#fire emblem wg
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You know what I want?
A fat Lorenz.
God that man is annoying. Maybe if his wife secretly fattened him, he'd be too focused on food to say annoying things. 🤣Just let him get hooked on eating large feasts of decadent food until a food coma knocks him out. Let him get huge and lose control and not care about anything other than filling his growing belly. And let his mouth be too full to say anything dumb.
#fat emblem#fat emblem male#fire emblem fat#fat fire emblem#fire emblem weight gain#fire emblem wg#fat lorenz
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Hhhhrgrhhhhrgrh Alear but +300 pounds or maybe +400 pounds of fat and nothing but fat or maybe +600 pounds of lard and sheer immobility or +800 pounds of nckldkfkndns
#is this anything#alear fire emblem#i love she#feeding kink#wg text#wg teasing#wg encouragement#definitely a character I grew to love#the toothpaste hair Queen
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Thank you reading this! I'll try to keep actively adding muses as I can think of who I'm comfortable writing for.
Persona: Yu, Naoto Shirogane, Akechi, Makoto Niijima, Joker, Yusuke.
Fire Emblem: Byleth, Corrin, Leo, Xander, Dimitri, Felix, Robin, Mercedes
DDLC: Monika
Fate: Saber Alter
RWBY: Neo, Weiss
Anything in the WG sphere I'm ok with. Vore, stuffing, etc. etc. I can also do bursting, though I'm aware this one's pretty unpopular. You can ask me about anything and I will be fine with it. The only non negotiable stuff I can think of off the top of my head is heavy toilet play, diaper stuff/ddlg, incest and furry.
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Some old animations
Featuring OC's from mofuuwafuwa and Darkfireballz
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so uh wow its been a hot minute huh? i still get a notification once in awhile that i have a new follower or two and like that’s crazy to me lol, anyways I went through my google docs and found something short i wrote last summer that was pretty much complete aside from one or two sentences I added to the end. It’s about summer syl/vain getting big. figured no reason to just keep it locked up in my docs and it is practically summer, so no better time to drop it than now. i dunno how good it is but i am not gonna go through and revise it now lol
Sylvain took a deep sip from his drink. The sweet tastes swirling in his mouth before sinking down his throat. He was enjoying a laid back day on the beach, laying on a blanket beneath an umbrella- certain that nothing could possibly go wrong.
Of course, something would.
It started innocently enough. His stomach groaned quietly. He stifled a tiny burp. He drank more from his drink, unaware of the fate he was sealing himself in. Sylvain’s stomach continued to groan, bubbling louder as he drank more from the chalice. “Urp...Ugh, what’s happening?” He tried to stop, stop his now constant belches. “Urrrp...I feel really bloated- Uuurrrp!!”
He put his hands to his stomach, as it turned and swirled. He felt his toned abs begin to bevel and round. “Huh...My belly, it’s...I’m...Urrrp!!” As each burp seem to reverberate through his body, Sylvain looked down to watch his muscular, lean body begin to be covered in pudgy flesh, his sleepy eyes suddenly widening. He scooped it up in his hand, feeling it jiggle. “I- This can’t...Uorrrp!” Sitting up on the blanket, Sylvain watched as he continued to widen, swelling ever larger every second. His loose swim trunks were starting to become tighter, around his rotund thighs. “Guh...Urrrp...Damn, I can’t be seen like...Urrp!!” Despite his belching and swelling form, Sylvain stumbled to his feet. He could feel his body growing bigger by the second, his once baggy trunks feeling ever more restrictive. “Where do I even...Ugh…” He looked down at himself, seeing his chubby body in all it’s glory. His chest sat atop a belly made of two rolls, and his lower half wasn’t a slouch either. A popping noise alerted him to the ripping of the seat of the trunks, making way for his plump ass, only compounding his embarrassment. And the difficulty he had turning his neck...He had grown a second chin.
The small red strap he had wrapped around his then small waist had popped off, the string hardly enough to accommodate his amassing bulk. In perhaps one of his less clever moves, he stepped out onto the hot sand, sinking into it slightly. He wasn’t sure where he was going- He just wanted out of the public eye. Attempting to stifle yet another of his numerous burps, he began awkwardly waddling to somewhere he thought he’d be out of sight. It was then a sudden surge of growth hit his belly- knocking him off balance, and right down onto the sand with a heavy thud. Right on his rumbling gut. “Guh- Urrrrp! Oh gods, no one- Urrrrop!!”
Attempting to pull himself off the sand was futile. With as much effort as he could, he managed to turn himself over, finding himself not weighed down by his expanding gut, but instead pinned by it. His swimming trunks tore down the sides, essentially turned to shreds. His fat body provided the only decency he had as he swelled up under the sun.
