#first poll I've ever made be proud of me everyone!
x-i-l-verify · 3 months
Tagged by both @novelmonger and @kuraiarcoiris, so I'm taking the hint and doing this. :p
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
Tagging: @quicktothebatjalopy, @breezy-cheezy, @bleue-flora, @macaronipup, @cha-ra-nui
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Don't wanna ask anything just wanna share that I made a damn good pasta salad for it being my first ever attempt!
I am very proud of you and you should also be very proud of yourself ❤️
To be totally honest pasta salad can be difficult to get right. The pasta has to be cooked just right so it doesn't end up getting soggy (I personally recommend dousing it with cold water immediately after straining to prevent carry-over cooking from residual heat), you have to have the right ratio of pasta and garnish ingredients, the right amount of dressing or oil/vinegar/seasonings. It seems like a simple thing, but making a good one can be a bit more complex than most people realize.
I have a very untraditional bacon-cheddar pasta salad recipe that I enjoy unleashing on people who claim they "don't like pasta salad" only to gleefully watch them change their mind.
Also HI EVERYONE, SO LIKE I've been kinda playing around with the idea of making a cooking blog for a while. Because honestly. I love cooking almost as much as I love writing. But like making it One Piece themed, in that all of the recipes/posts would be written from the point-of-view of primarily Sanji and Zeff and also other characters here and there.
I'm still not sure if I'm going to do it or not, but this brainworm has been gnawing at my head for almost three months (basically every time I cook anything) and I feel I at least owe it to all of you amazing people to pitch the idea and see if anyone would be remotely interested.
Fuck it here's a stupid poll about it
And please be real with me here. Don't encourage me for the sake of being nice, if you think it's a dumb idea then just say so.
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On Air Island - chapter 2 - part 2
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(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Oh btw fan song (kr: 팬송) refers to a song intended for the fans - made for the existing fanbase, as opposed to aiming for wide-spread popularity.
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
|| 🏅 award (achievement) collected ||
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Hanse: ...And that's it! How did you like my song?
[player] donated 80 Ordinary Diamond: A song that I've never heard before
Hanse: Ahhhh...... you might not know, and that's okay.
JinJira: me too MoeGuy: Well, newbie might not know this song VivaViva: But why did they talk so rudely like that; it’s so annoying LoveHera: Not my style but okay~
Hanse: Your proud leader of <A NINE>, Hanse! I will tell you about them one by one from now on.
Hanse: That's the first fan song I ever wrote.
Miracle: Aha PunchHim: He wrote the lyrics by himself? HeIsBaby: Hanse is an all-rounder who can write his own songs donateme: Oh! I did not know that Storia: No wonder the lyrics are so beautifully written
Hanse: I chose this song to say thank you to everyone who came to cheer me on.
MOoMOo: I AM CRYING KindFood: Hanse’s personality is just as pretty as his face whois: I am rooting for you
Hanse: So… … … … …
Mr.Fact: What? Why is it so damp in here? xx It's creepy.
forhanse: ? BegLove: Mr.Fact YummyMan: I love you Mr.Fact doremipa: Why is this person here again?;
Hanse: Ah, Mr.Fact...... Did you enjoy your meal?
Mr.Fact: You've been so good to me, I'm overwhelmed.
ThiefJin: Hahahah 213_love: eh? GeeksWay: Overdoing things again Leggo: He just came to provoke Hanse LookOnly: Just go away… please
Mr.Fact: You're an idol, but what can I do, really... Game over before you even get to the middle ranks? { Though you're an idol, so what, really... Seems like the game's over before you even got to the middle ranks? }
GuSa: Sigh Saesae: Starting an argument again? Flos: Will he die if he doesn’t argue for even a day? ChohiGod: It’s just his concept
Mr.Fact: Tell me honestly. You forced yourself to come out, didn't you?
Tomato: ? KingCry: ?
