#first of all i'm begging on my knees for forgiveness that it took so long and the fact that you forgot about it makes it even worse
born-to-lose · 1 year
Devil's Bells snippet #2
Liz & Jack meeting Phil for the first time
"Do you remember where the venue was when we drove by?" Liz asked Jack, laughing awkwardly as they climbed out of the van after finally finding a parking lot that wasn't packed already. Well, it was Paris, what did they expect?
"We gotta walk past this metro station right there of which I can't pronounce the name and then uh…" he tried to explain, but his confidence faded quickly. "I'm sure we'll find it. Eventually."
She raised an eyebrow but decided to follow the way he had just described and see where they were going. They arrived in the city early enough to have time to figure out where they needed to go before the show would start.
Walking past the metro station, they heard a young man's voice calling after them, accompanied by the sound of metal rings on the handrail of the stairs. "Salut ! J'adore vos tenues !" ("Hey! I love your outfits!")
The two stopped walking and warily turned around, spotting a tall and lanky guy with long wavy strawberry blonde hair, an earring, a half unbuttoned shirt, a black studded leather jacket, skinny jeans and sneakers scurrying upstairs. They had already seen some shady people in this city and didn't know what he wanted - at least Jack.
He wanted to open his mouth to say something along the lines of 'We don't speak French', but then Liz scraped together what she had studied at school and replied with a slight accent, "Merci ! Tu vas au concert de H.E.A.T aussi ?" ("Thanks! Are you also going to the H.E.A.T concert?")
"Oui, oui ! Vous n'êtes pas d'ici ?" ("Yeah, yeah! You're not from here?")
"Non, nous sommes… euh, je suis allemande, il est anglais. Mon français n'est pas super," she chuckled. ("No, we're… uh, I'm German, he's English. My French isn't great.")
Actually, her French was pretty good, but she was too lazy to make use of that more often than necessary if the alternative was simply switching to English, especially considering how fast French people spoke when they knew you understood their language but were a foreigner.
Jack watched in confusion as they talked without him understanding anything. He was relieved when they finally spoke English and the other guy came closer to them. "By the way, I'm Liz and this is Jack. What's your name?"
"Blaze. Phil Blaze," he answered in a low voice, taking a drag of his cigarette, before adding in a lighthearted manner, "Actually it's Philippe, but call me Phil, makes me sound less French."
"Your accent still gives it away," Jack joked and Phil shoved him in response, laughing "Buddy, that's about the best you get here."
The three of them hit it off right away. How often do you meet someone you can immediately joke around with like this? And in a foreign country at that.
As Liz and Jack didn't move and frankly looked kind of lost, he said, "I'm assuming you haven't been here before? I know the way to the venue, let's go!"
Making their way there together, they chatted enthusiastically about bands they listened to, bands who had influenced them, and concerts they had attended.
"What was the first album you bought?" Phil asked. "Mine was Van Halen's 1984, Hot for Teacher made me pick up the drums. Needless to say, it took me a while until I could play that song well enough."
Taking a pause to think, Jack replied, "Bella Donna by Stevie Nicks. I grew up on Fleetwood Mac's music and she was one of my first childhood crushes. Though I didn't actually buy it, I found it in a box with things to give away on someone's doorstep."
"Oh yes, she and Joan Jett were my bi awakening," Liz agreed before immediately adding with a contrived hair flip, "For me, Lizzy Borden's Visual Lies! I'm built differently I guess. Just kidding, I usually asked for CDs for my birthdays and Christmas so I owned a lot more before I started buying them myself."
"Can I ask you something?" After receiving a nod from her, Phil continued. "Is Liz your real name or did you take it from Lizzy Borden?"
She laughed, "You got me there! I'm not gonna give you guys my legal name though, it's not nearly as cool as my stage name, quite German."
Not too much later, they spotted a horde of glam rockers waiting outside what they were pretty certain was the venue. The doors were still closed so they had to wait a little longer, but even the way here hadn't seemed lengthy with their new friend and the last couple of minutes until they got in weren't going to be filled with silence either.
"Is this your first time seeing H.E.A.T?"
"Yeah, I love them and I've wanted to see them for a while, but bands always leave out all the other cities than Paris on their 'European tours', so now that I moved closer to Paris I finally get the chance," Phil told them excitedly before taking on a more frustrated tone. "Also to find some new musician friends because my old band just broke up three weeks ago and practicing drums isn't the same when you're just doing it for yourself. I've been playing almost non-stop in bands for about… five, six years now. Are you musicians?"
"Yeah! I mean, Jack plays bass, I sing and am a mediocre guitar player," Liz answered, mildly embarrassed, because despite all their desperate attempts, neither she nor Jack had been in a band before and Phil seemed like a professional.
"Hold up, do you guys have a band?" he asked full of hope.
"Well…" Jack started, glancing at Liz. "We would have one with you, and with a proper guitarist, so if you don't have any other plans…?"
"Fucking count me in!"
Just as they enthusiastically welcomed their new bandmate with a handshake and a pat on the back, loudly talking about how happy they were to get one step closer to forming a real band and discussing where they might find a lead guitarist, the other guests started squashing themselves through the entrance.
The group followed the crowd into the packed club where they were greeted by purple and pink lights and the further they walked into the main room, the louder the sound of glam metal blasting from the speakers and people chatting became. The walls of the corridor were covered in memorabilia like posters and signed instruments from the bands who had played here before. Many iconic ones of those Jack and Liz recognized and got annoyed they hadn't gotten the chance to see them here.
One thing was clear before the support act even started playing: wherever they would end up on their mission to find the last band member, they were absolutely coming back for concerts in the future.
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3cremepie3 · 3 months
Hi!! I don’t know your boundaries for writing fics so please let me know and ignore my request!! But I wanted to know if I can request an idia smut fic with a bimbo typa gal reader!! If that makes any sense😞 she basically teases him so much it ends to them in the bedroom!!
Sweat Pea
Tumblr media
Sypnopsis - Idia teaches (fem) Bimbo reader a lesson after she teases him at a picnic.
Warnings - bimboism, dryhumping, cursing, expeditionilism, slight degradation
A/n - Since I already made a similar fic i decided to change up your prompt a bit. Sorry this took so long I actually hate Bimbo readers (that's the reason I got on tumblr in the first place) but I tried my best.
You loved summertime. You could wear all the cute outfits you wanted and not get cold. Well, you could get bit alive by mosquitos but Idia not wanting to see your pretty body marked up by anyone but him had a solution for that. An anti-bug bracelet that repelled them. God you loved your boyfriend he was brilliant.
But some of the things he did had you stuck in a state of wonder. "Why did you wear a sweater it's like 90 out here," you questioned. "I don't like showing my skin," he admitted. "But I love your skin deathly pale is so in style," you insisted. You pulled him into a tight hug.
His hands stayed at his sides not knowing where to grab since you were practically exposed everywhere. "I get that it's a picnic but damn did you have to wear that," he asked. "Of course, you brought it for me Idia."
He was referring to a pair of overalls he brought you that happened to be booty shorts. "But those are for cosplay." Yeah and I'm cosplaying a farmer girl don't you like my fit?" You did a 360 spin for him making sure to show off your cowgirl boots. "Everyone else loved my outfit don't be a hater."
"They loved your tits and ass, not your outfit," he sighed. "You’re acting like you don't feel the same way," you smirked. By now the cookout line had finally allowed you to be first. You picked up a hotdog some baked beans and a Pepsi which was a perfect cookout meal in your eyes.
Idia stuck with his monster and a sandwich. You picked a place to eat underneath a faraway tree since you knew he already had anxiety about coming to a school event. Practically everyone was there even Malleus showed up. He laid out his hoodie as a picnic blanket for you both to sit on. "Wow such a gentlemen." He blushed a bit crossing his arms. You sat enjoying your food until you noticed his stares.
"What are you looking at Idia I can see you I'm not blind," you giggled. "Nothing." You could tell he was lying the tips of his hair were developing into a pink. "Your hairs turning whats the matter." You turned to face his eyes that refused to meet yours. He took a bite of his hotdog to distract himself.
You noticed a bit of ketchup that fell on his chin. So you licked it up in an instant climbing on top of him to do so. You didn't think anything of it but he must've. "Chat no way that just happened in front of the whole school." What's the problem with I'm on top of you all the time?"
Others around you on other picnic blankets heard you and snickered. "I just lost over a million aura points," he huffed. You climbed off of him watching as he quickly sat up. "No Idia don't leave I'm sorry." You grabbed his leg pulling him back closer to you. He stood looking down at your begging form.
You got on your knees ready to beg for his forgiveness but his dick took your fluttering eyelashes as a sign of something else. "Get up," he demanded. You were shocked at his sudden change of tone. "Huh?" I said get up."
And you got up grabbing his hoodie and leaving your shared picnic area. You followed behind him like a lost puppy tugging at his arm. The lanky thing was strong pulling away from your grasp. Looks like your picnic was getting cut short. You were sad to leave so early but happy to be greeted by Ignihyde's harsh Ac.
“There was only an hour left why didn’t we stay,” you sighed. “You were doing so good Idia around all those people!” Your sweaty body felt like it entered heaven as you collapsed on Idia's bed. “God you’re so dense,” he mumbled. “No im not,” you yelled.
“Yes, you are.” His hands swiped at your boots removing them completely. "Thanks for that they were so uncomfortable. “Take a guess why I wanted to leave?” Because you’re scared of being around a bunch of normies?”
His face fell into a straight one. “That’s a factor.” Hmm or maybe it’s because you weren’t hungry? Or maybe it’s because you were too hot. Or actually, it could be because you wanted to game early?”
“I wish that brain of yours would work properly sometimes,” he hissed. “If I was that naive then life would be a bliss for me.” He grabbed your face squishing your cheeks together. This forced you to look up at him.
This time you could see a clear view of his blushing face. It was a deep scarlet color and this time it clicked in your brain that it wasn’t just from the heat. “Ohhh! It’s like that!” You should’ve just told me my sweets.” Your hands wrapped behind his head pulling his body into yours.
“You know I would’ve taken care of you right there.” You kissed him on the forehead and he whined. “Of course, you would’ve whore,” he remarked. “It would’ve helped you get over your fear of people. It could’ve been like conclosure therapy.”
Idia laughed his pale face lighting up in delight. “It’s exposure therapy dumbass.” Whatever you know what I meant.” You stuck your tongue out at him since he was such a know it all. He chuckled before catching it with his.
You shared a quick kiss before he broke it off. You whined wanting it to continue. “You’re so stupid.” He said in between heartfelt kisses. “No, you’re just brilliant. Child prodigy head ass,” you yapped. “If you failed the first grade just say that,” he joked.
“Hey you know that’s a sensitive topic,” you pouted. “Sorry babe if I knew you then I would’ve helped you cheat.” I know you would’ve I’m so thankful for you!” You pulled him in for a tight hug and for a while, you stayed comfy his weight on top of you.
“Wanna show me how thankful you are?” You smiled up at him “And why should I?” Because I’m the reason you're passing now. Remember those pre-programmed glasses I made you? Cause I remember them pretty well.” His hands began to feel up sides trapping you.
“Ha fine I guess you deserve some credit.” Let’s switch,” you asked. Soon you were on top of him demanding kisses. His dick felt as though it could burst through his jeans being contained for so long.
But you showed no compassion dry humping him. He had on a thin pair of sweats that you could feel everything through. But your Jean shorts limited you so you slipped off the over alls and your shirt while you were at it.
No matter how many times you got undressed he was still as amazed as the first time. You really were all his. You confirmed that by grounding your clothed cunt down faster on him. “Feels good,” you moaned. Idia watched as you left more and more of a prominent stain on his pants. You weren’t the only one as the amount of pre he was leaking could lube you up for days.
“We could’ve done this at the picnic you know,” you hinted. “There was blankets and we were in a secluded place.” But if someone walked by,” Idia hesitated. “You probably would’ve came right then. You imagined that you were both still in the picnic location. You sat under an oak tree that would’ve hidden your bodies.
You could’ve had his fingers in your mouth keeping your lips from singing praises for others to hear. But your boyfriend was shy. “No I wouldn’t have,” he muttered. “Don’t think I don’t pay attention to you Idia. I may be stupid in school but when it comes to you…
“I know how much you like it when I wear slutty shit in public. I can always feel how warm you get when I’m close to you. I can see your eyes wander to my thighs. Like just say you want to bend me over there and I’ll spread right then and there,” you challenged.
He groaned hiding his face in his hands. “Fuck your such a slut.” He bit his lips trying to hide the sounds he was making. “It’s okay to admit my shamelessness attracts you I’m the same with you.” I know much you cream your pants to the thought of me.” Your clit rubbed against him so well that you held onto his shoulders for support.
You placed your forehead on his awaiting an answer from his eyes. His yellow ones met yours angrily. His hand slapped against your ass and didn’t wait for the recoil to stop before he hit it again and again. You yelped at the sting your pussy pooling through the material of your panties.
“I shouldn't have to keep putting you in your place.” His other hand dug into your side holding still in a bruising grip. “But you can just shut up.” He plopped you down on the bed. Now he was back on top pulling your panties to the side. His pants and cock we’re soon to follow. You watched the familiar sight and you clenched imagining him entering you.
But he didn’t instead he thrusted onto your bundle of nerves. You shook as he thrusted forward everywhere but your aching slit. “Stop teasing you know I want you.” Your hand attempted to line his cock up with you. But it was quickly grabbed and strapped up above you.
“Fuck I’m close guess your just gonna have to wait.” You looked up your eyes begging him to give you mercy. But he never did his cock just smeared your juices around as it missed it mark. You felt an orgasm silently approaching. But you knew Idia was already soon to blow his breath ragged and every word coming out his mouth being a cuss.
“Fine, you were waiting awhile to cum .” You gave in letting him use you until he stained your stomach with stringy cum. His fat cock lost its Harding but stayed near your cunt. He took a moment to catch his breath before cackling.
You looked up with tears in your eyes. “Why did I get with a villain,” you wondered. “I’m not the bad guy here,” he growled. “Miss fuck in public you don’t always get what you want sweet pea.” None of that mattered you were 100% gonna fuck him in public no matter how many years it took you.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Brat taming. Scaramouche x fem! reader Smut. Degradation. Fingering. Cunilligus. Orgasm denial. Dom!Scara. He is kinda really mean in this, but soft as well. Some manhandling. Pet name.
An ode to the tired cause I am. Thank you for being patient with me. As always, thank you all for the support❤️
Scaramouche could tell you were tired. You weren't sleeping at night. And if you did, you only dozed off for a minimum of an hour or two at most. Usually, he was the one awake at night, with you conked out in his arms.
He was worried.
Really worried.
You felt a hand stroke down your hair, hearing a scoff. "You should be asleep," He said, looking down at you. You felt so warm against him, he always insisted you sleep naked with him.
"I am trying, Scara," You replied, huffing a little.
Now, he knew he could be a brat. A hellion. But you had a mouth on you to. You weren't afraid to mouth off to him, and that both pissed him off and really aroused him.
It is one of many reasons why he is in love with you.
"Sleep," He said, tipping your head up to look at him.
You blinked twice. "No," You said flatly.
Never did he think one word could make his cock throb so much.
Scaramouche rolled you over onto your back. "Hmm? What did you say?" He glared down at you.
You set your jaw stubbornly, replying without hesitation, "No, I won't sleep," There was such a defiant look in your eyes. Sure, you were tired, but it was the principle of the thing now. It is pretty much a reflex for you to stand up to him like this. As odd a time as it was to do so.
