alixlives · 2 years
I present to you:
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themidnightfox · 2 years
New Years Thanks.
HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL!! I HOPE THIS YEAR IS AMAZING AND I'M EXCITED TO SPEND SOME MORE TIME WITH Y'ALL!! This is my first year I'm pretty sure out here, on tumblr. And I feel safe here. I love all of you so much. Special thanks to,
@elven-writing For being so nice to me, thank you bunny.
@kais3a For trusting me to be your friend, I know it's scary when joining a new community, but we already love you here, if I do say so myself/p
@totallynotbat For helping me wrangle up these damn kids/lh and for being a friend.
@explodeswaffleswithmind / @explodespancakeswithmind For helping me when I was scared
@tickly-floof For making me laugh and smile with your posts on bad days, even if you're a damn sand muncher/lh
@coffinsugar For staying alive for me so you can become the beautiful flower you're meant to be
@slimeylee , @alexartist89 , @dallyhall For making me the happiest mother in the whole world, my pride and joys. I love you.
@someone1348 For treating me nicely, always being a friend, and making me smile when I needed it
@ransstrangeblog For so much. You were the person I was so scared to talk to when I first go on here. Then I made one comment about you being Fizzthegenderman and then we were friends. I still think you are wayy too cool for me, but I appreciate you. Happy new years man.
And all my followers and mutuals for putting up with me! Happy New Year! Happy 2023! Thank you, I love you<3
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alixlives · 2 years
can i have some gender please?
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alixlives · 2 years
im offically the genderman everybody my friend wants my gender
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alixlives · 1 year
duuude for this profile when I type "Gender" in the tags "Fizzthegenderman" pops up and I thought you should know that because damn that shows how long i havent been on this profile for-
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alixlives · 2 years
Hello Fizzthegenderman, I has q u e s t i o n s.
4. Being made to say "tickle" or being made to admit how ticklish you are?
10. Tickles while reading or gaming?
14. Tickling the air above the spot or counting down?
20. Tickle hugs or tickle cuddles?
21. Wake up tickles or sleepytime tickles?
4- being made to say tickle
10- tickles while gaming
14- tickling the air above the spot
20- b o t h
21- sleepytime tickles
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