#first one is like putting cis next to your pronouns
infiniteimaginings · 4 months
Can you do a transmale!reader x Harry Hook/Uma
(if you do multiple characters)
Where reader is chosen with the main four in the first movie (kid of Jack Sparrow) and leaves. He’s part of Uma’s crew. And when he’s chosen in the first movie, he’s pre-T or anything like it.
Then the second movie comes along and reader goes back to the isle with the others to bring back Mal. But he really goes because he wants to see his pirates. Except now he’s been on T for about a year now and had his surgeries. So they don’t recognize him and kidnap him along with Ben.
Anddddd I can’t really think of anything else after that. So…have fun with it! Preferably a happy ending, with lots of fluff and sweetness.
Pre-established Uma/Harry and Reader didn’t come out to them before leaving so as far as Uma/Harry know, Reader is a cis woman. So it’s a surprise when he finally tells him who he really is.
And yeah, that’s all. It’s alright if you don’t write it, I’d understand. Thanks!
Are we supposed to know you? (Uma x TransMale!Reader x Harry Hook)
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Summary: You were sent off with the other Vk's to Auradon and when you come back to retrieve Mal, you're changed. You of course go back for Mal, but it's mainly to see the people you left and to tell them you're home. What happens when they don't recognize you and see you as a threat, just like Ben. How will they know you're who you say you are? Pronouns: You/Yours, She/Her (In mentions from Uma and Harry), He/Him Warnings: None Word Count: 2.7k A/N: (Long A/N) Act like Jefferson doesn't exist, I forgot he existed lol. Also, I won't lie, I started this at one o'clock in the morning, and was contemplating how on earth I make this fluff when they don't recognize him and kidnap him. So, unfortunately I didn't get lots of fluff into it, I apologize, I will write a part two to this little thing just for you with only fluff in it. I hope I did the general idea justice, if I didn't, I apologize. Lots of love! <333 (Even if I explained it, you guys would not understand how frustrated I've been with tumblr and my computer. I'm so sorry for how late this is, I've been upset because I had to delay it. It's here now though.)
When Mal came to you , talking about the Isle, you couldn't help but get excited. Your eyes lit up and your smile got wider at the thought of discussing it. Mal noticed your obvious signs of wanting to continue the conversation so she sat down next to you on the bed, looking out the open curtains where the students of Auradon Prep walked. The blonde girl looked over to you, the tips of her hair their typical purple. She sighed and looked back down, messing with her fingers, “Do you ever feel like…” She paused, unable to express how she felt in words. It would’ve been easier for her if you were the first person she went to, but you weren’t.
She went to Evie, Jay, Carlos, but none of them could understand where she was coming from. It was as if everyone was happy with their new lives, but her.
Mal groaned, putting her head into her hands, unable to speak anymore.
You looked at her curiously, placing a hand on her back and rubbing small circles into it. “You wanted to talk about the island…right?” You asked her, tilting your head to see her expression. She removed her hands and nodded, not looking at you. “Yeah.”
“Is it because…you miss it?”
There was a pause, as if the room itself stilled, as if the world stopped. You moved your hand a bit just to make sure it wasn’t some sort of magic freezing everything. 
Mal sat up straight, swallowing hard, “I don’t miss the island itself.” She confessed, making eye contact with you, “I miss who I was.” She explained, taking a deep breath, “Do you get what I mean?”
You looked at her blankly, tilting your head as you looked down at yourself. 
As you did so, she opened her mouth before closing it immediately. She shook her head and laughed, slapping your arm lightly. “You know what I mean!”
“Hey, I didn’t even say anything!” You chuckled out, putting an arm around her, placing your head on hers. “But…” You began, rubbing her arm softly as she leaned into you, “I do get where you’re coming from.”
Mal looked up, her eyes a bit water, “You do?”
You nodded with a smile, “We went from a life of no no structure, doing whatever we want, enjoying life to…” You blew air out of your mouth, sighing heavily, “Rules, etiquette, expectations.” 
The girl next to you stiffened at the last word before she relaxed, leaning more into your shoulder. “I just miss….” She trailed off, shaking her head.
“You miss the freedom.”
“Yeah, I miss the freedom.”
You nodded, thinking for a moment. Soon enough, you removed your arm from her and turned to her, “Then, get it back.”
“Show everyone that you still deserve your freedom.” You explained, moving your hands with your words. “We didn’t stop being villain kids just because we started going to Auradon.” You continued watching as her eyes got bigger, “You don’t have to fit into these boxes people are trying to force us into.” You told her, shaking your head, “If they don’t understand that, then they never really understood you.”
Your words seemed to have gotten to Mal as she stood up quickly, a small smile on her face. “I needed that, thank you.” She told you, inhaling softly as she turned to the door to walk out.
You waved and mumbled a small ‘you’re welcome’ once the door was closed since she gave you no time to. 
You didn’t think much of it, you just assumed she would do something to show people that she was still herself even if she wasn’t ‘evil’, or necessarily ‘good’. 
Well, you didn’t think much of it until the next day when the VK group and Ben bursted into your room. You jumped, shoving a paper under your pillow as you clutch your chest. “Last I checked, knocking wasn’t a foreign concept.”
Evie mumbled a small apology as the rest stood with apologetic but serious faces.
You sat up since the air was so tense, tossing your legs over the bed to stand in front of them, “What’s up?”
“Mal left for the Isle.” Carlos blurted out, blinking rapidly as he looked everywhere but you.
Ben looked down with a guilty face, a frown placed on his lips. “We had a fight…” He mumbled, “She said I didn’t understand how…” He paused, clearing his throat, “She said I didn’t understand her.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open at the realization and of the conversation you had with her.
Jay noticed your expression and knitted his brows together, “What?”
A harsh cough left your throat as you looked away from them, “I might’ve had something to do with that.”
The group simultaneously yelled, “What?!”
Your hands raised in an automatic surrender, “Hey, she came to me talking about the Isle,” You began your explanation, “and I miss my
Evie wasn’t pleased to say the least, she crossed her arms with a raised brow. “We are your people.”
You almost laughed, but given the situation you decided not to. “I miss my people.” You specified, your words reminding the group that all of you weren’t exactly the bestest of friends back on the island.
They couldn’t say anything, they knew you were right. Ben didn’t exactly get the message, and that reminded you all of why you were gathered in the first place.
You agreed to go to the Isle to help Mal.
You agreed, but you weren’t really going to help Mal. She lived there her entire life, you knew she would be fine. She knows her way around the island, she practically ran it. You weren’t going to the Island to help Mal, you were going home.
Once all of you reached the island, you thought you would all spread out to find Mal…that wasn’t the case. You all went in a suspiciously large group to find the daughter of Maleficent, something you thought was stupid.
You thought it was stupid, but you all still found where she was hiding out and Ben went to talk to her.
Evie, Jay, and Carlos all talked to each other as you scanned the area, kicking the ground slightly as time passed by. You were barely on the island and now you all were going to leave. It wasn’t how you wanted things to go, nothing was how you wanted to go.
Ben walked out and before anyone could question him, he walked straight past you guys. Everyone looked at each other and you sighed, “I’ll get him.” You grumbled, jogging after him.
“Ben!” You yelled, trying to catch up to him. “Ben, wait up!” You yelled once again, finally reaching him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “What happened? Why are you so upset?”
“She doesn’t want to come with us, all of this was for nothing.” Ben spoke harshly, ripping his beanie off his head and throwing it to the ground.
You sighed, picking the beanie up, dusting it off. “Ben, do me a favor.”
“Look around right now.” You told him, gripping the beanie tightly. He looked at you confused but you repeated, “Look around right now.”
Ben regulated his breathing, calming down enough to look around. It was cramped, cluttered, dirty even. It wasn’t properly cared for but the people around seemed to be having a good time nonetheless. 
When he looked back at you, you were looking at the children running around, trying to find a way to pick-pocket Ben. “This is how we grew up Ben…” You mumbled, finally making eye contact with Ben, “You can’t expect Mal, the daughter of the biggest villain who was on this island, to just snap into a princess.” You explained to him, shaking your head.
Ben turned, looking at the area around, “I didn’t realize…” He whispered, eyes flickering to something new the more he looked. 
When the son of Belle and the Beast turned around to face you again, you were nowhere to be found. He turned around quickly, breath picking up the pace as he looked for you, “Where’d you go?” He called out, spinning in a circle until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He let out a sigh of relief, “Come on, that wasn’t fun-” The next thing he knew, everything went black.
Blurry eyes opened, a dry throat let out a cough, and vision restored. Ben looked around for a moment before his gaze fell on you. You were sat with a blank expression, seemingly uninterested in your current situation.