"What a mouth you have on you, slut," You were going to be in for a long night. Scaramouche knew what he had to do, and thought exhilarated him. He was going to put you in your place, and fuck you exhausted.
Your defiance is always a turn on for him.
Scaramouche wasted no time working his tongue sloppily over your cunt. His tongue dipping inside of you, swirling around your now throbbing clit. You were close to cumming. You always whimpered, and twitched a certain way.
"Are you cumming, whore?" He asked, latching his lips around your clit, sucking firmly as you let out your signature whimper, pressing his face onto your cunt. He smirked. "That's too bad," This wasn't the only orgasm he was planning to ruin.
The more he ruined, the harder you would cum.
Scaramouche shushed you, holding one of your thighs open. Before you could whimper in protest, he plunged two fingers inside of you, making you gasp in pleasure. Your hips bucked up into his fingers, gripping the sheets when his fingers nudged against your sweet spot.
Having been denied your first orgasm, your walls clamped sensitive around his fingers. He pumped his fingers in and out of you, scissoring your walls apart. He hooked his fingers against your sweet spot consistently.
"Don't you dare cum without my permission," He hissed, slamming his fingers inside you. Your thighs trembled and burned, your orgasm building in your stomach again.
You couldn't help it. You suddenly squirted on his fingers, panting and writhing as you let out a high pitched moan of pleasure.
"Tch," Scaramouche pulled his fingers out of you, licking them before he grabbed a handful of your hair. "What a filthy whore, cumming without her Master's permission," He hauled you off the bed by your hair, making you yelp.
He shoved you down onto your knees, pushing his cock against your lips. "Open up and suck, slut. Beg for forgiveness on your knees," Keeping a tight grip on your hair, he brought your face closer to his cock.
Your tongue curled out to lick the head of his aching cock. "I'm sorry, Master. Please forgive me, please," You licked up and down his cock, sucking lovingly on the tip.
Scaramouche groaned, pushing your mouth down onto his cock. Your throat spasmed as you choked, enjoying seeing the tears well into your eyes. "Keep talking, slut," He took your mouth off of his cock, glaring down at you.
"Please, Master. Please forgive me for cumming without permission," You pleaded, looking up at him as you sucked on the head of his cock again, "I promise I won't do it again."
Holding your head in place, Scaramouche thrust his cock back into your mouth. He seemed entirely uncaring, hitting the back of your throat. His pace turned harsher, using your mouth as he pleased until cum spilled into your throat.
"Swallow, fucking slut," He groaned, holding your mouth on his cock as you swallowed.
The way he tossed you back down onto the bed was almost gentle. Pining you down on the bed by your shoulders, he grinded the head of his still hard cock against your clit, making you squirm underneath him.
"Beg for it," He commanded, leaning down to kiss you. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, curling his tongue around yours. Sucking on your tongue, you moaned into his mouth. He bit your lips as he pulled away.
You wrapped your arms around him, clinging to him as you desperately sought more friction from his cock. "Please fuck me, Scara! Fuck me senseless!" You pleaded, grinding needily against his cock.
Growling, he abruptly thrust his cock inside of you, bottoming out with one snap of his hips. Your fingernails dug into his skin, your body seizing up in pleasure as he started thrusting.
His harsh, quick pace took your breath away. You could only choke out sobs and moans, pleasure curling tight through you. His cock squelched in and out of your weeping hole.
"Are you gonna cum?" Scaramouche asked, groaning huskily from the way his cock throbbed everytime your walls clamped around his cock. You nodded, letting out that whimper he always adored hearing as you nodded.
"Don't you fucking dare," He swiftly pulled his cock out of you, smirking when you cried out, your face crumbling being denied your release.
"Ugh, please Scara! Please can I cum now?! I'll be a good girl, I promise!" Your body shook with need for him, your clit throbbing. Your walls were clamping around nothing, begging for his cock to be back inside of you.
Roughly grasping your chin, Scaramouche kissed you again. His mouth swallowed your moan when he suddenly thrust back inside of you. You mewled in pleasure, clinging to him as he slammed his cock inside of you.
You felt every throb of his cock, his cum painting your walls white. The feeling of his warm cum filling you full made you squirt on his cock. He sloppily fucked you through your high, his lips never once leaving yours.
Before he pulled out of you, he renewed the biting bruise he always liked to leave next your throat.
"Good girl," Scaramouche cooed, rolling off of you. He nuzzled into your neck. He felt you return the action with a soft sigh.
Then you were quiet. "Kitten? Kitten?" You didn't answer him. You'd promptly crashed, exhausted. Scaramouche kissed you on the forehead, smiling softly down at you. He pulled you against his chest.
You were finally asleep.
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
ur wish is my command... MDNI
not canon for the plot!
505 | luke castellan
luke couldn't stand it. everyone seemed to second-guess him. oh, luke wouldn't it be better if we did this? what if we combined these two strategies? this doesn't make sense, luke! we should just stick to the original plan.
luke wanted to yell at everyone to tell them to shut up! gods, they were getting on his nerves. didn't they understand that what he says goes? he was the one enacting the plan for kronos. he was the one kronos approached. he was the one the titan trusted to lead the return of the golden age. not them.
maybe luke had gotten soft. ever since you joined his side of the fight, he supposed he's been a little bit pre-occupied with dealing with you. it wasn't his fault, though-- really it wasn't! it took two months for you to come crawling back to him, begging him to forgive you for ever turning your back on him, and two months was a long time for luke not to fuck his favorite girl dumb with his cock.
sure, he may have gone overboard on your first night (or first three days, more like) on princess andromeda, but he didn't care. now, though, since his loyal followers thought that they could run their mouth about how he was leading the cause, he started to care.
luke wasn't allowed to have a weak spot, but with you around, he feared that he was breaking that rule. that can't happen.
luke entered your shared room with a loud slam of the door. you were laying in bed, in one of his t-shirts and panties on, reading a book, patiently waiting for him to get back. he huffed as he stared at himself in the mirror, analyzing the creases between his eyebrows from his anger. he took off his shirt, wiping the sweat from his face, as you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso.
you pressed your face against his toned back, feeling his heartbeat against your cheek, "you're tense, baby. what's going on?"
"nothin'," he muttered, playing with backbiter that was situated by his thigh, confined in its scabbard. "they're just pissin' me off. think they know better than i do."
"they don't," you began kissing down his back, letting your lips linger a bit longer on his scars. luke closed his eyes at the feeling of your hands traveling down his abs, stopping shy at his belt buckle. "need to blow off some steam?"
luke bit his bottom lip at the sound of your voice, all sultry and sexy. he loved it when you did this. it's like you knew exactly what he needed. "you offerin', sweetheart?"
"always, baby," you tapped his bicep to make him turn around. he faced you, leaning down to start nipping at the expanse of your neck. his hands gripped your waist, pushing you closer to his hardening cock. you moaned as he sucked on your pulse point, "you know i'm yours to use whenever you want."
luke wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling on it slightly to have you look up at him. your eyes were narrowed, pupils blown wide. you were a sight to see. luke leaned down to your lips, making you whine when he didn't bother to kiss you. instead, his teeth took your bottom lip between them and bit down. he sucked on your bottom lip harshly as he grinded his hips against yours. he let go of your lip, running his tongue over the faint bite mark he left on it. "i knew i could count on you."
your hands fiddled with his jeans, popping off the button as you sank down to your knees. luke removed the scabbard from his belt loop and had backbiter in his hand. you were unzipping his pants, palming his cock through the fabric of his jeans and boxers. your eyes were glued on his happy trail and his abs, mouth watering as you imagined the weight of his cock in your mouth again. it's only been a few hours since luke fucked you, but you were so cock-drunk that it felt too long since.
luke wanted to see your pretty face as you pushed his pants down. he took the tip of backbiter and led it to the underside of your jaw. you froze at the cold metal against your skin and luke thought maybe he'd gone too far by putting the celestial bronze against your neck, but then you moaned. and any restraint luke had flew out the window.
luke chuckled darkly at your reaction and dug backbiter harder into your skin, not enough to draw blood, but enough to force you to look at him. your eyes were wide and dark, silently pleading for him to continue his actions. your bottom lip was poking out into a pout and luke wanted to take a picture of you right now to keep for himself for later. you looked so pretty like this, on your knees with his hard cock in front of your face, wearing his shirt, and his sword poking your neck.
"you like that?" he asked, letting his free hand cradle your jaw. he licked his lips as you placed a kiss on his palm-- a thank you of some sorts for unlocking a kink within you that you didn't know you had.
"yes," you sighed, feeling his thumb caress your cheekbone.
"oh, my baby," luke cooed, voice dripping with a mean, teasing tone. he tapped your jaw with backbiter twice, motioning for you to get up. you obliged and luke spun the two of you around so you were both facing the mirror. luke was behind you, lifting the oversized shirt above where your panties started. he moved your hair to one side, placing backbiter back on the side of your neck.
luke met your eyes in the mirror and he couldn't help but let a wicked grin take over his features. something about knowing that he's the only person who could get you in a position like this made a fire erupt in his chest. he was never a possessive person, but when it came to you-- you were his and he was going to make sure you knew that.
"you're gonna watch me fuck you with my sword against your neck," he whispered in your ear, teeth grazing over your earlobe. "sounds good, sweetheart?"
"s'good," you purred, leaning your head against his shoulder blade. you were already delirious and he hadn't even touched you yet.
luke pulled down his boxers and your panties, groaning at the arousal that stuck against the fabric. you were soaking. he pressed his tip against your eager pussy, hissing at the tightness. no matter how much he fucked you, it always felt like heaven when his cock pushed into your folds. he could never get tired of this feeling.
you moaned loudly when luke was all the way in, trying your best to keep your eyes open as pleasure took over your body. backbiter was still pushed against your neck, the feeling of the cold metal and luke's warm body against your back was the perfect contrast. luke's hips snapped against your ass. the sound of skin slapping was like music to his ears.
luke's eyes wandered to your face in the mirror, tongue poking out the corner of his lips when he saw your face contort in pleasure. your jaw was ajar as you mewled around his cock, eyes rolling back as luke hit that spot inside you that had you seeing stars. he'd fucked you enough times to know exactly where it was. luke watched as your ass bounced against him, flesh turning red at the constant pressure against it. a part of him wanted to make it difficult for you to sit down tomorrow.
as luke was getting close to his release, he removed backbiter from your throat and tugged on your hair. his other hand grabbed your jaw harshly and forced your head to twist so he could put his lips on yours. he roughly connected your lips, drinking in the sounds of your moans as his tongue explored your mouth. you were panting against his mouth, all breathy and desperate.
"i'm cumming," you whispered. luke separated your lips, turning your head to face the mirror again. he wanted to see you cum on his cock. it was his favorite view.
when your jaw dropped and your eyes screwed shut, luke sped up his thrusts as he felt your cum coating his cock. your pussy tightened around him and he had to grab onto the corner of the dresser beside him to steady himself. he came with long, spurts of cum coating your walls as you watched him fuck his cum deep inside you.
luke collapsed on top of your back, accidentally kicking backbiter away so that it hit the bottom of the dresser with a clang. when he heard you whimper as he pulled his softening cock out of you, all he could think about was how he'd gladly let all the stress and doubts of his team get to him more often if it meant he got to blow off steam like this.
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klaustozier · 1 year
brute ; miguel o'hara
SUMMARY: miguel is trying to work and you are not allowing him to concentrate.
warnings: miguel o'hara x fem!reader, MDI, miguel has sharp teeth as well as claws, remember that :); he will use his "web" to tie you up (I described how I thought it would be); oral (in both, but when you do it's rougher); slaps and spanking; degradation kink; mention of body hair (chest <3); nipple play; he is older (hihi); miguel swears in spanish (because i'm a whore); bigcock!miguel; there are no traumas here, miguel is not suffering from a loss, there is just fucking horny angry miguel here; no condom; light spit kink; no spoiler; and I described the way I think it would be easier to take his uniform off, I think the zipper is on the back, but it's not as sexy :3; begging; anal; gag
word count: 1.6k
english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes
i'm sorry for not deliverying the aib fics, but i'm kinda swamped and obsessed with spider-verse, so i wanted to make something different :)
hope you enjoy it!
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"You're getting on my nerves", said the older man.
You smiled innocently and rubbed your face against his knee, "Am I?"
Miguel was trying to work, he knew he shouldn't have brought you to the headquarters. You had promised you would behave and you had even kept your promise for half an hour. You soon got tired of just watching him tinker with all that technology and analyzing realities, it was boring just watching. So, like a good bored person, you tried to entertain yourself however you could. Your form of entertainment didn't match much with what Miguel planned for the day, he wanted to focus on work, but he soon noticed that you were ducking under his desk and started to bite his thigh still covered by the elastic cloth of his uniform.
It was no use asking you to stop, you continued as if he had no authority.
"I brought you to keep me company and not get in the way", Miguel said irritably, his handsome jaw locking.
"I just want to be close to you", you whispered, biting his thigh again.
"I hate you."
You smiled and rested your chin on his knee, "It doesn't look like it", and laughing softly, you felt the volume he displayed in his pants.
He took a deep breath, pulled his mask off with one hand and tossed it onto the table, his free hand grabbing your hair, pulling your face close to his, "You're testing me and you're not going to like where this is going. So stop."
"Am I really not going to like it, Miguel?", you asked, smiling wickedly.
"You won't", he agreed.
The elder clenched his free fist and pointed it downwards, immediately you reached your hands behind your back, feeling the warm red rope holding your wrists in place.
"Does it hurting?"
"No, sir."
He smiled showing his sharp fangs, "You're gonna wish you weren't such a dirty slut", he slapped you across the face and ran his thumb across your bottom lip.
"Please, Miguel…", you smiled, "Just take those gloves off, por dios."
He smiled, his sharp teeth shining in the reddish light of the office, "Puta madre…", Miguel took off the gloves of his beautiful uniform and slapped you once more in the face, receiving kisses on the palm of his hand, as if you were asking for forgiveness for hurting his hand with your face.
His hands were so beautiful, full of veins on the back and with long, sharp claws ready to destroy whatever he wanted.
If the uniform wasn't so perfect for Miguel, if it wasn't tailored to his body, maybe you could control himself, but you could see his thighs, the outline of his cock and ass, there was nothing that could distract you more.
The brunette's thumb slid across your tongue and saliva fell from his lips, earning a soft moan, seeing you roll your eyes before being kissed. His sharp teeth scraped gently against your bottom lip. His tongue rubbed against yours, your hands locked behind your body, the bright thread holding them together.
Miguel pulled the small zipper down the center of his uniform revealing his strong, broad chest. The short black hair spread across the skin, delicately cared for. The zipper continued down until it was under his cock, which was hard, pressed against the cloth glued to his body, resting to the left, pulsing gently.
"Do you want it?", asked the brunette, pulling his cock from his clothes, so thick and beautiful, the veins pulsing in the soft skin, the red tip begging for attention. You nodded desperately, "Then beg."
"Mr. O'Hara, please, I need to choke on your cock, fuck my mouth, please… I'm such a good girl…"
"Ah", he stopped you, holding up his finger, the long nail glistening, "We're not going to lie."
You chuckled and lifted yourself up towards his face, licking his lower lip, "I know how to be good, I just don't like doing it that much."
Miguel laughed softly and gave you a soft peck, "Stick your tongue out."
Promptly, you complied. Miguel took his cock and gently spanked your tongue with the tip, the soft wet sounds making you purr. Without any delicacy, the oldest held you by the hair and sank his cock into your mouth, forcing your head until your nose was pressed against his belly.
