leaving their things around the house, even just for a day or two.
On the other hand, now that you were living with someone you trusted, and had spent over a week in Cyber City, it seemed like some of the weight that had settled on your shoulders was finally starting to lift. One night, they’d found you crying on the couch, and hadn’t accepted any of your poor attempts to convince them you were okay. Instead, they’d managed to get you to tell them your story, and then promised you afterwards that nobody would make you leave if you didn’t want to. They would make sure of it.
Another good thing that came out of you living with them was that they could finally start going out to the movies again—and taking you on occasion, too. Your continued insistence on searching for a job, with its sporadic schedule, was still a lot better than Getty’s work hours had ever been, meaning that they got to go out with company far more often than before. On top of that, you had a wider taste in movies too, enjoying almost every single genre that they took you to see.
The first movie you’d ever gone to with them had been a simple superhero film, the latest in a truly massive franchise that they’d been looking forward to watching for a little while now. 
You had stared at the line running out the doors (despite the fact that opening night had been three days ago), but hadn’t complained about the wait. If anything, you just seemed impressed. “Have you really waited in lines longer than this before, Cache Deposit?” you asked.
“Oh, absolutely. This is nothing.” they bragged. “You should’ve seen this place the day that one sequel came out—you know, the one for that sci-fi movie that’s been in the works for decades?” When you nodded in acknowledgement, they continued on. “I waited there for hours, but I got to see that movie eventually. Damn glad I did, too, the scenery alone made it totally worth it.”
“Wow, I wouldn’t have taken you for such a patient type.” you remarked, unable to keep the mildly sassy smile off your face.
“Oh, shut up! Don’t test me, shortcake, I will get one ticket instead of two!” Cache swatted you on the arm, but they were grinning too.
Once you both actually got inside, Cache insisted on getting a large bucket of popcorn for the two of you to share. They sat down in their seat, snatching up a few kernels, and turned to look at you just as the green glow of the preview rating screen came on.
The mint-colored Addison let out a quiet sigh, feeling themself relax back into the seat. They were in their favorite place, you were smiling as you watched the screen, and they had plenty of buttered popcorn.
This was perfect.
The movie went over well with you—you smiled and gasped at all the right moments, and you told them afterwards with genuine happiness that you’d enjoyed it. They couldn’t help but rant a little about their own takes on it (“the sidekick’s actor deserves so much credit, their facial expressions alone were amazing! And don’t even get me started on the color theory in that one scene—”), and to their delight, you listened intently and even asked them to elaborate on some of their points.
Cache invited you to plenty more movies after that, all different genres. Everything from mystery to comedies was fair game, and they even indulged you when you asked to see a couple of animated movies here and there. (They weren’t necessarily awful, it was just that Cache had some standards.) While some of them went over better than others, all in all, they had a great time with you. 
…Except the one time they’d tried to drag you into a horror movie. You’d stepped out after ten minutes, and sheepishly informed them that you got terrible nightmares from that kind of thing. They teased you about it a little, but didn’t even complain about the money they’d spent on tickets. Instead, they took you home and played a few rounds of Super Smashing Fighters with you.
And if they let you win a few times, well, nobody ever had to know.
One night not long after that, they dropped the news over pizza that the two of you had finally put away enough money to start apartment-hunting for your own place. Cache felt a twinge of discomfort that they elected not to examine too closely, instead opting to finish by taking a big bite of pizza before they could say anything stupid.
“Would you be willing to shop around with me?” you asked. “You know Cyber City a lot better than I do, and you’re good with prices, too.”
That eased the twinge somewhat, and they offered up a more real grin in exchange. “Sure thing, sis. I can bring security too if you’re really looking for a discount…” they added, smirking.
“Cache! Don’t you dare!” you cried, fighting back laughter. “I actually want to find a place, you know! They’ll probably be too scared to even consider me!”
Cache rolled their eyes. “They’re wimps, then.”
You laughed softly under your breath and took another bite of pizza. Once you’d swallowed, you added, “Oh yeah! I can still stop by Virtual Pets whenever, right?” 
“The day you’re not welcome in VP is the day I lose the damn business, understand?” Cache insisted, pointing at you with their own slice. “Always, and I do mean always come in if you want to.”
“And we’re still on for movies and Friday gaming nights?” you confirmed, mostly as a formality rather than a serious question.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t, shortcake.” they said, secretly feeling relief replace the last bit of discomfort inside them. It seemed that even though you were moving out, the two of you weren’t going to grow apart in the slightest.
(And they were absolutely right.)
About a week after you moved into your apartment, Cache sold their dog-cow hybrid to what appeared to be an eager couple looking for a nice pet. They seemed perfectly friendly and well-intentioned, so the Addison felt pretty comfortable making the sale.
They seriously regretted doing so now.
The hybrid was returned less than a week later, deathly ill after one of the children (because the couple hadn’t thought to mention that they had kids in the house) had fed her something she wasn’t supposed to have. Cache had been so distraught that they hadn’t even been able to find words to fling at the two, who damn well should have known better. Thankfully, they at least knew enough to get the hell out of the shop when they saw the expression on Cache’s face.
Several of the worst hours of Cache’s life passed next, as they struggled to keep their beloved hybrid alive. Thankfully, they eventually succeeded after several awful scares, leaving her to rest and recuperate in the back room. After taking a moment to recover for themself, they stumbled back to the door and flipped the sign over to Open, secretly hoping that nobody would come in for the rest of the day. 
Pixel was currently in the back room, taking her own turn to watch the poor thing, but also more than a little on edge from their mood. They were too exhausted to do much else except sit at the counter, their thoughts swirling mercilessly.
They pulled on the hood of their jacket, pushing it low in an effort to hide the particularly brutal blend of despair and fury they felt at seeing any creature treated with such carelessness. Those parents should have known better than to keep dangerous foods in reach of either their pet or their children! Why did they ever have to make that sale in the first place?!
Suddenly, the bell over their door rang, and they shot upright, ready to yell at whatever sorry customer had dared to step inside now. They trained the full force of their glare at the person who’d just entered—and then they saw it was you.
“Shit, sorry…” they sighed. “Now’s not really a good time, shortcake.”
You frowned in concern. “Do you want to talk about it?”
They hesitated, glowering at the floor. “If I do, I’m gonna get pissy again.”
“Maybe you just need to get all the pissed-off-ness out?” you suggested, giving them a faint smile.
Cache sighed through clenched teeth. “You better be sure about this, ‘cause it ain’t pretty.”
You nodded, giving them your most determined look.
Cache stormed around the counter and began to practically bark their impromptu speech. “Okay, so guess what? Some dipshit family thought it’d be a great idea to buy a pet that needs a ton of special care and stick in a home with their two-point-five children, who apparently have exactly zero fuckin’ restraint at any given time. Today, they come back with the poor girl, barely hanging on, and have the guts to ask for a goddamn refund! I just spent hours keeping her alive, and I swear, if I ever see those assholes again, I’ll tear them a new one and I will not hold back.” they spat, their hands curling into fists so tight it hurt. 
“Who the fuck does that? Who even thinks it might be a remotely smart idea to leave a new pet unsupervised with kids?! I just—I—shit! Ugh!” they cried, burying their face in their hands. “I just wish I’d seen it coming.”
Abruptly, all the fight left them, and they sagged backwards against the counter. 
A moment later, they felt your hand brush their arm lightly, and they startled away from you before they realized what was going on. Thankfully, you didn’t seem offended, just held out your arms with a sympathetic expression on your face.
Cache checked briefly to make sure Pixel wasn’t nearby, and then crumpled into your arms, fighting back tears.
“Cache, you’re always so careful with all the creatures you have,” you began, rubbing their back gently, “but nobody—and I mean nobody—can be on their guard all day, every day. That’s just impossible. You did everything you possibly could, saving her and making sure those idiots didn’t get their stupid refund. She’s strong, she’ll come back from this, especially with you there every step of the way. 
“You did nothing wrong, okay? They screwed up, but now it’s over, and you did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s all going to be okay now, Cache, I promise.”
They shuddered briefly, swallowing once before giving you a final squeeze and stepping back. “Thanks, shortcake.” they muttered thickly.
You gave them a small smile. “You want to get takeout and watch some awful movies at my place once you’re done with work?”