Ben muttered a few incoherent sentences but you cut him off for a moment.
“Getting kidnapped was not on my vacation bucket list.”
Neither of you could even begin a conversation after your words when someone started laughing. The two of you looked up and saw someone had walked in, seemingly amused at your situations. 
“Absolutely hilarious, you’re quite funny.” The male said, looking you over a bit before turning his attention to Ben to do the same thing.
Your brows furrowed as you broke out of whatever ‘trance’ you were in. “Harry?” You asked aloud, adjusting yourself to get a closer look at him.
He pointed his fake hook to you, placing it under his chin. “How do you know my name?”
“How does who know your name?” A voice called from behind the boy, footsteps getting louder as they neared.
Harry tilted his head, “This one.” He spoke, moving his hook from under your chin to step back.
The person that walked in was a girl, she had light blue braids and brown eyes. She stood tall with the hat of a pirate on. 
Your brows furrowed once again, your mind still a little fuzzy from your current situation. “Uma?” You mumbled out, tilting your head.
“You know these people?” Ben suddenly spoke out, trying to get out the rope that tied his hands behind his back.
You looked over at him, a bit unimpressed. “I was raised here, I know everyone here.”
Harry gasped falsely, fake hook over his heart, “You’re a VK?” He asked, not expecting you to answer, since he didn't believe you.
You nodded, forgetting that you look different so they don’t recognize you. “Uh, yeah.” You spoke as if it were obvious, “Born and raised.” You spoke, trying to jog their memory. “Uma, I was in your shop every single da-”
“Oh, and are we supposed to know you because of that?” She asked with a straight face, squatting down to bore her eyes into yours.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes before opening them again, “If you said you didn’t, I’d be questioning our friendship.”
Your captors both laughed, looking at each other, “Friendship?”
Ben decided to give up, still listening to the conversation. So much was running through his mind, he was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation until…he realized something. You knew these people, you guys were friends, they just didn’t recognize you. If Ben reminded them, maybe they would let you guys go.
He thought it over before blurting out, “He’s the child of Jack Sparrow, so yes he is a villain kid.” 
Everyone went silent, their laughs were quiet, and your breathing stopped at Bens sudden exclamation.
You looked over and Ben looked you up and down, and that is when you realized…they don’t know who you are. You had changed so much in the past year, even your voice was different. How did you just expect them to recognize you?
When you looked back at the two pirates, they were staring you down. If looks could kill, you would be six feet under.
Uma squatted down in front of you, glaring harshly, “Don’t you ever disrespect her like that ever again.” She whispered to you seriously, her head whipping to Ben, “Don’t you ever mention her in front of me, again.”
Harry took a few deep breaths, “She would’ve been fine here, and you took her.” He told Ben, poking his chest with his hook. “If you ever try to lie to us, I will gut you like a fish.”
Uma nodded to the statement, “You think we wouldn’t know her family?” She asked you, tilting her head. “Jack Sparrow had one child, a daughter, and she’s never coming back.” She paused, biting the inside of her cheek, “For you, a preppy, to just try to claim her father as your own for some sense of freedom…it’s disgusting.”
The blue haired girl stood slowly, keeping her eyes on you. You finally released the breath you were holding, when she removed herself from your space.
You blinked back a few tears as they turned to walk out the door. Harry gently took Umas hand, whispering some things that you couldn't hear.
They were so good together, they still defended your name even if they thought you weren't there. You didn't expect your chest to hurt so badly when they protected you, even if they believed you were gone for good.
“I would’ve joined your crew even if I lost that race.” You mumbled, looking at their backs with sad eyes.
The two paused before turning to you, “Excuse me?” Uma asked, standing in place.
“The race..” You trailed off, “If you won I would join your crew, if I won you would have to spend a week proving to me how much you wanted me to join and then I’d give you my answer.” You continued, nodding with your own words. You didn't notice how they continued to walk towards you. You continued on, “Unfortunately, I was dragged to Auradon before I could answer you, so I’m doing it now.” You told them, looking up to see both of them analyzing you with parted lips, “I was going to join your crew anyways.”
Umas eyes were focusing on each of your features before she cupped your face, looking at you more intensely.
Harry looked up, making eye contact with you, “You have her eyes…” He muttered, taking off his hook to trace your cheeks.
You swallowed harshly before breathing out a chuckle, your cheeks warming a bit. “I would hope so, I was born with my eyes, guys.”
Uma shook her head, “But she’s… you’re not…”
“A girl…I know.” You whispered out, looking down, or trying to. Harry picked your head back up swiftly.
His eyes were watering slightly, “You’re telling the truth aren’t you?”
You nodded as best as you could with his hands on your cheeks. “I know I don’t look the same…”
He shook his head, “But you’re still you…” 
Uma quickly untied the rope keeping you tied up, trying her best to go quickly. She had ordered her crew to tie your guys up from your arms to your legs, and now she was regretting it. Harry noticed her struggle and began to help untie you, muttering curses when he got to harder knots.
Once you were untied, you rubbed at your wrists, looking down for a moment at the burn. 
You looked up, finally, and were met with Harry and Uma on their knees, staring at you. Their eyes were teary, their chests were rising and falling deeper than ever, neither could speak.
You felt your own eyes begin to water as you rushed forward, wrapping your arms around the both of them.
Harry's arm immediately went around you, he began to cry into your shoulder, holding you tightly. “We thought we’d never see you again.” 
Uma, on the other hand, was hesitant. She slowly wrapped her arm around you. When she did, she felt a rush of familiar comfort, a heat rushing through her chest, something she only felt with Harry and…you. She bit her tongue so as to not cry as she buried her nose into your other shoulder, “We would’ve found a way to you anyways.”
The warmth of the two enveloped you as you finally got to be near them again, as you finally got to feel their comforting arms again. “I have no doubt in my mind that you would’ve found me again.” You whispered to them, trying to hold them tighter.
Harry rambled on about never leaving them again, Uma ran her fingers down your back, both of them weren't letting you go anytime soon.
Uma sniffled a bit, "We missed you so much."
"I missed you guys too, more than you'll ever know."
You were finally with your people again. Now, you didn’t have to stare at a picture of the three of you, wishing they were in your arms.
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callmegaith · 1 year
The only thing ineffable bureaucracy showed me is how hyper focused this fanbase is at seeing one thing and one thing only and everything else is a result of that one thing
1) no, Beelzebub and Gabriel are not a straight couple. Nor is Crowley and Aziraphale a gay couple. Stop the non-binary erasure or go outside and talk to an actual non-binary person cuz clearly you have no clue what non-binary is "they're straight presenting" wtf? If you think that please give me your name so I can block you. Cis people, I fucking swear.
Reminder that Beelz used they/them pronouns btw. Sorry that Beelzebub doesn't "pass" for you, it doesn't make them any less non-binary. Not to mention it was stated and already IS CANON that none of them have genders. They're god damn demons and angels, bruh.
2) "it's Gabriel's and Beelz's fault that ineffable husbands didn't get their happy ending": no. It's their own damn fault for not communicating and Aziraphale's inability to accept Crowley as he is. Gabriel and Beelzebub put each other first. Y'all sound salty as hell cuz two people managed to work their relationship out and yours didn't work out. "But if they didn't get together---" y'all really saying shit like this??? Do you hear yourself? That's so sad. Wishing for the doom of one LGBTQ+ ship cuz the other fucked themselves over. THEY CAN BOTH CO-EXIST. And you know what? They will. Cuz Ineffable husbands is clearly canon, the story just wants time with them cuz they're the main characters, not like Beelz and Gabriel who were side characters so had their story summarized.
3) "that should have been ineffable husbands" no, cuz Crowley and Aziraphale aren't Gabriel and Beelzebub. They're different characters with different backgrounds, personalities, relationship structure, and different relationship dynamic in general. They'll get together in a way that fits THEM. And that way requires ups and downs that makes them finally understand that they're perfect for each other without the need for either of them to change.
4) Gabriel was such an asshole wish Crowley got his revenge and--- bla bla BLA : Crowley was happy for them. You hold a grudge over Gabriel that Crowley himself doesn't. Y'all worse than a literal demon. Smh.
Be happy for what we got and look forward to the future where ineffable husbands will certainly become canon and it'll be worth the wait. Don't tear down the LGBTQ+ presentation we got just cuz the main ship didn't get the limelight THIS TIME.
Let things cook, that's how writing WORKS.
But I'm just an Agender demi person and tbh? I would prefer if things took their time.
