#fire bb got 3rd place !!
aethersflood · 8 months
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"A fire-aspected Eikon that first emerged in the Year of the Realm 860, when imperial forces attacked the Rosarian stronghold of Phoenix Gate. Clad in infernal flame, the fiendish creature flung itself against the Phoenix, overpowering the Eikon with a strength and and ferocity never seen before. Its reappearance was to usher in a second, shocking revelation—that its Dominant was none other than Clive Rosfield."
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• Doris Miller
Doris "Dorie" Miller was a United States Navy cook third class. He was the first black American to be awarded the Navy Cross, the second highest decoration for valor in combat after the Medal of Honor.
Miller was born in Waco, Texas, on October 12th, 1919, to Connery and Henrietta Miller. He was named Doris, as the midwife who assisted his mother was convinced before his birth that the baby would be a girl. He was the third of four sons and helped around the house, cooked meals and did laundry, as well as working on the family farm. He was a fullback on the football team at Waco's Alexander James Moore High School. He began attending the eighth grade again on January 25th, 1937, at the age of 17 but was forced to repeat the grade the following year, so he decided to drop out of school. He filled his time squirrel hunting with a .22 rifle and completed a correspondence course in taxidermy. He applied to join the Civilian Conservation Corps, but was not accepted. At that time, he was 6 feet 3 inches (1.91 m) tall and weighed more than 200 pounds (91 kg). Miller worked on his father's farm until shortly before his 20th birthday. Miller's nickname "Dorie" may have originated from a typographical error. He was nominated for recognition for his actions on December 7th, 1941, and the Pittsburgh Courier released a story on March 14th, 1942, which gave his name as "Dorie Miller". Since then, some writers have suggested that it was a "nickname to shipmates and friends."
Miller enlisted in the United States Navy for six years on September 16th, 1939. He did his recruit training at Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia, then was promoted to mess attendant third class, one of the few ratings open at the time to black sailors. After training school, he was assigned to the ammunition ship Pyro (AE-1) and then transferred on January 2nd, 1940, to the Colorado-class battleship West Virginia (BB-48). It was on the West Virginia where he started competition boxing, becoming the ship's heavyweight champion. In July, he was on temporary duty aboard the Nevada (BB-36) at Secondary Battery Gunnery School. He returned to the West Virginia on August 3rd. He was promoted to mess attendant second class on February 16th, 1941.
Miller was a crewman aboard the West Virginia and awoke at 6 a.m. on December 7th, 1941. He served breakfast mess and was collecting laundry at 7:57 a.m. when Lieutenant Commander Shigeharu Murata from the Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi launched the first of seven torpedoes that hit West Virginia. The "Battle Stations" alarm went off; Miller headed for his battle station, an anti-aircraft battery magazine amidships, only to discover that a torpedo had destroyed it. He went then to "Times Square" on deck, a central spot aboard the ship where the fore-to-aft and port-to-starboard passageways crossed, reporting himself available for other duty and was assigned to help carry wounded sailors to places of greater safety. Lieutenant Commander Doir C. Johnson, the ship's communications officer, spotted Miller and saw his physical prowess, so he ordered him to accompany him to the conning tower on the flag bridge to assist in moving the ship's captain, Mervyn Bennion, who had a gaping wound in his abdomen where he had apparently been hit by shrapnel after the first Japanese attack. Miller and another sailor lifted the skipper but were unable to remove him from the bridge, so they carried him on a cot from his exposed position on the damaged bridge to a sheltered spot on the deck behind the conning tower where he remained during the second Japanese attack. Captain Bennion refused to leave his post, questioned his officers and men about the condition of the ship, and gave orders and instructions to crew members to defend the ship and fight. Unable to go to the deck below because of smoke and flames, he was carried up a ladder to the navigation bridge, where he died from the loss of too much blood despite aid. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
Lieutenant Frederic H. White had ordered Miller to help him and Ensign Victor Delano load the unmanned number 1 and number 2 Browning .50 caliber anti-aircraft machine guns aft of the conning tower. Miller was not familiar with the weapon, but White and Delano instructed him on how to operate it. Delano expected Miller to feed ammunition to one gun, but his attention was diverted and, when he looked again, Miller was firing one of the guns. White then loaded ammunition into both guns and assigned Miller the starboard gun. Miller fired the gun until he ran out of ammunition, when he was ordered by Lieutenant Claude V. Ricketts to help carry the captain up to the navigation bridge out of the thick oily smoke generated by the many fires on and around the ship; Miller who was officially credited with downing at least two enemy planes. "I think I got one of those Jap planes. They were diving pretty close to us," he said later. Japanese aircraft eventually dropped two armor-piercing bombs through the deck of the battleship and launched five 18-inch (460 mm) aircraft torpedoes into her port side. When the attack finally lessened, Miller helped move injured sailors through oil and water to the quarterdeck, thereby "unquestionably saving the lives of a number of people who might otherwise have been lost." The ship was heavily damaged by bombs, torpedoes, and resulting explosions and fires, but the crew prevented her from capsizing by counter-flooding a number of compartments. Instead, West Virginia sank to the harbor bottom in shallow water as her surviving crew abandoned ship, including Miller; the ship was raised and restored for continued service in the war. On the West Virginia, 132 men were killed and 52 were wounded from the Japanese attack. On December 13, Miller reported to the heavy cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35).
