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I'm moving to my cave for the rest of 2020, I will however resurface for elections. Thanks @nekoakemi for the video. #merman #blueroom #northshoreoahu #sereia #tritón #tritão #gaymer #gaydisney #mermaid #fishrealness #cave #mensswim #realmerman (at North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHw1ITHci5/?igshid=k09eysmh9et3
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#petty #fishrealness #mermaidteas 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Making these filters #werk baby! #snapchat #fishrealness #fish (at Leominster, Massachusetts)
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Me and the boys were serving river fish realness as we floated down the Delaware River this Labor Day Weekend. Perfect company and perfect weather! After the sunny afternoon of being on the river, we hopped over to @tavern519 to finish off the day with some killer eats. If feeling and smelling like a fish after coming off the river was not enough, I ordered the special, Seared Ahi Tuna served with Creamy Mushroom Polenta. It was absolutely delicious! I also ordered a side of Fancy Tots which I will feature later this week. Now those were something out of this world! Tavern 519 is a hidden gem off the beaten path outside of Frenchtown, NJ. Whether you are finishing up a day of tubing on the river or traveling up Route 29, my company and I would absolutely recommend enjoying the al fresco dining here. You can check out their menu on Facebook on their cover photo and call to make a reservation. Tavern 519 650 County Road 519, Frenchtown, NJ 08825 908.660.4519 A huge thank you to my friend, José @glamgender for the awesome shot of me on the river! . . . #labeardedlady #tavern519 #tubing #delawareriver #rivertubing #laborday #labordayweekend #ahituna #searedtuna #tunasteak #alfrescodining #alfresco #diningalfresco #mushroompolenta #polenta #foodblogger #foodphotography #foodphotographer #frenchtown #frenchtownnj #nj #newjersey #fishrealness #comfortfood #eatlocal #quarantinelife #glamgender #selfie #selfiesunday (at Tavern 519) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1tcKAD5U1/?igshid=1ibfrnlvy229c
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BEAUTIFUL FRESHWATER MOLLY FISH HD FISH TANK AQUARIUMS : If you like my Videos & you wants More Sub here : aquarium fish tropical fish types of fish freshwater fish fish aquarium fish tank fish bowl Relaxing Aquarium Fish The king of DIY FISH Nature Aquarium FISH #fish #tank #how to #make an #design #aquarium with all #fishs BEAUTIFUL FRESHWATER MOLLY FISH HD#FHD #1080P #NEW #2016 most funny jokes pictures videos movies youtube quotes ever EP 001 #most #funny #jokes #pictures #videos #movies #youtube #quotes #ever The best way to make 1 Million Molly Fish how to Care Feeding and Breeding in your aquarium Guppy fish tank wallpaper hd my tank Hybridization fish guppies aquarium full download #wallpaper #hd #ful The #best #way to #make #1_Million #Molly_Fish how to #Care #Feeding and #Breeding in your #aquarium Types: Molly Fish, Fin Shape & Design Picture Source: fishnbirds.net Marble Lyretail Molly Harlequin Sailfin Molly Golden Sailfin Molly Gold Dust Molly Gold Doubloon Molly Black Molly Balloon Molly Platinum Lyretail Molly Dalmation Molly Black Lyretail Molly Black Sailfin Molly There are numerous types of molly fish but the most common type held in aquariums is known as the short finned mollies. For the most part, you can categorize them into two different groups of mollies. Most aquarium mollies are short finned because they are much easier to care for then Sailfin mollies. Sailfin desire a much more wide open tank with more water volume and harder regulated water temperatures. The image shown above to the right is known as a short finned dalmation molly. Very spectacular in color and shape. The fins on mollies are quite beautiful. Roommates and Tankmates for Mollies? Other Mollies, Guppies, Platys, Swordtails, Gourami fish, Female Bettas, Endlers, Danios, Minnows, Tetras, Snails, Shrimp and others. The Molly species of fish are very laid back and easy to get along with. It's usually not the molly you have to worry about, but instead the other fish that goes in for attack. Don't get me wrong, the molly does enjoy a good chasing and they are somewhat fast but they are going to do any harm. The most popular tankmate that I see housed with the molly are other livebearing fish species. They all somewhat act alike and do very well together. With lots of livebearers on your hands you will be constantly dealing with new fry being born on a weekly basis. These fish have babies all the time. A good rule of thumb to follow is to research each and every fish species you plan to roommate up with the molly. A trick I have learned