#fixing the headband on so it fits just right
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Couples Costume
Stefan Salvatore x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Stefan is dead set against dressing up for Halloween, but his girlfriend might just have found a way to outplay him.
Word Count: 1,262
Category: Fluff
Requested by @cncownerxstefansalvatorefanxstay for a fluffy Halloween with Stefan! This prompt kinda possessed me for a minute until it was done being written, so I figured what better day to double up on fic posting than Friday the 13th? Hope you like it!
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"Okay! What do you think? Nadja and Laszlo or Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf? One is more fitting but the other is funnier."
I held up the costumes in question so Stefan, my boyfriend, could get a good look. He glanced up from his reading with a bewildered expression, his eyes scanning each of the costumes before landing on me with a frown.
"What is this for?" he asked. My mouth dropped open.
"For Halloween! Obviously! Come on, Stefan, we have to dress up."
"No. No, we don't," he said, a laughing smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as his eyes dropped back to his reading. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Are you seriously telling me you're not going to dress up with me for Halloween?"
"I... think I am telling you that, yeah."
"But what about the trick-or-treaters who come to the door! We want to be the cool people with awesome costumes, don't we?"
"Mmm.... no."
I sighed dramatically, letting both costumes drop to my sides. I narrowed my eyes at my boyfriend, but he didn't flinch, not looking up from his reading.
"I'll support you if you decide to dress up," he finally said. "But I'm not putting on a costume."
"Fine. I guess I can't force you," I said, flopping my arms dramatically as I turned away from Stefan, a smirk on my face. This was not over by a longshot.
A few hours later, as the sun started to set and it was time to get ready for trick-or-treaters, Stefan wandered out of the bathroom with his shirt off. We were hosting a big Halloween party later, so we needed to be dressed and ready for both.
"You decided not to dress up?" asked Stefan, running a suspicious eye over my outfit. I just shrugged.
"It's not as much fun if you don't do it with me."
Stefan smirked a little as he moved back towards he bed. "The guilt trip's not gonna work on me."
"Not even if I ramp it up to an eleven?"
He snorted, not bothering to respond as he surveyed the outfit I'd laid out for him on the bed. Once he was apparently satisfied the shirt wouldn't secretly turn into a ruffled monstrosity befitting Laszlo Cravensworth, he pulled it on and buttoned it up, then slipped on the gray pea coat I'd left with it.
With my heavy, light brown jacket and headband, my plan was officially complete. I smiled and stepped closer to Stefan, fixing his collar before running my hands through his hair a few times, spiking it up even more. When I'd finished, I stepped back and gave him a beaming smile.
"You look great," I said. He smiled, then leaned in to kiss me. We lingered for a minute before he pulled back.
"You look great too."
We shared a smile, then I held out a hand, which Stefan took.
"Come on, we have trick-or-treaters to greet."
I pulled him after me as we headed downstairs. Damon, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie were setting up for the party, but I'd volunteered Stefan and I to answer the door for anyone who came by.
We didn't have to wait long before the doorbell rang. I smiled and grabbed the bowl of candy, Stefan right behind me as we opened the door. A group of kids with their high school-aged chaperon stood at the door beaming, candy baskets in-hand.
"Trick or treat!" they chorused. I smiled.
"You guys have some great costumes! What do we have, a vampire, a Jedi, Spock..."
"What are you dressed as?" asked a little girl towards the front. I beamed, mentally thanking her for the opening I'd been waiting for.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Stefan, ready to tell her we hadn't dressed up. I spoke up before he got the chance.
"We're Bella and Edward from Twilight!"
I felt Stefan tense next to me as realization washed over him, which only made me smile wider as the kids beamed.
"That's a good costume!" said the girl in the front.
"You look just like him," the boy next to her agreed, nodding at Stefan.
"Thanks! Let's get you guys your candy, your outfits deserve some extra treats."
We smiled and waved as we gave the kids their candy, and I noticed Stefan slipped the vampire an extra bar or two. We waved as they headed off, and as soon as I shut the door, Stefan turned to me, hands on his hips and a stern look on his face.
"Bella and Edward? Seriously?"
"Yeah!" I replied, not even a little bit phased. "It's a low key costume, enough that you didn't even realize you were wearing it, but I still get to do a couples costume with my boyfriend. It's the best of both worlds."
Stefan sighed a deep, heavy, long-suffering sigh.
"I'm changing before the party."
"No!" I cried, reaching out to grab his arm. He hadn't made to move away yet, but I wanted to be ready if he did. "Please wear it for the party too. Please? For me?"
I batted my eyelashes and gave Stefan my best adorable guilt-trip look. He stared back, his expression not budging an inch, until finally he sighed again, throwing his head back and staring at the ceiling.
"Yes! Thank you." I pulled him to me, and grudgingly, he wrapped his arms around my waist as a small smile tugged its way onto his face. "You're the best boyfriend ever, Stef."
"I know."
He smiled again, then leaned down to kiss me. I leaned into him, and I think we would've stayed that way a lot longer if we hadn't been interrupted by another ring of the doorbell.
Reluctantly, Stefan and I pulled apart, sharing a smile.
"We should probably get that," I said. He hummed, not quite letting me go yet.
"I don't know if I can. You're like my own personal brand of heroin."
I laughed, which got a beaming smile out of Stefan even as I finally slipped out of his grasp.
"I can't believe you paid enough attention when we watched the movies to remember that but not enough to realize I was putting you in the same costume Edward wore!"
Stefan shrugged. "Maybe I just wanted to let you have this one."
I paused, narrowing my eyes at Stefan to try to decide if he really had put up with the costume for me, knowing the whole time what I'd been doing, or if he was just messing with me. Before I could decide, he reached past me to swing the door open and another group of kids greeted us with smiles on their faces.
"Trick or treat!"
"Wow, another vampire costume. There seem to be a lot of those this year," he said, smiling at the kid in question. "I think yours is the best I've seen, though."
The kid absolutely beamed at the compliment, and I moved up next to Stefan as we chatted with the trick-or-treaters and handed out the candy. One of the kids actually guessed our costume this time, and Stefan was the one to tell them they were right, we were Bella and Edward. With his arm around me as we talked with each and every kid who came to the door, I could tell Stefan was warming up to the couple's costume idea, whether or not he'd been aware of what he was getting into in the first place.
I just hoped that warm feeling would be enough to carry him through whatever inevitable bad jokes Damon made at his expense all night once the kids were gone and the party began.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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loraluna · 10 months
Rating Rune Factory Wedding Dresses (Because I have some opinions)
Rune Factory (1)
I honestly think this dress is top tier in terms of design. The snowy white with pops of color, the scalloped flowy sleeves, the barely exposed shoulders, that lovely subtle headdress and veil, it's all so pretty and elegant to me. I believe it suits all the girls in RF1 beautifully, though I do feel like Tabatha (center) and Rosetta (right) are standouts~
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Rune Factory 2
It's a very lovely design overall though I do think it creates a bit of an odd silhouette. There are still many elements to appreciate, like the lacey detailed edges and the bold but uncommon use of green. I also give them bonus points for containing a dress sprite of he/him character Ray (right) in the game's data (Trans RF character confirmed?) I think the dress best suits curvier girls like Yue (left) but it's also a real treat to finally see Dorothy's (center) lovely eyes~
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Rune Factory Frontier
This dress really doesn't do it for me. I can tell they were going for more of a ceremonial robes vibe rather than a traditional wedding dress and from a distance it almost works but the outfit up close is just bulky and unflattering. Maybe if they fixed the headdress or gave the robe some really pretty accents or beading it could work, but as it is, it's probably the last thing I'd wanna be virtually married in. The one thing I do like is that it gives most of the girls a unique updo for their wedding day.
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Rune Factory 3/RF3 Special
This used to be my least favorite RF wedding dress before that honor went to Frontier. The more I look at it, the more I realize that most of my disdain lies with the headdress and not the dress itself. The actual dress is fine, in fact there are some parts I really like, the sheer material on the upper arms for one, or the shawl, I just don't think it particularly looks like a wedding dress. That headdress though...oh boy, it looks like someone just glued a bunch of random sh*t they found to a headband and called it a day. It's just very cluttered and doesn't scream 'wedding' at all. If I have to pick a stand out it would probably be Raven (center) since her pose and hair color hide many of the design fails. Also Daria (right) because it seems like the sort of chaotic outfit she, herself would design.
