#fire nation pantheon
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Round Two
Fire Nation Royal Family (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS The Entire Pantheon of Greek Gods (Greek Mythology)
Fire Nation Royal Family
Members: Sozin, Azulon, Iroh, Ozai, Ursa, Zuko, Azula
CW: attempted murder, physical abuse, burning
"*gestures widely* The murders/murder attempts are all over the place" "They’re so messed up. Uncle Iroh’s the only one with anything resembling mental stability." "So much abuse. Ozai burned half of Zuko's face off and emotionally manipulated Azula."
Greek Pantheon
Members: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, literally hundreds more.
"There's a reason why "Saturn devouring his son" is one of the most famous paintings out there" "Zeus and Poseidon having ALL the affairs, People trying to overthrow Zeus, Zeus and Poseidon almost starting a war, Poseidon and Athena rivalry over a competition that happened hundreds of years ago, Aphrodite cheating on Hephaestus with Ares, Hermes killing Apollo's cows, The whole Demeter and Hades thing, The Trojan war, Genuinely any story from Greek mythology"
#polls#fire nation royal family#avatar the last airbender#atla#greek pantheon#greek mythology#round two
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Gods of Red Wizardry
Alright, friends. Going to start putting together the fundamentals of my belief system in one place, and this post is about the gods!
As with anything in Red Wizardry, I acknowledge that gods are a story I tell myself because it helps me be a better human, and a better wizard. If I stop believing in them, they stop showing up. The greater and more consistent my belief in them, the greater the rewards. The gods of Red Wizardry have titles, but no need for names. This is a list of those I know of so far. It will be updated in future. All of these gods are equally important, but their domains differ vastly from one to the other.
The Time-Gardener: A leathery-skinned god who coaxes the passage of time and the cycle of life along within his garden. Day and night are governed by the lighting of his fires, with dawn the candle he lights in the morning, noon the fire over which he cooks his meal, and dusk the embers he warms his feet by in the evening.
The Laughing God: Ever-present in toys and candy, and games of pretend. He is the god of play, of unpredictability, of delight, but also of manic glee and competition. To him, the world is a board on which he plays a massive, inconceivable game of solitaire, with mountains and forests and nations as the pieces. The time-gardener is his father, and is always giving him new materials to make toys of.
The Elements: The eternal ghosts of Fire, Wind, Water, and Stone, and all their offspring. Their works can effect change in anything; they are the sources from which we draw the force harnessed in magic. They create the seasons by which the Time-Gardener plants and harvests.
The Mad Historian: The ephemeral god of forgotten knowledge. It scribbles madness in the dirt of Time's garden, only for the events to be lost as the hoe falls again. It attempts to deduce Truth, but only succeeds in modifying history. Its work will never end.
The Dreaming Kings: The principle king of dreams rules Dreamers- us folk who can dream lucidly and remember what has happened therein. His brothers are the kings of Nightmares, Visions (or prophetic dreams) and Fantasies.
The Witches of the Green, Grey, and Red: Each of the Witches rules over a form of life- Green for plants and mosses, Red for animals of all kinds, and Grey for fungi and lichens. They are the daughters of the time-gardener.
The Dark: The dark is the first god-beast, representing mankind's deepest fears, and exists everywhere shrouded in perpetual darkness. All bogeymen live in the folds of its cloak. When people say they are 'afraid of the dark'- this is who they mean.
The Thin Devils: A type of the aforementioned bogeymen. There are all kinds of thin devils, and their colors refer to the actions they encourage. Thin White Devils drive people to acts of greed and gluttony, never sated, Thin Red Devils to acts of arrogance and wrath, Thin Green Devils to deceit and subterfuge, and so on. They are subtle underminers of mankind's morality. The time-gardener is always chasing them off.
Tempest: The god-beast of storms, an enormous blue-black serpent with golden fangs. It must be petitioned for favor, to receive rain or auguries. Its displeasure comes when its gifts are not used wisely.
Death: A docile god-beast in the form of a great horned pig. Inside its belly are one hundred and one chambers in which the dead receive their lot. It is kept by the time-gardener, and has a pair of great horns in which frightful buzzards roost.
The Spinner Sisters: Twins and sisters of the Time-Gardener, who keep a flock of multicolored sheep. One shears the sheep and spins the wool to create the threads of destiny, while the other weaves the tapestries of fate into which the threads fit. They argue often about the quality of each others' work.
I think this is everybody so far! Let me know your opinions on my pantheon. I'm noticing a subtle separation between day-gods and night-gods emerging, which I think is fun. Thanks for the read, friends! With love from this long-winded madman.
#witchcraft#witchblr#magick#grimoire#spirituality#pagan#folk magic#paganism#mythology#red wizardry#polytheism
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Lord Surya and his Chariot Talon Abraxas
Their journey symbolizes the trajectory of the Sun across the sky from dawn till dusk. We find similar representations in Ancient Greece (The god Helios identified with Apollo), in ancient Iran (Mithra), in North Europa (Viking goddess Sol)
How can we explain these similarities? The answer is that all these gods are Indo-European.
Who are the Indo-Europeans? Linguists in the nineteenth century have noted similarities between languages, ancient and modern, spreading over an immense geographical space (Europe, Russia, India, Asia). This led to the hypothesis that all these languages were connected and had the same origin, the Indo-European. We still have no evidence of this ancient language, no archeological trace of the people who spoke it. But scientists have been able to reconstruct the evolution of this language and class it into subgroups. Other elements have backed up this theory.
All these nations share similar pantheons. Roman Jupiter is close to Greek Zeus, to Perun, one of our Herojis, and Thor, the Viking god.
They share similar institutions: family and social structures. Dumezil showed that basically these societies were divided in three classes or functions: the Priests, the Warriors, the Producers.
Surya’s chariot
Like many indo-European Sun gods, Surya is depicted riding a chariot harnessed to horses.
There are however variations from one region to another.
The Greek and Roman Apollo ride a two-wheeled chariot driven by four white winged horses (white symbolizes the light of the day).
A sculpture from the Bronze Age found in Denmark shows the Sun who is not yet pictured as a divinity, placed upon a chariot drawn by a horse.
Characteristics of Surya’s chariot: ancient sculptures and paintings show a sort of tiered construction. The god is seated majestically on the upper tier, legs crossed in a lotus position. In the middle tier, we found the goddess of Dawn and in the lower tier, the horses. There are seven of them symbolizing the seven days of the week or the seven colors of the Rainbow. In some pictures, the wheels of the chariot are enormous. Interestingly, the temple of the Sun of Konarak in Orissa is shaped in the form of a chariot and the wheel is a recurring element of decoration. It is a dharma wheel. The circle represents perfection of the dharma, the Buddha’s teachings, the rim of the wheel promotes meditation and concentration, the hub is for moral discipline. This shows by the way the influence of Buddhism on Hinduism.
Chariots in ancient civilizations were mainly used in battle and warfare: this picture shows a representation of an Assyrian war chariot.
This does not seem to be the case in most Indo-European cultures. Greeks valued and relied on the infantry and the Roman aristocracy fought on horseback. Chariots were however a symbol of prestige. The Roman general who was granted a triumph for his victories crossed the city standing on a circular chariot escorted by his cheering soldiers and preceded by the war prisoners covered in chains. In some representations, the winged goddess of Victory stood on the chariot behind the general.
The cosmic journey
The chariot in ancient times was a means of transport. However, Surya crossing the skies does not accomplish an ordinary journey. It is a cosmic journey. He enlightens the world in his passage. This symbolic aspect of the chariot is more universal and not specific to Surya. In many ancient civilizations, initiation to a superior knowledge is seen as a perilous journey from the earthly world to the celestial realms. The chariot or in some instances the boat symbolizes this transformation.
In the Bible, at the end of his life, after accomplishing his earthly missions, the prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire drawn by fiery horses. The English poet Blake mentions this chariot and it has inspired the title of a film featuring the epic battle of two athletes torn between the claims of their religion and their ambitions as Olympic champions.
In some areas of ancient China, horses were sacrificed during burial rituals and chariots were buried in tombs. Chariots had come to play an important role in warfare. They accompanied the diseased in their final and most significant journey.