through the years is to get into the Google search engine and do a search like this "molly fish with angelfish" or molly fish with betta fish." Its a very common thread for people to post questions as. Popular forums like AquariumGeek and Fishlore are great hangouts to get information on. You can even do a search around here on this network for involving tankmates with mollies (since we are devoted to mollies here!). Molly Fish Breed All the Time! Details Picture After owning molly fish or any livebearer for some time, you will quickly find out how much they breed. Any molly fish can breed with another breed of molly. This makes for a crazy successful breeding platform. Any female can hookup with any male. Being livebearers, they do give 'live birth' to their babies. Females are usually always pregnant with babies and that's how you can cosmetically tell the difference between males and females. That and fin differences. The parents will feed on their newly born young and that makes for a nice snack. It's pretty disturbing but you get over it. If they didn't eat their own young.. there would be molly fish everywhere I think... It's not uncommon to see 1-3 babies swimming in your tank that somehow survived the birth and feeding of the newborns while you were at work all day. Behavior Traits of the Molly Fishrealized it was happening right under their eyes. I'm not quite sure why they do this hierarchy of levels but it's just how the fish is. You will see a fish with less rank come up to a fish that has more power and it's almost as if the fish is kissing his shoes "sort of say." They will back out of each others way and do lots of unique things regarding their rank levels. I have had 0 incidents as far as the fish being over aggressive with other tank mates in the same habitat level. Very peaceful and civil to be around for other fish in the same habitat of living. Quick Fact: Male Mollies are the Alpha Fish You will quickly find out that the males are the king and most alpha to be done. Having numerous males in one tank will cause lots of aggression with Alphas fighting. Pregnant Mollies and Breeding Molly Fish pregnant molly fish
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GIANT fish on 4lb Test!!! Damiki rigging and tight lining Norris what's up guys welcome back to theirepisode of BassQuest it's 2019 I'm superexcited to bring y'all some footage ofChickamauga I know a bunch of guys havebeen messaging me it's getting aroundthe tournament season again so the tipsand tricks are coming so don't worryabout that we're gonna have this comingweek I'm gonna post two videos for youguys of recent footage within the lasttwo weeks so hopefully give you an ideaof what the fish are doing right nowtoday however I'm really excited tobring you some footage of me and willVandy he was kind enough to invite me upto North Lake to fish for some bigsmallmouth bass and not this fishing forsmallmouth bass because you guys know Ido that on the river system a lot we'retalking fishing for smallmouth bass andthey're like 30 to 50 feet of water I'mdoing a technique some of you might befamiliar with either domeki rig fishingtightlining and just like reallyfinessed grub fishing or small swim baitfishing so I hope y'all like thisfootage we cut these fish in all thatdeep water and big fish you'll see on 4pound test now you trick them all youguys are like me we don't evenunderstand like what 4 pound test isunless you're crappie fishermen aroundhere you don't even know like when Itouched it I was like this has got to behuman hair or something it's super tinytiny diameter line you think you wouldsnap it immediately but there's somethings that we did to keep that fromhappening so stay tuned to the end ofthe videos awesome fish catchers rightnow but I'm going to give you kind ofsome tips and tricks on how to dosomething similar to this on your legand catch big fish using extremelyextremely for the nest tackle let's jumpin oh really we got one that feels likea really good oneyeah poor pale on you God look at therock fish busting oh yes pretty good butI can't tell those 4 things happen outhere if I write back out there where Iwas that man look at him rock fishreally I knowlisten if you want catch them catch themI don't care what we catch these willfitif I were you'd swimbait over in theregacho gets them for surecatch one man they'd be good camerastuff here we go and shut that othercamera over there I like it it's like wegot some investment small a big smallerhead shaking big smileyI'm a beast rapper coming up small nowhe's turning into a striper while herewe go here I was I was down on thebottomyes sir just loaded in here like I gotabout to where you were a second in hereyeah good I'm glad they're still hereno way I'm not a liar on your cameras gothat's a big boy right