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Rune Factory Tides of Destiny/Oceans
This game didn't get the usual character portraits so the images aren't great, but my opinion on these dresses was very so-so, I definitely wouldn't call them ugly, and I do love the colors and rare use of a real bouquet, they just didn't seem to stand out all that much. Especially in terms of RF costumes. They seem a little bulky on the models but I honestly think they could have fixed that by just having character portraits. Not bad. Not great. Just middle of the road dresses. As standouts I'd pick Sonja and Electra (left and center). Their hair colors complement the dress and Electra is already suited to the poofy ballgown look anyway.
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Rune Factory 4/RF4 Special
RF4's dress has a very ethereal, almost fairy-like look to it, which I personally find very gorgeous. It's pretty busy like many of the previous dresses, but unlike those, I feel like the elements here actually work together. The long flowy veil and blue rose accents are just beautiful, as is the detailed corset and neckpiece making up the torso. I'm not personally a huge fan of the flower petal looking design on the hips, but it does fit well with the whole aesthetic. As for standouts, It looks tailor made for Frey (left), but I definitely think taller, long haired girls like Dolce and Margaret (center and right) look amazing in it as well.
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Rune Factory 5
I think this dress is beautiful as a whole, a bit more traditional and subdued than previous wedding outfits but personally I love it. The silhouette is flattering on everyone and the color scheme is unique among the other dresses by sticking with only warmer colors as opposed to the cool blues and greens of past games. I also love how the tint of the roses changes slightly depending on who's wearing the dress. All in all it reminds me a lot of the subtle elegance of RF1's dress and that makes it a win for me. For standouts I think Fukka's (center) complexion and hair go beautifully with the dresses colors. Ludmilla (right) also looks divine with the rosy aesthetic~
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What's your favorite wedding look from the RF series? Who wore it best? Comment or tag if you feel like dishing some opinions of your own (Or just answer my poll ;)
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lifesteal-headcanons · 4 months
On a server where trust is hard to come by and attacks come from friends and enemies alike, Lifestealers show care and affection in much subtler ways.
One day, Spoke came home to see his once-frayed rainbow headband patched up on the crafting table. He always said he was going to fix it himself, but was interrupted time and time again by grand plans and world destruction and heck, his own inability to sit still. He can almost imagine Parrot shaking his head and sighing before picking up a needle and thread. As Spoke weaves the fixed headband through his hair, he smiles. It fits perfectly.
Every time Subz got a new helmet, Vitalasy would spend a sleepless night cutting holes in the sides to accommodate Subz’s horns. Even though Vitalasy loves to sleep early and wake up late, this is a labor of love he never forgets to complete. After months of teaming with him and hundreds of off-key karaoke sessions, he knows the shape and size of Subz's horns by memory.
When PMC was still a thing, Minutetech would occasionally wash and iron their suits a day earlier than laundry day. A little welcome surprise for his team after a long afternoon of assassinations. Despite him hating the smell of blood, despite Clownpierce and Leowook regularly volunteering to do it instead, Minute smiles as he scrubs.
Princezam makes a habit of staying awake at dawn, pacing in his sign room. On those nights, Pangi would put a glass of warm milk and cookies outside the door. He knows that although talking things out would probably be healthier, sometimes his friend needs alone time. But just in case, the clink of plates being set on the ground are there like a knock on the door; a wordless “if you need me, I'll be right here.” When Zam opens up the door and sees Pangi’s gift, sometimes he starts crying again, but not out of sadness.
On a server where most people prefer being alone to being vulnerable, little gestures like these mean so much more than they are on the surface.
— 🌀 anon
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cup1dxzs · 1 year
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Darling Little puppet
Wally X Reader
Chapter 2- Noodle soup
It had been late afternoon, the children’s puppet show that had you enthralled with was long gone by now, much to your displeasure. It wasn’t often when you’d find yourself anticipating for the next release of an episode since you’d prefer not to indulge yourself with silly little things such as that, but alas you had fallen victim to such.
For now you’d stick with making yourself a small dinner as your appetite wasn’t demanding for too much food and you didn’t want to end up with a stomach ache. After some thinking on your part you had chosen to make yourself some chick noodle soup, that way when you had leftovers you could have some soup for breakfast tomorrow morning. As you made the concoction you’d call soup your mind slowly wandered back to that children’s show to which you had learned was called ‘Welcome Home’, albeit strange in your opinion because who were they welcoming home? But it could be that they’re welcoming the viewer, in this case was you, home.
Also something else interesting to remember was that you’d learn the darling little puppets name, Wally, thanks to another friend of Wally, she had bright blonde hair with pink felted ‘skin’ and to accompany her was a bright red dress that faded into yellow towards the bottom, including green leggings that you supposed only she could pull off followed by some white dressing shoes, she also had what seemed to be horns on a headband? You weren’t sure what the inspiration was from but it was still such an endearing puppet to look at, her name was Julie, it fit her happy go lucky personality. You had to give credits for the designer of all these puppets since they were just so well made especially for a children’s show.
As much as you wanted to focus on the cutesy parts of the show you couldn’t help yourself but to think about how strange Wally was, as much as he was such a cute little doll- erm- puppet you felt something was definitely wrong when you would spot him just staring right into the camera as his other neighbors would talk amongst each other, his eyes would be two black voids they’d be so blown out that you wouldn’t even be able to see the whites of the eye from where you rested on the couch. Seeing him not break eye contact even to blink sent shivers down your spine, but maybe you were just overthinking it? I mean the thought that some kiddy show had something cryptic hidden inside was laughable in itself, even if it did you were pretty sure that the channel that broadcasted would take it off the air faster then you could snap-
“Shit! That hurts!” You cried out as you saw blood slowly start to trickle down your finger, you’d stupidly cut your finger chopping the carrots, clearly your attention was somewhere other then focusing on cooking the food. Turning off the stove you’d be quickly on your way to look for a bandage, cupping your finger as some blood dripped slipped through and dripping down onto the floor, it made you feel queasy to see all that blood.
Finally gone from the living space and somewhere else roaming the small house a faint click was heard by none, the Tv was on and nothing but static could be seen, or so one could have thought, a faint outline of two inky black voids that could be considered eye stared out into the room, analyzing it.
I wasn’t expecting the last post I made to be seen by others :,D but I’m so thankful that you guys read it!! Also lemme know if theirs anything I can fix or just anything you wanna let me know!!!
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hcxcubcd · 2 months
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I picture Kinich here to be roughly around the ages of 19 to 22 as he is quite tall and doesn't look like a teenager, I could be wrong though.
My version of him has the appropriate skin tone of the culture he's supposed to originally represent: Mayan.
He will also have his full name: Kinich Ahau(K'inich Ahau) which is the name of the Sun God of Mayan/Yucatec Lore as the name itself means "sun-eyed" which fits so well with how his eyes look!
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(It literally looks like a shining sun!)
I do wish that Hoyo fixes the giant issue that they are having as it's not right to disrespect other cultures and such, this has been going on since the release of Sumeru, there are no more excuses that Hoyo can give.
I adore the current aesthetics and such in his clothes such as the colorful necklace and headband, it's just the skin tone issue as well as other important issues with the rest of the characters.
I will be getting Kinich in game as I adore his design and the fact he cured away my low mood that I had a week back, getting him be a thank you for that. ;u; 💚
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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livewireprojects · 4 months
Pride Month 2024 Sonic Sketches
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Second pic made in Procreate, kinda excited about it
Made a few sketches for pride month, kind of started out with a comic were Silver comes out to his mom as bisexual along with a pic of Blaze after telling her dad then decided to draw everyone at a pride parade & showing their pride
Everyone here is kind of based on my own ideas for the characters especially Mephiles since anything involving him has to do with the version I made for him for post-06 reboot. Also some stuff is in color(Blaze's forehead gem, Cosmo's necklace, Amy's headband, Sonic's hair clip, ghost aura stuff) cause it seemed fitting due to the meanings behind the colors on the pride flag.(Like purple for soul)
Middle row
Like the text says Blaze told her dad & he made her a frog hat to support her. He's a nice/friendly guy that cares a lot, it's unfortunate that Blaze's late mom was so terrible & left with Blaze for her own intentions.