“Hell yeah.” Cache said, managing to muster up a slightly bittersweet smirk. “I’ll text you when I’m done, alright?”
“Text me before that if you need to vent some more.” you insisted, darting forward to give them one last quick hug. “See you later, Cache App.”
“That one was shit, pipsqueak! You hear me?” they cried (not meaning a word of it, of course) as you left the store. You merely shot them a grin in reply, waving your phone at them through the glass before taking off.
Cache sighed tiredly, pulling their hood off and running a hand through their hair as they turned to go sit back down behind the counter. And if Pixel gave them a smile later that was just a bit more knowing than usual, well, they sure as hell weren’t going to acknowledge it.
It had been a couple of months now since you’d first appeared in Cyber City—and in Cache’s life—and you were doing much better than you had been previously. Cache was happy for you, to be sure…but they still felt like you weren’t quite up to a hundred percent yet, and they had a suspicion as to why.
Sure, you had them and Lovebug, and maybe Pixel too, but at the end of the day, you were going home to an empty apartment with nobody to keep you company. And Cache figured that since you were too shy to do anything about it, they’d probably have to take the initiative.They even had a multi-step plan mapped out, because like hell were they leaving your well-being to chance.
Phase One: Figure out what kind of people you liked hanging out with (or even better, people you liked, period).
Phase Two: Get you to spend more time with them through any means necessary.
Phase Three: Integrate them into the friend group.
Phase Four: Get them to move in with you.
Phase Five: Enjoy seeing you happy.
Thankfully, not long after they’d made this plan, they saw the perfect opportunity to put it into action. Cache had dragged you out to a store that sold various music recordings, hoping to find something nice to listen to—and to get you to meet someone new.
After some carefully timed deliberating, they picked out an mp3 that they’d noticed within seconds of walking in the door, and strolled over to the register to check out. You hadn’t chosen anything yourself, much to Cache��s disappointment, but if they’d hung around any longer, you might’ve gotten suspicious.
As it was, they simply handed over their mp3 to the smiling violet Addison behind the counter. As he scanned the file, Cache glanced at his name tag, which simply read Exy. They’d heard about this employee in passing at the Cyber Grill the other night, and supposedly he was extra friendly and thoughtful. Cache hoped he’d live up to his reputation.
“Nothing for you today, miss?” he asked you politely.
You grinned sheepishly. “Sorry! I’m not very good at making decisions, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” the violet Addison insisted, smiling politely at you. “We’re open every day from eight to six if you ever have some spare time on your hands! Say, what kind of music do you listen to?”
“It changes from week to week, honestly.” you admitted. “I like just about anything!”
Exy finished charging Cache for their purchase, all while maintaining his conversation with you. “Well, stop by again soon, and I might have some nice recommendations for you!” He winked at you, and you colored slightly from all the attention. 
(Cache very nearly broke their neck turning to stare at you when that happened.)
The moment they stepped out of the store with you in tow, you smiled at them. “He was pretty nice, wasn’t he?” you commented.
In response, they gave you their most shit-eating grin imaginable. “Ooooh,” they crooned, “does someone have a crush?”
“Wh-what?!” you stammered. “No! I just—I haven’t met many Addisons who are that thoughtful, aside from you and Pixel!”
Cache scoffed. “Don’t slander me like that, shortcake. You’re changing the subject, though! Do you think he’s cute?”
You blushed again. “I don’t know, maybe a little? He was definitely dressed nicely, I guess?”
“‘I guess’?” Cache repeated. “You’re killing me! Next you’re gonna tell me that nobody’s caught your eye the entire time you’ve been here.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s not true either! I have noticed one or two people, just not necessarily him.”
You immediately backtracked when Cache’s smile grew impossibly bigger. “I, uh, I mean…” you began, clearly trying to work your way out of the hole you’d just dug, but it was far too late for that now.
“No, no, no, sis. You can’t back out now. Spill! Who’s the lucky person that caught your eye?”
A more severe blush spread across your face at that. “You, um…you know the guy who works at the tea shop?” you mumbled.
“No way!” Cache exclaimed, still giving the Cheshire Cat a run for its money. “Him?!”
“Shut up!” you cried. “He’s just…he’s pretty, okay? That’s it.”
“Whatever you say, shortcake.” Cache said, pretending to drop it, but secretly moving on to Phase Two of their plan.
They managed to put it into action only three days later, which was sooner than expected. After all, if they’d invited you out to the tea shop too quickly after learning about your crush, you’d just assume they were making fun of you and refuse. 
(They were going to make fun of you, at least a little, but that was unrelated to the plan.)
In what Cache considered to be a truly amazing display of self-restraint, they didn’t let a single hint slide either on the walk over to the shop or while you placed your order. They couldn’t help a brief smirk when you ordered the ‘house special’, though. 
The minute they sat across from you with their own tea, though, they stopped even trying to hide it. “Sooo?” they began, giving you a look. “Is he as hot as you remember?” They at least tried to keep their voice low, for your sake.
You nearly choked on your tea. “What? Cache!” you cried, as soon as you’d finished coughing. “I thought we were just here to hang out!”
Cache did not soften a fraction at the idea that hanging out with them was better than eyeing up your crush. They didn’t.
“Well, yeah, that’s the main goal. But he’s a nice bonus, isn’t he?” they said, raising their eyebrows at you smugly.
You practically scoffed, turning back to your drink. “He’s a person, Cache, not just a ‘bonus’.”
They glanced over your shoulder and then smirked. “Why don’t you say that to him when he brings those pastries over here?”
At that, you sat bolt upright, twisting in your seat just in time to see the pink Addison beginning to head over with said pastries. Cache stifled a snicker, even as you glowered at them, the clear message behind it being If you say anything I will walk out right now.
That was okay. They could behave themself…mostly. 
“Here you are!” Pink said warmly, placing the plate on the table with slightly more flair than usual. Notably, he merely gave Cache a nod, but directed one of his most charming smiles directly at you.
So it goes both ways, Cache thought, but (for once) wisely said nothing. Meanwhile, you were smiling up at him as you thanked him politely for the food. “Your pastries are honestly the best I’ve had.” you added, and Cache bit their lip to keep from grinning.
“Oh!” Pink exclaimed, seeming quite flattered. “And you’re the best Lightner I’ve ever met!” he shot back, with a mildly flirtatious wink to boot.
You blinked, clearly startled. “Aren’t I…the only Lightner you’ve met?” you asked.
Cache internally facepalmed. Just take the damn compliment, pipsqueak!
The pink Addison shifted in place somewhat awkwardly. “Fair enough…I highly doubt any others are half as lovely as you, though.”
You blushed at that, giving Pink a small smile. “Aw, thank you!”
“Anytime at all.” he said warmly, before returning to his usual spot behind the counter. 
The moment he got back to tidying things up, Cache flicked their eyes between him and you several times, before whispering, “Damn, I didn’t know you were such a flirt!”
“I am not!” you hissed back. “I was just being nice, and so was he!”
“‘The best Lightner’? ‘Lovely’? Those don’t sound platonic to me…” Cache hummed, before finally taking a sip of their drink. It had cooled down slightly, but it was as nice as ever. A tiny, genuine smile flickered across their face (thankfully hidden by the cup) as the flavor hit them. Your tea was always just what they needed.
For your sake, they elected to shift the conversation to other topics, although they did continue to give you knowing looks and indicate Pink with their eyes every once in a while. Each time, you rolled your eyes or gave them a pointed look, but you didn’t seem too upset to them. 
Phases Two and Three were going to take some work, but Cache was sure they’d be able to manage it eventually. It was worth it, for your sake.
One night after Cache had perhaps overindulged slightly at the Cyber Grille, you’d helped them get all the way home without incident, even though you were clearly upset. They knew you didn’t love it when they drank noticeably, but they figured that they deserved to cut loose every once in a while. Besides, they were the older sibling-type here, not you!
Once they’d climbed into bed, they sent you a brief text, just letting you know that they were alright and going to sleep shortly. It took you a minute or so to respond, but when you did, you didn’t berate them, instead opting to tell them that you were glad they were okay and you hoped they slept well.
Cache sighed, switching off their light. What the hell had they done to have someone like you walk into their life? Even when they worried you, you didn’t ditch them. They knew they could be abrasive, and that was how they liked it. But to know that you were always beside them, through both the highs and the lows…
…well, it was rare to find someone like that.
