shinypainterpaper · 3 years
How to Get Free Instagram Followers: Fresh Tips that Actually Work
Instagram has grown to more than 500 million profiles and a powerful marketing tool for businesses. Over the years many Instagram businesses have used various tactics to increase their following on the platform. These tactics like buying followers and even fake followers used to work in the beginning. However now you need to work a little smarter and a lot harder to grow your following with quality consumers.
Instagram has also made the job of gaining followers somewhat easier in recent years with a host of features and strategies that can make your profile so much better. If you are looking to grow your Instagram follower base, here are some real-world Pro Tips that all the best profiles are using now.
Tip #1 - Plan your Strategy
We all know that planning is one of the most important parts of any strategy. So why do people think that they can get away without planning their Instagram businesses? As the saying goes, Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail, if you don’t spend time planning your Instagram business you won’t be successful. Regardless of what you want to achieve with your Instagram profile, you need to plan your strategy carefully. Whether you want to increase followers or traffic to your website, your plan will make that happen. So, before you start posting just plan the day and then go conquer the world.
Tip #2 - Find Your Target Audience
Whatever product you sell or promote, you need to know who your target audience is. This will guide you with regards to what posts will work and how to communicate with your audience. Instagram has several apps that can help you do that. These helpful applications will get your profile focused on the people that want to interact with you. there are 500 million users on Instagram but not all of them want your products. Once you have your target audience identified, you will be able to interact with them better in your posts and product placements.
Tip #3 - Use the right #Hastags
Instagram allows for up to 30 hashtags in each post. And this is the primary sorting system they use for all the posts going live. So, if you use the right hashtags your post will reach your audience. Simple? Mostly. I am sure you have seen posts that look like a hashtag yard sale, loads of tags making up the post. Sure, you will get noticed but is it the right notice? Following on with the previous tip, understand that your audience will find you if you use the right hashtags for your posts. And you can always add more tags in your comments if you like.
Tip#4 - Work on your Profile. Constantly
So, you have set up your profile and you have an audience and you are posting daily. But soon you see the interaction going sideways and then down. Now what? Your profile is but one in millions and you are not the only profile selling your products. Just like in the planning phase you need to ensure that your profile stays on point constantly. This means updating images and tag lines regularly. As you work with your audience daily you should at least update your profile every week. This will keep your profile exciting and always evolving.
Tip #5 - Share High-Quality Content
Your posts should be unique and relative. These are the primary function of the posts you release every day. However, along with that, you should also be sharing top-quality content with your follower base. The reason for this is that your audience already recognizes your authority in your market. Yet if you start sharing top-quality content from other profiles you are not only increasing your audience base by gaining new followers. But you are most likely going to get reshares on these profiles that will build your brand even more.
Tip #6 - Post Content that can be Re-Shared
Like the previous tip, when you post “resharable” posts you will get exposure to audiences that you are not targeting currently. These audiences might become part of your following. This creates a natural growth curve to your following base, which is fantastic for your business. Every time you get shared with high-quality content your business is shared as well. The association with high-quality content is “goodwill marketing” that you just can’t buy for any amount of money.
Tip #7 - Time Your Posts for the Best Responses
Imagine delivering your message when nobody is online, you won’t get the response you are looking for, obviously. But if you use the Instagram Insights to analyze the time your follower spends online and when they do it, you will get amazing responses. The Insights breakdown when your followers are live during the day, which makes your posting schedule simple. Plan your posts for when the most followers are online and you will get excellent responses.
Tip #8 - Engage with Like-Minded Brands and Profiles
Your profile does not exist in a vacuum, you share the Instagram platform with millions of other profiles that could help you grow your business. For instance, if you sell male beard grooming products, you could engage with men’s health products or maybe grooming equipment suppliers. By engaging with like-minded profiles, you will cross-sell both your products and build strong relationships that could even lead to joint ventures, etc., who knows!!
Tip #9 - Look After Your Instagram Community
If you have been following this guide, you would have been building real-world followers for your business. This means that you need to engage with these real people to grow your community. They might have questions or suggestions for your brand that could lead to even more profits. Listen to them and interact, use video, your location, and all the tips together and you will have a loyal following on Instagram.
Loads More to Do
These tips are just some of the most used strategies that high traffic Instagram Profiles are using. There are many more if you just take some time and develop a plan for your Instagram business. Make use of these and they will dramatically change your business for the better!
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