You moaned low feeling his cock once again widening your throat. Miguel sighed and groaned low, starting to move your head away from you, his hips rolling in opposite movements, thrusting into your mouth. Initially the movements were smooth, but soon they began to accelerate.
"Ay, carajo", he whispered, his low voice making you moan.
Your eyes watered, no matter how many times he fucked your mouth, your body always reacted that way. Your hands tried to force against the red webs on your wrists, your legs squeezing together to ease the throbbing on your pussy. He held your jaw just so he could watch his cock slide through your tongue.
Miguel positioned his leg between your legs, laughing evilly when you started to rub against him.
Pulling you by the hair, the brunette forced you to look at him, your mouth completely drooling and red, your eyes lowered, breathing hard, "Aren't you ashamed of being such a desperate slut? How ridiculous. You get dumb as fuck just because of a cock in your mouth..."
"Forgive me for being like this, sir, I can't control myself… what do I have to do for you to forgive me?"
Miguel smiled and said nothing, just kissed you desperately. His tongue once again dominating yours, his sharp teeth biting down on your bottom lip, controlling himself not to draw blood. His lips devouring yours.
"Lay it face down on my table."
Immediately you obeyed him. The brunette pulled your pants down and grabbed your legs, pulling them apart. His hands squeezed your ass tightly, his thumbs moving the lips of the delicate pussy apart, sighing, seeing how wet you already were.
"Ay, coño… all wet… fucking slut", he growled, giving a hard smack on your ass, making you moan.
You moaned slyly, your legs shaking, your face crushing papers that were on the table, feeling the wet tongue slide through your pussy, until it reached your clitoris. His hands rested on your delicate ass, squeezing, his claws pressing against the skin.
"Miguel", you whimpered.
"Slut", he chuckled, going back to his work.
His lips and tongue had fun with your pussy. Your hands ached trying to hold themselves in place, your legs shook, moaning.
"Miguel", you whispered, "can I cum?"
He grinned, slapping you hard on the ass, "No."
"Miguel… please… don't do that to me…"
"Shut up", he whispered.
The bright red web circled your face, gagging your mouth, not allowing you to continue to beg or cry. But that didn't stop you from muttering.
"Carajo, you don't shut up", he laughed at the whimper you gave, laying his body over yours, "If I get you full of cum, you stay quiet?"
You nodded, getting a slap on the ass. A soft moan escaped your lips as the tip of his cock rubbed through the wet pussy, gliding effortlessly.
"Fucking pussy."
A strangled moan caught in your throat, your mouth still gagged, as his cock sinking into you all at once, going deep.
His hands held you squeezing the flesh of your ass, using it support to help with the movements. As he thrust into you, he forced your body to do the opposite, just going deeper and deeper.
The sound of skin hitting skin filled the room. His moans low and rough, yours were muffled by the gag.
Your body started to shake on the table, you were about to cuj, but Miguel pulled out of you. He growled low seeing his cock all wet from all your pleasure.
"Open for me", he ordered, releasing your wrists.
You didn't have time to feel pain, your hands were routed by his rough hands to your ass, holding yourself open for him as he smeared saliva on your cock.
O'Hara positioned the tip of his cock in the tight entrance and began to force its way in. Big, strong body leaning over yours, crushing you against the table.
The gag was also undone so that the brunette could kiss you. His movements were less rough than before, but they were still accurate and made you whimper softly.
"You're going to be full of cum, princess", he whispered, his lips pressed against yours, his sharp teeth scraping on your lower lip on purpose.
"Miguel… please… I swear I'll be quiet, but let me cum… please… I beg you…"
"Of course, princess", he kissed you once more, his lips close to yours as he said, "Masturbate yourself for me."
And that's what you did, one of your hands went straight between your legs and you started masturbating frantically, desperate for relief. The other remained in place, leaving it open so he could continue to enjoy himself.
One of his strong hands tightened around your waist, keeping you in place and the other gripped your hair, kissing you desperately.
It didn't take long for you to cum even more after feeling his cum fill you. You panted heavily as he smirked and kissed you again.
"Now are you going to stop teasing like a whore?", asked Miguel getting out of you.
"Yes, sir, I will stop."
He chuckled, giving you, and yet, another slap on the ass, "Now come on, let's get you straightened up and get you something to eat."
And Miguel pulled you by the waist, adjusting your clothes and his so he could take care of you a little before he could go back to work.
well, i hope you liked it <3
please reblog and leave a like if you enjoyed it! and leave a comment with your thoughts, i would love to know!
maybe if there is a lot of comments i can comeback with a hobie story <3
see ya next time.
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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six-eyed-samurai · 11 days
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SUMMARY: Hitoshi has never been so annoyed by his new cat stealing your attention from him and ruining all your dates. A/N: I'M SO SORRY I LET THIS COOK IN MY DRAFTS FOR SO LONG AND I GOT LAZY AT THE END @/katsukistofu anyways, actual A/N: the cat's name can be interpreted as a reference to the Apothecary Diaries or a pun on meowing or in Chinese literally catcat WARNINGS: Mentions of poop (it's cat, what'd you expect) and probably very OOC Hitoshi (forgive me I haven't finished MHA)
Hitoshi wanted to throttle everyone in the room and then himself. Not the best way to start your mornings.
“Everyone in the room” was actually just his cat. Of course you could count Eri and Aizawa downstairs but in truth the only one Hitoshi wanted to actually (not really) throttle was the cat. Possibly himself later too when you inevitably get mad/laugh at him.
He doubted the cat in question knew that though. Or if Maomao knew that she didn't care. Hitoshi side eyes her from the mirror, still in the process of getting ready. She continues her washing on his bed, either very obliviously or very smugly.
Hitoshi liked cats. Loved and adored them, in fact. But ever since THIS particular, traitorous feline waltzed into his life he might make an exception.
It probably started when he introduced Maomao to you. He'd been pretty worried to how his new pet would take to you, because if his beloved girlfriend and precious cat didn't get along he'd get another reason for insomnia. Thankfully however, you had immediately fallen for the innocent-looking Calico, getting on your knees at once to pet and coo and fawn over her. Maomao, in turn, ate it up and made a huge racket when you had to leave eventually. So far, so good - until Maomao decided to subsequently betray the one who had adopted her and be a gigantic (beep)block.
Only Eri believed him when he was complaining about how every time he tried to cuddle you, bam, Maomao was there to yowl and get in between. Wanna kiss? Um, no, Maomao just had to run into your legs and beg for head pats. Close the door and sleep without her? Nah, no, nope, she stayed outside wailing and scratching. Enjoy a movie night? Haha, Maomao thought not, so of course she tipped over the popcorn bowl on purpose, right?!
One time Hitoshi gave you a kitty plushy that resembled Maomao. The cat in question (jealously, he swore to the wide eyed Eri) stole it and it still hadn't been found; she took a dump right beside her litter box to be petty as well.
You ate it up. You succumbed to her cute, beseeching eyes to hug HER (and not him), let her get in the middle of you two on the couch (you even shooed him away to make room) and the audacity! You always complained if he took up most of the blanket you two were sharing, and when Maomao hogged up everything? You let her.
He couldn't believe how you utterly believed the cat's obviously jealous, possessive nature. The nerve of Maomao, to steal his girlfriend when he was the one to rescue her!
While Eri believed him completely, no matter how cute she was it wasn't going to give him much credibility.
Therefore, as Hitoshi suspiciously watched Maomao saunter out of his bedroom, he was going to come up with a plan to FINALLY get some long overdue kisses, dates and affection from you without Maomao interrupting.
STEP 1: Begin by showing the cat who's boss.
Hitoshi glared viciously at the creature who had first crawled in between you and him, therefore interrupting yet another cuddle session before demanding you to go get her some more treats as if he hadn't just fed her an hour ago. To top it off Maomao was now triumphantly meowing at him and pawing at the plushy you had gifted him.
“You're not getting that. You might have my own girlfriend wrapped around your paw but you and I know what you're REALLY like.” Hitoshi wondered if his mind control extended to animals, particularly the one now hissing at his reluctance to hand over the plushy.
“First you steal my girl and now you want my plush? That's low, even for you.” The cat's eyes widened innocently as Hiroshi's narrowed. “Let's not forget who rescued you from the streets, Mao. Or who's been changing your kitty litter, feeding you or bought you all those toys. Remember I'M the one paying for all your vet and grooming visits. So the least you can do is at least let me enjoy one movie night with my girlfriend, thanks, instead of hogging up everything.”
Huh. He didn't actually think that would work. Maomao looked disdainful but trotted away.
You reappeared, holding a bowl of popcorn and setting down a bowl of Maomao’s cat food. “Hey, where'd she go?”
“Somewhere.” Somewhere where she was probably throwing a tantrum, Hitoshi meant, but he grabbed you and managed to spend a pleasant two hours getting snuggled and teasing you about your overreactions to the movie.
Then Maomao jumped on him and spilt the leftover popcorn everywhere before walking off proudly.
STEP 2: Attempt to appease your feline by providing them with more affection, food and playtime. Your cat may simply be feeling left out.
In other words, bribery was his next method.
Bribery and spoiling, really. For the next three days Hitoshi did his utmost best - Maomao was fed nothing but her favourites, Hitoshi bought her a new toy which they spent countless hours playing with, he let her nap in his bed, Eri helped him pick out a new collar, blah blah blah. Everyone absolutely showered Maomao with attention and affection. So far she seemed very pleased with herself, strutting her around with her tail swishing and purring loudly for all to hear.
Surely, surely, she wouldn't mess with the study session you and him were going to have, right? Right?
Hitoshi was beginning to believe that as time passed; the both of your heads were bent forward, trying to make sense of maths. The click of pens, the flipping of pages, the crunch of your third bag of chips were the only sounds around. He wasn't worried about Maomao’s silence either - she couldn't possibly be causing trouble while sleeping in a patch of sunlight.
“I think we did a pretty good job, ‘Toshi.” You stretched your arms, yawning exaggeratedly. “Not to be lazy but I really want a snack. Something grape flavoured.”
Hitoshi raised his eyebrows, lifting his eyes away from his essay. “No.”
“Oh come on, don't act like you're not hungry, I heard your stomach growling-”
“No as in I know exactly what “snack” you want. Enough eating those grape gummies. You're addicted.”
“Hitoshi!” You whined. “Stop outing me!”
In the end you both compromised with a bag of sour cream chips each, no sharing. Well, no sharing from your end, really - Hitoshi gave in with a sigh as you leaned towards him with puppy dog eyes when your bag empties, feeding you the chips. Maomao awakens and decides to drop by, meowing for the crumbs as well. Hitoshi shoos her away from his books, informing her she’s already eaten and he wasn’t even sure if cats could eat sour cream. Maomao sulks when he gives the chip she wanted to you instead.
But it turns out it’s Hitoshi that’s left sulking as Maomao leaps onto the table and knocks over his coffee all over the desk and steals the chips. While he won’t admit it to you or Maomao or anyone - yes he’s concerned about the sour cream thing and wasted half an hour researching if his stupid cat was going to be okay.
STEP 3: If that fails try asking someone else to care for your cat while you both are away.
“Don’t forget to feed Maomao, she’s not supposed to have-”
“Hitoshiiii! I know!” Eri makes a face, hugging the cat close to her chest as she rolls her eyes and pouts. “Trust me, Maomao’s my cat as well!”
“Yeah, but you’re still taking her to your friend’s house, so I don’t want anyone getting into trouble.”
“Quit being a worrywart! Go have fun with your loooooooover!”
“You know what, the faster you leave, the happier I’ll be,” Hitoshi grumbled, pushing Eri out of the door gently to where Aizawa was waiting impatiently. “Shoo, homewrecker.”
“Bye, Hitoshi!”
“Good riddance.” He gives her a side hug anyway. Maomao hisses, annoyed she was being forced to leave. Hitoshi paid her no mind, seeing as she had been throwing hissy fits all day as if she knew you were coming and Maomao wouldn't be around.
You come over soon, exclaiming over the loss of his cat’s company, but you get over it quickly. You both have the house to yourself, after all, and the freedom to do whatever you wanted until Aizawa came back. Hitoshi's guardian needn't have been suspicious of you both getting up to no good however; you both wound up wasting most of your time making dinner - a shockingly complicated recipe you had insisted on.
“I'll bring the ingredients, you don't have to worry about anything!”
Pfft, yeah right, now he has to worry about the mess you’re - fine, you both are - making in the kitchen. The floor’s all wet, the sink is overflowing, it’s a literal water park. The recipe wasn’t even halfway done yet.
“You know what, I’m going to get a mop, you can continue with - whatever it is you’re doing.” Hitoshi pinches the bridge of his nose in mock exasperation. You roll your eyes but agree, huffing as you push your sleeves back again.
“By the way, where’s Maomao?”
“Eri took her to a sleepover. Didn’t think she liked that idea much though.”
“Real! Maomao only ever wants to be with you,” you laughed.
“Nah, more like you,” Hitoshi grumbled. “She’s never happy when she’s not there and you are.”
“Mhm, you’re-” You’re cut off by Hitoshi’s unexpected yelp and the clanging coming from the bathroom where he’s gone to go fetch the mop. Dropping whatever you’re holding you rush over there in a panic. “Toshi! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, that stupid cat took a shit here!”
“Isn’t she toilet trained? Did you step on- Oh god. You stepped on it.”
“Stop laughing at me!”
Even gone the blasted cat still managed to ruin a date. Hitoshi fumed silently.
STEP 4: Still unsuccessful? Try giving them a new friend, as they might be acting out from loneliness.
This particular method, unfortunately, quickly backfired on him.
“Aw look! They’re playing together, Jirou!”
“Huh, didn’t think Sora was capable of playing gently. She nearly gave Kaminari a heart attack jumping at him the other day.”
“Hey! Jirooooouuuuuu!”
“No, wait, Maomao, don’t do that!”
“Sora stop barking so loudly-”
Hitoshi’s overly exaggerated groan is barely heard over the din. His head lolled back, staring up at the sky. “Are we biking or not at this rate?”
Not that anyone heard him. You’re too preoccupied with cooing over Maomao, Jirou and her boyfriend Kaminari Denki trying to get their new puppy to stop eating rocks. It was supposed to be a biking-trip-at-the-park-double-date, for heaven’s sake, how did it spiral into this?
Maomao pawed at his leg. Hitoshi tilted his head back forward to glare half-heartedly at her. “You’re lucky you’re so cute. It’s your fault again.”
He’s even more offended when Maomao opts to sit in YOUR bicycle basket rather than his. Denki’s - traitorous friend that he is - snickering at him before Sora pees on his shoe.
STEP 5: As a last resort, consider punishing the kitten. Do not give them attention in any way. It is called the time out corner for a reason.
“Where’s Maomao?”
“Pay no attention to her.” Hitoshi burrowed deeper into your neck, his tone a request. “She’s being punished right now.”
“…for what?”
“A lot of things.”
“….every time you come she steals your attention. Just let me enjoy this.” Hitoshi’s voice holds the smallest hint of a whine. You mentally stored that away. “She was meowing at the door waiting for you at 3 in the morning!”
You twirl a strand of his purple hair, barely hiding your smirk. Ah, so all along…”Is that bad your cat loves me more than she loves you?”
“I adopted her!”
“Oh my god. You really are jealous of your cat.” You couldn’t help it. You collapsed on your side, crying with mirth. Hitoshi sits up straight, insulted, taking a cushion off the couch to smack you with.
“Stop that! I’m not!”
