firefighterkingdom · 4 years
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Hey everyone, my name is Robert Sanchez and welcome to Firefighter Kingdom Podcast. It’s been a long time planning for a podcast for firefighters in New Mexico and we’re finally here. And I’m happy to be here and I know it’s going to be a great success. Excited.
Little about me, I’m the president of New Mexico Professional Firefighters Association. Been a firefighter for about 19 years and happy to be. Just a little bit, so the gentleman that’s behind the technical part of this podcast and is the champion and makes us shine like a star is, we’re lucky to have him in the studio today, is Vince and I’m glad you’re with us, Vince.
Vince Trujillo: Hey man.
Robert Sanchez: How are you doing, brother?
Vince Trujillo: Thanks so much for having me on. I appreciate you letting me support you in your platform, and getting out Firefighter Kingdom, and your vision for where this is going to go. Just happy to support first responders. It’s a passion and vision of ours to help people in the community and first responders. Firefighters are right on the front lines. So thank you so much for letting me be a part of it and support you.
Robert Sanchez: Thanks for being here, Vince. And I got to be honest, just from the time I met you, I’ve been impressed with your passion for helping firefighters and we appreciate it. Thank you. I think it’s going to be a great success, and we’re going to see this thing… We’re going to rise like a star, you’ll see. That’s going to happen.
Vince Trujillo: Looking forward to it, brother.
Robert Sanchez: So just a little bit what this podcast is for. What I like to say, it’s for firefighters, by firefighters. But not only is it for firefighters, it can be for firefighters and their families, just their friends, and just networking through the community. That’s our goal here for a podcast. And just the community outreach. Like I said, firefighters enjoy helping the public, and if we can outreach to them to help us out, maybe we have some fundraisers and some unique things coming up. It’s definitely a goal of mine to have on this podcast.
Robert Sanchez: Some of the topics we’re looking forward to cover in the next coming episodes is definitely our legislation we just got passed, past and present I want to talk about. Maybe have some experts talking about some of the bills that have got passed this last legislature, and some future bills we’re having that benefit firefighters. Great looking out for that, just to let firefighters know to be excited about is we’re highly active in the legislative sessions to help firefighters, the men and women on the front lines. And that’s going to be a some good topics in probably about a couple of episodes.
Robert Sanchez: And we can’t forget COVID-19. We’re here now, everything is about COVID-19. And it’s tough for the community, It’s tough for firefighters. It’s tough, just first responders in general. You have firefighters throughout the state, they’re having to work overtime because of possible exposures. And police officers as well. And just the effects that it has on the community. I know they’ve probably seen a ton of it on the news, but they haven’t heard it in the Firefighter Kingdom. They haven’t heard it from firefighters. You always have the pundits talking on the news, but they’re not firefighters. And I’ll be happy to hear from that.
Robert Sanchez: Just mental health topics are huge. PTSD, how it affects firefighters, the stigma behind it. And how PTSD affects the families. Those are some big topics we’re going to be talking about in this podcast. And I think it’s definitely warranted. So good conversation there. And we have some experts coming, and a lot in store for firefighters on those topics.
Robert Sanchez: Community events, like I talked about, just reaching out to the community again, and talking what firefighters, especially New Mexico Professional Firefighters does to raise money for the public, for certain firefighters, survivor funds for firefighters who get burden or injured unfortunately on the line of duty. We’re reaching out and we’ll raise money to help those firefighters.
Robert Sanchez: Interviews and stories. Just have some firefighters in here sometimes. Having them… Different… Female firefighters, get them in here to talk, the jobs that they do, and some male firefighters, some mobsters on the firetruck who are actually running calls every day. Sometimes it’s just interesting to see their perspective on firefighting.
Vince Trujillo: And I just want to fill in, Robert, those kinds of stories to the general public too, and for firefighters to interact with each other on, and the public to hear in general, I think is something that we’re not used to. So that is great topic line up you have.
Robert Sanchez: Absolutely. I don’t think it would be boring at all for… I think it’d be really interesting for the public. And I’m excited. The lineups that we have coming up on some of these episodes are, they’re huge, and I think they’re going to be interesting, and they’re going to want a tune in to all our podcasts. So we have three or four podcasts a month, it’s great. So look forward to for those coming up.
Robert Sanchez: And we’re also going to have fun. We’re going to probably have some laughs in here and have a good time. And I think you’re going to see that there’s a funny side to me sometimes, and feel free to laugh.
Vince Trujillo: I don’t think we’ll be able to joke like you do in the firehouse, but we’ll have our own team fun in here.
Robert Sanchez: Well, if we have a some bleeping and beeping, I think we’ll be able to have some of the content in there, but it’s going to be tough, for sure. And this is not going to be your usual podcast, like I said. I just, I don’t know if there’s much podcasts out there that are first responders and it’s actually coming from first responders, from firefighters talking about and for firefighters and just what the Firefighter Kingdom is about. That’s why I think it’s a great podcast to bring light to the public about firefighters and to firefighters as well.
Robert Sanchez: And just being a part of the Firefighter Kingdom, what it’s all about. What the benefits are of joining the Firefighter Kingdom. We start running this podcast, I think you’ll see a benefit about the resources that we’ll provide, and just information out there, and talk to firefighters. One thing I know about firefighters is, sometimes it takes a firefighter to talk about a fire- to talk to a firefighter, rather. Sometimes you feel more comfortable hearing from another firefighter, because you know what it’s like. You’re on the truck and you know what it’s like getting up at all times in the morning and all times of the night and just start humor and our sense of humor is different than the general public.
Robert Sanchez: But looking forward to that. Don’t be afraid to follow us on YouTube, iTunes, and Spotify. We’ll definitely be on there. So whatever podcasts you like to tune into, we’ll be there, and make sure to tune in and write in the comment if you have any resources you’d like to know about or any topics or experts you want to talk about, just put them in there and let’s talk about it.
Robert Sanchez: And thanks for listening. And again, Vince, thanks for being here and thanks for helping, like I said. Vince is behind the scenes helping us out a ton. In some of the podcasts you might see him, but he does probably 99% of the work. And thanks again Vince.
Vince Trujillo: Outside of the hard work that you do, I wouldn’t even say 99%. But yeah, I show up and I do some punch some buttons. You guys are out there saving lives, helping people out, and a really serving the community. This is a really hard time everyone is going through now. So I look forward to hearing about these stories, being part of the Firefighter Kingdom tribe, the community going on here that you’re building, and really just interacting with you guys, what you guys do, and seeing how that extends to the community. So thanks so much, Robert.
Robert Sanchez: No problem, and glad to have you, Vince. Appreciate it and I look forward, I’m excited to seeing all the firefighters and the public tuning into the podcast, and a signing off from Firefighter Kingdom util next time. Looking forward to it. Thank you. Podcast: firefighter-kingdom.simplecast.com
Originally published at firefighterkingdom.com on May 6, 2020.
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