there yeah someof these are huge shoulda brought my bigswim baby yeah I've got like everythingyou think of if you'll try no doubled upI guess I'll just get the net boys yeahthat's crazywe got this fish big fish feels like I'mfour pound test something we do a lot ofthislook at the graph I saw him it's so deepthough you can't telloh man bye my big - - it looks likethat's so cool I can do this all dayyep good oh my god some of those arehuge dude good lord in front of us aresome begging Jesus hold on hey get backin there if you want to bless you Ohfire and this is heavier yeah we'll haveyour line yeah this is nutswell here's your double there's carry solet me get over here let me let him goyeahyeah yeah might decide this oh my goshdude there's big uns everywhere I'm justgonna drop straight now okay it off andstraight now I mean there's hundreds ofthem in here yes oh this is big big holysmokes the drag powder than this islisten they don't buy that I got likefive rattle traps tied on in there yeahfeel free to grab that seat it's a niceT corner yeah watch them things withtreble hooks man oh my godwho's that like 10 12 pounds maybe moreat least yeah probably more yeah wethink I'm gonna guess my guess 12 for 12to 14 he's a big freakin stud back inthe water he goeslet's see if I can dig my hooks out ofit quit oh yeah nicer yeah that's a goodone nice one buddythat's a nice one yeah looky thereright and the nostril how you like thathow's that smell buddy does thatofficially the deepest that isofficially the deepest bass I've evercaught 35 foot never card bass deeperthan that Oh looky there looky therethat's so coolwhat a pretty little fish - yeah it'ssurprising how much color they haveliving delay down thereOh Billy on the oh god yeah I wanted tomiki yeah you come up needed that's socool look I've done their fight inthat's kinda cool he's coming up but youcan see where he hit itget up they need to disappeared with it45-foot to meet you rig strapper yeahwhat to be like eight pounds in my mouthcome up at eight it slam rocket shoot somany of those we catch I'm taking my ona grub especially don't you arrive likethis these are small mouth or a tinystrapped small I don't think so but I'mreally interested yeah yeah that's apretty one niceyeah I like that and of the shallow yeahso that camera shallow 30 feet yeahthat's a pretty oneit's awesome you will keep any forpictures or anything to your dad foryeah yeah got it oh yeah big like an egghave a small now see Kelly down theresmall now the light changed everythingwell show them to the camera smokeyGrove lie baton it now put the live baithun out thereyeah oh yeah oh nice one really notthat's a keeperno doubt about it they're nothing cut uhthat's gonna be a good video Scott yousee that trees laid down there two ofthem crisscross so straight at thereyeah it's not just yet all over for aminute yeah man it's pretty little fishyeah there we golove them little small mouth late Marchyeahthese small mouth spawning areas andyou'll be able to catch them in 10-15foot of wateroh heck yeah yeah thanks oh no ohdebt hey if I had a limb for a secondthere I almost didn't swing probablyconservatively game they look so prettyin that wateryeah nice you want him a bigger mealthere oh that's a vegan thumped it onthe way downsuspended hey oh it started wetting thefall these ghosts bunk I set the hook itwas like yeah there's two big headshakes all I gotyeah messed up kid you messed up Aanggriot forget down that soon as I getdown at chocolate water to slow it downyeah I make a pretty cool video gettingthem yeah yeah angry bro you're mad broyeah it is there you gothank you sir yes I love it and I gotteeth in here don't ya can't be too manyCarl does teeth like that geezit's Guinea but alright I hope y'allenjoyed that food truck there that wasso awesome catching all those fish weended up catching 20-25 fish that day intotal a lot of them I didn't put oncamera just for the sake of redundancyand everything but those two techniquesare pretty awesome we only caught onefish dude at the meteor eat fishing yousaw was that big drum and then the restof them were doing kind of a throwingcast like a really finesse almost like aswimbait technique and really deep waterand some of them were caught actuallytight liningnow tight lining is when you kind ofkeep your pull up in the air and youpendulum debate when you're throwing ata rock ledge or some kind of deep bangthe bait hits and you're actually reallybet so you're fishing for suspendingfish and you pendulum the bait backtowards yourself so when you saw uskeeping our rod tip kind of high ordropping the rod tip as we were reallyin really slowly that's what we weredoing and we were in casting rings wewere actually casting out the targetwhich in this case was those rocklegends now the other thing that we