“Say that again; you’re not even convincing yourself!” Oh god, this made so much sense. You wiped at your streaming eyes, coughing up the last of the laughter. “No wonder you were - I can’t - this is too funny - I thought you were acting a little weird the past fortnight - oh my god -”
“Fine, fine, stop laughing! I was jealous! There, I said it, you happy?”
“But why?” You fondly pulled your dumbass of a boyfriend closer, squishing his cheek. Even sulky he was still cute.
“She keeps interrupting our dates.” Hitoshi’s voice is already muffled by your clothes but his muttering makes it worse.
“In all seriousness, Toshi, you could’ve just told me. We’ll remake all the dates without Maomao this time, alright? Swear on my life.” You even hold up a pinky.
His own grudgingly raises and locks it around yours.
“You can let Maomao out of punishment now.”
“Eh, no. She’s actually there because she scratched Aizawa’s car today.”
Alternatively, you could always just tell your girlfriend you’re jealous of the cat because the cat’s jealous of you both. She will immediately rush to reassure you and provide you with the much-craved, long-awaited affection you both had been denied by the cat.
Side effects, however, include providing her and everyone else with enough ammunition to tease you with for the next decade.
“Wait, Hitoshi was jealous of a cat?” Denki’s practically howling. Jirou sniggers quietly. “Does this mean he’s a pus-”
“Stop talking.”
Jirou nods appreciatively. “Now I wish i had mind control when it comes to this idiot.”
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ambrosialdesire · 1 year
what are your thoughts on yandere levi 😩
my thoughts are: HELL YES
assuming that this is captain levi you're talking about, he's an already pretty terrifying force to be messing with in the first place, whether you are part of the corps or the enemy. to add on the yandere trope onto his character, you're in deep trouble LOL
ngl for me, it really varies on what kind of yandere he is depending on who he's interested in. for now, i'm only going to be explaining the instances and scenarios of reader either being a survey corps low-ranked soldier, marleyan captain enemy, and civilian.
i didn't mean for this to be so long but levi's been one of my favorites since middle school (literally was insane for him back then before reiner's s4 glowup lolol)
this is written as a gender-neutral reader sorta, no pronouns are used but it's slightly implied that this is a fem reader.
tw: manipulation, abuse of power, inappropriate touching, possessive behavior, implied non-con, implied mind-breaking
if you're part of the survey corps but serving as a low ranked soldier compared to levi, he constantly abuses his power over you. it doesn't show at all that he likes you, it's him mostly making you do things for him like you were his personal secretary. he takes you out of training to clean his office instead (he'd make you do it over and over again if it's not up to his standards), takes you away from your lunch group so you can boil his tea for him, sometimes just pulling you out of anything you're doing just to hang around him. at first, you were excited to take any job from him, after all, levi's one of the top soldiers in the corps. it was completely out of respect for the man until you begun to realize that he's just using you to only do "desk-jobs". you start getting sick of doing meaningless jobs for him but you're terrified of even saying anything about it to humanity's strongest soldier. levi's never going to be the really touchy type in any of my renditions of him being a yandere, but you've occasionally felt his faint touches around certain parts of your body as if a ghost had brushed past you; other times, he sternly grips your forearm or shoulder whenever he's in a not-so-pleasant mood. since him and erwin are buddy-buddy, he turns an eye with his behavior towards you, telling you that he would report the mistreatment to the higher-ups but really just throw away the files. he doesn't want his best soldier to falter anytime soon and you being a little special treat to satiate his appetite is nothing short of a itty bitty loss in the ranks. he's manipulative, wavering the threat of forcibly having you dishonorably discharged when you don't do as you're told. you wouldn't want your family to know that you're a shameful excuse of a soldier, would you? so be a good little pet, get down on your knees and beg for his forgiveness by any means necessary.
if you're a marleyan enemy soldier, especially a captain like him, FUCK there's so much tension between the two of you. his paradisian devil soldiers made a complete mess that night, killing many of the underlings and your coworkers, incapacitating the warriors as if they were nothing short of pests. you saw the absolute speed of that man who tore through one of the hinges of galliard's jaw and completely cut down jaeger's beast titan form, swearing nothing but completely hatred for that demon. levi thought you were interesting the moment he spotted you witnessing his attacks, eyes wide with admiration but stewing with disgust at the same time. there was a certain kind of fear that he's never seen before and the two of you shared a long stare before you took a shot, barely missing your intended target: him. a frustrated scream ripped out of you as you had to powerlessly watch them leave through one of the many blimps in the air. you didn't realize that he soon shot his ODM spears towards you, zipping in your direction and kicking you down to the ground. it was like he teleported in front of you as he stood over your body but you were soon knocked out with the butt of your own rifle. you woke up tied to a chair, hair being pulled back and gaze focused on the blinding light above you. he started asking questions, hitting you around like a training dummy but you refused to budge no matter how much pain you were in, spitting and laughing at his face. one of his comrades told him that it was useless trying to make you spill out anything, that they already knew everything that they needed to know from the marleyan defectors and zeke. part of his motivation for this (at that point in the anime) is because he's so sick of losing everyone important in his life so having someone to control, knowing what the outcome is because their future is strung by his own hands, it made the pain easier to deal with. on your side, for some godforsaken reason, he refused to let you go or kill you. oh no, no, no. he wants you to break. he wants that terrified, but idolized look in your eyes again. levi wants you to completely forget the person you are and who you served, only becoming his sweet and obedient marleyan prisoner.
if you're just an average citizen, it's a slow build-up of when levi began to take an interest with you. it was on accident but he starts to occasionally spot you whenever the scouts come back from outside expeditions, eyes wandering over the injured with a sullen expression. he couldn't decipher whether you felt simply ashamed of their loss again or that you felt bad that they had to keep doing this to themselves. that's usually only the few times where he sees you, usually trying to keep to himself and ignore the other bystanders. you were always there however, as if his eyes were automatically always darting to the same spot when he looked over into the crowd. when hange forced him to get out of the stuffy corps building and out into the city, he found himself staring at you while you serve drinks out to customers. it's filthy the way you brush your hand against theirs, winking at them to rub it even more. it was reminiscent, as if he was back watching an underground whore working for better tips. it felt strange seeing you outside of something he was used to, especially if it's something as deprecating as this back-alley bar. levi couldn't stop himself from standing up and trudging over to you when some pig put his hands on you, more so from what you're obviously comfortable with. it felt like he was back in the underground, the way he dug his fists into that sorry son of a bitch's face, fighting the group of men that he was with as well. hange eventually joined in as well, cheering in joy as they threw a beer glass into some guy who was sneaking up behind him. as the fight started to get more insane, he snatched you away from the scene when the moment was right (he may have left hange behind but they're more than capable of handling themselves in a fight). you thanked him profusely and offhandedly mentioned that you were definitely not working back there again after what happened. it could've been the traces of alcohol in his system or the adrenaline, but he kissed you right there. you pushed him away of course, completely shocked that the humanity's strongest had literally just kissed you unwarrantedly. he wanted to take his time to get to know you, he really did. yet levi realizes that he's no different from the disgusting man that he had just beat his face in, his grip around your arm tightening as he forces you against the grating wall in the dark alleyway.
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bravo4iscool · 4 months
(not proof-read!)
My father never talked a lot
He just took a walk around the block
'Til all his anger took a hold of him
And then he'd hit
simon flexed his fingers, his knee bouncing up and down. he needed to calm down, he wanted to calm down. he thought about leaving the house for a few moments to not run into your or the kids but he quickly crossed this off his list.
no, he would stay here and work through his anger instead of fleeting it. he would actually try to solve it before finding his escape at the shooting range.
he wasn’t like his old man. he would never be.
My mother never cried a lot
She took the punches, but she never fought
'Til she said, "I'm leaving, and I'll take the kids"
So she did
simon didn’t like to see you cry. no matter if he was the reason or not. he despised it. seeing tears streaming down your face made him feel like his world was falling apart; because it was. you were his world. you and your kids.
and never in a million years simon would lay his hands on you or your kids. he would rather shoot himself.
sometimes—when it seemed like he couldn’t calm himself down—he thought about what would happen if you would walk away from him. it made him realize what he would lose if he wouldn’t be able to keep himself in check.
seeing you walk away from him—with the kids—in front of his inner eye gave him a certain calmness. it made him still and think about why he was angry and if it really was necessary that he was angry.
Scattered 'cross my family line
God, I have my father's eyes
But my sister's when I cry I can run, but
I can't hide
From my family line
simon didn’t know how many mirrors have suffered the force of his fist already. sometimes it was at night when his tried self was looking back at him through the mirror, sometimes it was during the day when the anger took a hold on him and he thought his father was staring at him, mocking him.
when ever he looked at the mirror too long he saw his reflection shifting into a picture of the bastard who had the audacity to call himself his dad. and simon would grip the sink, of even afraid of breaking it with the force of his grip.
and in moments—when you weren’t able to get him in time—his fist would collide with the mirror. but when he looked at the scattered pieces on the floor, he didn’t see his father anymore. no. he saw him. he saw tommy.
afterwards he would sit in silence as you whisper soothing words while patching up his hands with careful, loving and gentle hands.
“you’re not him,” you would tell him, before you kiss his forehead and keep him close.
It's hard to put it into words
How the holidays will always hurt
I watch the fathers with their little girls
And wonder what I did to deserve this
How could you hurt a little kid?
I can't forget, I can't forgive you
'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me
when simon held his first child in his arms he was afraid. he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to live up to the role as a father. he was afraid he would fail. not only his child but also you.
he could still remember the days he spend crying in the backyard as a kid because it seemed like everyone had a loving father but him. everyone’s life was good and fun except his.
he would watch his friends play with their parents from afar and he would pray and beg that his father would change, even tho he knew he never would.
simon never understood why he needed to take blow after blow, punch after punch, burn after burn but he did. he never understood why his father didn’t love him. he never understood how anyone could love him.
because his mother loved him and she left. tommy loved him and he left. tommy’s wife loved him and she left.
everyone who ever loved him left.
except you. you had stayed. you didn’t go anywhere. and he was keen on keeping it that way.
Oh, all that I did to try to undo it
All of my pain and all your excuses
I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
(Someone who loves you wouldn't do this)
All of my past, I tried to erase it
But now I see, would I even change it?
Might share a face and share a last name, but
(We are not the same)
simon went to therapy. he tried at least. he never lasted more than two sessions, maybe three. he felt like it didn’t help him. he felt like he was shutting himself down even more after ach session.
every therapist had tried to work through what his father did and why he did it but nobody understood that simon knew why his father did what he did. no one understood that simon was aware of what his father did.
he tried to erase it, tried to forget about it but he couldn’t. it was chasing him down, finding every single hideout he so carefully constructed for himself. he couldn’t escape who he was and what he’s been through.
but you, you didn’t care about that. you didn’t care about who he was and what had happened to him. you loved him for who he was now and what he was doing now. and you made sure to tell him that.
“you might be a riley but a name doesn’t carry what you might think it does.” that’s what you told him when he finally opened up about his fears about ending up like his father. “you carry your fathers dna, yes but you also carry your mothers and your mother was a lovely woman from what you told me.”
you would pull him into your arms while sitting on the couch, your hand gently playing with his hair. “you decide who you are and who you want to be. not your name and not your dna. you won’t be like your father if you don’t want to be like him. and i know you don’t.”
simon cried whenever you told him that. he would cry into your chest, seeking all the comfort he could. “you share the same name but you’re not the same,” you whisperd into his ear as you pulled him closer to you, your arms tightening around him.
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tag list - @bumblebeesfromvenus @yazt09 @blackhawkfanatic
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anawrites3 · 3 months
“Is she mine?”
This is a bit dark because I got into Apprentice Dick mood so watch out :3
Dick couldn’t breathe. He was frozen under the heavy gaze of that ice-cold eye, pinned underneath it with no way to escape.
“Is she mine?” Slade demanded, voice as hard as the set of his jaw when he ground his teeth together.
He wasn’t meant to be here. He wasn’t meant to learn about it, not a word and not a whisper. Dick made sure to leave no trails when he left and he was so sure- it was over the year-
The baby in his arm babbled softly and only that made Slade look away from him. Dick felt as if a spell had been lifted off of him and he hurriedly took a few steps back, cupping his hand more protectively around his babygirl’s head.
“How did you find me?” Dick breathed out.
Maybe he shouldn’t have spoken at all because fury lit up in Slade’s eye like a flame. The man stepped closer and Dick backed away instinctively but it didn’t take more than a few more steps before his back was pressed against a wall with no way to escape.
“Answer me!” Slade growled, slamming a hand against a wall. Dick flinched, immediately shoving at Slade’s chest to push him away, keep him away to not crush his daughter. “Is she mine?”
And there was no point in lying, was there? Slade already knew the truth, he always did yet he always asked anyway, just to hear Dick say the words.
“Yes.” He whispered, throat tight even without Slade’s hand around it. “Yes, she is.”
“And yet you dared to hide her from me.” The man drawled lowly, grabbing Dick’s jaw and forcing his head higher, high enough for their eyes to meet properly again. “You dared to lie and to run. You thought I’d never find out, didn’t you, little bird?”
And maybe Dick should drop to his knees and beg, beg to be spared and forgiven. Slade liked it when he begged – there was no way the man would just forgive him, not for a sin like that, but he could get more merciful if Dick pleaded enough. But Dick was so tired. So tired of running, of always looking over his shoulder.
“I hoped-” He sobbed, chest heaving where his girl was pressed to his heart. “I hoped to never see you again. I hoped to lose you and everything you did to me but I knew- I knew it won’t be possible. Not for as long as she’s with me and I- I could never leave her, even if she reminds me of you every time I so much as glance at her.”
His Master watched him shake and cry, watching him as if he was something fascinating. And maybe he was, to Slade. To the man who did his damned best to take everything from him, who continued to take from him even when Dick ran away to the other side of the world.
“I should punish you.” Slade murmured, when Dick’s sobbing quietened down to just hitched breaths. He wiped at the tears adorning Dick’s face, his touch mockingly gentle. “And I will. I will punish you, Apprentice. But not now. After all, you did take good care of her.”
Dick continued to cry as Slade caressed his face, pressing gentle kisses to his forehead and cheeks.
“Please-” He cried, gripping Slade’s shirt with shaking fingers. “Please- don’t hurt her-”
Because it would be the easiest way to hurt him, the easiest way to make Dick obedient-
“Shh.” Slade stroked his fingers along Dick’s cheek. “She’ll be safe, you have my word. You just need to learn your place first, little bird. But you don’t need to worry about anything – I’m here now. I’m going to take care of everything.”
And as Slade gently took his daughter away from his arms, Dick didn’t doubt for a second that it was true.
I'm going off hiatus soon and I'm really really looking forward to the Apprentice Dick challenge I mentioned some time ago right here! So stay tuned guys <3
oh and maybe it's a good time to drop my ko-fi link. We learned recently that we need to do some renovation so please consider tipping me <3 No pressure of course but it would mean the world to me <33
You can find my ko-fi right here
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whiskeyghoul · 19 days
Reprimand || [Secondo/Papa Emeritus II X F!Reader]
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A/N: Hello friends. Different from my previous criminal minds fics I decided to dip my toes in writing Ghost fics. Since I watched rite here rite now the flames of this fandom have been awakened once more. I am literally going insane. This fic got a bit out of hand. Like… I am not sorry but yeah it is long.
Credits: Divider by @wrathofrats
WC: 6,1K 
Tags: p with plot, ghost, ghost band, secondo, punishment, purely self indulgent. 