On January 1st, 1942, the Navy released a list of commendations for actions on December 7th. Among them was a single commendation for an unnamed black man. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had asked President Franklin D. Roosevelt to award the Distinguished Service Cross to the unknown black sailor. The Navy Board of Awards received a recommendation that the sailor be considered for recognition. On March 12th, an Associated Press story named Miller as the sailor, citing the African-American newspaper Pittsburgh Courier; additional news reports credited Lawrence D. Reddick with learning the name through correspondence with the Navy Department. In the following days, Senator James M. Mead (D-NY) introduced a Senate bill to award Miller the Medal of Honor, and Representative John D. Dingell, Sr. (D-MI) introduced a matching House bill. Miller was recognized as one of the "first US heroes of World War II". He was commended in a letter signed by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox on April 1st, and the next day, CBS Radio broadcast an episode of the series They Live Forever, which dramatized Miller's actions. Black organizations began a campaign to honor Miller with additional recognition. On April 4, the Pittsburgh Courier urged readers to write to members of the congressional Naval Affairs Committee in support of awarding the Medal of Honor to Miller. On May 11th, President Roosevelt approved the Navy Cross for Miller. On May 27th, Miller was personally recognized by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, aboard the aircraft carrier Enterprise (CV-6) at anchor in Pearl Harbor. Nimitz said of Miller's commendation, "This marks the first time in this conflict that such high tribute has been made in the Pacific Fleet to a member of his race and I'm sure that the future will see others similarly honored for brave acts."
Miller was advanced in rank to mess attendant first class on June 1st, 1942. On June 27th, the Pittsburgh Courier called for him to be allowed to return home for a war bond tour along with white war heroes. On November 23rd, Miller returned to Pearl Harbor and was ordered on a war bond tour while still attached to Indianapolis. In December, and January 1943, he gave presentations in Oakland, California, in his hometown of Waco, in Dallas, and to the first graduating class of black sailors from Great Lakes Naval Training Station. He was featured on the 1943 Navy recruiting poster "Above and beyond the call of duty", designed by David Stone Martin. He then reported to Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton, Washington on May 15th, 1943 when he was assigned to the newly constructed escort carrier Liscome Bay (CVE-56). He was advanced in rank to cook third class on June 1st. The ship had a crew of 960 men, and its primary functions were to serve as a convoy escort, to provide aircraft for close air support during amphibious landing operations, and to ferry aircraft to naval bases and fleet carriers at sea. After training in Hawaii waters, Liscome Bay left Pearl Harbor on November 10th, 1943 to join the Northern Task Force, Task Group 52. Miller's carrier took part in the Battle of Makin (invasion of Makin by units of the Army's 165th Regimental Combat Team, 27th Infantry Division) which had begun on November 20th. On November 24th, the day after Makin was captured by American soldiers and the eve of Thanksgiving that year (the cooks had broken out the frozen turkeys from Pearl Harbor), the Liscome Bay was cruising near Butaritari (Makin's Atol's main island) when it was struck just before dawn in the stern by a torpedo from the Japanese submarine I-175 (fired four torpedoes at Task Group 5312). The carrier's own torpedoes and aircraft bombs including 2,0000 pounders were detonated a few moments later, causing the ship to sink in 23 minutes. There were 272 survivors from the crew of over 900, but Miller was among the two-thirds of the crew listed as "presumed dead". His parents were informed that he was missing in action on December 7th, 1943. Liscome Bay was the only ship lost in the Gilbert Islands operation.