Rouge & Knuckles at pride, I was a little worried about how well I got Rouge's bisexual flag makeup. I eventually fixed up the lipstick & added matching earrings. Knuckles unintentionally looks like a pirate cause I can't draw his hat at angles. So yeah my version of Knuckles & Rouge are bi, Knuckles use to date Sonic(in my ver) & Rouge has some interest in women in the past.(Especially Topaz at one point)
Here's Blaze & Silver, Silver has a bi flag cardigan. Pretty much at some point the two realized together they're bi. They eventually told their parents(well Blaze's mom is gone so she only told her dad) & they luckily have supportive families.
Surge isn't in my Lost Prince stuff but I thought she & Amy were cute together in the fanart people made. I also think Metal was interesting with Amy, at some point gets with her in the future in my Lost Prince AU. Metal at some point stops working for Eggman & tries to make their own identity after a talk with Sonic especially since they were becoming more sentient. Metal wasn't sure what he wanted but eventually figured things out.
Right row
The context of the sign is that this is meant to be Tails, Cosmo(revived as a plant/mobian chipmunk hybrid) & Cream when they're older & in their teens or later. The time skip is mostly cause at the moment Cream is pretty young in present day, Tails is too but he's slightly older. I guess you could say Tails & Cosmo had a puppy love or something then things got serious when they were older when Cosmo returned then later Cream joined them.
Cream is pretty accepting of who she's into, I dunno what Cosmo is into(I guess technically bi since she's dating Tails & later Cream when Cream joined the couple), Tails I think maybe straight but I dunno. At the very least Tails is supportive of his friends & brother.
Context for this is just I wanted to add Vanilla & her late spouse so them from the future. Added Vector cause him & Vanilla are kinda cute so he's her relationship from the future. So Vanilla's late partner is my OC Cake who despite willing to be called a dad by their kids(Cream & at some point Sonic cause I like the idea of the rabbits adopting him) & only them, Cake was nonbinary. The rabbit family is pretty accepting of people.
Decided to bring in Gadget & Zero/Infinite, the guy in the corner is Zero's late dad who I'll explain at a late point
And then there's these three. I'm not entirely sure what my thoughts on Shadow & Mephiles are, at some point I think I realized demisexual felt right for Shadow. Like I said before any of my thoughts on Mephiles are specifically for the version I made of him for post-reboot in Sonic 06. I was originally thinking of giving him the male gay pride flag but given what I've done with him in Lost Prince AU I kinda realized he fits in with demisexual too. While my version of Sonic identifies as male he likes dressing in whatever he wants & isn't exactly gender-conforming.
Sonic mostly dressed up for pride & tied a pride flag to his neck like a cape. For some reason Mephiles is the only one I tried making designs for on his outfit.
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Here's a cropped version of the comic. Pretty much Silver & Blaze realized they were bisexual, at some point Silver got the courage to tell his mom & later his dads.*
For some context Silver's mom is male & in a relationship with men*, he's pretty accepting so Silver doesn't need to worry much. However his worries are understandable because of being around Blaze a lot & seeing how her mom treated her. Blaze's mom was strict & caused a lot of issues that Blaze is still recovering from. Blaze left with Silver & Venice at some point leading to meeting her dad & becoming estranged from her mom. Her mom is gone now but as said Blaze is still recovering. Silver's family(along with Blaze's dad) understand & reassure Silver, Venice & Blaze that the three are accepted/safe.
*I dunno if the marriage is legal at best I know Silver's dad & his mom's marriage is legal. Venice's(Venice is Silver's half brother) dad went missing for a few years(Eggman was behind it) & ended up joining the relationship after being rescued/talking things out. Venice's dad was able to be part of the wedding as another groom but I dunno if this counts as official/legal by human standards.(I guess technically official by Mobian standards)
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Thought I'd make a version without the color for everyone to see. The text about the frog hat is missing because it was connected to the frame I made for the comic involving Silver & his mom.
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mystycalypso · 4 months
Can i just say how much i freaking love the work you two are doing, Holly hell this is some wild stuff as veteran of hello neighbor you two are making me proud of this small community that is running on tumblr!
Also i hope you two don't mind me asking two questions.
Firstly, If one of you two had the control over welcome to ravenBrooks show what will be some things you two will change.
Secondly, What are you're thoughts on the artstyle of the show considering that Man of Action is working on the show?
Okay to start, I know I say it every time we get asks like this but y'all are genuinely so sweet and nice and it's just really really cool to see people enjoy our stuff. Like- especially fellow old fans of the franchise. I know Kaydin also really appreciates how sweet you guys are but just idk it feels like my fandom dreams come true when people like things like our au and art for this series
As for your questions...
Personally, to start, and this is Jack being slightly particularly- idk nitpicky? But there are three things I'd want to just- fix immediately and all three of them are Nicky related.
Number one, his shirt. I'm sorry guys but I've been here since the alphas and I didn't even realize this was his Sharkotron T-shirt. It's- It's just an egg
Number two, I realized after intense studying of Nicky's- face that it looks really weird when he's front facing, but his nose is facing right. So scenes like this suddenly seem- off model for no reason? I've poorly edited the image below to fix both of these
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Yes I am too lazy to edit them properly, sadly. Did make his shirt logo still one colour for ease of animation. Idk why but left facing nose Nicky just looks less weird. Just me and kaydin? Maybe.
Number three- uh... that hairline is atrocious /lh
I know he wears his goggles in the show like constantly but also- this is a 13 year old boy guys. I was 13 once and I have a very flat (minus a widows peak) hairline, but it did not stop my hair from falling all over my face, and I think it's fair to assume the same for the kid who's hair refuses to behave anyway
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Just fluff him up a lil (again I'm sorry these aren't better edits lol)
You don't even have to have it show when his goggles are up because like a headband or headphones it pushes hair back, or otherwise
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Although ironically while I'm explaining what I would change in the designs, I don't mind the art style at all, actually I kind of love it. Sure some things you kinda of have to get used to, like their ears being pretty low to the head, but in general I think it really fits the franchise. I know it didn't look too drastically different from the pilot, but there's so many little nuances in the designs that just make it better (especially when you look at characters like Trinity)
I've told Kaydin a dozen and a half times how I think show Nicky is the franchise's second best design for him. The first being this singular piece of art from Nicky's Diaries, like I have gone on for hours about why this rendering of him is just perfect.
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Third being fan renders, followed by the book artstyle, the pilot and finally games
And while other designs I wasn't sure about when watching through the show the first time, really just lore hunting instead of caring about anyone who wasn't Trinity or Nicky ngl, when I started doing my expression analysis I realized just how nice the designs and individuality of the characters are. If you put Nicky's expressions oh Enzo or Ivan's on Trinity it wouldn't fit and that's something I don't think people would expect from a Hello Neighbor cartoon.
They also have things I can just appreciate as someone who's special interest is animation (but doesn't have the patience to animate TvT gotta love audhd) for example, just having shading even in shots where they could completely go without it. It makes it less drastic and a smoother transition when lighting gets intense. They're also now afraid to switch up camera angles and push the rigs for a more intense shot.
Also something I really appreciate
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Smear frames!
God I love smear frames!!! It's another one of those things that It's like- knowing how much this cost Tinybuild, they could've easily cut it down to save money. But it just wouldn't have been as nice without it.
Sure there are probably people who look at the fact that Man of Action is working on the show and are disappointed by the art style. But I say this entirely genuinely when I say I couldn't picture this show looking any other way and working as it does.
Yeah, they could've used more realistic proportions for these kids, but it works so much better when it's pushed like this when Mr. Peterson is nearly double their height. He's visibly a hulking intimidating man who could lift a middle schooler and lock them away. You fear his build which contrasts his outfit best (really feels like they took the book description of him and just pushed it, as we know he doesn't have this same stature in the games)
Plus it feels like in general, they stopped focusing on that dumb "Oh we need to hide things in every frame" which- thank God. Sure they are still hiding little details, hell I have changed a whole chunk of theory about Theodore's relationship with his son because of something I found on accident
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This photo of (seemingly) 12 year old Aaron Peterson.
I'm not gonna go into it here lol because this is already long and it's supposed to be about the animation.
Are they still building mysteries and people are still crafting theories? Absolutely! Not a day goes by that I haven't been thinking about whether or not Aaron will ever be seen in the series in the present day and if he is, what he will be like mentally.
But the point is, they're focusing on crafting something GOOD over just theory fodder. Both animation and story-wise, and I can appreciate that so much.
