#five secondly object show : beans show
ask-moneyman · 27 days
[💰] ' Oho! Why, hello, darlingsss!!! It's been quite a while, hmm? '
updatezz / ooc ztuff
hi!!! im like. better at being money man now zo feel free to zend more ztuff n whatever.
hez literally zo zillyy
also yeah on the fandomz wiki it zayz money man n banana r marriedd
zo thatz coolio
[ without z's,, ↓ ]
hi!!! im like. better at being money man now so feel free to send more stuff n whatever.
hes literally so silly
also yeah on the fandoms wiki it says money man n banana r marrieddd
so thats coolio
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your-fav-is-divorced · 4 months
i love the way the osc has taken over this blog. potato battery and stevie boy from the five secondly object show: bean’s show are divorced
I DONT!!!!
Potato Battery and Stevie Boy from the Five Secondly Object Show: Bean’s Show are Divorced!
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another-pencil · 5 months
Day 2: Magazine from 5SOS:BS
Requested by @heyicecube
Xtra transparent under the cut again
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ANY MORE REQUESTS? (Or suggestions lolololol)
I have:
MiniDisky - Animatic Battle (done)
Magazine - Five Secondly Object Show: Beans Show (done)
Match - Battle for Dream Island
Marker - Battle for Dream Island
Marble - Battle for Dream Island (done, not posting)
Muffin - The Historical And Nice Object Show
Moon - Obsolete Battle Show
Money Man - Five Secondly Object Show: Beans Show
Miniature Portrait - Five Secondly Object Show: Beans Show (my beloved he did NOT deserve to go like that)
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welcomebluemorning · 9 months
welcome to my blog. my name is beet, and i use they/time pronouns
abt me:
i like making art and sometimes making fanfics. im an arospec agender lesbian. i love getting requests so feel free to drop something in my askbox!
i have (suspected) autism. please use tone tags with me. /nf
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object shows i’ve seen (faves in bold, recent in italic):
• inanimate insanity (all seasons)
• bfdi, bfdia, bfb, tpot
• hfjone
• ggg
• animatic battle
• the five secondly object show: beans show
• the five secondly object show season 3
• the nightly manor
• itft
• threeee
yeeah im boring i know. recommendations are encouraged 👍
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my strawpage 😽😽
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soapco and clean swing save me 🤤🤤
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squiishiichaos · 6 years
How We Cope: 2, Travel Part 1
Eos would’ve been a truly beautiful world, Riku thought, if only they hadn’t landed in an endless desert wasteland.  
(Read previous chapters here!)
With miles of wilderness in all directions and no sign of civilization anywhere to be seen, the Silveret wasn’t sure what their navigation gummi had sensed that led it here.   In retrospect, he supposed that trusting Roxas to just let the ship lead them where it would wasn’t one of his best decisions, but considering all the items they needed to acquire before this mission was done, Riku couldn’t say he was all that disappointed.   If nothing else, at least it was nice to have company his own age for once.  
What was this—the first time?  
It felt like the first time.    
So did going around an unknown world without the threat of imminent doom sitting pretty on his shoulders.   A part of him wondered if he’d ever been to any places in the past where he felt safe enough—comfortable enough—to just enjoy the scenery without looking over his shoulder every five seconds.    If he’d ever stood in a room without feeling eyes watching him from shadows, waiting for him to make a mistake; to show weakness. He couldn’t remember.   No matter how hard he tried, all he could recall were cold shoulders and even colder glares.
Even after all that, Riku couldn’t stop asking himself, how could I have been so blind?
Well, at least you can see well enough to know that’s not a tomato, he commended himself as he watched Roxas bend down to grab the ninth leiden potato in a row.   No matter how the blonde wiped dirt off the root vegetable, it remained crusted with a layer of cracked earth.     He let out a heave of breath, falling hard onto the ground while mindlessly throwing the potato up to him.
Riku caught it effortlessly.   “Giving up already?”
“It’s hot,” Roxas returned flatly, “I’m tired, and there are no goddamn tomatoes on this fucking world.”
“There has to be tomatoes somewhere,” he assured. “Besides, that’s only one missing item on the list.  We still have a whole host of other ingredients we’ve yet to find.”
“Wow, you are just a beacon of encouragement,” Roxas chided, lying down on the ground with his hands folded beneath his head.  Was it bad that he kind of wanted to kick him?  
“Like you’re any better.”  
“I’m not the one who walked into the Bistro during the busiest hours to tell everyone I was going on a long ass quest of self-exploration.    Don’t pin this on me.”   It was definitely bad that he wanted to kick him.  
“Look, I just wanted our friends to know where we were going.”
“Why?  So if we got eaten by the Heartless we haven’t even seen they could put their whole head together in some botched attempt to rescue us?”  
“Are you always this pessimistic?”
“Do you always ask this many questions?”  Okay, on second thought, maybe it was better he traveled with older individuals.  
The darkness had nothing on Roxas.   “You could’ve stepped in and told them to fuck off like you so enjoy telling me.”
“Jealous?”  Riku rolled his eyes.  
Lying there, peaceful and relaxed, it was hard to believe this was the person who made him contemplate the morality of murder on a daily basis.   But Roxas had always been an anomaly to him.  The way he wore darkness like it was a second skin while wielding light without any effort.    The way he picked fights with all the confidence of victory on his side, never counting his losses.   The fact he could stand toe to toe with someone like Xemnas and say the boldest of words and absolutely mean them.  
He wasn’t sure if the Blonde was someone to be idolized or feared, but he was sure that no light should look as good as his cohort looked bathed in his shadow.    “I guess I’ll just find the rest by myself, then, if you’re too lazy to help.”