Mastering wild elements
Driving fiery horses across the skies needs the powerful hands of a god. Feeble creatures who tried to vie with the mighty Sun gods were punished for their pride. Phaethon, the son of Helios, begged his father to be allowed to drive the chariot for a single day. His father ended up yielding to his request but the young man was unable to manage the spirited horses. He was finally ejected from the chariot and fell to the ground.
Thus in many cultures, chariot driving became a sign of energy, authority, control, self will. In Buddhism, the body is equated to a chariot where the horses are the senses, the mind is the reins, and the charioteer is the intellect. The passenger is the Self. Greek philosopher Plato compared the soul to a chariot drawn by two horses. The Charioteer is the Reason or intellect who must guide the soul to truth. One of the horses is noble in breed and character and represents our moral and rational impulses. The other horse is wild and untamed and represents passions and base desires. Both horses try to go in a different direction. The charioteer has to master them to proceed towards enlightenment . The tarot of Marseilles is a set of cards used to predict your good or bad fortune. One of the major cards or arcanes is called the Chariot. The Chariot appears to the strong-willed and fearless. Drawing this card indicates that you are driven to succeed, with the will to work hard in order to get what you desire above all else.
It is common in many cultures to compare the state to a chariot. The good ruler knows how to manage his attelage. To quote the Latin poet:
et premere et laxas sciret dare iussus habenas.
In France, Louis XIV built a whole ideology around his identification to Apollo, the Greek sun god. He was called le Roi Soleil. The image of the sun appears everywhere in Versailles. In the gardens, there is a pond with a sculpture of Apollo and his horses. In a picture, the king is represented as Apollo driving the chariot of the Sun thus showing the cosmic nature of his power and his ability to hold the reins of France and Europe.
Let us end this cosmic journey with a mantra dedicated to Surya. The English translation is followed by the sanskrit transcription: Om, Let me meditate on the Sun God, Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect, And let Sun God illuminate my mind. ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे महादुत्याथिकराया धीमहि त नमो आदित्य प्रचोदयात
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Listen listen listen listen LISTEN
If you are not WELSH you CANNOT use the word ‘Hiraeth’. I am Welsh, and I am telling you that the fact that non-Welsh people are taking this word, throwing it around like it’s nothing and turning it into some fucking aesthetic is deeply offensive and incredibly disrespectful.
Hiraeth does not have an English translation because it is not meant for English people.
The English were the ones who colonised us, stamped all over our culture, beat our language out of us and Hiraeth is a type of grief, scorn, rage and longing for the Wales that could have been.
Hiraeth is the grief we feel when we have to learn our own language instead of speaking it naturally because generations before us were punished for speaking Welsh.
Hiraeth is the rage we feel when we leave Wales and have our accents made fun of, when we are ‘corrected’ on our pronunciations of English words, when we are stereotyped as being ‘uneducated working class scum’.
Hiraeth is the sadness we feel when we realise that we know very little about our own history, our own pantheon, our own traditions.
And finally, Hiraeth is the scorn we feel in the modern day when yet again, someone is trying to take something of ours away from us and appropriate it into their aesthetic.
Hiraeth burns like a fire in all of us whether we want it to or not.
Hiraeth is for those Welsh children who were minding their own business only to have their English classmates bully it out of them. It’s for the Welsh speakers who get told by the English - IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY - to “stop speaking that foreign muck”. Hiraeth is for the Welsh people who have been conditioned to be so ashamed of their nationality and culture that they mask it all with an English accent to fit in and avoid conflict. Hiraeth is for people like me, who had to learn what should have been their mother-tongue.
If you think you can use ‘Hiraeth’ without being Welsh, without growing up in Wales and experiencing this… I can very confidently and not very politely advise you to fuck yourself bloody.
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The Deityverse - A Final Fantasy VII x Soul Calibur AU - part 1
sooooooo since my good friend @theghostavocadoe posted their art of one of the remnants for this AU, it's high time I just talked about it because GAWD DAYUM I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. And yes this ended up as a crossover AU because I made all their designs in the Soul Calibur VI character creator so it ended up getting some Soul Calibur lore mixed in there, along with nods to other mythologies because I'm a fuckin nerd lmao
Anyways the basic premise of this AU is that Genesis, Sephiroth and Angeal all serve as the three patron gods of the city/nation of Alfitaria (if you picked up that this was a nod to FF: Crystal Chronicles you'd be RIGHT), and many of the other FFVII cast work for them. There is also the nation of Wutai, led by a pantheon of gods headed by Tseng who take care of the threat of malfested beings. And finally, the underworld is governed by Jenova (who is very morally grey in this AU but she can be hella manipulative when she wants to be)
Putting this under a cut cuz this is about to get LONG. And it's going to be in multiple parts. This part will talk about the Carpe Vinum Pantheon (notably the FFVII cast who are part of it), along with a bit of background.
Anyways, beginning with the Carpe Vinum Pantheon, the pantheon that rules over Alfitaria...
Genesis Rhapsodos, Patron God of the Arts and Passions, Wielder of the Divine Flame

Genesis governs the creative spirit of Alfitaria's citizens after he was adopted into the pantheon following a past he's not particularly proud of, but he does his utmost to ensure that he makes his worshippers happy. He inspires creativity and passion in all forms, not just the passion of love, but the passion of the craft too. He's a phoenix-adjacent deity with dominion over the elements of fire and lightning.
Sephiroth Lunatum, Patron God of War and Morale, Wielder of the Divine Hurricane

Sephiroth is the one who governs the city's morale, which was only found out after a decree from Myrrh (the all-powerful god of the world also known as He Who Surveys All) that led to him leaving the pantheon for a time and going mad, inciting the Vengeful Hurricane War (this AU's equivalent of the Nibelheim Incident). After seeking forgiveness and showing remorse, Sephiroth was instated as a patron god and serves to inspire the nation's warriors. He is a naga-adjacent being with dominion over the elements of wind and ice.
Angeal Hewley, Patron God of Homesteading and Constitution, Keeper of the Divine Deluge

Angeal is the one who serves the land, and he's the one who ensures the livelihoods of the farmers who provide food for the citizenry. He much prefers to be low-key and humble about his status as a divine being, and his temple is a refuge for those fleeing dangerous situations or those who just want sanctuary. He is a merfolk-adjacent being with dominion over the elements of water and earth.
Cloud Strife, Seraph of Bravery

Cloud is the seraph who sings the praises of the patron gods, but he also doesn't take any shit from the higher powers. He's not afraid to stand up for what's right, and he earned his title of the Seraph of Bravery after singlehandedly making the decisive move that helped bring the Vengeful Hurricane War to an end.
Zack Fair, Demigod of Loyalty

Zack is the one who represents loyalty, and he was mentored by Angeal. He's very rambunctious and exciteable, hence why some people think he's a puppy. But he cares deeply for his nation, his fellow divine entities and his friends.
Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz, the Demigod Generals of Sephiroth

When Sephiroth was defeated during one of the battles of the Vengeful Hurricane War, his remains were sent down to a lake in the underworld. His willpower was that strong that several fragments formed and became his remnants.
Kadaj represents his unbridled rage and desire for bloodshed.
Yazoo represents his strategy and cunning, along with his wisdom.
Loz represents his raw strength, along with his repressed emotions.
Following Sephiroth's return to the pantheon, these three became demigods and now serve as his generals, and he sees them as his sons.
(The SCVI designs were made with some input from @theghostavocadoe, though they've revamped the designs into something better!)
Gideon Biggs, Seraphic Provisioner

Biggs is Angeal's seraph and helps keep the city stocked up on supplies, along with his fellow angels Jessie Rasberry and Wedge. He seems very rough and rugged on the outside, but he's got a heart of gold and cares deeply about those he's close to.
