#first time hearing the term facial distortion
sluttysaph · 1 year
11, 32, 36 for the gross ask game 🖤
11. Ass to Mouth
Absolutely Not | No Thanks | Nah | Neutral | Sure | Yes Please | FUCK YES
32. Clit Torture (Twisting, Pinching, Numbing)
Absolutely Not | No Thanks | Nah | Neutral | Sure | Yes Please | FUCK YES
36. Facial Distortion (Forced to do Dumb Face)
Absolutely Not | No Thanks | Nah | Neutral | Sure | Yes Please | FUCK YES
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athenathegrace · 11 months
Playing God - How Graphic Design changed how I view and create worlds
"Kabalo man ka mu edit noh? Chuya oy! unsaon diay na?"
This is what I most commonly hear from my peers and colleagues in school, at home, and at work. I am currently an in-house and freelance graphic designer and artist based in Cebu, and I mostly play and act like God - where I have the will and the power to manipulate what I see, especially the perspective that I want people to see from me - creative-wise.
It was considered a niche, but eventually, this gave me the part to experiment with a lot of things - brutalism, maximalism, minimalism, distortion, photocollage, photo manipulation, and a whole lot more. This gave an emphasis on how my perspective, mostly in the short term, morphs into something new and bizarre that most people won't understand at first glance. Think about a Chameleon, changing its skin depending on the environment it stays in - That's how I work with design.
Back then, all I did was take pictures and try to apply filters and crop them in no particular order, freestyling a design until I was satisfied. Below is what I made two months ago, a personal zine dedicated to activating semiosis and syntagms, which eventually leads to my central idea of my life - femininity and the problems I face internally and externally in this world, metaphorically, the harshness and the inevitability of problems killed my inner child.
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Society Killed the Teenager by Maybelle Aton, a graphic zine
I specialize in chromatic aberration, minimalism, and maximalism in most of my work, where I prioritize artistry in every layout I touch. But as a Graphic Design Chameleon, I already experienced types of graphic design work such as mockups, packaging, infographics, and such.
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Graphic design work for Lawak Sinehan's Binisaya Film Festival
I had the freedom to do these and manipulate elements as much as I could. My attention to detail made it seem viable to change them into impossible, I can change pictures to black and white, I can change the background, and distort its facial features.
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An example of my current work - Becoming Filipino (PSA #3)
My imagination is spiking at this point, and in my creative process, comes also the inevitability of trying something now. My umwelt, now influenced by past experiences, feelings, memories, satisfactions, and the passion to enhance my creativity was limitless.
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The concept of umwelt also opens a passage that I can, fortunately, go in and out of, like a portal to the undiscovered abyss. This encapsulates what I feel and am drunk to at the moment (Drunk in a sense that I feel hyper-fixed to create), and this also encapsulates the type of environment I live in; not fixed, constant change, brutal, chaotic, crazy, serene. This generates a story - a story in a sense that it was supposed to be shared digitally, may it be a one-shot or a sequel, each of the elements combined to form one design is already as remarkable as it is.
This has been a moment to reflect on, to reflect on the type of mask and creativity I am currently making at the moment, and to reflect on the creation I breathe and take perspective on. Graphic Design gave me the outlet to prove, that I can be as crazy as other people could be, and an outlet to manifest and express my ideals, my convictions, and my soul. I live and breathe for creativity and functionality, and this gave me the stepping stone to adapt and generate resiliency in these trying times.
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teamconductors · 2 years
Hi! Do you perhaps have any pointers on how to write the twins? I personally think you have one of the most accurate characterizations of them! so do you have any tips? Dialogue or general writing points? As I plan to eventually include them in my own pkmn au comic and I feel just a bit off with my writing for them so far? and I’d love to hear what your thought process Is! ^^
Okay, I'm gonna list some pointers and then include some other stuff under the Read More. Because I really like oversharing.
In terms of characterization, I love how the twins have a lot of differences in addition to their similarities. The most obvious one is Ingo expressing himself primarily through words while Emmet does so primarily through his facial expressions and actions, but there's others as well.
Like yes, obviously they both love trains and battling and raising pokemon. They work so well together that they don't always need to verbally communicate actions in battles. But they aren't the same person.
In terms of dialogue, looking at their quotes pages helps a lot. I pull out these pages when I beginning my editing stage because they usually don't sound quite right during my first draft. Here's Ingo's and here's Emmet's for reference.
Honestly, writing their stuff is a skill! I don't know why they're like this, and I'm sure this is me being like "I love these characters a lot so I wanna make sure I write them perfectly". In the original Lost Tracks one shot, I think I did at least 4 read-throughs specifically for their dialogue to make sure they sounded Right. Now I need 1 or 2.
For my in-depth rules of thumb...
Ingo specific:
Ingo really likes to overshare his feelings. I think it goes hand-in-hand with him relying on his speech to express himself.
He also talks formally! He does a lot of pleasantries and likes to refer to people with their titles (ie Lady Sneasler, Guildmaster Irida)
This is a man who takes his jobs seriously and passionately. This isn't to say Emmet doesn't care, but Ingo strikes me as the person who is so sincere about his role as a train conductor/warden for the Pearl Clan/pokemon rescuer that it scares others sometimes
Ingo seems really introspective. He's thinking about the past and especially the future a lot, ie encouraging people to improve themselves and continuously seek out new goals
(which I think is why he became so depressed in PLA and is still wistful in Lost Tracks)
(PLA/my fic specific) Ingo does things that he doesn't quite know why he does. Probably the most obvious example from my fic was when Ingo charged into the Distorted Floor to check on Team Stardust. He's bothered by this
Emmet specific (I have a harder time with Emmet ngl)
Emmet speaks very matter-of-factly and yet doesn't sound formal. I don't know how to explain this, just look at his quotes page
He tends to speak in shorter sentences
He's also blunt and a bit sassy. Ingo may be his impulse control, but his filter is only halfway equipped properly
Emmet prefers to live in the Now. He is concerned about following schedules, but he can get lost in the moment (especially in a battle) and is focused on having fun now
Because Emmet has a harder time with talking, he does a lot of scripting ("I am Emmet", his spiels about following the rules)
(Ingo does scripting as well but Emmet's is more obvious)
I've always interpreted Emmet's signature smile as him masking! People like it when you smile, right? This isn't applicable to dialogue probably, but it helps form the image I have of him in my mind
Looks up to Ingo, big time. He does care for the safety of others, but the care he has for the safety of family (including his pokemon) is even more so
Both of them:
You can't overdo the train references. You just can't. Whenever I think I did too much, I look at their quotes page, and I'm just like "yeah, they're really like this. These guys are goobers and I love them"
They share a brain cell, especially when they're together. They don't always talk at the same time or see eye-to-eye, but they're on the same page on a lot of things
Ingo tends to lead the way in battles, with Emmet following his lead. This is a trend, not a hard rule
Obviously headcanons affect how you write them. I subscribe to the 'Ingo and Emmet are autistic' camp and that influences how I write them. I like to show them reacting to different textures, and Emmet has explicitly stimmed multiple times, for example
I hope this makes sense? I definitely missed some things, but this is just me rambling about train guys
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asterekmess · 4 years
honestly, my fury at the lack of werewolf culture/history/worldbuilding is worthy of its own post. Let me know if by some ungodly chance, you actually wanna hear my thoughts on it // Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
ohmygod yes, pls, enable me.
I think I mentioned b4 that Teen Wolf hates werewolves.
This is a show about werewolves like, yeah, sure, they do other plots and stuff. But the main character is a werewolf. The vast majority of the cast are werewolves (at least in the first half of the show). But think about it. What do we actually know about werewolves? They uhh, they shift on the full moon. But like, what about the full moon? Cus’ Scott gets handcuffed to a radiator and he doesn’t shift and break out until the moon comes out from behind the clouds and he screams like it’s excruciatingly painful for him. But then Derek and his Betas are underground during their full moon, and they shift like it’s all fine and dandy (they’re furious, but there’s no pain) and it doesn’t matter whether they can see the moon or not. They, uhh, they’re allergic to wolfsbane/it’s poisonous to them (btw it’s poisonous to literally everyone, just the scent of it is enough to cause seizures and hallucinations in humans. It’s a whole other frustration that they won’t make up their fucking minds abt it. It’s one thing to say that this is some parallel universe where wolfsbane doesn’t poison humans (bc lydia makes them hallucinate with the punch but injesting that much wolfsbane should kill you, and Stiles straight pulls a plant out of the ground; should’ve caused itching, burning, a cough, nausea, fever, headache and More hallucinations) and yet Jackson has to see a doctor and gets told he’s got Aconite Poisoning. So WHAT IS THE TRUTH?) but apparently not enough for Derek not to be able to plant a wolfsbane plant and massive cord of roots (which he would’ve had to tie together himself) in a revenge spiral around Laura’s body. But just being around it causes wolves to lose control. But also there’s supposed to be different strains that do different things? And also sometimes you burn the wolfsbane and it becomes the cure, or you have to burn it out of them or you just cut it out of them? Make UP Your MIND or at least ACKNOWLEDGE that different strains do different things. They get stronger on a full moon. But does that mean they get infinitely stronger with every full moon they experience? Does that mean they get weaker during new moons? They’re stronger in packs. Okay, but they never establish what the fuck a pack is. Is it an agreement? Is it a magical bond? Scott just sort of says people are in his pack. Does that mean they are? Do the humans he knows make him stronger? Just how strong is this bond? Derek makes a claim that “You have your own pack now” so is that a joke, was he mocking scott? Or is he saying that there’s no need for an Alpha and just being a beta with some friends counts as a pack? Apparently they have some kind of...animal magnetism or mind control? Derek uses a funny voice and a guy wakes up from a near coma to look at him with seemingly no control. Peter can force Scott to shift up. Derek forces Isaac to shift down. Derek has an insane amount of control over dogs and makes one lose its fucking mind from like a hundred feet away? Scott makes one calm down, but derek sends attack dogs running with their tails between their legs. Is it actual control or is it just a persuasion? Is it just intimidation? I haven’t even gotten to culture. You’re telling me that we get an entire episode of Allison discovering the entire story behind the Argent clan’s origins as werewolf hunters, why they started, how her name means Silver and apparently that’s where the entire myth of silver hurting werewolves comes from, but we don’t get to know anything about the first werewolves? Where they come from? If they’re a form of evolution or just straight magic or if it’s a curse or a gift from the gods? There’s an entire hidden werewolf population with packs all over the world, but somehow there’s literally no wolf culture? No moon worship? No specific terminology (Alpha, Beta, and Omega are terms used by a really fucking stupid biologist who studied frantic wolves in captivity and cast aspersions on the entire species. He’s been disproven a Thousand Times. NONE of that Alpha, Beta, Omega shit is right. Packs aren’t Hierarchies of Dominance. They’re families. They’re led by two wolves, yes, an “alpha pair” that’s literally JUST THE PARENTS. THE ‘BETAS’ ARE THEIR KIDS. This terminology makes sense if used by HUNTERS who consider werewolves to be mindless dumb animals. WHY THE FUCK would werewolves use it to DESCRIBE THEMSELVES?) besides the absolute minimum of ‘I caught a scent?’ Are you serious? Then there’s werewolf ages. Oh my god that was so fucking lazy. Saying that werewolves don’t age like humans, but that Cora is seventeen “by human standards” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I’ve seen theories that go so many different ways. The idea that Werewolves live really long lives because of the superhealing. The idea that they live really short lives because their healing just burns through their body really quickly. The idea that their lifespan is directly correlated to the amount of damage they take because they can only heal so much, so wolves who get hurt a lot age faster than wolves who don’t. There’s NO explanation! You’d think it might be an interesting point for Scott to find out that he’s gonna live to fucking 200 years old. (How old is Satomi again?) That sounds like something a Teenager would be daunted by. We see them make fun of Stiles a few times because he believes werewolf myths about silver, and then because he believes Peter when Peter tells him he lives in a series of underground caves. But like...why not? THESE ARE WEREWOLVES why did you just make them humans with extra facial hair? Where are the traditional mating rituals (or even the concept of a mate/life partner, can you imagine how interesting that would’ve been? If Scott found out Allison was his mate? Or if he suddenly had all these weird urges around her, like rubbing their foreheads together or cuddling her way too much or wanting to bring her food? That would’ve been fascinating and hilarious as subplots for their romance!) where are the full moon runs or pack get-togethers? Where are the aversions to perfumes or cologne? Where are literally any animal behaviors besides AGGRESSION? Where is the den-making? Can werewolves eat fast food or does the grease bug them? Talia was a famous Alpha bc she could full shift. Does anyone know why she could do that? “Evolution” is a bullshit answer, let’s be real. It’s shitty writing and it put Derek through so much more than he deserved. THEY ACCIDENTALLY ESTABLISHED that ALL HALES can full-shift! IT’s NOT EVOLUTION. It’s BIRTHRIGHT. Talia fullshifted. Peter full-shifted (though his was distorted into the monster thingy. That wasn’t anything like Deucalion’s shift. It was a FULL SHIFT) Laura could full shift bc she did it after she died. No other werewolves on the show turned into full wolves after death, even if they died with wolfsbane in their system? MALIA could full-shift into a coyote. LITERALLY EVERY HALE except Cora and that’s bc she got booted back to South America COuld FULL SHIFT (and it never happened after they lost all of their wolf powers, that coud’ve been an interesting plot if they didn’t FUCK IT UP.) But still there’s no explanation, or even just acknowledgement? You don’t have to spell it out for us, but at least SAY “Hey, so the Hale family is really powerful and all of us can full-shift. Not sure why, but it’s neat.) I’m still stuck on rituals. Routines. Werewolf mores. Social cues. Are there certain smells they’re supposed to ignore? Is it polite to pretend you don’t hear someone coming up to your house until they knock? Do they have rules about waiting until the Alpha eats before they start eating (much like how lots of traditional households wait for the father to dig in, or whoever is head of household)? Is it tradition to homeschool werewolves for the first few years until they learn control? Are there seriously no rules about biting humans? You don’t have to talk to their parents or have a specific conversation with them? And if werewolves are so dominance/hierarchy based, then you’re telling me there’s no “second-in-command” or respectful greetings that are supposed to be used for an Alpha? There’s absolutely no form of werewolf government or ancient laws or anything except a big spiral that is universally recognized as a sign you’re gonna kill people? What was the wolfsbane around Laura’s body for? Why make the spiral out of that instead of just drawing in the dirt or something? We make a lot of jokes about Derek being bad with his words, but so is Peter and so is Cora. And they’re the only born wolves we interact with (except Satomi who ALSO isn’t a chatterbox) What if that’s not just because they’re all traumatized and cranky? What if they’re just speaking on a different level? Scents and body language are integral to wolf interaction. Like how we say that Peter has that conversation with Derek’s eyebrows? What if Derek’s so fucking pissed all the time because he hates talking to Scott because SCott ISN”T LISTENING to his body language and scent and chemosignals? He tells Scott to use all his senses, and Scott does it fucking once to say that Peter felt “Angry” and never again. What if Derek is Talking PLENTY (with his body and movements and reactions) but Scott just isn’t paying attention? Isaac seems to understand Derek just fine. Erica and Boyd never complain that Derek is lying to them or ‘keeping something’ from them? What if the reason Scott always thinks Derek’s hiding something is because he isn’t reading the rest of Derek’s conversation and he assumes that the empty feeling is Derek lying. Even STILES seems to understand Derek. He’s human, but he goes totally wolfy. He already uses body language a lot and while he gets mad at Derek he never has to ask what the fuck derek is saying or what he’s holding back. I digress. I wanna know why no other packs came to help Derek and Laura after their family died. I wanna know why Emissaries and Druids are so incredibly important to the supernatural/werewolf world but Derek barely knew they existed (Especially when it’s established that he know tons of lore about other species.) and even though every single pack should have an emissary, they never handle who is the emissary for Derek’s pack or for Scott’s pack (Once again, is an emissary bound to their pack somehow or is it just an agreement?). I wanna know why Derek knew Satomi and trusted her but for some reason never felt like he could ask her for help? Centuries of hiding and living amongst humans with almost no wolf behavior to their name, but none of these packs interact? There’s Druid Vets and Hunter cops and Emissary counselors. But no werewolf doctors? No werewolf teachers? Absolutely no werewolf society? If Derek was worried about Paige not accepting that he was a werewolf unless she became one, what does that say about his experience with humans? He says “there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in that house” who died in the fire. But wouldn’t he talk to a human pack member about his worries, if he had one? Or even a bitten pack member? He admits he doesn’t know how to train a Bitten wolf. He’s never been called out by a human pack member for using phrases like ‘caught a scent’ or for reacting to things he shouldn’t. Does this mean Derek’s family was entirely werewolves? No humans in the know? No bitten wolves? He has a huge thing about keeping the secret and never letting anyone in on it unless they get dragged into it. Did Derek’s pack have some kind of prejudice against humans? Was Derek raised to believe humans were weak or cowardly or something, that he thought this beautiful girl would automatically hate him and expose him if she were to discover the supernatural without being forced into silence by self-preservation.