I love both ships a lot but I'm not gonna hold pitchforks over one ship getting a happy end and one still developing. Come next season, that happy end for Gaberiel and Beelzebub might not last. We DONT KNOW. Do we really need to sacrifice one for the other? Why can't we be happy to have both?
Just really think the vibe of the fanbase rn fuckin SUCKS and I'm not enjoying trying to go through the ineffable bureaucracy tag and seeing people complaining about how it should have been ineffable husbands or how it's their fault.
Okay? Alright.
After this imma start blocking ppl I swear. Just had to throw in my two cents.
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eirian · 7 months
yall ready for a gender journey post..
so yall could probably guess i grew up a cis girl. i didnt start questioning my gender until high school after i broke up with my first boyfriend which kind of freed me up to explore my identity as my own person for the first time. around age like 16 was when i first started identifying as trans, and at the time that meant a binary trans guy
after a couple years of getting comfortable exploring my gender i decided hey maybe im actually not a binary trans guy but instead nonbinary. still transmasc and guy leaning but not quite all the way anymore. this became a trend for the next loooong while, getting closer to the androgynous part of the spectrum as time went on
then in recent years (maybe about 5 years ago ish) i started to lean more towards femininity. this is significant for me because growing up i was always opposed to it--i hated wearing dresses, i hated putting on makeup, anything "girly" appalled me and i didnt know why. i ended up thinking its because i WASNT a girl, and thats why i was so uncomfortable with everything to do with being a girl. i rejected it so hard because it just wasnt me.
after living with eden for a while i got even more comfortable exploring the feminine part of myself. i started wearing dresses and skirts and actually ENJOYED it; i started painting my nails and wearing earrings again; i even grew my hair out to my shoulderblades (yeah thats where its at now LOL). ive even started using she/her alongside they/them. and im actually enjoying these things??? it feels like after all these years im finally able to reclaim them because i feel like im finally able to be comfortable with my gender--how my gender feels to ME, not to everyone else.
that was the problem when i was growing up--i was trapped in everyone else's perception of my gender and what it "should" be. i was trapped into a box that was made by everyone else's idea of what i SHOULD look like, what i SHOULD wear, what i SHOULD act like, etc. and it took me until age 26 to fully realize that my gender is what i want it to be, not what everyone else wants.
i dont have to be a guy to want facial hair and a flat chest and a low voice. loving pink and dresses and cute things and makeup and jewelry doesnt inherently mean im a girl. pronouns, features, clothes, even names dont inherently mean youre one gender or another. your gender is defined by you and only you and nobody should be able to put you into a box and define your gender for you.
..having said all this, im starting to explore my gender further, and im slowly coming to the POSSIBLE conclusion that i might come back around to being cis (albeit gnc). nothing would really change about me except the label tbh. if i do end up coming to that conclusion i will be very bummed about leaving the trans community, but i wont feel any less attached to it, as ive spent literally half my life as part of it. i understand what its like to be trans and to love myself as my most authentic self, and thats why im considering this possiblity!
identifying as a lesbian kind of pushed me in this direction as well--i cant remember the last time i felt truly comfortable and happy with a label regarding my orientation.. like ya damn. maybe i am a girl who likes girls LOL. it just feels right and natural for me personally??? its crazy. i love women. if youre a woman i love you no matter the flavor. i love my wife more than all of you though sorry <3
but god please dont take this as me being like "oh trans people just need to get comfortable with their gender and theyll realize theyre cis" that is a bullshit take and i am not saying that. this is strictly my own experience and journey! i am 100% not speaking for every trans person and you shouldnt either.
but ya. dan cis era???? we'll see. no official statement just yet but i just wanted to let yall know where im at in my ~gender journey~. until i confirm anything please still view me as a nonbinary girlthing! <3
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gor3sigil · 26 days
Tailor your skin
[TW for mention of ED, rape, bullying, transphobia, sexual assault, transandrophobia]
[This text is one of the selection I'll put in my next issue of my zine, "From behind Tinted Windows and Cracked Screens", focused on transandrophobia. I was too happy with it not to share it. It's like the one I shared a while ago, but better, to me.]
My birth was a disaster. A disaster of closed call death, disease in undevelopped lungs, veins and poisoned flesh.
Growing up to be overprotected and neglected simultaneously. A clumsy and awkward kid trying to fit in, yet struggling to see the appeal of being like everyone else. My face hidden behind my long hair and my body behind baggy black clothes covering a starvation that no one was going to see anyways, I was still the curvy “looks-older-for-her-age” teenager. And then, I was trans.
What a surprise it was. Suddenly the mean girls who were making fun of my wasted attempts at femininity were claiming I was a woman too beautiful to be anyTHING else. My parents who complained about me being a tomboy all my life were scared to death of being right, after all these fights !
For my peers, the proud bisexual girl I had been had been eaten alive by my desire to escape my True Nature. Cis straight women who never were my friends would have switched up and given me head for me to stay the Holy Female their flawed feminism was forcing me to be, and to stay, for sisterhood, for the Cause.
I was turn in turn a victim or a traitor. My femininity raped out of me but not my love for men. Men scared me from being a woman but not from becoming one of Them. I was bullied from being an outcast but not out of being trans. I was a Lamb enough but not so weak I couldn’t be the Big Bad Wolf.
I started drinking almost at the same time I realized I was trans and I lost more friends over a simple switch of pronouns than I ever did after a drunken meltdown.
The sisters who swore to protect me told me now to catch the blows for everything I had never been nor done. And the final straw was seeking euphoria using a gender swap app and seeing my father staring right back at me.
What do you think I fled, then ? Do you think I doubled down ? Do you think I went head first into the pool of a manhood made with my bare hands and spite ? Or did I melt myself into a mold I didn’t fit it, so sure I was to never find safety or softness or tenderness or bonding ever again ? Did I ran away in the moods like a wounded animal, did I rather got sick from dehydration than having to risk seeing my reflection in the water I drank ?
I could go on for eternity, there are so little words to describe the isolation, the alienation you feel when being on your own makes you unsafe and seeking your kin makes you a predator. I went from a healer to the one taking the blame for men who broke me just as much, whom I also swore I’d never become, not in a million years. But in the confusion of trauma, it’s easier to bite someone who won’t bite back, isn’t it ?
I could tell you it gets better. I will tell you, in fact, that it does. It does get better in yourself, when you find your inner peace, your inner strength. When the mirror becomes a friend that shows you excitedly all the subtle changes that comes with shedding out of your shell, that there is a community waiting for you out there. That you deserve every bit of love and support, that you are not a traitor, that your manhood is holy, oh so holy, your transness is too, in short, YOU are. My beloved, as much as I hear your raw suffering, the weight of the fear of becoming the ones who hurt you, it won’t happen. I promise you. You are a treasure, you make this world a better place, and you deserve no shame, no pointed fingers, no mean laughter. If you can’t trust yourself, trust the process.
I assure you that when the sun will rise, one day, and you open your eyes to see the big blue sky, you’ll feel it. The comfort of belonging. The warmth of your skin, finally fitting right.
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ruinsfyre · 1 month
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〈  ekin koc  /  cis man  /  he+him  /  31 (310) 〉in the great land of prythian, ZAHIR KAYACAN of the NIGHT COURT begins their journey towards a new future. known to be ADROIT and DILIGENT, their suspected BOISTEROUS and PROFLIGATE habits might prove to be their undoing. if the fae could compose a song for them, it could tell stories of GOLDEN FLAMES FLICKERING IN A CRUMBLING CASTLE, EXPECTATIONS WEIGHING HEAVILY UPON YOUR SHOULDERS, SETTING YOURSELF ON FIRE TO KEEP OTHERS WARM & WHISPERS OF OLD WOUNDS UPON YOUR SKIN. the fates whispers to the HIGH LORD OF THE NIGHT COURT and it is said that their loyalties lie with the NIGHT COURT & PRYTHIAN. only time will tell if the HIGH FAE (DAEMATI) has what it takes to live amongst the ruin .