Scarlet, Goddess of Weaponry

Scarlet is the very-much-disliked goddess whose temple is situated on the city's outskirts. She is in charge of providing weapons for the armies and ensuring that shipments of weapons go where they're needed. She got her role after Sephiroth was exiled from the pantheon, and she rules her part with an iron fist. The angels under her command are treated horribly, with one of them serving as a footstool (whom she calls Ottoman). While everyone talks about getting rid of Scarlet, they can't because she is incredibly good at her job, and she does it well.
Aerith Gainsborough, Head Priestess of the Temple of the Divine Flame

Aerith was taken in at a young age by Genesis when her mother Ifalna (the previous head priestess) was killed at the temple steps by a malfested god who utterly despised Genesis (from the past he doesn't talk about). She eventually decided that she wanted to work as his head priestess, and now she leads the services at the temple, taking offerings and making sure her god gets his praises. She loves flowers. Despite her seemingly lithe appearance, she is a demigoddess and has a staff that she's not afraid to use. Watch out if she grabs the steel chair though.
#final fantasy vii#ffvii#the deityverse au#ffvii au#genesis rhapsodos#sephiroth#angeal hewley#cloud strife#zack fair#trying to keep this concise was tough but HEY LMAO#AND I NEED SEVERAL PARTS AUGH
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• Paganism is a term first used pejoratively in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism or ethnic religions other than Judaism.
• Neo-Paganism is a modern religious movement incorporating beliefs or practices from outside the main world religions, especially nature worship.
• It is Polytheistic in nature; worship of or belief in multiple deities, which are usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals but can also just be a reverence for nature without any belief in deities.
A Brief Pagan Time-line:
• 300-353 Emperor Constantine orders the pillaging of Pagan Temples in the Roman Empire and begins to ban pagan rituals under threat of death
• 363 to 375 Emperor Julian and his next three successors lead a revival of Paganism in the Roman Empire while also tolerating Christianity.
• 381 Emperor Theodosius begins a war on Paganism. Visits to temples are banned, the sacred fire of Vesta is extinguished, the Olympics are banned, Pagan rituals are banned, and many holy Pagan sites throughout the Roman Empire are destroyed by force.
• 410 Rome is sacked by the Visigoths. Many Romans viewed it as punishment for turning away from the gods.
• 400s to 500s Paganism in the Roman Empire is forced to go underground, Pagan libraries are burnt, and it becomes official policy to hunt down and torture the remaining Pagans. Some Pagan festivals are incorporated in Christianity.
• 600s-1300s Many Pagan Resurgences occur while many nations go under the influence of Christianity
• 1300s to 1700s a series of witchcraft trials sweep through Europe leading to an estimated 40,000 to 100,000 deaths. How the trials relate to Paganism is debated.
• 1492 Christianity is first introduced to the Americas and the African Diaspora soon begins.
• 1780s to 1860s The Romantic Movement emerges in Europe. Its members loved nature and were influenced by folklore and mythology. Several of the Romanticists including Thomas Love Peacock, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Edward Calvert, and Algernon Swineburne wrote poetry praising the old gods, built altars to Pan, and began to identify as Pagan.
• 1904 Aleister Crowley transcribes The Book of the Law while in Egypt and proclaims the establishment of the “new age” of the Æon of Horus.
• 1910 Rider-Waite tarot deck first published
• 1921 The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Murray is published and the Witch-Cult Hypothesis is further popularized.
• 1939 Gerald Gardner is initated into the New Forest Coven, and believes it to be ancient.
• 1954 Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner is published and leads to the spread of Wicca.
• 1960s Interest in Paganism and new age philosophy explodes.
• 1980s The Satanic Panic occurs
• 1980s-2000s Neo-Paganism finds a new breath of life and worshipers
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Would love to learn more about each of the bullet points, but if I had to pick just one, the pantheon around the world sounds interesting
You can send in as many as you like, I will absolutely answer them all. It's one of the reasons I set up the Tumblr blog for my fics, asks like this help me do character voice and worldbuilding and it's good for warmups & breaks from the main writing itself. Very "so y'all found the one NPC I forgot to name" kind of GM exercise. I did it for my book series and I got more worldbuilding done that way than I had in ages, so genuinely, there's not an upper limit to these, I might just have to put them in queue.
That said, I'm going to hand this over to the princess and Marela, I think they'll have the most insight on this topic.
The Pantheon Around the World w/ Princess Zelda & Marela
Zelda: "That is an entire field of discussion. It would take books to cover the full breadth of theological differences across the world. I can give you a summary to the best of my ability, but some topics do require further reading to explore.
"There are some matters of religion that are easy to define in our world. For instance, we have definitive proof of the Golden Goddesses; Din, Nayru, & Farore, along with a handful of other divine beings, like Hylia. But different cultures will value these divines, well, differently. While they all generally share worship for the main Three, and with secondary worship to Hylia for Her connection with the legends and the cycle, it can manifest uniquely based on a culture's primary relation with divinity.
"Take Hyrule for example. Due to our proximity to the Sacred Door, our kingdom has been central to the cycle and the legends as the source of magic evil has always sought out. For this reason, as well as for Her sacrifices, worship for Hylia is more prevalent that in other nations. Many Hyruleans take Hylia's story, of being mortal and of achieving ascension through the forging of the Master Sword and the imprisoning of Demise, as an act of inspiration, of Hope. Now, more recent study would suggest Hylia was already incredibly powerful, of at least two Sage lineages before Her ascension, but Her story still proves primary in Hyrulean faith. That isn't to say that the Golden Trio aren't still highly revered, but many in Hyrule find Hylia to be more..."
Marela: "Personable? Relatable? Achievable?"
Zelda: "Perhaps not the last one, but yes. In that vein. Hylia was the most like us, Her story is the one also most intertwined with our culture, so entangled with the legends as it is. But it's certainly not the only one. And other countries will favor other Goddesses. Unsurprisingly, Rahaal sees Din as a primary inspiration, as does Teromac. Farona chiefly holds Farore in worship."
Marela: "And Naydrana and Kohno hold Nayru in higher esteem!"
Zelda: "Precisely. Then there's Lyberic, which holds the Goddesses in equal value. And Holan, whose current theological debates have put the eight Sages of the Convergence in higher value. For similar reasons that Hylia is favored here, current leading Holanii ideology views the Sages as the most achievable, and thus the mantle most worthy of respect and reverence."
Marela: "It's hard to imagine not having the Goddesses so central to worship. Particularly living here. I know it's true. My family visited the coves in Kohno once. Seeing Din's underwater was a surprise! The lava fissure certainly sold it, if the fire coral hadn't."
Zelda: "Every culture has different centered fixtures in their worship with the Goddesses, none more correct than the others. Like our connection to the Sacred Door."
Marela: "You've been to the other great temples, Zelda. I think you could give some examples."
Zelda: "I have. The closest to us would be the Arborage, the temple within the boughs of the Great Maru Tree in Farona's capital, Pabatta."
Marela: "Great Maru Tree? Like the Great Deku Tree?"
Zelda: "Older even. As old as the Creation, so the stories say. She is an infinitely wise being. And not the only one in the nation. At each of the Goddesses' glades in Farona, one of her daughters has grown. Pilgrimage to them is of both religious significance and part of the ceremony for becoming ruler of the country. Unsurprisingly, Farore holds significant sway. Though I've been to the Endless Ember, it's definitely connected with Din."
Marela: "What about our other friendliest neighbor, Rahaal?"
Zelda: "In Rahaal, the high influence of Gerudo cultures does hold Din in the highest esteem. The Temple of Radiant Fire is said to contain the flames that were used to forge the Master Sword, though the sanctum where they would be held has long been sealed. But in Rahaal, theology and science are opposite sides of the same coin. There are universities built around each of the Goddesses's forges, the University of Arcanum & the Metaphysical for Nayru, the University of Practical & Material Sciences for Din, and the University of the Natural Order for Farore, divided across the nation. Only the University of the Forum is separate, and that's because the Temple of Radiant Fire is so sacred."
Marela: "There are different titles, I've noticed as well. Here in Hyrule we call spiritual leaders priestesses. But in Kohno, they were called anchorites or by a familial title."