Hanse: What? What is that......
hanse1se: What;; ChocoLuv: Suddenly come and offending people?
Mr.Fact: I thought you'll just show up and leave? { Aren’t you just trying to show your face a little bit and then go away? }
Can't you just punch him?!
Honestly, it's boring…
Pay attention and learn it!
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Announcement (VOTE IN POLL BELOW):
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//So, I know this is coming a little bit out of nowhere, but I want to let you all know about something up and coming I've decided on.
//As you know, every year the blog goes on for, for the 12 days of Christmas, I always have a special bonus arc going on, which features short wholesome stories involving the characters and their relationships.
//The first year was 12 Days of Christmas, the second was 12 Nights of Christmas, and last year was Canzanilla Cafe. With how much end of year stress the arcs provided me, I was honestly considering not doing them again, but I changed up the format last year and made something I'm proud of. It helped me get through a very trying time.
//But I've decided that for this year, I'm going to turn that whole idea on it's head and make something complete not wholesome.
//See, I've noticed that ever since the mid-season of Death Battle came about with Bill and Discord, I've gotten a couple of asks about Death Battle since people have begun to realize I'm into it. Mainly people were asking me who I would pair with which Danganronpa character, how would the like of Kuripa be in that format, etc.
//You've probably seen those posts. We even had one the other night.
//The thing is, I got thinking about it and realized that I really kind of wanted to bring that flair to the blog and do a few matchups and analyses like they do in the actual show. It's unlike any Danganronpa characters are going to appear in the show for a while since I don't really see Monokuma V Korosensei making it to the end.
//And to be frank, everyone's power level is a bit different (most of the time greater) in Survivor's canon. Especially the likes of Makoto and Kaede, who in the main series can barely lift 5 pounds.
//So for this year's festive event, I'm doing a full crossover and bringing characters from DR Survivor in a Death Battle format, where I'll pit them against opponents from other media outlets, and see how their skills size up in greater media canon.
//I will confess, this is very self-indulgent, but I like to have fun with this blog every end of year. And as it so happens, I'm going to let YOU guys choose the opponents.
//This is actually pretty in depth, so I'll lay out all the details under the cut. It's very important you read this, because this arc rides on you guys feedback, so I'm counting on you.
//And make sure you vote in the poll under the cut as well.
//So below are all the important things to keep in mind with this mini-arc:
1 - Your votes will determine the matchups.
//I will be the one who chooses which characters from the blog get thrown into the ring, but I will be making weekly polls featuring a list of at least 5 potential combatants. Whichever one gets the most votes will be the one I pit against them.
//Which is why it's imperative you guys vote on this. Like I said, I'm counting on you. Participation is not necessary, but it is very much desired.
//If a character from the blog is not chosen in any of the matchups, don't worry. I will most assuredly do this event again should it turn out to be successful, and any characters I missed then will be run next time.
2 - This is unnofficial.
//It goes without saying but I'm not sponsored or licensed by Death Battle in any way, and I have no intention of capitalizing off their brand. This is just for funsies.
//It's also important to bare in mind that while I plan on having some of my friends help me with this, I'm not as capable of the same math as Wiz and Boomstick. So if I make any mistakes with the calculations, try not to hold it against me.
3 - This will take a different post format, and won't feature sprites.
//The idea I have in mind for the arc is to have two characters from the blog, those being Hifumi Yamada and Leona Vasquez, take the place of the Death Battle hosts, Wiz and Boomstick, to discuss the matchups and calculations.
//But considering this features characters from outside the blog, as well as how it will definitely fuck up the daily image limit with this website, I've decided, unlike the last few years, not to employ the use of sprites this time. Instead, the discussions and calculations will be done in script format, like those you see on the DB Fanon wiki.
//There will still be images, like charts and source images, and for the fights itself I plan on drawing my own artwork for some of the scenes. But no sprites or expressions like my usual post
4 - The Danganronpa characters will be in Survivor Canon specifically.