On a whim, Cache unlocked their phone and clicked back into their conversation with you, taking a look at the most recent photos you’d sent to them and vice versa. Selfies taken from a variety of goofily unflattering positions abounded, along with plenty of pictures of them and you at various places.
A shot of them, holding up two movie tickets that they’d been particularly proud of scoring.
Another one, you and Cache side by side, arms around each other in the back room of Virtual Pets. (You’d only noticed the bunny ears they were giving you after the photo had been taken, and given them a good smack on the arm for it. You had still kept the picture, though.)
Now you, sticking out your tongue at the camera as you hold up a game controller. That had been the night you thoroughly trounced them at your favorite fighting game, and you’d insisted that Cache needed a memento to remember this night forever.
On and on the memories went, until finally—
—the first picture you’d ever sent them.
They’d wanted to have something for your profile picture, insisting that it just felt wrong to see a blank grey circle every time you messaged them. At first, you had protested, insisting that you were terrible at taking selfies.
“So send me a shitty one then. =P” they’d replied. And duly enough, you soon sent them a selfie, just of you smiling awkwardly into the camera.
They’d given you one back, feeling it was only fair, and then promptly set your picture as your profile image. Of course, it had changed many times since then—they practically updated it every time you took a new picture, with or without them in it.
But that…that was the first visual record they ever had of you. Sure, there were texts that came before that, but this was proof that it was you, that you had existed in their life.
And somehow, they were lucky enough to get more proof of that every damn day.
Abruptly, Cache realized that their eyes were wet, and flipped over to bury their face in their pillow. They hadn’t meant to get all cheesy and gross about you, but you just meant so much to them. Embarrassing though it may have been, they couldn’t deny the truth—you were one of the very, very few people to have made it past their defenses and into their heart.
Cache growled, pushing themself up just enough to swipe at their eyes. They were not going to get all weepy over you, that would be stupid.
It was just…fun having a friend like you. That was all.
(That definitely wasn’t all.)
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weaselle · 13 days ago
dated a woman for a few months who had a TV in her bedroom. After a while i noticed the commercials were all for things involving words or topics we had talked about.
Asked her if she had disabled the listening function and she didn't even know her TV had a microphone. I went looking through her settings and her TV was a slightly older model that not only had a microphone that was always on and listening, but also had a fucking camera for no good reason. Totally hidden of course, couldn't really see it even if you knew where to look.
I told her about it and she didn't even really care. I was like, the TV is pointed at your bed! where not only do we have sex, but we talk about intimate things we aren't usually comfortable talking about in our daily life, and this corporation literally has a microphone and camera pointed at us in your bedroom and sending them information about what we are doing and talking about... and you don't care!?!?
also, worst timeline. Fucking, "cyber"trucks instead of hover-cars, revival of fascism instead of world peace, instead of a golden age of information we have a resurgence of flat-earth and anti-science, instead of taking good concepts and making them better they are taking bad but functioning concepts (like cable TV) and making them way worse, and
there's all this constant spying and price-gouging and control measures over the public by the corporate oligarchy who are literally destroying society for another good quarterly profits report.
worst. timeline. ever.
still mad about smart TVs. that shit should be in a separate box like you can literally buy one of them androidtv boxes for £30. it doesn't need its own ip address it doesn't need its own app store it doesn't need to replicate the functionality every device plugged into it already has
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mdmotalebhossainraju · 3 days ago
Where to Buy Prodentim: Best Deals & Discounts
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Oral health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and many people seek effective supplements to enhance their dental hygiene. One such revolutionary product is Prodentim, a probiotic supplement designed to improve oral health naturally. If you’re wondering where to buy Prodentim and how to find the best deals and discounts, this guide will provide all the essential details.
What Is Prodentim?
Prodentim is an advanced oral probiotic supplement that helps maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth. Unlike traditional toothpaste and mouthwashes that may kill both good and bad bacteria, Prodentim supports beneficial microorganisms, promoting healthier teeth and gums.
Key Benefits of Prodentim:
Enhances oral microbiome balance
Prevents gum diseases and bad breath
Strengthens teeth and gums
Supports overall digestive health
Made from natural ingredients
Where to Buy Prodentim?
If you want to purchase Prodentim, it's essential to buy from authorized sellers to ensure authenticity and quality. Here are the best places to buy Prodentim:
1. Official Website (Best and Safest Option)
The official Prodentim website is the most recommended place to purchase this supplement. Buying directly from the manufacturer ensures you get a genuine product, along with exclusive discounts and warranties.
Benefits of Buying from the Official Website:
Authenticity Guaranteed: You receive an original product with no risk of counterfeits.
Best Discounts & Deals: The official site often provides bulk discounts, seasonal promotions, and special offers.
Money-Back Guarantee: Most official purchases come with a 60-day refund policy in case of dissatisfaction.
Secure Payments: Transactions are encrypted for safety.
2. Amazon
Amazon is a popular marketplace for many health supplements, including Prodentim. While convenient, purchasing from third-party sellers requires caution.
Pros & Cons of Buying from Amazon:
✅ Wide availability ✅ Fast shipping (especially with Amazon Prime) ✅ Customer reviews for better decision-making ❌ Higher chances of counterfeit products ❌ Limited access to official discounts
3. Walmart & Other Retail Stores
Some brick-and-mortar stores, including Walmart, may sell Prodentim, but availability is limited.
Pros & Cons of Buying from Retail Stores:
✅ Immediate purchase, no waiting for shipping ✅ Option to check product physically before buying ❌ Limited stock and availability ❌ Might be more expensive than online options
Pros & Cons of Buying from Online Supplement Stores:
✅ Possible discounts and bundle offers ✅ Established reputation of known stores ❌ May not have the best price ❌ Limited refund policies compared to the official website
How to Find the Best Deals & Discounts on Prodentim
Finding affordable deals on Prodentim requires some research. Here are some strategies to save money:
1. Buy from the Official Website During Promotions
The manufacturer frequently offers seasonal discounts, Black Friday sales, and special bundle deals. Keep an eye out for promotions like:
Buy 3 Bottles, Get 2 Free
Flat 20-30% Discount on Bulk Purchases
Limited-Time Coupon Codes
2. Subscribe for Newsletters
Many sellers offer exclusive discounts to subscribers. By signing up for the Prodentim newsletter, you might receive special promo codes and first access to discounts.
3. Check Coupon Websites
Websites like RetailMeNot, Honey, and Coupons.com frequently list discount codes for online supplement stores. Before purchasing, search for Prodentim discount codes to maximize savings.
4. Use Cashback Offers
Platforms like Rakuten, Honey, and Swagbucks provide cashback when purchasing from selected retailers. If you’re buying from Amazon, Walmart, or an online store, check if cashback offers apply.
5. Wait for Major Sales Events
Big online shopping events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Amazon Prime Day often include health supplements in their sales. Mark your calendar and check for special discounts.
Things to Watch Out For When Buying Prodentim
While looking for the best deals, avoid potential risks:
1. Fake or Counterfeit Products
Unauthorized third-party sellers may sell fake or expired products. Always buy from trusted sources.
2. Overpriced Products
Some websites mark up prices significantly. Compare prices on different platforms before making a purchase.
3. No Refund Policy
Always check the refund and return policy before purchasing. The official website typically offers the best money-back guarantee.
4. Misleading Discounts
Some retailers advertise fake discounts to attract buyers. Make sure to verify the original price before making a purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Prodentim available in local pharmacies?
Prodentim is primarily sold online. Some major pharmacy chains might stock it, but availability varies.
2. Can I get Prodentim without a prescription?
Yes, Prodentim is an over-the-counter supplement that does not require a prescription.
3. How long does shipping take when ordering from the official website?
Shipping typically takes 5-7 business days within the U.S. and 10-15 days internationally.
4. Does Prodentim have any side effects?
Prodentim is made from natural ingredients and is generally safe. However, individuals with allergies should check the ingredient list.
When looking for where to buy Prodentim and the best deals & discounts, the official website remains the safest and most reliable option. It guarantees authenticity, best prices, and refund policies. However, if you prefer other options, Amazon, Walmart, and reputable supplement stores are alternatives—but with caution against counterfeits.
