#first time drawing arinn
the3rddenialist · 4 months
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Statement of Chase Brody, regarding repeated encounters with a red hallway.
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pine-lark · 3 years
😊😊😊omg thank you so much for reblogging my Shae piece!! I had to let you know Arion is one of the first tiny whumpees I ever read! there are so few people who write it and it makes me so happy when I find it. Our tinies need to form a support group to talk about what we put them through.
Oh my GOSH are you for real?? I LOVE your writing!!!
After reading a few Shae pieces I got distracted by your Arinn and Alex stories. HO. LY. I stayed up binge reading those until SEVEN A.M!!! (I was... very tired after 😅 slept until like....... seven P.M. today. Oops.) I am OBSESSED with them. I’m drawing them, I’m thinking about them, and I’m still working on reading about them. (Are you planning on writing more? I can’t tell if those are new or old pieces since tumblr mobile doesn’t let me see dates haha)
ANYWAYS this is about tiny whumpees so excuse my excited gushing (which I was about to write into some reblogs of the ones I’ve read but I fell asleep- coming soon though)
I am SO happy when I find more tiny whumpees and people who like tiny whump! For the longest time I thought I was the only one and creating this blog was really scary because I was expecting people to just think it was super weird or something 😅 It’s so so cool to see there are more of us!!! (And I’m still in shock that there are people who read my Arion stories and actually... like them?? Like, whoa, crazy.)
Our poor tinies absolutely need to form a support group. I’d love to have Arion and Shae meet at some point aaa
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Inspired by this post by @whump-princess all about tail whump~ Specifically “getting it caught or slamming it in a door”.
Featuring my demon/incubus OC Arinn. He has tiny horns and a thin, smooth “devil tail” sort of tail. He can magically hide them to blend in but doesn’t need to at home with Alex. He is “fed”/energized by physical affection (this story makes 0 sense without that info).
Tagging @deluxewhump ? This isn’t that sort of Arinn story but I did promise to tag you. :)
CW: tail whump, tail injury, broken bones, bruising, swearing, comfort, affection, romantic relationship, touching, kissing, a few light innuendos but nothing overtly sexual.
The cozy Saturday afternoon silence in the apartment is interrupted by the slam of the door... followed by an agonized scream from the doorway. There’s a thud and a string of curses in at least four languages.
Startled, Alex sets down his phone on the kitchen counter and hurries into the living room.
Sure enough, his demon boyfriend Arinn is standing there, looking...not great. His face is flushed and pinched with pain, his fists clenched tight, white-knuckled. Bags of groceries lie at either side of his feet, their contents spilling out onto the floor. Alex couldn’t care less about them. He steps closer.
“Ari, what’s wrong? Hey, breathe...”
Ari releases a shaky breath. He takes a few more deep breaths before answering, his voice weak, tugging at Alex’s heart.
“M-my tail...”
Alex hurries to his side and looks around him.
“Oh, fuck...fuck, fuck, fuck...”
Ari’s slender tail, connected at his lower back, droops down and disappears into where the door meets the door frame. Trapped there. Undoubtedly crushed. Undoubtedly hurting.
“Oh, fuck, babe...”
“Quit saying fuck and get it out!” Arinn snaps. He immediately covers his reddened face with a hitched sound. “Sorry...sorry - I...it h-hurts.”
“I know...I know, babe.” A kiss is pressed to the side of Arinn’s head, reassurance that Alex isn’t angry. He crouches by the door.
“...wind blew it shut,” Arinn mumbles sullenly, lowering his hands. He tries in vain to hide a sniffle. Alex hears it, but spares his lover the further humiliation of pointing it out. He’s so good like that...he knows what Arinn needs, when he needs it.
Right now he just needs his tail out of the fucking door.
“Alright...here goes...”
Alex cups one hand under Arinn’s tail so it doesn’t fall. With his other hand he slowly twists the doorknob and eases the door open.
Arinn whines softly as his tail slips free into Alex’s gentle grip. He sways on his feet, groaning deeply at the rush of pain. “O-oh...”
“Easy...easy, I’ve got you.” Alex stands, still carefully holding Arinn’s tail so it doesn’t droop to the ground. He puts his other arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders. “Couch or bed?”
“Bed, please.” Arinn turns away, flushed with pain and embarrassment and unwilling to look at the damage to his poor tail.
His tail has always been a conflicting part of himself. A thing, like his horns, that separated him from humans. Emotive, curling when he’s happy and flicking when he’s angry and tucking between his legs when he’s frightened. Fragile and vulnerable, an easy target for those who would hurt him, something to be grabbed and yanked and stomped on.
But also...
Also soft and sensitive. So attuned to gentle touch, like when Alex strokes and kisses it as lovingly as the rest of him. Tingling at the feeling of warm fingers, sending ripples of pleasure up his spine...