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full name: zahir kayacan nickname(s): none date of birth: february 14 zodiac: arquarius sun, leo moon, virgo rising gender & pronouns: cis man ( he / him ) species: high fae (daemati) place of birth: night court orientation: heterosexual, heteroromanic occupation: the high lord of the night court
faceclaim: ekin koc built: muscular hair color + style: here & here eye colour: brown tattoos: n/a piercings: n/a abilities: night court powers (darkness manipulation - expert, sensory deprivation - moderate and gets tired when used frequently ) daemati abilites (ability to walk into another person's mind. they are able to read, influence, and even shatter someone's mind -- has never practiced shattering someone's mind but does walk / read expertly)
personality type: estj moral alignment: chaotic good character inspiration: hans solo (star wars), rob stark (game of thrones), jamie lannister (game of thrones), colossus (deadpool, x-men comics) positive traits: adroit, diligent, staunch negative traits: boisterous, profligate, fickle
trigger mention(s): brief mention of death and illness, war and ptsd
zahir was always a happy child and always wanted to make people laugh, it was something that he took pride in, especially as the sibling to take over the night court, he wanted his siblings and the people to support / trust him
he grew up training with his fathers general and learned how to use his powers at a young age... his father always believed it was important to be strong but to allow others to see your emotions so on top of physically training, they would meet as a family and discuss their frustrations and opinions, they were a very communicative family
shortly after his youngest sibling was born, his mother passed away from a sickness no one knew the cure to which left the family in despair but that only fuelled his father to be a better father and a better high lord of night... his mother was loved throughout the court and her loss was a huge deal to everyone
as he got older, he trained in political strategy and found a liking to that but shortly after, his daemati abilities started to manifest, which allowed his father to further guide zahir on the path of transitioning to the next high lord
when hybern came to prythian, his father was the first to give the fae a chance as he was unaware the high lord of spring (an old ally) was able to be as cruel as he seemed but his fathers doubt and inability to see good and evil caused him to grow weak
the high lord of night was one of the first trapped under the mountain as his naivety was seen as a weakness and soon after, the high king killed his father before zahir and his siblings were able to say goodbye
while zahir was trapped under the mountain, he was surrounded by guilt and anger, something he was unfamiliar with so instead of dealing with it properly like he was raised, he used every opportunity he could to escape, severely weakening himself in the process
after they were rescued by the mortal queen, zahir returned the night court and put his energy into fighting the war and it became his sole focus for the next half a century and only with the help of his inner cirlce, his high lady and his siblings was he able to finally start the process of grieving his father and the time under the mountain
now... zahir wants to be a good, peaceful leader like his father so he spends most of his time in his court and the night court is known for taking in those abandoned by the war as he knows it is something his father would do
zahir trained hard and frequently with many different sparring partners, some bigger and some smaller than him - he wanted to be able to get past any enemy
he loves to star gaze and often spends his nights trying to determine the stars in the sky
he is a skilled planner and has a good head on his shoulders but he relays heavy on his inner circle as they were the ones who pulled him out of the dark place he was in after the war and trusts them completely
he still trains every day either with his general or other higher ranking solider and when he has free time he visits the training camps to ensure everyone is treated fairly
he also enjoys walks and tends to take multiple throughout the day to think and let go of steam - you can often find him wandering Velaris and the courtyards
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cordycepsfem · 11 months
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Since OP is a narc (see last paragraph), but makes some good points, I decided to just make it my own post. TRAs and people who want to avoid “icky TERFs” do it all the time in the opposite direction, so think of it as a tribute.
First, OP boohoos about not being able to receive an expensive elective procedure, and claims that lying would be required to obtain such a surgery. To me that sounds like something OP definitely doesn’t need, and something that would be potentially harmful.
Do women who get plastic surgery procedures *need* those procedures? No. But they pay for them by themselves (no GoFundMe or taking advantage of Medicaid [see Kevin Gibes as an example of how *your* US taxes have now paid for a “vagina”, a revision to that “vagina” because he’s unhygienic and lazy and didn’t dilate, and breast implants]), and they don’t lie to get them.
Next, OP claims “gender is a stupid performance” yet a) has one that requires the participation of others through things like pronouns and a preferred name, b) has deformed ribs due to the performance of gender, c) says “cis” women have worse “dysphoria” based on their actions towards themselves, d) spends money to continue performing said “stupid performance” and e) doesn’t want to hear from women who feel the same way - ie radical feminists. Make it make sense!
OP is SO close to getting why gender is dumb, and if they weren’t so busy virtue signaling about why Performing Gender is OK When Trans Do It, it might be possible to have a real discussion about the harms of gender.
Just because women do it doesn’t make it right. Women holding themselves to these obscene levels of femininity are also falling into a trap of “what a woman is.” And yeah, OP is right, these standards are put forth as what a woman should be. But they’re not. Surgery and hair removal and makeup don’t make a woman, or make someone *more* of a woman. And doing them doesn’t make a woman. People who believe they do are holding themselves to an impossible standard (if female) or focusing on gender stereotypes to make themselves seem “more like a woman” (if male). Women don’t have to do these things, but a huge portion of them do, and it’s very societally and socially driven.
They’re on the other side of OP’s situation - these women believe these procedures and daily routines make them adhere to “what a woman is” and OP believes that not wanting to do those things means they’re not a woman.
But these women don’t do these things because they have gender dysphoria… or because they feel like they have it. OP mentioned a few of the reasons women might choose these procedures and yet seemingly doesn’t understand why they might have dysphoria… again, avoiding the topic of what all these women might have in common.
If dysphoria makes OP feel like a man, is it because OP showed no interest in performing femininity? Because lots of women don’t do these things. I can’t name anyone who had elective plastic surgery - I do know some people who’ve had it after being burned or being in a horrific accident. I hang out with a group of women who generally don’t wear makeup, or much makeup, and many of them don’t shave. We wear comfortable clothing. We dye our hair, but mostly just fun colors, rather than to achieve perfect ombré or beach waves. We’re all shapes and sizes and none of us feels particularly pressured to diet. There are lots of women in the same boat. Yet none of us feel like we shouldn’t be women, or that these choices make us *not* women.
Is OP conflating “being a woman” with “performing tasks society claimed women do to be women”? By this same token, does OP have dysphoria due to “not being feminine”? Either way, OP doesn’t want to hear from anyone who might want to talk them out of it, so I guess I’ll leave my food for thought here.
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jcdedmemories · 3 days
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[ jonathan bailey, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! JASPER VANDERBILT III just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for THEIR WHOLE LIFE, working as a PEDIATRIC SURGEON. that can’t be easy, especially at only 35 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit EMBARRASSED  and SENSITIVE , but i know them to be INTELLIGENT and PERSONABLE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN! — @bhqextras
full name: jasper alexander vanderbilt III
nickname(s): super jr, doc, jav
pronouns & gender: he/him & cis man
sexuality: heterosexual
age: thirty-five
relationship status: single
birth date: november 3, 191988
birth place: manhattan, new york ,ny
hometown; manhattan, new york, ny
time in town: whole life
occupation: pediatric doctor
parents: jasper & madelyn vanderbilt
siblings: skylar vanderbilt, logan vanderbilt, spencer vanderbilt, holden vanderbilt, bailey vanderbilt
personality: embarrassed, intelligent, personable, sensitive
pet: none
children: none 
celebrity doppelgänger: jonathan bailey
height: 5'11"
hair color: dark brown
eye color: dark brown
color: slate gray
non-alcoholic beverage: polar cherry limeade seltzer
alcoholic beverage: michelob ultra
season: spring
candle scent: clean linen
book: to kill a mockingbird by harper lee
video game: n/a
tv show: law & order svu
animated tv show: bob’s burgers
movie: spiderman w/ tobey maguire
holiday movie: a christmas story
disney movie: peter pan
pixar movie: inside out
disney channel original movie: n/a
candy: sour gummy worms
chocolate candy: raisinetes
Fruit: honeydew melon
Vegetable: asparagus
cuisine to eat: chicken and waffles
cuisine to make: pasta
genre of music: pop
artist: michael jackson
band: the backstreet boys
song: i want it that way by the backstreet boys
Growing up with parents that were heavily involved in the medical field was very intimidating. It probably wouldn’t have been as bad if said parents didn’t put so much pressure on you to the point where felt sick to your stomach a majority of your life. With a father that was a neurosurgeon and a mother who was a cardiovascular surgeon, you felt like you had to live up to their image, especially being the first child that they had. He never thought that someone would feel remotely the way that Jasper felt, but then he met Devi Nadar. 
Since they both grew up with rich families, he felt like they thought the same way that money wasn’t as big of a deal as their parents may have felt. While Jasper excelled in science and math classes, it was clear that he was going to end up in med school just to make his parents proud. What they didn’t know was that he was planning to become a pediatric surgeon. He felt like there weren’t enough pediatric doctors in the nation overall and even less surgeons. He had gone off to med school but he remained close with Devi, not wanting to be severed from her. 
A lot of people would’ve thought that Devi and Jasper were dating and he didn’t mind that because he knew what him and Devi had with one another. They kept in touch with his best friend as he went through school and even his residency. He didn’t have as much time to hang out with her throughout the residency but luckily she understood that about him which made Jasper appreciate the time they had together even more. 