To maximize savings, look for bundle deals, seasonal promotions, cashback offers, and discount coupons. Investing in Prodentim can significantly improve your oral health, so make sure to buy from a trusted source!
0 notes
homessaya · 4 days ago
Saya Gold Avenue- Best 2 BHK 3 BHK 4 BHK Apartments in Indirapuram
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Nowadays Indirapuram is considered as one of the most preferred places in Ghaziabad. There are many residential options in Ghaziabad. Among these, Saya Gold Avenue with its 2 BHK 3B HK 4 BHK apartments in Indirapuram stands out with its premium quality. It offers luxury flats with a superior lifestyle.
Its location in Vaibhav Khand provides easy access to Delhi, Noida, and other important places. It is near major road networks. The Delhi-Meerut Expressway, NH-9, and Mohan Nagar Link Road are all easily accessible from here. Noida Electronic City and Vaishali metro stations are also near it.
This project offers best-in-class 2BHK, 3BHK and 4BHK flats in Indirapuram. Their space utilization offers better luxury. These flats are made in such a way that you get an abundance of natural light & better ventilation.
The interior is modern with a modular kitchen. These flats have balconies that are very spacious; you can take a view of the city from here. The project has designs made according to Vastu, so you have peace of mind. 
This residential apartment has world-class amenities. It has a swimming pool, a gymnasium having all essential and modern equipment, a cricket net practice area, a badminton court, and a half basketball court. A clubhouse for social activities, a playing zone especially offered for children, a jogging track for walking, Landscaped Garden, health club with steam facility, and a jacuzzi are also provided.
These flats have the best security facilities, with a 24/7 CCTV surveillance system. Each apartment has video door phones. It has a high-speed elevator with ARD technology, which ensures smooth movement with minimum vibration.
Here at Saya Gold Avenue, sustainable living is preferred. This residential projects in Ghaziabad has the facility of rainwater harvesting, a regular supply of treated water, and an energy-efficient system. These measures promote an eco-friendly lifestyle.  
The project is Rera approved, so it is reliable and transparent in its offerings. A positive thing about the project is its proximity to major employment areas like Logix Cyber Park, Noida Sector 62 & 63. Over the time with infrastructure developments in Ghaziabad, property prices are expected to increase, creating the possibility of high returns for investors. 
Saya Gold Avenues offers ready-to-move 2BHK 3BHK 4BHK flats in Indirapuram. It offers apartments that redefine the ways of modern living. Its prime location, world-class amenities, spacious flats, and better investment possibilities make it the best choice for residence in Indirapuram. 
We can buy flats for residential purposes or having investment profit in mind. Saya Gold Avenue fulfils our expectations of luxury with quality. 
0 notes
screensavorstudios · 1 year ago
Okay, I did a bit of research on this (because it does seem really fucked) and it's not quite what it's being made out to be.
After reading through multiple articles on this here's what seem to be actual facts.
The kid has launched multiple cyber attacks against multiple corporations, and according to all sources, hacked Rockstar and did the GTA leek while under watched probation in a hotel room with smartphone and wireless keyboard. (Which is fucking sick.)
According to all sources he has flat out said that he is going to do another cyber attack as soon as he is able to. He did one the biggest media hacks and leeks of the year while under probation, and several others as well, so there's no reason to think he won't do it again. He's doesn't seem to be doing this for noble reasons either, seems like it might just be for attention so putting him in an hospital seems like a good idea under these circumstances, (though it does still seem pretty fucked, and I have to wonder what actual care he will be given.) Now on to some of the more common rumors which I can not confirm though the articles I've found. 1. There are claims that he was not just targeting corporations and he was tarting individuals and scamming the elderly. This part doesn't appear in any of the articles I saw, but people are saying in comments, so who knows. 2. There has been mention in some articles that he been physically violent towards people and property, and that was why he was found unfit to stand trail. However other articles did not mention any violence and say that it was just because he was autistic, so I don't know what the truth is.
The actual take away here is that Rockstar Games does not have the power to institutionalize someone (yet.) This is a person who committed several offenses and flat out said "if you let me out I'm going to do it again." Where some these offenses against major corporations that we can feel good about being hurt? Absolutely. Should this person be let out? If they don't even have the common sense to lie about committing a crime, no. Going by what I have read and what seems verifiable in the articles, this isn't some white hat hacker going after corps, this is a kid trying to get attention and happened to do it by messing with corps who were worse. Unless we get some news that says otherwise, do not marter this person. Also, do not buy GTA6 or any other $70 video game at launch. It's likely not going to come out in a finished state anyway, and it'll go on sale for a reasonable price like a month or two later.
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why can rockstar games institutionalise you for life like nikita kruschev for being autistic
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urbanagelandbase · 4 days ago
How to Finance Your Flat Purchase in Gurgaon: Loan Tips and Options
In Gurgaon’s ever-evolving real estate market, buying a flat demands a significant financial investment. This is where home loans in Gurgaon play a crucial role, offering the financial backing needed to turn homeownership aspirations into reality. This detailed guide explores everything you need to know about home loan eligibility, interest rates, and the application process in Gurgaon, ensuring a smooth and informed borrowing experience.
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Reasons to Buy a Flat in Gurgaon
With a strong job market, modern infrastructure, and plenty of housing options, Gurgaon is a great place to buy a home. Getting a home loan in Gurgaon can make it easier to own property in this fast-growing city, offering both convenience and long-term value.
World-Class Infrastructure
Gurgaon offers excellent connectivity with well-maintained roads, an extensive metro network, and the Rapid Metro, making daily commutes smooth and hassle-free. The city also boasts popular recreational spots like Leisure Valley Park and Aravali Biodiversity Park, perfect for relaxation amidst nature. With ongoing Smart City initiatives, Gurgaon continues to evolve as a prime real estate destination. If you're looking to buy a home in this thriving hub, a home loan in Gurgaon can make property ownership more accessible in this fast-growing market.
Diverse Residential Options
Gurgaon offers a wide range of housing options, from budget-friendly apartments to high-end luxury residences with top-notch amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, and landscaped gardens. With flexible home loan options available, buying a home in Gurgaon becomes more accessible, allowing you to enjoy a premium lifestyle in one of the fastest-growing real estate hubs in India.
Proximity to Recreational & Entertainment Hubs
Recreational hubs, shopping malls, and entertainment destinations are within easy reach, elevating the convenience and lifestyle of the city. With vibrant spots for dining, shopping, and entertainment like Ambience Mall, Cyber Hub, and Kingdom of Dreams, residents enjoy a rich and diverse lifestyle experience that perfectly blends leisure and convenience.
Thriving Job Market
Gurgaon stands out as a prime destination for professionals, offering a dynamic job market, top-tier infrastructure, and premium residential options. With thriving industries like IT, financial services, e-commerce, and real estate, the demand for housing continues to rise. The presence of leading MNCs has transformed Gurgaon into a real estate hotspot, attracting homebuyers and investors looking for convenience, luxury, and proximity to workplaces.
Future Growth Potential
With an average rental income of ₹42,696 per month, investing in a flat here offers a steady and lucrative return. The strong demand from professionals and expats ensures consistent occupancy and high rental yields, making it a smart choice for long-term financial growth. As demand continues to rise, both rental returns and property value are expected to appreciate, maximizing your investment potential.
Gurgaon boasts exceptional connectivity with a robust road network, including NH-48 (Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway), Golf Course Road, Dwarka Expressway, and Sohna Road, ensuring hassle-free commuting. The city's metro system enhances accessibility, with key stations like Sikanderpur, IFFCO Chowk, and Millennium City Centre Gurugram providing seamless intra-city travel. Additionally, upcoming metro extensions and the Delhi-Alwar Rapid Rail Transit System (RRTS) are set to further enhance connectivity, making Gurgaon an even more attractive destination for residents and businesses.
A Comprehensive Guide to Home Loans for Flat Purchase in Gurgaon
A home loan is a convenient financing option that enables individuals to purchase residential properties by borrowing from banks or housing finance companies. In Gurgaon, where property prices continue to rise, securing a home loan can make owning a flat more affordable and achievable. With flexible repayment options and competitive interest rates, home loans in Gurgaon provide a practical solution for homebuyers looking to invest in one of the fastest-growing real estate markets.