Now the only things traveling up his spine are tremors with every painful throb of his injured tail. Try as he might, he can’t hold back the little pained sounds the feeling elicits as Alex guides him to the bedroom.
“Alright...on your stomach...”
It’s the sort of obvious statement Arinn would normally give a sarcastic retort, and it’s a testament to the pain he’s in that he doesn’t say a word as he crawls onto the mattress and flops face first into the pillow with a groan.
He feels Alex gently settle his tail down beside him. There’s a brief loss of contact that sends a chill across Arinn’s skin. Don’t leave me. He knows Alex won’t, but nonetheless his mind can’t help imagining being left to suffer.
A big warm hand cups the back of his neck, a thumb stroking at his pulse. “I’m going to get some things...” A pause, the hand not moving. “Arinn...can you say something? I’m worried...”
That makes Arinn huff out a laugh in spite of himself. Of course Alex is worried because he isn’t running his mouth for once.
“...your hand feels good,” he mumbles into the pillow. The comforting weight of it increases ever so slightly, the touch grounding him.
“Once you’re fixed up I’ll put my hands wherever you want,” Alex teases.
Arinn groans. “None of that. Not for a while,” he says miserably.
“I know. And it’s okay.” Alex kisses the top of his head and then disappears into the bathroom to dig through their medicine cabinet.
He returns with what must be half of its contents and spills them onto the other half of the bed. “I’m not really sure how to treat a tail,” he admits. “And I’m pretty sure you don’t want to go to a doctor.”
“Hell no,” Arinn says, turning his face to rest his cheek on the pillow so that he can look at Alex. When Alex sees his red-rimmed eyes his face softens. On anyone else it would be pity and Arinn would scoff at it, but from his Alex he knows it’s only that he feels everything so strongly, including his lover’s pain.
“It will heal on its own,” Arinn reassures him, and it’s true. He heals quicker than humans do, at least, when he has enough energy. And Alex’s constant affection is a more than sufficient energy source. “Just...something to keep it from moving until then. And something f-for the pain -” he draws in a sharp gasp as said pain hits him again.
“Yeah,” Alex says quickly. “Yeah, of course. Okay...”
He gently lifts the limp little tail and cradles it gently in his hands. Arinn closes his eyes and breathes, trusting him completely.
Alex makes a little sound of sympathy, his fingers moving almost imperceptibly over the bruised flesh. For someone who could probably bench press Arinn if he wanted to, he’s always so gentle with him. “It’s definitely broken.”
“Thought so...there was a - a crunch.” He feels Alex flinch at the words. Lips brush softly over the tender skin of his tail and he sighs.
After that, Alex works silently. He smooths some sort of balm onto the damaged tail for the bruising. He uses a ruler and bandages to fashion a splint for it, something Arinn will hate wearing every moment until it’s gone, but knows it’s necessary. Alex even gets a bag of frozen peas from the kitchen and lets the tail rest on it to ease the swelling.
Finally he begins to pop open a bottle of pain medicine, when Arinn stops him.
“Those won’t help.”
“No. Demon, remember?”
Alex frowns, crestfallen, and sets the bottle aside. “What will help?”
His head snaps up and Arinn meets his searching gaze. The love there is...intoxicating. Just the anticipation of Alex’s comfort makes him feel a little bit stronger.
He starts to climb into the bed and is stopped again. “Mm-mm. Shirt.”
Understanding crosses Alex’s face and in seconds his shirt is gone, revealing broad shoulders and a strong body with just enough softness to be wonderfully comfortable.
“Yours too?”
Arinn nods and doesn’t budge, letting Alex ease his shirt up over his head and toss it aside.
Alex pulls up the covers and slips under them beside him. Arinn carefully turns onto his side, managing not to jostle his tail, Alex’s hand on his hip to guide him.
“You do the rest,” he mumbles, feeling drowsy now that the shock and pain from earlier has dulled.
Alex obliges. He moves close, warm arms curling around Arinn’s body. Arinn rests his forehead against Alex’s neck and feels like he can really breathe for the first time all day.
There are no more words between them. None are necessary. Alex speaks his love in soothing strokes of hands down his back, kisses peppered over his hair, his legs tangling with Arinn’s. Solid and steady. Exactly what Arinn needs.
His affections are like a glass of water to a parched throat, sending a familiar warm energy coursing through Arinn’s veins. With Alex around he never has to hunger or thirst or want. He has everything he needs and more.
By the morning his tail will already be halfway healed, and Alex will dote on him and bring him food and kiss his horns and make him laugh. He’ll love him so hard, love his pain away, love his tail better, love his body stronger. And Arinn will love him back just as fiercely.
~The End~
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