Zelda: "It does vary widely. In Naydrana, they call their spiritual leaders mystics, in Farona attendants, and in Holan ministers. Like I said, it would take books to truly delve into this topic, and how widely is varies. I'm afraid I only have so much time to give to this answer, as interesting as its discussion might be. We haven't even had time to discuss the Dreeka and their Goddess, there is truly so much more to explore."
Marela: "I would look forward to continuing this discussion in the future though! Perhaps when we've had more time to travel. And after this little plan of yours in Hylia's temple-"
Zelda: "I think we're getting ahead of ourselves there, Marela. Somethings are better left unsaid, I think."
Mark of a Hero (Updates on Tuesdays & Fridays, 1 of 9)
Hyrule is at peace, or so the Royal Family would have its people believe. Something is afoot in the kingdom, and someone needs to do something about it. Least likely would be Marksmen Link Sayre- a mercenary and monster hunter doing his best to get by. Until a job goes wrong, and he gets roped into the secret plans of Hyrule's princess. Now Link must play the part of the Hero to dive deeper into the mystery, and maybe stumble into a legend of his own.
AO3 - Wattpad
#markofahero#moah worldbuilding#fanfic writing#fanfic#loz: original legends#legend of zelda#zelda fanfiction#zelda#original legends#zelda fandom#the legend of zelda
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our party of lv 18 adventurers is currently accidentally in custody of the military of the fuckin nation (think, roman empire but mages) ruled by our aasimar's divine mother who we very much intend to kill so she can ascend to her spot n the pantheon. Our party is pulling of the most shenanigan interrogations ever (think, the crew of the Serenity, you kow the interrogation where Wash starts waxing nostalgic about Zoey's ass?). Paladin's talking about her titties. Sorceress is talking about being seasick. Rogue is talking about how shit the fey are (the nation we're held by is fighting the fey in a war currently). Monk is talking about the dungeon delve we're planning to do. NO ONE spilled who we are or where we're from. We passed all WIS saves against being mind probed. Paladin succesfully bamboozled them to think she is another God's aasimar. We players sitting here thinking boy these three interrogaters in particular will be SO FUCKING MORTIFIED when we hit end game and tear down their ruler and throw their entire nation into chaos and they hear the descriptions of 'A group of adventurers from the other continent - an aasimar of our lady in gold armour wielding a sword of fire, a vedalken artificer crafting horrific siege technology, a phoenix sorceress that burned hundreds in her wake, a tiefling cleric of the God of magic who nearly broke time and space, a spriggan rogue who literally dropped from the ceiling and assassinated a God, an ancient dwarf monk who soaked up all damage and literally refused to die' and they'll be like 'THESE CHUCKLEFUCKS???? JUST DESTROYED OUR NATION????'
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"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"—Leo Tolstoy
Behold, our 64 dysfunctional families!

Round One will start Monday, July 24, with 8 polls released a day. Polls will go on for a week.
Matchups below the cut!
The Batfamily (DCU) VS the Entrati Family (Warframe)
2. The Roys (Succession) VS The Todoroki family (My Hero Academia)
3. The Asanos (Assassination Classroom) VS the Aether family (Pokémon Sun & Moon)
4. The Mikaelsons (The Vampire Diaries / The Originals) VS the Bluths (Arrested Development)
5. Fire Nation Royal Family (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS the Okiura family (AI: the Somnium Files)
6. The Wang family (Everything Everywhere All at Once) VS The Entire Pantheon of Greek Gods (Greek Mythology)
7. Loustat Family (Interview With The Vampire) VS the Schnees (RWBY)
8. The Samtheon (Friends at the Table - Seasons of Hieron) VS the Shijimas (Kamen Rider Drive)
9. The House of Finwë (The Silmarillion) VS the Preaker/Crellins (Sharp Objects)
10. The Crowders (Justified FX) VS the Falsettos family (Falsettos)
11. The Homunculi (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS the Chrobin family (Fire Emblem Awakening)
12. The Horsemans (Bojack Horseman) VS DGP Staff Family (Kamen Rider Geats)
13. Big Mom Family (One Piece) VS the Buendía Family (One Hundred Years of Solitude)
14. John and his lyctors (The Locked Tomb) VS Familia Madrigal (Encanto)
15. Agreste/Graham de Vanily/Fathom family (Miraculous Ladybug) VS the Wattersons (The Amazing World of Gumball)
16. House Greyjoy (A Song Of Ice And Fire) VS the Ushiromiya family (Umineko When They Cry)
17. The Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) VS the Gemstones (The Righteous Gemstones)
18. The Winchesters (Supernatural) VS House Davar (Stormlight Archive/Cosmere)
19. The Gravity Brothers (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS King Arthur's Family (Arthurian mythology)
20. The Reynolds + Charlie + Mac (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) VS the Fowls (Artemis Fowl)
21. The Sohma Clan (Fruits Basket) VS Essun's family (The Broken Earth trilogy)
22. Clear Sky's family (Warrior Cats) VS the Strider-Lalondes (Homestuck)
23. Tachibana Sakuya + Kamijou Mutsuki (Kamen Rider Blade) VS the Minyards+Nicky (All For the Game/Foxhole Court)
24. The Mishima Clan (Tekken) VS the Donquixote family (One Piece)
25. The Fey family (Ace Attorney) VS the Klim family (Zero Escape)
26. Marika's Bloodline (Elden Ring) VS the Lehnsherr-Maximoff+ Family (Marvel)
27. The House of Atreus (Greek Mythology) VS the Lucis Caelum Family (Final Fantasy XV)
28. The Muniz family (Malcolm in the Middle) VS the Jiang family (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
29. The Gallaghers (Shameless) VS the Kirigaya-Yuki family (Sword Art Online Abridged)
30. The Hoovers (Little Miss Sunshine) VS the Afton family (Five Nights at Freddy's)
31 . The Puppingtons (Moral Orel) VS the Simpsons (The Simpsons)
32. The Whitleys (Prodigal Son) VS the Zoldycks (Hunter X Hunter)
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⋆˙⟡ The sisters of the Lotus Church ⋆˙⟡
S O //steeples hands I figured it was about time I elaborated on the sisters that Lilith may have mentioned occasionally. They aren't her birth relatives but basically as close to family as she was ever able to get. "Sisters" refer to the nuns of the church, while her "Mother" was the head of said church. This is more of a personal reference for myself so I can include more details about Lilith's history, but feel free to enjoy it too ^^ There would also naturally be more sisters than listed here, but these would be the ones with the biggest impacts in Lilith's life. Just some content warnings tho, there are many strong themes of abuse scattered throughout these little expansions on Lilith's upbringing. Mostly with Elousia and Phineas, but just be advised!
⋆˙⟡ Mother Elousia Hark
The Matriarch of the Lotus Church. She is an older woman (appearing in her 70s) with fully white hair and a perfect posture as she walks. Renowned for her wisdom and ability to take leadership, she has gained the respect and trust of all of the sisters of the church and the townsfolk as well. When she speaks, it is with clarity and directness. However, she holds a deep love and care for her church and the people of the nations.
She received her role unexpectedly after her mentor passed away from illness, becoming the youngest Matriarch to inherit the title. In her time she faced many challenges, earning the people's respect after taking charge in the recovery of "the Great Fire", which destroyed much of the Laurel Valley and killed many of her people and creatures. It was during this time and several other events that she became more stoic and dedicated to her faith.
Unfortunately, the church of Gaia is not as neutral as it was always meant to be. Before her time, the church was favored by the Laurel Valley after the Silver City rejected Gaia, and the Oasis Domain chose to favor others in the pantheon. The church had also lost a lot of its original intentions. It was always meant to help people connect to themselves and connect the world and all living things, but grew more into reverence of the natural world through strict rituals given by others instead (this fact even Elousia does not know, as most of these teachings have been lost to time. ) The King of the Laurel Valley ( Rowen Brivet ) made many deals with Elousia for support, which she kept completely behind the scenes from everyone. Phineas was the chief liaison in this relationship, however the King very frequently took advantage of the church to further his own goals.
Elousia is not proud of these decisions, but she has always cared deeply for the people of her home. In wanting to do anything to protect them, she was willing to sacrifice morality in the process. The hardest decision she ever had to make, however, was when Lilith entered the picture.