Home Loan Process in Gurgaon: A Step-by-Step Guide
Securing a home loan in Gurgaon is a seamless process, tailored to meet the needs of homebuyers in this rapidly growing real estate market. Here’s how it works:
Eligibility Check: Lenders assess your income, employment stability, credit score, and other financial factors to determine your loan eligibility. A good CIBIL score increases your chances of approval.
Document Submission: Once eligible, applicants must provide KYC documents, income proof, bank statements, and property-related papers for verification.
Loan Processing & Approval: The lender thoroughly verifies the documents, conducts a property valuation, and approves the loan based on compliance with lending criteria.
Disbursement of Funds: The loan amount is released in stages for under-construction properties or as a lump sum for ready-to-move-in homes.
With competitive home loan interest rates in Gurgaon and various financing options, buying a property has never been more accessible.
Eligibility Criteria for Home Loans in Gurgaon
Before applying for a home loan in Gurgaon, it's crucial to understand the eligibility criteria set by lenders. Meeting these requirements increases your chances of home loan approval and ensures a smooth borrowing experience. Here’s what you need to qualify:
1. Purpose of the Loan
The loan must be used exclusively for purchasing a residential property in Gurgaon, as per the lender’s guidelines.
2. Age Criteria
Applicants should be between 18 and 75 years old, ensuring a stable earning period for timely home loan repayment.
3. Residency Requirement
Only Indian residents are eligible to apply for a home loan in Gurgaon.
4. Employment Status
Both salaried professionals and self-employed individuals can apply. If you are a salaried applicant, you must provide a valid Employee ID as proof of employment.
5. Income Requirements
Salaried Professionals: Must provide multiple payslips as proof of stable income.
Self-Employed Individuals: Need to demonstrate consistent business operations and earnings through valid financial documents.
6. Essential Documents for Home Loan Application
A. Age Proof (Any one of the following):
Voter ID
PAN Card
Driving Licence
B. Address Proof (Any one of the following):
Driving Licence
PAN Card
Voter ID
C. Income Proof (Based on Employment Type):
7. Documents Required for Salaried Professionals
Last three months' salary slips
Bank statements for the past six months
Form 16 and Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the last three years
8. Documents Required for Self-Employed Individuals
Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the past three years
Profit & Loss Statements and Balance Sheets for the last three years
Business bank account statements for the last 12 months
9. Credit Score Criteria
To qualify for a home loan in Gurgaon, applicants must maintain a minimum credit score of 725. A higher credit score enhances loan eligibility, improves approval chances, and helps secure better interest rates. Lenders assess creditworthiness based on financial discipline, past repayment history, and outstanding liabilities.
Having all the necessary documents and a strong credit profile increases your chances of hassle-free loan approval in Gurgaon’s competitive real estate market.
Steps to Apply for a Home Loan
Buying a home in Gurgaon is a significant investment, and securing a home loan is a crucial step in this journey. To simplify the process, this guide walks you through everything—from checking your eligibility to loan disbursement—ensuring a seamless experience.
1. Check Your Eligibility
Before applying, assess your eligibility based on key factors like income, age, employment status, and credit score. A good credit score (750 or above) increases your chances of approval and helps you secure lower interest rates. Use an EMI calculator to estimate monthly repayments and plan your finances accordingly.
2. Determine the Loan Amount
Decide how much you need to borrow by considering the property cost, down payment capacity, and loan-to-value ratio (LTV). Banks usually finance up to 80-90% of the property value, while the rest must be paid up front. Evaluating these aspects will help you choose the best home loan option.
3. Compare Interest Rates
Choosing between a fixed or floating interest rate impacts your EMIs:
Fixed Interest Rate: Remains the same throughout the loan tenure, ensuring predictable monthly payments.
Floating Interest Rate: Fluctuates based on market conditions, potentially reducing your EMI if rates decrease.
Compare rates from different lenders to secure the most affordable home loan in Gurgaon.
4. Choose the Right Lender
Research and compare home loan providers, including:
Public sector banks: SBI, Bank of Baroda, PNB
Private banks: HDFC, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank
Housing finance companies: LIC Housing Finance, Indiabulls Housing Finance
Consider factors like interest rates, loan tenure, processing fees, and repayment flexibility before finalizing your lender.
5. Prepare the Required Documents
Having the necessary documents ready speeds up the application process. Commonly required documents include:
Identity proof: Aadhaar card, PAN card
Address proof: Voter ID, utility bills
Income proof: Salary slips, bank statements, ITR
Property documents: Sale agreement, title deed
6. Apply for the Loan
Fill out the loan application form, attach the required documents, and pay the processing fee (0.5% to 1% of the loan amount). Some lenders also allow online applications for faster processing.
7. Loan Processing & Approval
The lender verifies your documents, assesses your repayment capacity, and conducts a background check. This process may take a few days to weeks. A higher credit score and stable income can speed up approval.
8. Loan Sanction & Disbursement
Once approved, the lender issues a sanction letter outlining the loan amount, tenure, interest rate, and terms. After signing the agreement, the funds are disbursed, either in full or in stages, directly to the property seller or builder.
9. Signing the Loan Agreement
Carefully review the loan agreement before signing to ensure you understand all terms and conditions. This step legally finalizes the home loan process, securing your funds for the property purchase.
10. Loan Disbursement
For Ready-to-Move-in Flats: The entire loan amount is disbursed in one go, allowing for quick property acquisition.
For Under-Construction Flats: The loan is released in phases, aligned with the construction progress and the builder’s payment schedule. This ensures funds are distributed as per project milestones.
Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Home Loan
For first-time homebuyers in Gurgaon, selecting the right home loan requires careful evaluation. Here are essential factors to consider:
Choosing the Right Loan Tenure
A longer tenure results in lower EMIs, but you end up paying more in interest over time.
A shorter tenure increases your monthly EMI, but significantly reduces the overall loan cost.
Comparing Home Loan Offers from Different Lenders
Evaluate multiple banks and NBFCs to compare interest rates, processing fees, and loan terms.
Choosing the best home loan in Gurgaon can help reduce costs and improve financial flexibility.
Understanding Prepayment Options and Charges
Making prepayments can help reduce interest costs and shorten the loan tenure.
Some lenders impose prepayment penalties, so check these details before finalizing the loan agreement.
Tips to Improve Home Loan Eligibility
Securing a home loan in Gurgaon is easier with the right approach. Follow these key strategies to improve approval chances and get better loan terms:
Improve Credit Score & Reduce Debt – Maintain a score of 750+ by paying off debts and keeping a low debt-to-income ratio.
Increase & Declare All Income – Show all earnings, including side income, to strengthen your financial profile.
Make a Higher Down Payment – Paying 20-25% upfront lowers the loan amount and improves approval chances.
Apply with a Co-applicant – A co-applicant with a strong credit and income profile can increase loan eligibility.
Choose Pre-Approved Properties & Longer Tenure – RERA-approved homes simplify processing, while longer tenures reduce EMIs, making the loan more affordable.
Securing a home loan in Gurgaon requires careful planning, thorough research, and a clear understanding of eligibility criteria, interest rates, and legal requirements. This guide has outlined the key aspects to help you navigate the process with confidence.
By comparing lenders, assessing financial readiness, and exploring government-backed schemes, homebuyers can make well-informed decisions. With the right approach, first-time buyers can streamline their journey to homeownership in Gurgaon, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.
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larisarealtech97 · 8 days ago
Birla Arika Sector 31 Gurgaon - Price, Reviews
Birla Arika Sector 31 Gurgaon
Birla Arika Sector 31 is a prestigious residential project by Birla Estates, located in the heart of Gurgaon.
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Designed for those who appreciate luxury, comfort, and convenience, this premium development offers a modern lifestyle in one of the city's most sought-after locations.
With its strategic placement just off NH-48, Gurgaon, Birla Arika provides seamless connectivity to major business hubs, shopping centers, and healthcare facilities.
It is a RERA-approved project (RERA number: 17 OF 2025), ensuring transparency and reliability.
Spanning 13.3 acres, this ultra-luxury development features spacious 4BHK apartments, each designed with high-end specifications. With just two apartments per floor, residents enjoy enhanced privacy and exclusivity.
Prime Location & Connectivity
Situated in Sector 31, just off NH-48, Gurgaon.
Close proximity to major business hubs like DLF Cyber Hub, Udyog Vihar, and Delhi.