Like- this is gonna be a really hot Jack take here so be aware.
I enjoy this franchise and it's spinoffs much more than the FNAF franchise.
Sure, Hello Neighbor one is and will always be awful. But I am 100x more likely to play Hello Neighbor 2 or Secret Neighbor than I am to play any fnaf game myself.
When I make fnaf content it is almost entirely AU based. Because the idea of getting lore super wrong since I just can't be bothered to try and figure that convoluted mess out is annoying. Why even try to solve lore if I need to read more than 10 books for a minor detail that becomes a major antagonist? We can't even get a full confirmed backstory for the main antagonist!
But with Hello Neighbor they realized that people don't want to be jumping through 50 hoops for lore. Yes we want mystery, but one we can solve without dumb contrivances and plot holes.
Do I still love FNAF? Of course. My senior quote is from William Afton ffs ("You may not recognize me at first, but I can assure you, it's still me") but one of these franchises is growing to better itself and gain more love, while the other is slowly becoming more of something I enjoy without trying to understand, and I think the Hello Neighbor animated series is- the pinnacle of this difference.
I love Welcome to Ravenbrooks. I love Hello Neighbor. I can’t wait to see what comes next from TinyBuild, and how season two will be even better than season one. (As proven by the fact that Nicky gets to yell louder in that one teaser clip alone than anyone got to in season one lol)
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karaloza · 1 year
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Odds and Ends
Here are a few ideas for the theme park that didn't fit into the area-by-area descriptions, either because they apply to the whole park or because it was too much detail for the simple summaries.
Phone App Minigames
I've made a few references to these over the course of the theme park posts, but never gave any specifics. So here are some of those:
Scavenger hunts. How many Zelda games include a "catch 'em all" sidequest? Several, that's how many. The premise of this is quite simple: Some number of a small creature--Koroks, Gold Skulltulas, baby Maiamais, or whatever--are placed around the park, and if you can find and photograph them all, you can get a prize! A combination of signal transmitters and image recognition would ensure the legitimacy of the photos.
Music apps where you look for certain signs and symbols to let you know there's a secret here to be triggered if you play the right song. The effects might be flickering lights, sliding panels in walls or rock faces to reveal a unique sight, etc.
Throughout the writeups, I've described the unique shops and their unique lines of souvenirs to some extent, but what about simpler, more universal Legend of Zelda goodies that could be sold anywhere in the park? Here are a few fun ideas:
Bag of rupees. How can you be a proper adventurer without your own supply of Hyrule's currency? The way I see it, the bags would come in different sizes at different price points, each containing a fixed number of 1-inch resin rupees, but randomly selected colors--you never know what you're going to get until you open the bag. "Higher-value" rupees are naturally rarer--they can't actually be exchanged for anything, but it mimics the in-game value and rarity.
Fantasy ear headbands. You could get "elf" ears (in a variety of skin tones) and be a Hylian, Gerudo, or Sheikah, "fin" ears to be a Zora, or even big floppy goblinesque Bokoblin ears!
Collectibles from the games. Think Wind Waker's Spoils or Skyward Sword's Treasures--small, distinctive items that must be collected in some numbers to be useful and are not necessary to complete the game.
Food and Snacks
Hard candy rupees. Pretty self-explanatory--just don't get them mixed up with your toy rupees from the blind bag!
Kinstone sugar cookie 2-packs. Two half-cookies frosted with red, blue, or green icing and with part of the Minish clover emblem piped on.
Triforce corn chips. These come in three flavors--Power (chili), Wisdom (blue corn and flax seed), and Courage (avocado). Bags are single-flavor or all three together.
The "Desert Menu." Okay, this is just silly. I thought the dessert menu at the Royal Banquet Hall should have every item named and themed after a desert area from the LoZ franchise. So there would be the Gerudo Dessert (melon sherbet with whipped cream and raspberries), the Lanayru Dessert (crumble cake with buttercream frosting and sanding sugar), the Dessert of Mystery (ultra-dark chocolate mousse cake), and for large parties, the Dessert Colossus (a huge multiflavor ice cream sundae).
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gold-lightcycle · 7 months
Bio on my second Tron OC (1982/Encom Grid), Val!!
Designation: Program (Encom Grid) Name: Val (Short for "Vending/Retail All-In-One Logistics", also a play on the name Valerie) Username: Her User is Tiffany (aka Tiff) Pronouns: she/her Age: (Complied sometime in the early 80s) Occupation: Retail Database Management, retail music play tracking.
Height: 5'7" / 171cm
Build: Average build, Slightly above average fat to muscle mass Hair: When she's not wearing a helmet: dark shade of gray (since it's the Encom grid), bangs, hair held in a high off-center ponytail by a circuit covered scrunchie. Eye color: dark gray Light line color: hot pink (like, OBVIOUSLY!) Appearance: Body-wise, Val shares the exact same appearance as Tiffany: Average, more on the curvy side. In most Games, she'll wear the typical warrior helmet, but outside of that (or in games that aren't as dangerous), she'll wear her hair out with a circuit-covered headband covering her forehead. Her outfit: A full-body grid suit, similar to most of the typical program outfits, except a lot more "thin" and with not too many circuitry patterns. Near the neckline, there's a circuit with a shape in the middle that gives off the impression of a necklace. Right above her knees, she has a circuit pattern that looks like a chevron. Over that, she wears a high-cut aerobics style leotard that has a bit more complex circuit patterns all along the length of the front. On the back, there are a few more patterns (including circular ring-like paths on each side contouring…umm… the butt shape). Over that, she has the typical warrior belt. On top, she wears an off-shoulder crop top made of a similar fabric to the warrior togas/loincloths. She also wears wrist gauntlets similar to Clu1, along with form-fitting gloves on her hands. On occasion, she will wear neon glowing "jelly bracelet"-like…bracelets that hang somewhat loose from the wrist guards (they're loose but they don't fall, almost like the bracelets are magnetic to the wrist guards. She has legwarmers similar to Yori, with a broad horizonal circuit stripe that encircles near the top of it. Her "shoes" under that look similar to a basic, digital version of Reebok high-tops, with no lacing. About: Val was compiled in Encom's mainframe, in a sector used for projects and more consumer-friendly programs. She was originally written to track retail clothing sales, which she thinks is like "so, TOTALLY cool to see trends and top sellers!" Over time, she gained new tasks from her user, including music jukebox play tallies, and even as a scheduling utility for aerobics classes. She befriended Clu1 from a chance encounter (he explained to her that his user Flynn was trying to fix some overcharges on some shirts.) She would occasionally accompany him in his tank on his many (not-so-legal) adventures to please Clu's user….. …and also because Val was TOTALLY hooking up with him constantly.
Personality: Val has the spirit of Tiffany embedded in her, and of course, that means she's an 80's valley girl at heart. She is high-energy, with a heavy valspeak accent (which translates into the system as program/grid twists on a few different sayings). She's always eager to meet new programs and recruit them into her friend circle. When she (or her friends) are intimidatedor threatened, she can become a ruthless Mean Girl (RIP to all the red warrior elites that crossed her path the wrong way). Sometimes her passions get the best of her, and she can get easily annoyed when things don't end up the way she had originally calculated. Despite being written for retail and basic music data maintenance, she LOVES the games (when they're safe for everyone). She's also got a lustful side like Tiff that tends to make her a little too mischeivous at times.
Can others draw this OC?: YES FOR BOTH SFW AND NSFW!! (just let me know first )
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welderpig · 2 months
How to Choose the Right Welding Helmet
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Are you a seasoned welder or just starting your journey into the world of welding? One of the most crucial pieces of equipment you need is a welding helmet. But how do you choose the right one? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about selecting the perfect welding helmet for your needs. From understanding the different types of helmets to considering essential features, we've got you covered. So, let’s dive in!
Why the Right Welding Helmet Matters
Protecting Your Eyes and Face
Welding is a hazardous task, with risks such as sparks, UV radiation, and flying debris. A high-quality welding helmet protects your eyes and face from these dangers. Have you ever experienced the discomfort of a flash burn? It’s something every welder wants to avoid. An effective helmet acts as your first line of defense.
Enhancing Welding Precision
Did you know that the right helmet can actually improve your welding precision? With features like auto-darkening filters, you can have a clearer view of your work, leading to more accurate welds. This is particularly important whether you’re using a MIG welder or a TIG welder, as both require precise movements.
