wreckclan · 11 months
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bullying their deputy
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booksofstars · 3 months
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wreckclan · 11 months
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this is really funny to me. girl you're the clan's medic what do you mean you're influencing him to be more likely to resort to violence
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wreckclan · 11 months
Moon 2 - Fireshimmer and Oriolepaw
Fireshimmer takes Oriolepaw out to gather herbs, letting Oriolepaw take the lead to test his knowledge.
“Alright, so let’s look for…goldenrod. No, I mean, betony. How much betony do we have in our stores? Um, ragwort! Raspberry!”
Fireshimmer patiently waits as she watches Oriolepaw pace back and forth, muttering to himself beside her. After a few moments, she lifts her tail and puts it out to stop him as he nearly walks right into it. “Well,” she says, “any herb helps. We’re not in any real hurry, so take it easy, little guy.”
“But what about Grouseshadow?” Oriolepaw asks, lashing his tail. “Doesn’t he need elder leaves for his sprain?”
“It’ll certainly be helpful if you can find any. But he’s not going to die of a sprain anytime soon, trust me,” Fireshimmer says. “Most cats don’t die of sprains, I would know.” She moves past him then, and pointed her nose in one direction. “But if you need a place to start, why not try looking over there first?” “Do you know something’s there?” Oriolepaw asks. “Can you feel it?” “Feel what?” Fireshimmer asks.
“The herbs,” he says. He pads past her, pinning his eyes onto the distance. “Do they call to you? Is a StarClan cat whispering in your ear right now guiding you to where it is?”
“Your faith is commendable,” Fireshimmer says, “but StarClan’s given you a nose, ears, and eyes for a reason.”
“So I could receive their messages.”
“So you could track down the herbs on your own,” Fireshimmer says. “I’m sure that StarClan cats can’t be there with you all the time, my shells of power told me.” She watches confusion flicker over Oriolepaw’s eyes before she continues on. “So trust yourself first to identify and find the herbs that you need. You’ll be fine.”
Oriolepaw is silent for a moment before he nods slowly. “Alright.” He sighs. “Alright.” And with that, he tastes the air and tries to listen for the sound of leaves rustling together for any herbs that they could bring back. He closes his eyes for a moment, opens them again, sniffs the air one more time, then he moves forward.
Fireshimmer’s steps are so quiet behind his that he almost forgets that she’s there until she brushes up against them. “Whoa there, dude, you almost got it,” she says. “But look behind you.”
Oriolepaw pauses and looks over his shoulder, and sure enough, there it is–thyme.
He gathers it in the way he’s felt he’s practiced hundreds of times and as Fireshimmer does the same, she smiles at him. “You really got it, you know. Can you tell me what that smelled like?”
“It’s…very earthy. Very strong, pungent,” Oriolepaw says.
“Good. What does it look like?”
“It sort of has like a woody stem on it?” Oriolepaw flicks the tip of his tail in thought. “And its leaves are very small and very green.” “Good, just like you,” Fireshimmer says. Before Oriolepaw could ask what that means, she continues on, “Now let’s gather these and see if we can find anything else to bring back to camp. And this time, let’s try not to walk right past it, okay? After this is done, I’ll share that juicy octopus I saw with you.”
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wreckclan · 11 months
Moon 1 - Stormstar, Puddledawn, and Fireshimmer
- Stormstar wants to spend more time with Puddledawn! - Puddledawn thinks Stormstar isn't very considerate. - Fireshimmer takes Puddledawn and Stormstar out to gather some betony.
“Our first little patrol as the three most important cats in our Clan, alright?” Stormstar says as he bounds ahead of Fireshimmer.
“Hey, I’m the one leading the patrol,” Fireshimmer says with a flick of her ear.
“Okay, fine.” Stormstar falls back until he’s walking only slightly behind Fireshimmer and Puddledawn. “But look! We’re bonding now! We’re spending some quality time together while also gathering some very useful herbs for the Clan! I want a certain someone to be listening to this, AHEM AHEM, Puddledawn.”
“Alright, I get it,” Puddledawn says. He’s not very happy, but he doesn’t actually hate the current arrangement. Just wishes that Stormstar gave him more prior warning that they’ll be doing this together before jumping right into it. “So what are we talking about now to…get going, on getting to know each other? And I want to bring something back for Lilackit too.”
“You’ll find something for her, don’t worry,” Fireshimmer says. “I’ve found the most fascinating snail while I was wandering around here one day. Do you think she likes snails?”
“She likes them but wouldn’t ever want to touch one, no,” Puddledawn says.
“Then maybe she’d like more shells,” Stormstar says. “Of the non-snail variety.”
“I think she’s already had enough shells,” Puddledawn sighs. “Her nest is nearly overflowing with them at this point.”
“Speaking of shells,” Fireshimmer says, her tail lashing slowly from side to side as she pads ahead of them. She lifts her nose into the air and sniffs, and while she does so she says, “Sorry–thought I smelled some herbs. Over there, I’ll show you how to harvest them–but anyway, speaking of shells, I really want to talk about my perfect little shells of power. I keep them around the den and they give off these ‘energies.’ Have you felt them before?”