//This also goes without saying. For this series, I will take the characters exploits from the main series into account, but will mainly be focusing on their exploits from Survivor's continuity.
//It will take into accounts plot points like Kaede's fight against the Exisal's, Makoto's battles against Mr Kuma and Yukari Koime, Hajime's confrontations and fights with both Nagito and Ayumu, and lots more.
//Also, these are PHYSICAL BATTLES. Not mental debates like the main series is known for. We will be fighting with fists, not words or bullets of truth.
5 - It's up for debate whether these matchups will be featured on Tumblr.
//Honestly, Tumblr posts have a tendency to spaz out when they're very long, so I might post the official matchups on other websites like DeviantArt or WattPad, or somewhere else.
//I'm saying this now because I haven't decided yet, and if that does turn out to be the case, at least you were given advanced warning.
//For now, that's all we need to know, and the reason why I'm announcing this now is because I will need time to prepare the scripts and set up the fights.
//And this time, I'm really hoping not to cut right in the middle of the current arc so that I may do this one. I'm hoping to get what I'm writing now finished by that time, while also putting my efforts into PToH and the next part of ReCaptured.
//But bare in mind my Uni work comes first and it's already very hectic, so I can only promise to do the best I can.
//With that all that said, the first combatant will naturally be Makoto. Make sure you vote for who he should face off against, and as I said, I'll pick whoever gets the most votes.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
My people, I love this and I hope you do. Its a long one, but I promise its worth it.
So ever since I read this head cannon from @yuriyuruandyuraart I've had one nagging thought.
Polygamous marriage is illegal.
So as much as I loved this story of them getting engaged, they couldn't ever get married, but I didn't wanna rain on everyone's parade so I kept it to myself. Until now!
While talking with @jann-the-bean I came up with this and Jan loved it! So I hope you guys do to.
So imagine that the 3 of them are going around telling their friends and family about their engagement, in the classic happy kind of way. It's all well and good, Dream is thrilled to find out his brother is so happy. However, then he realises the law and Dream pulls his brother aside.
Dream "Uhh Night...Can I talk to you?"
Nightmare "yeah?"
Dream "I'm so happy that you got engaged brother.."
Nightmare "........."
Nightmare "but?"
Dream "but..... But isn't Polygamous marriage illegal?"
Nightmare "......."
And that was the glass shattering moment. Dream wasn't trying to be cruel or anything like that. He was just generally concerned that Nightmare hadn't thought of that.
So later that night, Nightmare brought it up to his partners and of course both of them where upset when they remembered that law. So began a long talk about what they could do. In the end Ccino mostly just said that it didn't matter to him if they were married, so long as they were together. Since he's still just a small city boy, he didn't really see that there was to much they could do, he was content to just maybe have a ceremony where they promise to be life partners, but not marry.
Nightmare and Killer on the other hand were not satisfied with that.
That Night, when Ccino was asleep the two got to talking. I like to think that over the years that Nightmare and Killer have become icons for the poly community, much like Elton Jon is one for the gay community. The two of them decided that they were going to use this to fight for the right to marry each other.
It started small. Posts on social media, comments in interviews. They started speaking out that they should be allowed to be wed. Because they loved each other and the law shouldn't stop them. There where online polls and campaigns as their fan base who had been a huge fan of the throuple started to back them up.
This is when Ccino became alerted to what they were doing. He was scared that they could damage their reputations and careers over this. He told them that he wasn't worth everything they were risking. That if they really wanted to get married, the two of them could and he'd just keep being their boyfriend.
They told him no and then lovingly told him to shut up and they would take care of it.
So began the start of a long legal battle, which all together spanned about 2 years. From when they first started talking about it online, to when the find judgment was made. They were denied.
In the end the court ruled that if polygamy was legalised, it would cause alot of issues. Its a taboo for a reason, and some people would just abuse it for their own gain.