Jasper met a woman who was as gorgeous as they came. He thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with her. Things were going great until well, they weren't. She eventually got sick of Jasper's long hours and constantly being on call during his residency that she was tired of feeling alone. Jasper did though try to come by and surprise her with flowers and take out so that they could spend an evening they didn't know they were going to get together with the one he loved. Well, he came home to her in bed with someone else. Jasper's heart was broken. 
After his residency, Jasper remained in New York and got a job as an attending at Mt. Sinai Hospital as a pediatric surgeon attending. He has performed many life saving surgeries in his time as an attending and he is grateful to have helped as many kids as he could. While his parents think he copped out in going to pediatrics, his younger sisters have been routing for him since day one. 
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itsaugust-loverson · 1 month
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[ rudy pankow, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! AUGUST LOVERSON just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWO YEARS, working as a FLORST @ DAHLIA & DAFFODILS. that can’t be easy, especially at only 28 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit OBSESSIVE and IMPULSIVE , but i know them to be CREATIVE and ENERGETIC. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! —
full name: august loverson
nickname(s): auggie, gus
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
sexuality: homosexual
age: twenty-eight
relationship status: single
birth date: october 31, 1995
birth place: beaufort, south carolina
time in town: since february 2022
occupation: florist @ dahlia & daffodils
parents: dillon & maria loverson
siblings: dillon loverson jr, gabriella loverson, jacqueline loverson
personality: obsessive, energetic, impulsive, & creative
pet: none at the moment
celebrity doppelgänger: rudy pankow
height: 6'0"
hair color: blonde
eye color: ocean blue
color: burnt orange
non-alcoholic beverage: celsius 
alcoholic beverage: high noon watermelon
season: autumn
candle scent: macintosh apple
book: perks of being a wallflower
video game: spyro; save the last dragon
tv show: rupaul's drag race
animated tv show: bob’s burgers
movie: anything marvel
animated movie: the iron giant
holiday movie: the grinch who stole christmas
disney movie: frozen 2
pixar movie: toy story 2
disney original movie: halloween town
candy: twizzlers
chocolate candy: snickers
Fruit: pineapple 😉
Vegetable: garlicky green beans
cuisine to eat: jambalaya
cuisine to make: anything on the grill
genre of music: country
artist: luke combs
song: beer never broke my heart by luke combs
Being the southern golden boy is always something that August will be known for. He was the miracle child that Dillon and Maria were never expecting. After their first three children which all happened to be daughters, the two didn't plan on having anymore and they didn't even think that they would be able to. But for Christmas 1994, Maria had surprised her husband and children with the fact that she was going to be having another child. They were ecstatic that they were going to have one more and once they found out that it was a boy, they were even happier because they were going to have the son that they always wanted. 
Once August was born, it was like all the attention was on him because he was the son that they longed for. And even though August tried his best to get along with all his sisters, some of them didn't really care for the attention that he pulled from the others. At the same time, Dillon and Maria were leaving the girls to babysit August whenever they wanted to go do things, which was always. The Loverson's were not well off by any means but they didn't live poorly either. And whenever August wanted something, they would try their hardest to ensure that he got it while his parents would tell their daughters that they needed to work for it. 
From a young age, August was always obsessed with flowers and he was always bringing them home and ripping them apart to make things like crowns, jewelry, and other things that most boys weren't worried about. He liked to make things look pretty and sometimes that got him bullied in school but he never let it get to him. Speaking of school, August was your average student who slid by with some B's and some C's and didn't care about graduating at the top of his class. He didn't even care about going to college at all. 
Although he wasn't worried about school, he did pay attention in some business and art classes to ensure that he was being the brightest when it came to opening up a business of his own one day and learning different era's of art to come off knowledgable to a wider range of age groups. August was no dummy and if he cared about something enough then he was willing to put in the work. He did the best that he could in his hometown to try and create a business for himself and he was doing great at first but then business seemed to slow down that he turned to TikTok and was able to sell some things quite fast.
While selling things online were nice, he felt like he could do more if he went somewhere that was bigger. He decided that in the beginning of 2022 that he was going to be moving to New York to appeal to a different clientele (well that and there were many many more gay boys like him). While his business in New York was trying to grow, he wasn't making enough on TikTok to live so that's when he found a flower shop called Dahlia & Daffodils were hiring florists and he decided to do that along with his business on the side.
August has begun to make a name for himself and he has started to rake in some money that he never thought was possible. He has been able to send money back home to his parents for helping him get to where he was. He feels like some of his sisters are still judging him for being so close with their parents and he tries not to hold it personally as he wished he had more of a relationship with them because regardless of what they think of him he has always loved them. 
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applejongho · 10 months
I don't think I ever mentioned it on here, nor is it rly applicable here, but whatever. the movie 'across the spiderverse' was one of the most important things I consumed that made me affirm my gender and gender expression.
and like, yeah, I'm a cis woman. I use she/her pronouns. for a while I was like, what gender is there to affirm? this is one of the common ones. there's a lot of women existing on earth. but all the same, gender is a spectrum and I didn't ever feel like I fit in as a girl when I was younger. I felt different. in hindsight, it was probably because my mom bought all of my clothes and didn't let me choose them myself. it was probably because I had really bad acne all over my body and my mom made me feel ashamed of it, so I had to cover it up. that limited a lot of what clothing I wore. it was probably because my mom never let me experiment with my hair. I had developed no self expression and I certainly had no self esteem. and I had no goddamn idea of who I was or what I wanted to be.
I got older and fought the battle to find these things for myself. I'm still fighting it to be honest. back when across the spiderverse was released, my biggest barrier that I felt like I had to cross was haircuts. I knew how I wanted my hair. I knew that I would like it. But I was so fucking terrified of how people would perceive me. Will people think less of me if I get an undercut? Will people think less of me if my hair is short? Am I still going to be as "woman" as all of the other women if I cut my hair how I want?
I had gone through a similar battle with clothing, but that was a lot easier to fight through. You can take off your clothing whenever you want. You can change who you are whenever. You can get a new wardrobe to express anything you want whenever. Hair was hair and it would not grow back in a day. I would have to live with the choice that I made for myself for at least a few months, and it was horrifying.
Seeing Gwen on screen was like sunshine cutting through fog after a bad rainstorm. She was everything that I wanted to be. She had cool hair, a cool attitude, and love for her friends. She loved and played music on instruments like me. She would not stand for anything she didn't agree with. she wasn't too "punk rock" to hug her dad. who fucking cares if people judge me for my hair if i can look like her? I bawled during the first five minutes of the movie in the theater during her introduction while my brother next to me looked at me like I was crazy. you're not supposed to fucking cry over a character intro. well.
Seeing Hobie on screen also made me choke up. Like Gwen, his personality was bold and vibrant. As someone who is very new to the alt/punk(/goth) subculture, his presence in the movie was so affirming. in general, all spiders in the movie were affirmations that I could be whoever the fuck I wanted to be. I could present however I wanted to present. and any of it was ok.
their representation and character arcs were exactly what I needed to feel more confident in my own skin. what gender is there to affirm? my own. my own gender that's mine and it finally feels like mine because I see other women and other people putting it on display and being proud of it. it's because of people like gwen and hobie that I was able to figure out and feel confident about who I was and what worked for my own gender expression. ❤️
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our-reality · 2 years
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ok im so so so tired and physically cannot draw new art for them but RUBY AND JAVA MASTERPOST BABY!!!!!!!!! (for @smallartistocbracket)
uhhhh im actually not sure what im supposed 2 put here but wtv. uh
ig ill talk about ruby first
full name: ruby kitamura
age: 19
height: 5'8"
gender/pronouns: cis woman, she/her
orientation: panromantic asexual
race/ethnicity: asian, japanese
spark color: coral pink
personality: she's extremely friendly and bubbly, she loves talking to people and can make friends with pretty much anyone she meets. she's also particularly caring and patient, even to the point of self sacrifice. she especially prioritizes her relationships with her family and her girlfriend (who i'll talk about later) and she loves them all so much i cannot emphasize enough how freely she loves. she definitely perfers being close to people and it can come off as her being in your face all the time which. is somewhat true but she's very kind and respects boundaries when she needs to!!! she's also absolutely a romantic and she always sticks to what her heart tells her to do
relationships: uhhh she has a big ass family!!! she has 6 other siblings (ivyn, natsuo, rain, akira, paul, eve) and a mom who loves them all very much <3 she just has to work a lot in order to provide for them all but they make it work!!!!!!! mostly because ruby's like a second mom to all of them <3 uh she's also very good friends with python and swift. who are gods (ish)!!!!!!!!!! so that's pretty epic. she's a bit closer to python than swift since she more frequently trains under python but yeah :o) and then of course she's girlfriends with java!!! their relationship means everything to me
notable abilities: uh under my magic system she's an averager, which basically means she's born with a higher intelligence than most people!!! she's also trained to use a bo staff in combat and generally does extremely well with close quarters fighting that's epic
other: she has adhd cuz projecting and used to be a full time gifted AND sports kid whadda hell. she played tennis and volleyball and still knows how to play them pretty well!!! she has some trauma as well but we don't talk abt that ❤
and then java's next or smth
full name: java collins (also goes by aerith or cosmic sometimes)
age: 21
height: 6'2"
gender/pronouns: trans woman, she/her
orientation: demiromantic demisexual lesbian
race/ethnicity: white, ambiguously european
spark color: denim blue
personality: much more laid back and sheltered than ruby. she very rarely chooses to talk to new people, and if she does, it can take a while for her to really come out of her shell. when she does, though, she's very easy-going and sometimes sarcastic and absolutely loyal. no matter how much of a mess she may be she can and will stick by the people she trusts through thick and thin. she's also much more of a realist, choosing to analyze things from an objective point of view rather than sticking to any one ideal.