His arms replete with blubber, Sylvain couldn’t even raise them to try and cover himself. He could just feel the eyes around him burning into him, watching in fascination as the red head blimped ever further in size…
“Nobody...Look…” He moaned, as the sun shone ever brighter against his ever larger form...
With a gasp, Sylvain awoke. Beneath his umbrella, on the blanket. Sweat dripping down his forehead. The sun was setting over the horizon, the light shining into his eyes. “Ugh, some dream…” He complained, adjusting his sunglasses.
He chose to ignore the pudge on his belly.
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Alsooo I may have gotten an art itch and starting working on Yunaka but a bit extra 👀
I’m not a fantastic artist and I only bought a drawing tablet like a couple months ago but if people have an interest I could share if/when I finish it! I need more motivation to go for it for artwork
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Shamir vs Catherine weight gain drive in it’s entirety, for your enjoyment
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Wager of Weights
So embarrassing story, I wrote the bulk of this in 2019 and apparently had it like, almost complete?? I don’t know why I didn’t finish it then, but I cleaned it up and got it all ready to go because, while perhaps not totally reflective of my current work, there’s no point in tossing it down the drain. I will also say it’s not totally what I usually write, and my first time writing a lot of the content present in it, so it may also not be the best? But I’m a harsh judge of my own work haha. To clarify, this was (and still is) a gift for @pangtasias-atelier all the way when they were still Kink of the Emblem. And really I have to give him a lot of thanks for helping me grow this blog in the first place, so thanks for that. If you are somehow following me but not him, do that because he makes some good stuff (and comms good stuff too). And if you’re reading this right now- You’re awesome dude, love your work, and I hope you enjoy it!
It was no secret that the Summoner played favorites, and those favorites were Grima and Tibarn. One or the other was usually found by his side, and at times even both. But the problem had laid in the fact that there were two favorites...and one summoner. Tibarn didn’t seem to mind too much about this. So, perhaps more accurately, the problem laid with Grima.
Grima was a controversial figure among the heroes themselves- something of the territory coming with being an ancient dragon with little to no regard for human life. The Summoner had pacified Grima into being passive-aggressive to most of the others...Though Tibarn usually faced the aggressive half.
Grima had been feeling particularly vitriolic on this day. The Summoner had gone out on patrol without either him or Tibarn, leaving the two in awkward coexistence. “You know, if this vessel had the muscle your body had, I’m almost certain the summoner would enjoy my company much more. Enough to leave you behind.” “Really now?” As said, Tibarn didn’t mind the venomous words. He viewed the fell dragon as a bit of a blowhard, never really giving it too much thought. The guy thought he was on top of the world, and as a nigh impotent god he sort of was.
“Almost certainly.” Grima retorted, unaware of what he was starting here.
“Hmm...Well, why not a competition?” A good challenge had presented itself to Tibarn, he wasn’t about to miss the chance. “Me and you- We work ourselves harder than ever. We both commit ourselves to getting stronger and stronger, and see if your little theory there holds up.” “Deal.” Not a moment of hesitation from Grima. “I’ll come out on top- just you watch.” The King of Phoenicis grinned at this. It would be an interesting challenge at the least.
Tibarn only needed to ramp up his standard workout. A little more weight. A little more time spent doing it. The rewards of this weren’t immediately noticeable, but as the days rolled on his pecs seemed to bulge ever slightly more, abs right along with them. His thighs and calves refined to a great extent, looking in shape enough to crack stone. Biceps nearly tearing apart his sleeves, Tibarn finding himself needing more bandage to cover his arm to his liking.
Even his silhouette- already intimidating from a good height and wingspan, seemed to grow ever further. A few inches on both his height and wings. His clothes constrained ever so slightly more to contain his greater apex form.
Grima had a more interesting growth period. The vessel he inhabited needed no sustenance as long as he controlled it, and similarly had a nigh boundless energy pool, meaning that it was simply what effort he was willing to put into the competition. To self improve took valuable time away from being at the Summoner’s side, but not doing it would give the hawk a free victory, and Grima hated that even more.
The growth he had was more dramatic than Tibarn’s, but ultimately he could only just catch up. Just a few inches under the laguz, just able to lift a bit less than what Tibarn could, and most frustratingly seeing that the Summoner hadn’t actually changed who they spent the most time with. Proving Grima’s theory wrong. This had frustrated the dragon to no end, how could he possibly be wrong?