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, unprotected,  p in v, spanking, abuse of power if you squint, just all of them…
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3 times. 3 separate times you have managed to embarrass yourself in front of the head of your satanic church. Papa Emeritus the second was not known to be one of the more forgiving papas. In all fairness he scared you a little, he was cold, intimidating. Every time you ran into him he made you tremble, perhaps that is why you embarrassed yourself so many times. Though something about his imposing presence filled you with a conflicting feeling. Along with feeling intimidated, a little scared to anger him, you felt a certain attraction. 
The first time you embarrassed yourself, well, it was a doozy. You had joined the satanic church not too long ago. Settling in as a sister of sin quite well. The role assigned to you was mostly library duty, having a great insight in organization and keeping an inventory of texts, scripts and tomes along with other satanic literature. You were standing on a step stool, rearranging a shelf of books to make space for a new addition to the library. Softly humming to yourself, lost in thought as you pulled one of the larger books from the shelf. The biblichor filling your nose was wonderfully sweet and dusty. Giving it a thorough wipe with a dusting cloth. The gold embellishments shone on the leather as you tilted it side to side. 
You were pulled from your thoughts as a smooth voice cleared its throat next to you. “Hand me that book on the top shelf. If you could.” You turned awfully fast, the book slipping from your hands in surprise. A squeak passed your lips as you felt your heartbeat pick up. A pained groan leaving the man before you as you just realized you dropped one of the heavier texts on the feet of Papa Emeritus the second. “Sorella.” His voice was low, his eyes dark and brows furrowed. Nose flaring as he took a deep breath. A scrutinizing gaze that made your hands tremble, your knees weak. “Papa! I am terribly sorry! Oh Sathanas, please forgive me.” You rambled an apology, trying to step down quickly from the step stool to go fetch something, anything, to lessen the blow of the book. Instead, in all your nerves and bumbling about, you nearly planted your face first into the ground. That would be if he hadn't reached out, grabbing your arm in a strong grip to keep you from falling face first. You found your footing, feeling your face flare bright red at the foolish display you had just made of yourself. His hand left your arm, and with it it's surprising warmth. “Once again, I apologize, Papa.” A stammering message you were, trying to beg for forgiveness from the figure you had only envisioned as intimidating. Only ever having spoken in passing, literally, a simple exchange when you walked past. Or watched him sermon, powerfully, passionately. Those sermons left you wondering at times, what he would be like to speak to.
You were waiting for him to scold you. Your eyes cast downward to your neatly polished black heels, suddenly every speck of dust on them was interesting to you. Remembering the book at his feet you quickly knelt down, picking it up and clutching it to your chest. Your heartbeat hammering against the leather bound book. “I asked for the book on the top shelf.” He stated it simply but firmly, not the scolding you expected. Maybe, he was giving you some reprieve for being new. “Ofcourse, I'm sorry.” You quickly stepped on the step stool, carefully this time. Placing the book in your hands back on its respective shelf. Reaching up to the book that laid horizontally on the top shelf. Your hands were trembling as you picked it up. Habit feeling too tight, too short, as you brought down the book. Looking down ever so slightly as you handed the book to Secondo. Whose eyes flicked up to your face from somewhere lower. “Thank you, sorella, now. Do not let it happen again. These are priceless after all. You shall be off with a warning. Only one.” His mismatched eyes bore into yours as he spoke. You swallowed thickly, eyes wide, nodding your head. “Ofcourse, thank you, Papa.” words all falling from your mouth without thinking. “Continue your work then.” He turned, his robes moving elegantly as he walked out of the library. Leaving you to wallow in self pity at the fool you made of yourself.
The second time, a ghoul came with the message that Secondo had instructed you to gather papers and texts from the library to bring to his quarters. He even sent a list. Eager to please after the previous embarrassment, you agreed in a heartbeat. When you had found everything you made your way towards the wing of his room, arms filled with old tomes and yellowed paper. Sore from the weight of it. You didn't understand why he would need all of these, but it must have been for some important research. Most of the texts in your arms were old, rare, and barely anyone picked them up in the library. Yet he had asked for them specifically. Heels clicking on the tile as you made way down the hallways to his quarters, reaching the door you realized there was no way for you to knock. You furrowed your brows, deciding to twist so your elbow hit the door twice. As close to a knock as you could get. “Enter.” Secondo's voice sounded from the other side of the wooden door. Staring at the door knob you had to think of something. You knocked again with a sigh. “Enter.” His voice sounded annoyed, clearly he was busy. Or perhaps having a bad day. “I- I brought the books.” You spoke loudly, hoping he'd be able to hear you. There was a muttered word you couldn't quite make out before he spoke again. “I expected that. I said, enter.” He sounded ticked off now, voice laced with the barest hint of anger.
You sighed, furrowing your brows as you tried to maneuver your elbow and hip just so that you could turn the doorknob. Pushing against it to make it easier to open. With a click, the door swung open, leaving you unbalanced and falling through the open space. The books and texts falling to the floor. Sprawling out onto the wood and carpet. “Cazzo!” Secondo cursed as he stood up. You scrambled onto your knees, gathering the papers closest to you as you repeated continued apologies. Forgetting the pain in your nose and elbows from where you fell. Not even feeling the warm drip that slowly slid down to your lips. Eyes glued to the books and papers on the floor. “Those are priceless artifacts. Idiotta. How are you even considered to handle these when you are so incompetent. Dropping books here and there.” His footsteps came close, coming to a halt right in your field of vision. Still, you didn't dare to look. “I am so sorry, Papa, you are right. I should be more careful.” Your hands never stilled their work, piling up the books in front of you. “Look at me when I am talking” His voice commanded. Your head snapped up, swallowing thickly as you caught his mismatched eyes again. The blood from your nose dripping on your habit. “You are like a bumble bee. Flying into everything, causing chaos in our system. We do not need a bumbling idiota to ruin our priceless artifacts.” He was right. In his presence you were terribly clumsy. He made you nervous. Your heart beat faster. Hands feeling uncharacteristically clammy all of a sudden. And your face once again heating with a fierce embarrassed blush.
“Now, corporal punishment seems redundant.” His eyes flicked down, where the blood dripped down to your habit, landing just on the swell of your breast. A harsh exhale sounded through his nose. “Fix your habit, sorella. I expect everyone to be in pristine condition. Even the bumble bees.”  His remark was snide. You could imagine what you looked like to him. On your knees, blood dripping down your nose and mouth, reaching your chin to drip down further onto your habit and grucifix. Eyes wide, hands placed on your thighs, trembling ever so slightly. You licked your lips, tasting the metallic of your blood and embarrassment. You must have looked like a mess. Scrambling to your feet you wiped at your nose, finally daring to move with his permission. The blood staining the white cuff around your wrist. “I'm sorry again, Papa.” You repeated an apology before heading out the door and to your own quarters to change. Terribly disappointed in yourself you decided in that moment things needed to change.
So now you were here. The third time you were walking down towards the chapel with another sister of sin, you had been asked to bring the unholy communion to prepare for the mass that night. Being on your best behavior since the previous incidents. Your workload seemingly increasing, your proximity to secondo growing closer with each task he bestowed upon you. No more books dropped, no more stumbles, you did everything to behave and paid close attention to any movement you made. The efforts were working, Secondo had even so much as complimented you for it after you had helped prepare the altar for a ritual. In his own way. “Sorella, I've noticed a lack of bumble bees around. Your efforts don't go unnoticed. Well done.” hearing those two last words made your heart flutter. Perhaps it was due to finally receiving praise, or it was specifically receiving praise from him. Every look from him made your heart beat faster. Every chaste, accidental touch made you wonder what his hands would feel like on your body. Your thoughts wandering back to that second time, when he had mentioned corporal punishment. What that could mean, what he could do in that office of his. Especially after hearing a few of the sisters speak about singular thrysts they had had with him.
The pitcher of wine was surprisingly heavy in your hands. The fragrant wine was a deep, blood red. As you walked down the hallways you took careful steps, trying not to let the wine slosh over the side of the pitchers. “I don’t understand why we can not keep it in the bottles.” You sighed as you almost spilt a drop of wine. “Honestly it is probably just rituals left over from years ago. I'm almost certain they did an unholy prayer over them.” The sister, Elaine, answered in turn. You rolled your eyes at that, never understanding why traditions couldn’t be changed. “It feels almost like it is inevitable to spill it though.” You spoke, trying to keep up with Elaine. “Perhaps that is why you were asked to help.” She returned, a small smirk as she walked so effortlessly with the pitcher in hand. “What do you mean?” You hoped tales of your clumsiness hadn't yet spread all throughout the church. It was likely though. People talked, gossip was a given. “You don't know what they have been saying?” Elaine turned her face towards you with furrowed brows. A curious expression on your face. You shook your head no, truly not an idea of what she could be talking about. “Well, you have been given a lot of tasks by Secondo, have you not?” She questioned. “Yes, I thought he did so with most siblings.” you answered, honestly. Elaine shook her head no, a smirk playing at her perfectly painted lips. “Oh no, he's been testing you. Seeing if you will trip up again. He needs a reason you see.” Her voice lowered to a whisper as you walked. “A reason for what?” You asked, no longer paying attention to what was ahead of you. Fully invested in the information divulged. You rounded a corner together. “A reason to punish.” She smirked. The way she said it implied less than conventional punishment.
As you did you hadn't noticed the man you were just speaking about, a mere two steps away. “Sorella.” His voice was low and you jumped. Like you were caught red handed, gossiping about your papa. The pitcher of wine sloshed, the dark red liquid spilling out and down the front of your habit. the sound of it hitting the floor was incredibly loud in your ears. Watching as drops smattered outward and staining your shoes and stockings. Along with the hem of Secondos's papal robes. You had been doing so well. All efforts ruined by a simple muttering. By not paying attention to where you were going. Your eyes flickered to Elaine whose expression was a mix of amusement and horrified. Then, they landed on the stern expression of Secondo. His nostrils flared as he eyed your drenched habit. “Sec- Papa, I'm sorry, you frightened me. I- I should go get this cleaned up. I apologize.” The words fell from your lips in rapid succession, feeling the tension in your shoulders as you held on to the, now empty, pitcher like it was your life line. “No.” That one single word shut you up. Quickly shutting your mouth as you felt a shiver run down your spine. Maybe it was the wine, wetting your habit and making it cold and clingy. Or maybe it was the effect Secondo had on you. “Get a ghoul to clean this.” He turned his head to Elaine who nodded quickly,  “ofcourse, Papa.” She spoke before leaving. Her heels clicking against the floor, trailing off and away.
“You are coming with me. Punishment seems only fair.” His hand wrapped around your upper arm, harshly pulling you along to where you knew his quarters to be. “I truly apologize. I've been trying my hardest. Please, Papa, forgive me.” He didn't listen to your begging. It didn't matter to him what you said in that moment. He seemed enraged. “You beg for forgiveness when you just blamed me for your incompetence?” He nearly hissed the words as he opened the door to his quarters. Pulling you inside and leaving you at the entrance. “I didn't- no! That's not what I meant! I'm sorry!” You tried to scramble, take back the words you had said. It wasn't your point to blame him at all. “Strip.” He commanded. Mismatched eyes trained on you as he took a step away. Discarding his robe to reveal a sinfully tight button down tucked into slacks. Delicate embroidered grucifixes on the collar. Combined with the papal painted, it was a sight to behold. You froze. Jaw slack. Mind going a hundred miles an hour, not comprehending his words and his actions together. “What?” You were like a deer in the headlights. “You are dripping red wine. We can't have you spoil the carpet in my office, can we? So, strip.” His voice did something to you, the firmness left no room for questioning. “Of-ofcourse.” You spoke with trembling hands reaching up to take off the white collar, its pristine condition forever marred with deep purple red blotches. “Leave it at your feet. The wood can be cleaned.” Secondos voice commanded and you nodded your head ever so slightly. Dropping the piece of cloth down to the floor.
Then, your hands moved  to the back of your dress. Slipping down the zipper with practiced ease. you could hear your own heartbeat, feel it pulsing under your skin, each of your nerves on end as Secondo scrutinized every move. Slipping your arms from the garment, it fell to the floor in a pile at your feet. You felt naked. Every hair standing on end as the cool air hits your skin. The cool metal of your grucifix resting right in the middle of your sternum, falling between your breasts. You crossed your arms, trying to hide away from his burning eyes. “Feeling shy, sorella?” There was a hint of amusement in his voice, as if he enjoyed seeing you uncomfortable. “Well, I have a lot more planned to put you in your place. Maybe you will learn.” He added before walking over to the large, wooden desk that stood near the end of the room. Picking up a glass along with a crystal carafe, amber liquid sloshing around the bottom. He poured a glass, taking a sip and looking rather satisfied before topping it off. “This.” He said as he walked back over, “This is a whiskey, gifted to me when I became Papa. 25 years old, single malt, a bottle costs over 500 euros. You are to not spill a single drop from this glass. Easy enough, no?” He stared deep into your eyes, holding out the glass.
"Yes, Papa.” You said, as you reached out. It should be easy enough. Though the glass was shallow, and filled much higher than it should be. But standing there and holding a glass, even with your current trembling hands you could do that. He quickly moved it back ever so slightly out of reach.  “Not like this, that would be too easy. Come.” He moved to the left, where a leather couch stood, a coffee table to the side. You watched as he sat down, patting his lap with his free hand. A wicked smirk taunting you as you realized what was going to happen. “Naughty girls like you deserve a spanking. Don't you think?” He tilted his head in your direction. His eyes traveling down your body with a hint of hunger. Dropping your hands to your sides, clenching them in small nervous fists. “You're right, ofcourse.” There was no reason to argue. You could feel a knot tighten in your stomach, as you clenched your thighs together for a mere second. Hoping that the sudden onset of arousal was just an illusion. You took the few steps to close the distance, standing in front of Secondo who tilted his head up to look at you. “Don't make me wait too long, bumble bee. Or should I extend the punishment already for your insubordination?” He patted his lap again, gloved hand on thick, sturdy thighs. “no, of course not.” You spoke softly as you were driven to action. Bracing a hand on one of his thighs as you laid yourself onto his lap. Your knees are unable to hit the ground, trying to find stability before you take a deep breath and remove your hands from the ground. Accepting the cold glass into your hands like an offering. “Here you go. Remember, not a drop gets wasted.” You nodded your head as he spoke. “Yes, I remember.” You said. “Good, I think ten will be fitting, yes?” It wasn't a question but still you agreed. 
You thought you were ready, taking in a deep breath through your nose. When that first spank didn't come you were a little confused. Tilting your head to have a look at Secondo, but as soon as you tilted your head the first spank came. Jolting forward at the sudden, sharp impact on the left side. The feel of the leather glove on your exposed behind stung. The size of his palm branding in your skin. You gasped, looking back towards the cup, realizing that if you spilled but a single drop you would only get yourself in more trouble. “Count them out, sorella.” He said as his hand rubbed gently at the skin for a second. The leather was somewhat cool now against the reddening skin. “One.” You spoke, voice teetering on quivering. Your eyes stayed glued on the cup this time, as you felt his hand leave your skin. It came down again with force, pushing the wind out of your lungs with a strangled groan. “Two.” You said, counting out like he had told you to. His hand once again rubbing at the supple skin of your ass.