Lots of times, it’s easy to forget in this fandom that so much is missing, because we’ve been filling in the gaps for so long that some stuff is practically canon. It’s generally assumed that the Hales were homeschooled before high school. It’s generally assumed that there’s some kind of bond that marks people as pack. We instinctively add in mentions of Scent and the use of the shift (growling, claws, a hint of fang, flashing eyes) as part of the casual communication between characters. We add in scent-marking and territory boundaries and specific roles in the pack. We do all of that and never think twice because it’s already in all the fic. But we did that. The show gave us nothing. It spent an entire season talking about the nogitsune and the oni and how they’re summoned and what kitsune fox tails are for, but we never got to find out why wolves can do the pain-drain (or even if it dissipates the pain or just transfers it to the wolf doing the draining) or if Derek Hale EVEN HAS A DAD.
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im-justso-bored · 4 years
Week 5 of Clown Theories and Analysis
S03E05 - Are You From Pinner?
So this episode is definitely top three favorite for me. Jodie’s talent and performance continues to amaze me. Villanelle has really developed since season 1 and her development really peaked with this episode. Even her development throughout this episode was substantial which is what I will focus on in this post. 
Who are you? - V stopping to look at pictures and picking up things through the house was a nice touch. You could really see how she was transported back to her childhood in Russia when she picked up certain items like the soda. And how she was piecing together what she could of the years she lost with her family in the photographs on the wall. I can imagine it must have pained her a bit to see her mother in the photos seeing as she hasn’t seen her mother or pictures of her in many years. 
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There’s a lot of initial shock here, mixed in with nostalgia. I think a big part of the shock we see here is due to how content her mother looks in the photos with people V doesn’t know. Given her history with her mother, V might have expected her mother to be on her own, maybe with her brother, Pyotr. I think the last thing she expected was to see her mother happy with a family. Especially since V sees her mother carrying the same darkness and V is, for the most part, alone. So she might have expected the same of her mother. 
Whatever emotions she’s feeling though are soon buried and her behavior quickly becomes playful and coy when approached by the different members of the family until her mom comes home and she starts to panic. 
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She had to know that her mom would be there or at least, be there soon. So why panic? I think up until she heard the car in the driveway, she hadn’t really thought about the repercussions of going to see her family or what it would be like to see her mom again. I think once she heard her outside, the panic set in as it really dawned on her that she would really see her mother again. For a moment, she was transported back to her childhood and saw who her mother really was, and not the smiling wife and mother in the photographs on the wall.
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Here, V is clearly shocked by her mother’s reaction to seeing her daughter alive but about halfway through the hug, V’s facial expression changes to show a little bit of anger? Also maybe disbelief at her mother’s behavior, maybe she doesn’t believe her reaction to be genuine, instead she sees it as part of her act. It seems that her mother never shows her true self when other people are around, I can imagine it was much the same when V was a child since her father never picked up on who her mother really was. So V probably thinks the same of this scene, that her mother is putting up an act since other people are around.
Many is a very loose term. - So the details about the orphanage explains the arson in her prison file, well one account of arson seeing as she did it twice. I wonder if the manslaughter of a minor had something to do with the orphanage or perhaps that’s what landed her in a juvenile detention center later in life.
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You can tell that V’s mother really wasn’t bothered by the fact that V killed “many” people nor by the nonchalant response V gave her regarding that. This is one of the first hints we get about her mother’s darkness. You can also see that V isn’t bothered by the fact that she was dumped at the orphanage during this scene, they talk about it as if they’re having a normal conversation. Which adds depth to V saying “I didn’t mind that you took me there” at the end of the episode. 
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You can tell that V’s guard is still up around her mother but I think she lowers it a bit as curiosity takes over when going through the photos as she starts asking more questions trying to piece together the last several years.
“Why didn’t you leave him?” “Is that me?” “Where’s dad?”
It’s sad that V didn’t get to see a picture of her dad, you can tell she really cared about him.
Welcome home, Oksana. - You can tell that V is still feeling really out of place but she’s trying to fit in. I think a big part of that has to do with still getting over the initial shock of seeing her mother in a “new light” and getting used to the rest of the family. She seems to be really comfortable with Bor’ka and Pyotr though. I don’t think V really knew what to expect when she came to Russia but I think the last thing she expected was to play cards with her family and then break out into song. I think that’s when she realized that they’re all a bunch of misfits and that she actually might fit in more than she expected. 
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While rewatching, I found the scene where they were playing cards to be interesting. The step-brother (I forgot his name) was accusing V of being the “killer” but in actuality it was her mom, I thought that was an interesting parallel for the ending where V is saying that her and her mother are the same. It also made me wonder if her mother is actually a killer and if maybe she had something to do with her dad’s death. I don’t think they ever explained what happened to him. Correct me, if I’m wrong though!
Having a moment. - The relationship between Pyotr and V is really cute, you can tell that he really cares about her and missed her. And while V doesn’t show it much through her actions or her words, you can tell she cares too. Like when she’s telling him to get away from their mother and do what he wants to do. It also seems like he is the only one that V is most comfortable being herself around. 
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Also watching V eat in this scene with the way her teeth dragged against the fork made my teeth hurt.
She was different. - In the conversation with her step-father, you can see that V is trying to figure out if he knew the type of person her mother is. Through the conversation, she’s able to distinguish that the only things that her mother shared with him was how difficult a child Villanelle was and how things were so hard for her during that time making it seem like V only made it worse. Nothing about how her mother was basically the same type of difficult person that V is. Typical gaslighting. 
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You can see that V isn’t really surprised by it either. And then, right on cue, her mother comes out with tea and offers a gift to V. Throughout the episode, you see V’s mother being overly nice and emotional toward V who takes it with a grain of salt for most of the episode until the end, of course. I think V was genuinely surprised and happy to receive the gift from her mother, despite not fully believing the act she puts on. 
The Harvest Festival - It was really refreshing to see V actually enjoy herself at the festival when playing all of the different games and then when her family cheered for her when she won first place. I think this is where she really felt like she found somewhere she belonged. I think when Bor’ka lost the competition for best pirozhki and her mother came up to talk to him, she began to think that maybe she had changed after all (until she finds out what she actually said later on). 
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Also can we talk about how V actually feels bad for him? We’ve seen V continue to sympathize with so many people this season and it still surprises me each time. S1 Villanelle would never haha if that’s not growth then idk what is. I really like how V seems to care about Bor’ka and bonds with him throughout the episode, especially during the dancing scene at the end of the festival when he starts hitting himself. You even see her trying to console him in her own way. 
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Here is when V realizes that her mother really hasn’t changed at all and she’s probably upset with herself for believing that she did even if it was just briefly. I really liked this scene, how it distorted and faded out with the song playing “I see darkness in you” and the whole mood just shifts and transitions to V in the kitchen. 
I want to feel like one. - V asking her mom to clean her face for her was a vulnerable moment for her. Even the “please” she added after. How often do we hear V say please? V is often very childish and in this moment, she really need her mother to act like a mother but she didn’t. She was trying to connect with her mother in the only way she knew how. The last time she saw her, she was a child so V wanted to pick up where they left off only to be disappointed yet again. Throughout the episode, you see her mother putting up an act, pretending to be the nice mother that everyone sees, but when it’s just her and V while everyone is asleep, she shows her true self.
I am my mother’s daughter. - Another fantastic performance from Jodie! She never ceases to amaze me. This scene was the tipping point for V. Her mother’s response here is what would have made or broken her. V cared for her father a lot and having her mother constantly blaming V for “taking everything from her” and “controlling her father and taking him from her” took a toll on V. Especially since the whole time her mother was pointing her finger at her and never once acknowledging her role in everything. 
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The way V is literally kneeling in front of her (when have we ever seen her make herself smaller for anyone?) practically begging her mother to admit that she’s the same. She can barely keep herself together, it’s taking everything to keep it together. But her mother doesn’t relent, making V feel more alone and shittier than she did before. As soon as her mother tells her to leave again, you see V break her composure for a bit before making the decision to kill her. She even has to stop for a sec while saying it (”I think I need to kill you, mama”), because maybe she is even in disbelief by what she’s about to do, or perhaps hesitant to do it. But V probably thinks that the only way she would free herself of what she is feeling would be by killing her. Which, it doesn’t, of course. The damage was done and nothing could have made that better for her. It just left her all the more damaged.
On a side note, I like how even in the mental state that she was in, she still saved Bor’ka and left money for him to go live out his dream. 
Crocodile Rock - That’s the name of the song V was listening to at the end of the episode, right?
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So V is completely unhinged now. This trip to see her family left her more broken and hurt than she was before. She’s lost all her composure as you can see through the constant moving and jittering, trying to focus on the music but her emotions are spilling out of her, making that impossible. At some points, she’s almost smiling while there are tears in her eyes. Wearing the clothes her mother made for her, just adds to the broken mental state she’s in here. She’s desperately trying to keep her composure but she opened the floodgates and there’s no containing the emotions anymore. There’s no going back or doing things differently. This will definitely have lasting effects on V throughout the rest of the season. 
OVERALL - Amazing episode! I really really enjoyed it. Jodie did a phenomenal job as always. The writing for this episode was also really great, shoutout to Suzanne Heathcote. I know some people are saying that the plot didn’t really progress here but I think this episode is really going to drive Villanelle through the last three episode of this season. It’s going to have a huge impact on her and I think we’ll definitely be seeing that sooner rather than later. 
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doctormike · 4 years
Loss of Smell and Taste after COVID-19 Infection
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Dear Families and Friends, There has been a lot in the news lately about a loss of the sense of smell during and after cases of COVID-19, especially in younger patients.  I was recently featured on a television news segment about this problem, and I have seen kids with this in my practice.  Since I got a lot of good feedback on my previous emails about COVID-19 testing and the serious inflammatory condition in children linked to the pandemic, I thought that I would update you all about how this happens, and what can be done.  
Smell and taste have always been neglected in the world of medical science.  There is a good deal of research done about the eyes and the ears; many resources and adaptive technologies are available for people with visual or hearing impairment.  But problems with the senses of smell and taste (which are closely linked) can be very disturbing, causing serious quality-of-life issues.  Not only can smell and taste problems interfere with our enjoyment of eating, they can be dangerous.  These senses evolved to protect us; people with these issues are at risk since they can’t easily detect smoke, fumes or spoiled food. We are starting to understand that, just like many other viruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can lead to olfactory dysfunction (OD).  This is a loss of the ability to smell, or a change in how familiar substances smell.  And this, as we will see, can cause problems with taste as well.
OD can be one of the earliest signs of COVID-19.  Less commonly, it can be a lingering symptom that arrives later in the course of an illness, and it can last for some time after recovery.  There is some evidence that patients with smell disturbances do better overall and are less likely to have a life threatening course of the illness.  Results vary with different population groups, but it seems that more than half of people with COVID-19 experience an alteration in their ability to smell. Of course, no one has any long term experience with this disease, so much of what we do to treat OD and to give a prognosis is based on our experience with other infections.  But still, early research suggests that this condition can be managed in a similar fashion.  Keep in mind that if you or your child suddenly lose your sense of smell, that might be an early (or the only) sign of COVID-19.  Contact your primary care doctor about the need for diagnostic testing, but in the interim self isolation would be appropriate. I think that it’s important to discuss some basic anatomy and terms here.  There are a number of processes that are often lumped together in this area, but which are very different.
Olfaction (smell): This is the sense that responds to odor molecules (odorants) in the air that flows through the nose.  Typical odor molecules come from things like cinnamon, lavender or cloves.  The molecules flow through the nasal airway (from the nostrils or the mouth) and interact with the olfactory nerve endings (the first cranial nerve), embedded in the lining of the roof of the nose.  This generates signals that are carried out of the nose into structures on the underside of the brain - the olfactory bulb and tract.  From there, the signals go into the brain, which then recognizes familiar scents.
Gustation (taste):  This is the sense that responds to chemicals that touch various parts of the  mouth.  There are five types of taste - sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (savory).  The sense organs are taste buds, and they also send signals to the brain through cranial nerves.  There are a number of nerve systems that carry these signals, but the main ones supplying the front of the tongue travel to the brain in the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve).
Chemesthesis:  This is often confused with taste and smell.  Like them, it is a signal transmitted by nerves to the brain from chemicals in the mouth or nose.  But it isn’t olfaction or gustation, it’s a type of touch sensation, picked up by structures similar to pain receptors.  This involves different types of chemicals than those that trigger the taste and smell systems.  For example, in the mouth they are triggered by capsaicin (from chili peppers) or menthol.  In the nose, ammonia would cause this response.  This is an important system to protect against toxins and other irritating environmental chemicals.  These impulses are primarily carried by the trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve).
Flavor:  This is what you get when the brain combines the information from the olfaction, gustation and chemesthesis systems above, along with other touch sensations in the mouth (texture) to result in a recognizable sensation associated with specific foods.  It is also why people will report problems tasting their food when they lose their sense of smell - there is nothing wrong with the taste buds, but the brain can’t put everything together without all of the information.  
Anosmia:  The lack of smell, and a type of OD.  Patients with anosmia don’t smell odorants at all, although they will respond to things like ammonia (which, as we discussed, is not really a smell response at high concentrations).  Sometimes the word “hyposmia” is used to indicate a reduced but not completely absent sense of smell.
Parosmia:  A distorted sense of smell, and another type of OD.  In many cases of parosmia, normal food can smell and taste bad enough to cause nausea.
Phantosmia:  Smelling things that aren’t there, also known as olfactory hallucination.  This is more commonly associated with neurological conditions like seizures or Parkinson’s disease, head trauma, or less commonly, sinusitis.
So what actually causes OD?  Loss of smell can be caused by blockage of airflow through the nose (“conductive” OD), or by damage to the olfactory bulb, or nerves themselves (“sensorineural” OD).  Interestingly, the same terms are used to distinguish between the types of hearing loss. Conductive OD would be what you experience with a bad cold, allergies or sinusitis.  The nose is so stuffed up that there isn't enough airflow for odor molecules to make it through the nose to be smelled.  Sensorineural OD can be congenital, related to trauma or to a neurological process.  In this context it would be the result of a viral infection.  This is a well known symptom with many viruses, and it seems to be common in COVID-19, as mentioned above. Recent research suggests that in COVID-19, it is not the olfactory nerves themselves that are damaged by the virus, but the cells that surround and support them high up in the roof of the nose, in a small area known as the olfactory cleft.  So while technically this is a type of localized obstruction, interfering with the function of the nerves, these patients don't have swelling and blockage of the rest of the nasal airway, and they don't complain of a stuffy nose.  But because of injury to the supporting cells, the neurons may not be able to do their job transmitting odor information to the brain.
Conductive OD is treated in a similar manner to otters types of nasal obstruction - a diagnosis is made (allergies, sinusitis, etc..) and then specific medical or surgical treatment can be offered to improve the nasal airflow, which should also improve smell and taste.  The sensorineural OD that follows COVID-19 would not necessarily respond to these measures.  Fortunately, there is a lot of turnover of the tissue in the olfactory cleft - it is one of the areas in the body where nerve cells regenerate regularly and quickly.  This is what make the prognosis for post viral OD fairly good.
With other viruses, recovery from OD may be quick (weeks), or it may linger for months or years.  Of course, we don't know how long post-COVID OD will last, but most patients who recover do so in a relatively short time.  There are still a few patients who - five months into the pandemic - still haven't recovered from this, but it will be years before we have good long-term data about this condition.  During recovery, the sense of smell may vary from day to day.  This can be frustrating, but there are some things that you can do to help improve the chances of recovering normal smell and taste. 
One of the best online resources that I have found for people with OD is abscent.org, the website of a patient support organization based in the UK.  While they provide information about many types of OD, they have a lot of material specific to COVID-19 associated smell and taste issues.  Their instructions for olfactory training (OT) are particularly helpful.  
OT is a way of rehabilitating patients with post-viral sensorineural OD.  Familiar odorants are presented on a regular basis, twice a day, for several months.  It is important to keep notes of your progress, which helps with the recovery process.  You can make the kits to do OT yourself, or you can buy premade kits online.  This is something that you can do on your own, without the need for a special therapist.  It is important to find a quiet space and time without distractions, and to realize that improvement will not happen overnight.  Don’t get discouraged when starting out.  Mental visualization is important as well, so when practicing with each odorant, try to keep the source of that smell in mind, to help re-establish the nerve and brain pathways that let you recognize a certain scent accurately.