Types of Welding Helmets
Passive Welding Helmets
Passive welding helmets have a fixed shade lens that does not adjust to changing light conditions. They are typically more affordable but can be less convenient since you need to flip the helmet up and down while working.
Auto-Darkening Welding Helmets
Auto-darkening helmets, such as the ESAB welding helmet, automatically adjust the lens shade based on the brightness of the welding arc. This feature provides constant protection and improves efficiency, making it easier to switch between tasks without lifting the helmet.
Key Features to Consider
Viewing Area
The size of the viewing area is critical. A larger viewing area allows for better visibility and comfort, especially when working in tight spaces. Whether you’re using a flex neck MIG gun or working with intricate welding wire, being able to see clearly can make a significant difference.
Lens Shade and Sensitivity
Different welding tasks require different lens shades. For example, MIG welding typically requires a different shade than TIG welding. Look for helmets with adjustable shade and sensitivity controls to match your specific needs.
Comfort and Fit
Welding often involves long hours of work. A comfortable, well-fitting helmet can reduce strain and fatigue. Look for adjustable headbands and padded interiors to enhance comfort.
Additional Considerations
Durability and Weight
A durable helmet will withstand the rigors of daily use. However, it should also be lightweight to prevent neck strain. Balancing durability and weight is key to finding a helmet that will last and be comfortable to wear.
Compatibility with Other Equipment
Consider how the helmet will work with your other welding gear. For instance, if you’re using welding gas bottles, ensure the helmet doesn’t interfere with accessing and adjusting your equipment.
Top Recommendations
Best Overall: ESAB Welding Helmet
The ESAB welding helmet is renowned for its durability, comfort, and advanced auto-darkening features. It offers a large viewing area and adjustable sensitivity settings, making it a top choice for both professional and hobbyist welders.
Best for Beginners: Affordable Passive Helmets
If you’re just starting out, an affordable passive helmet might be the way to go. They provide essential protection without breaking the bank, allowing you to upgrade as your skills and needs grow.
Choosing the right welding helmet is essential for safety, comfort, and precision. By considering factors such as the type of helmet, viewing area, lens shade, and compatibility with your other equipment, you can make an informed decision that enhances your welding experience. Remember, investing in a quality helmet is investing in your safety and success as a welder. So, which welding helmet will you choose for your next project? Make the right choice and weld with confidence!
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trustwc · 2 years
Adult skye paw patrol costume
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Your Skye PAW Patrol costume is ready to wear! Pin it to your head using bobby pins or glue it onto a headband. Make your vest using the instructions below – make sure to measure with a loose-fitting shirt to ensure you get the size right!!
Do this by trial and error, and measuring it on you.Ĩ. Cut two more strips of light pink felt and attach it at an angle so that it’ll hang down when the goggles lie comfortably on your head. Glue it together as pictured, with the ears connected about a centimeter away from the “lenses” of the “goggles”. Cut out a much smaller bit of “hair” to go in the front.Ħ. Cut out two light brown ears in the shape below.ĥ. Cut a strip of lighter pink felt about two inches wide. It should basically cover the length of the long side of the felt.Ĥ. Money Back Guarantee ensures YOU receive the. To make the head piece: Draw the following shape on apiece of hot pink felt. Shop the Largest Selection, Click to See Search eBay faster with PicClick. Attach hook and loop closure to the ends. Cut a strip of light pink felt large enough to fit your neck (or glue two strips together). /rebates/&252fthumbnail252ftv-movies-gaming252ftv252fpaw-patrol252fpc252f1382252fc252f3811252f3208.uts26tc3dbing-&idspirithalloween&nameSpirit+Halloween&ra3. For the collar print on card stock, laminate, cut out and punch a hole in the Skye badge.Ģ. How to make a DIY Skype PAW Patrol Costume:ġ. These printable badges (print and cardstock and laminate with packing tape).Light brown, hot pink, and pastel pink soft felt (hot pink CAN be used in fleece from the vest).What you need to make a DIY Skype PAW Patrol Costume: When you’re done, toss it into the dress-up box for year-round dramatic play! Pair it with a tutu to make it more fun, or just use it as-is. It’s the perfect costume for a toddler or preschool aged girl, or for mom – to make your little one jump with joy! I highly recommend just getting hot pink felt or fleece, whatever it takes. I spray painted it hot pink which was kind of a mistake. I couldn’t find hot pink fleece when I was making it (that would ship quickly enough) so I bought white instead. The headpiece is a long flat piece that you can glue to a flat headbandor pinin place I like I did). This DIY Skye-inspired costume is easy to wear. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links. Please keep in mind that refunds are for the cost of the merchandise only and return and/or original shipping charges are not refundable.Ready for the last of my PAW Patrol-insired costumes? I made this DIY Skye PAW Patrol costume for… myself! Of course, it’s also perfect for your preschooler – just adapt my tutorial in a smaller size (and add a tutu, of course). Try your shoes on indoors in a carpeted area to avoid making them ineligible for a return.Īll orders placed through, eBay, or other third-party marketplace such as Walmart and Target+, should consult the return policy of the relevant site. Wigs, beards, facial hair, or any other artificial hairĪll shoes must be unmarked (without scuffs), unworn and in new condition.Shoe covers, boot tops, slippers, or other, similar footwear.The following items qualify for a return ONLY if they are in their unopened, original packaging - these items must not have been worn, used or altered in any way: During the Halloween season (September through November), returns may take up to 4 weeks. Returns are typically processed within 2 weeks of receiving the item. Replacement items will be shipped using the same method as the original order. Contact Customer Service within 14 days of the original order date, and we'll do everything we can to ensure you receive the replacement product(s) quickly. If you received an item that is damaged, we'll fix it - fast. We will refund your original order (minus original shipping charge.) You can place a new order to ensure it arrives by your event date. You can pay to reship the order, with an updated address, via the shipping level desired. Your order may be subject to a $15 charge. If your order is sent back to us as undeliverable and you still need your order, we can assist you. An order with Premium or Express shipping may be delayed if only a PO Box is provided. Incorrect Addresses and Return-to-Sender Packages: If an incorrect shipping address is provided, the delivery of the package may be delayed. Note: Returns for seasonal merchandise (e.g., Easter, Halloween, and Christmas) can be returned up to 7 days prior to the holiday. For your protection, we recommend you insure your return shipment.We recommend using a traceable shipping method with delivery confirmation.Item(s) must be new, unused and in their original packaging, along with all accessories.Items returned for a refund will incur a 12% restocking fee.Returns must be postmarked within 15 days of the original order date.The following criteria must be met to be eligible for a refund: During the Halloween season, we accept online returns to our return center postmarked prior to October 24th, 2022.
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The Easter Bunny 1 - Werecat
"Do I look like an Easter bunny to you?" Max growls, flicking his tail in agitation.
It thunks against the leg of the kitchen table and he winces. "And I hate this costume. It looks stupid."
"Actually, you look adorable," you correct, reaching over to fix the headband of the droopy rabbit ears.
His own ears flick backwards but he endures your meddling.
"I regret coming here," he announces, picking up the basket full of chocolate eggs that looks tiny in his paws.
"Come on, Macy will be so happy! She always wanted a Easter-egg themed birthday party," you say. "Afterwards we can hang out and maybe watch a movie and eat the leftover chocolate."
"If Macy leaves anything for us, that is. My niece has a monster sweet tooth."
You almost laugh because an angry werecat with a bunny ear headband and a colorful onesie is too funny to take seriously. He bares his teeth at you.
"I could eat you, human."
"Save it for when we're alone," you smirk.
His eyes widen. "Are you saying-"
"You two ready?" Macy's mother, Sophia, comes bustling in with a stack of empty cake plates. A half melted number 4 candle lies on the top. "Macy wants to do the egg hunt now."
Max rolls his eyes. "We were in the middle of something."
"No, actually we were just about ready," you say sweetly. "The Easter bunny and his human helper."
You pat Max on one of his broad shoulders.
"Thanks for helping out! Macy has been so happy today... She hasn't even asked for her father once," Sophia says quietly.
"Good. She should forget about him," Max declares.
As an afterthought he adds, "you should too."
You drag him out of the kitchen before he can make the damage worse.
"That was a really insensitive thing to say," you scold once you're in the backyard, taking a bunch of the bite-sized foil wrapped eggs and using your shirt to hold them.