Both Killer and Nightmare were heart broken. Ccino told them that he was so proud of them for trying and that he loved them more then ever. But Killer and Nightmare were still really upset.
This upset Ccino, because he'd seen how hard they had worked and as he thought over everything, he realised that he was actually irritated himself. In fact, he was a little angry. So now it was his turn to say No.
Ccino "you know what? No!"
Killer "what?"
Ccino "they said they couldn't legalise it because people would abuse the system"
Nightmare "yeah?"
Ccino "well I say No! That doesn't apply to us. You aren't some guy who wants a bunch of wives. We are 3 people who all love each other equally. We should have the right to marry"
Killer and nightmare "........"
Killer "we thought you said that you were ok with it"
Ccino "I'm not. Of course I'm not! I want to marry you both! "
So this prompted them to start a new campaign. If Polygamy couldn't be legalised for everyone, then they was campaign for the court to give the 3 of them legal right to marry. If a man could get the rights to marry himself (true story) and a women could be granted the right to marry a building (again, true story) then the 3 of them should be granted permission to marry.
So they took it back to court and this time Ccino took a more active roll in it, though Nightmare and Killer were more dominant. Ccino appeared with Nightmare and Killer in some interviews, but even if his mental health was much better at this point, he still couldn't fully handle all the pressure. But he put in a lot of work behind the scenes to help his partners in the case.
They Luckily still had the support of the public. They argued that they didn't want to abuse the system, they didn't want to have the bunch or wives or a bunch of husbands. They were 3 people who all loved each other deeply and just wanted to be married to each other.
Imagine the judge in court asking them why they wanted to make it legal to marry Ccino and why they couldn't just date him. And Killer just stands up like.
"dude have you seen him!? Who wouldn't want to make that fluffy marshmallow their husband?"
Then as Jan said this leaves poor Ccino (who is sat next to him) just a blushing mess and he says “Killer, don’t be so loud it’s embarrassing..”
Meanwhile, nightmare staring the judge dead in the eyes.
“I agree he’s to adorable not to marry, I mean if we don’t marry him someone else may try to steal him. And I refuse to let that happen”
(thanks for these ideas Jan)
After another 2 years or so of fighting for it. After all the public backing and the long process. Killer, Nightmare and Ccino are finally granted the right to marry.
Just imagine Nightmare trying to keep composed in court, though his having a little party in his head, and Killer on the other hand just stand on his table in court like.
"yes! Ha!"
Then he points at Ccino "guess what fluffy buns! We are marrying you!"
Ccino is so shocked, but he's also so happy. He truly never would have dreamt of this happening.
The moment that Nightmare, Killer are handed over the legal documents, they don't waste a moment, they grab Ccino and jump straight into their car. Then they drive straight to Las Vegas to elope not stopping to change or pack any clothes or anything, because they don't want to wait a second longer.
Of course Ccino gets super flustered at their suggestion to elope.
Ccino "get m-married right now!? But don't you want to wait? And have some big celebrity wedding? You mentioned it before"
Nightmare "nope"
Killer "we've been engaged for over 4 years, we want to put a ring on it right now!"
Nightmare "we don't need a big wedding, or all that stuff. We just need you to say I do"
Nightmare and Killer "so... Will you?"
Ccino "......"
Ccino "YES!"
(though maybe they stopped to pick up dream on the way. Nightmare probably knows that Dream would kill him if he missed his wedding.)
So the 3 were married in a small Chapel. Nothing fancy, but for them it was perfect. They all agreed that they would probably host a proper reception and ceremony for their friends and family to attend later. But for now, they didn't need that, they just needed to be married. It was a very small simple thing.
They probably stayed in a Vegas hotel that night. Probably had some time to celebrate. I just imagine Killer waking the two of them up the next morning with breakfast he'd ordered like:
"Good morning Husbands"
And he just can't keep the smile off his face.