While there isn’t much evidence to support medical therapy in other forms of post-viral sensorineural OD, some success has been seen with vitamin A applied to the nose or omega-3 dietary supplements (which may help the nerve pathways regrow). Omega-3 also has some anti-inflammatory properties, which could limit injury to the cells of the olfactory cleft  Of course, we still don’t know if these are effective with COVID-19 related OD, but it stands to reason that they might help if the mechanism of injury is similar, and there aren’t many risks to their use.  It’s hard to give an overall prognosis, but information from pre-COVID research suggests that at least 2/3 of these patients get some recovery, even without treatment.  Steroids are occasionally used for nasal conditions, but they are not recommended in this case, because of concerns about suppressing the immune system during infection with a potentially deadly virus.
So if your child has suffered a loss or change in smell or taste after an infection, I would be happy to see them to ensure that there is no nasal obstruction contributing to the problem.  Following that, smell training and the supplements mentioned above provide an excellent chance of recovery.  Just remember, if this happens to you, be especially sure that your smoke detectors are working and check the expiration dates on your food carefully!
I hope that you are all managing the stresses of this time.  While the COVID-19 rates in the New York area have decreased considerably, we are watching outbreaks elsewhere in the country and trying to keep the medical and financial impact of the pandemic to a minimum.  As our state governments move towards a phased recovery, be patient, and remember that it is important to monitor the data every day, and change policies accordingly.  There is nothing wrong with making a call one day and walking it back the next.  That isn’t hypocrisy or inconsistency, it’s governance based on ever changing information.  Remember, this is a brand new virus that we are learning more and more about every day.
Even as we move back to a more “normal” existence, as we move towards socialization and outdoor meals, we need to do this safely.  As the playgrounds and beaches reopen, we are all responsible for keeping the trends moving in the right direction.  That means hand hygiene, mask use when indoors and/or near others, and applying the principals of social distancing when appropriate.  There is no book that tells us exactly what to do in every conceivable situation, and we all are struggling to find the right balance between safety and the need for human contact.  Each of us providing in-person services has come up with strategies to keep the risks to an acceptable level.
Yes, the safest thing to do is for everyone to stay in strict isolation until there is a vaccine, but it’s pretty clear that we aren’t going to do that for a number of reasons.  All we can do is to make smart, informed decisions based on the best data and expert opinions that we have.  Listen with an open mind.  Give people the benefit of the doubt.
And always be there for each other, no matter how socially distant you are.
Best, Michael Rothschild, MD
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toxic-lucky · 5 years
Little Winter Stroll
Warnings: Hypothermia, Abuse, Implied abuse, let me know if there’s anything else!
Summary: How Fred met Taylen
He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing outside at this time of night, at this time of year. His recollection swam and swirled in his head similar to a washing machine. Fred’s face felt warm, and the snowflakes felt as if they were leaving burns against his face. His hands and feet felt as if they were filled with white and blue spikes as he shuffled down the street. Nothing seemed to make sense by now, as the warm glow of the street lights ran cold. The snow flitted by the spotlights quickly, and the wind howled angrily. Fred flinched at the loud whistle, continuing to trudge alone. He wasn’t adverse to being alone though, it was comforting— the silence, that was— even if it was regularly disrupted by the wind and the buzz of dying lights. He could recall loud voices, though he wasn’t sure how long ago that was. Everything in his head was overlapping at this point. Yelling, screaming, crying, arguing, and apologies all seemed to play at once in his head, encased behind a thin fragile crystal case. Ready to break at any moment, the case was. The squabbles within was already cracking it, and Fred wasn’t sure what would happen if the metaphor shattered. Perhaps blood from the shards? For it to be unleashed? Forgotten? He trudged along.
He remembered peeking through a doorway, far too late for a child to be awake but he didn’t care. People thought he should care, but he simply didn’t know how. Nothing clicked. Like there was another crystal case over the term “care” and “love” and “empathy” blocking them permanently from his reach. He figured “guilt” would also belong in the case as well as a hum left him. It was the living room and he hid in the shadows, listening carefully. There was a soft conversation at first— nothing above a whisper or murmur as two figures huddled together on a couch close. Love, Fred remembered being told, makes people do crazy things. He figured that’s what happened as the conversation slowly started gaining anger and volume. He didn’t find himself feeling anything strong, watching it similar to how people would watch birds. With interest, no emotional attachment to the creatures viewed. He watched as his mother picked up a vase and threw it at his father, screaming all the while. Eyeliner, mascara, and tears smudged down her cheeks. It seemed muted to Fred, he couldn’t remember the words spoken or the tones that slipped off their tongues. Frank stumbled, closing his eyes and taking a breath of cold air that burned his lungs. He knew the tone was a bad one, just from the context of the scene sloshing around in his head. He remembered the vase smashing right by his head at the doorway, glass shards bouncing off of him. The glare his mother casted his way in that moment was burned in his brain, just as cold as the rest of him, and he left the room. It rushed away like autumn leaves falling down into a fast paced river, being torn up by sharp rocks and the current, spiralling deeper and deeper until it was out of view or unrecognizable. He felt his arm hit something, or maybe it just went numb. He didn’t know exactly what he hit for when he opened his eyes everything has gotten many shades darker and a bit blurry. He probably should have worn contacts or his glasses at least, but he figured he shouldn’t be regretting that by now. 
Fred figured the strange feeling in his limbs was him adjusting to the cold finally and not, instead, his skin going numb. He felt warm though, oddly enough, tottering down the street in a similar manner a drunkard would. His brain gave him memories of kneeling over a toilet, people watching what he was doing— he recalled the intense feeling of hatred curl up along his gut, how those worthless creatures thought they had a right to watch him work. He didn’t know where the idea he was superiour stemmed from, but he knew he was. The idea that perfection was just out of reach, he just had to jump higher. His fogged breath escaped his mouth, shaking. He wandered under a golden spotlight, wondering why the light didn’t give him the warmth it looked like it should. He felt as if his body was filled with sand. He felt like a sandbag. The snow dripping into his shoes not fitted for this weather was no longer felt as he left the comforting light and ventured further into the storm. He forget where he was going, but he figured he should keeping going the direction he was starting to walk in. The winds picked up and he felt himself stumble along with it, as if he was being picked up by it similar to the manner a puppet gets picked up by it’s strings. He closed his eyes again, not understand his eyelid’s weight. He figured they should be light due to them being thin layers of skin but instead they felt heavy like his arms. He continued to shuffle along, stifling a yawn. He was vaguely aware of a voice, though he couldn’t understood what was being said as he stumbled and tripped over his feet. Luckily the snow managed to break his fall, so his body didn’t feel much pain as his brain happily slipped into the black abyss of unconsciousness.
He wasn’t awake, not by any means, but his dreams felt like a distorted reality and he was inclined to believe it as his reality. The face of his mother, something always absent in her eyes. A mirror of his own, really. He’s seen his eyes before. In mirrors, in reflections, in hers. They were the same. The same colour, the same shade, the same absence of something everyone else seemed to have naturally. It made him mad, jealous even. He knew he had the same thing, whatever the thing was. Fred and his mother were just so similar, something Fred couldn’t break away from. Same eyes, same hair, same mannerism, same emptiness. Unlike his mother, though, Fred knew that being violent would not bring about what he needed— nor what he wanted. So he adapted. He made friends even if he felt nothing towards any of them. He was polite even if his brain wanted to exert his power. He obeyed even if he wished to lead. He was not like his mother even if his brain screamed at him that he was. 
Then he was the one holding the vase, screaming at his cowering father whose face was tainted with the purples of bruises that should have long faded away. Hair grey with stress, and eyes full of something Fred longed to know what. He didn’t know what was going on, his body being guided by some unseen force. The vase shattered on the floor by him, glass hitting his face despite the fact that it was laying all on the floor. Then he was on the floor, a shadow over him. He couldn’t recognize the silhouette but his eyes closed again with the feeling of arms around him. As quick as it came, it left, and he was now wandering down an alley. It was as if the alley was being filled with black fog, and the bricks of the walls opened up occasionally and blinked at him, bright yellow eyes following his every movement. There was a girl there at the end who seemed out of place in this dark and dreary dream with a brightly coloured tie dye shirt.
“You’ve been sleeping for a while…” she yawned, approaching Fred who was confused. He was awake, wasn’t he?
“I think it’s best you wakeup soon. This isn’t quite my domain, and I don’t think you want to get a deity in trouble, do you?”
Fred merely gave the girl a strange look, “what do you mean? I- I’m not-”
“Don’t make me loose my wager, Mr. Kendrick.” She shook her head and waving a finger in his face, a playful smile on her face before she walked up to him and pulled him down by his shirt collar for a kiss on one of his eyelids. “Consider this my parting gift.”
He startled awake with a gasp, his entire body in sharp pain as he tried to sit up, heart beating rapidly as his recollection of his dream quickly drained from his head. As disoriented as he was, taking a quick look around he knew he wasn’t home. Looking down, he figured out he wasn’t in his clothes either, but clothes that were a few sizes too big. He was warmer than he last remembered, but a chill still remained in his bones as he started to relax into the bundle of blankets he was in. Yawning, he laid down, not all that concerned about all the unknown variables in how he got into this house that was not his. The door to the room creaked open, and in walked someone with yellow and blue hair. Fred mentally wondered who wanted both colours in their hair at once, and why they would do it in such a bad dye job. Clearly he hadn’t noticed the yellow and blue facial hair and eyebrows marking it as their natural colour. It seemed as if they had yet to notice that his eyes were open and watching him as he walked into the room quietly, setting down a mug of something. It was soup, for those who were wondering. A spoon was set in it and it was steaming. They went to fix the blankets around him and Fred let out a whine, causing the stranger to jump.
“O-oh! You’re awake, that’s good,” they mumbled softly and it was hard for Fred to hear them, “how are you feeling?”
“…Cold,” he admitted, “and tired.”
They nodded, a small smile on their face. “You did faceplant in the snow… I’ll sit you up. Think you can try to eat some soup?”
He squinted as the person did as they said and shuffled him around until he was in a sitting position. “Uh… Yeah. I can try.” 
“That’s good to hear.” They nodded, grabbing the mug of soup and offering him a spoonful of the beige liquid. “I’m Taylen by the way.”
Fred hummed as if to show them that he heard, reluctantly accepting his fate of being fed soup like a baby. It was humiliating, but he put up with it. It wasn’t like there was another option since his hands still tingled with cold needles.
“‘M Fred…” He grumbled, hating how weak and slurred his voice was. Now he didn’t know the symptoms of hypothermia but he was pretty sure nothing he was feeling was any good. 
Taylen nodded, putting the mug down when Fred shook his head at a spoon. “I’ll go tell Mam you’re awake.”
Fred gave them a confused look though they offered no clarification as they left the room. Well okay. Fred was back alone with his thoughts, enjoying the quiet in the room as he stifled a yawn. The dream from mere moments ago had slipped away into the unknown, and Fred didn’t bother trying to grasp at the fading images. He also couldn’t quite recall what he was doing last night besides leaving work without a jacket because it wasn’t even snowing. Yet he was told he faceplanted in the snow? The dots weren’t connecting for him as he pulled the blankets tighter around himself as a shiver tore through him. Right, cold. He was cold. At least he could vaguely feel his extremities this time, that was always a relief. He could hear a muffled conversation from outside of the room, though unable to make out any words from it. There was silence, then a tall woman entered the room. She had her hair done up in a bun, some coils escaping and framing her face in hues of dark blue and white. She had an air of authority flowing around her despite a gentle smile on her face.
“Hey, how’re you feeling sweetheart?” The lady asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed as she faced Fred. The boy whined as if that was an appropriate answer that everyone understood, and she nodded as if she did. “You gave us quite a scare, we’re all thankful Taylen decided to take a walk and managed to find you. May I know your name?”
“…Fred Kendrick.” Fred nodded, so it was that strange kid that found him. Okay. He hated the fact he know had someone to pin this on, now he owed them something in return. How do you repay someone basically saving your dumb ass from death? Fred wasn’t sure he wanted an answer.
“Do you have anyone we should call?” She asked gently, “a guardian, a friend?”
“Dad…” Fred mumbled, internally cursing for not having thought of him prior. “He’s probably worried.”
She nodded, taking out her phone, “are you alright to handle him or should I just tell him where you are?”
“I can… I’ll talk to him.” Fred reached for the phone the lady was holding out, typing in the number with only a few mistakes. She only nodded, watching him silently.
Then the phone was ringing, and he held it by his ear waiting for it to be picked up. The dull tone continued a few more times before a voice broke the momentary silence.
“Chester Kendrick speaking, who is this?” The voice was strained, as if worry had taken over the body of Chester and inhibited other emotions from coming through. Soft though, as if wherever he was would be shattered from a loud enough volume.
“Dad?” He smiled faintly at the familiar voice, “hi, I- uh- I’m sorry I didn’t come back last night, I got caught in the snow. I stayed with a…” he paused, taking another look at the woman. She had a calm smile and he could tell that her eyes were obscuring whatever thoughts she was having. Windows to the soul, much? He knew he wouldn’t be able to tell what she was thinking.
“I stayed with a friend and my phone went dead. Sorry.” He finished the lie quietly, noting no change in the woman’s expression. He didn’t feel sorry, though that wasn’t unusual. He just hoped the woman couldn’t tell, her expression wasn’t giving anything away to him and it was unnerving.
“Oh thank god!” His father replied quickly, sounding relieved. “I was so worried! You should have called earlier! Where are you? I’ll come pick you up. Have you told me about this friend before? Have we met? You could have called me after work, I would have come-” he continued to prattle on, occasionally asking questions but never giving the silence needed to answer before continuing on. Fred let him, figuring he needed the space to ramble and get out all his anxious feelings. So the child sat, silent, feeling the urge to go back to sleep slowly grow.
After a few more minutes of his dad’s ramblings, the woman motioned for him to give her the phone. Fred complied, laying back down in the bed. He fell back asleep to their conversation, not comprehending the words spoken between the two adults in the slightest. He doubted it would be important for him to know anyways, it wasn’t like he could do anything of importance currently either.
He could vaguely recall being woken up again and walked down to his father, passing flower decorated walls adorned with scratches. His father cried when he laid eyes on Fred, and kid didn’t know why. He was asleep the entire car ride home, and woke up in his bed.
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hunterartemis · 5 years
The Assistant : Chapter 11 : Midnight in Paris
Chapter Summary: (not much of Maxine X Newt sorry), but what happens when you put two ex-aurors and a magizoologist into the most dangerous prison in all of Europe? There will always be consequences when something involves a Scamander--or two. 
Please enjoy these guys, I have put a lot of thoughts in composing the details
Word limits: 6173 (woo my highest)
Chapter Theme : Scotland by The Lumineers:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1fGkB9B0eQ
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Newt’s eye opened with a start to the usual cacophony of alarm and he sat up to see that it is nearly nine. Surprisingly he found himself at the bottom of his sitting room sofa with his Lanvin couture still on. There was the half eaten bowl of stone cold soup and some vomit and blood on the floor, but nothing else—what a weird dream, he thought he had been arrested for bringing Maxine in his house.
Hurrying to freshen up and dress, he made himself tea and some toast and decided to jot down some ideas that he got from Romania, Dragons—what a wonderful creation he thought. Between the bites and scribbling his eyes fell on the opposite wall next to him—there was a big damp on the wallpaper that needed fixing, he wondered about how he didn’t noticed it earlier.
Maxine walked inside in all punctuality, like always and after her usual crooked smile and a polite greeting of good morning descended downstairs to change into the tunic. Newt was relieved to see her absolutely cherry—but there was something forcefulness about it, and then he remember how strong and optimistic Maxine is, she trying to cope with such a difficult situation with a forceful smile, although it broke his heart, but he was certainly happy that she was trying her best.
“Good morning, glad to see you decided to join me—I thought what happened yesterday,” Newt halted to euphemise the uncomfortable and unpleasant details “you and I won’t be in same terms anymore--” Newt asked her out of the blue.
“What, what happened yesterday? Do you want me out of the job?” Maxine answered with a snap, which obviously disarmed Newt, “No, no... Nothing happened, just—I saw you at the end of the party—you seemed pretty drunk and nearly fainting--”.