But during a session, where he attempted to still catch up to Tibarn, it dawned on him. He didn’t necessarily need to beat the hawk king, no. It was futile at this point, not without submitting himself further to this...mortal regimen. No, all Grima needed to do was drag Tibarn behind! And drag him very, very far behind.
Tibarn already ate quite a bit, and having a rigorous training session now only seemed to increase his appetite. Which made it exceptionally easy to slip in a curse or two on some meat. But Grima wasn’t about to make it obvious. This would be a slow burn.
At first, Tibarn’s gains seemed to stagnate. Simply stopped growing. At a glance, someone would think that he had hit the apex. He just couldn’t improve anymore. Though once a slight layer of pudge formed near his waistline, it was clear he hadn’t only stopped his growths- he was degrading.
Each passing day, Tibarn seemed to be gaining more and more weight. Getting wider rather than taller, his clothes ill-fitting not because of burgeoning muscle, but fat. With the greater weight, his workouts had become too laborious to follow up on, which certainly didn’t help the sudden expansion. Soon constrained to the ground, too heavy to even be lifted by his wings the slightest bit.
All the while Grima watched with sadistic satisfaction. Tibarn’s body swelled by the day, the laguz undoubtedly having lost at this point. Grima’s vessel had grown significantly- past Tibarn’s form before he had laid the curse. His shirt hardly fit, more akin to a crop top, and the cloak that had once only been an inch or two from the ground was now hovering near a foot. If Grima’s simple status as the fell dragon hadn’t kept people away before, his pinnacle form sure had now. His mere presence exuded a terrifying aura, though this once again didn’t keep away the summoner.
By chance, Grima had encountered Tibarn one day. Whom was waddling now, something that Grima took some amusement in. “I...I don’t know what happened.” He admitted, a slight jiggle to his two chins. “It would appear I’ve surpassed you.” Grima said with a smug cadence. “And indeed, the Summoner spends more time at my side.”
“Right…” Tibarn wasn’t exactly sure how true that was, but he couldn’t argue that Grima had indeed beaten him at this point.
A few more moons, and the hawk could no longer be found waddling through the halls. Apparently he had grown too large to even move. Music to Grima’s ears.
Until he noticed something. The summoner had started to periodically disappear throughout the day- not off to battle clearly, not with the food he was carrying. With Grima’s interest piqued, he tailed the Summoner, managing to not be noticed even with his larger size. Not the first thing on his mind, as he was far more frustrated with the destination. Tibarn’s dwelling.
It was back to the drawing board for Grima once more. He simply did not understand. He had undermined Tibarn to immobility...Exceeded his body. What was he getting wrong? There was a piece of the puzzle missing...and it dawned on him once more.
The Summoner hadn’t gone out of his way to see Tibarn before the laguz had been grounded.
Grima had been trying too hard all along. And in doing this, had let Tibarn win the adoration of the Summoner, though it was still soon enough to steal this victory back. For every curse the dragon had laid, he always had a solution.
Night had fallen, and Grima’s final plot was being enacted. With no pesky heroes to gawk at him or see where he was going at this hour, nor the summoner’s watchful eye, the path to where Tibarn’s massive form slept was simple to traverse.
Grima would admit, he never got a good look at the hawk king after that last brief conversation. So seeing Tibarn now was something of a shock. His body had overtaken the bed, though calling it a “bed” was a bit of an overstatement. More like mattresses to keep something between the floor and the laguz. It took Grima a moment to make out limbs and a head.
It would’ve been amusing, if it wasn’t so effective at getting the summoner’s attention. But that privilege would not be Tibarn’s for much longer. A glow to his eyes and hands, he began to cast the spell. The giant tanned mass seemed to rumble, beginning a transformation, or rather, a reversion. Though this didn’t rouse the still slumbering Tibarn. Meanwhile, Grima’s form began to change- his set of washboard muscles beginning to disappear, as a gut formed in its place.
With the counter curse successfully placed, Grima could leave the room satisfied. As the hawk shrunk like a deflating balloon, the dragon’s vessel did the opposite- body expanding every which way as he returned to his own chambers. Thighs now beginning to chafe, clothes straining to contain the stolen fat. Seams popping and tearing, a smug grin on his plump face.
In the morning, Tibarn awoke, like a weight was lifted off of him. Quite literally: He could move once more. And not just move at a waddle- His adonis form had been completely returned to him. How, Tibarn wasn’t sure. But his inner laguz instincts were happy about it, ready to return to the battlefield that very day.
Though one hero was not very ready to join Tibarn out in the battlefield, which was Grima. His body anchored firmly down within his dwelling, only able to make the slightest movements as he looked down upon the summoner. Just as immobile as Tibarn had been a few hours prior.
