#fishie ♡
teebabygril · 1 year
plannky did u make more little things that idk abt hm
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idk if you have seen these but this is all :(
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uhzuku · 2 years
aizawa too >:))
do u mean nyaizawa 🤨🤨
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you were incredibly warm. almost burning up, really — and god, were all the blankets on top of you heavy.
something soft tickles your nose, and your eyebrows furrow as you blow out a puff of air in the hopes of blowing whatever it was from your face. you succeed and it disappears, if only momentarily as it returns only a minute or so later to pull you from the haze that was your mind between the softly curled edges of sleep and the contrasting sharp corners of being awake.
your eyes blink open wearily, squinting in the faint light seeping in through the window, and as you gaze around the room with half-opened eyes, you realize the reason of the heat engulfing your body and the irritation to you nose.
your hybrid, shouta, was curled up on top of you, his fluffy tail running across your face every now and then.
now, shouta wasn’t a small hybrid by any means, nor was he young — it was one of the reasons why he’d been the longest stayig members of the hybrid shelter he’d been in for years. he was thirty-two, 6’1, and covered in scars. he was missing both an eye and part of his leg from the knee down ( you’d gotten him a prosthetic three days after bringing him home and watching him hobble around, and it had arrived a month or so later ), and putting his age and all physical characteristics, most people were more than put off by him. they wanted soft, sweet looking hybrids for pets, so he’d been there for six or so years, practically rotting behind the bars of his pen and bored out of his mind. when you’d gone and had been enamored by him, he’d not even bothered looking at you — he’d been so used to being overlooked for younger hybrids of any kind that when he’d heard the words ‘i want him — the one with the thick black tail’ he’d been shocked; he was the only hybrid with an all black tail in the shelter at the time, and he knew he hadn’t heard incorrectly, but he just couldn’t believe it. it wasn’t until the morning he’d woken in his own bed that he’d even registered that it hadn’t been some pathetic dream — he’d told you that however many months ago.
now, a year or so later, the two of you were more than comfortable with each other and shouta found himself in your bed come morning more often than not.
a soft smile twists your lips. “shouta,” you murmur softly, “wake up — it’s morning.”
soft grumbles are your only response, but you can see him open his good eye to look at you tiredly. most of his days were spent sleeping like this, his favorite spot being the loveseat beneath the wide window in your painting studio that would be awash in warm sunlight from mid-morning all the way to late afternoon — and best of all, he got to spend all of that time with you as you worked on whichever painting piqued your interest that day.
“no,” he grunts, covering his face with his fluffy tail, “sleepin’.”
you chuckle, eyes soft, and reach a hand out to press between his ears. “seems i’ll have to eat breakfast by myself then,” you tease, and his ears perk up slightly.
he lets out a deep, heavy sigh, then rolls off of you and does a big stretch.
“fine, ‘m up,” he grumbles, and you just watch fondly as he gets off the bed and saunters from the bedroom. moments later, you’re jolted into action when he yowls, “i’m hungry!”
laughing, you get out of bed and join him in the kitchen, ready to start your day with him by your side.
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revvywevvy · 1 year
Chelly fishes up Fish Revvington, how does she react.