relationships: unlike ruby, she tends to prioritize her relationships with her friends over her family. and that's because her family life is kinda shit oops!!!!! won't go into full detail here but she actively resents her father and is not on good terms with her sisters so we're not going to worry about that. but uh instead we're gonna talk about her friends WOOOOO!! she's also friends with afformentioned gods python and swift, except this time she's much closer to swift and lowkey doesn't like python for a while lol </3 but she's also got her best friend from teenhood c+ and tumblr mutual requiem that she goes through weird ass shit with that's awesome (c+ and ruby also know each other btw). and finally like i've said there's her girlfriend ruby and they are so so so madly in love and they make each other better and oughfjdkelah(×[#&=(÷;
notable abilities: she's an averager just like ruby, but she has a bow and arrow as her signature weapon (get it. bo staff. bow and arrow. this was intentional). and as you might've guessed she's more so a long distance fighter which mean that they cover each others weaknesses that's so awesome
other: she's autistic which is also me projecting and also means ADHD AUTISM SOLIDARITY BABY!!!!!!! she's also an artist on tumblr and like. an influential one at that what the hell. she collects art supplies and is a scary jokes + idkhow fan and she also has trauma go figure (if you decide to follow me. which you totally should cuz im sexy like that. all my ocs have issues LMAO)
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edenwest · 2 months
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application :
[ ! ] — it seems that [ aria eden - west ] has entered the scene ! she looks exactly like [ dua lipa ]. this [ twenty - nine ] is the [ major stakeholder #1 ] of [ app-h inc. ]. it’s a small wonder since she is known for being [ nosey & self critical ] and [ captivating & ambitious ]. she has been involved with the company for [ four ] years. [ kenny | she + her  | twenty - three | pst ]
statistics : 
faceclaim : dua lipa name : aria catherine eden - west nickname(s): ari birthday : november eighteenth  birthplace : london , england  age : twenty - nine  gender & pronouns : cis-woman , she & her occupation : magazine editor , interviewer & duulan show host  height : five feet , eight inches  scent : dolce & gabanna light blue 
family heritage : 
aria eden west is the newest carat in her family’s gold lineage, next in line to the throne of her family’s crown jewel , weston co.  founded by catherine west , weston co. was risen from the ground up , determined to give the ‘ every day woman ‘ access to jewelry that was both stylish and durable , allowing them to pay no mind to the usual wear and tear that came with being a twentieth century housewife . j.c penney was the first to invest , lining their accessories sections with their first ( and what would soon become their most famous ) cuff bracelet , an indisputable hit during the holiday season which made penney’s rich and catherine even richer . weston co. only blossomed from there , over the next hundred years she’d break the glass ceiling of the j.c penney’s jewelry section , open her own boutiques , little by little inching closer to the edge of rodeo drive where the weston co. now resides with the rest of the world’s greatest designers . weston co. prides itself on being made for women , by women — though , now it’s certainly popular and amongst anyone who enjoys fine jewelry — so the company now rests in the hands of eleanor eden - west , and eventually , it will become aria’s too .  [ weston co. is equivalent to a brand like cartier or tiffany & co. ] 
past : 
you grow up with the world at your fingertips . everything you want is given to you before you have to so much as ask . it’s the typical life that’s afforded to a child like you , educated in the nation’s best private schools , never without the newest toys or latest book in whatever series you were obsessed with at any given time ( some even before they were released to the public ) . it’s comfortable , you’re comfortable , but why does that make you feel so guilty ?
technically the first “ true “ nepotism baby in your family considering that your mother didn’t get to reap the benefits of weston co.’s success until she was well in her 40s and your father built his entire career from the ground up . not that you’re complaining , people would kill for this life and you know that you’re lucky to live it . you don’t resent it , in fact you cherish it , but you can’t help from asking yourself one thing : what have you done to deserve this ?  a question the tabloids seem to want an answer to too . 
you want more out of life , as grateful as you are for your parent’s support you feel terrible taking it from them — is it true what everyone says ? would you really be nothing without your family name ? going to college feels like the only way to get away from it all , to silence that voice in your head that tells you the only thing you’ll ever have to show for yourself is a company you don’t even really own . you go to oxford , but not without scrutiny . impossible not to overhear the whispers of your peers that swear they have you pieced together , that are completely certain your family’s name ( or perhaps their generous donation ) is the only reason you’ve made it this far . they put a chip on your shoulder , and it’s only up to you to figure out how to get it off . 
you make two friends while you’re in college , it’s all you can really afford as someone who spends as much time in the library as you — one on occasion they quite literally had to drag you out of there kicking and screaming . you spend your first two years completely immersed in your studies , trying to prove to everyone ( read : yourself ) that there’s more to you than what your parents have given you , that you’re smart , independent , worth something on even your own .  
it’s not until your senior year that you find the thing that would eventually become your life’s purpose . céline was meant to be nothing more than your final project , a theoretical magazine complete with three articles on art , entertainment and current events that was supposed to be for your professors eyes only . but you’ve never found yourself work so hard at something in your life , not only determined to make your final project your best one yet but actually interested in the process at hand . you found yourself excited to go home to write an research , so many nights spent watching the sun rise while you fooled around indesign tweaking the smallest details until they sat just right on the page . 
you’re not quite ready to own a company yet , the thought of inheriting the one that’s had your name signed on it sign the day you were born still sometimes makes you feel sick , so you’ll have to find another way to turn this into something more sustainable for the person you are right now .
you reach out to a couple of friends who reach out to a couple of friends and before you know it you’re being asked to pitch an idea for a youtube series , one that puts a new edge on the predictable world of celebrity interviews — and thus , pub crawl is born . it’s probably not the best idea , inviting celebrities for a day of recorded and publicized drinking all while asking them questions about their lives and careers , but maybe that’s exactly the point . pub crawl becomes an instant success , rising to viral fame after tom holland came to the show and completely spoiled the upcoming avengers movie after he’d gotten tripped up by one of your tricky questions . 
it’s been a hit ever since , each season only growing bigger and bigger until you find yourself being invited to interview celebrities at the red carpet of some of entertainment’s biggest events . people love you , they find your interviewing insightful yet playful , flirtatious yet elegant , captivating in every way as is obvious by the millions of views garnered by your interviews at the grammy’s , oscars and of course , the met gala . 
you get three seasons deep into pub crawl before you realize that though hosting this show makes you happy , it doesn’t make you feel complete . sure , it’s fun picking your guests brains about their most recent projects but it doesn’t feel like enough . you want to talk about what’s really going on in the world , about art , history , fashion , design , and give voice to the people who do it best . so  , céline is pulled back out from the depths of your google drive , an dream you’re now determined to make into a reality especially now that you have all of the resources to do it on your own . for the next year , any time that isn’t spent filming pub crawl is dedicated to turning cèline into the publication it’s meant to be , gathering a team of writers , editors and designers to make certain that it lives up to the potential you’ve always known it had. 
it’s been four years since it’s official launch , and while critics initially dubbed your publication as an out of touch passion project by yet another bored nepo baby , you soon grew tired of trying to prove yourself to people , trying to make them see that your worth is in more than just who you are, but what you can do — so , you stop trying to . only then is when you really start to see the success and satisfaction you've been craving . what first only began as a few copies distributed to local news-stands has grown to become your very own empire. thanks to support from app-h, celine took off in the digital world , some say it even revived the nearly long lost art of the magazine. in what feels like no time you're competing with names like cosmopolitan, elle, and even vogue .