“Summoner, it’s quite terrible!” He said in a casual, almost mocking tone. “I simply woke up like this. I certainly can’t go out to fight in this state...or leave this chamber at all.”
That wasn’t Grima’s concern. Sure, he had certainly lost the wager he had made with Tibarn, but that was all worthless in retrospect. No, the look of awe on the Summoner’s face- That was all Grima needed to know he had won.
#feeder emblem#fire emblem weight gain#male wg#i would tag this under muscle stuff but#its not really content i'm gonna make a lot of#male expansion
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Feedee or Feeder: Tharja
Down below: Tharja from Fire Emblem being a feedee, and then a feeder, with you the unspecified gender reader being her victim love interest.
Contains wg and the such, with a yandere dark mage wanting you more than anything... Have a nice read~
Feedee Tharja
Heh heh heh - Uuuurp! Hello. What do you think of this my Love? Surprised? I bet you are, last time you saw me I was as thin as a twig. But now take a good look at me. My bulging gut folding into heavy rolls, my fatter breasts, my thicker everything. Even getting there was a chore with my new size. I'm getting out of breath, and I don't even know if it's from exhaustion or exitement. I'm so glad my weight gain hex worked so well. I've turned myself into a huge fatty so quickly...
Why did I do that? I used a divitation spell to see into the future, when I saw myself huge, fat and happy with you my Love. So I did what I needed to reach a form that's way more pleasing for you. And seeing your reaction my guess is I was right in going for a way fatter me. This is your fetish right? You love them huge and fat. Well I'm all that now. The former petite me is buried under a ton of lard now, my new self being as ravenous as a dragon, and half as heavy. My lard tore through my outfit... It was nice for the hot desert weather, but with the insulation I have now I'm more fit for the cold... Heh heh... I bet you'd still want me in the heat, pathetically overheating without being clothed in the slightest.
Getting your hands on me? Egads, you do know how to sweep a girl off her feet, don't you? Oh gods this feels so good... I'd never would have gotten this feeling if I stayed thin... Thought I might regret turning myself into a huge pile of waddling lard? I don't, actually. If it's the mean to get you be with me, my Love, there is nothing more that I want. Except being with you forever and ever of course, heh heh heh... I bet seeing my lucious new body is making wonders for you, as you can't get those grabby hands off your body. Tsk, don't feel bad. I've fattened myself for you willingly.
I like being this fat as much as you like me to be that way as well. And not from the fact you love fatties, the fact that I'm huge and overburdened with lard is extremely pleasing by itself... Just like you're stuck with playing with my body, I've spent countless times just grabbing my own fat, jiggling and playing with it... You wish to serve me food as thanks? Service, eh? That's not a bad idea at all. Oh, you're going to be perfect. Like you always where but... That's... Really sweet actually. My Love, you're intenting to plump me up even further aren't you?
Heh... Maybe next time I WILL cast a hex... Just to get myself extra hungry and gluttonous, so that your feeding of me would last even longer and get me even fatter... My Love, I'm such a greedy and lustful dark mage, imagining myself with you, while you're fattening me and I get to love you with every fat fiber of my obese body. Gods, but you're a trusting fool. Is there any sin you won't forgive? You'll take any I have... Is that a proposal? I accept at one condition. We do the life's journey without the exercises. I don't care about a sound body, and I don't WANT a sound mind. Mages need to stay a little crazy, or we lose our edge... If people think I've gone soft, I'm finished as a dark mage... And I'm not talking about my body but my mind. Good. Heh heh... It was so obvious that you were gonna accept that condition.
Yes, we'll see about that. We'll see how much more of a dark mage whale you're going to make me, my Love. The fact you're all here loving on me... That's very encouraging. Heh heh heh... Maybe you'll make me more of those little honey cakes I've seen you make already. You'd be able to feed me so much of them now that my apetite has increased so much... I can gobble them up until I'm overstuffed and helpless before you, unless you'd prefer me to take the more dominating side of things... I could pin you down with my weight and force you to feed me if you prefer. Or I can come up with a new hex to curse you or me as you'd like.
I'm very wicked. If I were you, I'd avoid myself completely. That would be easy as well now as well. I'm so big you can spot me, and my heaviness is pretty noisy when I stomp and waddle around. As well as my exertion will cause me to breathe loudly... Take it however you want. I hope I'm pleasing and arousing to you, I think my words may work just as well as curses to get you happy. And... I am too... Heh heh heh... You can't back out now! There is a possibility you'd try to leave me, but evidence suggests otherwise.
Heh heh heh... I'm getting hungry again my Love... Ready to fill me up?