“Good luck, Pretty Boy.”  With another roll of his eyes, Riku walked over the other boy, accidentally kicking his legs as he went.
He was beginning to regret this decision.  
At first, traveling with Roxas had been a godsend after months of lonely nights aboard the gummiship.   Sitting in the same seat Sora had sat time and time again, practically hearing his memories echoing off the walls along with snippets from Donald and Goofy had been almost too much for his heart to take after the incident.  Having someone else there—someone willing to talk—had filled that endless void with all the distractions he needed to bypass grief and dash straight back into focus.  But once the initial relief wore off, the realization of what he’d done sank in—deep and fast.  
Between the eight-hundred messages Roxas received daily in comparison to Riku’s one—if that—and the endless rounds of snarky wordplay that had no off-switch, he was starting to lose his mind.   If he was woken up one more time in the middle of a warp-gate to the Blonde’s phone chiming painfully into the night, murder would no longer be a possibility in his mind.  It’d be a very real, very bloody reality.  
This felt like fighting the darkness all over again, only somehow worse.   At least back then he had Sora to look forward to.   What did he have now?
Oh, right, nothing.
“Fucking Roxas…” He grumbled, kneeling down to inspect a small bush of pebble-like beans.   Shaking a few loose into his palms, he pocketed them into his satchel before standing back up and making his way forward.   On his far right, the first sign of civilization sat alone in the dilapidated ruins of a shack.  Unopened boxes sat cluttered by a hole where the entrance once stood, untouched by everything but dirt and aged dust.  Signs of weathering existed on each slat of wind-worn wood barely holding the tiny thing together.  Scars from sand storms bit dents and scratches into its bare bones, offering shadows where light reflected off the hollowed structure.  
Something about the shack drew him closer.   Carried him inside the rickety framing where pockets of isolated sunlight beamed down through the many cracks in the ceiling like a ladder of pock-marks leading him beyond the entrance and toward the very back of the building.  In the left corner, huddled beneath a series of faded, old newspapers sat a discarded little trinket.  Silver and round, it shone with the brilliance of an abandoned relic after his thumb brushed off some of the dust.  
A reflection of himself peered back from atop its surface, drawn in lines of curiosity and caution.  Traces of dirt and toil sat stark against the paleness of his skin, darkening strands of his hair from silvery-white to ash-grey. Emerald pools appeared large and tourmaline when he moved it closer for inspection, obscuring parts of the object from view like moss atop a rock.  Brushing his thumb over the surface again, he hissed as a sharpened edge dug into his skin, drawing out a pinprick of blood to the surface.  
Sucking on the cut to stem the bleeding, he quickly pocketed the piece into his pants before standing and retreating back the way he came.
With no new finds to mark off his list and no real discoveries of note, he found himself torn between returning to his cohort and just continuing on his merry way, but he could practically hear that all-too-familiar voice sharp in his ears, scolding him again.
Who are you trying to fool?  
Perhaps it was himself—again.  This time, he wasn’t so sure.  
Definitely not Roxas—at least that much he knew.   Even if he tried, he didn’t think he could hide from the Blonde.   He was too damn perceptive.  
“Back so soon, eh?”  Speaking of which, Riku rolled his eyes at the boy still lying still on the ground.     For all the different aspects that made the Blonde so vastly different from Sora, there were a plethora of others that reminded him—constantly—how similar the two were.    This particular one made Riku painfully nostalgic for lazy days on endless shores.   “Did you find any tomatoes?”
“No, but I did find signs of civilization and a couple of nifty trinkets.  Have you moved at all since I left?”
“Sure have.  Took a quick little walk in that direction,” Roxas drawled while lazily pointing away from them, “and found a billboard for an outpost called Hammerhead, or some shit.”
“Sounds super promising.”
“What?  You don’t believe me?”
“I’m pretty positive you haven’t moved an inch since I left.” At that, Roxas sat up and managed a glare at him.  
“You calling me a liar, Pretty Boy?”
“I sure as hell aren’t calling you cute.”  The Blonde let out a grunt of effort as he got to his feet, dusting off his clothes of any dirt clinging to the dense fabric.   Stepping closer, he poked a finger into Riku’s chest with a narrowed leer.
“First off,” he growled, wrapping his fist in one of Riku’s jacket lapels, “I am fucking adorable.  Secondly,” he continued while dragging the Silveret behind him, “the sign is right fucking there.”  
Sure enough, standing in stark contrast to the barren isolation all around it, that singular billboard rose over the landscape in a shadowy sheet of billowing letters printed into deteriorating steel.  A faded arrow pointed to the east of them with names and locations printed in a language that was strangely foreign to him.     How Roxas had managed to decipher anything with all that dirt and peeling plaster, Riku would probably never know, but given that the Blonde was still leading him down the pathway carved out by the arrow, he figured there was really no point in asking.
Might as well see where this goes, I guess.   “So, did that sign say anything about where to find ingredients?”
“I’d assume that an outpost in the middle of a goddamn desert would likely have something resembling a moogle store for us to peruse.”
“That feels a lot like cheating, Roxas.”  
“Does it?”  He finally let go of Riku’s collar, wiping his hand down his pant leg like there were cooties he just had to get off.   The Silveret couldn’t help a little leer.  “I think I prefer the term critical thinking.”
“Whether or not you want to accept it, this is a mission.   We should treat it like one.”  
“It wouldn’t be a mission if someone hadn’t bothered to offer in the first place.”  Riku rolled his eyes.