Easy access to shopping malls such as Ambience Mall, MGF Metropolis Mall, and Star Mall.
Well-connected to reputed healthcare centers like Medanta The Medicity, Fortis, Paras Hospital, and Shivam Hospital.
Key Features & Amenities
Exclusive Low-Density Living
Only two apartments per floor, ensuring privacy.
75% open space with 58% dedicated to lush greenery.
8+ acres of themed central greens, perfect for relaxation and morning walks
2. Luxury Amenities for a Comfortable Lifestyle
Fully equipped modular kitchen and spacious living areas.
Resort-style swimming pool, jogging track, yoga lawn, and Zen Garden.
Four exclusive clubhouses, a multipurpose hall, and entertainment spaces.
Multi-tier security system ensuring a safe living environment.
3. Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Living
IGBC Gold-rated project with a focus on sustainable living.
Thoughtfully designed green landscapes to promote wellness.
Open spaces to enhance the quality of life and ensure a pollution-free environment.
Investment Potential
Birla Arika Sector 31 Gurgaon is not just a home; it’s a valuable investment in a premium lifestyle.
The project’s prime location, luxurious features, and eco-friendly design make it one of the top choices for homebuyers and investors.
With Gurgaon’s real estate market steadily growing, investing in this project ensures excellent returns and long-term value appreciation.
This residential project redefines luxury living with its premium features, lush green surroundings, and strategic location. You can consider this project, if you are looking for 4BHK flats in Gurgaon.
Whether you are looking for a dream home or a promising real estate investment, this project offers an unparalleled residential experience.
With world-class amenities, seamless connectivity, and a commitment to sustainability, Birla Arika is an ideal choice for modern living.
Discover luxury at its finest with Birla Arika Sector 31, Gurgaon – your gateway to a sophisticated and elegant lifestyle.
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manorone · 14 days ago
Kashish Manor One: Premium Housing Within Your Reach
Kashish Manor one is the vanguard project developed by Kashish Developers, Offering Luxurious flats curated to suit a considerable range of interests and budgets. It is a perfect way of introduction to the world of luxury promised by Kashish Developers. Everything, from designs to amenities will have you believe that this is a destination like no other. Kashish manor one strongly hopes to transform living and take it to the next level.
Location of Kashish Manor One
Kashish Manor One is located in sector 111, Gurgaon. Surrounded by 1500+ acres of lush greenery, Kashish Manor One is a haven for nature lovers who want an escape from their work lives. Sitting right at the meeting point of two megacities, Delhi and Gurgaon, merely 20 minutes from Cyber Hub and is also directly connected to Dwarka Expressways with the Dwarka Metro station just a 5 min walk away. It is also just 10 minutes from Yasho Bhoomi Metro station and Diplomatic Enclave Bharat Vandana Park. Apart from Delhi being 0m away, there are plenty of shops and restaurants nearby, so residents never have to travel far for their needs.
Layout of the Manor One Gurgaon
 Manor One is laid out on a total of 14.8 acres of land with 60% of it reserved for open spaces, so one can expect a certain grandiose landscape and designs which are inculcated in this project creating a perfect balance between nature and architecture. It has 12 buildings containing 718 units. Sizes ranging from 895sq. ft to 5450sq. ft. The project was launched in September creating a huge buzz in the real estate industry in Gurgaon. Every apartment is carefully designed with practicality and sophistication in mind. With every person’s unique need in mind Kashish Manor one offers 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK and 4 BHK apartments. For every need there is a layout. Amenities at Manor One Gurgaon
Apart from the flora connect and the spacious living, there is a lot more for Kashish Manor One to offer:
 Mini Theatre
Meditation pod
 Swimming pool
Kids play area
 Skating rink
Step garden
Banquet hall
Jogging track and many more
Price of Kashish Manor One Gurugram
The price list for these apartments is:
1 BHK apartment at approx. 895sq. ft starting at 1.16cr.
2 BHK apartment at approx. 1715sq. ft starting at 1.89cr.
3 BHK apartment at approx. 2325sq. ft starting at 3cr.
4 BHK apartment at approx. 5450sq. ft starting at 7cr.
For more details on prices, please contact Manor One
As we take a deeper dive into Kashish Manor One, we observe that it offers all kinds of sensory appeals with its enchanting infrastructure and premium security for its residents. All in all it is an exquisite masterpiece it's hard to say no to. It also offers great value for money at an average rate of 11.70 K/sq. ft. Its Rera ID is GG/364/96/2019/58, giving you additional security and taking a step towards future transparency as well. With its prime location, top-notch amenities, and thorough design, Kashish Manor One stands at the top of modern living in Gurgaon.
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ipdekho · 15 days ago
4S The Aurrum Sector 59 Gurgaon, 3 & 4 Bhk Luxury Apartment
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4S the Aurrum 3 & 4 Bhk Apartment in Sector 59 Gurgaon 
In the center of Sector 59, Gurgaon, the recently opened premium residential development 4S the Aurrum offers a distinctive fusion of comfort, luxury, and convenience. The well-designed 3 and 4BHK flats in this building are a testament to contemporary architecture and opulent living. The starting price of the opulent 4S the Aurrum apartment is 5.05 crores. Situated in one of Gurgaon's most prestigious neighborhoods, The Aurrum offers a luxurious lifestyle that combines tranquil living with convenient access to all of the city's bustling business districts. As such, 4S the Aurrum pledges to endure while providing its residents with remarkable living experiences by emphasizing high-quality construction, creative design, and a customer-first philosophy.
In order to provide the highest levels of comfort and convenience, 4S the Aurrum Sector 59 Gurgaon boasts incredibly thoughtful and precise planning in both its design and features. These large 3 and 4BHK apartments, which are designed to optimize space, natural light, and air circulation in every way, ensure that every family member has the ideal balance of practical living areas, contemporary aesthetics, and privacy. There is plenty of open space that can easily support a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle. This modern building design makes use of its large windows and elegant lines to provide panoramic vistas and an abundance of natural light. The quality of life is improved by luxurious finishes, premium fittings, and amazing attention to detail. They use high-quality materials and are created by professionals in the fields of architecture and engineering to last a long time, be safe and sound, and provide a good level of life. With 4S the Aurrum's smart home technology, residents can operate their security, air conditioning, and lighting from anywhere, increasing convenience and efficiency.
Since 4S the Aurrum is a lifestyle destination with amenities available all over the world, it caters to the demands and preferences of contemporary living rather than just a residential complex. The developers have taken every precaution to ensure that residents may spend their free time on the property without ever leaving. A large clubhouse featuring indoor sports, a lounge, and multipurpose halls for organizing social events and meetings is one of the excellent amenities that set 4S the Aurrum apart. Additionally, there is a large, exquisitely designed swimming pool that is available to residents all year round for them to unwind and stay in shape, as well as a play area exclusively for kids that is furnished with entertaining and safe playthings to ensure that younger residents have all the room they require to engage in enjoyable activities. 4S The Aurrum prioritizes the highest level of security and safety for its residents. To guarantee that the tenants live in a safe environment, the building is outfitted with the most cutting-edge security equipment, such as CCTV surveillance and day and night security guards. Naturally, inhabitants would be less likely to worry about experiencing a power outage if there was a consistent power supply in all common spaces and essential services.
 4S The Aurrum Location Features
The fact that 4S the Aurrum is situated in Sector 59, Gurgaon, is arguably one of its main advantages. The property is situated in a strategically favorable neighborhood that offers the ease of suburban living along with easy access to business and commercial centers. Gurgaon is home to numerous large corporate offices, and Sector 59 is close to other important commercial areas including DLF Cyber City and Golf Course Road. Excellent access to major roads, highways, and the Delhi Metro network is one of this location's many great features. The property has easy access to the Dwarka Expressway and NH 8, which naturally saves time while traveling to Delhi, the IGI Airport, and other parts of Gurgaon. This area can also be connected to public transportation by buses and autorickshaws. Sector 59 and the surrounding area of Gurgaon are home to the top schools and educational facilities. Families with kids will love this region because it is home to some of the best schools in the area, such as GD Goenka World School, The Heritage School, and Shri Ram School. Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Medanta – The Medicity, and Artemis Hospital are a few of the best hospitals and health care facilities in the area that offer medical attention when it is truly needed.
lady Florence Convent School - 15.3km
Park Hospital - 8.1km
Ambience Mall - 14.7km
Basai Dhankot - 19.6km
Indira Gandhi International Airport - 20.2km
Gurugram University - 6.8km
Unni Krishnan Stadium - 23.8km
4S the Aurrum is about luxury, modern living, and convenience more than it is about a house. Offering top-notch amenities and roomy 3 and 4BHK apartments, this development is well-positioned in Sector 59 and has the support of reputable 4S Developers. 4S the Aurrum is the ideal option for anyone who values luxury and convenience, whether they are a working professional looking for close proximity to their office, a family seeking a secure and cozy environment, or an individual. This project is expected to be a long-term investment that offers people an unmatched level of beauty and quality in their lifestyle.