About a year later they have a more formal ceremony. Which of course is super fun. But for them it doesn't change that fact that their actual wedding was truly perfect.
And dam I just love those 3. Jan was the one who wanted me to share this with you guys and I really hope you like it as much as me.
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Dam it Dream XD
BTW, I know this most likely isn't fully realistic to what the legal system is like, but give me a break. I’m not a lawyer, I’m a shipper. Its fiction, just let me have it.
studio verse by @zu-is-here
original nightmare by jokublog
original killer by rahafwabas
original ccino by black-nyanko 
Oh and @kotikaleo I'm sorry I forgot to tag you! You always as to be tagged in this stuff. Sorry idk if you saw it
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 4, part 3: visiting jean’s mom
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an: so, i decided i'd write the elimination in a separate chapter, one, just to mess with y'all and two, to give you time. i honestly think picking one of these three guys is really hard. obviously, i know who i want to win, but i look at the two other guys and i'm like 'oh, they would be good too!'. i like pulling at your heartstrings ;). i'll probably put together another q&a (depending on the numbers of questions i get) and once i do that, i'll wait for a day and then close the poll to start writing! anyways, let me stop sharing my thought process with yall and start your date with jean. link at the bottom!
tags: black, fem reader
tag list: @taybird
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Bertholdt drove you back to the mansion and you texted Connie asking him to prepare something for you, Bertholdt. Jean and Connie to eat. And maybe a lil something for that brat Levi. Connie responded with an 'ok' and a smiley face.
The car ride home was silent. You felt awful for Bertholdt. You wondered how many silent post-hospital drives he's been through.
Once you got home, Bertholdt told you he wasn't very hungry and just wanted to lay down. You wanted to argue with him but Bertholdt needed space. You wish him good night before making your way to the kitchen.
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Connie and Jean were chatting it up in the kitchen once you walked in. Connie was the one to announce your entrance. "Hey, y/n," he greets. Jean then turns around. "Hey, y/n. How is Bert holding up? I understand that visit was really hard."
"Thank you for asking, Jean. Bertie...well...he's just being human. His dad...it's really bad," you reply. You take a seat by Jean at the kitchen island. "The fact that he's been holding in for a while...it's crazy. I would have never thought he was in that situation. No wonder he was so stressed after that Porco got angry with him," Jean says. You raise an eyebrow at Jean. "Oh...after Porco got angry with him about you, Bert seemed sadder and more introverted than usual. He only really confided in Reiner, though," Jean explained.
"Ah, that makes sense. Poor Bertie."
Connie had made some garlic bread with ava ado toast and egg. You didn't expect that out of him but you all enjoyed it. You felt tired, so you told the guys you were ready to lay down. They wished you good night before diving into a conversation about...y'all i don't even know what men talk about 😐
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The next morning, you woke up at the same time as you did for Connie's visit. Your final visit would be Jean's mom. She also lived far away from the mansion but Jean insisted that you could take your time. She would still be at her home. No nurses to rush you out or kids bugging their parents. You hoped this visit would be as peaceful as it sounded.
You were very hungry though. You didn't realize it last night about the whole Bertholdt thing and you only had those little stupid avocado things that Connie made. It was good but didn't feel you up. You decided you would take a bath and get ready for your visit later.
You crept downstairs, hoping not to wake anyone up. You didn't want Levi questioning you and you didn't want to stop and talk to the boys because you would probably have a day-long conversation and if that conversation was with Jean, you probably wouldn't see his mom.
You made a few turns and found yourself in the kitchen. And you weren't alone. Jean was leaning on the kitchen counter, sipping on some coffee that he had made. His eyebrows widened at your presence.
"Good morning," he greeted, "I didn't expect you to be up right now."
"Oh, I'm just hungry right now. Didn't eat much yesterday," you say. Jean places his coffee down on the table. "Would you like me to make you something?"