“It’s not that big a deal, Roxas.  It’s just a few more items and then we’ll be free to go wherever your sassy heart desires.” The Blonde spotted him a glare over his shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s what you said ten minutes ago when we got our twentieth potato in a row!  You do know that for a fraction of the munny we have saved up from our collective travels we could buy out a small shop of all these ingredients and more, right?”
“We don’t even know if this world takes munny.” This time, Roxas actually stopped and turned where he stood to glare up at Riku like he was the biggest idiot on the planet.   Maybe he was, judging by his choice of companion.
“What world doesn’t take munny?  What other currency even is there?”   Reaching into his pocket, Riku held up the chipped coin he’d found in the shack, letting it shine brightly in the afternoon light.
“This world has gil.”
“What the fuck is gil?”  Before the Blonde could snatch the silver piece from his palm, Riku jammed it back into his pocket and continued on their journey east, shaking his head.  
“Wow, Roxas.  Just…wow.”  
Silence enveloped them after that, lending a peace to the journey Riku thought impossible after all the tension lingering between them as of late.   Although it was a subtlety he prided himself on ignoring for the most part, he still felt the gap between them like the cold, icy chill of a drop off hidden beneath cerulean waves.  Like a cavernous depth waiting to engulf them, it only grew the longer the two of them tip-toed around the main reason—the only reason—they were even here in the first place.
But Riku didn’t want to be the one who said it, not when he felt like mentioning Sora around Roxas was somehow taboo.  
A large part of him—which he blamed on the Brunet—wanted to ask if he was okay. To see if the boy who’d been so deeply connected to his friend’s heart felt just how empty and bottomless the Silveret felt when he realized his best friend was gone.  If he sometimes woke up from a dream, ready to share it with the bubbly hero only to remember that he wasn’t there.  If he ever looked in the mirror, stared into his blue eyes and thought—I shouldn’t be here.  
Because Riku did—all the time.   A piece of him wanted to summon his keyblade right now and reach deep into the bowels of his heart for the last threads of Sora he could still feel tumbling around inside it. To cling to cherished memories and let them open the keyhole that’d lead him wherever his friend was resting now, if only so he could see him one last time.  
But I was the one who let him go, he always reminded himself.  This is what he wanted—what made him happy.   I can’t tarnish that because of my selfishness. 
A part of him kind of hoped Roxas was less selfless than him, but given that he had resumed begrudgingly retrieving random ingredients from any living vegetation willing to yield results, he didn’t think he’d have much luck.   No matter how boisterous and sarcastic the Blonde was, Sora had a way of leaving a lasting imprint on every heart he touched.   No doubt, it was even larger on the blonde than it even was on him.  
He must really miss him, he thought solemnly as Roxas quietly dropped a few pieces of root into their satchel of goods.   Riku decided to take mercy on the poor sap.  
“Well, I think that’s pretty much everything on the list.”
“Fucking finally…” The Blonde grumbled, kicking at the ground.   They both stopped and looked at the strange, paper object that tumbled away with the momentum of the hit.   Already furrowed brows came together in a disgruntled look of surprise. “Cup noodles?  Out here in the desert?”
Riku glanced down at him sheepishly.  “What’re cup noodles?”
The Blonde stared back in disbelief.  “How do you not know what cup noodles are?  What kind of teenager are you?”
“The kind who got swallowed by darkness and subsequently charged with saving the world?”  For a long, quiet moment, Roxas did nothing but leer at him. 
After what felt like decades, he finally responded, “anything else you wanna unpack while we’re here?”
“Now that you mention it—”
“That was rhetorical,” he interrupted, dismissing Riku’s soft words with a careless wave.  He stomped over to the cup and crouched down to poke at its flimsy surface with a ringed finger.  “But seriously, where did this come from?”
“Didn’t you say there’s an outpost nearby?  Maybe someone dropped it on their way back from it.”  Roxas shook his head as he picked up the cup and inspected it for any clues.  Turning it this way and that in the sunlight, he glanced briefly back at Riku.
“It’s still pretty warm—too warm for a building that’s nowhere in sight.” Putting the cup back down, he took a quick picture of it with his gummi-phone before standing back up. Riku casually jerked his head at the winding dirt roads heading deeper into the open mountains.
“Why don’t we follow the trails?  We might find something.”
“Yeah?  Like what? More ingredients?”  Offering a smirk, he took the first step off the road and into unknown territory.
“If we’re lucky, sure.”
“Well, in that case, I guess we’ll be eating death for the next couple mornings.”
Riku rolled his eyes.  “Are you always like this or are you just being extra dramatic for me?”
Roxas’s grin was nothing short of shit-eating.  “That’s cute, you think I act different around you.”
“Alright then, hot shot,” he taunted, reaching for his phone, “let me just call Xion or Ax—”
“Don’t you fucking dare, Pretty Boy.”
Riku shrugged, letting the plastic fall back into the depths of his pocket, “I guess that proves I’m right.”
“How the fuck does that—” Whatever the Blonde was about to say died as a loud click boomed through the emptiness.   Both boys shared a quick look before their keyblades materialized into their hands, ready for whatever monster wished to disturb their peace.  
Instead of a heartless, a lanky Blonde with hair oddly similar to Roxas’s smiled sheepishly at them while holding his camera up in surrender.  “Hey, uh, sorry about that!  I didn’t think you guys would notice me in the midst of your couple’s spat!”
Riku went ghost white as Roxas shaded an angry red. “We’re not even friends.”