Max glances at your exposed midriff then looks away quickly.
"Maybe but it's true. That man did nothing right. Couldn't take care of the kid and couldn't even fuck his wife right." Max wanders away from you, tucking eggs just out of sight for Macy and her friends to find.
You sputter at that and it sounds like he's smiling when he says, "Sophia used to rant about it whenever she got drunk. Embarrassed him multiple times."
"Fair point but go easy on your sister, okay? He wasn't the best husband but they were together for five years."
Max goes quiet. After a moment he says, "By the way, remember we're a part of their egg hunt. Whoever finds us gets an extra prize."
"I almost forgot!" You reply. "I doubt we're small enough to hide behind the playhouse and go unnoticed. We can't even fit inside that thing. Or maybe the bushes beside the flowerbed-"
You hear a babble of children's voices coming around the house. Sophia must have assumed you were done and given them the go-ahead to start hunting.
"Uh-oh." You meet Max's eyes.
"The garden shed!" He says, darting towards it.
The backyard is pretty big and you're afraid the kids will spot you before you get to cover but you slip into the garden shed just in time, closing the door enough so that it only lets a sliver of light in.
There's one window but it's covered in a layer of grime that barely allows the sunlight to come in. You turn, ogling the dim interior of the garden shed.
"Figures, your clean-freak sister has the messiest shed I've ever seen!" You murmur quietly.
Max lets out a muffled laugh. "This shit belonged to the ex-husband. She either hasn't got the courage or time to clean it out just yet."
"Hey! Don't remove the costume!" You try to keep your voice down because the kids are running all over the backyard finding the eggs.
The garden shed is in the corner though. It might take awhile before they find you.
"Did you think I was going to wear it for long? It's hot and scratchy and horrible." He yanks it off his legs and as he bends to do so the headband goes flying into the darkness.
"Don't lose them! Those are one of Macy's favorites!" You hiss, stumbling over an empty sack of fertilizer and reaching for the ears which have fallen in the corner. "And you really shouldn't be taking that off. You're kind of naked now."
"And you're the only one who cares," he retorts. "Werecats often go around in nothing but our own fur."
"It's still inappropriate," you mumble, keeping your eyes averted.
He says nothing for a long moment.
"Does it bother you that much? Do you hate seeing me like this?" He finally says and you jerk your head up in surprise at the hurt you hear in his voice.
"Am I that freakish and different-"
"No!" You bark and then lower your voice. "No, it's not that."
"Then what? The time we went swimming with our friends you could barely look in my direction."
"Y-you've misunderstood. You know that's not what I think. I'm okay with everyone and everything. Human or not. That's really not an issue. It's just..."
"What?" He prods.
"You're really hot. And every time I see you like that I just want to run my hands through your fur... But I thought it would be too weird to ask to do that. I know physical contact is taken really seriously with your kind..." You purse your lips together and look at the ground. "I was afraid you'd think I was a weirdo."
"Seriously?" He says, breathing out in what sounds like relief. "That's awesome. I thought you hated me."
"No! Why would you even think that," you pout. "We've been friends for ages."
"All you had to do was ask," Max says. "Do you..."
"Can I?" You burst out and then shrink in embarrassment. "I mean, were you going to say I could touch you?"
"Go ahead," he replies.
You shuffle closer, side-stepping a clunky lawn mower. The lack of light makes it rather hard to see as you reach your hand out. Your fingers touch his fur and you jerk your hand back.
"Sorry, that kind of startled me," you laugh sheepishly before you reach forward with more confidence.
His fur is thick and incredibly soft like a plush pillow. You forget that you're touching your friend as you delight in the silky feeling. Until you find a small fur-less patch. Then a couple inches lower, another. And another.
A giggle builds in your throat.
"Maxwell Quinn, are those nipples?" You whisper. "Six of them?"
"Uh, yeah. They, uh, are just for aesthetics," he says nervously, shifting his weight. "Does that weird you out?"
"I love it, they must be so sensitive," you babble. "Six of them! That's really cool."
"If you say so," he mumbles, swaying.
"Are you purring?" You demand, detecting the soft sound.
He stops immediately. "No. I wasn't."
"I bet you were. Do it again?" You plead. "It sounds so comforting."
You lean forward and playfully place your ear to his chest.
"I'm waiting," you chirp.
His fingers slide through your hair suddenly. "What you said back in the kitchen about being alone..."
The air grows thick with something that makes your heart begin to beat faster. You look up into his eyes, which are glowing slightly.
Suddenly, the garden shed door flies off its hinges, missing you by an inch as it falls. A bunch of werekittens crowd into the doorway. You take a step back from Max, clearing your throat.
Macy, covered in smears of chocolate, laughs and claps.
"We found you!" She squeals.
Max growls a curse under his breath and you nudge him.
"Later," you stand on your tiptoes to whisper into his ear before the kittens drag you away for their prize.
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a mother’s love: ch 1
It has been so long since the team has had even half a second to breathe to themselves, let alone take a break. That’s the thing about fighting a relentless empire of space Nazis  – there is ten thousand years worth of shit to fix. They are seven people. Breaks are a pipe dream if not a total fantasy.
But they are, quite simply, seven people. Seven people who cannot function every second of every day with no time to step back, gather themselves. Whether or not they have time for a break is irrelevant; they either schedule one or one will be scheduled for them. So they do, reasoning one single day at the beach would be well worth the sand that would be invariably tracked into the castle, to remain for eternity.
Of course Allura and Coran had been ready to go immediately, having all their clothes and belongings on the castle, but the rest of the team hadn’t thought to pack a swimsuit when they went to check out the weird vives Keith felt int he desert. And there’s a kind of unspoken rule about many things in the castle, as haunted as it is – no one really wants to dig through rooms with old ghosts to find something that might fit them. It feels wrong.
Luckily for everyone, Lance’s needle-threading abilities aren’t limited to flying. He’s pretty good with his hands, too, and after securing some material from Coran, he gets right on it.
For Pidge, he creates what is vocally convinced is the ugliest set of swim shorts to ever see the light of day. He’d been inspired the very second he saw the neon yellow fabric with patches of barf green-brown, littered with pictures of weblums posed in such ways that could only be described as grotesque. He complains the entire time that simply looking at the fabric makes him physically ill, but Pidge is ecstatic. She doesn’t even mind when Lance refuses to continue working with the material, instead making her a swim tee out of plain black. 
Hunk, much more used to being Lance’s model, is happy with a pair of orange trunks that match his headband exactly. Shiro gets a pair in his favourite colour – a dusky pink – and bites back tears, because he is the dweebiest most emotional dork of all time. (Lance was originally going to do the same for Keith; make him a pair in his regular emo colours. Maybe even something that matched his nerdy go-go boots, as abhorrent as the swim-shorts and boots combo would be. But at the last minute he was struck with the divine urge to be a dick, and decided instead to make Keith a pair of plain maroon shorts, and then embroidered ‘dorkass’ into the waistband of the shorts with the same colour. He finds great joy in knowing that Keith will be wearing around a pair of shorts calling him a dorkass. He looks forward to telling him, after Keith wears them for a couple hours and has to live with it.)
On the day they finally get to go, the excitement in the air is palpable.
“Do you have to wear those shorts?” Allura asks for what is probably the fifteenth time in as many minutes.
Pidge sniffs obnoxiously. “Lance poured his heart and soul into making me these wonderful shorts and all you’ve done is shit on them. I should tell him you have no appreciation for his art.”
“It might improve them if I actually defecate on those abominations,” Allura mutters darkly. She glares at them as if they are specifically responsible for Zarkon himself.
Tired of listening to the same argument for fifteen minutes, Keith groans loudly. “For fuck’s sake, we’ve been waiting here for, like, two hours! How long does it take Lance to throw on a pair of shorts and get –”
“Throw on a pair of shorts?! Mullet, please. We are going to a public beach . I am looking like a babe or I am not going.”
Six heads swivel to the source of the sound, revealing Lance in all his glory.
Clearly, Lance has taken the creative opportunity to treat himself. Instead of just making a pair of trunks and throwing on a t-shirt, like everyone else (except for, of course, Allura, who looks absolutely ethereal in an elegant white one-pieces that matches her hair, and a sheer sparkly cover-up that reminds everyone that she is, in fact, royalty), he has taken the time to craft himself a calf-length yellow sundress. He has also somehow fashioned himself what absolutely must be be universe’s largest floppy sunhat, and –
“Are those mom sandals?” Hunk asks, aghast. “Jesus Christ, Lance.”
