#first miku of the week this yr
ksksksrahrah · 2 years
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zzoupz · 5 years
I decided to answer it all so you can know more bout me maybe
If you’re lazy it’s okay just pass by
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Sometimes eh
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No thats a bad thing <:0
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Yeah, it’s a kind of collection I think
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
8: Do you have freckles?
acne. a lot of acne
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
No, I don’t like faking smile :-(
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
haha let’s don’t talk bout it
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Sounds dump but yep
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
No what kind of psychopath do that
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
..5-10.. I just goes a camp thing..
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your Song of the week?
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Yes, it’s okay for girls to wear blue too so why not >:0
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
every Thai movie ever
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
With my mom becuz I’m a good bo i
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
uh 30??? I dun remember :/
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
I don’t
25: What is your favorite food?
I D O N ‘ T W A N N A E A T
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Alice in Wonderland....idk why but yeah..
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
Now my sis
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
girls can join boy scouts in TH too so both :0
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
In a Thai language exam..yknow
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
Uh no
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
ham n cheese ah
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
36: What is your usual bedtime?
12.00 pm or even later
37: Are you lazy?
why ask lmao
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
“We don’t do that here”
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
dog. Just dog.
40: Are you horny?
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43: Are you stubborn?
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Letterman >:0
45: Ever watch soap operas?
46: Are you afraid of heights?
47: Do you sing in the car?
48: Do you sing in the shower?
no (or at least do a lip sync)
49: Do you dance in the car?
50: Ever used a gun?
is toy gun counts
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
1-2 years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53: Is Christmas stressful?
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Teacher, doctors,...etc..
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Like a thousands times haha
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
Everyday, everywhere. (even in a wedding or somethin)
61: Wear a bath robe?
62: What do you wear to bed?
63: First concert?
A free concert in a Songkran festival 
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds :)
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71: Can you curl your tongue?
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
Nu :(
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
No but also yes
74: Own any record albums?
Yes :)
75: Own a record player?
Yes but also no :)
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Hatsune Miku would be great 
79: What was the last concert you saw?
A concert of some random singer I don’t know bc I din’t listen to Thai musics
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Cool pls
81: Tea or coffee?
Choco bleach
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles mayb
83: Can you swim well?
I ever almost drown to dead so guess what
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes but just a bit
85: Are you patient?
up to the situation
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ 😎😎😎
87: Ever won a contest?
A Chinese hand writing contest.
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
No what kind of 12 yrs old do that
89: Which are better black or green olives?
I don’t eat them idk 
90: Can you knit or crochet?
Eh no
91: Best room for a fireplace?
you better not make a fireplace in a room.... okay maybe a classroom is okay
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
No I haven’t
94: Who was your HS crush?
Don’t have one :/
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
that’s.....a yeah
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
@ruzz-0v0 😔😔
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[JPUL] 11/30/2016 - Large Scale Updates
11-30-2016, 02:38 AM
Originally Uploaded by Forum User: TaikunZ
This week's update is the 2nd Anniversary update for Japanese Unison League. Happy two agonizing spawn rates years, JPUL! Now the problem is where to begin... Please be aware that I may or may not have made some mistake(s) in translations. Thank you!
1. DEF Gear Changes It's confirmed. Defensive Gear now have Elements added to them, and will now be a factor towards damage calculation. According to the Notices, Percent and fixed damage is unaffected by these changes, and that reduction values are different between Quests, Guild Battles, Colosseum, and etc. Reforge requirements will change for the DEF Gear to match their element. So a Fire DEF Gear will now require 2 Red Passas instead of 1 Yellow and 1 Purple. In addition to that, EXCEPT for Non-elemental Monsters, Unison Monster Attacks are also affected by the element resistances, so their attacks are increased in Ability Power:
Attacks with 1 Hit (e.g. Physoth): 60AP Increase
Attacks with 2 Hits (e.g. Marduk): 30AP Increase
Attacks with 3 Hits (e.g. Hatsune Miku): 20AP Increase
Attacks with 4 or more Hits (e.g. Eva-02): 20AP Increase
Attacks with 1-3 Hits with chance of missing (e.g. Kirin): 30AP Increase
Attacks with 3-6 Hits with chance of missing (e.g. Mary): 20AP Increase
These are the sum of hits, so a monster that hits physical damage 1 time and magic damage 1 time counts as a 2 hit monster attack.