“Hah, well, you certainly fooled me.”  Casually heading down towards them, Riku and Roxas finally let their weapons dematerialize back into their hearts. The man didn’t even blink.  “The name’s Prompto, by the way.   Are you guys new here?”
“No,” Roxas seethed, his blue eyes narrowed into a deadly glare, “are you?”  Despite the storm clouds backing each and every syllable, Prompt still managed a light-hearted laugh.
“’Fraid not!  Me and a couple of pals are on a road trip to Altissia!”
“What are you doing out here, then?”  Riku questioned, gesturing at the barren landscape around them.   For a moment, Prompto just bit his lip and contemplated them, but after a couple of seconds, he gave a large shrug and stepped closer to them.   
“Can you guys keep a secret?”  He asked on a conspiratorial whisper.
Riku answered, “yes,” right as Roxas responded, “no.”  Unfazed by their lack of synchronization, the Blonde leaned an inch closer and looked at them in turn with the eyes of someone who had definitely seen some shit.
Oh no, not again.  “See, my friend is kind of a big deal around here. The biggest deal, so we have to keep to the outskirts or he might be assassinated.”  
Taking a moment to let that sink in, Roxas looked up at Riku and stared with all the disdain of the world over.  “Oh,” he said in that penetratingly flat tone, “wonderful.”
“Yeah!  Come on,” Prompto encouraged with a jerk of his thumb up the mountain, “I’ll introduce you!”   Without waiting for an answer, he dashed off at a clumsy pace, looking back only once to make sure they were there behind him.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Roxas leaned into his space and whispered, “have I mentioned this was a bad idea?”
“Only six times.”
“Only six? Wow,” the Blonde proclaimed, actually looking pleased at this information, “I’m proud of myself.”
“It might have been more,” Riku teased, “but I tuned you out after the first two.”  Throwing a narrowed glare at him, the Blonde stomped after Prompt with a little huff.
Despite himself, Riku thought, I’m glad I brought him along for this.  You really have a great Other, Sora, with a smile up at the bright blue sky.  
“Come on, you slow poke!  Demyx’s somebody is getting away!”  I take that back, he thought as he nearly doubled over in laughter, you have the best other.
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Paper代写:PSHE courses in the UK
本篇paper代写- PSHE courses in the UK讨论了英国的PSHE课程。英国的PSHE课程,目的是使学生懂得如何处理人际关系、如何融入社会、如何保持身心健康以及如何理财。个人教育、社会教育、健康教育和财经教育是英国PSHE课程内容的四大领域。四大领域的主题教育依据学生身心发展的特点,其要求从低学段到高学段逐渐增加,课程内容具有一致性和连续性。英国PSHE课程中的健康教育从学生具体的生活细节入手,根据学生日常生活需求去生成、更新课程内容,很好地实现了以学生为中心,从学生生活中来,到学生生活中去,一切为学生生活服务,突出教育的生活性。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
So far, there is no clear definition of PSHE in the UK, and several scholars define it from the perspective of "experience". Judith Ryder believes that PSHE courses in the UK effectively integrate students' personal education and social education, so as to ensure students' physical and mental health and promote their adaptation to the current and future social development. PSHE course improves students' social practice ability and cultivates students' positive life attitude. In the article "civic education and personal, social and health education -- opportunity, responsibility and experience" Liz Craft pointed out that "PSHE refers to the learning opportunities provided by schools to promote the personal and social development of their students as well as their health and happiness". "PSHE provides students with a way to gain knowledge and understanding and a way to listen to group discussions, share feelings, and understand their own and others' identities," says Gillian Feest, author of the report "reflections on a decade as a PSHE consultant." According to the views of the above scholars, the author believes that the British PSHE course is a course that enables students to know how to deal with interpersonal relationship, how to integrate into society, how to maintain physical and mental health, and how to conduct financial management.
Personal education, social education, health education and financial education are the four major fields of PSHE courses in the UK. Personal education aims to enable students to strengthen their understanding of themselves, make self-adjustment in the face of pressure, constantly cultivate students' self-confidence and sound personality, and lay a foundation for students' personal success in the future. Social education aims at enabling students to gradually understand social relations, develop interpersonal skills, adapt to the complex and changing society, and prepare for the future integration into society. Health education mainly includes physical health and mental health. To tell students about the basic health knowledge and some of the harm of bad behavior, how to carry out physical exercise to maintain good health, how to reasonable diet supplement body nutrition is the main content of health education; It is the main content of mental health education to let students know their emotions and tell them how to self-regulate and manage, how to release their inner loneliness and depression. Financial and economic education aims to enable students to initially learn certain financial skills, understand the economic and business environment in students' daily life, and make students dare, capable and friendly in financial management in the future. The four major areas of PSHE courses in the UK are not isolated from each other, but closely related to other subjects. Subject education in the four major fields is based on the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, and its requirements gradually increase from the low school level to the high school level, and the course content has consistency and continuity.
In the green paper "every child matters: for children to change", the British government has put forward five indicators for children's healthy development, and ofsted believes that the implementation of PSHE courses is of great significance for the realization of these five indicators. The second indicator is a safe life, including avoiding unfair treatment of children such as contempt, domestic violence and abuse. To prevent injury or death of children in accidents; Parents provide safe and healthy growing environment and family education for children. While meeting the basic needs of daily life, people pay increasing attention to health education. School health education not only attaches importance to the cultivation of personal ability and attitude, but also gives more consideration to the daily health needs of students. Therefore, the health education in the British PSHE course starts from the specific life details of students, generates and updates the course content according to the daily life needs of students, well realizes the student-centered, from student life to student life, all services for student life, highlighting the life of education.