You were about to say yes but a greater idea came into mind. "Why don't we make something together? It would be fun and give you bonus points..." You wiggle your eyebrows when you say that last part. Jean let out a laugh. "Well, you're hungry and I can't let you starve. Us working together will make things faster...and those 'bonus points' would help a lot."
You walk towards Jean and his eyes remain on you. You find yourself wrapping his arms around his waist. It was just on-demand. Jean pulls you close and kisses your forehead. "What do you wanna make?"You think for a minute. "You know how to make (meal of your choice)?"
Whether Jean says yes or no is up to you. However, Jean is really good at following directions. If you need something, he'll get it. If you needed him to watch something, he watches it with intensity.
After a few minutes, the meal was ready and you both sat by the kitchen island and dug in. "I hope Connie doesn't wake up and butt into our breakfast," you joke. Jean let out a small laugh. "Connie's really nice. He hasn't shown me or anyone else any hostility during our time here."
"If you could say...who did you think was the worst person here?" you ask. Jean doesn't even have to wait to answer. "I'd have to Floch. Confidence is key but Floch just got disrespectful about it. Talking about how we should all go home and let him have you. And he was only here one night and everyone already had a bad vibe about him."
Your heart panged at that answer. "Thank you for telling me. I know everyone likes drama but Floch sounds...dangerous. I don't know what would have happened if he stayed." "Yeah, of course. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable," Jean said sheepishly. The discomfort must have been visible on your face. "No, don't apologize. I asked."
You continued to eat your breakfast and chat and hear about Jean's experience in the mansion so far.
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After breakfast, you and Jean got ready for the day and finally decided to head out. Jean was starting his car when you decided to ask another question.
"I've never heard you talk about your dad. I've heard bits about your mom and you've mentioned her to the other guys but I never hear about your father. He isn't dead right? Is he sick? Like Bertholdt's?"
Jean is silent for a minute. "Oh...I don't really like talking about my dad, but you would have to know at some point."
"Oh, Jean...you don't have to. Don't worry about it."
He shakes his head. "It's fine. We were going to have this conversation pretty soon, so it doesn't matter."
Jean starts moving the car and when he's out on the road, he begins to talk.
"My dad has never been in my life. At this point, I don't know if he's dead or not. Sometimes I feel like he isn't my father. We did talk like once or twice when I was a kid and I was actually desperate to see him. But once I reached high school and started preparing for my adult life, I realized he wasn't worth it anymore. If my dad really wanted to be there for me, he would have reached out more often and let me know that things were hard on his end. I know everything I'm saying is being recorded and broadcasted, so if he ever sees me on TV, he can always hit me up. I just won't be naïve and stupid like I was the last time."
You immediately jump in after that last line. "Hey. You weren't naïve or stupid. He was stupid. You were a kid waiting on his dad. You had every right to wait for him, so don't insult yourself over him."
Deep down inside, you weren't sure if you wanted to meet Jean's dad...if he was alive. Jean didn't seem comfortable talking about him at all, so you shouldn't expect any visits or calls from that man. If you were to have kids and he popped up, that'd be hard to deal with. It would probably break Jean's heart to learn that his father would want to see his grandkids before even meeting the guy who helped make them.
Jean doesn't respond to what you said. Again, this was hard for him and he didn't even want to bring his father up in the first place, so you weren't upset.
You end up falling asleep in the car. Hours later, you wake up and Jean is parked in front of a bakery. He's on the phone. "Yeah, ma, we're here. Right in front of it, she's sleeping but we'll head inside....I miss you too...alright then, bye."
Jean hangs up and places the phone down. He jumps slightly when he realizes you're awake. "H-hey. I thought you were sleeping."
"Well, I was. Your mom is ready to see us?" You ask. "Yeah. She owns this bakery and decided to close completely today to meet you. I asked her if we could meet at home but she insisted that her bakery would be best. She's really proud of it," Jean explains. "Are we going to bake something?"