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chelly fishes up fish revvington and gives chip an existential crisis
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i went to the aquarium today! ^^
i want to show yguys how it went :D
ps: i got my brother to go along with my whims and he actually had fun as much as i did :D
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floyd saw various types of sharks :o
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azul deciding if he wanted to utilise the lounge's aquarium for capitalistic purposes
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"goldfishie! :D"
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jade decided to join us :D
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azul wanted to sit on my head at first, but settled on the shoulder instead ` ^ ´
(i was wearing both the tweels earring btw :D)
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more fishies! :D
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when the scales seem to shine like they've got too much slime that's a morayyyyyy :D
no octopi in sight tho >:(
it was fun :D my brother took most of the pictures tho, then he decided to spin azul by his antenna :'D
tagging a few of my ✨️friends✨️ who i think would love to see: @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @hisui-dreamer @shyhaya
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firebugging · 6 months
hi mewtual.. checking in.. poke poke
Boyfriend won the 50/50 for Jing yuan at 80 pity I am going to explode hoyoverse
But also I ate pancakes :3
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its-de · 7 months
Birthday boii spent the last few days hanging out in the café
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birthday was fun :D
also we have a 🤌🏻 malleus cosplayer :]
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tteokdoroki · 5 months
hi i’m vv shy aali but wanted to say how endearing it is to see your love for soobin <3 i always love seeing appreciation for him
omg risu 🥺!!! holds u very gently in the palm of my hands n kisses ur forehead !! this is actually so sweet of you to say like i got all djjskdj blushy n giggly thank u :(( i sometimes feel like im being corny but i dew appreciate him so much !!! and like ahhh knowing that EEE it’s felt makes me soo <33 thank u ily SMEWCH
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vanillashusband · 6 months
So like, what made you fall for Ren? A question that came to my mind
I thought his backstory and his trauma, which is what causes his chameleon like tendency of switching personas to fit what the mc prefers super interesting! (if not super sad that makes me want love him even more hjghfg) And the fact that he's super cute and giving is also kinda what made me fall for him hgjfhgj Ren is also eerily similar to my oc f/o Pandan! Mostly just the proposing as children and childhood friends and then forgetting them later as an adult bit. Pandan is a little different but I find it funny how similar they are! (obviously, I have a type hjgfhg)
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nyukyusnz · 1 year
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teebabygril · 1 year
the most important question.. planky, pray tell, how old are you
more than 18 ☝️
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imsailorpluto · 2 years
Yeomji turned into Smeagol real fast
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uhzuku · 2 years
You want Katboy Katsuki!? Here. Twist my arm why don't you? /j
IDK how you want your prompts. I found no prompt list so I made my own prompt.
Gimme Katboy Katsuki that was abandoned by a neighbor - like the neighbor moved without him - and you let the angry little bastard in and he just makes himself at home and bites anyone who has anything mean to say about or to you.
we ain’t talkin abt how this is 1.6k
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the rain was cold and wet, and katsuki’s nose twitched from under the eaves of the roof as he watched little puddles flood the backyard. his tail, usually so thick and fluffy and beautiful, was soaked in rainwater and mud, and no amount of grooming could get it all out. his hair was matted flat to his head with the same stuff, and the burning behind his eyes was the telltale sign that he was about to cry again. it was so stupid to cry over this, though. katsuki didn’t need them! just like they apparently didn’t need katsuki — they wouldn’t have left him here if they had. that being said, and though he’d never admit it, katsuki had cried in the last week or so more than he cared to admit. 
his family had put him in the backyard and then left five whole days ago; they’d not left him with any food, and katsuki was hungry. he’d not had water either, which was why when the rain had started three days ago ( two days into their ‘vacation’ that he hoped was fucking worth it considering the chewing-out he was gonna give them when they got back ) he’d initially been excited, even if it had messed up his typically pristine hair and  fur. he’d drank so much that his stomach had ached for hours, and then he’d fallen asleep only to wake up to thunder and no family. afterwards he stayed on the back patio, staring at the endless rain while curled up into a shivering ball, tears pricking at his eyes. 
it hadn’t been until he fell into a tearful sleep last night that he actually realized they weren’t coming back. not for him, at least. 
katsuki didn’t understand what he’d done wrong; was it because he was loud? maybe because he’d gently smacked at the eight year old when she yanked his tail? maybe he was on the couch too much — or maybe he just… wasn’t good enough to keep. maybe all those things he’d told the green furred hybrid he’d grown up with had been more like him instead: unwanted, ugly, and all the even worse stuff. 
a soft hiccup forces itself up from his throat, and katsuki buries his face in his arms where he’d had them on his knees before his body begins to shake again. he didn’t understand. he’d tried — he’d tried so hard to be good. 
his best just wasn’t good enough. 