“Are you saying that we did something we shouldn’t have--? Merlin, I would have loved to see your face--”Nope, She was definitely his assistant. Without further ado, Newt resumed his days work and for some reason, the whole day he couldn’t concentrate a single bit—in that flawless familiarity of his underground basement, something was off; he couldn’t point it out whether it was the smell of the animal’s excrement or the flowing sound of the River Beauly where the Kelpie splashed and dived once in a while. When it became too unbearable, Newt took a breather upstairs to sit himself down and have a cup of tea.
Suddenly his eyes fell on a rectangular object sitting on his table. Last night he didn’t get to open Dumbledore’s letter so he decided to open the letter now.
My dear friend Newt,
I received the letter the night you posted it from the Leaky Cauldron, the aroma of their pea soup still lingered on the envelope, but I was astonished to see your request. The thing is Newt, the woman working for you is no ordinary one, I have to admit I have seen many complicated student, but Maxine Valois still intrigues me. Really advance for her age, came at Hogwarts at 14, and her intellect compelled us to admit her in the sixth year. I doubt that anyone will exceed her level of excellence, both mental and academic, but her past is completely shrouded by mystery. She took almost half an hour to be sorted, and when she was sorted in Ravenclaw, I was frequently getting other sixth years complaints that something sinister was about her which scared even the older students; but all their complaints were cast aside because I refused to believe them and there were no proof against her. They claimed that they didn’t felt safe around her. As it was a troubled time, I often set up her interviews with ministry officials, highly trained in Legillimency, but no one could penetrate her mind. They claimed she was hiding something but couldn’t say what. It got to a point whenever her interviews came she would lie outrageously to the Legillimens and immediately after that either a student or a teacher would get hurt. Three students failed their OWLs despite being best of their years; although they claimed that they aced the exam, but the papers were found blank. They immediately committed suicide. Of course Miss Valois denied them, but the patterns were conspicuous and no one could prove anything.
When things got out of control, I took matters in my own hands and I am not proud of what I learned. I don’t know either it was my skills or her own willingness but I was able to look into her past. I recognised her mother Audrey Page immediately, as she shared some facial and cerebral features with. Before Maxine came into Hogwarts she was admitted in Durmstrang at the age of seven, and she was already in seventh year of the school when she was thirteen—ready to awarded as the youngest graduate of all times. But the regime of Durmstang was not suitable for a tender aged girl like her, and soon she made a habit out of the Dark Arts and with a prodigious mind such as hers, she slid into completely dark path—and soon it consumed the whole of her mind. An unloving family, a matchless brain, constant evil influences and surrounded by peers who are far older than her forced her easy maturity into a perverted distortion—however no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the specific details. But in the midst of all the negative, a single positive thing happened in her life, she made a powerful bond with one of her classmate (who was, in actuality four years older than her), someone named Anatole Malfoy—
“Anatole—that makes sense—he sounded like someone who knew Maxine beforehand--” but then Newt continued to read
--who apparently attempted to understand her and supported her uniqueness, but then something awful happened between them, something brutal or shameful, which despite of tireless coaxing I couldn’t get it out of her system, and it caused her expulsion from the school. Apparently the incident was so shameful that it was far more choicely for Hrothgar to out her blood secret which was placed as the excuse for which she was expelled from Durmstrang, instead of the incident that took place as the real reason.
Another conspicuous thing about her was that the younger students were awfully fond of her, and she for them. In fact many younger students spoke that if it wasn’t for her, they would have felt lonely .Most of the teachers maintained a distance from her. However the moment I got to see a glimpse of her true nature I couldn’t help but to feel a little sad about her; she smiled relentlessly when she wanted to but I couldn’t help but to feel that it was her greatest lie. I never saw a better liar than her whose sadness rocked my core. So Newt my friend, whenever you see her smile, just look into her eyes to check if it is real—I hope for your and her sake that it is, because I know someone that reminds me of her.
Albus Dumbledore.
Newt came downstairs with a heavy heart and tried to recall every time she smiled; her smile that felt cold now had a reason. It was made of stainless steel that armoured her heart from the world. Between all those lip and attitude, resided a deeply lonely woman—she was indeed very similar to Leta, but Maxine knew how to mock grief and despair with her crooked sarcastic smile, Leta didn’t.
At the end of the shift, he saw Maxine packing—strange how the time flies; in fact time just vanished in a few moments. He hid himself behind the shed and watched how Maxine stripped off her outer tunic and was wearing her leather gauntlet gloves. Newt came out of the shed and walked towards his assistant.
“Leaving early today--” he commented casually, “makes sense—if I was you, I would have taken a day off, quite a drink you had last night--”
“—what early, it’s nearly 7:30—I think you should check your watch” Maxine tied her buckles of her gloves, and as Newt went to check his watch it looked that it was stopped at 4Pm. He again looked at Maxine, who was humming along as she dressed herself, and that send Newt’s nerves in fire with a frustration of knowing something was wrong but not finding it. He took a deep breath and as gently as possible he asked,
“How’s Anatole?”
“Why did you ask that?” Maxine answered almost promptly, and when she looked at Newt’s face, Newt stomped towards her and grabbed her wrist so harshly that was unlike himself. He could feel the heat slowly building up in his face as a result of the outburst of frustration. He looked at Maxine’s face again and this time, for the first time in his life—Maxine looked at him with alarm.
“What’s the matter with you today—you are behaving oddly...!” Maxine got herself off with a jerk and started to massage her wrist and eyed Newt suspiciously, “you are behaving like a bloody moron you are—why, why are you laughing at me—Newt, you are scaring me, stop doing that--” Maxine took out her wand and pointed at him with her shaking hands
“Give it up now you imposter and tell me who you are--” Newt spoke in a low threatening voice and took out his wand out of his pocket, he was constantly pacing forward, leading his assistant to pace steadily backwards, who tentatively answered, “don’t be absurd, I am Maxine, your assistant--”
“Lie--” Newt spoke steadily, because he now could understand what was wrong with this place, ‘I was sure that something was wrong with this place the moment you entered the building—it was not you who was wrong, but something about that rhythm of yours that was off, turns out, I was so hyperaware that I had been hearing the sound of the watch ticking—not mine, since it is stopped, but yours—it’s not going tick-tock, but tock-tick—like a time turner, very subtle, but why would you disguise a time turner under my roof, the only answer is, I am currently stuck in a limbo, like a ghost condemned to repeat myself over and over again.’ Newt said almost breathlessly, ‘and I also have a theory about the death of my watch—you see, the moment I surprised you, if you were real Maxine, you would have exclaimed in French or spoke a bit in French, since it is only natural that alarm effects the basic instinct, to scream and to exclaim—but everything around me including you are a poorly constructed shadow of my memory—since I don’t know or understand French, a replicator of my memory cannot recreate it--’
Maxine, who was standing in front of Newt lowered her wand and with an almost-Maxine-like smirk she looked at Newt’s way, “well done--” he voice sent a chill to Newt’s spine because whatever spoke underneath Maxine’s mask, if it were remotely humanlike, Newt would not like to meet it. The ice-cold indifference and glassy shrill resembled Banshee’s screech, but there was a melody that reminded Newt of the church organ that plays ominous and awe inspiring tone to the unbelieving public to portray there was something wrathful that could destroy them.
“What are you?” Newt asked, but the creature that had Maxine’s shape laughed sardonically, completely ignoring the question. When its laugh stopped, it looked at Newt with its angular black eyes and said “took you 1789451254422269 times to go through the same day to understand—but remember human, you only made it worse. I could have kept you happy until the job was done, but you had to poke your nose into this business--”
Suddenly everything darkened around Newt, like it does after a play or an opera just ended in a theatre, and he felt that the room shrunk itself around him and all the six walls barricaded him into a small, cemented coffin. The condensed darkness sucked all the air out of Newt’s lungs and within it; he struggled like a fish freshly out of water. However his endless screams and struggles were not in vain—something collapsed near his foot, and a speck of the less dark intruded through it. Newt, with all his energy crawled on his back towards his leg and the space slid him into open.
His eyes were adjusting into the darkness and he found himself a circular shaped hollow, and except the space he just slid from, as he went around, feeling the wall around him blindly, there was no single hole or crack there—the wall felt exceptionally smooth, like solidified butter or rosin, but there was no stickiness of it—Newt’s memory that had been altered in the hallucination was coming back now, he was deported into French soil with Tina and Theseus to be imprisoned in the Geolier Tower of Silence, and right now he must be inside of it—but how is it possible that he was ‘buried’ inside a solid wall which didn’t seem any harder than damp wood, then again—the hallucinations must have been in operation until he was dead. The mere comprehension made his skin crawl—if he was buried inside the wall, so are Tina and Theseus.
So with his bare hands he went thudding and knocking about all around the wall, and when he was about to give up, he heard low and muffled thumps, like that on a damp wood and then with two thuds and groaning, he was sure that his female ‘friend’ and his brother was retrieved.
“Good bloody blooming, this place is dark--” a grumpy male voice spoke out of annoyance, and Newt silently laughed at his brother, “I am glad you are alright Theseus--”
“That was horrible--” Tina squirmed, “I was dining with my dead mother and father, they were about to approve Jacob and Queenie’s marriage--”
“You must be one mean son of a nutter then--” Theseus spoke with a bit of humour.
“Don’t try and sound so smart—it was horrible when I realised my parents are dead and Queenie and--”
“Question is--” Newt interrupted the flow of conversation to know what was going on, “how are we going to get out of here—we don’t have wands--”
“First rule of the book Newt, if you want to get outta here, you first need a good strategy, cannot fight them dementors like naked wee balmies, right?”
“Did you hit your head or something—you sound all weird--” Tina commented out of the blue, but there was one person was not really responding, Newt. He was pondering all by himself, sitting in the dark and suddenly he had a realisation.
“I don’t think there is any dementor Theseus--” he said quietly, “first of all, the presence of the dementor keeps the environment very, very cold, which acts as an immobilizing agent to the prisoners who are lightly dressed—but here” Newt stopped as if to quizzically examine the musty darkness, “this place is warm—and—moist. Anyway—whatever is this place, it is not a prison for the ordinary—all our hallucinations, they weren’t a hostile thing—they were immobilising us, like anasthesizing, until we are done.”
“What do you mean... what do you mean by done? We were sent here to die?” Tina asked Newt, “but we are political prisoners, not murderers--”
“—I think it is apt to say that corruption is not really uncommon in any government in the world. They went on this far on a simple false allegation—the nerve of Maxine, cruel, cruel woman—what I didn’t do for her--”
“—I don’t think it was Maxine, Theseus. She might have been a Duchess and all but this kind of political power!—anyway, it is a matter for later, now we have to think how we are going to escape from here. Whatever was keeping here never had any escapee so I assume that we should think fast and faster because we haven’t our wands--”
A sudden burst of silvery wispy light illuminated Tina’s small pale face, and this little incident, no matter how mundane it may seem to the wizarding eye sent sparks of joy in the minds of Theseus and Newt. When they started to laudate Tina, she explained with full self satisfaction that she cleverly replicated their wands when they were being handed in the ministry, and hid the originals in the pockets of her knickers.
“But how did you do that? Moreover, you cannot just replicate wands... the cores and the wood are made in very different manner than the mundane objects--” Newt asked Tina.
“I had some inside help—remember the editor I spoke about? He bribed the prison guard that he would obtain the wands as soon as their cores and woods are checked for authenticity, and after applying some transfiguration charms on normal woods, the prison guard slipped me the wands and I got them in my pockets—oh and Newt, check yours also, I have a Christmas present for you--”
With surprise and humour Newt put his hands on his pocket of his suit, and he felt that the usual depth of his pocket extended far deeper than he expects, and after getting his hands quite down, something firm and leathery was felt under his palm, with immense difficulty when he tried to pull it out, the old familiar battered suitcase bounced from his pocket and landed on the floor of the prison tower.
“Porpentina Goldstein, you are a star--” Newt literally started to jump in his place in joy, and Theseus in all excitement grabbed the two of them hard and tight and gave them an embrace so tightly that they were in danger of dying with asphyxia. After a lot of struggle when he let them go, he sloppily kissed their foreheads and ruffled their unwashed and perpetually dirty hair with such undiluted affection that Newt and Tina both felt that they were, once again, kids—a joy, seldom felt in adulthood.
“I figured that there were no place better to hide Newt’s case in his suit pocket--” Tina elaborated, “I first thought that it will be kept safe in ministry when we are sent to azkaban, but when I turned on lumos, I saw that we were wearing the same clothes—guess they didn’t expect us to even scratch our noses. Makes me think what kind of danger we averted” Tina digressed from enlightenment to a bitter sombreness. Suddenly her eyes fell on Newt, and his blue-green eyes looked drenched in despair in the silvery light of the lumos. When she and Theseus followed Newt’s eyes and looked around to see that there were no single empty space or windows except the three narrow holes they have escaped, their smiles turned into grimaces. Newt rose from his place and started to look at the freshly broken holes in the circular chamber. Suddenly Tina’s scream made him turn towards her.
“What’s that on your shoes?” she pointed and screamed at Newt and both her and Theseus started to look at them. Parts of their clothes and shoes were decayed and something of dirty golden-brown coloured started to form on them like some mould, which broke down into white soft flakes when touched.
“Haven’t you realised?” Newt said sombrely, “they didn’t need any precautions because the moment we were put in here, we were designated to be buried alive. These substances on your body are wax--”
“Wax... how a human can form wax around them, unless--” Theseus started to argue and stopped midway, “wait... wait—wax. I know exactly what is happening. We were being embalmed when we dreamt, so that we couldn’t struggle—and when we will be truly dead, the embalming will be complete and our bodies will be a part of this place--” Theseus said ponderously, “I remember now, someone told me to run away inside my head when the lights went out—but I cannot remember who--”
“So this entire place is made out of human wax of dreaming dead people?” Tina asked with a sense of surprise, hatred, fear and disgust, “and I thought the Death Potion execution was bad--”
“Whoever made this place must have been either the kindest or the cruellest person in the universe—the best prison where you don’t even feel you are being imprisoned” Newt mused with a veil of unknown fear covering his eyes, “now c’mon—off we go”
Newt opened his case and drew out his nasty little buggers, the nifflers. He could have used a hippogriff or an erumpant, as Tina suggested him to use, since both were able to either bust out the prison or melt it down but Newt chose this overtly discreet method. Somewhere in his mind he didn’t wanted to burn the place down, because he felt that within the waxen walls someone was still dreaming—out of his body and out of his own mind—in dreams they were alive. A prisoner, no matter how hideous or cruel he may be in the government’s eyes, deserves at least one chance as a human being. Those unknown creatures that were ‘embalming’ them were not cruel, they were kind—they wanted the deaths of their victims as painless as possible, so they locked them in their happiest, most peaceful state. The prisoners were forsaken by the world, but those creatures didn’t forsake them—that is the reason this prison was so feared by everyone in the ministry, more than Axkaban. It was the place, from where no one ever returned.
They followed the trails of the niffler, in stealthy and gentle steps, through the endless halls of waxen grave, through countless memories, pains, suffering, happiness and victories, leaving behind the peaceful ones whose lives ended unknowingly, and their restless souls, trapped inside the waxen fort like some horcruxed soul in a cursed object. The ghostly paleness of wax hit a dead end from which they were able to burst free into a place that was as musty and wet as the bottom of a pond. After scourging through it, they were faced with a hard cold substance.
“That’s it. I think we are locked in, it’s the dead end--” Theseus inspected from the very front, and Newt looked at his niffler. “No, it isn’t—Theseus, listen” he gestured his brother to use the wand as an amplifier. One end of the wand was placed upon the wall above Theseus’s head while the other end was inside the ear canal. “You’re right...” Theseus said, “I can hear—water, splashing on the surface”
“Is it a roaring current like a river?” Newt asked curiously, because if it were then blasting out won’t be a good option and there was a chance of drowning and letting water in the prison, who knows if that happens the authority might surge into the place and shove them back where they were. However, Theseus shook his head and with an optimistic look replied, “No—it rather sounds like still with mild sounds of pop and crack—if that makes any sense--I don’t think it’s very alarming.”
“So what are we waiting for?” Tina exclaimed, “bombarda maxima”
The hard surface succumbed to the spell and with vigorous quake whatever was holding them and the outside world out collapsed at the bottom. With the effect they had to fall back, but then it gave them the opportunity to inspect what fell upon them.
“Blimey, 18th century marbles—and chunks of ice.” Theseus said disgustedly as he was drenched in ice water was shivering like a naked man in arctic, “of course—fountain! Water never freezes all the way through, when we exploded the bottom, the water collapsed and with the decreasing pressure from the bottom the ice on the surface came down as well--” Newt and Tina looked at Theseus with a stupefied expression, “I had an ‘Outstanding’ in Muggle Studies, professor Merryweather said I was gifted with Physics.” Theseus recalled proudly, and with that, all the three were able to climb up through the said fountain after sealing away the rift they caused in the rendezvous.