Elousia and Phineas had many an argument about what to do about the child blessed with the prophecied connection to Concordia's magic, something that had not been seen since the founding of their country. Phineas saw an opportunity to study the world's magic and aid the king in conquering all of Concordia, while Elousia saw a child of the valley and the church who needed to be protected.
In many cases, her hands were tied by the king for Phineas to fulfill his desires (by exposing Elousia and her dealings and threatening the people and their safety including with the lies that Concordia's magic was dying so it was a necessary evil), while Elousia simply did her best to lead Lilith down the path that would be best for her. Lilith was intended to grow up to be the perfect acolyte (and eventually martyr) of the church. She taught her everything about their teachings, rituals, and traditions. This kept her busy with many duties.
However, Lilith had proven to be quite a handful as a child. She was full of life and wonder, and always questioned everything that was told to her. Elousia has always known what fate awaited Lilith, so somewhere along the way became very strict and overbearing with Lilith to curb her free spirit tendencies, executing many punishments to keep her in line and limit her access to the outside world as much as she could. In a lot of ways, she was attempting to harden her own heart too, as she was also very fond of Lilith and hated what Phineas would do to her. But her priority would always be the Laurel Valley; a belief which she passed onto Lilith.
⋆˙⟡ Lilith holds a deep reverence for Elousia, as her mother figure and someone she looks up to for guidance/inspiration. There is little else that Lilith wants than her approval, and has carved great portions of herself just to try and earn that love. She absolutely defends most of her actions, even the worst ones as necessary for her and for Concordia.
⋆˙⟡ Sister Meredith
Meredith is an even older woman than Elousia at about 120 years old, she has been dedicated to the church for almost as long as that. She worked primarily in the kitchens, preparing meals for the poor and for the staff of the church. She has a generally very sassy personality and is known for being something of a cooky old lady. She is very particular about weird things and speaks in a lot of anecdotes, but more often than not she speaks wisdom that hits very close to home.
She loves the church and the people, though is suspicious of Elousia and what she dictates. She often clashes with Elousia and goes behind her back to do things, which more often than not she ends up being right about. The two of them used to be closer when Elousia first entered the church but became separated as Elousia grew apart from the church. Meredith likes to call her the "tyrant" behind her back, but deep down misses her and their closeness.
⋆˙⟡ Meredith is also very fond of Lilith and tries to correct for Elousia. She is something of a grandmother to her, and Lilith has always loved to hang around and hear her stories. Meredith will often sneak Lilith snacks and treats that she makes or collects from her family. She tries to alleviate some of the loneliness, but she will always wish that Lilith had friends her age.
⋆˙⟡ Sister Annalaide
Is a very sweet but shy, middle-aged woman who is the lead caretaker of the Garden. Her voice was very quiet but she has one of the biggest hearts for the natural world. Her magic for plant life and for animals was one of the best in the church, and she would share this often with Lilith. She is so dedicated to nature that she abstains from eating meat completely.
Unfortunately, she can be a huge doormat when it comes to confrontation and submits easily to authority. She also has a few weirder habits and quirks, such as fainting at the very sight of blood. She is quite a free spirit otherwise, dancing under the trees with the wind and collecting rocks just because she thought they were pretty. She is as devout as any of the sisters and generally well-liked. Though everyone knows better than to tell her a secret, as she will easily give in to giving details when prompted to.
⋆˙⟡ She would be considered by Lilith to be an aunt of sorts to her. Annalaide would always encourage Lilith to explore the wonders of the world and taught her literally everything she knew about gardening, plant life, and animals. Lilith would try to spend time with her, but Elousia forbade the sisters from forming bonds with Lilith or coddling her in any fashion, which Annalaide would agree to. She also would know when Lilith left the house through the garden, and Elousia knew she could just ask her where Lilith was. She tried her best to cheer Lilith up but was too cowardly to do much.
⋆˙⟡ Sisters River & Raine
These two twins are the current youngest and the newest sisters of the church, both joining at 18 when Lilith was still a child. They became devout to Gaia after the death of their parents, having nowhere else to go and little to their name. River has long blond hair and is generally on the ditzy side but with a bubbly disposition. Raine has long brown hair and is known for being very direct and having a calmer disposition.
They are always seen doing everything together, no matter what the task is ( even if it only requires one person to do it. ), and tend to be the ones who work very closely in volunteering out in the Laurel Valley to help the less fortunate. Often they can be seen making gifts and preparing/gathering materials to give out. Both are highly creative and skilled in crafts. River is talented with sewing and embroidery, while Raine is talented in music and writing.
⋆˙⟡ They were really as close to actual sisters as Lilith ever got. Both of them took to Lilith very well, particularly because they understood what orphanhood is like, and often included her ( as much as they could ) in their various activities, teaching her music and sewing. They would also advocate for Lilith to travel with them for volunteer work, but these did not have a high success rate unless Elousia was traveling with the group. Raine and River never fully understood why Lilith was given such harsh treatment, so would occasionally try and give Lilith some joy by providing books and materials for her to craft with.
⋆˙⟡ Sister Portia
An older woman ( close to Elousia's age) and a very flighty individual who is the head healer of the church. Portia is almost always seen fussing over details and has a lot of OCD and germaphobic tendencies. Of course, it could be said that she takes her job as a doctor incredibly seriously. There are few as knowledgeable about medicines and surgeries as she is, with animals and with people. Many flock to the church simply for her to aid them, which of course she does. It's why she joined the church to be able to expand her reach.
None of that changes the fact that she is easily overwhelmed and has also been known to speak her mind as it comes - including telling people when they've been an idiot for gaining the injury that they did. She believes very deeply in people being educated enough for them to take care of themselves, which she and Elousia have many fights over. The two of them often bicker about practices and policies, but Portia is equally one of her closest friends at the church.
⋆˙⟡ She would be considered an aunt as well by Lilith, and very highly regarded by her too. Portia was very heavily involved in Lilith's care and teachings, as she believed having practical knowledge of medicines was just as important as Lilith's magic. There were many days when Portia had to heal Lilith's wounds from her training or punishments. Portia knew what was happening, and equally knew that there was something that wasn't right. She would've left after realizing Elousia was dealing with things she shouldn't, but she couldn't bring herself to leave Lilith alone without some guidance. Portia does her best for Lilith, which she accepts happily. Often she would be her assistant for surgeries or medical emergencies, putting her training to use.
⋆˙⟡ High Druid Phineas Tessance
He is an older man with long greying brown hair, generally appearing a bit disheveled in his flowing green robes and bags under his eyes. His disposition typically is very direct and proud. He has dedicated his entire life to the study of Concordia's magic, making it his mission to understand it to its fullest. This has earned him the title of High Druid in the Laurel Valley, the highest position of magic one could ever have. His passion has long since morphed into an obsession with this magic. He will lock himself away in his room for hours with little to eat and no sleep as he pushes knowledge to its brink.
Phineas was always taken the most seriously by the king, who would provide him with materials and sustenance for him to continue his research. He also eventually joined the King's council, becoming one of his most trusted advisors. He knows Rowen very well and was even originally tasked with destroying the evidence of the affair. However, Phineas saw the markings of the babe and immediately knew that this child was no ordinary human being. She had the blessing of Concordia coursing through her veins. A deep connection to the magic that he knew he could use.
Phineas knew too what Rowen's plans were, and while Phineas was not so concerned with conquest, he was promised access to the source of even more knowledge of this magic as long as he could find a way to bring the king's plans to reality. This he was more than willing to accept. But the child could not stay in the palace ( and he certainly wasn't fit to raise a human being ) so he strong-armed Elousia into raising her while he performed his tests.
He was only able to get so far with Lilith while she was a baby. So most of the time he spent running tests and seeing her connections, discovering that she would be able to wield all of the elements, rather than just one. Her early childhood was also spent simply learning about magic and he taught her the history and legends of Concordia, leaving everything else to the sisters.