his ears flick up when he hears a car pull up in the driveway next to his house, but then they flick down again. someone must just be turning around, no one lived in that house; it had been empty for the six years he’d been with his family after they adopted him when he was fourteen. a car door slams, and he jumps; why were they getting out? they should be going home. 
he can hear someone humming when they open a car door, can hear bags rustling and keys jingling, and he scoffs ( though its more of a shaky whimper ); his family had been gone so long that someone had moved into the house next door. 
another couple hours pass, katsuki just sitting underneath the porch as always, and nothing changes — until the back door to the next door patio opens, and the new owner comes out. he braves a peek, and his pupils dilate in interest; they were handsome, he noticed, and they were setting up patio furniture; they were lucky that theirs was enclosed by glass. 
katsuki wished his was enclosed by glass. 
a surprised gasp falls from their lips as he realizes that the new owner has seen him, and katsuki’s ears fall flat and he scrambles back. this doesn’t stop the person from coming forward ( even ignoring the rain ) and reaching a hand out, softly whispering and pspsps-ing — were they talking to him?
katsuki hesitantly moves their way, his body trembling from the cold. were they trustworthy? his last family had just left him here, even though he was a good boy. 
he was a good boy… wasn’t he?
“katsuki!” katsuki jolts awake, his heart racing. a warm hand is on his arm, and an equally warm, bare chest is pressed to his back. quick, deep inhales of the scents around him calm his panicked heart, and he relaxes into the couch. everything is okay; you were the one calling his name, he was at home and warm, he’d been with you for ten years since you’d coaxed him out of his old backyard, he spent everybday with you either at home or at the bakery, and he was loved.  “shhh, katsuki — it was just a bad dream, you’re okay,” you murmured, and a purr rumbles in the back of his throat as he curls back up against your thigh where the two of you were stretched out on the sectional. 
mmm… mine, he thinks happily, his hands fisting and unfisting around the hem of your shirt as eases back into the formerly peaceful nap he’d been having before the bad memory had set in. his purrs get louder as he feels you tucking his favorite fluffy blanket around him and as the tv plays one of his favorite naptime shows in the background. he hears you chuckle, and smiles. as always, life was perfect. 
at least until another set of keys jangled in the lock and your stupid boyfriend ( who had the only other set ) came home. 
a soft gasp of excitement falls from your lips, and katsuki can practically feel you smiling. “hey babe; good day at work?”
“could have been better,” the stupid blond bastard replies with a sigh, “but it’s good to be home — i’m gonna shower real quick, okay? then we can order in and watch a movie if you want.”
“i’d love that, now go wash your ass,” katsuki hears you tease, and the laugh and brief conversation it earns makes him frown. 
“only if you eat it later!” your boyfriend teases, and katsuki’s lips pull back from his teeth in a silent snarl. 
“don’t be fucking gross! wash your fucking asshole!” you shriek through a laugh, and you toss a pillow cushion at him. katsuki hears him dodge and laugh again. 
“i do! i’m not one of your tiktok boys!” he retorts playfully, disappearing into the bedroom but leaving the door open to hear your response. 
“i don’t have tiktok boys!” you say, and katsuki then hears keigo walk out — no doubt naked — and into the bathroom across the hall; he didn’t like getting ‘work crust’ as he called it in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. 
he starts singing loudly and off-key, and katsuki can feel you holding back laughter. he was so annoying. 
you’d started dating keigo takami five years back, and keigo was, by all means, a good boyfriend. he was kind and gentle with you, responsive to your feelings and respectful to you to no end. he took you on thoughtful dates and kissed you gently and told you he loved you. he knew your favorite foods and music and colors, and occasionally he’d bring you little trinkets he found that made him think of you. he’d never yelled at you, not even once — whenever he was upset, he’d communicate how he felt and when you were upset he’d listen to whatever you had to say without interrupting. he has  a car and a steady, well-paying job and his hefty paycheck goes into a shared bank account so you both could pay the bills and live a cushy, comfortable life. his family wasn’t a problem ( he’d completely cut contact with them four years ago ) and his friends weren’t complete douchebags — honestly? he was a real catch, and a decent guy. 