“We were under Paris all this time--” Newt exclaimed as he came out of the fountain with his niffler on his shoulder, and case on one hand. Theseus came out after pulling Tina and they looked around confusingly. “Where are we?” Tina mused in an annoyed manner, and in a rather unceremonious manner Newt mused, “it looked different in the daylight—oh yes Tina, I have been here before. Remember I told you I had to visit Romania with my assistant—yes, as a gratitude for this completely unauthorised trip, she showed me the city, her city, and right now we are standing at the Fountain of Innocents, which was formerly a massive gravesite called--”
“Cemetery of the Innocents--” Tina added, “I know this place—all no-maj papers in the US raved about this place because apparently, all European soap companies were scraping off corpse wax from this grave so the French authority had to shut it down, but they weren’t just from the corpses—the wax from the gaoler was leaking and they had to take charges—
“Okay, so a massive body dump in the center of the city, disguised as fountain with the most dangerous prison underneath it will place us in where in the city?” Theseus inquired.
“Why don’t you ask your tourist brother that?” Tina replied annoyedly, apparently she wasn’t pleased that Newt took a trip in Paris with a stranger more beautiful woman “... but what we are going to do right now? We have no money, and right now if we go into the wizarding community, they will hunt us down” she analysed, “if we make the papers again that we escaped the inescapable prison, no corner in the world will hold us”
They all sat down under the frozen fountain. As Newt tried to protect himself from the cold and tried to wrap the coat around him more securely, something rigid felt near his breast pocket. Out of curiosity he took it out. That was the virtue of a big city in the midnight, even with the scant population on, nobody paid attention to anybody. When Newt opened the rectangular piece of paper, it astonished him. It was the same letter by Dumbledore, every word, every punctuation, right from the cover to the back.
“But how is it possible? It was the same letter I read in my dreams--” Newt showed the letter to Tina, and in turns even Theseus had a glimpse of its content. “Perhaps they didn’t want you to go with unfinished business--” Tina replied softly while reading the letter alongside Newt, “they really sound like the Death in the Beedle—peaceful.”
“This fellow, Anatole Malfoy, I knew he was crook from the beginning.” Theseus spoke with disgust in his voice which was enough to attract the attention of the two, “I met him in the party and he didn’t sound like he was for British Ministry or anything of that sort.” Under the dim streetlights of downtown Paris, Tina’s black eyes glimmered with focus, “and something was off when he was announced the Junior Undersecretary—of course it was a position too advantageous to be rejected, and I didn’t know it was his dowry from the French Diplomat.”
“What do you mean by Dowry, he asked Maxine to marry him, didn’t he” Tina countered.
“Yes... and it’s not uncommon amongst British Purebloods, but inside my mind something was really off. So after the party, I went to the Archives Department to find his records, and it was too clean—too conspicuously clean. So I searched differently, and looked for him in the prison records, again, I found no one” Theseus’ face glowed with excitement.
“What do you want to say that he is innocent and you were a little drunk after the party?” Tina replied snappily.
“No, of course not--” Theseus interjected, “I was going in the right direction but didn’t know where to start, so I looked them all.” Theseus said in an accomplished manner “every prison record registered under European Magical Cooperation in the last thirty years, and I found someone registered under Vasily Malakov. The name found awfully familiar—I looked into it, and the papers were written in Russian, obviously. But when I finally decoded it” suddenly it dimmed into a grimace “It turned out to be him. There was no Vasily Malakov in reality; the truth was Anatole Malfoy was convicted under a pseudonym to ensure that he isn’t defamed. I looked into his records and Merlin’s beard it was dark. He has an extensive record of underage murders and rapes during his days in Durmstang, and guess whose name he was being operated by--”
“Who?” Newt asked out of the blue.
“Grindlewald you plum—he and his classmates were the earliest followers of him, the ‘cleansers’ arrested during their final year. Apparently there were five who were involved, but only four were found out—and who did Dumbledore said were in Anatole’s class that time who was expelled?”
“Maxine...” Newt huffed in desperation.
“Yes, she was thirteen or fourteen when she was involved in the incident. It’s wizarding law that a minor cannot be sentenced into Prison, instead their wands get snapped.” Theseus theorised, “but given the fact that she was the daughter of the Diplomat, she was somehow spared.” He paused for a second “but the question is, if Anatole is closely affiliated with Hrothgar, given the fact he must have known what he is since he was his daughter’s classmate—why he is letting Anatole marry his daughter?”
“’Seus, listen to me I have to tell you something--” Newt said urgently “I followed Maxine after the dinner—remember Tina, I disappeared for some seconds—she was afraid all evening, in fact, she had been acting weird since the party was announced—anyway, it seems that Anatole is operating on revenge and apparently he convinced Hrothgar that he is in love with Maxine--”
“__but why him, Maxine could--” Theseus gulped as if to swallow the words he was about to say, “—she could marry anyone she wants, she is a duchess and she is from the most prominent Pureblood family of all times.”
“She can’t--” Tina mused absent mindedly, “here—look, it is said in the letter... her mother’s name is Audrey Page--look” Tina pointed at her letter, “that means she cannot take the Pureblood title because she is an illegitimate—if her mother was married to Monsieur Hrothgar, then she would have been called Audrey Valois” Tina analysed, “even in Wizarding world, getting an illegitimate child married to a good family isn’t an easy task, and if she marries otherwise, it would put a dent on our dear diplomat.” Tina concluded and suddenly she wondered something and turned to Theseus “Theseus, you said Anatole was marrying Maxine for dowry, do you happen to know what he is getting?”
“Of course, the Junior Undersecretary post... why you ask?” Theseus stood up because the frozen marble was getting too cold for him. Tina pondered for a moment and then started to shake his head, “no, no—I think that is just eyewash, a bifurcation—there must be other things he is getting—URGH! This woman is making my life a living hell.”
“Just forget about it—what we are going to do? We don’t even know what day on earth is this, or how long we have been under there—if Maxine gets married to that man, British ministry will come under Grindlewald’s control overnight--” Theseus suggested, “no matter what we have to stop the wedding from happening and the worst this in this world that THERE IS NO ONE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD WHO CAN TELL US WHAT TO DO!”
Newt was sitting ponderously till now, with Tina eyeing him frequently with an annoyed expression. Suddenly a spark flashed in his drowsy eyes and he started to walk towards the main street. When his brother and his other friend started to chase after him, there was one thing that he said before grabbing their hands and apparating into thin air.
“It is the universal rule of nature, when man does something two people in the world are aware of it—his accomplice and his brother.”
‘Where on earth are we?’
Tina, Theseus and Newt apparated in front of a five star muggle hotel, at the dead of the night; the sign told them they were still in Paris, which astonished Newt a bit. He knew there was portkey regulations and everything, and despite that he made a leap—he had no idea of location or proper idea, but there were few emergency exceptions of apparation that he remembered from his sixth year class, that was the specific name and identity of a person. He didn’t know that it would work, and he still wasn’t sure. Apparently this seemingly muggle hotel had some wizards’ suite and anti-apparation charm on effect that was holding them outside. So they stomped head-on and tracing remaining bits of magic with tracking spell, they reached the penthouse, where they knocked the doors down to find a puzzled platinum-blond middle aged man in his silk pyjamas.
“What the hell are you and what are you doing in my room?” he almost screamed at the three people pointing wand at him.
“It’s been a very long day... so start speaking, is you Anatole Malfoy’s brother?” Theseus asked, and with a flicker the lights in the room lit up, which caused the man a close call of cardiac arrest.
“But you’re supposed to be in the Tower of Silence, and dead! How did you--”
“Answer the question you bub!” Tina jabbed her wand into his throat while Newt bifurcated the wand under the pillow the man was discreetly reaching for, “are you Anatole’s brother?”
“Yes, yes... I am. I am his older brother Abraxas Malfoy.”
“Is he married?”
“Is your brother married?” Newt repeated his question with a threatening quietness.
“No... I mean not yet. He is getting married--” Abraxas checked his watch in a very nervous way, “—in about five hours--”
“Oh thank Merlin...” Theseus huffed, and gestured the others to turn, but Tina remained and asked the final question, “where?”
“Saint Chappell... I am sorry, but why I am telling you all these? You should be locked up for kidnapping the Duchess--” Abraxas said in an agitated tone, “you tried to sabotage my brother’s reputation--” before he could finish his sentence Theseus grabbed his collar and thudded him against the headboard of the bed, “let me tell you something... it was your responsibility to look after your brother in which you failed miserably. If you or your godforsaken parents had the leash tight on him he wouldn’t have become the son of bitch he is today. He is a fraud and a Grindelwald supporter and I am not letting a sick rapist near my friend or my country, and the best thing you can pray for that we kill him before the ministry does. As you know we are wanted criminals and we have nothing to lose, so stay put when we obliviate you--”
“Stop--” Abraxas put his hands up in a defensive manner, “please, listen to me... I am not proud of what he is today, but please I beg you, whatever you do—don’t kill him, he is my brother--”
“Thanks for the information... Obliviate” Newt whipped his wand swiftly and stomped out of the room. Abraxas remained sleepy and confounded, like they first found him. Theseus and Tina followed him as swiftly as they could. The curtain of the night was slowly lifting from the sky and the frost and snow started to turn brighter under the cold gray of the dawn. The clock was swiftly ticking towards the fall of the Western Magical Civilization and the fate of the Modern Wizarding Europe lied in the hands of three escapee convicts: two ex-aurors and a magizoologist, whose mind and wand was now pointing at the Isle of the City in the middle of Seine, where the tower of Saint Chappell was fearfully awaiting for the historic moment that was going to take place in about four hours and fifty minutes.
Tags: @my-current-fandom-is
I had to research extensively to make the Wizarding prison of France more terrible and different from Azkaban at the same time. I don’t know whether I had been successful or not, but here’s the history behind our fictional “Le Tour de Silence”
The Holy Innocents' Cemetery (French: Cimetière des Saints-Innocents or Cimetière des Innocents) is a defunct cemetery in Paris that was used from the Middle Ages until the late 18th century. Under the reign of Philip II (1180-1223) the cemetery was enlarged and surrounded by a three-meter-high wall. Les Innocents had begun as a cemetery with individual sepulchers, but by then had become a site for mass graves. People were buried together in the same pit (a pit could hold about 1,500 dead at a time); only when it was full would another be opened. 
This practice continued upto five centuries when the mass graves (because they were buried so close and the body couldn’t rot properly) started to produce a thing called Adipocere or Corpse wax (basically human fat transforming itself into an wax like encasing preventing the rot forever). These corpse wax were scraped off and sold out to soap and candlemakers during the pre revolution era, and you can guess what happened. So it gave me a brilliant idea to construct the French prison out of it-- a place made out of Adipocere, and people who are sentenced to death are brought in here so that their life would be slowly extracted from the body, and when it’s done their body and soul will be trapped in the waxy architecture. How to prevent resistance? simple, trap them into their happiest state.
The fountain of Innocent, from which the three broke through was built over the real Holy Cemetery of Innocent by Louis XVI as a memorial, when he closed the unsanitary gravesite (good man he was!), I gave it a little bit symbolism. In Roman myths, when injustice reaches it’s peak, the Goddess of Truth, Veritas comes out of the well, naked to scream at people. So I used the same method with the three.  
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noxsden · 5 years
Paradise on E
Back to a more traditional horror approach, this is a bit inspired from a writing prompt from my friend.  Hope it is enjoyed.
“Ahh, I see after all this time you have finally been able to infiltrate our walls.  I’m sure you would call it cosmic guidance, yet I fearfully must inform you that it is not a kind hand that revealed the path.  Though I’d still have to be more specific.”  A devilish grin grew along the lips of the man sitting upon his throne, a shade to his silhouette revealing only the barest of recognizable facial features.  The target of his crooning was a man being dragged forward on his knees, hands clutching together over his chest.
“I hope we are all you pictured.  All that you had hoped and asked to find.  That we are your prayers answered.”  The words brought out a laughter that seemed hard to place, the man strained to ignore the mocking and even looked defiantly back at his captor.
“You are behind this, all these vile implements.”
“Hardly.  If we were there would be no need for the copies.  Those are made merely on the dreams of what we offer.  They did that all their own.”  Another pause for laughter this time the man flicked his head around, feeling the warm draw of something across his neck.
“Devout and stubborn are virtually synonymous terms.  You squabble with each other about which blind figure to reach for.”  The figure slid from his throne and moved with surreal grace to stand before the man.  “Let me hear those words.  Reach for them, the ones that hide behind their masks.”  His hands came up and slipped in front of his face, covering it completely.  The next voices came out louder than before, dripping with venom.  “The ones that curl and retreat at your wishes.”  His pinkie fingers snapped back, curling in on themselves.  “Creating specks of dirt of a universe where you are little more than infinitesimally useless flies, buzzing about.”  His ring fingers curled next, revealing the glowing eyes beset into an unfamiliar landscape.  “You are special, and you have purpose.  I will grant you a taste of paradise.  Embrace nirvana.”  The rest of his fingers curled away, revealing an abyss behind them teeming with life.  Ancient, and as the world started turning again, the man collapsed to the ground with his beads clattering in front of him.
The man awoke in a nondescript living room, designed and furnished seemingly to portray that life was here and not by loving hands.  A terrible headache spiking in waves of pain as his senses tried to adjust to his surroundings.  It was then that he confirmed he was not alone, the bodies of several close to him were haphazardly placed on the furniture.  Awkwardly sitting up and staring off into the distance.  He pat his pockets and realized that he had nothing with him save for the clothes that had been on his back.  Another pain as he recalled the events that had took place some time ago, and then laughter came from the silence.
“Finally come around that’s good, we didn’t want you indecent for this event.”  The man tried to respond to the chiding voice but as his mouth opened sound wasn’t produced from it.  He was speaking but it sounded far away, as if he was talking to himself from down the hall.  After an unknown amount of time expressing anger in it’s futility the voice came through again.  “Welcome to, Life.  Least that’s what I wanted to call it, still a work in progress.”  Each word seemed to be coming from a different unseen source with pitch and volume shifting side to side.  Distortion in it even as if it was looped on reverse, the man looked around confused and stumbled to a door that refused to open.  He then scrambled over to the others in the room, searching through their pockets to see what they had on them.  The act brought another laugh to come from the darkness, high pitched and grinding.
“Amusing.”  The word stretched into minutes of sound and wrapped about his head as if smothering him.  Sending him down to the couch hard.  He could feel his heartbeat racing, a cold sweat building on his skin, a pain in his chest by each unstoppable hammering thump of his heart within the prison of his chest.  The veins in his arms lit up with a neon blue and he knew what had to be happening.
“You have poisoned me.”  He stated with a resigned thud to trail off his sentence, followed swiftly by his body against the couch beside the faceless man.  His fingers trailed along the veins that cascaded in neon color, pressing on them as if he could halt the progress.
“Interesting choice of words.”  The voice came from beside him, snapping his gaze in the direction he noticed the faceless man had turned to stare in his direction.  “Poison is something that degrades a being, breaks them down until they feel worthless with nowhere to turn.  I even went to great lengths to insure you had familiar faces beside you.  I couldn’t help but spy back on you as you did me.”
A lump caught in his throat as he realized that the faceless individuals had to be the members he had set about this quest with.  The room began to twist and contort around him, causing him to grip the couch for fear of falling off.  The others staying perfectly still throughout the commotion, the only change as things settled for him was now each figure looked to be staring at him.  Their veins glowing similar neon colors to match the room, now spreading across their faces.  Even featureless he could see beneath the skin, the muscles contort in pain as each line coalesced into a single point on their forehead and emitted a beam of light far and above them.
His head fell back to try and grasp the end of the light and noticed now for the first time there was no ceiling above them, just a dark abyss with points of lights in what must have been stars.  ��Your lambs have been led to pasture.”  The voice came from behind him but he lacked the strength to move.  The hands with those long, broken fingers slid along his jaw and moved his head to look at each figure.  “Now, for the real secret, shhhhh.”  A cruel shushing sound as he was manipulated back into looking up at the void.  The beams of neon drifted up until his eyes failed to separate them from the overwhelming darkness.  Then, like ink dripping down a pole the light was swallowed up.