Unlike them, he felt absolutely no love towards her and never grew attached. In fact, he constantly encouraged Elousia to do the same. Giving her the story that Lilith was born as a vessel for Concordia's magic to be reborn with and needed to be harvested for the good of the whole nation. Nature was dying all around them, and the natural disasters were only growing in intensity. He told her that Lilith would need to be sacrificed so that Concordia could be restored, and pointed to a prophecy that "said" as much. If he happened to find anything that contradicted this, he got rid of the evidence and lied about the whole thing to keep his promise to the king and continue his research. He was planning on finding the source and using Lilith to achieve control over it.
As Lilith turned around 9, the tests grew in their intensity. She was already leagues ahead of any other student, having a natural affinity toward everything that she was taught. So in turn, he would ramp up her training until spells would become difficult for her to perform. He would push her and push her to the point of exhaustion, silencing her cries, and screams, and fighting back with his own punishments - sometimes magical, but sometimes physical. He rarely used the same method twice. He did this often to grow her capacity to contain magic within her body.
However, the worst came as she got older, and his training transformed into experiments. This was when he would have her chained down after being sedated, and either take her blood to study it or simply use different types of magic to draw out the light magic within her learn about its effects, and then document them. He was in the habit of talking out loud to himself about these findings, though more often than not Lilith was not fully conscious during these.
He learned that her magic was quite literally intertwined with her being, so while the other elemental magic was fine to use and enhance, the light magic would eat away at her body in various manners. Eventually, it was incorporated into her training to try and infuse her body with more magic so that it would slow this particular effect, and training continued to build up those reserves.
Phineas showed absolutely no care towards her, in fact, he was much happier to work with her whenever she just complied with what she was told. ( which was often between his training and Elousia's regiments was incredibly easy to do. ) He would praise her when she did well and showed genuine happiness when the results were positive, which was rare as he was especially particular with how she performed in her magic. The entirety of his focus was simply trying to find the absolute limit, no matter what it cost.
⋆˙⟡ He would be Lilith's father figure, being the most ( and only ) predominant male in her life. However, she does not fully consider him this, referring to him strictly as being her mentor/teacher. She believes him to be very intelligent, but she holds a deep fear of him though she does not remember all of his experiments ( nor does she call them that, even though that's what they are. ) She has also blotted out a good portion of his actions, believing them to be for good intentions no matter how much they hurt. She would leave her training with him exhausted, wounded, and often emotionless while the weight of it all only grew bigger on her shoulders. Whenever she would seek comfort from Elousia, she would be turned away by her and the other sisters ( not by choice ) and occasionally even punished again for her tears as wanting to get out of her duties.
Lilith was taught from a young age that this pain was a necessary burden that she had to bear, and learned to keep her mouth shut. Talking about it only made things worse, and even she grew to believe that it was what just had to be done, no matter what it cost. Being and becoming a vessel was literally everything she knew, and Phinease and Elousia were not shy at all about communicating this to her. Despite all of their efforts, they could not completely destroy the hope that she had that she could still explore the world and be more than what they had planned.
I'll make another post just for the other NPCs that could have existed in Lilith's life, or rather are relevant to her in one way or another, mostly about Rowen and his whole deal and then his family that is actually Lilith's family - but that is for another time. (this has been sitting in my drafts since March |D)
#headcanons ★₊˚⊹✧˖°.#out of character ★₊˚⊹✧˖°.#cw: abuse#cw: dissociation#cw: health#hmmm so yeah Lilith's just a teensy bit messed up#but it's fffffffiiiiine#she'll get better for sure#unfortunate she's been gutted to badly that she doesn't really see what's wrong#and was so sheltered that no one even questioned her weird disposition to begin with
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So what is this cult you're always mentioning about?
in short: a mix of antichrist enlightenment deism, syncretic pan-indo-european paganism, and american civil religion with a dash of heraclitean-dionysian-nietzscheanism and futurism+. meant to be a community of like-minded free-spirits to collaborate and support each other, to foster our relationship with the divine for the wellbeing of ourselves and our communities and our nation, to cultivate elite shock troopers for the wars to come (physical, spiritual, cultural, etc), and to facilitate the birth of a new ethnogenesis.
we (i) believe in nature's god and providence and the gods of my ancestors (indo-european pantheons and maybe some native american stuff). they are real, not mere personifications or archetypes (though they are those things too -- they are that and more). the myths are true but not literal. reason is man's greatest oracle. revelation still has its place though.
"every man a priest" (priesthood of all believers) (but also there is a priesthood set apart from the common priesthood)
our priesthood carries the duty of establishing temples/shrines and making offerings and maintaining temples/shrines under our care and fostering our connection with the gods in or to ensure the health and prosperity of our nation and the goodwill of the gods and to provide service to our communities (in many forms; spiritual, moral, material, etc).
the founding fathers were apotheosized as saints, heroes, and demigods. the declaration of independence and the constitution are divinely inspired. america is the handiwork of the divine and has a special and sacred (manifest) destiny. america is the inheritor of rome. america is the ultimate expression of imperium; an empire of liberty (lady liberty is the ancient roman god/goddess). america is the ultimate engine of power, the culmination of all of history (by design). mithras (sol invictus) watches over us (freemasonry is a modern cult of mithras and it played a significant role in america's founding -- secret mithraic priesthood guided by providence.)
the old gods fled the old world (because of the rise of christianity) and came to the new world. here they prepared a promised land for us. when we reached these lands they were already here waiting for us. when thamus declared the death of the great god pan he was mistaken. pan had only made his way here, to america (aka the land of cronus). and the gods beckoned us here, a convoking an assembly of heroes (we americans, who answered the call, are the gods' elect). guided by providence. and they made a covenant with the gods here and the gods gave us this promised land in return. a great steppe for us to roam on horseback like our ancient ancestors did on the eurasian steppe.
they have tasked us with a great work (long story). but rest assured; they favor our undertakings.
also we have to conquer the stars and spread the fire of the faustian spirit.
also "we the people" (americans) are a sacred folk and we are the aristocrats of the earth and we must nurture and cultivate our people and foster connections and community and make it correct and healthy and restore natural order (dharma). and "we the people" seek to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
hierarchy is good and natural and sacred (it's in the name)
"war is father of all"
"i am a law only for my kind"
"the state is the march of god on earth"
being strong is good. we believe in human excellence and strive to cultivate virtue.
nature is cruel and (awe-)inspiring and worthy of respect. we seek to live in harmony with nature but recognize civilization and human genius as a great good. we love nature, and acknowledge ourselves as a part of it, but will not be victims to it.
creation of culture is paramount. tension is good. struggle is good. the earth is an altar and life is agon(y).
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Gwendolyn Bennett (July 8, 1902 - May 30, 1981) a poet, author, educator, journalist, and graphic artist, was born in Giddings, Texas to Joshua and Maime Bennett. Her parents worked as teachers in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Her family moved to DC in 1906. Soon after, her mother divorced her father and took custody of her. Joshua kidnapped her and they settled in with her stepmother in Brooklyn.
She attended Brooklyn’s Girls High where she became the first African American to join the Drama and Literary societies and where she was rewarded first place in a school-wide art contest. She graduated from Columbia University and Pratt Institute in fine arts.
She began to write poetry in college and in November 1923, her poem “Nocturne” was published in The Crisis, the journal of the NAACP. Another poem, “Heritage” appeared in Opportunity, the magazine of the National Urban League. She became an Assistant Professor in the Art Department at Howard University. She went to Academic Julian and Ecole de Pantheon in Paris.
She became the assistant editor of Opportunity magazine. She became active in the Harlem Renaissance and regularly wrote a column called “The Ebony Flute” in Opportunity about literary and fine arts. Her column reported the various literary activities of Harlem Renaissance artists. She wrote short stories such as “Wedding Day” which first appeared in the Harlem Renaissance anthology, Fire.
She married Alfred Jackson (1927). Financial pressures constantly threatened their marriage. They lost their home in Florida during the Great Depression and soon afterward he passed away.