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gingerjunhan · 1 year
Hiii!! It's 🧈 anon.
So umm I'm having a whole thing rn. I was ftm right, then I was trying to force myself to be cis?? And now I'm ftm again??????
Idk, but anyway, I have a whole request that has been bubbling at my mind for Jun han. Here it is:
So reader is a model, but they're like the opposite of the Korean beauty standards. Superrrr muscular, tattoos, brown skin, and just radiates a lot of confidence and dominance (not in a weird way 😞)
But basically xdinary heroes is doing a collab with a magazine and Jun han is paired with one of the magazines models (reader) and they end up exchanging numbers and such.
How would Jun han do in a relationship with a model that can just like, pick him up and throw him over their shoulder
Sorry if this is all over the place😿
Love, 🧈 anon
☆彡 🧈anon, I really like this idea! Thanks for sending it in :) hope you’ve been feeling okay, and sorry it took me a while to get around to this one (college 👎🏻)
word count: 818 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff | cws: nothing serious lmao, Hyeongjun being awkward, I don’t understand modeling lingo, this was ACTUALLY PROOFREAD SOMEBODY CLAP!!!, lmk if I missed something!
You were used to being the one to turn heads in the studio. Compared to all your fellow models, you always managed to catch people’s eye. However, today seemed to be different.
You were a commonly reoccurring model in a popular Korean magazine, so you’ve seen your fair share of celebrities amongst your pages. But the studio was currently buzzing- seeing that today was the first time you actually got to model with the celebrities themselves.
Today, you were modeling with Xdinary Heroes, to help them promote their newest album, so naturally all eyes were on them. It was somewhat nice to have the attention turned off of you for a chance. You didn’t exactly fit the beauty standards in Korea; with your darker complexion and muscular build. You were typically the center of attention (for better or for worse), so this was a nice change of pace.
You were getting the finishing touches of your hair and makeup done, and you happened to be sitting next to one of the guitarists, who was currently going through a similar process as you. You’ve heard of his band before, but you couldn’t put a name to his face. You tried not to make it obvious that you kept stealing glances at him in the mirror, but your sneaky attempts were futile as he managed to make eye contact with you. Wordlessly, he sent you a smile.
“Okay everyone,” your manager called as you, the other models, and the band all awaited instruction. “I have you all paired up together, so wait until I call your name to get your duo shots done! First up, let's have Hyeongjun and (Y/N).”
You got up from your chair and made your way onto the set. Diverting your attention towards the camera, you watched as the guy from before got up from his chair, following your lead and taking his place beside you.
“Hi,” you decided it was finally time to introduce yourself. “I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi,” he smiled again, sticking out a hand. “Hyeongjun. It’s nice to meet you too.” You shook his hand, returning his smile. You couldn’t help but notice how nervous he seemed.
“Are you excited for the shoot today?” The photographers were still doing last-minute preparations, so you were hoping to ease his nerves before the shoot officially began.
“Uh, yeah,” he answered. It sounded more like a question. “I’m excited to be here, I’m just not used to being in front of the camera much. Not in professional settings like this, anyway.”
“No? Don’t you do photo shoots for your albums?”
“We do,” he admitted. “But it’s typically just the six of us. We’ve never done this with professionals before.”
“Well, you’re gonna do great,” you reassured him. “Lucky for you,” you motioned over yourself, “you’re in good hands.” Hyeongjun laughed a bit at your joke, and then the photographers announced that they were finally ready to start the shoot. You and Hyeongjun were put into all types of poses together, laughing with each other along the way. There were some awkward moments, but you managed to get some great shots overall. After the photographers were satisfied, you both were sent off so the next duo could have their pictures taken.
You had gone off to get yourself some water down the hall from the dressing room. As you were getting ready to leave, you bumped into Hyeongjun.
“Hey,” he started. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in. I should’ve knocked first.”
“It’s okay, the door wasn’t locked so you’re good to come in.”
You both smiled at each other for a second. You could tell that there was something Hyeongjun wanted to say, but he didn’t make an effort to do so. He was scanning over you, his eyes going from yours to your broad shoulders and back again. You decided to try and help.
“Do you want a water? There are some over there in the fri-“
“Can I get your number?” He interrupted. You both looked at each other, wide-eyed. Hyeongjun cleared his throat. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to get to know you some time.” He fiddled with the ring on his finger, avoiding your eyes. You smiled at him.
“Sure. That sounds nice.”
He looked up at you, meeting your eyes once again. He smiled as you went to retrieve your phone. You handed him the device, and he quickly put his own number into your contacts. You decided to send him a quick message.
hey, it’s (Y/N). meet me tuesday for lunch?
Hyeongjun felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out to look at your message. You watched in amusement as a light pink dusted his cheeks. He turned to meet your gaze once again.
“I guess I’ll see you Tuesday,” he smiled.
“It’s a date.
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lxmiko · 1 year
Can i have a matchup plz 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body type black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses when necessary (driving or class i should wear them all the time only just started needing glasses im still getting used to wearing them)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence sassy sarcastic soft spoken
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who dont take others into consideration people i care about not caring for themselves not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater i have internalized identity crisis sometimes and i feel bad for fearing spiders (they’re just tryna live their best and not bothering anyone life but they’re so scary to me 😭)
Thank you good luck in school btw and dnt rush yourself or put too much pressure on yourself in school or writing ok you come first and im sure you’ll do great in both :) <3
note: this was due a long time ago as well as everything in my inbox but i will get to it i swear >:c
disclaimer: this is solely my opinion of which character i believe suits you the most based on the description you wrote!! sorry if it isn't who you thought it'd be ;;
matchup under the cut!
i match you with… ike eveland!!!
you two share a lot of interests! like reading, writing, anime, and singing :o
he would find your singing cute, and wouldn’t hesitate to join you in your song c:
and if you're shy about it, he's the kind of guy who'd smile endearing from behind the door as you're singing on the other side c:
ike too is very considerate of others, and because of your similarities, he’d probably try to “out-mother” you, just because he feels you deserve more care than he does
he definitely encourages and advocates for you to care more for yourself than others (even if he doesn't follow the same advice :c). put yourself first, he preaches!!!!
ike is the resident intellect of luxiem and im sure he would appreciate having another person who’d understand him ajd his struggles with the rest of luxiem’s trolling 😞
even if you two share the same anxieties and insecurities, he would always step up for you, and support you when you want to take the first step in anything c:
if you were up for it, he’d ask to have anime nights, where you two would settle on the couch and watch whichever anime piqued your interests
he would also want to read books together, whether it’d be one person reads it first and annotates it for the other, or the two of you have your separate copies and discuss it the next time you see each other
ike is also an introvert, and probably spends his own time producing and recording music, but he doesn’t mind the company of you sitting in his room with him while you both so your separate things
ike understands your thoughts on your fears, specifically spiders. the second he sees one in the house, it’s in a cup and brought outside, without you even knowing
and even if you do find out, he'll in mama mode right away, calming you down the best he can and keeping the bug out of sight as much as possible c:
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grimacingheron · 5 months
At this very moment, I just finished reading "Hell Followed With Us" by Andrew Joseph White and I am vibrating. Dawg, the beautiful and viseral feeling of becoming a monster, being a queer person, and trying to fight against an evil church and your own want to maul everyone.
(I also finished it just under two days. This is me humble bragging.)
While I suggest this book, it's important to know that is does have some content warnings you should be aware of(none of which is really talk about for the rest of this post). "Hell Followed With Us" does contain a lot of talk about Christianity, churches, and the immoral use of religious beliefs. The book graphically describes gore, violence and diseases. Just be sure you know what you're gettin' into. :)
Potentially mild(very mild) spoilers about the book below. I'm not specific about events, it's mostly just my opinion and vague references to what I'm talking about.
I love Benji, the main character, because, so far in my Real Book™️(physical book) reading experience, Benjamin is the first character I've read to get close to understanding how I feel about my body and my identity. I am not a man. I am consider myself trans because of how I understand the word. I have transitioned from who I was to who I am now. I am very masculine in my presentation and like to be perceived that way, but it's not what I am. I think it's just easier. Anyway, Andrew(author) describes Benji as not really caring about the size of his meager chest or other feminine-seeming features until he thinks of someone else seeing his body that way. The author does such a good job of describing that, which would make sense considering the fact that White is a trans man himself. I love how he describes Benji's transness. Putting to words feelings I know I've had.