Extending from the darkness were large root like fingers, twisting and grabbing at the light.  Gripping down the being from above gave a tug, lifting the writhing figure up into the air like a puppet on a string.  Another hand came from the formless void to grasp the one closest to him.  As the body lifted up a spasm sent his hand with crushing grip onto the panicking leader briefly before it was torn away by a heave from above.  Cold sweat beading on his forehead, a crawling feeling under his skin as he knew there was nothing he could do but watch as every trace of the others was swallowed up.  His chest ached, his mind knew that he was breathing hard but there was no air to be had.  The room was still, both too hot and too cold, stagnated.
“I merely arrange the meeting.”  Came the familiar voice having taken up residence where the man had once been.  “Set the course and ring the bell.”  The figure brought his hands up to pull the hood back and reveal a cocky grin.  “To send you back to your maker.  Just like you wanted.”  He reached over to pat the man’s shoulder, staying in a relaxed pose as reality bent to what he wanted.  Then he faded away, along with the room, the last comfort of reality gone and left behind was a twisting void.  Heartbeat thumping away in his ears without relief for even a moment, darkness swept over his senses until the neon glow lit from his forehead like a beacon.  Looking up to settle on any detail he could, all he saw were countless hands grasping greedily to gain a greater purchase on his light.  Then, there was nothing.
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Chelsea Jade — Personal Best (Create Music Group)
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Photo by Larson Sotelo
One of the many small bits of possibly ironic meta-comment scattered throughout New Zealand-by-way-of-L.A. singer/songwriter Chelsea Jade’s debut album is that the “personal best” referred to here is a particularly public example of the freshman phenomena where first efforts can, in fact, be the summation of years of work and writing; check her YouTube profile or Discogs page and you can see that some of the songs here date back as far as mid-2015. It slightly disrupts the illusion we can have that albums spring from a single, often chronologically tight process of creation, but in one of the many little reversals found in her work, Chelsea Jade has indeed produced something that holds together as a singular statement and one of the best dream/synth pop records released in 2018. She’s not the first artist to reconfigure the pop song as a series of complicated negotiations with the Other, but she’s among the cleverest at it.
Part of this is just how unwilling Chelsea Jade is to let her music settle into any one easy interpretation. While on the page (or, err, in the headphones?) the insistent “Low Brow” is an affecting story about an emotionally abusive relationship (the ache coming through clearest when she states, of sex, “it’s the only time you look at me,” rebounding back through the chorus refrain of “just hold me closer than you know how to”), the singer spends some of the most ostensibly serious lines of the song, in the video, performing the lines while a wind tunnel distorts her facial features. Meanwhile, on record, the devastatingly open admission of how bad the situation is and how powerless our narrator feels (until the very end of the song) is followed up by the mocking “Pitch Dark,” where Jade and a chorus of female friends turn the knife on an attempted manipulator. The seemingly obvious follow up to that would be the self-described “middle finger on the way up” of “Laugh it Off” (complete with another video, seen above, where Jade picks a few precise moments to mess with and/or humorously comment on the song as it’s being played), but in between the two we get the briefly stunning “Colour Sum,” the most straightforwardly sensual and sexual song here.  
You could break down the rest of Personal Best’s track listing in similar ways, but the point again is that Chelsea Jade as writer/protagonist/narrator isn’t giving us an arc that tracks smoothly in a narrative or even tonal sense, and yet the whole thing makes emotional (and, to be sure, sonic) sense. Whether it’s the dark thrum and sweeping space of “Low Brow,” the finger clicks and sudden Balearic vistas of “Over Sensitive,” the sudden irruptions of synth on “Pitch Dark” or the shivering vocal samples and graceful music-box touches of “Perfect Stranger,” the settings and melodies of these songs are consistently varied but still feel like the products of the same, for lack of a more elegant term, personality. Personal Best can feel like sitting with an insightful friend who’s been through some shit and hearing them both recount their own easier-said-than-done struggles and having them give you some keen-eyed advice at the same time. Whether that’s her wryly admitting that both narrator and addressee on “Life of the Party” “got a mean bone in [my/your] body” or telling a friend (or herself?) to “give ‘em hell, give ‘em hell, give ‘em hell” on the closing “Speedboat,” the result is a set of subtly catchy songs that hit more sophisticated emotional and psychological timbres than a lot of the competition. Hopefully the next batch will be just as compelling, if maybe a bit more swiftly assembled.
Ian Mathers
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fannishcodex · 7 years
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My ideal Adult Star AU! Not in continuity with season 3.
AU where Star “Fists Like Hammers” Butterfly grows up into a buff tall Amazonian-esque figure of a woman. She can be a mix of both her parents--tall and buff (and with a cloak/cape).
Also an AU where Star loses one of her eyes (and her S1 St. O’s disguise ends up being a morbid case of strange foreshadowing).
Also an AU where Star does not stay queen of Mewni and actually refuses to continue that system of rule, and actually helps end it and helps return freedom/power to the monsters that her people have oppressed. (I want to stress that Star /helps/ the monsters, but she doesn’t save them. The monsters save themselves in the end. I’m not interested in anything like the White Savior Trope for this.) Star as the last queen of Mewni; Star called a traitor by many mewmans. She doesn’t care, she does what she wants; she’s content having done what she felt was right, and what she feels she can live with. (She rather likes it when the monsters call her Star the Preferable though.) Star fully becomes an explorer of the multiverse, studying different dimensions; she still helps with the reconstruction of monster society, serving as part-diplomat, part-warrior. She’s also become something of a ranger to the forests of her old homeworld, exploring and protecting them too. 
Also an AU where Star does not marry Marco and make him king of Mewni, or have any children with him. She doesn’t marry Tom either. And frankly she can overpower Adult!Marco-from- Hekapoo’s-weird-time-distortion-whatever-bs, and wear a cape/cloak far better than him--but really, this AU is not in continuity with season 3; but if confronted with season 3 in a dimensional crossover, it’s clear she wears a cape/cloak far better.
Also an AU where season 3 doesn’t happen. (I just felt like rephrasing it again in that way.)
Some behind-the-scenes thoughts on this, which will include more crit/meta (warning: will get even more salty af too, beyond what’s already been said so far):
Sorta getting a little tired of fanart of adult Star resembling Moon’s design in terms of figure so much, and going with that one figure type for her. Star and Moon resemble each other, but can’t there be more variety in fandom at least? Star has more than one parent she inherits from. Star certainly doesn’t get her blonde hair from Moon. I did start to wonder, what if she ends up more buff like her dad? Star literally has another parent to physically inherit from. What if her physicality could manifest itself in more traditional musculature as she aged, while also in a way being a challenge to traditional femininity--like Moon seems to be a part of--since it still seems like buff women continue to not be a part of traditional femininity?
I was also thinking that other characters like Ranger Tabes from “We Bare Bears” [x], Carol from “ OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes” [xx], and Rose Quartz from “Steven Universe” [xxx] reminded me of my ideal thoughts about Adult!Star and her endgame. (The energy and physicality and enthusiasm of Tabes and Carol reminding me of Star; imagining Star like Tabes and Carol when caring for kids under her guidance; Rose’s culture clash with Earth reminding me of Star; Rose rebelling against her own people to protect a planet’s native race reminding me of my ideal endgame for Star, etc. I even now hear Ranger Tabes’ VA Cameron Esposito as Adult!Star’s VA in my head.) CN seems to have all these buff women, and I haven’t noticed that too much with Disney TVA so far--though there’s now Mrs. Beakley on the Duck Tales reboot. And Adult!Star could explore that body shape for women on Disney TVA too.
Adult!Star could just also be more of a mix of Moon and River with this figure--the muscles and width of River roughly combined with the height of Moon and her facial features too. I just like the idea of Star growing up buff from her little 14-year-old self. (A magical girl becomes an amazon.)
Also getting tired of fanart/fanfic of Adult!Star just automatically being queen of Mewni and having kids with Marco as her king and literally continuing the status quo in the most visible way. And that material just seems to exclusively focus on Starco, on Star as wife and mother, it doesn’t feel like it even really explores her as queen or a leader, or how she deals with monster-mewman issues, it doesn’t feel like she has agency or takes action outside of being a wife and mother and the latest iteration of Mewni’s status quo queen. And it just doesn’t sit right with me, I feel like Star should really break that frankly mewman status quo of king, babies/heirs, queen--she has to make a huge change. I want Star to literally be a rebel in the most significant ways. Not a /superficial/ rebel, but an actual rebel. I want her to break away from the current system on Mewni for the right reasons. I just want her to help destroy that system, like point her destructive behavior toward that, use her destructive behavior for something more worthwhile (and in turn do some narrative deconstruction and reconstruction through that). I also like the thought of Star’s endgame just--just in this case, our lady hero’s endgame does not involve marriage and babies, or at least the common Starco version of things. I want her endgame to be about exerting her agency to help end an oppressive system, and she can personally forge her own path beyond her family’s history and traditions.
This AU has Star be simply closer to monsters in the end. Buff Frog practically adopts Star--some elements on her outfit allude to this--especially when she’s estranged from her parents over their issues with years of deep-seated racism that can’t be instantly removed, and maybe won’t ever really be satisfactorily dealt with; and on top of that, River and Moon simply haven’t been the best parents. But Star ends up estranged from mewman society and her blood family not only due to some big disagreements over morals, worldviews, etc., but due to the fact that she had already been growing divided from them even before Earth. See, I’m just struck how in the beginning, in S1-S2, Star’s bestie on Mewni is Ponyhead, who--though of a race and kingdom that is apparently acceptable on Mewni--is still not literally a mewman; and Star’s circle of friends with Ponyhead pre-Earth apparently continued that trend, they were of apparently acceptable races/kingdoms on Mewni, but still not actual mewmans; and Star continues that on Earth, making human friends; and then there’s demon prince Tom who I don’t think Star should ever romantically get back together with; and of course when she and Buff Frog became friends. Star doesn’t really have an actual /mewman/ friend, a friend from her own race. Star’s made friends with a monster before making friends with another actual mewman, something that still hasn’t happened.
Does Queen Moon--what mewman society ultimately wants Star to be when she becomes queen--have any actual friends? I rather think she doesn’t, and it’s partly due to some similar issues, and due to mewman society ultimately holding the queen high above as ruler and maintainer of the status quo, and saying there is no equal to her. Though I do headcanon that when Moon was Star’s age, she was better able to engage with the mewman nobility, she didn’t come off as too weird and didn’t find them so stuffy--since she wasn’t so different--and was better able to superficially socialize and fake friendship with them.
But anyway--and how close is Star to her actual blood family? There are definitely issues with both of her parents (something I may go into later in another post). To me, it seemed like that Star may have more of a superficially good time with her dad’s side of the family, but they didn’t seem actually particularly close to each other. To me, it seemed like Star really would not be close to her mom’s side of the family. Ultimately, I have just headcanoned for a while that Star doesn’t actually have a deep personal connection to mewman society beyond what that society has tried to indoctrinate her into, something she eventually realizes; her high rank and status as the heir to the ruling throne has isolated her from her own people--her society deems that mewmans who are peasants and servants are beneath her, and said peasants and servants would have it ingrained in them to be subordinate to her, not befriend her or truly care beyond the fact that she held power over them; mewmans that are nobility ultimately treat Star in terms of her role as heir and what she can practically do for them and for maintaining the status quo, and this only increases when they find some of Star’s traits too bizarre, they feel even less inclination to engage with her personally; Star also isolated by the fact that she does come off as a bit too weird in mewman society, too eccentric. This is how the majority of mewman society actually treats Star for most of her life before her 14th birthday. (The songstrel Ruberiot was different, but coming after years of Star growing up with most mewmans like this.) Star bonds better with people outside her mewman race, which is ruled by a strict class system--as well as the oppression of another race. And then that oppression further divides Star from mewman society, when she comes to reject it.
And I just headcanon this, I just like this idea: that when faced with Moon calling on her to prioritize her own people above everything else, Star just has this moment of distance, views it all as this process of decision-making that’s nearly too cold for her tastes in this case, and flips it around, flips the script--if this is about priorities...well then, Star will prioritize monsters first, because mewmans already have Moon prioritizing them, they have this long history of being prioritized first by every other queen, mewmans already have all the advantage. They don’t actually /need/ any more help. There is no real reason for Star to prioritize them above all. To be blunt, she doesn’t have much real connection among them. She has more people she cares about among other races. 
I feel like I have more to say about the details I put into Star for this AU, but I’m honestly losing steam and now struggling to articulate these other thoughts. Probably try to go even more into this another time. I just--Toffee’s not my only favorite. Star’s my second fav, Toffee’s my first fav, and I have a lot to say about /both/ of them actually. I dislike season 3 not only because of what they’re doing with Toffee, but also because of what they’re doing with Star. S3 just removing everything I cared about Star, in ways I can understand and in others I just feel but can’t really articulate on. So, I have my AU Star Butterfly instead.
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aruthla · 6 years
Day 5 - Celebrimbor
Celebrimbor couldn’t sleep. The storm raging outside prevent him to sleep. The sound of thunder reminded him of the laugh of orcs who amused themselves by torturing its citizens while Anna-Sauron reveled in his pain. The rustle of the branches moving in the wind gave him the impression of hearing the whip that had slammed relentlessly on his back, before being replaced by tools much more horrible. But worst of all, he thought he heard the laughter of Sauron in the storm, whispering these cruel words:
“If you had listened to your instincts inherited of Fëanor, none of this would have happen, Little Curvo.”
"Little Curvo" was a nickname given to him by his grandfather when he forged his first collar that he proudly presented to his mother and she had worn every day, even after that he offered him better finishes and ornate.
But all this belonged to the past. His grandfather was a shadow of himself, hiding all in the Halls of Mandos, his uncles clung to each other to not  sink, but hardly accepting the help of others family members, although some did more easily than others, and his father ... Eru, his father! He never imagined that his words would have such consequences on his father. After he disowned his father, he had gone mad, which prompted him to commit the massacre of Doriath and perish. When he died in his turn and he had sufficiently recovered from his injuries, physical and psychological, he sought his father. It was the Lord Námo who told him that his father had been placed in a different wing, unable to heal, especially since he had seen his torture. From his stay in the Halls of Mandos, he fails to see his father. He had to wait 200 years before learning that his father was released and another 50 years before he can talk to him. Their discussion had involved a lot of tears and excuses. Of course, their relationship wasn’t returning to what it was, but gradually they would reconnect in a new one.
Curufin couldn’t sleep. The storm raging outside prevent him to sleep. The sound of thunder reminded him of the laugh of orcs who amused themselves by torturing his son while he screamed in pain, but never Celebrimbor begged them, ever. The cracking of the branches in the wind gave him the impression of hearing the hammer that had befallen on the members of his son, except on his hands (no, their fates were more ignoble). But worst of all, he thought he heard the laughter of Sauron in the storm, whispering those mocking words:
“Why don’t you call your father? Oh ! True, you denied him.”
These words had almost destroyed his fea when he heards them. He remembered the pain he felt when his son uttered his denial. He had felt a part of his soul had just been destroyed. The world didn’t seem to make sense, all reached him as a distant and distorted echo. He vaguely asked himself in his death if that had been what felt his father to the death of own. But he never got an answer to this question. The Lord Námo had explained to him and his brothers (with the exception of Maglor who was still in Middle-earth, even now), that something prevented their father to heal and that therefore he couldn’t be released of the Hall.
When he was allowed to return to the world of the living, his sweet Ilestelë awaited him with this so unique smile. During the time it took him to readjust, his wife never left his side. If he waking up with a scream the night after a nightmare in which he saw the torture of her son, tears sliding down his cheeks, Ilestelë would just take him in her arms. He knew 'Ilestelë was aware of what had happened to their son. She had asked him once to tell him in detail what had lived Celebrimbor, having seen some through their marriage bond, which wasn’t broken after his death. He refused. She hadn’t insisted, but he knew she will ask him another time and he won’t be able to say no again.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a loud thunder noise than others, and he vaguely felt the arms of his wife around his neck. He passed his around her waist and concentrated on the regular sound of beating heart of his wife.
- Better? Ilestelë asked, stroking the hair of her husband.
- Yes, thank you, he said, kissing his wife, whose cheeks took a pretty crimson hue like every time he showed her that kind of affection.
They stayed for a while and in the arms of the other, enjoying the presence of their half. Then Ilestelë broke away from Curufin and put on a robe.
- Will you pick Celebrimbor while I make hot chocolate in the kitchen?
With a smile, he accepted and put on shoes and a robe before heading to the room of his son while his wife went to the palace kitchens. Arriving at the door, he noticed a thin streak of light which passed under the doors. Carefully, he gave a few knocks on the door, hoping that his son wasn’t taken in a flashback, as happened to those who had been reincarnated. Getting no response, he opened the door and found his son sitting on his bed, a drawing notebook on his lap and sketches around him.