Again. "Three." Each time he switched sides. Around the fifth spank you had to bite your tongue. His hand lingered longer than before, squeezing. Just inches away from where you could feel a wetness start to form between the folds of your pussy. Praying to Satan that he wouldn't notice. “How many was that, sorella?” You could feel him lean in closer, his weight shifting as he nearly whispered wanting your answer. His breath hitting the shell of your ear. "F-Five." “Half way, you are doing very well.” He praised. Those simple words, the way he was touching you enough to get you hot and heavy. You moved your hips involuntarily, trying to get some form of relief. A low chuckle escaped him, “Something wrong, little bee?” He asked and you shook your head no. “No, Papa, please, continue.” Your voice was whinier than you expected, high pitched and a little breathless. His hand left your ass, your eyes flicked up to see him remove his leather glove with his teeth putting it to the side before he spoke. “So eager to get reprimanded, I might get used to it.” He spoke and before you could comprehend it he spanked you two times in quick succession. The stinging a mix of pain and pleasure. “Seven!” You exclaimed as you held your hands steady. Trying to focus on the amber liquid rather than the feeling of large hands inching ever closer to your trembling pussy. Or the swelling you could start to feel press against your side.
“Eight!” “Nine!” Only one more, and you hadn't spilled a drop. Even though your legs were trembling, your arms felt a little sore from holding the cup, ass incredibly sore from the spanking, and not even to speak of the state of your panties. But you were doing good. Great even. “Last one, little bee, do well and I'll be able to give you something you might enjoy.” His breath hit the shell of your ear, feeling hot and intimate in a way. His words do nothing to help the state of your arousal. Only worsening as thoughts began to run through your mind. Pictures of what he might do flashing into your subconscious. When that final spank came you were shocked, jolting forward as his hand hit lower than you were expecting. Directly hitting your wet cunt. You couldn't help the strangled moan that tumbled from your lips. A rush of pain and pleasure flowing through your body. “You did so well, sorella.” His fingers languidly trailed up and down your clothed pussy, the wet fabric was sticky and clinging to every curve and fold. His fingers felt large, thick, through the cloth. “Though… It seems you have been enjoying this punishment more than anything.” A chuckle sounded out above you as his free hand picked up the glass from your hands. Taking a deep sip and letting out an appreciative sigh. “Is that why you are so clumsy, little bee? Have you been distracted by your papa?” His voice was taunting, as his hand continued his ministrations on your weeping cunt. “I-i have been doing my best.” You answered. Refusing to confess to what you both knew to be the truth. "Yes, you have.” his fingers left your cunt. A whimper escaping you at the loss.
It didn't last long though. The glass of whiskey was placed off on the coffee table before Secondo easily maneuvered you from his lap. Onto your knees in front of him. You could see the outline of his dick, straining against the black pants. Mouth watering at the sight of it. “You've been doing so well, wanting compliments no? Wanting to be seen, to be rewarded for your efforts?” He asked, his hand cradling your face almost tenderly. Like he hadn't just used it to spank you sore, to tease you over your clothes. You nodded your head yes, not trusting yourself to answer verbally. “I'll give you what you want.” His words were short before his tender touch turned to a grip. Pulling you up, as he stood smoothly. You nearly tripped but kept standing, your face in his strong grip as he led you to his desk. Turning so you were with your back towards it, he lifted you, forcing you to sit on the edge. The cool, polished wood smooth against your raw ass cheeks. When you looked up at him, you saw hunger in those mismatched eyes. A sight you had only fantasized about up till now. Licking your lips quickly, wetting them just before his lips crashed against yours.
A mix of harsh kisses, biting teeth as Secondo guided you to lay back against the desk. The kiss tasted of caramel whiskey, smooth, bitter and still sweet. His hands roaming over your hips, your waist, squeezing over your bra before they moved down. Eliciting moans and gasps from you that were swallowed up into the kiss. You couldn't wait any longer though, needing more from him than he was giving. Legs wrapping around his waist, a silent plea for him to be closer. Your hand wandered down on its own. Cupping the bulge straining in his pants. His groan didn't go unnoticed, low in his chest as your fingers applied pressure. “Such a tease, sorella.” He pulled away from the kiss. Unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke. The paint around his mouth is already starting to smudge by the sloppiness of the kiss. “I'm not a tease Papa, I want it.” You panted out, licking your lips as you watched him. The trail of hair down his chest being revealed inch by inch. The way it thickened towards the edge of his  pants. How solid his torso looked. “Not just now, ever since the library.” His words came out strained, as he worked to undo his belt. The clinking of it signaled its removal, before the zipper sounded. “I didn't tease, I was surprised.” You countered, sitting up to help him but Secondo quickly pushed you back down on the desk. “You have no clue. Clueless little bee. In that habit, with those doe eyes, with that voice, in this lingerie. You. You are a tease.” His hand wrapped into the thin fabric of your panties. bundling it up between the puffy lips of your pussy. Giving it a harsh tug causing you to moan at the friction against your clit. That seemed to be the catalyst, he ripped the panties down, letting them fall to the ground at his feet. His left hand pulled his erection from the confines of those sinful pants, apparently having gone commando. A deep groan escaped him as he gave himself a few tugs. You watched, in awe at the size of it. The length was impressive, sure, but the girth was what really made you shiver with anticipation. 
“Seeing you, on your knees in front of me, I barely kept my composure.” Secondo slipped the head of his cock between your folds. Coating it with the slick and rubbing the tip against your clit teasingly. Biting your lip, you looked up, his words a confession. He wanted control, wanted tidiness and regulations. Yet he also seemed to get irrevocably turned on by your disruption of it all. You were, in his eyes, a perfect disruption. A groan escaped his mouth as the head of his cock bumped against your clit. “Please.” You begged, voice high pitched as you moved your hips slightly, creating more friction for yourself. “Such an eager thing. All wet from getting punished, pleading for your papa. Begging so nicely I might just give you what you want.” He said lowly. Using one of his large hands to splay across your lower abdomen, keeping you in place with a simple pin of his hand. The right one grabbing the base of his dick to line the tip up with your entrance. Pushing inside, the head slipped in with a delicious stretch, your eyes closing on their own. Teeth sinking into your bottom lip as he pushed in deeper. It was slow, you could feel every inch stretching you further with restraint. He was holding back, you could feel it, making sure you felt him completely. When his hips met yours and he was fully inside, Secondo groaned from the back of his throat. You could feel the fabric from his pants against your ass, the zipper a stark, cold contrast to the softness of them. “Look at me, Sorella.” He commanded, your eyes snapping open to meet his. His pupils were blown wide, the blue-ish gray and white almost completely absorbed by the black. His right hand, moving to grab your thigh, as he gave an experimental thrust. “Such a good sister. Doing exactly as her papa asks.” He said as a moan tumbled from your lips at the friction. The praise went straight to your core, feeling your walls clamp around his thickness.
“You like that huh, like to get praised?” He almost chuckled as he pulled his hips back. “Just your praise.” You managed to utter a little breathless as you felt him pulling out until the head of his dick was just inside of you. His right hand traveled down your leg, reaching your knee he pulled it away from his waist. Lifting it up to rest your leg against his shoulder. “I shall give you just that then.” he said, pressing a kiss to your calf before he plunged back inside of you with a force you hadn’t expected. A strangled moan escaped you as the air left your lungs. It was the start of a grueling pace. His thrust hitting deep, each one punctuated by a moan or a whine tumbling from your lips. His left hand pressed down on your lower abdomen. “I can feel myself inside you like this.” He groaned, leaning forward ever so slightly, “So tight. You are welcoming me so well. Like you were made for me.” He praised breathlessly. You clamped down at his words, earning you another moan from him. Leaning down further he captured your lips in a hungry kiss. Your hands reaching out, right arm wrapping around his shoulder as your tongues slid against each other in synchronicity. Left hand on his cheek, holding his face close. Your left knee was pressed up to your chest, the new position felt like he got even deeper, hitting that spongy area inside of you that caused white spots to infiltrate your vision. An incredibly wanton moan bubbled past your lips, being swallowed up by him. 
The only sound that filled the office was that of his hips meeting yours, sloppy and wet from your pussy. Paired with the moans and groans you shared in the kiss. Teeth clashing together every so often. It was electrifying. When he pulled away from the kiss he moved down, licking, kissing and biting his way down to your neck before moving away. You thought he never looked hotter. Completely undone, licking his shining lips. His papal paints now completely smudged away from his lips, black and white mixing around to create a darker gray. His breath comes out in pants and grunts with each thrust. Fanning against your lips and sending a shiver down your spine. His right hand moved up your side, reaching your flimsy bralette and fingers pushing underneath. Squeezing at the soft flesh, massaging your breast in his hand. Fingers reach to tweak at your nipple, causing another surge of pleasure through your body.
You dropped your left hand, finding his hand perched on your lower abdomen. The familiar knot growing inside of you, tightening with each thrust, each meeting of your hips to his. “Papa, I- fuck- touch me- more- please-” You beg, sentences cut short but it was clear what you wanted. A smirk graced his stoic features, his hand slid down and towards your weeping cunt, “look at me when you cum. I want to see how good your papa makes you feel.” His voice is strained, low and deep in his chest. When his pointer and middle finger started to strum slowly at your clit you could feel you were done for. Pussy started to clench around his dick that kept on hitting that spot perfectly. It was almost too much, almost. You had to force yourself to keep your eyes open.
Secondo continued to apply pressure to your sensitive clit, moving his fingers in tight circles as he watched your every reaction. A string of curse words fell from your lips as that knot tightened, clamping down as he never seemed to falter in his pace. The muscles in your thighs twitched as you felt it snap inside you. Jaw slack as you moaned, vision blurry with pleasure. Waves of it rushing through you like white hot lava under your skin. Your walls spasmed around him as he fucked you through the orgasm. When you came down, however, he didn’t let up. His fingers continued to work, as his pace picked up, nearing painful. Though the pain was mixed with undeniable pleasure. Not giving a moment of respite, you could feel the second orgasm building quickly. 
“I am going to fill you up.” Secondo groaned through gritted teeth. “And you will keep it inside you until after mass.” his pace faltered, becoming less controlled, more wild. “And if you spill a single drop. You will be punished again.” The idea of this not being a one time thing made you excited. “Yes, yes, please give it to me.” You spoke as you nodded your head. He picked up speed, you could feel his dick twitch inside of your sensitive pussy. Hips meeting yours, his fingers never faltered as he tried to push you over the edge of orgasming again. Still sensitive you could feel it all, this time you couldn’t even bring out a sound as it washed over you. Splotches entering your field of vision as white hot pleasure ran through you again. When your pussy clamped around Secondo’s dick you felt him reach his peak. Hot cum filling you up in spurts and twitches with a loud groan of your name. His hips stilled, slow thrusts as he emptied himself inside of you. His breathing was ragged as he stood up straighter, moving your left leg off of his shoulder gently. Still, with his softening dick inside of you. You watched his chest rise and fall, trying to match your own unruly breathing to his to calm down. Feeling tired and completely fucked out. There was a moment of serenity in the quiet, matched breathing. A peaceful moment as you kept his gaze.
A few seconds of pure devotion.
Secondo was the first to move again, slowly pulling out you hissed. Feeling empty and sensitive. You clamped around nothing. trying to keep his seed from spilling out of you. “You should get ready for mass.” Secondo said though his eyes were trained on your clenching pussy. “I don’t have a clean habit, or my panties.” you whispered, still trying to catch your breath. “A ghoul will get them.” Secondo spoke as his left hand reached out. His fingers find your entrance easily, dipping his middle and pointer inside causing a pained whimper from you. Giving a few lazy thrusts with his fingers he smirked as you squirmed away. “Not a drop. Remember?” He said before pulling his fingers out again. “Does that count as a spilled drop?” You asked as you could see the mixed fluids on those thick, long fingers. “Not if you don’t waste it.” He held them up and moved them to your lips. You opened your mouth wordlessly, welcoming those fingers and cleaning them off. Tongue moving over his fingers, in between and taking every drop of what he would give you. A strange combination of his and your arousal. His eyes darkened with lust as he watched you work his fingers like it could have been his dick. When he took them from your mouth he seemed a little torn.
“I will see you at mass.” He spoke as he started to button his shirt. You watched him get dressed before he disappeared into a different room. A ghoul entered the office with your clothes a few moments later. You covered yourself, a little embarrassed at your near nudity. Though the ghoul didn’t seem to mind, a knowing smile on his face. So, you got dressed after he left, getting ready to go to mass as you did everything you could to not spill a drop of Secondo’s cum. Sitting in the front pew at mass with the left leg crossed over the right, listening to him preaching about the dark lord. Squirming in your seat as you tried to keep everything inside. Switching to cross your right over your left you felt it. The slow drip of liquid pooling in your panties. Your breathing hitched, and your eyes met Secondo, a wicked glint in his eyes as he knew.
It was going to be a long mass.
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willowrites · 11 months
Can you one about Y/N asking elvis if he can be submissive for the first time but elvis is used to being dominant and Y/N is used to being submissive so is kinda confusing for them but they get through it together (also can Y/N be called mama and Elvis be called baby boy) ANYWAYS THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE LMAO!!
such a good boy
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PAIRINGS. elvis x reader
SUMMARY. y/n and elvis try to experiment and it goes in both of their favors …
WARNINGS. fem reader, sexual implication, begging, sub!elvis dom!reader dynamic, handjob edging, overstimulation.
AUTHORS NOTE. thank you for this request! i’m sorry it took ages to work on but i’ve been so busy with college and my photography career…i hope this will help u forgive me. i have something similar to this so be sure to check out my masterlist!
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You were waiting for Elvis in his dressing room about ready to head home. Your hand moved in a rhythm across the velvet couch you were sitting on anxiously waiting for Elvis's arrival.
His performance today was beyond what you ever expected to happen. The whole time he kept making eye contact with you, his moves making you feel goosebumps arise all over your body.
The way he moved on stage had you weak at the knees. You always felt like you needed him after one of his shows but today you felt the need stronger.
You realized that in the midst of your and Elvis's long relationship, you felt as if you've never really had control in the relationship when it came to the bedroom.
You didn't really care but for this once you wanted to see what it was like to make Elvis beg for you. You wanted to see his eyebrows furrowed while he was on his knees eyes welled up pleading for a taste of you or him lying on his back with you on top begging for you to taste him.
As you dozed off looking straight at the wall in thought, you didn't notice Elvis had walked through his dressing room door until he said something. "Hey, baby."
You looked up meeting Elvis's sweaty figure. You internally moaned at his appearance acknowledging how hot and sexy he looked in his outfit from tonight.
Once your head turned toward him a bright smile made its way across his face and beamed at you which was contagious and caused a bright eye-to-eye smike to come across yours.
"Hi." You said shyly to him feeling as if he could've read your thoughts.
You stood up ready to give him a little welcoming kiss.
"You ready to go?" He asked making his way towards you. He pulled you by your waist towards him kissing you on the lips. "Cause I'm ready to go." He kept kissing you making his way toward your neck. "M'tired and wanna get in bed with you kissin' all over you."
"I am so ready to go." You sighed feeling relief to have Elvis close to you but with exhaustion as well because your feet were hurting from standing and jumping cheering for Elvis.
"Alright, mama well let me just finish up collecting the things I brought, and well be on our way yeah?" He said caressing your face and kissing you all over.
You nodded letting him do his thing while you sat back down on the couch waiting for him to finish.
A few more minutes past of Elvis shuffling all over his dressing room trying to collect his things and he was finally done.
"Alright honey, let's roll." He stood beside you handing his hand over to you for you to take. You gladly accepted accompanying him to the door to exit the dressing room.
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You guys had finally got home pulling into the driveway of Graceland. You were about to exit the car when you saw Elvis speed to your side opening the door for you.
You thanked him taking his hand and stepping out of the car. He placed his hand on your lower back to guide you all the way to the front door, through it, and on your way to your shared room.
You both settled in getting ready for bed but you were feeling some type of way. You had to admit you felt needy. Ever since you had daydreamed what it would be like for Elvis to be on his knees for you. The thought alone got you extremely wet.