Puddledawn is hesitant as he follows her, watching as she sniffs at the herbs. “I don’t think I ever have,” he admits. He really doesn’t want to come across as rude to Fireshimmer, but…
“I have,” Stormstar cuts in. “It’s so obvious, it’s like it hits you as soon as you walk in, and–” He rambles on, and meanwhile Fireshimmer tracks down the herbs she was looking for. She wonders how long she could convince them that she actually does believe in these things.
She wishes that she did.
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wreckclan · 11 months
Moon 1 - Stormstar and Fireshimmer
Stormstar calls a clan meeting to give an important announcement.
“Picture a mouse that’s died,” Stormstar says. He looks out over the Clan, from the weariness of Baysplash and Puddledawn to the more relaxed contentment of Fireshimmer. And wherever Willowchest is, anyway. “Picture, if you will, a mouse that has attempted to survive at all costs but just couldn’t bear the weight of the stars upon itself.” “Now!” Stormstar continues. “Imagine what it’s like not being the mouse–I mean, being the mouse who survived, or not being a mouse at all–no, right, the mouse. In a world that’s all against you, a world that has tried its hardest to keep you down, you have triumphed!” A smirk twitches at the corners of Stormstar’s mouth, and he purrs as he gently nudges a few shells toward Rimekit’s direction.
“So with that being said, I’m celebrating one moon with me as leader by handing out storm shells for everybody!” Stormstar reveals the rest of the shells that he’s been sitting on. “Come on forward, everyone! And be sure to thank your leader, but remember that our survival as a Clan wouldn’t be possible without you.”
Fireshimmer comes forward, a little sparkle in her eye as she leans down to pick out a ‘storm shell’ for herself. “It’s a nice effort, you know,” she says. She moves out of the way slightly as Rimekit and Lilackit begin to poke around the pile, bickering with each other over it.
“You really think so?” Stormstar asks quietly. “Puddledawn tried to shut the idea down the whole time.” She hums, picks out a shell, and then beckons him to come follow her, which he does. “I just think it’s a decent way of trying to keep the Clan together, gathering all these shells yourself,” Fireshimmer says. “But then again, I am a newcomer here, so what do I know about it?” Her eyes twinkle again. “Besides, it’s much easier getting you to gather all my ‘shells of power’ so I don’t have to.” “Are you saying you’re only using me for shell collection?” Stormstar asks, half-amused and half-offended.
“Well, I’m not saying it’s the only thing you’re good for,” Fireshimmer says. “And I’m sure Puddledawn will come around to you soon–and you to him. We kind of need that for a functioning group, don’t we?”
“Yeah, that’s why I want to spend more time with him,” Stormstar huffs. His ears raise as he nods slowly to himself. “Though, I do have one idea…”
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wreckclan · 11 months
Moon 0 - Fireshimmer and Oriolepaw
Fireshimmer and Oriolepaw head out to gather juniper. And while they're out, they have a little talk.
“So, why did you join the Clan anyway?” Oriolepaw asks somewhat absentmindedly as he pokes his nose closer toward the juniper. He tries to harvest them as Fireshimmer demonstrated, and it doesn’t quite occur to him if he would really, fully trust this cat if she weren't the only full herbalist around.
“Bugs,” Fireshimmer answers.
“What?” Oriolepaw flicks his ears and turns his rounded gaze on Fireshimmer. “The bugs.” Fireshimmer doesn’t say anything else.
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wreckclan · 11 months
Clan Founders - High Ranks
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Stormstar - Leader Male - 32 moons Rebellious - Dream Shaper - Deep Dark Forest Bond
Before becoming leader, Stormchaser was known to be quite the troublemaker within the Clan. Perhaps it was because of his difficult relationship with his father Patchskip and his even more complex relationship with his mentor, the late Cloverstar. It certainly wasn’t helped by the dreams he’d have of dark, murky waters and skies with no stars. But beneath his rather abrasive personality, Stormstar does truly desire to prove himself and lead his Clan to a prosperous age.
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Puddledawn - Deputy Male - 67 moons Righteous - Great Climber
The previous deputy of Cloverstar and was the expected leader before ‘StarClan’ chose Stormchaser out of nowhere. Despite Puddledawn being far less than happy about the arrangement, he still accepted Stormstar’s offer to be his deputy as well and continue to serve. A stickler to the code and very obsessed with rules and organization, Puddledawn is strict and doesn’t have many friends but keeps everything in line. Also Lilackit’s adoptive father, as a favor to her biological father who passed away not long after Lilackit’s birth.
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Fireshimmer - Herbalist Female - 45 moons Loyal - Dream Shaper - Connection to StarClan A former rogue named Scorch, Fireshimmer seems to be trying desperately to move on from the ‘less savory’ bits of her past, whatever that is referring to. She’s relatively relaxed and good-natured, and tolerates Stormstar’s antics more than most. Don’t underestimate her, though. Fireshimmer is not only a competent herbalist, but she’s also a very formidable fighter. Also don’t ask her where she learned those moves from.
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wreckclan · 11 months
fireshimmer backstory thoughts in the brain
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