#first thing I'm making is a sacrificial goat ornament
fangsofwhite · 4 months
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Seriously I do not know what eldritch gods I pissed off but they need to stop.
So yeah, surprising no one, as soon as things start to look like they are settling, more expletives hit the fan.
On the good news to start, my doggo is ok. Or as ok can be expected. Had a bit of a scare this past week with him suddenly developing stomach problems but it just seems that he ate something too fatty and is already recovering. He is also downing about near 6 pills every 12 hours to GET him ok, but he is ok. A LOT of my focus is on him right now because he is also down 3 lbs from the baseline 20lbs he needs to be and getting a picky dog who can not eat anything super rich or fatty to gain weight is literal sisyphious hell, but hey he is alive so lets endure.
Doggo will also be turning 16 in a couple weeks, officially marking him pushing 4 years past the given life expectancy he is was given due to his heart condition. So yeah will be taking at least some days off from the world to celebrate because he deserves it.
Apartment ceiling leak has gotten worse. Not back to ceiling literally falling down again worse, but its becoming a concern. Property managers finally sat owner down about getting it addressed and long story short, I'm getting a touch shafted. Basically owner can not afford the repairs so had decided to just sell the property as is. New owners will likely mean new rent and if they actually fix the roof or not is really not a given. At this point if I stay I am basically agreeing to the risk of the ceiling issue and thus taking on the liability for any mold, or collapse that may eventually happen. Like yes they would fix the ceiling if it falls again, but they can argue I took the risk so any injury or damage to my property that happens now is on me. Doggo also likes to sleep RIGHT where the leak happens too so the risk is high for him.
Property managers have agreed to let me out of the lease without penalty, which is a fair compromise honestly. This just means that once again I have to pack up and move. In truth, I am heavily considering a very large move. Honestly despite battling my health issues to at least try to take on occasional commissions, I have also been attempting to get at least a part time job to help with things and... I'll be honest, where I'm at now is just dying. I've seen more businesses close just this past month then I've seen hiring.
So yeah, I have to move anyways so heavily considering packing up and moving to another state where their MIGHT be better job opportunities. Maybe also better weather to help with my health.
I don't know, either way I have to pack up and move.
Life... just... UGH! I thought I was finally getting a break.
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