#flare slizer
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Slizers! All of 'em!
Doing the spiritual precursors to Bionicle was a fun challenge and I've had these sitting on my hard drive for quite some time. Maybe one day I'll take a stab at the Roboriders, who knows.
Really leaned hard into the whole "Blaster is a fusion of Judge/Jet and Jungle/Amazon" idea implied by the face print. He's probably in constant pain.
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boxturret · 10 months
Slizers vs Throwbots: Regional differences
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Its well known that the Slizer line was changed quite a bit for its release in North America. The line was renamed Throwbots, the individual set names were all changed (Honestly this seems to be an okay change, as apart from Judge I quite like the new names, and this doesn't seem to be an uncommon opinion), and the setting was changed.
One very subtle change that I've had a hard time tracking down was the actual art for the sets. I managed to acquire copies of the instruction booklets for every set, Slizer and Throwbots, and have scanned them all, and they can be found HERE.
What follows is comparison between the Slizer and Throwbots instruction booklets.
8500-Fire Slizer/Torch
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The Slizer version features a humanoid fire being, but the Throwbots version removes the face entirely, though this being can still be found on the 6 pip disc art. In fact its the same illustration, just mirrored.
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8501-Ice Slizer/Ski
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The Slizer version features an ice outcropping with an evil looking face. The Throwbot version erases the face.
Though this creature doesn't appear in the discs, a similar concept of an avalanche with a face does, on the 6 pip disc.
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8502-City Slizer/Turbo
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This is the first one to not have any changes that I can see.
Every piece of Slizer art features the main set, and in the background one of the enemies the Slizer would face in its region. For City Slizer it seems to the be city itself, this large building featuring a monstrous face. For whatever reason this face was deemed not necessary to remove, perhaps because it was positioned mostly behind the logo.
The instructions use the cover background and the face can be seen more clearly there. Notably Flare Slizer uses the same background for its instruction book.
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Turbo's 6 pip disc doesn't feature a malevolent building, but instead a truck intent on running them over.
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8503-Sub Slizer/Scuba
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Again, this one was not altered, perhaps it was found that removing the evil eyes off the giant jellyfish was counterproductive. A modified version of this art (or is the cover version the modified version? Hard to know what came first) can be found on the 6 pip disc.
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This same creature also appears in the small comic on the poster I believe was included in some Slizer sets. Its delightful.
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8504-Judge Slizer/Jet
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Again, no change. Unlike the other's Judge doesn't feature this, or any creature on its 6 pip disc. This star monster is featured in the comic though, seeming to be the target for the disc launching game, of which Judge is the...judge of.
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8505-Jungle Slizer/Amazon
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Finally, there are more differences. The Slizer version features Jungle Slizer slicing this evil tree, complete with mouth, eyes, and hands, in half. The Throwbot version simply removes the eye light, the facial features are still there. The 6 pip disc features them fighting a different type of plant, something more modelled off a Venus Fly Trap. The 5 pip disc though does feature them chopping a seemingly not evil tree in half.
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8506-Rock Slizer/Granite
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This is one of the more subtle ones, way in the background there's a rock formation that resembles a skull. In the Slizer version it features slightly glowing eyes, the eye glow is removed in the Throwbots version. The 6 pip disc art features Rock Slizer facing off against a similar stone face with glowing eyes.
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8507-Energy Slizer/Electro
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Finally we come to Energy. This one I think is one of the more odd ones, as the Slizer version features this evil cloud zapping Energy with arms made of lightning. The Throwbot version removes the red eyes, but everything else remains the same, the mouth, the lightning arms, the zapped Electro. This exact art appears on the 6 pip disc.
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To my knowledge there was only one set of discs, so despite the changes made to the packaging the Throwbots's discs featured all these creatures that the modified box art didn't want to show, its very odd.
And this is where the version differences end, for the instructions at least. After this, with the release of 8520, though they still changed the name, Millennium Slizer vs Millennia, they stayed with one instruction book for both, the back of the booklet even featuring both line's logos, and both names for each set (though you can see they are using the Slizer box arts).
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Then by wave two proper there was no more name divergence, and the logos and names were left off the instructions entirely.
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One has to wonder if the successor series, Roboriders, featuring the names of the characters printed right on their face pieces was an attempt to stop this whole naming issue coming up again.
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I just wanted to have all this data in one place, I've spent a lot of time searching for the different versions and its quite hard to find good images, even leog's own site isn't consistent, featuring okay versions of all the Slizer's instructions, then this awful uncropped vertical scan of Electro.
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So now everything is at least in one place and in consistent quality.
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slizer88 · 8 years
Slizer: BMS v1.18b10
Release Date: 21/12/16 v1.18b10 1. Hastatus missile ammo reduced from 4 to 2 2. Princeps missile speed increased from 1.5 to 2, Velite from 1.5 to 2.5, Urdswan from 1.5 to 2 3. Urdswan and Aquila II now use the allies missile ability function 4. Fixed player flares not attracting enemy missiles 5. Fixed player units not getting upgrades and abilities in the simulation room 6. Fixed enemy missiles…
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boxturret · 6 months
By any chance would you happen to have instructions for Flare Slizer and the alternate model of The Boss Roborider? Flare's instructions on the Lego website similarly cut off and I can't seem to locate digitized versions of The Boss's alt instructions anywhere.
Sorry, I have their instructions, but I haven't scanned them. I'd like to at some point, but doing just this one took so long so its not something I'm going to be doing soon. I have found the 3 wheeled version of Boss here.
I'd love to get all the slizers and roboriders up to a proper level of quality one day. Millennium and Energy also have awful quality scans on the site.
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