Cormac was probably my second favourite next to Nick, of course. I know Cormac was kinda dickish, but he showed he genuinely cared in other ways. Unlike Calvin, who I totally didn't occasional confuse with Cormac. I like Cormac. And Salvador. Sal's attitude toward Cormac was funny and xe were just a really good, really genuine character. The neo-pronouns are also a pog. >:)
The monsters. I fucking love birds and wings on people and the idea of angels being these fucked up creatures. The gender envy I get from a fictional(that's important) person-turned-monster. It's fucked up in a way cis-people'll stare at me for, but also in a way that other people who want to "sharpen their teeth and bite(quote from note at the beginning of the book)" will sagely nod at. This book is, ironically, the gospel of how I feel some days. Angry at the world, at people, uncomfortable in myself because what people see, what they think. It's nice to be seen in such a way. I know that somewhere, other people feel like monsters, too. Either by choice or forced that way.
Beaded lizards. :) I have one that I made with a friend before I ever read the book. They had which is why they had the idea. Mine's smallish, only the length of my palm, with a green body and yellow eyes and toes. It's a nice weight to hold and it's floppy- slinky. I can't remember if I named the lizard or not. I don't think it needs one. If I had more beads, I'd probably make more lizards, but that's an art supply I don't need filling my drawers.
If you want to talk about this book or give me recommendations on what to read next, send me an ask or something. :) I'd love to hear from literally anyone else who's read this book. Thank you.
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psychcpomps · 5 months
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( dev patel, thirty-one, cis-man, he/him ) ☼ i know it’s a small town, but i run into HARIJ ‘HARI’ VASAV every time i go to THE STARDROP SALOON. it’s like they practically live there and not PELICAN TOWN for SIX MONTHS. it must be because they’re STUBBORN and GUARDED. come to think of it, that’s probably why they’re an MONSTER SLAYER too. but i did hear they want to FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE AGAIN, and sometimes they like to BOX. rumor has it they also like BOXING GLOVES, but dislike MOUTH GUARDS. what do you think? 
full name — harij vasav nickname(s) — hari name meaning — harij: the horizon. vasav: lord indra age — thirty-one date of birth — august 1st place of birth — stardew valley star sign — leo sun, aries moon, scorpio rising current location — stardew valley gender — cis-male ( allegedly ) pronouns — he/him sexual orientation — bisexual until proven gay religion — hindu / it’s complicated occupation — monster slayer  education level — medical school drop out  family — munjal vasav ( father ), kalyani vasav ( mother ), hayva vasav ( sister ), irshaan vasav ( brother ) finances — getting by  spoken languages — english, gujarati
inspos will come later heavy inspo from creed tho
tw: dsyfunctional family, brother struggles with mh issues, so does hari but it's very light in mentioning, mentions of violence in terms of boxing etc
when your dad is a world renowned neurosurgeon it’s a hard pedestal to fall from, especially if you feel like you haven’t been able to measure up. 
hari grew up as a shadow, at least, that’s what his dad called him when he would go to work with his father because him and his mother were fighting again and they couldn’t find child care. it seemed insane that a couple years later they would inevitably get back together again and have another child, and then one more. then,his father would have three shadows. 
where hayva was the golden child, and irshaan the forgotten black sheep, it left hari in a weird place in the family. the eldest son, but never the star. he’d parent his siblings, even if it felt like hayva had everything under control. she was, in many ways, a carbon copy of their father. 
where his dad was tough, his mother was warmth. they didn’t see each other very much considering most of his time was in his father’s house. they had moved out of the valley when hari was seven, but would visit sometimes since both parents had family still living there. 
hari lived his life constantly trying to catch the wave of adrenaline he felt whenever anyone would pick on him at the playground, by the time that hari was ten he learned how to use his fists instead of words. people weren’t always kind to irshaan who didn’t do well in school, and was shy, and hari was the protector and would do anything for his family. 
it seemed that the streak of doing anything for irshaan would follow them into their adulthood. by age seventeen irshaan had cut himself off from the family, aside from hari and was constantly on the move to wherever he found his happiness next. it made hari worry for him. 
when hari was fifteen he took up boxing as a way to let the anger out, his father and mother never understood why he was so angry all the time and he didn’t know how to tell them that it was the pressure that they put on him, plus the fact that he hardly saw either of them. their parents might have loved hari and his siblings but it sometimes felt like that love could only extend to what kind of glory they could show their friends and family. 
things would change about a year after hari’s first year of college. his dad’s hands started shaking, and it was a slow decline by then. hayva went into action, while irshaan ran away from the family, and hari? well, he started skipping classes to go to underground boxing leagues, he’d come home with a black eye and his mother didn’t understand where her boys went. 
once upon a time hari’s father had dreams of his eldest son taking over his practice, but hari couldn’t really do it anymore. the rest would fall on hayva who was already in school to take over for her father. she’d be written about in papers, often reminiscing on how much the medical field missed their dad but the legacy would continue with or without hari. 
hari doesn’t talk to his family much, but keeps in contact with irshaan who had previously been hiding out in stardew valley. their family has all but moved out aside from the small little house that they all lived in once, before his father’s fame kicked off, when things were much simpler. 
hari doesn’t really know where irshaan is right now, but he keeps in contact when he can. as for hari? he still boxes, but he damaged his hand in a bad fight and it hasn’t been the same since. he supposes that he and his dad have a few things in common now. 
he decided to take up monster slaying about six months ago.
some other things:
it's giving what do you do when you never lived up to what you were meant to do
its giving eldest boy that was also a parent to his siblings but not a very good one
he's very Sad but also just kind of like 'well fuck it this might as well as happen'
still boxes, but you know its not the same, he's in pain and refuses to get the help that he needs
probably gives lessons ??? idk in boxing / self defense / how to defend yourself
does odd jobs all around town for extra cash, probably picks up a few shifts here and there where he can
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orrested · 8 months
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full name james caine dunwoody alias caine kelly nicknames jamie, jim age twenty-seven date of birth february 13, 1996 hometown kelso, scotland nationality american + scottish gender identity cis man pronouns he/him sexual orientation bisexual (somewhat closeted)
height 5’11” eye color blue hair color light brown tattoos none scars none
parents annabel dunwoody (barista), gabriel kelly (film exec, retired actor) siblings chloe kelly (younger half sister) roommate tbd significant other none teams rugby
your parents meet in glasgow: your father filming, your mother reaching for a dream bigger than a small life in a small town. this isn’t love. he leaves her with a baby, and she goes back to that small town. this is love: your ma scooping you up and putting you on the counter to help her cook, your grandpa playing catch for hours in the backyard, something tiny and tight knit and warm. your father comes back when you are old enough to be interesting. when you are old enough to be marketable. jamie dunwoody is whisked off to los angeles before anyone can  do a damn thing to stop it, and caine kelly is born.
you are a charming child and you grow into a pretty teen. your father knows how to market and you learn to be marketable. to flatten that distinctive accent into a blonde all-american boy next door. bit pieces, kid shit, until you are old enough to be every high school girl’s first fantasy. movies, magazines, modeling, a song or two, rumors about you and a member of some girl group you’ve never met before in your life. hair dye, dieting, invasive questions you learn to answer with easy laughter. you’re hot shit. you’re hollywood’s boyfriend.
you grow up. this in itself isn’t the problem: your career keeps booming, parts keep coming in. you are the problem. you don’t like, so much, to be looked at, and you are not so easy to control, not as desperate for your father’s love. you miss your ma, and sitting on the counter, and racing through backyards. after a downward spiral at twenty-one you walk out of a photoshoot and you never look back.
it takes years to learn how to be a person. you find yourself in little moments: making cranachan, your first proper go at rugby, planting your ma’s favorite flowers and watching her smile. to be jamie again, the dunwoody lad, and absolutely nothing else. you decide, eventually, that university would do you some good: new location, new opportunities, new education. you’ve settled in roots and you’d like now to grow. you have the smarts and the money for daskalos, and, well – not the commonest resume. with your new old name and sharp accent and glasses and lack of bottle blonde, with your utter disappearance from pop culture and entirely new demeanor, you’ve no interest in telling anyone you were ever anything but jamie, their fullback, friendly face and warm teasing and open shoulder to lean on.
love is a cautious desire, to be handled with care. you’re pretty still, and you’ve learned to be alright with admiring eyes. the need for something deeper – the romanticism you can’t quite shake – sits quietly in your chest, in need of coaxing. you’d like to love somebody. you think you might be good at it, if you can trust you’ll be wanted as more than another fuck.
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