According to the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, British PSHE course puts forward different requirements for the development of students in different learning stages, and the learning stages are connected with each other and have the characteristics of systematization. In terms of the health education in PSHE course, the requirements and contents of the lower learning stage to the higher learning stage gradually deepen and progress step by step. To maintain good health; Ability to understand basic safety codes of conduct, etc. Paragraph 2 asks students to make choices about a healthy life. Being able to recognize some of the factors that affect happiness and health; Be able to identify some dangerous behavior situation. Paragraph 3 requires students to know how to keep healthy both physically and mentally. How to adjust some negative emotions in the face of stress; Recognize laws and regulations related to tobacco, alcohol, legal and illegal drugs, etc. Section 4 requires students to understand the factors affecting healthy lifestyle and make choices based on their own reality. Identify the causes of mental and emotional disorders and propose solutions; Objectively evaluate the pros and cons of your lifestyle, such as drinking, smoking, sexual intercourse, etc., and make healthy lifestyle choices on this basis. It can be seen that the content of health education in British PSHE curriculum is a continuous system.
The British PSHE curriculum links people to people, people to others, people to environment and people to society, which indicates that the PSHE curriculum integrates individual education, social education, health education and financial and economic education. In terms of course content, PSHE course content is not a fixed knowledge structure system, but integrated into various disciplines in a specific way. In terms of curriculum implementation, some schools have infiltrated PSHE courses into the teaching of other disciplines and carried out PSHE courses by integrating them with other disciplines. For example, the history teacher may take the war casualties as the health education topic; Biology teachers can explain the process of life evolution and life phenomena such as birth, old age, illness and death to students. Teachers of religious education can interpret life's life and death in a unique way. Teachers of ethics can explain sexual knowledge and morality to students. Thus it can be seen that the PSHE curriculum in the UK is effectively integrated with other disciplines, without requiring extra teaching time, thus effectively complementing each other among disciplines and increasing the cohesion of the school. 4. Peace
"Student-centered", to meet the students' personality development, promote the overall development of students is the purpose of British PSHE courses. Firstly, PSHE aims to promote students' personal development and growth, provide help for students to manage their current life and prepare them for their future personal development. Students can obtain the knowledge and skills needed to solve daily difficulties through PSHE courses, which is helpful to enhance students' self-confidence and social adaptability. Secondly, the setting of PSHE course objectives respects the law of students' physical and mental development, and different learning segments arrange different contents and activities. For example, in the PSHE course of Scott middle school, the content of food is as follows: learning paragraph 2 requires knowledge of daily food-related operation skills, while learning paragraph 3 requires showing the food of a specific country and introducing its dietary habits. Finally, in the teaching process of PSHE course, students should pay attention to student-based education, encourage students to use the knowledge and skills they have learned to solve problems, and highlight their autonomy. To sum up, PSHE courses in the UK can help students establish self-confidence and sense of social responsibility, better deal with interpersonal relationships and adapt to the future society.
"The fundamental purpose of using the curriculum knowledge effectively is to solve important personal and social problems," Beane said. The value of the course should meet the requirements of students' personal and social development, that is to say, the course can enable students to acquire the key knowledge and ability needed for future development, namely the core accomplishment. At present, China's primary and secondary schools are still seriously affected by examination-oriented education. They still attach too much importance to the study of traditional subject knowledge and ignore the physical and mental health education which is most closely related to students' daily life. The students they train can only take exams. The British PSHE course organizes teaching based on the problems in students' daily life, generates and constantly updates and improves the course content. The course content is specific to all aspects of students' growth, which makes students more closely connected with others and society and gradually makes students become a complete person. Therefore, the implementation of health education curriculum in China should be people-oriented. As a complete person, students should be given comprehensive training to constantly improve the living state and quality of life of students, so that students have the core quality of future social development.
Based on students' daily life, adjusting and improving the content system of health education curriculum in China and thoroughly implementing the curriculum standards of health education in primary and secondary schools are the way out for the development of health education in primary and secondary schools in China in the future. The experience of PSHE courses in the UK can be used for reference to make improvements in the following aspects: first, the content system of health education should be integrated. Paying attention to students' physical health is the basic condition, strengthening students' psychological quality can promote students' healthy and sustainable development. Not only learning relevant health knowledge, but also paying attention to the training of students' skills and the cultivation of their values. Second, the content of health education is systematized. According to the physical and mental development and cognitive characteristics of students, the health education content of primary and secondary schools should focus on meeting the needs of students' personal development. Thirdly, the content of health education should meet the needs of students' actual development. The content of health education textbooks should be selected from students' daily life, focusing on the expression of students' emotions and emotions, helping students to solve the problems and puzzles in self-cognition, sexual health, depression and other psychological aspects, and strengthening the cultivation of students' quality from both physical and mental aspects. Fourthly, change the teaching method of health education. Health education is not only to improve students' health knowledge, but also to emphasize the skills and attitudes to develop a healthy lifestyle. The ultimate goal of health education is to cultivate students' healthy behaviors and develop their health literacy. Therefore, we need to rely on the actual situation of China and draw lessons from the successful experience of PSHE course in the UK to investigate the current situation of health education in China, further supplement, enrich and improve the content of health education, and build a content system of health education suitable for China.