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ipdindia · 15 days ago
Luxurious Homes at Oxirich Chintamani, Gurgaon
Elevate Your Lifestyle at Oxirich Chintamani Sector 103 Gurgaon
In the dynamic heart of Gurgaon, Chintamanis Sector 103 emerges as a symbol of sophistication and innovation, redefining urban living for those who seek luxury and sustainability.
Developed by the trusted Oxirich Group, this RERA-registered project is poised to transform the skyline with its November 2026 possession timeline.
Blending cutting-edge design, eco-conscious practices, and unmatched amenities, Chintamanis Sector 103 Gurgaon promises a lifestyle of grandeur. Here’s an in-depth look at why this project is capturing the attention of homebuyers and investors alike.
Unbeatable Location: Where Convenience Meets Prestige
Strategically positioned in Sector 103, the project offers seamless connectivity to Gurgaon’s key landmarks:
NH-8 Access: Effortlessly link to Delhi, Jaipur, and the Indira Gandhi International Airport within minutes.
Metro Proximity: A proposed metro station nearby ensures stress-free commuting across the NCR.
Education & Healthcare: Top institutions like The HDFC School and DPS are within reach, while hospitals such as Artemis and Columbia Asia provide world-class care.
Retail & Leisure: Explore premium destinations like Ambience Mall and DLF Cyber Hub for shopping, dining, and entertainment.
This prime location makes Chintamanis Flats a magnet for families and professionals seeking connectivity and comfort.
Project Overview: A Fusion of Luxury and Sustainability
Spread across 4.18 acres, Chintamanis Sector 103 Gurgaon comprises three soaring 22-story towers with 361 residences, including 3-BHK, 4-BHK, and duplex penthouses starting at ₹1.85 crores. Key highlights include:
Architectural Marvels: 12-ft floor heights, floor-to-ceiling double-glazed windows, and 3-sided open layouts ensure abundant light and airflow.
Eco-Friendly Living: The project’s GRIHA certification underscores its green credentials, from energy-efficient systems to rainwater harvesting.
Lavish Interiors: Premium finishes like Italian marble, modular kitchens with high-end appliances, and spa-inspired bathrooms elevate everyday living.
Smart Parking: Dedicated 3x car parking per unit eliminates clutter, while a grand 16-ft high lobby exudes opulence.
Amenities Designed for Modern Living
The Chintamanis Sector 103 Brochure reveals a treasure trove of over 30 amenities tailored for luxury and wellness:
20,000 Sq. Ft Clubhouse: Dive into relaxation with a temperature-controlled pool, fully equipped gym, spa, salon, and mini-theatre.
Wellness Zones: Unwind at the yoga deck, reflexology garden, or jogging track nestled amid lush greenery.
Social & Work Spaces: Host gatherings in the party area, collaborate in co-working zones, or entertain in the private theater.
Family-Friendly Features: Kids’ play areas, landscaped gardens, and secure walking pathways cater to all ages.
Every detail, from 24/7 security to smart home automation, ensures a safe, convenient lifestyle.
Tailored Payment Plans for Every Investor
Oxirich Group offers flexible payment options to suit diverse financial goals:
Construction-Linked Plan (CLP): Payments align with construction milestones, starting at 7.5% of TCV post-booking.
Possession-Linked Plan (PLP): 30% payment during super-structure and 30% upon occupancy certification.
Down Payment Plan (DP): Secure your flat with 90% upfront and 10% at possession.
Detailed in the Chintamanis Sector 103 Brochure, these plans prioritize transparency and ease.
Why Invest in Chintamanis Flats?
RERA Assurance: Legal compliance guarantees timely delivery and investor protection.
High ROI Potential: Gurgaon’s booming real estate market and upcoming infrastructure projects promise significant appreciation.
Future-Ready Design: Earthquake-resistant structures and smart home tech ensure long-term value.
Affordable Luxury: Competitive pricing compared to neighboring projects makes it a savvy investment.
The Oxirich Group Legacy
With a legacy of trust and innovation, the Oxirich Group has delivered landmark projects across India. Their focus on sustainability, customer satisfaction, and timely execution shines in Chintamanis Sector 103 Gurgaon, reinforcing their reputation as pioneers in affordable luxury.
Neighborhood Highlights
Beyond the project’s gates, residents enjoy:
Educational Excellence: Institutions like Shiv Nadar School and GD Goenka are nearby.
Healthcare Hub: Multi-specialty hospitals like Medanta and Fortis ensure top-tier care.
Cultural Hotspots: Explore art galleries, gourmet restaurants, and entertainment zones in Cyber City.
Chintamanis Sector 103 isn’t just a home—it’s a gateway to a refined, sustainable lifestyle. With its GRIHA-certified design, avant-garde amenities, and prime location, this project is a testament to Oxirich Group’s commitment to excellence. Whether you’re a homebuyer craving luxury or an investor eyeing growth, Chintamanis Flats deliver unmatched value.
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investmentestate15 · 23 days ago
Signature Global 37D on Dwarka Expressway-Investmentestate
Signature Global 37D is an ambitious residential project strategically located on the Dwarka Expressway, one of the fastest-growing areas in Delhi-NCR. The development offers 3BHK and 4BHK flats, tailored to meet the needs of modern families who desire comfort, security, and easy connectivity. The project is meticulously designed to provide a holistic living experience that combines functionality with aesthetics.
With its proximity to key commercial hubs, educational institutions, hospitals, and entertainment centers, Signature Global 37D ensures a balanced lifestyle. Whether you're looking to buy a home for yourself or as an investment, this property offers tremendous value.
Why Choose Signature Global 37D on Dwarka Expressway?
Prime Location: Dwarka Expressway is one of the most sought-after locations in Delhi-NCR. The strategic location of Signature Global 37D ensures unmatched connectivity to key destinations like Dwarka, Gurgaon, IGI Airport, and the upcoming Diplomatic Enclave. The expressway is set to become a vital artery for Delhi’s transportation system, enhancing the overall value of properties in the area.
Superior Construction Quality: Signature Global has established a reputation for building high-quality homes, and the 37D project is no different. The construction follows the best practices in the industry, with high-end materials, innovative design, and meticulous attention to detail. Each 3BHK and 4BHK flat is designed to offer maximum space, natural light, and ventilation.
Affordable Luxury: Signature Global 37D combines luxury with affordability. Offering spacious 3BHK and 4BHK flats at competitive prices, this project stands out in terms of cost-effectiveness while providing residents with world-class amenities. Buyers are assured of great value for their money, whether they choose to live in the property or invest for future returns.
Modern Amenities: The development is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities designed to cater to all aspects of urban living. From a modern clubhouse, gymnasium, swimming pool, and children’s play area to landscaped gardens, round-the-clock security, and ample parking space, every aspect of Signature Global 37D is designed for comfort and convenience.
RERA Approved: Signature Global 37D is RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) approved, ensuring that the project adheres to all necessary legal standards and offers transparency to buyers. RERA approval guarantees timely possession and ensures the project is being developed in compliance with all regulations.
Green and Sustainable Living: The project is designed with sustainability in mind, integrating eco-friendly features such as rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient lighting, and waste management systems. Signature Global 37D is a perfect blend of modern living with an environmentally conscious approach.
Benefits of Investing in Signature Global 37D on Dwarka Expressway
High Capital Appreciation: The Dwarka Expressway area is rapidly developing and has seen tremendous growth in infrastructure, making it a hotbed for real estate investments. Investing in Signature Global 37D offers the potential for high returns due to the increasing demand for residential properties in this area.