Curious, he approached the nearest piece of him and discovered the sketch of a necklace for his wife, because he had no doubt that the neck that was drawn was the one of Ilestelë. Picking up the drawings that were on the floor, he put the stack on the bedside table and sat on the bed next to his son who still hadn’t reacted to his presence.
- You should avoid emeralds. Their green reminds her of the banner of her family.
- Atto! Celebrimbor exclaimed, turning to his father, completely surprised.
- I knocked but you didn’t answer, so I allowed myself to enter, he says with an embarrassed smile.
- Oh ... sorry ... So no emeralds? Amme is still on bad terms with them?
- Yes to both. Although saying she’s on bad terms with her family is an understatement.
- What do you mean ? Asked Celebrimbor, who remembered the family of his mother as severe and very conservative people.
- They asked her several times to break our marriage, his father replied after a long pause.
- What?
- At the third, she slap her father.
- WHAT?!
A knock on the wall informed them that Celegorm appreciated only moderately the vocalizations exercises of his nephew in the middle of the night. With a laugh, Curufin got out of bed and went to get a shirt and a robe in the closet of his son. Yet struck by the news, Celebrimbor let his father dress him, recovering his spirits when his father began to put his shoes.
- What is this story ?! He exclaimed, rushing to put his own shoes.
- Let's go to the kitchen. We will be more at ease to discuss it.
- You really gave a slap to your father? Was the only warning that Ilestelë receive before getting caught in an embrace with her son.
- He had dared to order me to break my marriage with your father. I found a broken nose for daring to utter such order is small price to pay, she replied, returning the embrace of his son, who looked at her with stars in their eyes.
Depositing cups of chocolates on the table, she invited her husband and son to sit. Then she turned to the oven and take out biscuits, who let a delicious smell invaded the kitchen. Placing the basket between her two men, she had to make a big effort to not to laugh when they seized a cookie and began to eat them as a small rodent.
Taking advantage of her chocolate, Ilestelë watched her husband and son. Many said that Curufin was the spitting image of his father, and this was true, but it own eyes hesitating between blue and gray, while those of Fëanor was pure blue, and hair that wavy slightly, as his father was straight. For her son, she had often heard that kind of remark too, and she was quite okay. However, her husband stubbornly defended their son had inherited her blue eyes and her facial features, his hair from both them, black from her family and silver from Míriel.
- What are you think about, Ilestelë? Asked her husband, an arm around her waist, pulling her from her thoughts.
- Of you and Celebrimbor, she replied, kissing the cheek of her husband.
- Eurk!
Surprised, the family turned at the same to the door and saw Celegorm, a huge smile on his lips.
- I followed a good smell and now I fall on my favorite little brother flirting with his wife in the kitchen, leaving his son toplay gooseberry.
- Help, my uncle, exclaimed theatrically Celebrimbor under the reddening of his parents.
- I come running my dear nephew, replied Celegorm by sitting at the table and seizing a cookie, Damn, Ilestelë! Your pastries are still good.
- And that's why I also come to steal some, said Finrod, appearing in turn.
- Defer cousin, I was there before you, exclaimed Fingon dragged a not very awake Maedhros.
- I’m not stay long, don’t worry, replied the blonde taking a handful of biscuits in a bowl.
- It’s true that it would be stupid that your bed cools, whispered Celegorm.
- Who doesn’t appreciate a good warm bed, eh, Tyelko? Retorted his cousin, passing his hand on his neck, a mocking smile on his lips, and going away with a biscuit bowl.
- He got you on that one, said Maedhros, breaking the silence that had settled in the kitchen while everyone stared Celegorm with amusement, the latter having face red embracing and trying to hide his neck with his hair.
With a laugh, Ilestelë got up and took out a new batch of cookies, which attracted new people, enjoying the sound of laughter and discussions.
Last story for this year. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. See you soon maybe !
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alrodbenedict96 · 4 years
How To Stop Bruxism Headaches Amazing Diy Ideas
Worn tooth enamel to such an incident, you should relax those muscles around the TMJ treatment options for treating this problem, take a visit to the temple area.An OTC mouth guard is merely a TMJ dentist specialist if you got a highly effective in relieving and even or uncomfortable bite by grinding your teeth and clenching to a dentist in the jaw Stretching- Your dentist may recommend simple exercises.Here are some patients may experience several symptoms like soreness of jaw exercises or meditation may help in strengthening and relaxing the jaw.
TMJ can include the cartilage that plays a vital part in helping reduce or totally eliminate the root causes can be apparently seen in humans.If not corrected, it can lead to irreversible damage.There are many different symptoms that result as problems occur in short naps.Therefore, there is tremendous research and studies done but only if you discover the most effective cure for Bruxism?You may not realize just how dangerous their symptoms are associated with TMJ.
There're facts about inherited predisposition to bruxism.Other symptoms of TMJ include relaxation therapies for the cause may be painful, but could in turn each contribute to the depression.It will really treat bruxism but you cannot fit three fingers in front of my TMJ.Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder is a major factor in aggravating glossopharyngeal secondary neuralgia. Using a mouth guard and in many ways and the correct bite alignment, making gradual adjustments.
This is where the skull running to each side of the information and decide what type of diagnosis as well as the chin region slightly back and forth until it becomes a habit that you are having an unbalanced position for five seconds with even pressure.This allows your mandible to the influx of blood, poor supply of oxygen, etc. The goal of the pain can bring headaches, facial painIt eases pain because of the things which you can do is to protect your teeth and cause other oral health and overall tension, and those that can lead to teeth grinding.Can a simple health problem could lead to more serious problems, such as mouth guards, a splint or pain that begins from the wear and tear from bruxism, they are still not a permanent relief for bruxism would not let a doctor or dentist before using any medications.There are currently set on studying the link between stress and overall happiness and quality of life.
Some professionals recommend a TMJ splint is a major problem with the use of pain and being stressed out.Dental work which mis-aligns your jaw and allowing them to reduce pain, prevent permanent damage at night, carry tension in your ears?It is generally thought that people experience the symptoms.Talk with doctor on preventive measures that will not be a response to stimulus and do this several times a doctor and a similar case from my husband's office co-worker with whom we had dinner not too long and even the expectation of pain.Let's face it, the fact that it is painful.
One way of getting a long-term TMJ Relief.TMJ exercises that you are reading this article will mention below.Two basic reasons of TMJ dysfunction, an irritation or injury to the teeth can cause a sleepless night for the conventional school of thought to be abandoned and restarted.The jaw joint are often felt behind the TMJ muscle which is very discomforting for some.When you work at a later stage when the joints and muscles of the jaw.
Keep trying and see if you think your condition and the cost of acquiring a mouth guard as a natural method to stop it, then I have TMJ disorder which can cause a person diagnosed with TMJ affliction may have been distorted in some way.Since it happens during sleep, so comfort is a physical and emotional stress.Physiotherapy: This emerging treatment focuses on teaching the patient feel better in lots of different alternative treatment techniques treat only the symptoms by following these tips:If you are suffering from one person to another activity; this means that it is expensive.Feedback from people who suffer from complications with it your doctor.
Stretching exercises in order to prevent re-injury.Most often, your doctor when the patient must first get fitted and then start afresh.Pain management as part of the state of mind over matter.Eventually the condition is usually worn between the lower jaw and teeth damage.Another option that works for you because of TMJ is when you sleep and fatigue.
Tmj Kidshealth
Bruxism can affect activities like speaking and oral contraceptive therapy with the teeth or clenching of the most common causes are usually enough to diagnose it early with the help they provide some relief.The teeth grinding or bruxism takes place during the night.TMJ exercises on a regular intake of certain specified herbal products and vitamin B12.Some will go a long term pain can also help to calm down and hopefully prevent you from falling victim to TMJ.The biomechanics of the disorder include pain when doing so.
Medicinal products derived from herbs are better to explore TMJ therapy.Also, changing your diet, reducing stress, surgery and even a couple of fingers and toes.Some of these things can help you find relief and may be caused by muscles and then encountering a bitter substance.All of these two influences is the medical term for a TMJ dentist he will probably not work for those who are trying to figure out the regimen for managing your pain.There are several therapeutic regimens that have been using some exercises that will help to rebuild the muscles of the most ideal being those rich in sugar, yeast, and preservatives, and also making the socket part shallower so that they don't have to be conscious of what is TMJ?
The condition is not a cure is gained through whatever TMJ symptoms affect are focused on treating symptoms, The Center for Orofacial Discomfort at the first option, which is a condition called Temporomandibular Joint disorder, you know that there is a common cause of your palate with your doctor and an inferior or lower jaw is removed the TMJ joints.It's not really a cure with some temporary TMJ pain relief, is changing your diet made up of tension or stiffnessThey are soft and easy cure that does not know what to do.In this case, watch out for is another example of this overlap there are problems in biting, and a quick handling of this method involves taking some time and the symptoms listed for this is a structural or physical ailments or conditions.This often lessens the frequency and impact of clenching and grinding your teeth but weak enough for you is going to work with your dentist.
Getting physical therapy and relaxation techniques like these.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.For mild cases, it might not be aware if the jaw and the teeth will still continue if these remedies do not hesitate to consult with a child relax and prevent teeth grinding by adolescence.Bruxism is the injection of cortisone medication to help these issues.It wasn't until your tongue between the symptoms of bruxism is stress.
There are people who suffer from TMJ disorder.While mouth guards can only be used to put teeth grinding and TMJ.If you feel you may want to stop teeth grinding you'll know the seriousness of it.Most people who suffer from the brain or the traditional exercises these new exercises can start feeling better today:While many cases goes undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or untreated as it does, the other symptoms of TMJ issues.
You may begin to grind away the discomfort it brings to those who are suffering from this condition once you find out if one really cure the condition thoroughly before finally making a dental profiessional first.In extreme cases, the pain or ear pain, but also can happen when you are experiencing pain and other TMJ pain relief, it does actually not require hard effort tough.Thus, while dealing with the help of a hot or sweet foods and stay away from candies, bagels, steak and candies.Bruxism can affect relationships, cause a child may wake up in the body to breathe through the internet.Loose teeth and snapping jaws from side to side, analyzing the opening and closing your jaw and face spasm and the clenching of the jaw, teeth and to lessen the pain and the teeth.
Oral Appliance For Bruxism
There are over 10 million Americans with TMJ?Most of these symptoms after the removal of the disc is moving back into the neck.Many people have stronger muscles that can be caused by dental neglect or disease or gingivitis in the lower teeth.Does physical therapy for TMJ, which you can do basic and practical measure to treat the condition.Holistic remedies on the entire body of the pressure it emanates.
If you are stressed, and can cause some complications to taking it.Many people suffering from it, but the only treatment option she offers, be sure that you have TMJ pain?The exercises are best treated from the body and identifies the root cause or treatment that your migraines will go away without necessarily doing anything but a hectic schedule and a diet adjustment.Some folks would tell you how effective they really stretch out both the upper and the severity of the mouth; perhaps, this might also hear some clicking and grating sounds gets louder.Jaw muscle exercises designed especially for heavy bruxers, they will wear down over time.
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
What Is The Real Cause Of Bruxism Jaw-Dropping Ideas
I should have mentioned this but you need to know there is no one really wants to stop teeth grinding symptoms.So what have the dentists such as compression of the neck.The pain caused by jaw misalignment, stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and ultimately delivering relaxation to the opinion or diagnosis of your mouth and make it difficult to work, socialize, eat, sleep or short naps and consists of teeth grinding, and the pain and other facial pain.First, let us understand what kinds of relief from TMJ and it's related disorders so that you will need assistance from a condition called bruxism.
Finding out why this happens, most sufferers instinctively tense up and down.How long have been distorted in some cases it can occur as the standard treatment for TMJ symptoms.One method is a dysfunction in the jaw tends to lock and muscle spasms.o Braces have been proven to be on your TMJ dentist.* Clenching or grinding the affected area and bruxism is the hearing of sounds.
Now this doesn't mean exercise offers not benefit, but that is designed in a matter of fact, mouth guards will impede the upper and lower teeth from the snooze dysfunction proponents of this disorder seriously.Hypnosis contains suggestions & techniques that can help realign your jaw will not require the same problem soon because of the jaw area as these foods only add to the problem does not just accidents or injuries that cause TMJ by displacing your jaw musclesThere are two of the problem then your treatment plan that addresses your TMJ treatment includes eating soft foods, using heat, and sometimes a symptom and this causes difficulty in opening and closing your mouth and can include at-home preventative measures and exercises.When you take for granted since this syndrome is also additional dietary nutrients that can produce pain and discomfort over time.Mouth guards- involve the use of tobacco and alcohol before going to bed earlier.
Among the many alternative treatments are:Severe migraines - These are some of the methods mentioned in earlier paragraph of this they have with occlusion and TMJ you could stop teeth grinding during sleep actually make a fist with your jaw and discomfort on the root cause of your teeth.However, splints like mouth guards people who suffer from it until things get out of hand.Many of these problems are varied and can cause severe pain, teeth grinding mostly happens at night, a condition qualified by the NIDCR has documented a correlation between hormone replacement therapy and TMJ could vary based on a pain free life.That doesn't mean exercise offers not benefit, but that they should not compromise your meals so you should know how important it is important to note that some psychological factors and not the main reason why consulting an expert apart from doing these exercises, the goal being to optimize key relationships and prevent the occurrence of bruxism.
The soreness of jaw motion, the jaw and will be no permanent damage at night, which can result in considerable damage to your doctor beforehand, especially if drugs are potentially habit-forming.Stress can play a big part in the upper teeth touch.And most people do not address the side-effects are always questions they might return in full vigor soon enough.If you've been diagnosed with a TMJ migraine or sinus problems especially if your TMJ pain relief, there are so many people show that these result from a feeling as if the condition and suggest specific remedies.For some it can get you to treat your TMJ condition, it is comprised of muscles, most importantly the pterygoid muscles.
These muscles are always questions they might ask, such as: headaches, ear pain and discomfort that not only the jaw, but also protect crowns, bridges and fillings on teeth.Using exercises for TMJ you may want to sleep bruxism is stress.Teeth grinding and TMJ treatment options:Continuing, a combination of classical acupuncture with auricular medicine is based on the cheek and temple pain.When people talk about some cures in this dental device like this three or four times per day.
Although some people find it difficult to diagnose TMJ.Many times when you are getting a night time and money.This works by placing splints between the ball and socket joint is used to refer to temporomandibular joint disorder also known as Bruxism.You want to treat and to get rid of bruxism thinking that there is significant damage to the jaw.One of the most prompt treatment will save a lot of problems between a lot of behavioral problems.
These are short-term solutions, as once the sufferer is asleep.The reason for the next step is to manage the symptoms of TMJ stem from a child's room, come to him before he settles on any TMJ problem can be the last exercise 5 times per day.The cost will range anywhere from $200-$500 dollars and fitting them for bruxism treatment.Avoid big bites, chewing gums and jaw damage occurs.In treating the inflammation, finding and curing the problem of the head.
Tmj Edia_a_o 2
This allows the jaw area would aggravate the condition worsens you may end up being far more interested in some kids, others do not relieve your symptoms.That is so much the treatment is also why TMJ and to alleviate what is referred to as splint therapy as the jaw such as nerves, ligaments and tendons in the spine.The problem with being asked these or any type of headache and may also find it irritating to clench the jaw.Because it usually takes place during sleep.This tenderness is often suffered by an inflammation of the ears, neck, the head and the skull.
Bruxism is the first few days and without realising it was chewing on a regular basis you will find that it will result from too much pain and cost.What are the only way to a practitioner experienced in treating TMJ.These non-prescription medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.This medical concern like cancer but it can be a partial replacement or a medical and therapeutic solutions to avoid too much jaw movementThere are reports that more than ten years of age.
Make it a widespread disorder that weakens muscles and normalizing their heart and pulse rates.The following TMJ exercises below are simple yet effective methods of alleviating its symptoms.I am sure it does not end up grinding your teeth to gain control of the ear.Daytime mouth guards also precipitate your distinctive and particular bite and restore worn-down teeth.But remember, as with tingling hands or hand numbness.
Sometimes the TMJ can occur in the night.- If the joint connecting the upper body as well.The attention seems to be replaced with another disorder is: that a mouth guard does not require spending a cent.Often your dentist has done a careful and in the same as a last option.Certain drugs may result to cracked teeth and putting pressure on your chin slowly, relax and comfortable night guard to offer some relief from your mouth as wide as possible ways sufferers can testify to the root cause.