At present, China's life education has been concerned and tried to be carried out in primary and secondary schools, but it is still in the initial stage, the research on life education is not mature, there is no relevant curriculum outline, special education training and other specific measures, the system of life education to be built. "People oriented, return to life" is the concept of British PSHE course. The UK implements the concept of life education in PSHE course through subject penetration, life safety education and life safety quality development activities to improve students' health and happiness. Based on the experience of life education in primary and secondary schools in Britain and the current situation of life education in primary and secondary schools in China, the following Suggestions are put forward. Secondly, teachers should attach importance to the practical development of life education. Teachers should closely link the teaching content with daily life and use practical experience to let students understand the preciousness of life and understand the value of life, so as to realize their own life value. At the same time, the professional quality of life education should be improved. Third, special institutions, departments and expert groups should be set up to evaluate the implementation of life education, so that life education can be thoroughly implemented in primary and secondary schools.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/microsoft-just-made-it-easier-to-create-ios-and-android/
Microsoft just made it easier to create iOS and Android
At Build 2017, Microsoft showed off the cross-platform electricity of its .NET framework, with the aid of demonstrating how apps can be easily created on a Windows PC and work on iOS, Android, and Windows at some point of a unmarried shared code base.
But Microsoft didn’t forestall there. While the .NET Standard 2.0 code base allows apps to percentage code, the unique XAML libraries for building user interfaces weren’t move compatible. So, Microsoft also announced XAML Standard 1.0, a unified markup language for consumer interface elements that works across Windows, iOS, and Android.
Or, in easier terms — Microsoft now has a shared code library that permits developers to easily create apps for all three structures with the equal consumer interface with a minimum quantity of effort. Which can simplest be an excellent thing for every person, regardless of the OS you choose
At Build 2017, Microsoft confirmed off the cross-platform energy of its
.NET framework, through demonstrating how apps might be without difficulty created on a Windows PC and work on iOS, Android, and Windows at some point of a unmarried shared code base.
But Microsoft didn’t prevent there. While the .NET Standard 2.Zero code base lets in apps to percentage code, the authentic XAML libraries for building user interfaces weren’t pass well suited. So, Microsoft additionally introduced XAML Standard 1.Zero, a unified markup language for user interface factors that works across Windows, iOS, and Android.
Or, in less complicated terms — Microsoft now has a shared code library that lets in builders to easily create apps for all three structures with the same user interface with a minimum amount of attempt. Which can most effective be an amazing factor for anyone, irrespective of the OS you decide upon
Where Is Microsoft Excel Used?
Whether you work at an accounting company, a advertising company, an vehicle dealership, a school attendance workplace, a manufacturing plant’s human sources department, or an workplace related to metropolis, county, country or federal government, probabilities are, you may be referred to as upon to apply and learn Excel.
Just approximately each place of job has a call for for Excel, the computing world’s most usually used software program program for comparative information analysis. Excel has been to be had in various incarnations for more than a decade. Each subsequent release takes this system to new territory.
Popularly called the high-quality spreadsheet application on the market, Excel is powerful, clean to apply, and remarkably efficient. Excel is fantastically interactive. Its spreadsheet cells are arranged in a group of rows and columns, each of which could maintain quite a number, a textual content string, or a formulation that plays a function, along with calculation. It’s clean to replicate and circulate cells in addition to modify formulation. The spreadsheet is displayed on the laptop display in a scrollable window that lets in the report to be as deep or as wide as required.
Working for a prime newspaper in Northern California
I became one in all several journalists involved within the annual evaluation of our county’s economic system. The process concerned collecting information that could be punched into Excel spreadsheets that ultimately ranked statistics according to the category of facts being reviewed.
The splendor of Excel, from the point of view of newspaper studies initiatives, is that you can use formulation to recalculate effects by means of converting any of the cells they use. With this model, you could use the same spreadsheet statistics to obtain various effects via definitely defining and converting formulation as preferred. It is this feature that makes Excel so useful in such a lot of one-of-a-kind arenas.
With a click of the mouse, we journalists had been capable of get solutions to a huge sort of questions. Which employers had the best wide variety of people? Which ones had the best quantity of gross annual receipts? Which ones appeared to be growing and which of them had declining sales? What was the quantity of real property loans and had there been a decline or boom from the preceding year?
  JavaFX on IOS and Android: Great News for Cross-Platform Application Development
Oracle’s JavaFX, the wealthy Java client platform for UI, has won factors with Java software builders seeing that Oracle introduced its plans to open source its iOS and Android implementations inside the next few months. For the first time, application builders may be capable of construct pass-platform applications for iOS, Android, Windows RT, and laptop apps the use of JavaFX code.
Though this may be a exceptional begin for JavaFX on iOS gadgets, it could additionally be too little too overdue. The long-time lack of Java help on iOS has compelled developers to look for alternatives which might be fairly mature and famous. For example, HTML5 for move-platform net programs, cell frameworks like PhoneGap for mobile apps, and Unity and ShiVa3D for serious recreation programs. The opposition for JavaFX is giant and robust.
However, developers who have labored with JavaFX 2.0 are large supporters of the generation.
For one issue, Java FX 2.0 allows you to create programs absolutely in Java the usage of popular Java development gear. Java developers can get commenced with JavaFX with out losing any time at the learning curve. Using Java for the backend and internet client saves a lot of time, attempt and of course, assets.
Secondly, JavaFX integrates nicely with popular languages like Groovy and Scala, and you could comprise JavaFX scenes into Swing apps. It also has a right browser aspect this is primarily based on Webkit. And you may additionally use XML layout FXXML for UI coding, apart from Java.
Thirdly, the animation and drawing capabilities of JavaFX are undoubtedly awesome. It’s fairly smooth to construct complex photos, consist of consequences and make it jazzy – allowing for wealthy UI layout and depth.