katsuki hated him. 
he’d been sort-of okay at first, only hanging around sometimes, but then his visits got more and more frequent — and then he never fucking left. suddenly katsuki’s spot in the bed was taken up by this stupid blond man with pretty eyes and hair and katsuki had to sleep either in his napping spot or in the bedroom you’d set up for him, and it wasn’t fair. you were his, katsuki didn’t want to share, and katsuki made that very known. keigo knew katsuki didn’t like him, but he’d stuck around anyway, and it infuriated katsuki to no end. it was like keigo didn’t view him as competition at all — but katsuki would show him. one day he would be gone, and katsuki would still be here. 
keigo comes out later, toweling his hair dry as he walks back to the bedroom, his ass on display. katsuki hears you chuckle again, and then suddenly keigo is crawling onto the couch in nothing but a pair of pajama pants, pressing into your side and sighing at the feeling. katsuki grumbles lowly, and then jumps back when he feels a heavy hand on his head; keigo’s petting him, and that’s not allowed — only you can pet him. not keigo. 
katsuki claws at the man, making him yank his hand back and you sit up between them. “katsuki, no. we’ve talked about you being aggressive with keigo, and you know that’s not allowed. do it again tonight and you’ll be in big trouble — i mean it.”
katsuki pulls away from you, getting up and stalking off to his room even as you call him back in a significantly less-scolding tone. he closes the door hard, not quite a slam but still enough to get his point across, before locking it then flopping on the bed, curling up tightly. he hated keigo. and he missed when it was just the two of you. why did things have to change so much? he’d been good, so why had you chosen someone else?
his eyes sting, and he squeezes them shut. 
maybe things would be better in the morning when keigo had left for work. 
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xythlia · 2 years
it's bs that I saw a blazed nude but adult creators on this app have to constantly police themselves & pray they don't get randomly deleted one day just bc this site likes to pick & choose when/how to enforce their guidelines
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cobraaah · 2 months
Sebastian solace x gn reader (fem anatomy but like,, they/them pronouns if that's alr,,) smut,,, breeding kink,, or something like that,, preferably with emphasis on size dif and power imbalance,, and perhaps some degrading? PLEASE IM BEGGING SOOOOO HARD
Pairing• [Sebastian ♡ Reader]
A/N• YES!! I originally was gonna do something like this in the first place, so it worked out! I had multiple ideas on how his anatomy would work , like some 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ideas. But I decided to keep it tame since I don't know how 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 you guys are. I still don't know how warnings work, LOL.
Warnings• Smut 18+, breeding, size dif, power imbalance, degrading
Word count• 1.1 K
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Reaching door fifty wasn't the easiest, considering you accidently angered Eyefestation, and you managed to actually survive Pandemonium on a whim. With you being rushed multiple times by Angler and Blitz, you never had the right opportunities to check for data, leaving you with a measly one hundred intel. With a deep breath pushing open door fifty, you're met with the familiar voice of your condescending fishy friend, Sebastian. "Hey, over here." His voice rang through the vent beside you, sounding unexciting as ever. Popping open the vent and crawling through you're met with the tall hybrid, towering over you. As your eyes locked on his bored ones, his fins flared out slightly upon noticing it was you. "Oh! Hello my little minnow, what may you be looking for today? I stumbled upon this black light, it's pretty rare, four hundred Intel for it." A small smirk came on his face as a frown formed on yours. "What's the problem? Couldn't reel in that much Intel so far? Normally, you come in and buy everything, but it seems you're lacking today." A soft tsking noise can be heard from him as his tail flicked. You bit the inside of your cheek, eyeing the black light strapped to his tail. It could come in use against those annoying squiddle later on. "Could you maybe give me a . . discount?" Managing to look back up at him, his gaze still boreing in on you. Silence covered the room as he stared at you before laughing. "A. . A discount?"
