#flah tw
poennator · 8 months
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nixierain · 2 months
Stories!! And some songs lyrics I wrote if you wanna read them
Alright so first up if Fire Leaf and Her Story (I call it FLAHS a lot). Its about my character (And kinda fursona I guess?) Fire Lead, shes an Iew/Meh hybrid, those arent allowed where shes from, Dragonopolis. So she decides to take it over with a corruption... named... Corruption. Its pretty cool, Really bloody and gorey with some romance laced around it too. Hoping to be a series
Next up we got Frozen Souls. This ones about a 14 year old boy named Vigor. He was originally living in Florida with his HEAVILY abusive family who hated him for hit heterochromia (two colored eyes) And so they abandoned him in canada in the middle of winter. He is found by a woman named Katy. TW: Abuse, trauma, harrassment, near death experiences, vomiting, some gore (Not as much as FLAHS) and other things
And lastly a bunch of vocal synth song lyrics I made. TW: Suicide Ideation, unrealtiy, SH, SA, HEAVY sexual themes, ripping off faces, hate for humanity, cannibalism, among probably other things.
ALL THESE BELONG AND ARE ORIGINAL TO ME, DO NOT STEAL OR CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN, all relations to things outside of them is completely coincidental, unless you asked me to add something in there of yours and thus that happenens and read with caution to the themes I mentioned.
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jeonjungkoos · 4 years
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