Open sourcing of JavaFX
Oracle started talking approximately open sourcing JavaFX code at JavaOne 2012. Since then, 543,0.5 traces of code, from 35 exclusive sub-projects, have been launched for public use in re-certified shape. This has occurred after an extended-standing call for from utility builders.
In the February Open source Update, Richard Blair outlines all of the JavaFX initiatives whose code has been open sourced including decora implementation, Modena app, animation APIs and implementation, beans, residences, collections, prism scene graph peers/interfaces, 2D software program rasterizer, trying out stubs and gear.
In the subsequent weeks, 7 greater tasks (138,034 lines of code) inclusive of Glass, Image I/O and Prism might be shared, observed with the aid of the relaxation of prism, net, and media sources in the next 1-2 months. The team is also working at the OpenJFX listing to replace javafx-font with direct calls to the local operating machine inside the open supply version.
Faster Than Faster Android Phones Are the Latest Sensation
Smartphones delivered these days are replete with specifications that make them faster than quicker. The innovation is a technological step forward for developing markets as those assist international phone production organizations in catering to the increasing needs of numerous client agencies.
Cutting-Edge Technology to Increase User Base
Technological improvements are a high-quality way for producers to increase their operations and reach a bigger consumer base in more recent markets. These all-new android telephones cross past seems to provide a deadly aggregate of compelling design and present day generation. They additionally provide rapid twin charging functionality well matched with Qualcomm QC 2.Zero.
Fingerprint Unlocking
Safe as houses, the fingerprint unlocking characteristic helps unencumber the phone in a trifling 0.2 seconds, and zero.5 seconds while in sleep mode. The fast contact reputation device identifies your fingerprint from all or any angles.
Faster Dual Charging Circuits
When dual charging circuits are paired with a quick-charging battery, the charging speed of your handset gets frequently better, permitting you to experience two hours of non-forestall tune with just five minutes of charging. This progressive strength-saving generation offers us some lots-wished peace of thoughts, promising hours of endless leisure with the least charging/battery hassles.
Multitask with Smart Split
Have you been looking forward to a telephone that lets you watch films at the same time as you are texting? Wait no greater. A smart break up feature is being included in android telephones nowadays to split the display screen in with one click on of the function icon. With this era, customers can now multitask over a unmarried screen with out switching backward and forward.
Single Touch Optimisation to Maintain Speed
Android telephones turn out to be faster than quicker while a Funtouch OS 2.Five (primarily based on Android 5.1) and an Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor is paired with 32GB ROM and 4GB (expandable as much as 128GB) RAM. With unmarried touch optimisation, those phones clean the cache and RAM in one visit make certain ideal velocity and perfect execution.
Quicker Shots with Phase Detection Autofocus
Even the camera is getting faster as it could now be activated in only 0.7 seconds. Its Phase Detection Autofocus technology even lets you consciousness on any desired object in a trifling 0.2 seconds. Likewise, the Smart Wake facility in those handsets helps you to get admission to Facebook, your tune player, dialing pad or every other app in a flash. The apps can be accessed from a locked black display screen by simply drawing custom slide styles over it.
Originally posted 2016-08-27 06:01:25.
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your-fav-is-divorced · 4 months
potato battery and stevie boy 5sos:bs
since when does 5sos not stand for five seconds of summer? I feel old.
anyways here’s your post
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/nyc-cafe-accuses-starbucks-of-stealing-their-unicorn/
NYC cafe accuses Starbucks of stealing their unicorn
However, The Quit claims that the Unicorn Frappuccino was too comparable in outward look to their unicorn latte. Both beverages prominently show brilliant colorings, purple and blue in particular.
The Quit also felt that Starbucks’ product launch changed into designed to overshadow their unicorn late, with the lawsuit also noting that The Cease has had a hallmark pending on the drink name seeing that January.
Starbucks, of direction, said that the accusations have no grounds. And while a part of us hates siding with company giants, we may need to consider them right here. It is very tough to imagine that Starbucks designed Each their drink and their advertising marketing campaign to purposefully overshadow a small cafe in Brooklyn.
The beverages also are basically distinctive to their very middle.
Starbucks’ unicorn is all about sugary sweetness even as The Quit’s unicorn attempts to assist humans to discover strength through all-natural elements (algae!). Due to that, those two unicorn drinks robotically goal nearly absolutely exclusive audiences. You drink the latte while you want to keep your suitable vibes going after a few restorative yoga, and you drink the frappuccino whilst you need to deal with yo’self and experience certainly responsible approximately it later.
Maybe all people should simply pass on and forestall the unicorn trend altogether.
People That Accuse You When You Are In The Right
Maximum of us realize a person who accuses us of incorrect-doing whenever we ask that they do what they must have completed. As an example, you can have a colleague who has to have finished some paintings by a sure cut-off date, and your part of the paintings relies upon on their finished work. And while you ask for his or her paintings, they accuse you of being domineering, whinge approximately you to HR, or simply say which you are not their boss or something like that. Or perhaps you’ve got a pal of loved one which became going to look after your pet or flowers at the same time as you were away,
And closer the time, whilst you asked them while to supply your
Home keys to them, they blast you with being too annoying and that you need to not anticipate they’ll do the undertaking, and so on. Or perhaps you were having a communication with and that they seem satisfied that you are wrong, despite the fact that you understand that you are right. Sounds familiar? Examine on…
Simply pointing out to them which you have been counting on them, that that they had agreed to assist, that you are not the person making demands (as inside the case of the colleague who leaves you stranded without their a part of the paintings executed), or that studies suggests that your argument is correct; this isn’t going to get you anywhere, as this individual convinces even themselves that they’re a sufferer and you are the bully. Or they may deliberately be gambling you for something motive. they may not even see that there is a hassle, not to mention that they, no longer you, are those who have created it.