She was a member of the Harlem Artists Guild and directed the Harlem Community Art Center. She was on the Board of the Negro Playwright’s Guild and contributed to the development of the George Washington Carver Community School. She married Richard Crosscup. She worked as a secretary and they opened an antique shop. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta
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Things To See Around The Catacombs
The underground Catacombs of Paris are a popular tourist attraction known for their underground labyrinth of tunnels and skeletal displays. If you're visiting the Catacombs and would like to explore the surrounding area, here are some things to see:
Montparnasse Cemetery: Located nearby, this cemetery is the final resting place of many notable figures, including Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Charles Baudelaire. It's known for its beautiful monuments and peaceful atmosphere.
Luxembourg Gardens: A short distance from the Catacombs, these gardens offer a tranquil escape from the bustling city. You can stroll through the well-manicured lawns, admire the Luxembourg Palace, and relax by the fountains.
Pantheon: Situated in the Latin Quarter, the Pantheon is a neoclassical mausoleum that houses the remains of several distinguished individuals, such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Marie Curie. The building itself is an architectural marvel worth exploring.
Sainte-Geneviève Library: Adjacent to the Pantheon, this historic library is known for its stunning reading room and extensive collection of books. It's a great place to appreciate both the architecture and the intellectual atmosphere.
Notre-Dame Cathedral: While it is currently closed due to restoration work following the fire in 2019, Notre-Dame Cathedral remains an iconic landmark in Paris. It's worth visiting the area to admire the exterior and take in the surrounding views.
Jardin des Plantes: This expansive botanical garden is located close to the Catacombs and offers a variety of attractions, including beautiful flowerbeds, greenhouses, and the National Museum of Natural History. You can explore the gardens or visit the museum's exhibits.
Left Bank: Crossing the Seine from the Catacombs, you'll find yourself on the Left Bank, known for its bohemian atmosphere. Enjoy the charming streets of the Latin Quarter, browse the independent bookstores, and discover cozy cafes and jazz clubs.
Paris Catacombs Museum: While technically part of the Catacombs, the underground museum provides additional context and historical information about the site. It's a must-visit if you're interested in the history and significance of the Catacombs.
Remember to check the opening hours and any specific visiting requirements for each attraction before your visit, as they may be subject to change. Enjoy your exploration of the Catacombs and its surroundings!
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Legend of Lan Verse - Pantheon (WIP)
The Father Domains: Nature, Life, and Family Dwarf Created all life with his sister. Despite this, there's a fierce rivalry between the two. Creation was more of a competition than a desire to create life for the act of creation of itself.
The Mother Domain: Death Elf Benevolently rules the After, a matronly guardian for the dead. Her assistants help her literally carry the weary souls to the afterlife where they will find a home made just for them and their families if that is what the souls wish. Death is rarely feared in Luhren or Garthspire because of her; it's welcomed when the time comes. Noctre acknowledges her existence but not her authority. This has caused tension in the After, where the two butt heads about how to tend to the dead. To keep the peace, they tend to stick to their followers and leave those of the other be, much to the dismay of the few who worship one or the other while being a citizen of their opposing nation.
Daughter of Carderen and Leta Domains: Craft and Trickery Dwelf Nothing trickier than the act of creation and invention. Her name and symbol can be found in most workshops and smithies with an alter that includes a prized tool as thanks for her guidance in a craftman's workplace. In the textile arts, there's always a symbol or the first letter of her name included in the piece in honor of her. Unfortunately, invention does not come without consequences; the tools she inspires are sometimes weapons of war.
Sister of Leta Domains: Hearth, Home, Agriculture, and Famine Elf Works in tandem with Carderen in leading the home life, and guides the crops with precision and wisdom, though she also has domain over famine and plagues. She's also credited with the tides that she uses to playfully splash her husband. The oceans are harsh and unforgiving, however, and she can be fickle. Her rage stirs up hurricanes. Favors pears.
Sister of Carderen Domain: Weather Dwarf Wise and inventive with a temper of her own to be feared. She wields the fires of the heavens to rain down on the world when the mortals have angered her but is otherwise docile. While her domain does not include agriculture, she is regularly thanked alongside Lets for providing the rains that water the crops. Flooding, however, occurs when she's taunting Lets.
Husband of Jek Domains: Night and Day Kobold Created the stars in the sky as gift to his wife. Is also credited with creating the winds as a way of playing with her hair. Seen as the most benevolent and docile of the gods, few fear his wrath for he feels little anger.
Partner of Larn Domains: Science and Medicine Human Brilliant but chaotic, a short attention span, and zealously seeks to know all things at all costs.
The Giant Domains: Sleep, Dreams, Justice, and Youth Orc Guards the young; the protector with fatherly love for children of all walks of life. He's a gentle giant unless someone harms a child, and then his wrath is to be feared. His name is a curse on all who lay a hand on the young, and his wisdom is called on for justice in the courts. Like Metre, he's trusted and rarely feared. However, despite his domain over sleep and dreams, he cannot actually make people sleep; he only watches over them as they dream. He's worshiped the most by parents and those that live by the Pianes Mountains.
The Young Domains: War, Disease, the Hunt Harengon A fierce warrior who kills all without mercy. She's welcome only out of necessity and fear of her temper. At the end of the day, though, she just wants to relax with a cup of tea and nurse her neverending cold. Works with Gadren to bring insect plagues to devour crops when mortals have crossed a line.
Related myth here.
The Patient Domains: Time, Magic, Service Dragonborn Where waiting pays off because the time will always come. A generally serious man with a fondness for puzzles. He's credited with the creation of coffee and other such stimulants that appear to make time shift in the mind. He's known to walk among mortals and sit among them in taverns and cafes alike. Be wary of an overdose though; mortals can handle far less than the gods.
The Dead God Domain: Murder and Thievery Unknown None know their face and live to tell the tale. Feared by all and hated by the other gods. They're rarely invited to equinox festivals with the other gods, and none with good intentions invoke their name. Sahdlor is the chosen patron of most thieves' and assassins' guilds. Some businesses may throw a few food offerings at them now and then, causing problems with a competitor's business.
Gods in Garthspire are mostly the same as those found in Luhren, but there are a few extras. The same with Noctre.
The Seer Domains: Divination and Charity Thri-Kreen A grumpy god with no tolerance for nonsense, but doesn't take their bitterness out on those in need. They hate their designated domains, but why inflict their misery on others? Not well liked among the other gods but not hated either since their domain of charity is invaluable. Their followers are severe and sincere, and slightly fear his wrath.
Related myth here.
The Farseaker Domains: Traveling and Archeology Unknown She wears a hooded cloak to shield her face from the elements and those who would know her business. Travelers are rarely turned away for fear of it being her in disguise. She's polite and a good guest when she does make an appearance. Ever curious, scientists and historians seek her wisdom when looking into the past for answers about the ancestors.
The Bloodied Domain: Blood and Death Elf He replaces Leta in the pantheon and is feared by all. Blood mages study the art in his name. He's not usually welcome at family gatherings either.
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So there's this world, Sundum.
Here's the run-through:
Everything began with the Will - a power alongside Destiny that willed the world into existence. At first it was but a realm of forests and beasts. There were born the first gods, nature spirits of the Forest, Beasts, and Sea.
Through Will, Destiny was shaped - the coming of gods was all predicted and written to be. First came the Elven gods, eleven in count. They were of Summer (Sovë), Autumn (Suksu), Winter (Tylve), Spring (Kavyt), Fire (Tole), Water (Nasta), Air (Veëmy), Earth (Myy), Yin (Vylestos), Yang (Pemanti) and Balance (Syldi).
Settling in the northern regions of the continent, they evenly ruled the lands. Through their unity, the elves were created, and every god played their part in the first Creation.
Elves were unable to procreate, as they inherited their gods' immortality and endless youth. They were able to create new elves, though, through a ritual held between two elves of opposite sexes and a priest, symbolizing Yin, Yang, and Balance, at the central location of their sacred grounds - the Lake of Creation. They had an afterlife they departed to, which must be deserved. Elves, despite their immortality, didn't fear death for their souls were unshattering and immortal, and when judged by their gods, could be let into the elven Heaven within the skies above the elven mountains, or to be buried beneath them in the worse case.
