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Eden Police Department arrests and citations, Rockingham County Board of Elections meeting tomorrow, new Finance Director for Rockingham County Government begins work today, Triad news. Weather, birthday club, community calendar, consumer report, regional sports, Destination Celebration, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs
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Exclusive report on last night's Stoneville Town Council meeting. Weather, community calendar, birthday club, regional sports, consumer report, Destination Celebration, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: B.J. Thomas
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Update from Reidsville City Manager Summer Woodard, American Red Cross blood supplies running low, $10,000 reward in Reidsville homicide. Weather, community calendar, birthday club, consumer report, regional sports, Destination Celebration, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Kris Kristofferson
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Man arrested for assault and other charges following incident at Ontex, RCC Center for Workforce Development grand opening in mid-August, death of a boy at a wilderness camp now a homicide. Weather, birthday club, community calendar, regional sports, consumer report, Destination Celebration, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Kenny Chesney
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Eden Police report, 911 overnight, Virginia educator named Principal at Dillard Academy in Madison, latest on NC wildfire. Weather, community calendar, birthday club, consumer report, regional sports, fun fact, birthday club, motivational moment. Music spotlight: Paul McCartney
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Madison mad identified as Homicide victim in weekend shooting, Eden Police DWI arrests, funeral services announced for Mayodan business owner, Cone Health groundbreaking toay for $160M Heart Center. Weather, birthday club, community calendar, sports, consumer report, fun fact, today in history. Music Spotlight: Artie Shaw
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Eden Fire, Police and EMS responded to Swatting incident last night; Eden resident is first state winner in NC $100,000 game. Weather, birthday club, sports, community calendar, fun fact, consumer report, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Irving Berlin
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Man arrested in Reidsville J-Mart break-in and almost a dozen others across the state; Reidsville house fire causes extensive damage; update on Eden man arrested for prostitution, sex and soliciting murder; Reidsville Founder's Day Celebration tomorrow; North Wilksboro Speedway NASCAR race one month way. Weather, birthday club, community calendar, sports, consumer report, fun fact, motivational moment. Music Spotlight; Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers
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Melissa Joyce on the job as the county's first female Fire Marshall, Eden Police arrest report, railroad tracks safety tips from NCDOT. Weather, birthday club, fun fact, community calendar, sports, consumer report, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Lonesome River Band
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Exclusive report on last night's Stoneville Town Council meeting. Weather, community calendar, sports, consumer report, birthday club, fun fact, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Indigo Girls
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Reidsville man arrested on multiple Felony drug charges, popular Downtown Madison business has a new owner, registration begins today for Senior Games and Silver Arts. Weather, community calendar, birthday club, sports, consumer report, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Nat King Cole
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Reidsville Middle School 8th grader suspended for having weapon on campus, South Stokes High School student scheduled to play baseball at RCC this fall killed in car wreck, RoCo MaKers Market, Celebrating Rockingham County Tennis Association Founder Shelby Rhyne, Board of Elections monthly podcast series on MMM. Weather, community calendar, birthday club, sports, consumer report, fun fact, motivational moment. Music Spotlight: Willie Nelson
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Rockingham County Today, Mike Moore 01.06.23
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Rockingham County Today, Mike Moore 11.14.22
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Rockingham County Today, Mike Moore 11.04.22
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Rockingham County Today, Mike Moore 10.10.22
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