weredoing to the Mickey Reagan that's whenyou're dropping straight down you'reactually watching your grass so here in40 30 whatever however deep water you'rein you marked that fish down there onthe graph and you drop the bait to itnow it's similar to what you see theseguys ice fish and a lot of ice fishingvideos going on it's really similar forthat video gaming style fishing oranother thing that kindcrosses over to me is drop-shot fishingwhen you're video gaming that fishstraight up and down and just like icefishing it seems like a lot of times inorder to get that bite when you get thatfish to rise or to fall chase that baitdown a lot of times as you make the fishpull up so as you're you kind of liftthe bait so as that fish becomesinterested that baits kind of movingaway from him and higher you get thatfish to rise in the water column themore likely you are to get a bite I'mactually gonna do another videocompletely separate on a few more ofthose tips and tricks just to keep thisone a little bit shorter so stay tunedfor that that's gonna be coming upreally soon now as far as how we're ableto catch those huge fish you saw thosegiant stripers that we caught big drumyou know 18 19 inch smallmouth bass youwould think they would immediately breakyour line when you're set in the hoodthe key to that technique is you eitherupsize with fluorocarbons so you want todo maybe a six pound test even eightpound test fluorocarbon or if you wantto drop down to that four pound testthat needs to be monofilament and he'susing the monofilament I was talkingabout probably getting to do the sametechnique and some waters that we havearound me using a like a 4 to 5 poundtest copolymer line so I'm gonna belooking into doing that as wellneutrally went the reason is you don'tget that reverse bow that you do whenyou're fishing really long cast withmonofilament that baits ain't down butyour line is wanting to float so you geta reverse pendulum or arc going down andthat's why sometimes it's a little bitharder to fill that fish however whenyou set the hook with that ultra lightgear ultra light line you have a betterchance because there's so much stretchin that monofilament it will keep youfrom breaking that line so you have toactually have that drag a lot tighterthan you would actually think and thenonce you set that hook you get that fishhooked so in other words when you getpast all that initial stretch whenyou're fighting the fish you need toadjust the drag back down as you'refighting the fish up as far as a rod andreel combination you're looking at a2500 series reel so small reel maybeeven a thousand series reel depending onit maybe for that a tight binding therea 6 6 to 7 foot spinning rod I would sayyou want a little bit of a fast actionbut I'm not too fast you won't want thatthing unload 90you don't want it to stiff in otherwords the shutoff point or whether themain power body that rod is you don'twant it engaging too quickly I don'tweigh if the fish comes up to the boatand it's fighting around like they do inthat clear water you have less or a riskof breaking them off especially withlike a braid the leader setup so I wouldsay more of a moderate fast action soI'm gonna be kind of messing around withthat a little bit myself there's someleaks around here I can do the samething but that was more slate you'retalking 20-foot visibility sometimeseven more extremely clear water and asthe deepest I have ever caught a bass onanything so the deepest I've ever caughta bass it's also the biggest fish thatI've ever caught on four pound test so agreat day once again thank you to willif you guys enjoyed this video make sureyou give it a thumbs up as always thankyou for watching subscribe to thechannel ring the bell so you getnotifications and as always guys I hopethis week finds you out on the water andI'll catch you there
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I really happy with the result <3
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Tag the person who'd do this with you 😂. I'm not saying my friends are better than anyone else's but they're literal magical creatures. #mermaid #mermaidtails #seethroughsea #merman #fantasyillustration #sereia #makomermaids #sirena #splash #thelittlemermaid #disney+ #h2ojustaddwater #fishrealness #diymermaidtail (at Kailua-Kona, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5dw88AHsN3/?igshid=tqcr95miabxc