Pidge bursts out laughing. “If by babe you mean MILF,” she chokes out, because she has zero shame.
Shiro goes scarlet.
“Pidge!” he scolds. “You don’t just call people MILFs!”
“What’s a ‘milf’? Allura asks, frowning curiously.
“I swear to God if any of you tell her what MILF means  – “
Shiro doesn’t have to worry about the rest of the paladins corrupting Allura’s brain (not that his efforts will matter, because she and Hunk have an agreement, as the resident gossips – any and all garnered information will be shared at a later date to be analysed and recorded) because they’re all laughing to hard to get any words out. Except for Lance, of course, who does his very best to appear offended but can’t quite manage. 
At least being called a MILF is still kind of a compliment, no matter how teasingly Pidge had meant it. And he can concede to the point that he has seen his sister in law wear a nearly identical outfit, now that he’s thinking about it, and she’s actually a mom, so. Pidge may have a point.
“Whatever,” Lance says rolling his eyes. He bites his lip to tamp down his smile, shaking his head at the paladins, then lights up. “Wait, if I look like a MILF, I’ll attract all the DILFs! Score!”
Pidge, Hunk, and Keith sober up immediately, laughter disappearing from their faces at the thought of Lance’s flirting. Shiro sighs.
“How come you always ruin all my good jokes?” Pidge whines.
Lance smirks at her. “Not my fault I’m funnier than you are.”
“You are not – ”
“Are too!”
Coran, sensing an impending argument and possible wrestling match, speaks up. “Perhaps we should make our way to the beach while there’s still sunshine, hm?”
Everyone makes various noises of agreement, making their way to the exit. Hunk shifts the pail and shovel he has in his hands. Keith adjusts his utlity belt, which looks absolutely ridiculous paired with his swimsuit – not that he cares. Shiro takes a deep breath, closing his eyes.
God. He cannot wait to sit under the sun and sleep the whole time, leader duties be damned. Someone else can watch the troublemakers that are is teammates. Hopefully no one would drown, because Shiro is not monitoring that shit. He is tired. He needs a break. He is going to nap for six straight hours, and no one is going to stop him. The entire Empire could descend with every single ship they have and Shiro will simply say no. Not happening.
“Not a single fucking one of you is leaving this castle until I watch you put on sunscreen.”
The pure conviction in Lance’s voice makes everyone pause and turn to look at him. After a moment, Pidge breaks the tension with a dry laugh.
“Alright, Mom, sure,” she says sarcastically. She sticks her tongue out at him before turning back around.
Lance wastes no time entertaining her scathing wit. He pulls out a bottle of SPF 80 from what appears to be actual thin air, waving it emphatically at the paladins.
“Since all of you refuse to care for yourselves,” he says, pausing to look pointedly at each of them in turn, “I suppose it will fall onto me.” He gestures in front of him. “In line, children, hold out your hands. You must put it on your face and ears and neck and any exposed skin. No exceptions.”
No one moves. Lance claps his hands sharply, startling them.
“Chop chop! Form a line!”
The paladins just blink at him, gobsmacked. 
Keith speaks up first. “Where did you even get a bottle of Hawaiian Tropic? We’ve been in space for a whole-ass year!”
“Yeah, and why are you only being anal about it now?” Pidge adds.
Lance glares at them, hands on his hips. “I am responsible about my health, and had a bottle in my backpack when we were abducted.”
Four pairs of eyes roll in tandem. Lance insists on saying they were ‘abducted by aliens’ when they left in Blue, because he’s extra, as if it wasn’t him who boarded Blue first. As if he did not see the glowing blue wormhole and immediately suggest they go through it. ‘Abducted by aliens’ yeah right – he boarded their ship and asked them to take him to their leader, more like it. 
It’s a pointless argument to convince him otherwise, though. The paladins have tried dozens of times to no avail.
“Anyway,” Lance continues. “I used the fabricator to make more bottles when we first got here, along with shampoo and conditioner and stuff, all of which I delivered to your rooms. I have been under the impression that you have been dutifully using your protection from actual skin cancer like rational people, but it has recently come to my attention –” he looks pointedly at Pidge, who had been burned so badly on the last planet that the skin on her face peeled off in one go like one of Lance’s face masks, a comparison he did not find nearly as funny and thought-provoking as she did – “that the four of you cannot be trusted to apply protection like grown-ups, and so you will be treated like my niece and nephew, who are the only ones in my family who still complain about, once again, actual protection from literal cancer. So.” He looks at all of them individually, eyebrows raised and jaw set. “Again: line up, children.”
The paladins begrudgingly form a line, sensing from Lance’s tone that although he’s making jokes and speaking lightly, he’s one-hundred percent serious. He shakes his head and tuts at them every time he squeezes a dollop of white goop onto each of their hands.
Allura and Coran, recovering from their shock, exchange horrified looks.
“Human skin has not yet evolved protection from radiation?”
“And you complain about the only protection you have?”
“I’ll remind you that humans are only two hundred thousand years old,” Lance says to the Alteans. “So no, we haven’t really evolved superpowers yet. As for Allura’s point – ” he raises an eyebrow at the other humans, who are finally beginning to look slightly chastised – “some people are just plan stubborn.”
“Okay, okay, you’ve made your point, mother, we are wearing the sun protection,” Pidge says impatiently. “Can we go to the beach now?”
Lance nods. “As soon as I grab some water and snacks.”
“And you complain about the only protection you have?”
This time, it’s Keith who groans. “Come on, Lance, I’m sure there’s water and shit on the beach, and I don’t want to wait the billion years you’re foing to take to pack or whatever. Can we please just go.”
Lances raises a judgmental eyebrow again, and picks up a bag no one had seen from a few feet down the hall. 
‘Bag’, frankly, may not be the right word for it. It is approximately the size of Pidge, it’s so massive.
“What do you even have in there?” Pidge asks incredulously.
“I think you can actually fit the Green Lion in that bag,” he agrees observationally. 
“We’re literally only going to be gone for, like, ten hours,” Keith adds.
Shiro only sighs. Every moment of nonsense is one less minute of his tropical nap – minutes he mourns deeply.
Despite the complaining, Lances haughty eyebrow does not lower. “I notice that none of you have a bag.”
“What are you planning on drying off with? Sand? Especially you, Shiro – aren’t you napping? As for all the alleged water and snacks on the beach, Keith, I don’t see you packing any GAC. And you’re the most accident prone person I’ve ever met, Pidge, did you bother to bring a first aid kit?” He pauses, looking at Hunk’s shovel. “You nailed it, Hunk. No criticism for you.”
Hunk beams. Lance smiles back, then turns a very knowing and prim expression to the rest of the paladins.
The ensuing silence has Lance dripping smugness.
“That’s what I thought. None of you dorks ever plan ahead, yeesh. You’re welcome. Now, come on – we’re losing sunlight! Let’s go!”
chapter 2
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
Breathe, baby
Personal trainer!Southern!Bakugou
Porn with plot, unprotected sex, creampie, exhibitionism??, praise ig, implied pining, my shitty endings
You loved the gym.
Not because you liked working out .
It was a pain when you woke up sore, or when you got sticky with sweat, even though the high of a workout is always worth it, and it meant you could finally fit into that tiny skirt from the mall you saw last week.
What you loved was how your undeniable attraction towards your new personal trainer made for good entertainment.
Katsuki Bakugou.
He was beautiful, new in your city, came from some place down south, and you're sure he knew every time he saw you how much you wanted him.
You couldn't stop gawking, always looking at his ass when he showed you how to do the squats, doing over his pure strength when he did pull ups.
You had arrived right on time, stretching before hand and making sure you looked good.
You strolled into your training room, already hearing some upbeat music and seeing Bakugou doing pull ups, grunting and muscles shaking from the slight strain.
You stand in the doorway, watching sweat trickle down his neck, into the wide neckline of his cami, which clung to his body, nipples peaking through the shirt.
His jaw was clenched, little huffs leaving him as he brought himself up again. The veins on his arms popped against his complexion, and you startled when you realized you were drooling.
You gave a soft cough, alerting him of your presence and watching as he hopped down, red eyes locking onto yours as his chest heaved, cheeks pink and eyes low. The headband holding his hair out of his eyes was slipping, so you went into action.
