karbonayakizi · 7 months
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2022 Yılı için Lider Marka Ödülleri değerlendirmesinde, Belgelendirme ve Doğrulama Kuruluşu kategorisinde finalistler arasından kazanan QSI Belgelendirme oldu.
QSI Belgelendirme ’nin 2006 Yılından günümüze uzanan hizmet yolculuğunda bu yıl Sektöründe Lider Kuruluş olarak değerlendirilmiş olması, fark yaratan ve değer katan kuruluş olarak öne çıkması bizim için çok gurur verici, bu gururu ekip arkadaşlarımızla da paylaşıyor onlara çok teşekkür ediyoruz.
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ziobrowski · 2 years
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thoughtlessarse · 4 months
The EU elections will decide the fate of the European Green Deal. ECOLISE is calling on citizens across Europe to go out and vote for a strong Green Deal and for policymakers to empower citizens as agents of change. Nina Klein is Policy Lead at ECOLISE – European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability. Bad dream, full reality Your house is burning and you’ve called the fire brigade, “Don’t worry,” they say “we’ll take care of this.” Then you wait. And wait. Until it’s too late. This is where European citizens are today. Temperatures are rising. The European Environment Agency warns us to expect at least 3˚C of warming in Europe by 2050, causing food and ecosystems to fail. Already 80% of Europe’s ecosystems are in a bad state; there is pollution on a huge scale. According to the UN, to avoid the worst impacts the next two years are critical. Meanwhile, national governments are… not doing much. “Don’t worry,” they say, “we’ll fix this for you. Technology will sort it out. Calm down and watch. But first, we need to take care of … [the pandemic / war / inflation / petrochemical and agro-chemical profits / etc.].” Nobody treats citizens as agents of change – despite the last IPCC report stating that “(systemic enabling of) changes to our lifestyles … can result in a 40-70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This offers significant untapped potential.” Good dream, half reality The good news is there’s a plan! There is a European Green Deal. Since 2019, following impressive climate action (thanks, Fridays for Future!) momentum for the deal has been growing, buoyed by a strong coalition across political divides at EU level. The deal establishes important goals for governance in the face of the planetary crisis: binding regulations such as the Climate Law (Fitfor55 package), Ecocide law, Right to Repair, and much more besides. Of course, a lot still needs to be done, especially in agriculture and food systems. 80% of environmental laws in the Member States derive from the EU. They help keep the playing field level in economies based on profits and a delusional growth paradigm – where caring for the planet and people receives little support. These regulations give citizens hope.
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If the far- and hard right win big, then we can wave bye-bye to the European Green Deal in its current form. What will replace it? A few, ineffectual regulations.
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#Breaking: Deal reached on new #carbon leakage instrument to raise #global #climate ambition
#Breaking: Deal reached on new #carbon leakage instrument to raise #global #climate ambition
Deal reached on new carbon leakage instrument to raise global climate ambition On Tuesday morning, MEPs reached a provisional agreement with Council to set up an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism to combat climate change #FitFor55 More: https://t.co/iOXYTU0zz8 — EP PressService (@EuroParlPress) December 13, 2022 Source: Twitter
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superblyeleganttaco · 3 years
Spolu s priateľmi z Cyklokoalície sme podpísali hromadnú pripomienku Priateľov Zeme CEPA, aby čerpanie európskych štrukturálnych a investičných fondov, 12 miliárd pre transformáciu našej ekonomiky a spoločnosti, v budúcich 7 rokoch na Slovensku skutočne prispelo k uhlíkovej neutralite.
Vďaka nej budú musieť zástupcov petície prijať tvorcovia návrhu Partnerskej dohody (medzi Európskou komisiou a Slovenskou Republikou) a rokovať o spôsoboch, ako zohľadniť naše pripomienky, ako verejnosti, ktorej sa budú investičné a transformačné projekty konkrétne týkať.
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carabanchelnet · 3 years
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📌La playa de Madrid Río permanecerá seca todo este verano
📌El paquete ‘Fit for 55’ de la Comisión Europea no está a la altura para contener la crisis climática
📌CCOO denuncia la negativa de la Consejería de Sanidad de Madrid a devolver profesionales del Zendal al Infanta Sofía
📌España 2021: una nueva reforma del sistema público de pensiones
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iafisco1960 · 2 years
Stop auto benzina entro il 2035: Europarlamento al voto, Italia spaccata
Il pacchetto «Fitfor55» prevede una serie di misure per arrivare a un drastico taglio delle emissioni inquinanti. Tra questi la conversione all'elettrico dell’intera industria automobilistica. source https://www.corriere.it/economia/consumi/22_giugno_07/stop-auto-benzina-entro-2035-europarlamento-voto-italia-spaccata-b533bb54-e669-11ec-864b-88ccbc1cac69.shtml
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currentindia · 3 years
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todaynewsday · 3 years
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