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BEAUTIFUL FRESHWATER MOLLY FISH HD FISH TANK AQUARIUMS : If you like my Videos & you wants More Sub here : aquarium fish tropical fish types of fish freshwater fish fish aquarium fish tank fish bowl Relaxing Aquarium Fish The king of DIY FISH Nature Aquarium FISH #fish #tank #how to #make an #design #aquarium with all #fishs BEAUTIFUL FRESHWATER MOLLY FISH HD#FHD #1080P #NEW #2016 most funny jokes pictures videos movies youtube quotes ever EP 001 #most #funny #jokes #pictures #videos #movies #youtube #quotes #ever The best way to make 1 Million Molly Fish how to Care Feeding and Breeding in your aquarium Guppy fish tank wallpaper hd my tank Hybridization fish guppies aquarium full download #wallpaper #hd #ful The #best #way to #make #1_Million #Molly_Fish how to #Care #Feeding and #Breeding in your #aquarium Types: Molly Fish, Fin Shape & Design Picture Source: fishnbirds.net Marble Lyretail Molly Harlequin Sailfin Molly Golden Sailfin Molly Gold Dust Molly Gold Doubloon Molly Black Molly Balloon Molly Platinum Lyretail Molly Dalmation Molly Black Lyretail Molly Black Sailfin Molly There are numerous types of molly fish but the most common type held in aquariums is known as the short finned mollies. For the most part, you can categorize them into two different groups of mollies. Most aquarium mollies are short finned because they are much easier to care for then Sailfin mollies. Sailfin desire a much more wide open tank with more water volume and harder regulated water temperatures. The image shown above to the right is known as a short finned dalmation molly. Very spectacular in color and shape. The fins on mollies are quite beautiful. Roommates and Tankmates for Mollies? Other Mollies, Guppies, Platys, Swordtails, Gourami fish, Female Bettas, Endlers, Danios, Minnows, Tetras, Snails, Shrimp and others. The Molly species of fish are very laid back and easy to get along with. It's usually not the molly you have to worry about, but instead the other fish that goes in for attack. Don't get me wrong, the molly does enjoy a good chasing and they are somewhat fast but they are going to do any harm. The most popular tankmate that I see housed with the molly are other livebearing fish species. They all somewhat act alike and do very well together. With lots of livebearers on your hands you will be constantly dealing with new fry being born on a weekly basis. These fish have babies all the time. A good rule of thumb to follow is to research each and every fish species you plan to roommate up with the molly. A trick I have learned through the years is to get into the Google search engine and do a search like this "molly fish with angelfish" or molly fish with betta fish." Its a very common thread for people to post questions as. Popular forums like AquariumGeek and Fishlore are great hangouts to get information on. You can even do a search around here on this network for involving tankmates with mollies (since we are devoted to mollies here!). Molly Fish Breed All the Time! Details Picture After owning molly fish or any livebearer for some time, you will quickly find out how much they breed. Any molly fish can breed with another breed of molly. This makes for a crazy successful breeding platform. Any female can hookup with any male. Being livebearers, they do give 'live birth' to their babies. Females are usually always pregnant with babies and that's how you can cosmetically tell the difference between males and females. That and fin differences. The parents will feed on their newly born young and that makes for a nice snack. It's pretty disturbing but you get over it. If they didn't eat their own young.. there would be molly fish everywhere I think... It's not uncommon to see 1-3 babies swimming in your tank that somehow survived the birth and feeding of the newborns while you were at work all day. Behavior Traits of the Molly Fishrealized it was happening right under their eyes. I'm not quite sure why they do this hierarchy of levels but it's just how the fish is. You will see a fish with less rank come up to a fish that has more power and it's almost as if the fish is kissing his shoes "sort of say." They will back out of each others way and do lots of unique things regarding their rank levels. I have had 0 incidents as far as the fish being over aggressive with other tank mates in the same habitat level. Very peaceful and civil to be around for other fish in the same habitat of living. Quick Fact: Male Mollies are the Alpha Fish You will quickly find out that the males are the king and most alpha to be done. Having numerous males in one tank will cause lots of aggression with Alphas fighting. Pregnant Mollies and Breeding Molly Fish pregnant molly fish
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Feeling my fishness. #finswimming #flippingyourfins #dolphinkick #merman #sirena #sirenuse #Meerjungfrau #tritão #princeeric #disneyprince #fairytalelife #realmerman #mermaidadventures #realmermaid #servingfish #fishrealness #underwateradventures #mermaidswim #mermaidcamp https://www.instagram.com/p/Br_WlAoDaCQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11dfkau9g7hx5