A memorial service was held for Miller on April 30th, 1944, at the Second Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, sponsored by the Victory Club. On May 28th, a granite marker was dedicated at Moore High School in Waco to honor him. Miller was officially declared dead by the Navy on November 25th, 1944, a year and a day after the loss of Liscome Bay. One of his brothers also had served during World War II. Miller was 24 years old at the time of his death. Miller's legacy continues in many memorials to his service. Doris Miller Memorial, a public art installation honoring Miller on the banks of the Brazos River in Waco, Texas. A bronze commemorative plaque at the Doris Miller Park housing community located near Naval Station Pearl Harbor; organized by the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and dedicated on October 12th, 1991, which would have been Miller's 72nd birthday. Even the U.S Navy honored Miller with the USS Miller (FF-1091), a destroyer escort (reclassified as a Knox-class frigate on June 30th, 1975) was commissioned on June 30th, 1973, in honor of Miller. Miller's likeness and story has also been portrayed in films, such as Miller being awarded the Navy Cross was portrayed in the 2019 film Midway. In Michael Bay's 2001 film Pearl Harbor, Miller is portrayed by actor Cuba Gooding Jr. Although he is not identified by name, Miller is portrayed by Elven Havard in the 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora!
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Mentor!Leesin x student!male reader x Sett . In Ionia have spirits right? So reader have a serpent spirit in him and don't know how to control it , so he accidentally destroy a village when his still a kid ( kinda look like Lee old lore ) . Leesin found him after the accident and decided to help reader control it , also he meet Sett be accident when some get lost in to his underground Area
Wew sorry this took a while got sidetracked cuz school and stuff hehehe 😅 but I made it a bit longer .
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• Pairing •
[ a little bit ] Lee Sin X male reader [ mentor and student ] and Sett X male reader [ Romantic ship ] Bromance bb XD
• a little something •
a few cursed words on the last part, I'm making this in 3rd Point of View and instead of making the spirit as away for you to be powerful, it's gonna be your defense mechanism [ also like what Po from Kung Fu Panda kind of a thing ] and also you'll be a kid at the start before meeting Sett in your 20's ( He's 30 something and you're right his is a perfect Daddy for that 🤣).
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Everything happened so fast, the last thing you remembered was trying to avoid the alley kids from the village until they cornered you and started beating you up and when you asked for help people just walked by and it was the last straw, blinded by rage you accidentally lash out and let the spirit inside of you out.
All of the nearby people scream in fear and some in agony as they were killed by the large Serpent spirit that emerged from inside you and started moving. the buildings where destroyed to the ground, the trees and plants were either push or crushed down.
Soldiers and some brave men tried to take you down but you where just floating inside the spirit safe from their harmful weapons, The being continued on wrecking havoc around the village killing every living being in it's path before disappearing in thin air when it was sure you were safe from harm.
Then you drop from the crushed ground still unconscious as the new morning sun raised from the hills near your Village.
Lee Sin and the Monks was alarmed by the disturbance in the area, they decided to investigate and found a village burned and destroyed to the ground but was lucky enough to see who the perpetrator was, they saw The Serpent Spirit Disappearing by slowly entering your body in mid-air before leaving your form to fall on the ground.
The monks quickly run towards your unconscious body while Lee calmly walk and kneeled down when he reach you finally sensing the content spirit inside you more different than his and very strange.
Nonetheless they all decided to bring you back to the Monastery to heal and find out who you are.
When you regain consciousness, you were greeted by monks and provided with food and clothes, you were a little hesitant by their caring ways but even so you were still greatful.
After changing into knew clothes you asked.
"Um thank you for the new clothes but can I asked you why I am here?".
The monks kept quiet until an older monk step up.
"I am afraid to say that it not our place to explain your situation but I know the one who can ".
Curious to what he meant you followed him towards an Isolated ground with beautiful wildlife around it and few balance stones, structures and ponds.
Looking forward you see a man meditating in the middle but what's more strange is him wearing a red cloth around his eyes.
When reaching him the Elder monk left the both of you and walked back to the building (Monastery).
"ah you're finally awake boy". startled you look back and see the blindfolded man standing now with his arms behind his back.
The two of you talked for awhile exchanging questions and answers until a certain topic came in mind.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but the elder said you can explain what happened to me?".
He explained how a spirit - a Serpent most likely - was living inside of you, like how the dragon spirit choose him but alot more different.
"Different? How so?".
He says that instead of choosing you as it's vessel, it choose to just live inside of you and became protective of you.
Seeing as you have no place to return to, Lee Sin and the Monks offered a place in the Shojin Monastery for you to live, Lee Sin taugh you everything about the spirits, how to control them, how to fight to be strong enough to not depend on the spirit, while The monks guide you through spiritual ways to help you more on Lee Sin's teaching while also teaching you about life and it's importance.
Years have gone by you finally learned how to control the spirit inside of you and additional you also learned how to fight from your Master who is also your father figure, Lee Sin and Learned the deeper meaning of life through the monks.
You decide to travel and start living away from Monastery and maybe finding more about the outside world, so you packed up with some clothes and few gold coins before saying goodbye to the people you can call family.