Examples of Elements added to DEF Gear include the Secret XL series of Gear. (Fire (which we still don't have yet on global WINKWINKNUDGENUDGE) will be Fire element, Snow series will be Water element, Meow series will be Light element, and Lotus series will be Dark element), Element Rush series Gear (Apollo's will be Fire, Avsaris's will be Water, etc.)
2. Ability Adjustments A couple of Abilities are adjusted.
Severe Sting
Break bonus increased.
Cooldown reduced from 7 to 6.
HP heal increased from 90 to 120.
Cast time reduced.
Greater Aid
Cast time reduced.
3. Campaigns Here are this week's campaigns for JPUL.
2 Year Anniversary Login Bonus: Players can get Gems, 2 Yr. Anniversary Tickets for Step Up Spawns, and Super Augment Quest Keys for free.
GEM Purchase Bonus Campaign: Maximum 130 Gems come with EXP Quest Keys as a bonus.
EXP/Proficiency/Gold Campaign: EXP, Proficiency, and Gold are doubled this week.
Great Success Rates Up: Great Success for Augmenting are boosted this week.
Super Reforge Quests: Super Reforge Quests with "Eggs only", and "Keymins and Passas only" are available, with Premium Eggs and Passa Kings as possible drops! The Keymins and Passas are sorted out by COLOR! This seems to be only available for the anniversary event's stage rewards and login bonuses that gives the key to this quest but may become a permanent feature in the future through the exchange of Grand Medals.
Level Cap: Level cap increased from 145-150. Eight Gear slots are unlocked at this level.
Equipment Cost added: 5 for each (Weapon, Head, Body, Monster), for a total of 20, added for free.
Transmutation Update: The latest Gear (except for the 2nd Anniversary Gear) are added into Transmutation.
Gem Consumption Patronage Thanks: As thanks for the gems used by players until November 29, players are rewarded based on how much Gems they've used.
1. More than 1,000 Gems: 2 Yr. Anniversary Ticket x20, Scroll of Insight x20
2. 500 - 999 Gems: 2 Yr. Anniversary Ticket x10, Scroll of Insight x10
3. 100 - 499 Gems: 2 Yr. Anniversary Ticket x5, Scroll of Insight x5
4. 50 - 99 Gems: 2 Yr. Anniversary Ticket x3, Scroll of Insight x3
5. 1 - 49 Gems: 2 Yr. Anniversary Ticket x1, Scroll of Insight x1
4. 2nd Anniversary Event Quest This quest is held at Mercenario, the capital city of Haumaforte. The boss Monster is Loki, which pits adventurers in chaos, battling against each other. The first quest seem to cost 0AP, and has a chance to drop Proficiency as a Time Bonus reward, so you all know what to do with this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Players can accumulate points for each successful quest. There's a list of Stage rewards that will give the players these rewards at the end of the event based on the accumulated points of everyone. Stage Rewards List: 20,000,000pt - SSR Guaranteed Ticket x1 15,000,000pt - Gem x10 12,000,000pt - Droplets of Ether x3 10,000,000pt - EXP Quest Key x1 8,000,000pt - Gem x5 6,000,000pt - Proficiency x2,000 5,000,000pt - EXP Quest Key x1 4,000,000pt - Super Reforge Quest Key x2 3,000,000pt - Super Augment Quest Key x2 2,500,000pt - Gem x2 2,000,000pt - Proficiency x1,000 1,500,000pt - Super Reforge Quest Key x2 1,200,000pt - Cosmetic Encyclopedia Key x5 1,000,000pt - Gem x1 800,000pt - FP x1,000 400,000pt - Proficiency x500 200,000pt - Big Gold Limimin x1 100,000pt - Big EXP Limimin x1 50,000pt - Proficiency x100 10,000pt - FP x500
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5. 2nd Anniversary Treasure Spawn For everyone that aren't familiar with Treasure Spawns, please see this post I made a few weeks back here: https://forum.a-tm.co.jp/forum/uniso...759#post122759
The mechanics are pretty much the same, only the obvious difference are the rewards. The Jackpot Treasures this time is a Monster named Lucifer, and one of any of the Guardian Angel Series of Weapons and DEF Gear.