Excellent Connectivity: With easy access to the Dwarka Expressway, residents can quickly commute to other parts of Delhi, Gurgaon, and the IGI Airport. This level of connectivity is crucial for professionals and families who value convenience and time-saving.
Close to Major Commercial Hubs: Signature Global 37D is located near key business and commercial areas, including Cyber City and Udyog Vihar in Gurgaon. The area also houses major corporate offices, retail centers, and leisure destinations, making it ideal for professionals who work in these regions.
Increased Rental Demand: With the development of the Dwarka Expressway and the area’s growing popularity, rental demand is expected to increase significantly. This makes the Signature Global 37D flats an excellent choice for those looking to invest in properties with high rental income potential.
Capitalizing on Infrastructure Growth: The government’s push for infrastructure development, including improved connectivity, upgraded social amenities, and the construction of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), ensures that property values along the Dwarka Expressway will continue to rise. Signature Global 37D is strategically positioned to benefit from these developments.
Premium Lifestyle: Investing in a flat in Signature Global 37D doesn’t just guarantee a home; it promises a lifestyle. With its top-notch facilities, elegant interiors, and modern design, residents can enjoy an enhanced living experience that combines luxury with convenience.
Signature Global 37D on Dwarka Expressway offers a premium living experience with 3BHK and 4BHK flats designed to meet the diverse needs of modern families and investors. The project combines high-quality construction, a strategic location, superior amenities, and long-term value growth potential, making it a top choice for anyone seeking to invest in real estate. Whether you're looking for a home to live in or an investment property, Signature Global 37D promises excellent returns and a lifestyle that reflects the best of contemporary living.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Investing in Signature Global 37D is more than just a purchase – it's an investment in your future.
Contact Details
For more information, site visits, or booking inquiries, please contact us at:
Phone: +91 85870 25600
Website: https://investmentestate.in/signature-global-37d/
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5xtrade · 26 days ago
How to Choose the Best Mobile Trading App in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Navigating the Indian mobile trading app market can feel overwhelming. With numerous options available, selecting the right app is crucial for effective trading. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make an informed choice.
The Rise of Mobile Trading in India: Statistics and Growth Trends
Mobile trading in India has witnessed significant growth over recent years. In 2022, around 70% of retail investors preferred mobile apps for trading over traditional methods. The convenience and ease of use have attracted many users, with the number of mobile trading accounts surpassing 40 million. These growing trends highlight the increasing reliance on mobile technology in financial transactions.
Why Choosing the Right App Matters: Avoiding Pitfalls and Maximizing Returns
Selecting the right mobile trading app in India is vital. A poorly chosen platform can lead to big losses and missed opportunities. Good apps provide tools and features that enhance your trading experience. They can help you minimize risks and maximize profits.
Setting Your Expectations: Defining Your Trading Needs and Goals
Before diving into app selection, think about what you need. Are you a beginner or an experienced trader? Do you focus on stocks, forex, or cryptocurrencies? Identifying your goals helps you choose an app that fits your trading style.
Key Features to Consider in a Mobile Trading App
User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX): Intuitive Design and Ease of Navigation
A well-designed app makes trading easier. Look for:
Clear layouts that show information upfront.
Easy navigation to access different features quickly.
Customizable dashboards to track your preferred securities.
Security Features: Robust Protection Against Cyber Threats and Data Breaches
Safety is paramount. Important security features include:
Two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra protection.
Data encryption to safeguard your information.
Regular security updates to protect against new threats.
Order Execution Speed and Reliability: Minimizing Delays and Ensuring Accurate Transactions
Fast and reliable order execution can impact your profits. Check for:
Low latency in order placements.
High uptime for the app.
User reviews regarding transaction efficiency.
Comparing Top Mobile Trading Apps in India
Top 3 Brokerage Apps: Analysis of Features and Fees
Zerodha Kite: Popular for its user-friendly interface and low brokerage fees.
Upstox Pro: Offers robust charting tools and competitive pricing.
ICICI Direct: Known for its comprehensive research tools but higher fees.
Evaluating Customer Support: Responsiveness and Accessibility of Support Channels
Good customer service can make a huge difference. Look for apps that offer:
24/7 support through multiple channels (chat, email, phone).
Fast response times to queries.
Helpful resources like FAQs and knowledge bases.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to SEBI regulations
Choose companies that follow the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulations. This ensures a level of trust and security in your trading activities.
Understanding Trading Fees and Charges
Brokerage Fees and Commissions: Comparing Pricing Structures Across Different Apps
Different apps have various pricing models. Some may charge flat fees, while others use a percentage of trades. Compare to find what suits you:
Flat fee per trade vs. percentage-based fees.
Look for zero-delivery charges if you plan to hold stocks long-term.
Transaction Charges and Other Hidden Costs: Transparency and Cost-Effectiveness
Always check for hidden costs. Common fees include:
Stamp duties
Transaction charges for deposits and withdrawals
Any annual maintenance fees.
Account Opening Fees and Minimum Balance Requirements: A Comparative Analysis
Many apps require an initial deposit. Compare these to find the most cost-effective options:
Zero account opening fees
Low minimum balance requirements for trading accounts
Essential Security and Risk Management Considerations
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Other Security Protocols: Importance and Implementation
2FA acts as an extra layer of security. It ensures only you can access your account. Choose an app that readily implements this feature.
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zelda-larsson · 2 months ago
Responsible Business Practices in Payment Processing
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The digital payment landscape continues to evolve, making responsible business practices a top priority for payment processors, merchants, and financial institutions. Ethical and transparent payment processing ensures consumer trust, regulatory compliance, and long-term business sustainability. From data security to fair pricing models, companies in this space are under increasing scrutiny to balance innovation with responsible operations.
Key Aspects of Responsible Payment Processing.
A responsible payment processing system goes beyond transaction efficiency. It ensures fairness, security, and inclusivity in financial interactions.
1. Transparent Pricing and Fee Structures.
Businesses and consumers alike should have clear visibility into the costs associated with payment transactions. Hidden fees and unclear pricing structures erode trust and can lead to financial strain for small businesses. For example, some processors adopt flat-rate pricing models, while others use interchange-plus structures that provide greater clarity into cost breakdowns.
Eric Hannelius CEO of Pepper Pay, states, “Transparency in payment processing is about building long-term relationships with businesses and consumers. Companies that prioritize clear pricing models and fair transaction fees will always be ahead in terms of trust and retention.”
2. Data Security and Fraud Prevention.
With increasing cyber threats, responsible payment processors must implement cutting-edge security measures to protect customer data and financial transactions. Encryption, tokenization, and multi-factor authentication are essential in reducing fraud risks. For example, payment processors that offer real-time fraud detection and AI-driven security solutions can proactively identify suspicious transactions before they result in losses.
3. Ethical AI Use in Payment.
AI is increasingly used in fraud detection, credit scoring, and risk assessment. However, ensuring ethical AI practices is necessary to prevent biases and discrimination in payment approvals. For example, AI-driven payment solutions that use diverse and unbiased data sets help prevent unfair transaction declines and improve financial accessibility.
4. Commitment to Regulatory Compliance.
Payment processing businesses operate under a range of financial regulations, including PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) laws. Compliance ensures that businesses uphold industry standards and avoid legal risks. For example, companies that conduct regular audits and maintain up-to-date compliance certifications demonstrate a strong commitment to responsible financial practices.
5. Sustainability in Payment Operations.
Sustainable business practices in payment processing involve reducing energy consumption in data centers, using digital receipts instead of paper, and adopting eco-friendly financial products. For example, some payment companies now offer carbon-neutral transactions, allowing businesses to offset the environmental impact of digital payments.
“Sustainability in payment processing is more than an environmental initiative. It’s a business strategy,” says Eric Hannelius. “Companies that integrate responsible financial practices protect the planet and also build stronger relationships with environmentally conscious consumers.”
The Business Advantage of Ethical Payment Practices.
Responsible payment processing isn’t just about avoiding penalties or adhering to regulations. It enhances brand reputation, improves customer loyalty, and strengthens long-term profitability. Companies that prioritize transparency, security, and sustainability position themselves as industry leaders in a highly competitive market.
By adopting ethical business practices, payment processors contribute to a financial ecosystem that benefits businesses, consumers, and society as a whole.
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