Feeder Tharja
Finally, it seems like you reached an acceptable size, heh heh heh... Morbid obesity, fat rolls, lard everywhere... It suits you more than any outfit would. Because you're too big for any of them now, heh heh... That makes me remember just how thin you were when I first met you. But even then, I knew you'd love me to fatten you up like a pig. Oh yes. I realized it the first moment we locked eyes. "They aren't like the others," I thought. "They are the one I've been seeking!" And so right I was... Soon after you started plumping up. It happened because I cursed you. As you grew, you finally noticed... My Love.
All my looks and glances, all my kind attentions of making you your favorite foods and constantly leaving them around for you to munch on... All my love that's overflowing in the form of heavy lard on your body right now... That's why I've been watching your every...single...move. Knowing what you'd like to stuff in your face and when you had enough of an apetite to do so... I thought you'd be grateful. And I was right
A short while after you asked if I wanted to be with you. All I needed to hear... Heh heh heh... So I was available all the time to fatten you up, add more plumpness to your frame. Always at the ready to make you food, and be there to feed it to you so that you didn't have to spend a single calorie. It was adorable when you denied it at first, but I knew you loved me pointing it out like you hadn't already noticed...
And so I've rounded your edges, increased your weight, and day after day made you look more and more like a landwhale. How inspiring. I'm sure lots of fatties would dream of nothing more than having an obessive girl by their side, making them gain weight so good it looks like I'm blowing into a balloon. Except you're way less firm, and way more heavy than any balloon could ever be. Of course, given you're bloated with fat, my Love...
Some could hear the teasing and think ill of me, for being such an awful possesive thing and berating you for the growth I'm responsible for... But it's because they don't know the love. The love you have for being this lardpile, and being teased about it. And the love I give you to accomplish your wonderful encumbering dream... And you're not doing anything on your end than let yourself be fed... Meh heh heh... Well, no matter. That just means it falls on me to shape you into something useful. Like a couch, or a bed. Given enough time you'll be fat enough for that I am sure. Hmm, yes. Yes, you will... Nothing is going to stop you gobbling greasy food until you're that big.
Nothing is more intimate than having a hex cast upon you. The spell creates a bond between the mage and victim—a resonance of souls. You WERE eager to connect with me on this level, were you not? Eager for a dark mage in love with you to seal your fate as a fattening pig, making your wildest dream come true. I'm glad, because taking care of you was my dream. Very thoughtful of you. Heh heh heh... And you wish to know one of the wildest things? You are completely free of any spell, curse or hex.
Actually, I removed that curse some time ago. At first I cursed you for gluttony, but now your absolute piggish behaviour is all from your heart, my love. All that eagerness to grow, the endless desire to overstuff your fat face... It's only you. Well, I'm the hand that feeds you when you beg for it, but you're the one so desperate to be topped off with another slice of pie, another tasty snack to sink even more into your own obesity.
Just what would you do without me now?... Don't worry. I'll take care of you. ...Veeery good care. I never intend on leaving you, even if you wanted me to anyways. But I know the feeling is mutual, my Love. I'm so glad I cursed you. Don't be fooled by the name. Curses are a kind of magic that gives life to dreams. Whether it is a dream of joy or horror depends very much on the victim. So dreams of joy it is for you, isn't it?
Heh heh heeeeh... Looks like the food coma is winning on you... Close your eyes and sleep... Aw, how sweet. they're sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!
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Commissioned by baneofloslorien5384
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Did/do you have any musclechub characters you enjoyed drawing or were enjoyable? Also, love the Nick Nelson WG
Glad you like the Nick!
In general, outside of being asked by the nominator/customer, I don't really Musclechub people unless they're already pretty buff to begin with (Buff to Musclechub pipeline, as WG does not automatically mean muscle loss!), or the character is Too Twinky For Their Role and Don't Have Muscles Cuz Their Creators Are Cowards (like with the Stark picture, and a lot of anime guys in general).
I honestly don't do it to a lot of characters! At least, in the ways some people think of musclechub; I like my boys with a lil beef, but I wouldnt consider myself a muscle kinkster and dont want ALL my boys being beefy, or having excessive/detailed muscle, especially if it's narratively inappropriate for their character. People who ask for musclechub often go for very specific builds that aren't necessarily the ones I imagine!
Hmmm, i think currently, only my pocket white boys, Caspar and Raphael (Fire Emblem 3h) really qualify for musclechubs (or at least in that general range) that I draw nowadays. Most of my high STR D&D OCs would qualify, too, and my other OC David can be considered one by my metric. There are some other fandom characters I probably have gifted musclechubdom to in the past, but i can't really name them off the top of my head as I havent drawn them in a long time xD
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