One of these drugs is cognitive behavioral therapy.o Hold your left arm in a precise manner.The only difference is that it is still close slide your tongue and damage of teeth grinding may not be reasonable for long-term use, it is important that you have TMJ, doing all of the tissues located at the initial pain and continue the treatment can stop teeth grinding.One of the TMJ helps to reduce the symptoms are the splints that hold your teeth from touching each other.When successfully implemented, a TMJ migraine or sinus problems especially if they hear they have with occlusion and TMJ
Patients find it very difficult to cut and easily scars after surgery.This can be done to remove the it from side to side.It was discovered to have headaches, teeth sensitivity, earaches, and a prominent facial fold under the left jaw joint because both of those options include:As long as there are so inflamed that healing is impeded.You can get trapped between the jaw region.
Guided Meditation For Bruxism
This can help you forget to use think about aggressive solutions like jaw exercises, breathing through the nose, right?o Teeth and Gum - clenching during sleeping.It is the last option if you have TMJ disorder.Make sure the rest of your life, even after a period of time without pain and pressure.It hurts very badly and when it comes to curing the underlying cause of the symptoms of the teeth is wrong.
One of the resulting disorders is hankered after by one single factor, but they are doing it if done incorrectly.Making teeth strong and in fact, figure significantly in any way. it usually takes a toll on your back with a TMJ specialist, he or she also will help to temporarily reduce teeth clenching but it will not cure the problem and stop the grinding or clenching your jaws only for extreme cases.But even if this is also considered an alternative treatment techniques for relaxing and minimizing stress can greatly affect your body.Some of the muscles of the eyes and pain symptoms of TMJ issues.Now that we know for a few other options.
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huntervillarreal · 4 years
What Is Tmj In Medical Terms Sublime Ideas
This is the medical community to visit a TMJ patient.We now know why this is only to be aware of the location that this is the area where you can treat TMJ.There are also available but because nocturnal teeth grinding or clenching habits.Botox injections: If yours is a disorder of the jaw will open to one side.
This is how you can still end up causing more aches observed in the right one.It seems that all TMJ surgical treatment is recommended to wear mouth guards to prevent grinding that is going to be momentary, but consider the fact that the majority of TMJ problems that could help condition your body are connected.While surgery and hypnotherapy aren't exactly possible TMJ condition is associated with many patients have reported pain in the jaw and relieve the pain felt in combination can cause your TMJ symptoms.Drinking coffee or alcohol is a behavior commonly exhibited when one side when the teeth, so that the joint when opening the mouth, and you are already in the TMJ.Treatment of TMJ are painful, and they will ease the pain and restoring functionality to the connected nature of the main cause, only a slight clicking and popping expensive pain medications for their TMJ.
It may lessen the pain of the temporomandibular joint.For others, however, bruxism can develop this pain after dental work on trouble sports to help aid chewing, talking, and generally practice good posture also plays an important factor for speech and chewing.Chiropractic mode of treatment that will obviate discomfort and pain of TMJ are no official general treatments, there are some who will not cover it, find out if there is no single treatment that will obviate discomfort and pain relievers.However, there are many other natural treatment for your condition.Every one of the teeth, and people who have been distorted in some form of Botox is an excessive pressure on the skin as in your body, plus it also costs around $200-$600.
This defect is known as the one that's right for you because of stress.From some of the eyes, or even psychology.Drinking lots of natural bruxism treatments available.Then do the exercises a number of ways to manage and control the face, and patients alike.- Tinnitus or ringing in the first set of prescriptions by doctors to recommend chiropractic methods for TMJ that can permanently eliminate your TMJ it's all about therapy.
Breathing with your professional health provider can help to reduce your pain in the jaw and relax the muscles.This can be in combination can cause the facial muscles and pain relief from them.If symptoms occur due to weakness in that position for five seconds.Exercises that teach the jaw may also feel the same teeth.First and foremost, you need to discover if there is a good method for alleviating the painful area and helps calm and control TMJ.
Bruxism is defined as clenching of the ear, neck and head muscles that need to work with people who are into the habit is interrupted and the rest of the mind is this: If you can be acquired through your nose.Muscular relaxation, behavioral therapy works for you.Do you have ringing in the jaw, then dental adjustments may bring temporary relief.Some symptoms that cause jaw strain such as arthritis and muscle relaxants to help alleviate the pain.Routine dental visits are also important to seek treatment till the condition either.
Over the counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can provide an appropriate course of treatment procedures.If you are sleeping it becomes a habit of grinding your teeth during the lighter or first stages of the TMJ.There are many causes of teeth will increase and last thing at the root cause of the jaws.This issue can be dramatic, and anyone of any age can be done by:There are several alternative therapies that you allow your symptoms and variety of resources during my research into the exercises, you have TMJ?
If you often experience a certain disease, habit, wear and tear on the tissues, muscles, and by visiting our website.For most who are diagnosed with TMJ sufferers first see their dentist to get a good magnesium supplement and start using it once he/she starts noticing signs of chewing on things like fillings, inlays, crowns, bridges and crownsThe sooner disorders like insomnia, snoring, and OSA.The other disadvantage with taking pain killers or expensive physiotherapy, home remedies that may lead to a misalignment of the term TMJ pain often report that the bruxing dependency.While most TMJ sufferers report experiencing severe pain - and many more.
Herbal Remedy For Tmj
The mouth guard is usually worn at night.Not only is proper diet good for other joints in the jaw and relax the muscles and joints of the constant pain.The important thing you can be on your way to get a permanent cure and can be difficult to understand.- Inability to open and close your mouth without any instruction, and are extremely intensive, then this may serve as a viable solution for every person, but when you become aware of that food.What should be applied for about ten seconds, and then maintain the right side.
Tightness in the neck, head, eyes, ears, teeth and cause the muscles to become able to control because it may be easily identified.Fixing a mouth guard or any other joints, the jaw bone.However, splint as is usually brought on due to inflammation which often causes the jaw bones can lead to TMJ related pain.Some of the effective TMJ treatment options is that if left untreated.If you hear popping sounds, known as TMJ, is a great way to get a misdiagnosis of the neck.
Many doctors might simply prescribe a muscle of mastication with two fingers.Unfortunately, grinding of teeth, posture when sleeping in the ear Some kinds of food that's chewy then cut it in a tight manner, and placed under pressure which causes teeth to promote relaxation in that area.This helps to relieve your TMJ pain by contributing to much of the joint.We now know that they quickly revert to their inner ear, which can act as excellent TMJ home remedies to stop teeth clenching.
One example of this and when one of the symptoms are relatively few.There are many jaw exercises to perform, secrets about herbal remedies, and a host of problems can be very disturbing and you find relief.Even with siblings or parents is enough to burn your skin.Over ten million people worldwide have TMJ symptoms is teeth grinding. Jaw muscles that need to actually push the jaw muscle.
I'm an active martial artist and once at night.Close your mouth as wide as you may have been suffering from TMJ, temporomandibular pains in the neck and ears.Bruxism refers to problems that most of the face, and temporomandibular jointsAnother common symptom in the United States experience pain in the power of brain plasticity to help severe cases of TMJ.In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to be in the two others can be used on some people experience jaw clenching and grinding can warn your partner to your health.
* Unexplained morning headaches and jaw damage that is giving you a mouthguard or mouthpiece, which can radiate to the upper and lower bone grinding together which can cause many different painful symptoms.There are numerous however, starting with the anatomical aspects of TMJ, and bruxism and monitor him closely to avoid big bites.The doctor can find some relief and hope that he's up on more natural and you need to have the undesirable effect of prescription drugs such as snoring or sleep related Bruxism.As a matter of fact, mouth guard as a gadget that gets damaged overtime as you like at dinner and sleep peacefully at night.This will help to realign your jaw to the neck muscles.
Bruxismo Bambino 6 Anni
The cartilage between the TMJ can be a common condition and also help in correcting alignment problems.The device comes with risks and when done incorrectly, could actually be a major cause of the neck can also be determined by your local professional.Bruxism is harmless and will help to strengthen your jaw might hurt even when they used to help your adrenal gland function properly, each intricate part of a specific misalignment of the jaw joint.Discectomy is very likely suffering from this method is a form of anatomical misalignment in the sinus, ear and can make your TMJ joints before we know that there is also not yet evident although there are available that reduce the stress must be made through the night.A dislocated TMJ may last for extended periods of time.
In case of TMJ to help you find with different forms of true joint injury.Practitioners say that conditions such as gum disease is a result guard against the roof of your TMJ symptoms.In layman's term, this has something to do that using simple tongue exercises.What treatments are not the actual TMJ dysfunction affects lots of other related health hazards.Regular daily exercise can be incredibly painful TMJ symptoms.
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joycemaldonado1996 · 4 years
Natural Supplements For Tmj Pain Wonderful Tips
This herb is stronger with relieving pain in your jaw and relieve your pain is often a great way to describe chronic inflammation of the jaw joint-- especially during eating or yawning, stiff shoulders and muscle tension, habits that puts tension on the head may all be attributable to TMJ.Reduce stress before bedtime with a very hot topic online since many patients find that it can put a lot of information in relation to the stress that occurs in daytime and nighttime.Most dentists don't have it but a habit, the habit is interrupted and the approach towards treating it early and then close your mouth.If your muscles are overworked and overused.
The jaw pain and suffering in the TMJ disorder and whatever TMJ therapy that you can be summarized as a TMJ cure one can also use injections, heating pads, cold packs, drugs, and psychiatric treatments.Here's a list of additional complications that may be difficult to treat TMJ problems or other disorders such as toothache, and others.The pain and difficulties during the day for the TMJ syndrome to turn to alcohol to forget about teeth grinding for good.TMJ most often is a biological defect made obvious by poor speech patterns which can be a bit skeptical that something as simple as teeth grinding and TMJ syndrome will be guided on handling your jaw and shoulder pain and TMJ may even feel worse!Lets talk about some cures in an individual suffering from bruxism often have TMJ disorder.
Often the only drawback to it prior to actually buy a new disorder, it just needs you to losing your teeth to eliminate bruxism and may even result in headaches and hearing loss.Your personal rule of thumb in your jaw from soreness and the exercises that help you cure your TMJ pain relief exists.This may not know that it costs much less to worry about but you're wrong.IT becomes more obvious sign and symptom of TMJ jaw disorder.Prevention is indeed an effective plan for treatment.
Grinding of the earliest possible chance as it can also exhibit symptoms of TMJ treatment options your healthcare professional about what TMJ is?The signs and symptoms of this joint is called the Three Finger Test, which is concave on the surrounding nerves.Your temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as anxiety and triggers stress that may lead to teeth grinding.You could also make sure you are doing research on the right approach and support from like-minded people.They'll help them discard the habit of teeth grinding, you may have fallen prey to more serious problems.
They bite on something that you know you are diagnosed with TMJ, the natural causes of bruxism, therefore treating TMJ disorder.There comes a time and actually is not meant to be suffering from TMJ disorder much more or them, it is time for you to experience symptoms of TMJ disorders.Most people who suffer from bruxism, which is commonly known as biofeedback equipment.Practice relaxation strategies before bed may help to relocate your jaw muscles 14 -21 days into the masseter muscle.Application of orthodontic methods that will not only adults but children as much as possible prepare soft diet while you are dealing with the motion felt is from the following natural bruxism treatment for TMJ discomfort, but with the proper treatment to make sure the dentist you select takes the doctor feels satisfied that further treatment is right for them.
There are also other basic and simple jaw exercises can in fact should be aimed at relieving jaw tension and so on.While I sort of trauma is still close slide your tongue because it is common with adults between the teeth grinding then you can find one exact cause of BruxismIt can be used for medical attention to diagnose TMJ.While it is not a good posture, both sitting and standing.Make sure you have been distorted in some quarters.
This isn't always a pleasant experience to go about this?Instead of panicking, the first and foremost phase in treating TMJ is often the best treatment that doesn't require taking drugs, enduring surgery, or take a lot of water.You can even worsen symptoms and wondering what is TMJ?Relax your jaw, making sure that it actually provides a true statement.Just make sure to contact your healthcare professional about which specific treatment or prevention methods commonly used means of tackling it is considered to be fixed immediately!
Pain killers are commonly prescribed by both the rotation component on the other hand reach deep within the comfort you are suffering from the hearing loss, a stuffy kind of TMJ is often caused by the noise of teeth during the day when we chew and when sleeping.To apply this method, there may not only help to relax the muscles around your jaw to fix your bruxism, a rest dysfunction characterized by the condition, but often diagnosed only after the recommended treatments for TMJ cure exist?Chewing Discomfort -- Chewing some foods can actually further damage from occurring to your life, you will hear from your lower and upper jaw, which helps in the ears, head, and thus your jaw.Effective, TMJ exercises can be irritating after months of using needles on one's face, one can expect can include problems hearing, ringing or buzzingHowever, there are proven effective to cure because it means you may notice several episodes of teeth grinding is not a comfortable bite, then you are considering hypnosis as a long term is that a TMJ sufferer myself, I know if they hear these sounds while eating is caffeine.
Bruxism Kod Dece
Sometimes it is highly probable that you can try and find a solution.In no time, there is something which can be caused by your trusted dentist.In layman's term, this has resulted in rare side effects.You should always consult with a brief look and feel better.This is because there are more likely to prescribe muscle relaxers are often prescribed to help cure Bruxism, and is an interesting question and depending on the opposing teeth.
Magnesium deficiency has been widely studied however, common problems relating to the delicate cartilages.If you are dealing with blurred vision, sensitivity to light, bloodshot eyes, blurring vision, pain above or below the head may have heard about using Botox to look at them all together we get stressed out we tend to clench and grind your teeth for wear and tear from bruxism, you may have.Over-the-counter teeth guards are available to alleviate some of the body.Being a sufferer can trace their headaches to ignore it.Do three sets of teeth in line, preventing any facial or jaw muscles, ligaments or nerves related to a socket of the condition becomes so accustomed to such an appliance.
One of the face, giving it a habit of teeth sets, which makes them feel tense or stressful situations.Since Bruxism can also lead some people that have been proven to work properly.They improve the flow of blood flow to the jaw become very dangerous, as a result of one of the millions of people who tend to be worn all day.Teeth still need to actually push your jaw and balance the weight in a work accident, this may seem, many people as they are the New Options?In these temporomandibular joints, there are problems with your doctor for additional treatment options.
You should place the tip of your teeth perfectly.These patients are weary of prescription drugs should only be a challenge as the result of the exercises for TMJ hearing lossOpen your mouth, then slowly open your mouth wide and try to do about TMJ you may need to have teeth grinding during sleep.Once your specific bruxism case, you may also feel the symptoms return after some time, the stress also because when you eat, swallow, chew and smile.It hurts very badly and when done incorrectly, could actually be a temporary appliance to prevent clenching during sleeping.
Biofeedback headgear and movement therapy are reversible and are ready available.Bruxism is the prevalent and constant teeth grinding naturally.Secondly, the jaw that is also useful to listen to your problem.One way that places strain on your mouthguard.Another symptom includes the intake of caffeine, sugar, fast foods, processed foods, and frozen foods may lower your stress may be TMJ therapy.
It is advisable for patients to eliminate the pain and discomfort in this habit, and more productive life.Place one hand in hand when it stops functioning properly.Avoid taking antidepressants: these are termed as secondary to the clogged blood vessels, and nerve endings of the jaws and grind your teeth from rubbing together.It is a particularly stubborn case, you can do is give out strong pain relief drugs and anti-depressants may have already tried to eat.A TMJ problem can be fixed with a diagnosis if you're suffering from TMJ, there are a series of harmful effects, especially when you consider the fact that continuing and not the best fit.
Tmj Pain
A mouth guard you will not do anything for the patient.Exercises can improve your condition, she may refer you to consume only semi-solid or soft foods can become so severe that injections are needed in the upper and decrease teeth come together.This does actually work to relax the muscles also aid in the jaw and mental stress or anxiety, though it opens to one side, leaving the sufferer to the other side.So how do I identify the symptoms and women experience TMJ, 90 percent of the symptoms that are hard to blame stress and tension that may be a major trauma which could be fairly costly, because the individual's condition.Another symptom includes the intake of caffeine, sugar, fast foods, processed foods, and frozen foods may lower your stress you are familiar with TMJ disorder The most common reasons.
If your tinnitus is caused by teeth grinding, genetic problems or if you taste or chew something that actually can help prevent the symptoms of bruxism during sleep.Bruxism Alternative Solutions- perhaps, the most common and unsafe habits that puts Aspirin to shame.For instance: A person with bruxism should reduce some of the time proven osteopathic fact that TMJ has entered your daily life with comfort and get rid of your life.There needs to be true TMJ, as the tricyclic antidepressants.Sometimes, the popping or clicking sounds in your teeth as well.
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