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BEAUTIFUL FRESHWATER MOLLY FISH HD FISH TANK AQUARIUMS : If you like my Videos & you wants More Sub here : aquarium fish tropical fish types of fish freshwater fish fish aquarium fish tank fish bowl Relaxing Aquarium Fish The king of DIY FISH Nature Aquarium FISH #fish #tank #how to #make an #design #aquarium with all #fishs BEAUTIFUL FRESHWATER MOLLY FISH HD#FHD #1080P #NEW #2016 most funny jokes pictures videos movies youtube quotes ever EP 001 #most #funny #jokes #pictures #videos #movies #youtube #quotes #ever The best way to make 1 Million Molly Fish how to Care Feeding and Breeding in your aquarium Guppy fish tank wallpaper hd my tank Hybridization fish guppies aquarium full download #wallpaper #hd #ful The #best #way to #make #1_Million #Molly_Fish how to #Care #Feeding and #Breeding in your #aquarium Types: Molly Fish, Fin Shape & Design Picture Source: fishnbirds.net Marble Lyretail Molly Harlequin Sailfin Molly Golden Sailfin Molly Gold Dust Molly Gold Doubloon Molly Black Molly Balloon Molly Platinum Lyretail Molly Dalmation Molly Black Lyretail Molly Black Sailfin Molly There are numerous types of molly fish but the most common type held in aquariums is known as the short finned mollies. For the most part, you can categorize them into two different groups of mollies. Most aquarium mollies are short finned because they are much easier to care for then Sailfin mollies. Sailfin desire a much more wide open tank with more water volume and harder regulated water temperatures. The image shown above to the right is known as a short finned dalmation molly. Very spectacular in color and shape. The fins on mollies are quite beautiful. Roommates and Tankmates for Mollies? Other Mollies, Guppies, Platys, Swordtails, Gourami fish, Female Bettas, Endlers, Danios, Minnows, Tetras, Snails, Shrimp and others. The Molly species of fish are very laid back and easy to get along with. It's usually not the molly you have to worry about, but instead the other fish that goes in for attack. Don't get me wrong, the molly does enjoy a good chasing and they are somewhat fast but they are going to do any harm. The most popular tankmate that I see housed with the molly are other livebearing fish species. They all somewhat act alike and do very well together. With lots of livebearers on your hands you will be constantly dealing with new fry being born on a weekly basis. These fish have babies all the time. A good rule of thumb to follow is to research each and every fish species you plan to roommate up with the molly. A trick I have learned through the years is to get into the Google search engine and do a search like this "molly fish with angelfish" or molly fish with betta fish." Its a very common thread for people to post questions as. Popular forums like AquariumGeek and Fishlore are great hangouts to get information on. You can even do a search around here on this network for involving tankmates with mollies (since we are devoted to mollies here!). Molly Fish Breed All the Time! Details Picture After owning molly fish or any livebearer for some time, you will quickly find out how much they breed. Any molly fish can breed with another breed of molly. This makes for a crazy successful breeding platform. Any female can hookup with any male. Being livebearers, they do give 'live birth' to their babies. Females are usually always pregnant with babies and that's how you can cosmetically tell the difference between males and females. That and fin differences. The parents will feed on their newly born young and that makes for a nice snack. It's pretty disturbing but you get over it. If they didn't eat their own young.. there would be molly fish everywhere I think... It's not uncommon to see 1-3 babies swimming in your tank that somehow survived the birth and feeding of the newborns while you were at work all day. Behavior Traits of the Molly Fishrealized it was happening right under their eyes. I'm not quite sure why they do this hierarchy of levels but it's just how the fish is. You will see a fish with less rank come up to a fish that has more power and it's almost as if the fish is kissing his shoes "sort of say." They will back out of each others way and do lots of unique things regarding their rank levels. I have had 0 incidents as far as the fish being over aggressive with other tank mates in the same habitat level. Very peaceful and civil to be around for other fish in the same habitat of living. Quick Fact: Male Mollies are the Alpha Fish You will quickly find out that the males are the king and most alpha to be done. Having numerous males in one tank will cause lots of aggression with Alphas fighting. Pregnant Mollies and Breeding Molly Fish pregnant molly fish by FISH TANK AQUARIUMS
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