So what are you alleged to do?
To start witformember the fact that that is a trouble with psychological issues that we may not recognize. They need to assist, and will now not reply to purpose.
Secondly, know that defense mechanisms are utilized by them towards you to shield or protect themselves from emotional hurt. Passive-competitive type human beings use a selection of maneuvers to get what they need, whilst on the same time, shielding themselves from perceived damage or grievance. They do no longer care about the truth, approximately your feelings, or the consequences of their movements for others. They handiest consider themselves.
Thirdly, do not reply to them if you can help it. If it’s far a piece state of affairs, log it and see the HR supervisor or your boss as soon as possible, as this man or woman may also beat you to it (they are the supposed sufferer, do not forget?). If it is a “buddy”, well, you may want to spring-easy your friendships and discover humans extra for your stage.
Closing however no longer least, use EFT Tapping or any similar electricity modality so that you can let cross of the hurt carried out to you. In any other case, the resentment may additionally build up, you can begin ignoring your paintings, or you could begin dropping self-assurance in social conditions. Tap it out. Don’t let this man or woman get to you. permit it to pass.
Starbucks Coffee – What Commercial Real Estate Investors Should Know
Starbucks Espresso once in a while referred to as Fourbucks Coffee is the largest coffeehouse chain within the international. It opened its first save in 1971 in Seattle’s waterfront Pike Vicinity Market with the aid of 3 companions: Jerry 1st earl Baldwin of Bewdley, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bowker to sell Coffee beans and system. In 1982, Howard Schultz, the contemporary Chairman, and CEO joined the enterprise as the Director of Advertising. He became inspired by way of the popularity of the coffee bars in Italy after he traveled to Milan in 1983. Returned to the united states, he convinced the founders of Starbucks to sell each Espresso beans and espresso beverages
But, the idea changed into rejected so he left the employer and based Il Giornale Espresso bar chain in 1985.
In 1987 Howard Schultz and Il Giornale offered Starbucks with $3.8M and renamed Il Giornale Espresso bars to Starbucks and grew to become it into the Starbucks you realize nowadays. The company went public with the image SBUX on June 26, 1992, at $17/proportion with one hundred forty stores. In view that then the inventory has broken up 5 times. As of May additionally 2008, SBUX is traded at about $sixteen, down from the excessive of $39.43 in November 2006.
Starbucks opened the primary overseas keep in Tokyo, Japan in 1996. The employer presently has about sixteen,000 stores, employs 172,000 partners, AKA employees as of September 2007 in 44 international locations. It has annual sales of over $10B with most recent quarterly revenue being $2.526B. approximately eighty-five% of Starbucks sales comes from business enterprise operated stores.
Starbucks does no longer franchise its operations and has no plans to franchises in foreseeable destiny.
In North America, most stores are agency-operated. You can see a few Starbucks shops inside Target, primary supermarkets, University campuses, Hospitals, and Airports. These shops are operated below licensing agreements to provide access to real property which would otherwise unavailable. Starbucks receives licensee expenses and royalties from These licensed places. At Those licensed retail locations, the workers are considered employees of that particular store, no longer Starbucks. As of 2008, it has 7087 corporation-operated stores and 4081 licensed shops in the US. Across the world, it has 1796 employer operated stores and 2792 joint mission or licensed stores in forty-three overseas countries. The tempo of expansion is slowing down because the employer plans to open 1020 US shops in 2008, much less than four hundred stores in 2009 down from 1800 shops in2007. Similarly, it additionally plans to close 100 shops in 2008.
The Consequences of Stealing – Theft and the Law
Robbery can include armed robbery, burglary, Theft by using test, forgery, unauthorized use of a car, fraud, false declaration to a credit employer, shoplifting and the listing goes on. The results for stealing variety from a category C misdemeanor to prison fees, typically relying on the monetary cost of what become taken. If the fee of the stolen item is beneath $1,500 then the wrongdoer will most probable be convicted of a misdemeanor. This may result in a simple high-quality and/or network provider, however, may also contain prison time, relying on the situations. If the object was stolen turned into of remarkable fee, the accused will most probably be charged with a prison and will serve jail time. At the time of a listening to the court might be notified if there may be a couple of offense at the suspect’s document and this could also affect the sentencing. Those who steal generally do not do it simply one time.
It is important to note that during a few states
Stealing of any type is taken into consideration a “crime of moral turpitude”. This indicates the act of stealing is not a favorable action in network requirements of justice, honesty or top morals. Even if you are charged with a misdemeanor, you may have an everlasting criminal report on the way to follow you for the relaxation of your lifestyles. This will have negative outcomes on the culprit’s individual individually, legally and with destiny employment possibilities.
One of the most not unusual types of stealing is shoplifting
Shoplifting is the planned act of taking an unpaid item from a place of business and it takes place extra than we are conscious. A person may be convicted of shoplifting even if they do not stroll out of the shop, however, are located with hidden merchandise in their ownership. In some states, there is even a “regulation of Parties” that means that in case you are with a pal who is stuck stealing in a retail establishment, you may also be prosecuted even though you failed to intend on stealing. A median of $10 billion greenbacks’ really worth of goods is stolen from retail businesses each year. The numbers and data are fantastic. All of us pay the charge for Those who devote those acts by way of having to pay greater for merchandise when groups pad expenses to recuperate losses from shoplifters. The law does no longer look kindly on People who shoplift.
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