You called out to Elvis and told him that you were going to take a shower. He hummed in understanding finishing getting ready for bed. You grabbed all your things for after the shower including a black with red accents set of lingerie.
You sped walked to the connected bathroom and shut the door in the excitement of the events that tonight await. You showered, shaved, and touched up in the shower and exited feeling nice and refreshed. You then rubbed some lotion on anywhere you felt that you needed on your body.
You then moved on to your skincare routine accidentally rushing yourself. You combed through your hair caressing it with some oil on your hands making it smell nice and feel soft.
Once you were done with all your post-shower prep you felt ready to go. You had your lingerie on as well as a nightgown, ready for Elvis's eyes to make their way all over your body, and by the way he had performed tonight, he deserved a reward.
You turned off the bathroom light and slowly walked out suddenly feeling nervous about it. Elvis was with his shirtless back turned fixing something behind the TV which you were very thankful for because you put your stuff away and just sat on the bed.
You didn't know how to make it clear to him that you wanted to start something.
It seemed as if all your confidence drained out of your body as soon as you entered the room, not because of Elvis, but because you've always been shy about this sort of thing.
"Honey, you ready for bed?" Elvis yelled across the room most likely assuming you were still in the bathroom.
You didn't respond back still feeling your nerves in the middle of your stomach.
"Oh, baby why didnt you say anything.” Your head turn towards him feeling your response stop at your throat. You clenched your thighs. He looked so good. “I didn’t know you came in. Thought you were still in the bathroom.”
He put whatever he was doing to the back of his mind and started walking toward you. “Had to fix the tv really quickly just in case you wanted to watch something before bed.”
You nodded as if you were trying to comprehend something but it was only because you didn’t know what else to do.
“You okay?” He asked, his hand finding it’s way to your chin tilting your head up so you can look at him more specifically his eyes.
Intimidating. You thought.
You didn’t know how you were supposed to be more forward and dominant when you struggled to make eye contact with him.
“Yeah.” You whispered stuck in his trance becoming more needy by the minute.
He slowly started sitting down letting his eyes trail down your body. “Cute nightgown.” He whispered.
Your breathing halted. You were trying to contain yourself as his hands moved toward your shoulder trialing down your arm.
“You look a little dolled up for bed don’t you think?” A smile played on his lips. You didn’t notice what was happening until Elvis’s hand landed on your thigh and pull up your nightgown a tiny bit enough for you to move your leg wider in desperation. “Already needy baby?” He asked trailing his hand back and forth on your thigh.
Just do it. Take charge. You told yourself.
You can do it.
“Are you?” You finally had the courage to say.
His brow raised. You felt lightheaded all of a sudden but you decided what’s the harm in continuing. Elvis would never make you feel bad for judge you for anything.
You removed his hand from your thigh and placed yours on his shoulder starting off tame.
His breathing pattern changed you could hear him holding back his heavy breathing.
You moved your hand from his shoulder to the side of his neck then to the back of his hair while you scoot yourself closer to him making your thighs barely touch.
You pulled his hair slightly and heard a whimper escape his pretty lips.
“I asked you a question.” You said a little sternly.
You saw his adams apple bob up. Your eyes searched his eyes for any sense of discomfort and just as you were about to back out you heard him reply.
“Yes.” He whispers leaning closer to your face.
As he was about to kiss you you leaned away. “Yeah?” You let out a breath of belief.
“Mhm.” He kept trying to lean forward towards you. You let out a little smile. "You have no idea how badly I want to take this cute little nightgown off your body right now."
His words sent butterflies erupting in your stomach.
"Only if you're good. You'll be good for me?" Your hand moved itself to is chin slightly moving it so that he locks his eyes on yours."
He let out a tiny breath.
"Yes, I promise. I'll be a good boy for you." He let out quietly and you could've sworn you heard a whimper.
You were caught off guard by what he responded to you with.
You then realized, he felt comfortable enough to become vulnerable with you. You wanted to take care of him.
You stood up and took his chin in your hand. You leaned down placing your lips on his. It was passionate with no tongue. You wanted to savor it.
He tried pulling you closer by placing his hands on your hips hoping to tug you closer but you stopped him.
“No touching baby.” You took his hands off and placed them on each side of him. “Later. Only if you’re good.”
He nodded eagerly.
“How bad do you need me. Tell me baby.” You brush a hand through his beautiful jet black hair.
“So bad. It hurts. Want you to do somethin’, please mama.” Your heart fluttered at the name. You always loved when he called you that.
“Ok baby, I’ll give you what you want.” You smiled gently. You kneeled down right in front of him. You’ve given him head a few times but more so when he was dominant. You didn’t know how to go about this when you had the upper hand.
As if your mind took the wheel, you palm him through his sweats.
His head drops back in relief. You can see him cleanching the blankets in caution so that he wouldn’t bring his hands close to you in case you stop.
“That feel good?” You asked wrapping your hand around his print.
“Mhm.” You can tell he was trying to hold back his moans. But you didn’t want that.
You stroked his print a little harder causing a sharp gasp to escape from him. His mouth opened wider but then quickly turned tight lipped.
You pulled your hand away from him causing his head to come back forward.
“W-why did you stop?” He whimpered. You’ve never heard him sound like that before but it you loved it. If made your stomach feel all weird inside but a good weird
“I want you to take off your sweats.” You expressed standing up to get a good luck at him. He was sweating. His black hair was sticking to his forehead and his erection…you could tell it was painful. “Can you do that for me baby boy?” You threw in the nickname. You’ve never used it before let alone on Elvis so you were anxious about his reaction.
He looked taken aback by it but a hint of a smile made its way onto his pretty lips. “Yes. I’ll do it just for you.”
“Lay on the bed for me afterwards, yeah?” You asked starting to fake the straps of your nightgown off your shoulder and let it fall to the ground revealing your lingerie.
You observed as he laid further into the bed rotating so he was laying his head on the pillow and his feet were close to the edge of the bed, removing his sweats leaving his boxers on.
“These too?” He gestured towards his boxers.
You shook your head no. “Mm, leave them on. Want you to see how much of a mess you’re gonna make.”
You started to crawl onto the bed towards him and sitting on top of his thighs, resting your hand onto his bulge.
“Tell me how good this feels.” You whispered palming him back and forth keeping a steady rhythm that caused him to move his hand to his face covering it.
The silence helped you hear his silent moans and whimpers as you kept palming his grown erection.
He lifted his hips wanting a harsher touch but you pulled back.
“Don’t move or I’ll stop.” You warned trying your best to sound demanding.
“Please baby. M’gonna lose my mind. Just make me come. Please.” He begged which was music to your ears.
“If you’re good i’ll make you come baby. All you gotta do is not move. That’s not hard, yeah?” You smiled reaching in his boxers and making contact with him.
He hissed at the contact and you could tell he was trying so hard not to touch you. Trying so hard not to show you who you belong to. Trying so hard not to flip you over on your shared bed and fuck you until you couldn’t even bear to walk.
But he liked something about not having control…or was it being taken care of?
“Imma touch you now okay?” You told but more so ask just to make sure he was okay with it. “Is that okay baby boy?”
He nodded, desperation written all over his face. “Yes mama. More than okay.”
Your heart jumped in excitement at the nickname once again.
After you got that consent you were looking for, you wrapped your hand around his hard erection and began pumping.
He squirmed in his place biting his lip to hold back the sounds that would escape his lips.
You put more pressure making him slam his handsfeet down on the duvet and squeezing it in his palm. “Mama, please. Let me touch you. You got me hot n bothered I need to touch you please.” He begged. You were stroking him faster knowing you was almost at the edge.
You stopped stroking him his tip looking irritated and red.
“N-no baby please. Keep goin’ M’sorry. Please.” His eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
“If I let you touch me, will you come for me like a good boy?” You place your hand on his cock stroking painfully slow.
He hissed and nods his head. “Mhm. Always good for you. Always. Please. Please please please…” His pleading turns into a whisper as your hand moves in a faster place.
“That’s my beautiful boy. So good for me. Gonna come so hard for me yeah? You can do that right?” You wanted to clench your legs because of how wet you were. You wanted his fingers deep inside you but you had to stay strong. At least until you got to your plan of riding him until you couldn’t anymore.
“Yes…mhm. Yes gonna come.” He placed his hands on your thighs.
You could see he was about to reach his peak so you slowed down like the lovely girlfriend you were.
“How bad do you wanna come baby?” You saw how his facial expression changed so quick at your change of pace.
“So so so bad. Please y/n. Cmon please. I need it.” He tried bucking his hips up towards your hand to get more friction. “Mmm…please.” He whimpered. God did you love that sound he made. It drove you insane.
You obliged to his wishes picking up the face rapidly. “Mkay, i’ll give you want you want baby boy. Just for you.”
His breath quickened. It was short breaths. You could see how as seconds passed his grip on your thighs tightened. That’s how you knew.
His lips parted and your name slipped out of his mouth. “O-Oh my god. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Yes, feels so good.” He moaned in a whisper.
As he was going through his high you kept the pace, overstimulating him at the same time.
“You said you wanted to come baby? I’ll give you exactly what you want. Even more.” You stroked him as fast as your hand would let you.
“F-fuck. Baby…too much.” His hand went to remove yours but he stopped himself. “Mmm.”
“Tell me if you want me to stop. You know the word baby. Let me know.” You reassured him still keeping that place.
“N-no. God, gonna come again. Gonna come again. Fuck baby.” His hips were squirming in pleasurable pain.
You saw as he hit his second high which you decided was the mark to slow down and help him ride it out.
As you saw he calmed down you smiled down at him.
“Wow baby. That was.” He blew out a breath. “Amazing. You’re so hot. C’mere.” He gestured for you to lay next to him.
“You should clean up.” You giggled at the stain on his boxers.
“Mm, I think I should return the favor.” He leaned and whispered in your ear and you felt his hand toying with your underwear in between your thighs.
This was going to be a long night.
© willowrites
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Could I request a male version of Celestia Ludenberg x male reader that acts like Jamil viper
again could he be the ultimate butler and bottom (I feel like I'm torturing you with my requests istg 😅)
A request is a request, dear Sunny. So long as I can work with it, it shall be done.
That being said, please enjoy~
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Title: Retrained
Characters: Top!M!Celeste Ludenberg x Bottom!M!Reader (Ultimate Butler)
Contains: dom/master and sub relationship, oral
Fandom: Danganronpa
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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Being his butler has been nothing short of irritating.
Constant and pointless commands from him were practically your entire day.
"(Y/N), afternoon tea."
"Servant, escort me."
You felt yourself going insane with every calling command. Ever since he somehow managed to rope you into this job, you had practically been Celeste's dog since day one of being at this school, yet you had no choice. Your family was one of servants. If someone of a higher class chose one of your family, you were destined to serve them.
Afternoon tea came like it did any other day, and you had the pot ready, the additives he typically enjoyed on the side of the platter he carried them in on. As usual, you set up the tea as he liked before standing to the side, tall and attentive as he trained you.
Celeste barely took a sip of his tea before realizing something was different.
"Hmm...this isn't the usual tea."
You remained silent, staring almost blankly ahead. He hadn't allowed you to speak.
"Servant. Speak."
"There weren't enough tea leaves to make the usual pot, sir," you simply replied. "I had to substitute for the remaining leaves."
"You did not ask."
You gritted your teeth, nails digging into your palms in hidden fists to keep your composure. "My apologies. I simply thought--"
"Servants do not think. They simply do." He placed the cup back on the platter, sighing. "And now my afternoon tea is ruined. All because my servant is incompetent."
You took a slow, deep breath, your fuse growing shorter by the second, but you held on, holding tight to the last bit of patience you had.
"I expect you to beg me for forgiveness as you were taught." Celeste crossed his legs, resting his elbow on the arm of the chair and leaning into his hand. "Or have you forgotten how to do that, too?"
You didn't miss a beat in your response. "With all due respect, sir, I do not believe I should beg for forgiveness. The ingredients were beyond my control."
"Well, then you should have gotten Monokuma to go get more, knowing we were low."
"There was enough yesterday, sir. I don't know what happened to them."
"Then you should have stored them away from unworthy tongues."
The back and forth was leaving you fuming, especially with how Celeste would constantly find a way to blame you for this unforeseen incident, yet you remained in position. Despite your annoyance, you always fell back to your roots. Remain seen, remain calm, remain obedient.
Celeste beckoned you over with a single finger, to which you obeyed, and stepped forward. He remained in that same, bored position, eyeing up at you.
"I'm very disappointed in you, (Y/N). First your incompetence, now that running mouth of yours..." A hand slowly reached up, grabbing your black tie and yanking it and you down to a single knee. "Begging for my forgiveness is no longer enough. I think I should teach that disobedient little mouth a lesson." His voice was deeper, darker, more menacing, full of promise. It was enough to get your heart pounding out of fear.
"S-Sir...please, whatever i-it is you plan on doing I--"
"No." He tugged you forward, dropping you to both knees now with a small grunt. "You had your chance. You need to be retrained."
Celeste tugged on your tie once more, urging you closer. Once you were head level with his waist, a sly smirk grew upon the gambler's lips. You gulped softly your face red with embarrassment. That short fuse you had was just gone, a fuse no longer even present. You knew what you were supposed to do, and like a good servant, you obeyed.
Fidgeting with his belt and pants, you eventually got through to his briefs, carefully pulling his musky cock out as he gave a soft sigh. Considering how it was starting to harden, he was already enjoying the relief he got once it was free.
"Now...put that mouth to better use, servant~" he breathed, nudging you in the back with the heel of his shoe.
You hesitated at first, but you soon brought yourself closer, your lips wrapping around the tip in a familiar way. You knew this wasn't the first time he had trained you like this, and...you were ashamed to say that this training was something you were quite fond of, and Celeste picked up on it right away. Perhaps this was a game between you two now so you could indulge yourself in the role you were meant to play. Either way, you were in a familiar and pleasing spot, soon taking more of him into your mouth as he let out a soft moan.
"Oh...~ Good boy~ See, your mouth is good for something~"
You were more than eager to show him just how good your mouth was, so much so that you were already taking him in deep, leaving your prince quickly breathless in his chair. He drapped his legs over your shoulders, pulling you closer while holding onto your head. Celeste was dead set on making you his little oral fleshlight, and you'd be a good servant for him and let him.
His moans were music to your ears, and they seemed to snuff any heated feelings you previously had against him, at least for now. At this moment, you'd obey, listening to your prince.
"O-Oh my...~ That's it~ Get that tongue in on it...~ A-Ah~! L-Like that~!"
If there was one thing you truly enjoyed, it's how Celeste would sound when your mouth was on him. In a way, you had a sense of control over him, or you liked to think you did. With how he sounded, every movement you made released a new tone from your master. Every lick, every slurp, even the depth of his cock in your mouth. You had him in your hands, but Celeste was sure to remind you of your place.
"N-Now...be a good servant...a-and accept my seed in your mouth...~"
He didn't have to command you twice, or really even give you a genuine option as he pressed his legs against you and held your head down, grunting as his cock twitched in your mouth. You sputtered and gagged for a moment, able to gulp in air when he released you. However before you could swallow, Celeste held onto your chin.
"Stick out your tongue," he breathed.
To which, you did. His release coated the slick walls of your mouth and the top of your tongue, a sight he was quite satisfied with.
Like a dog, you obeyed, and that smirk upon Celeste's face told you that the two of you weren't going to be done anytime soon.