The Will soon gave way to the Human gods, Negeuz and Nenganfa, the First Father and First Mother, who procreated the First Son, Nernte, and First Daughter, Neneid.
Negeuz ordered his son to kill the elven god of summer, for it he knew north would be too powerful against his family. Himself, he stole the elven Grace from their god of Yin and implanted it in himself and sharing it with his family. Thus began the line of demigods who had the Grace in them, humans with an ever-young face and way more powerful magic than anyone else's.
With the elven god of Summer dead, the North became a cold place, only kept alive by the goddess of Spring who had to marry the god of Fire as his second wife (after Earth) to keep the elven kin safe and alive. (The entire elven nation generally takes inspiration from Finland, as the elves' land is volcanic and cold in nature.)
Each elven god had a Grace, and Yin having none now turned a very twisted situation: The Good, male, light aspect of their pantheon became corrupted and weakened. An option was so all gods shared their Grace with him, weakening the entire pantheon by one eleventh of their general power. This indeed became the case, but this decision took a long time to take.
The Dwarven god - Rungunok - became the First King, ruling over the dwarven kin. After some time though, his existence threatened Negeuz, and he was killed by the human god, making Negeuz the First Emperor.
Negeuz was one patriarchal son of a bitch so his son, with huge daddy issues, slayed him, taking the whole Grace to himself, and ruling as the Second Emperor. Dwarves were long gone and living as nomads, waiting for their god to reincarnate, "wake up", so his Will would build the dwarven kingdom again.
Nenganfa - the mother of the First Son and Daughter and Negeuz's wife, withered from mourning her husband, despite not being treated well by him. She was sealed with him in the First Tomb, which was once the dwarven king's hall.
The wild gods of the Forest, Beasts and Sea were not influenced by the Great Will for they were not in its plan. All three spread chaos, trying to take what was theirs. From the will of the Wild Gods, lycanthropy, ailourothropy (same as werewolves but instead were-sabertooths), minotaurs, satyrs, mermaids, dryads and many other beast folk were born to protect the forests, seas, rivers, lakes and peaks from humans.
Nernte, showing himself to be a faulty leader, let his father's empire shatter, and his blood children were so numerous the throne was to be disputed for centuries.
Neneid at the time took interest in witchcraft, and her children - Riegam and Exeheid (son and daughter) continued her legacy. She gave up all her Grace to them, a part of her living in both.
Riegam built the Bibleoteca - a great library city where the magic of the Words was studied. Mages learnt there, as the demigod's human apprentices mastered many arts and discovered many truths in the ways of physics, anatomy, and astronomy. He was the First Mage.
Exeheid, on the other hand, spent her time in the wild, running with the beasts and soon understanding the will of the Wild Gods. She became the First Witch, giving humans a way into the wilderness and creating reincarnation for their souls, as before all humans' souls dissolved to become a genius loci, depending on the Determination (measurement of Will) of each given human.
Exeheid's reincarnation provided them way to become Forestfolk/Beastfolk (synonyms), and connect to the primal parts of their souls.
Elves at the time, being created by their gods and themselves, started allied cults to their gods, studying the Elements (Water, Earth, Fire and Air) and thus Alchemy, practicing Craft through the Seasons and discussing Philosophy in the temples of Yin, Yang, and Balance.
Inevitably, Half-elves were born through artificial birth due to the incompatibility of their parents' natures. On the side note, the way Dwarves reproduced was unknown, but some mages speculated it is through Mystery.
Due to corruption and aging, Nernte became withered and lost his Grace, instead turning to other ways of keeping himself alive. Some mages, willing to win themselves a spot in the halls of the demigod, went on to help him. His Grace was lost, but they gave him Determination. Immortal and withered, he sits on his bone throne, eyes filled with fire, defying death.
Soon, unexpected, Dwarves somehow outwilled the Great Will itself, becoming free of its plan, and becoming incredibly secretive to a point of becoming myth. Their Mystery allowed them to master both Birth and Creation, as soon, from their dungeons, monsters began to spread. Chimera and other monstrous creatures sent havoc all across the continent.
As turns out, Dwarves weren't the only ones to have Mystery. Gods from outside the continent were also spreading their influence via the same magic.
So was Tog, a god from the south. Brother to Desh, they had no one to rule over, but to them came many. Tog promised afterlife, Desh - immortality. Beastfolk, humans, elves, and primarily half-elves came to both into the desert sands of the south, where there was no Winter.
Tog and Desh were dual, and very well-allied at that. Tog ruled the monsoons and Desh had the droughts. Tog's influence turned his followers into Angels upon death, and Desh shaped his followers into immortal, fiery Demons. But so it happened that some of them inevitably went astray. Two particular ones were demigods of Nernte's blood, Lefeut the Archdemon and Lenge the Archangel.
Their demigod blood and Grace gave them great determination as they returned to the middle lands of the continent to spread their influence. Lefeut did not associate with Desh, for which he was cursed, and Lenge was but a devoted servant of Tog, spreading his faith as a way for the people of the shattered human empire.
The rulership of Nernte was disputed for many critics called him Lich (in which they were right), as his servants indeed practiced necromancy. This didn't give him support of the people, so the shattered empire was now but a great lot of kingdoms. Eventually, the human pantheon ended up having nine figures in it: the First Father and Emperor, the First Mother, the First Son and Second/Undying Emperor, the First Daughter, the First Witch, the First Mage, the Archangel, the Archdemon, and lastly the Great Will.
Dwarves at the time had a plan on using their Science (part of their mystery, steampunk/clockpunk) to create a body for Rungunok to inhabit and rule as an Eternal First King.
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idk why but kinda inspired by the book The Seventh Sun
what if the gods of this world made themselves dissipate into the world around them? Which could be one of the reasons why the earth has magic.
What if Aethel is not the first god generated, but a sort of descendant of the first god, Album Magicae, the god of White Magic?
Hence why he was one of the first leaders for the Boss/god/minigod nation by default.
Only a god can kill another god? idea?
so then higher beings of this worlld would be gods and minigods
Gods would refer to the original pantheon of elements (fire, ice, water, earth, white magic, dark magic, metal, shadows, air, storm, etc. etc.) Although they could only possess one element (with the acception of White and Dark magic being able to manipulate all, as they both were the superior), the weilded their element quite powerfully, and could control the natural Earth's elements, as well as replicate or create it.
Minigods would refer to the generation of gods generated after that pantheon, which were typically gods who possessed creation and manipulation over more elements rather than one, but could not control the natural/original elements (the original Pantheon) already within the earth without using a majority of their magic, which will tire them out easily. Basically, they can really only control their own creations, not the natural world's/original Pantheon's. *Minibosses can be *generated with the ability to manipulate multiple elements, enhancements (such as flexibility and agility enhancements), and usually represent not only their main element, but strengths (such as Vince being a sort of god of lighting and war).
should there be a third species of gods? ones that are "direct" descendants of the original Pantheon? So pretty much a god who can posses and control only one element, but does not represent any value except that element? They could be some such as messengers? Messaging for the original Pantheon to the current ruling order?
it could explain the omen theory of Alpha I had/have, where Alpha being generated is an omen.
But back to the first ideas, I like the idea of minigod having to sacrifice blood in order to have temporary control of the natural elements from the original Pantheon.
Basically, what I mean by the original pantheon dissipating into the world is that they gave themselves to an empty earth after Life and Death had created them, giving the earth a magical life. White magic and Dark magic maybe created good and bad morals, consciousness, and using magic from the now generated mana springs pulsating through the life driven earth, created a life, named Aethel. And from there, the whole miniboss saga began. then civilians generated. they thought they were the only residents and didn't know about Aethel and vice versa. more bosses generated. civilians and bosses meet. civilians (being human equivalents) went greedy and wanted the wonderous powers the minibosses had. So they had a revolution/war.
book and civics got me thinking
and I've been thinking of organizing this god minigod dilemma
k I go now cuz mi phone's at 6%
*generated: Bosses are not born, they created by White Magic via natural mana (magic) pulsating through the earth. They spawn.
*miniboss: You may have noticed god and boss used interchangeably. they mean the exact same thing in this world. Boss is another term for a god.
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