Jean laughs and shakes his head no. "Oh, no. My mom won't let you do any work in there, since you're a special guest. She put some things together if you want to eat something."
You imagined Jean's mother as someone who prioritized her future-in-law over her own son sometimes. It sounds overbearing but you thought this was a good thing. You wouldn't want an evil mother or father-in-law. If Jean were to cheat on you or hurt you, you knew she'd probably be on your side or hear both sides instead of immediately siding with her son.
You also wanted to assume that she was tough on Jean. Considering that she raised him herself, she had to do other things like work. To give herself some peace, she probably had a no-nonsense household- maybe why Jean was more like a puppy and wasn't as scandalous as the eliminated.
Jean got out of the car and helped you out. He didn't take your hand when directing you to the bakery but opened the door for you. Inside was a short, older woman, standing there with her hands clasped. The minute you stepped in, her excitement exploded. "Hi! Welcome! It's finally nice to meet you," she says. The older woman squeezes and you can't help but let out a chuckle...or a wheeze. "H-hey, mom. Maybe you should let her go," Jean steps in nervously. Jean's mom slowly lets go. "I'm sorry! I just got excited. Are you hungry?"
You shake your head. "No, Mrs. Kirstein. Jean actually helped me put together breakfast."
"Good, good. I'm glad he's being useful! And call me June. Come, sit, sit."
Jean's mom takes your hand and leads you to a small table and pulls open a chair for you. Jean quietly pulls a chair up by you. You start to worry about him because all the attention is on you, rather than the both of you.
"Can I get you something to drink?" June asks. "Some water would be nice," you answer. Your eye catches Jean's hand. You place your own on his and you feel him jump slightly. "Jean, would you like something too?"
"I-I'll take water too," Jean croaks. "Well, Jean, I'm sure you can serve yourself. I'm getting old, you know. Make sure you get a glass for y/n too."
Jean looks ready to argue back but he keeps his lips zipped. He carefully removes your hand from
his, gets up, and heads over to the back of the bakery.
You watch Jean do all of this and then finally turn away so that you can give June all your attention. "Please tell me he's been good to you," she starts. You weren't expecting this question but considers why she's asking. "Yes, Jean is...amazing. He's always coming to my defense. Which I shouldn't be surprised by, he is a lawyer."
June sighs in relief. "I hope he stays that way. He told you...about our situation right?" You nod. "It's unfortunate that his father did that to the both of you. If Jean does get married to me, I hope he doesn't pop out of anywhere. Jean's a good guy but I'm not too sure how he'll react to something like that." June let's our a small hum.
"Have you been watching the show?" you ask. "A little. I work, so it's hard to catch up on what's going on. Sometimes I'll read articles and Jean will text me to let me know if he didn't get eliminated. I was a little concerned about him doing the show because nothing is guaranteed."
"Hm...is he cocky about this whole thing? Does he really think he can get me?"
June thinks for a moment. "I can't say cocky but there's nothing wrong with a little confidence. Jean is handsome, he has a good job, he's smart- and he knows that. He believed those would be good reasons for you to like him. But...he does get bashful sometimes. He doesn't want all the attention on him and for people to view him in the wrong way. The fact that he had a mirror in his pocket on the first night was interesting to me. He's never done anything like that before."
You open your mouth but Jean enters once more. He places three water bottles on the table. "Sorry for taking too long. Ma, I'll replace the waters. Don't worry about it," he says. June shakes her head. "Don't worry about it, Jean. We have plenty of water."
"So, have you two discussed wedding plans? Anything for the future?" June suddenly asks. You look at Jean, who looks like his stomach was doing the chacha slide or sum. "M-mom-!"
"Well, we haven't reached that point because we don't know if he's staying or not but I'd like a really elegant wedding. I know we'll have a live-streamed wedding but I'd like to have a private wedding too. That would be nice right?" you cut in. Jean nods in agreement.