The other eight rewards are:
Droplets of Ether x1 (haha totally knew they dun goofed by giving the whole Drop the last time x'D)
Premium Egg x4
Any SSR Gear in the Spawn list x1
Any SSR Gear in the Spawn list x1
2 Yr. Anniversary Commemorative Medal x10
2 Yr. Anniversary Commemorative Medal x20
Super Augment Quest Key x5
EXP Quest Key x1
Lucifer will only be obtainable in this Treasure Spawn, but the Guardian Angel series of Gear are available in the other 2nd Anniversary Spawns.
Featured Gear:
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Heaven Knights' Sword Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Sword Type: Sword Skill: Fatal Anthem XL Chance to heal your HP by 5,000 when a critical hit occurs during the physical and magic damage when using an Ability. Heaven Knights' Lance Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Lance Type: Lance Skill: Fatal Anthem XL Chance to heal your HP by 5,000 when a critical hit occurs during the physical and magic damage when using an Ability. Heaven Knights' Gun Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Gun Type: Gun Skill: Fatal Anthem XL Chance to heal your HP by 5,000 when a critical hit occurs during the physical and magic damage when using an Ability. Heaven Knights' Staff Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Staff Type: Staff Skill: Fatal Anthem XL Chance to heal your HP by 5,000 when a critical hit occurs during the physical and magic damage when using an Ability. Heaven Knights' Bell Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Bell Type: Relic Skill: Recovery Anthem XL Chance to heal your HP by 5,000 when a large healing effect occurs when using an Ability. Heaven Knights' Crown Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Crown Type: Helm Skill: Physical Damage Down XXL Chance to tremendously reduce physical damage taken. Heaven Knights' Armor Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Armor Type: Armor Skill: Physical Damage Down XXL Chance to tremendously reduce physical damage taken. Heaven Knights' Tiara Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Tiara Type: Hat Skill: Magic Damage Down XXL Chance to tremendously reduce magic damage taken. Heaven Knights' Clothes Reforges from: Guardian Angel's Clothes Type: Clothing Skill: Magic Damage Down XXL Chance to tremendously reduce magic damage taken. Jet-black Fallen Angel Lucifer Reforges from: Lucifer Element: None Stats: Players can choose from the following combinations: ATK and DEF, DEF and MDEF, ATK and MATK, MATK and DEF, MATK and MDEF, and MDEF and ATK Type: Monster Skill: Ability Power 160. Damages all enemies with physical damage, removes buffs from all enemies, and Ability Power 60. Heals HP of all allies. Added effect: Increases ATK/DEF of all ally Soldiers by 30% for 60 seconds, increases physical Ability Power of all ally Lancers by 20 for 60 seconds, increases the critical hit damage for all ally Archers by 30% for 60 seconds, increases magic Ability Power of all ally Mages by 20 for 60 seconds, and increases the amount of HP healed by your ally Clerics' healing Abilities by 30% for 60 seconds. Level bonus: Ability Power for physical damage effect boosted by 10 for each increase in Skill level. The green heart buff for the Cleric portion of the Added effect.