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pbforeva · 2 months
back in my one d phase 😛
part 13
Evelyn's pov:
That was a mistake. I can't believe we kissed. I don't even like girls like that, I mean imagine if my parents found out. They're not the most accepting people when it comes to same sex relationships. I mean they cut off my cousin, Eleanor, because she has a girlfriend.
Oh my gosh, and Blake, we're still together. I don't know if he'll let me stay friend with Paige, oh gosh Paige. There's no way we can be friends now. Tears streak down my cheeks as I try not to think about how Blake never kisses me. When he does, it's because he wants something out of me, it's never just because he loves me. We used to kiss all the time, he wouldn't hit me, and he let me have friends. What has our relationship become?
I remember the first time he hit me, it was two years ago, yet I recall every detail of that night. I had just gotten back around 2 a.m. from a night out with Aurora, she chose my outfit at her house and I never showed him. But when I got home, he stormed up to me, his eyes glazed over with anger and he began to yell at me.
"Why are you wearing that?" He said angrily, but before I could answer he started again. "Do you like making me jealous? Of you like looking like a slut for other men?" I was too shocked to answer because Blake had never spoken to me before.
"Yeah, and you're not answering because you know I'm right." He said, and just when I thought he was finished, he turned around and slapped me.
My mouth is agape, I can't believe he just did that. Tears well in my eyes, not because it hurt, but because I didn't believe he was capable of this. I turn my head towards him, with a perplexed look across my face.
As soon as he realized what he did, his eyes softened and he immediately apologized.
"Oh God, Evelyn-, I can't believe I did that." He tried to continue, but he seems to be lost for words, "I am so sorry, I promise it will never happened again, please forgive me," He practically begs.
Pathetically, I believe him, I know I shouldn't but he's been so good to me. This is the first time he's ever raised his voice, and everyone deserves second chances. So, I nod slowly to indicate I forgive him, and he hugs me. He doesn't stop kissing me and apologizing the whole night, and by morning I almost forget it had happened. Until I saw the bruise that had formed on my cheek.
**flashback over**
Blake only got worse from there when he realized I would forgive him. It was our system, he'd hit me and then he would love bomb me until I forgot. But I was so stupid that he no longer had to love bomb me after, he just had to act like it never happened.
The kind, loving man I fell in love with was no longer there, and there wasn't a trace of him. He was now a monster. How was I so stupid it took me this long to notice?
I clutch my knees to my chest as my tears begin to fall harder. Not only was I ignorant enough to believe Blake loved me and stay with him, but I think I liked the kiss between Paige and I. Soon, my tears are no longer enough to keep me awake and I fall asleep, still crying.
Paiges pov:
I stumbled into my dorm, my vision blurry from the amount of tears coming out of my eyes. I try to find my way down the hallway and into my room, but I accidentally open Azzi's door. Before I could shut it and hope she hadn't noticed, she shot up from her bed and pulled the door open wider, and ushered me inside.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She worriedly questions, trying to look me in the eye but I keep diverting my eyes from hers. Instead of answering, I start crying harder as she wraps her arms around me, because I know I ruined it tonight and I'll never get to hug Evelyn again.
After a few moments Azzi calms me down a bit and stops hugging me. "So P, are you ready to talk about it?" She asks quietly.
Begrudgingly, I answer, "Yeah, I guess."
"Ok, now what happened, it's been forever since i've seen you this upset," Azzi asks cautiously.
"Well, I had a little crush on Evelyn and I thought she had one too, you know?" I start, trying to figure out how i'm going to say this.
"Yeah, I've noticed, have you acted on it?" She questions while rubbing my back, as I'm still crying.
"Umm yeah, Evelyn and I left not long after you guys left the beach, and in the car I decided to test if she liked me a bit by putting my hand on her thigh. When I did, she didn't say anything about it but we made light conversation, so I thought she liked me too. But I guess she didn't because after we got to her apartment complex, I kissed her before she got out of the car. And I think she kissed back for a minute before she freaked out and ran out." I say while trying to avoid Azzi's sympathetic gaze.
"Oh Paige, I'm so sorry," she says, but adds, "I honestly think she likes you back but she has too many things holding her back."
"What's holding her back?" I question desperately, while placing my head in my hands.
"Well first Blake, but also Duke and I were talking about our extended family and he mentioned how his parents don't talk to one of their cousins cause she's gay, but he thinks it's bullshit and still talks with her every so often.” She says before embracing me again.
“I just don’t know what to do,” I sob into her shoulder.
“You’ll figure it out soon, you always do the right thing, and I’m here if you need me.” She says as she rubs my back.
I’m tired of talking, but I don’t think I can bear being alone right now, so we lay in her bed and go to sleep while she comforts me a bit more.
hmm kinda short buttt
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kissorkill16 · 1 month
Two Little Girls: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
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Summary: Trinity finds Nicky in the basement again, but this time, he's not alone.
Trinity was about to go to bed, but as she was about to close her window, she saw something walking to the backyard of the Peterson house.
She grabbed her binoculars and saw that it was Nicky.
"Seriously? Again?", she thought. "You'd think therapy would knock a little sense into you."
She left her binoculars on the window sill, and ran out of her room to go see why he was there.
The moment she got to the backyard, she saw that Nicky was gone. She looked all around the backyard to see where he could be hiding, and saw two trap doors. She opened the doors and climbed inside.
The basement wasn't really any different from when she'd first been here. It was still dilapidated and messy. She walked down the brown, wooden corridor, and moved the board with the picture out of the way, and there he was.
"I love you guys so much.", he was whispering.
"Nicky?", Trinity called to him. Nicky turned his head, and smiled.
"Trinity! You're just in time for the party! The girls have been dying to meet you.", he said, getting up and grabbing her arm, pulling her to the wall with two drawings on it.
On the wall were two drawings of two little girls. Trinity recognized them immediately, and her heart stopped.
The girl with the brown hair and red dress, and the girl with the ginger hair and blue overalls.
"Lucy, Mya, this is Trinity. Trinity, this is Lucy and Mya. They're my bestest friends.", said Nicky.
Trinity gave a little half wave to the drawings. "Hi, Lucy. Hi, Mya."
Suddenly, two shadows emerged from the wall, making Trinity fall backwards.
The two little girls were dark, shadowy, and distorted. Almost like demons. She turned to Nicky and grabbed his hand.
"Come on, Nicky. I'm taking you home.", she said. Nicky pulled his hand away.
"But we were just about to play our favorite game, hide & seek. Do you want to play with us? Lucy and Mya can count first!"
Trinity grabbed his shoulder again, and tighter this time so he wouldn't break free.
"Nicky, we're not staying here. You left your house in the middle of the night, and I had to come find you. Just come on!"
Out of nowhere, the shadows jumped onto Trinity, scratching her and pulling at her hair.
"NO!", screamed Lucy. "NO ONE LEAVES!"
But Nicky just sat in the corner, curled up to his knees and shivering.
Trinity broke free from the shadows, and grabbed a crowbar she saw in the other corner of the room, hitting the two little girls with it until they were completely out of sight. She took Nicky's hand again, but this time, the boy grabbed her arm in a vice grip.
"Nicky, what the hell?! Let go!", she said.
"Don't make me leave them!", begged Nicky. "I don't want to leave them! They're my friends! Please, Trinity, don't make me leave them!"
The two shadows of Lucy and Mya emerged once more.
"Nicky...", said Lucy's distorted voice. "You won't leave us, will you?!"
"Don't go, Nicky. We love you."
Nicky started crying, and Trinity had to do something terrible. She didn't want to do it, but it felt like the only way to get him out of here. "Forgive me, Nicky.", she said. She raised the crowbar high over her head, and swung at Nicky with lightning speed.
Nicky fell to the floor as he felt the impact on his head. Trinity swung at the two shadows, making them disappear, then she turned back to Nicky, who was lying unconscious on the floor, his head slowly bleeding out.
She wiped away the blood with her thumb, then she took off the sleeve of a shirt in another corner of the room, wrapping it over his head. As she was done, she hoisted him on her back, piggyback riding him out of the basement.
"I promise you, Nicky...", she thought, "Those demons won't hurt you as long as I'm here with you."
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
The Cult Of Chaos P1
Media The Maze Runner AU X Fantasy
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader (Goddess)
Rating Spooky
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I sat watching, waiting. As the darkness slowly took over. Slowly but surely each light in the village was extinguished the darkness reclaiming the world. I waited until there was not a single light left for miles. I made sure to hold my bag close to me to prevent the sounds of my movements, I made sure my hood covered my face and body so I could be more merely as a shadow in the darkness. I moved quickly and quietly between the little houses and trees being sure to be silent and secret even moving barefoot through the grass and dirt to make sure I wasn't spotted. I knew the way even in this darkness heading away from town and into the deep woods following the river to my side until I reached the hills and the waterfall. I had long known its secrets so I jumped the river and walked the secret hidden paths until I emerged behind the waterfall I pulled down my hood and I couldn't help my smile finally being at peace again. I headed back into the chamber far from the sounds of the waterfall seeing the black flame still burning at the foot of the altar and the statute carved in Obsidian of a tall black cat. I opened my bag and moved to my knees I filled the altar with flowers, fruits, chocolate, and all manner of usual offerings. And I began my prayers, my praises, my worship as usual all of it bringing me a sweet peace and calm unlike anything else in this world. As I did light filled the chamber as moonlight lit the space through the waterfall and I prayed as hard as I could begging and pleading and I saw a shadow block the light in the silhouette of a tall black cat casting darkness across the stone idol. and I bit my lip with thrilled joy, I had prayed for a visit, begged for a visit, but so far I had not been so lucky. But tonight, her shadow came to me. 
And that sound rang out as the light disappeared, the sound of her sly voice as she chuckled maniacally. "Who's this coming to visit?"
"I am a servant of your chaos mistress. An echo of your voice mistress. A taker of your word mistress." I told her, "I have come to praise you. To worship you. To swear my utter devotion. My unconditional subordination. My complete obedience. To you and all that you are, my mistress. My goddess." I told her bowing to her statue completely so much my hands and stomach both were on the stone floor of the chamber.
Her sly laugh came again and I did my best not to jump as I felt the stroke of a fluffy tail against my leg, "Big words for such a cute little thing"
"I mean them, my mistress. Truly"
"That much I can see," she says as her hand stroked my face and picked my chin up to look at her as she stood before the statue, she was beautiful. the tales and stories did not do her justice she was so beautiful, so gorgeous my mind became vacant just for the sight of her and her body in that long red dress," But if you know this much then surely you know what it takes to truly swear your allegiance to me,"
"I-im sorry mistress. Forgive me. I shouldn't have expected as much but you are more beautiful than I had even imagined"
"You're sweet," she smiled "Do you know the price that must be paid?'
"I know only of others who swear to others I know not of the direct specifics to you mistress"
"To swear to me you must visit three times. Each time swear you'd allegiance to me. And each time you sacrifice something of yours, The first is blue, the second is red and the third a white. Once all our collected you will join us here on a summer eve and walk willingly into the flames of chaos. Then and only when you will be mine. You will be sworn to me, your body, your soul and your allegiance for the rest of your days. Are you willing to do this?"
"...I am." I nodded, "I am mistress." 
"Not often do men wish to be a part of my cult?"
"I am aware."
"Humm, but you are such a sweet thing." She cooed, "You are welcome to begin the trails I'm sure I'll see you soon Newt." 
"Yes, Yes Misstress." I nodded, and as I looked up she was gone, vanished into the darknes. 
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urekaire · 1 year
"He taught me how to love, but not how to stop."
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— reo mikage x male!reader (?) not exactly reader, but idk how to describe it.
𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑦, 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑑, ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
The first time I laid my eyes on him, I knew that he was the one meant for me.
Beautiful eyes that shone in the sunlight, hair that glowed in the moonlight.
When we first locked eyes, I felt like I was on fire. When we first dated, I felt like I was the luckiest man alive.
When we married, I vowed to never let go of him, ever. Even if he wanted to run away from me, I would search the entire globe for him.
We were happy, but not for very long.
A few years after we married, I got busier and busier as I took over the Mikage Corporation.
All I did was eat, work and sleep. I couldn't, no, didn't bother setting aside time with the man I loved.
Everyday, after I left, he would sit by the windowsill, wondering when I would return.
Knowing I would be hungry after work, he cooked dinner for me and left it on the table for me to eat.
Knowing I would be tired, he made the bed more comfortable for me.
Knowing that I would be stressed, he would get up early and brew tea for me.
He did everything for me, and I couldn't even mutter a thank you. He never even complained once.
When he started coughing more recently, I never asked if he was okay. I brushed it off as a minor illness, and told him to see a doctor so as to not make me fall sick too.
When I made him sleep on the couch because of that, he didn't even speak against me.
All he said was, "Okay. Goodnight, sweetheart."
When he looked more sickly and frail as the days went by, I didn't notice and went about my business without a care.
Until one day, I received a call from my neighbours. That call, that very day, sent me spiralling down an abyss called despair and regret.
"Reo!? Your husband collapsed, and was sent to the hospital!"
By the time I got there, the doctor shook his head.
"Due to his weakened health and mental state, including the additional head injury from the fall, your husband is currently in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up, or if he ever will."
I cried my heart out. Pushing away all the pride and dignity I had, I begged the doctor on my knees. To save the man I took for granted.
But the doctor could do nothing.
My husband, my love, my life. He laid on the hospital bed motionless, not moving a single finger.
I visited him daily, brought him his favourite flowers and food. Pleading him to come back to me. That I would make everything right again.
That I won't leave him alone ever again.
I'll never get used to the cold home that I now return to. The absence of my husband's warm voice, the cosy atmosphere he would always set.
No more.
It was the cold, empty darkness I returned to. I'll never forgive myself for taking all the things he did for me for granted, if he just wakes up and does it again, I'll make sure to treasure every single one of it.
I just want to hear his voice, see his beautiful eyes blinking, and his smile lighting up in the sun.
"It's been 16 years already, are you sure you don't want to give up yet Mikage?"
That's right. I'll never give up on him. I'll wait for him, no matter how long it takes.
Everyone around me lost hope in him ever coming back, but I won't. I'll stay strong.
"Hey….happy birthday. You always told me you loved the vanilla ice cream cake that they sold at the coffee shop near our house."
"I got it for you. Come on now, won't you wake up and eat it with me?"
"Happy Valentine's Day, got you your favourite purple roses. You always said you loved how they smell, didn't you? You said that they represented me."
"Where's my Valentine's gift? Perhaps it's going to be you waking up, kissing me on my cheek?"
"I miss you so much, everyday, going back to our house, it's not the same."
"You're not there, and it drives me insane."
"Come back, I'm begging you….just please open your eyes and tell me that I'm not the only one going home today.
We're going home."
"Are you still unwilling to forgive me, my love? I know, you shouldn't forgive me."
"I got you your favourite, chicken curry with extra potatoes. The way you like it."
"It's been 16 years, please just wake up and try it, won't you?"
I laid on the hospital bed, clutching the hand I so desperately wanted to move.
I yearned for the day that he would squeeze my hand, and reassure me that everything was okay. That he was okay.
But it's fine if he can't now. I'll wait.
Bringing the basket of fruits along, I dragged myself to the hospital room where my husband was, and currently still laying at.
Opening the door, my eyes shook with tears as I took in the sight before me.
For once, the room was not completely in desolate darkness. Sunlight sunk in through the curtains.
Sitting on the bed, he turned to me. It is still amazing, and it still shone as brightly as the sun. It was exactly like how I remembered it.
His smile.
"Reo, let's go back home. Together."
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𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 - 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑦, 𝑝𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑜 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑗𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ!! 𝐸𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦, ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
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