You dropped your bag on the ground, making your way towards him quickly. When you reached your hand out to touch him, he narrowed his eyes at you and stepped back, cheeks darkening further.
"Somethin' the matter, miss?"
You smile, body flushing at the way he draws out the formality.
"Oh, I just saw your headband was a little crooked. Wanted to fix it, was all."
He nods, giving you a once over before pushing it back up his forehead, turning to get a mat out.
"Oh I already did some workouts before I got here. Unless you wanna stretch me out some more. "
The wicked smile on your face doesn't go past Bakugou, his vermilion eyes widening as he steps back, grumbling under his breath as he turns back around, setting down two mats and sitting on one.
"We're doin' yoga. Noticed how yer' body was shakin' las' time so we're takin it easy t'day."
You give his strong back a dreamy smile.
Fuck, he's hot, healthy, and attentive? You could feels yourself start to swoon.
You make your way over to the other mat, sitting on your knees.
"M' gonna guide you through each pose, then we'll do em together, yeah?"
You let out a breathy "yeah" in response and watch as he rises to his feet, towering over you, before positioning himself behind you.
"Gonna touch you now."
You feel a big, heavy hand gently land on the middle of your back, pushing you to rest on your elbows.
"Stand up, but keep yer' arms down f'me"
You raise your lower half into a standing position, arching your back forward. Bakugou goes to your front and squats, taking your hands and placing them in front of you so you're in downward dog position.
"Hold it there for 15 seconds."
You close your eyes and breath in, shuddering when you get a whiff of his musk, smoky and sweet.
You peek open your eyes, looking up slightly to see him looking at his watch, counting the seconds down.
You take the time to really admire him, his strong thighs, the way you can see freckles dotting the exposed skin, the way his shorts hug his waist, his top riding up on his abs and showing off a patch of hair trailing down..
You close your eyes at fifteen, pretending like you weren't just imagining ripping his shorts off with your teeth and running eager fingers through his blonde happy trail.
You're so caught up in your thoughts that you almost miss the way he runs his hand back down your spine, easing you down and murmuring a raspy,
"Good girl."
Before straightening up and walking over to the speakers.
Dazed, you watch as he puts on more relaxing music, walking back over to you.
"M' gonna try somethin' a little more difficult, kay? Let me know if ya start to ache."
Oh, you're already aching.
Aching for that di-
"Okay, I'll let you know."
He grunts in approval, twirling his finger for you to stand up.
He comes to your side this time, placing his hand back in the middle of your spine and bending you backwards slowly, humming when you reach your hands to brace yourself.
"Doin' such a good job fer me, yeah? Think ya can be a good girl and hold it fer 30 seconds?"
You almost audibly whimper.
"Mhm, I'll be so good Bakugou."
He starts counting, a deepness to his voice that wasn't there before, and you can feel your thighs begin to shake.
Bakugou can't take his eyes off of you, the way you bend so easily, taking his every word so nicely, eyes hazy and dazed and so so pretty.
The way your thighs shake makes him want to drop to his knees and sink his teeth into them. He wants to mark you up, leave bruises on your pretty ass and then kiss them better, eat out your sweet cunt and stuff you with his fingers when you get too loud.
He was raised with manners, though, and before he does any of that has taking your fine ass on a date.
You breath out a shaky sigh, letting his hand guide you back down to the floor.
You look at the time, almost jumping in excitement when you realize your session is almost over. You need to get home now. Your panties are aboslutely drenched and you don't know how long you can go without saying something too bold.
Bakugou notices your excitement, raising a brow as he situates himself on his mat.
"Got smwhere to be, Miss?"
You flush, images of you with your hands between your legs and a certain blonde on your mind flashing through your head.
"Nope. Just wanna shower and eat my loneliness away."
He chuckles at that, sitting in lotus position.
"You have any plans?"
He looks up at you, studying your face for a bit, lips turning up slightly when you squirm.
"Nah. I got nuthin'."
You gulp, copying his position and fiddling with your fingers
"Well, uh. Do you wanna maybe.."
"Spit it out, angel, times runnin' out."
You bite your lip, the way he rasped the pet name had your head spinning.
"We could maybe get something to eat,, together? I can cook for you,, Like a date."
You're met with silence, and you feel embarrassment wash over you for a split second before you see a rough, veiny hand on front of you, then feel a warm palm on your face.
You look up and meet red eyes in searing eye contact, his lips curled in a smirk and cheeks dusted pink.
"A date, hm? I'd fuckin' love to Darlin'."
You squeal internally, missing his warmth when he pulls away to count to 30 once again.
After stuffing yourself and Bakugou with some curry chicken, you invited him onto the balcony, sitting next to him on the swing seat.
You couldn't take your eyes off him the entire night. He was wearing a simple shirt and joggers, but the top hugged him so well and his sweats were low, riding up everytime he lifted something from the top shelf for you.
There a was a thick tension in the air. You wanted so badly to lean over and grab his jaw, to kiss him and make him groan, make him breathless with pleasure-
"Hey, ya listenin'? I asked ya a question."
You stratle, realizing you were staring at his face for too long.
"Sorry. I just wanted to kiss you- I mean,, fuck-"
Yeah, you shouldn't have drinking so much wine.
Bakugou’s eyebrows raise almost comically, eyes wide and lips pulling back in a grin, his handsome face inching closer to you until you can almost taste him.
"Ya wanna kiss me? Go 'head, I ain't stoppin' ya."
You immediately crash your lips against him, wasting no time in bringing your hand up to cradle his jaw, moaning when his big hand curls around your throat.
He tilts your head back, licking into your mouth and grabbing a thigh with his free hand, dragging you onto his lap. You roll your hips slowly, relishing in the groan it pulls from him.
He pulls away momentarily to suck at your bottom lip, biting down on it before kissing the stinging flesh.
He fiddles with the hem of your sun dress, gaze burning into you.
"Can I take this off, Darlin'?"
You pant above him, shivering at how sexy he sounded.
Damn, consent was hot.
"I don't know, can you?"
Your giggle is cut off by a moan when he flicks at your nipple through the dress, nipping at your collarbone.
"May I take this off, Brat?"
You whimper and nod, earning you another searing kiss before he pulls your dress up, watching your tits bounce out, taking a nopple into his mouth as his hand slides down.
He squeezes your doughy thighs in his hands, fingers pinching and kneading until he reaches your cunt.
You pray that he doesn't tease, you've been worked up for so long, and thankfully, he doesn't, slipping a finger into you and rubbing gently at your clit, picking up pace gradually and adding a second finger as you arch your back.
You pant and lean forward, hands lacing into his hair and hips grinding down onto his fingers. He groans into your nipple, moaning "harder" against you.
You comply, and he shudders, hips canting up to meet the downward roll of yours.
You feel your high creeping up on you, but you wanna feel him so bad, so you sluggishly push him away, earning you a confused grunt.
"Wanna cum on your cock."
Bakugou growls at that, lifting you up with one hand on your hip while the other pushes his sweats and boxers down, his thick cock springing free. You gape down at it, fat and veiny, flushed and dripping with pre as it twitches under your gaze.
His balls are fat too, heavy and round amd you just wanna take one in your mouth and suck till he creams from how good it feels.
Bakugou interrupts your staring with tap to your hips, slowly easing his way into you.
His thick mushrooms head pops in, and it burns so good. You feel like he's in your throat by the time he's all the way in, veins pulsing and dragging along your gooey walls. He leans his head back agasint the swing, mouth opening to pant as he move, feet digging into the ground and hips thrusting harshly into you.
His face is a dusty pink, eyes going crossed and drool starting to slide out of his mouth as he moans, hips picking up speed and fingers rubbing into your clit so good you almost collapse.
"Hah, yer so good, Darlin', fuck squeezin' me so good, gnna make me bussst"
"S'so close-"
"Mmh fuck, me too Angel. You wanna cum on my cock, Darlin? Cream all over me, make a mess of my balls and this cute little swing fuck fuck fuck- gnna bust baby, fill you up so fckin good."
You give a silent scream, arching your back and cumming hard, Bakugou following as he shoots thick ropes of cum into you, sliding down his base and pooling at his fat ball, still twitching.
"This is gnna be a bitch to clean up ain't it?"
@miggiisdumb @lady-bakuhoe
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