6. 2nd Anniversary Spawn Then there's this Medal-type Spawn. Spawn Bonuses: x50 Gems = 10x, Comes with Bonus UR Level Maxed Gear x1 + Drops of Ether x1 + 2 Yr. Anniversary Commemorative Medal x10. (2 times only) x30 Gems = 10x, Comes with Bonus 2 Yr. Anniversary Commemorative Medal x10 x3 Gems = 1x, Comes with Bonus 2 Yr. Anniversary Commemorative Medal x1
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Here are some of the rewards in the Commemorative Medal Exchange:
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THERE'S A KAAVA SUIT AHHH I WISH IT COULD BECOME A CARBUNCLE SUIT BUT AHHH PERFECT FOR MY CARBUNCULT DISCIPLES There's a special note on the top hat Furniture about the Limimin popping out of the hat, so am guessing that this Furniture is animated. The glowsticks also come in blue and green.
Quest List for 2nd Anniversary and Super Reforge Quests:
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2nd Anniversary Quest Stage Rewards List:
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2nd Anniversary Quest:
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2nd Anniversary Lobby:
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7. 2nd Anniversary Step Up Spawn A Step Up Spawn that requires the 2nd Anniversary Tickets to be able to Spawn all the steps. These tickets can be obtained from login bonuses throughout the week. Step - Requirement - Reward 1 - Spawn x1 Ticket (gives 1 Gear) for 1 time - None 2. - Spawn x1 Ticket (gives 1 Gear) for 1 time - SR Rates Up 3. - Spawn x1 Ticket (gives 3 Gear) for 1 time - 1 Ticket for 3 Gear 4. - Spawn x1 Ticket (gives 3 Gear) for 1 time - Comes with a Bonus Super Augment Quest Key x1 5. - Spawn x1 Ticket (gives 5 Gear) for 1 time - 1 Ticket for 5 Gear 6. - Spawn x1 Ticket (gives 5 Gear) for 1 time - 1 SSR Gear Guaranteed
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8. Element Rush and Advent Quests
Looks like they combined everything into one quest. First up is Water element which is available during Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Quests for other Elements would probably make a release in other days of the week. Each difficulty has a set of Stamp Rewards. Medals of their Element drop here as one of the Time Bonus rewards, while the other Time Bonus rewards differ in difficulty.
Adventurer: Benkei and Azure Spirit Orb
Skilled (Proficient/Paragon?): Benkei and Azure Spirit Orb
Elite: Avsaris and Azure Spirit Orb
Summit (Arcadia?): Yukino, Azure Spirit Orb, and Snowflake
Heavens (More like Hell for how infernal this quest is gonna be amirite): Benkei, Avsaris, Yukino, Azure Spirit Orb, Snowflake
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Here's the what new elemental medal exchanges offer:
From cheapest to most expensive: Medals x1: Small Gold Limimin Medals x4: SR 34 Cost Monster Reforge Material Medals x6: Big EXP Limimin Medals x10: 1 Time Only Orb Medals x20: SSR 34 Cost Monster Reforge Material Medals x20: SR Flora/Benkei/Ifrit/Succubus/Luminous Medals x50: 1 Time Only SSR Element Defense Gear Medals x80: 1 Time Only SSR Alice/Avsaris/Apollo/Nyx/Amaterasu Medals x100: 1 Time Only Event Specific SSR Weapon Medals x100: 1 Time Only Event Specific SSR Basic Attack Replacement Weapon Medals x120: 1 Time Only SSR Zephyrus/Yukino/Vol&Rena/Thanatos/Ra  Post by Nayru02.
(The random comments below are due to my random placeholder posts before all these updates x'DDD but still, will binge watching Code Geass be good now that Season 3 is announced, and is Damn Daniel the worst meme of 2016 or does that go to Harambe?)
Lucifer Render:
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Anniversary Treasure Spawn:
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Guardian Angel Gear series:
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Great Spirit Relics Renders (The one handling JPUL's Twitter account absolutely hates Ahura Mazda and Izanami)
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2 Yr. Anniversary Commemorative Medal Exchange:
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Title Screen:
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Looks like it really is animated, although am not sure how the Limimin pops out.
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I am now beyond human.
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Bonus Reply
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