"What about kids? I read somewhere that you wanted a family," you tease. Jean's face reddened. "W-well...um...yeah...two would be nice. A girl and b-boy maybe?"
"See? We have a plan," you say with a wide smile. You could imagine Jean as a cautious dad but he still knew how to have fun with his kids. After long days at work, he'd cuddle with them and put them to sleep for you. When the kids are asleep, he'll check on you and make sure you had something to eat. He'd probably make sure to schedule regular date nights and family vacations. He'll have photos of you and the kids and maybe a few bandages in a wallet. Obviously, you would both be in the public eye once in a while but he would make things feel normal.
"I think you two would have beautiful kids. I do hope Jean gets picked. But your two other guys are good too. Bertholdt is absolutely adorable and Connie seems like he knows what he's doing. I don't know how you're ever going to choose. I can't imagine being your situation," June says.
"Wow, thanks for having my back mom," Jean says jokingly. "But if not me, pick Connie. He's a good person."
"Oh, Jean, don't do that to yourself. You're lovely." You cup his cheek and his reddened face returns.
Jean's mom starts talking about Jean when he was a kid- how he was such a big softie and a great helper,  how he was popular in high school but still to himself, and all the girlfriends and boyfriends that she didn't like.
It was getting late. Jean's mom offered you her home but Jean stopped her before she could ask. You didn't question why he didn't want to stay at her home but still wondered why. You said your goodbyes, watched her lock the bakery, and drive off. Jean helps you into his car and gets into the drivers' seat.
"You know why she wanted to you go home with her?" he asks.
You shake your head no. "There's only one bed. A twin size bed," Jean says as he starts the car. You let out a chuckle. "Connie's parents tried that with us except Connie had a bigger bed."
Jean looks over at you. "Oh...I should have probably taken her offer."
"Connie and I didn't do anything that night...maybe you could give me a sample of what you can do. It'll help me decide."
Jean didn't hesitate to lean over and cup your cheek. He went in first. Jean was gentle and careful with your lips. You soon gave in and wrapped a hand on his wrist. When things started to get hot, you pulled away. "Didn't expect you to be that gentle...You really want me, huh?"
"Yeah," Jean says scratching his neck. "You're pretty rough... you have experience?"
Whether you say yes or no is up to you.
Jean smiles at your answer and starts driving. You try to fall asleep but it's so hard. All you can see is Bertholdt, Connie, and Jean at the next elimination. You wished Eren or Onyankopon did stupid stuff later on and were a part of the final three so that this could be easier.
Hours later, Jean reaches the mansion. He thinks you're still asleep. He doesn't want to wake you up. So what does he do? Jean opens the passenger door and scoops you up in his arms. Your heart jumps. You hope it's dark enough outside so that he can't see the small smile you're trying not to crack.
It doesn't Jean long to get to the door and ring the doorbell. He must be really strong. The door opens and he's greeted by Connie.
"You need help with that man?"
"Um...no...I think I'll get her up there. But you could get her purse from my car though. She'll probably wonder where that is."
Connie probably gave him a non-verbal response since there was just silence after that. Jean got you up the stairs and struggled with your bedroom door but he got in within ten minutes. Jean turns on your lights, places you on the bed, and removes your shoes. He steps away but you hear ripping sounds proceeding by scribbling. You can hear Jean turning off your lights and closing the door behind him as he leaves. Your eyes flick open and you wait a few moments. You turn on the light on your bed stand to see the note Jean wrote you.
'Wasn't sure what to do with your clothes. It's not my place to decide that- at least not yet. But I hope you slept comfortably.'
You smile softly at the note. It was definitely something he would say.
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i use YOUR opinions to not only put together dates but to put together personalities. if y’all say you hate bertholdt, i’ll work my magic to mess with y’all :) anyways here’s the link! ask good questions. this is the last time you’ll see bertholdt, jean, OR connie. vote and ask wisely
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