His laughter quickly died down as he realized you weren't joking with him. "Awh. . oh.." He glanced off to the side with his eyes squinted, he pops his clawed fingers in a fidgeting motion as he seemed in thought. His esca flickerd for a moment before he turned back to you, "I have a proposition! How about I give you a very generous discount since you're not an annoying parasite like the rest of the little divers they send down here. ." His voice trailed off to something more luscious. "In exchange though, you give yourself up to me?" A patronizing grin formed on his face as he saw the soft blush creep onto your face. Your mouth moved, but nothing came out in protest, just soft stutterd "I. ."'s and "Wha. ."'s fell from your mouth. The embarrassment at the idea picked at your brain. "Are you stupid or something? Did you forget how to speak?" The snarkness in his voice makes your stomach flutter. "I guess. ." Timidly accepting his terms, his grin comes back, briefly flashing his sharp teeth. "Well then, shall we get started, my dear?"
Sebastian is leaned against the wall, he's already ripped off your diving gear, leaving you bare on top of him. With your back flushed against his chest, two of his lower arms hold onto your waist, covering it completely, holding you in place. "Seb. ." You softly mumble out as your head is tilted down looking at how his tentacle like cock slithers out of the slit a bit under his lower abdomen where his tail like body starts. His unoccupied hand grabs your chin rather roughly tilting it up, his hot breath pants against your neck. His long tongue emerges from his mouth licking along your neck before mumbling something incoherent you couldn't catch onto. You feel his cock rub against your stomach in a sort of rutting motion, pre slicked onto your stomach as Sebastian let out a groan. He slowly guided his cock inside you, you gasp at the unfamiliar feeling of the arrow like head pushing its way deeper into you. The stretch making you gasp as he finally lowered you all the way. He lifted you up effortlessly and pushing you back down, using you like you were nothing. You whimpered at the feeling of him biting down on your shoulder to muffle his groans. Your mouth forms a 'o' shape as the head of his cock kisses your cervix and the small bumps on the underside of his member rubbing against spots you never knew existed, making your vision haze with pleasure.
His thrusts pick up, using you effortlessly. "Fuh. . hah.. fucking take it." He groans against the nape of your neck. "Jeez. . humph.. m'gonna fuck you till you're stupid. You won't mind right?" His patronizing tone resurfacing as you respond with choked gasps and whimpers. "Aww you can't even form any words, you're so fucking dumb. My dumb little toy." He harshly groaned against your ear, feeling how you're walls clenched around him as he said that. "Such a dirty, dirty little thing." He nipped against your neck as he neared his climax, your eyes open up slighty as you hear a soft thumping noise. Glancing over you see Sebastians tail wagging against the floor. "Drive me so crazy. . m'gonna fill you up. Yeah?" His voice wavers into soft hitches as you feel him twitch inside you. The feeling of one of his hands dragging down your stomach to the clit, roughly flicking the pad of his finger back and forth, desperate for your release on him. That familiar burning feeling in your stomach quickly builds up. With a few final flicks of his finger you let out a whimper as you reach your climax and cum around his cock. He twitches inside you for a final time before roughly slamming you down all the way on him, groaning against your neck as he stuffs your tiny cunt full of his cum. He holds you down for a few more moments before his grip on you softens.
Both of your soft pants and breaths fill the room as you come down from your highs. Gently lifting you off of his retreating member, he helps you get dressed again in your gear. "And heres your promised discounted item, my sea fireflie." A sofend grin formed on his face as he picked the black light off his tail and handed it to you. "Th. . thanks.." You mumbled as you leaned against the table next to him, having a hard time standing up. "Maybe discounts for you will be more frequent. Don't cha' agree?" A snicker left him as you collected yourself. "Thanks Seb." You mumbled your goodbyes to him and crawled back through the vent. "Goodbye." He said, dragging it out longer than he should.
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qkumber · 1 year
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Pls look at my son Wilson 😢
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