Walking around you made sure to explore more of Ionai, you then stumbled upon a city with less wildlife and later found out that this was one of the place that Noxus build to show how they can carelessly claim the Ionian grounds, no Plants, no animals but you can still see Ionian people walking around but saddened to see no Vastyan in sight.
Sighing to yourself you continued walking around looking for things you might need in the stalls when you hear loud shouting nearby, placing down an apple back you excused yourself to the Vendor and trudge towards the sounds.
Looking past the people around you see a large male screaming down at surprisingly a Vastayan Woman with long white hair and ending with the color purple on the tips, snapping out of your shock you run towards them and catch the raised hand of the man that was probably gonna land on her cheek.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you".
You said not even stuttering while glaring at him, he struggled in my grip but gave up and went to punch me with his other hand instead.
I effortlessly dodge it and twisted his arm and kicked him away before helping the Vastayan woman up, you turned towards the crowd.
"I would like for you people to mind your own business, now leave". you harden your words making the people leave in fear.
You turn towards to woman and help her picked up the scattered foods from her fallen basket, she was hesitant towards your kindness like how you were when you were a kid but you only offered her a smile and s deep bow as a sign of respect, one of the best lessons your master taught you.
When you walked away she continued to watch you before someone tapped her shoulder and grab her basket that was properly filled back with all of the food she bought.
"Hey, sorry Ma I got caught up with something, you ok?". a Tall large build man said before nudging his mother to put her arms around his elbow as they start walking back to the busy market.
"oh nothing Dear, it's just I met a rather peculiar man on the way". Hearing that the Half Vastayan man couldn't help but worry but his mother defended you.
"but in a good way, he help me when I 'fell down and scattered' my groceries". He hesitantly nod his head and tried to calm his worried heart.
After that Day you decided on living in the city, you found a job and meet new people but you often wonder if you'll meet that Vastayan woman again.
"I hope she's alright". you said to yourself before effortlessly carry 10 large sacks of powdered cement -5 on each shoulders- and walk towards the construction site as people gawk at your strength when you walk pass them.
You carefully dodge every person you walk but stumbled a bit when a large guys bump into you.
"Hey! Whoa! sorry about that". you grunt but quickly fix your stance and re-adjust the weights in your shoulders before calmly returning back to your walking.
"Hey!- watch where yo- huh?". the Tall Half Vastayan man from before grunted but stumbled on his words when he saw you walk away and surprised to see a small yet lean man like you carry that much weight but shook his head and continue on.
Finish for the day you patiently waited for your payment when one of your co-worker approach you.
"Yo Y/N! got a minute?".
"More than a minute actually, can I help you with something?". you looked at them as you wait in line with the other workers.
"Nah man I just wanna ask if you wanna fight in the pits tonight". he said while waving a poster in your face
"You know I hate those stuff Arik I'm afraid I'll have to pass that one". you wave the paper away from your face and gently grab the small bag of coins from the lady whilst saying 'thank you' to her.
Walking away Arik who was stubborn as a pampered brat keep insisting it making your patience thin, by the last moment you almost let your spirit get fired up before shutting them up.
"OKAY fine Arik I will just please stop with your whining it's more irritating than your normal voice". you rip the poster from his hands and walk off.
"Yes! that's the!- wait?! my what?!".
Picking your ear you walk inside the large Pit with Arik guiding you, flinching when you say people fighting down and people screaming like wild animals when one of them land a hit or two.
You watch as your friend talked to some man on the side before giving them a small sack of money before walking back to you.
"really Arik betting money on illegal pit fights? don't tell me you have much more worse things you than this". you glare at him but he just shrugged his shoulders and pushed you towards the fighting area.
"Don't worry 'bout lil'ol me and worry how you gonna beat those guys asses and no I have no more worse things to do than this". he said before leaving you in you devices.
You glare at them then huff before walking off and join the people on the waiting area.
Few fights when by you continued of just knocking your opponent with only few punches and kicks rather than killing them, you were Forbidden to takes someones else life again if you wanted keep the spiritual bond with your spirit.
Not noticing a man watching you from his post on top of the balcony, who had the perfect view to your fights.
Nearing the end of the fight you finally got to fight 'The Boss' to the death, hearing this you stared at you so called friend and started motioning him that you quit, he shook his head 'no' and just shake the bag of coins in his hands.
You facepalm not noticing your next opponent entering the pit with you in it.
The Boss named Sett walked towards you before stop few meters away, He smirks at you while acting cocky, you only raised and eyebrow before sighing in frustration.
"I'm wasting my time here". you tell yourself while pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Well I'm surprised you got pass all the contenders here construction boy, ready to get your ass kick?". he said before putting his brass knuckles on.
You said nothing and just stood there looking at him.
Seeing that you're not moving first He took the opportunity to strike you first but before he can reach you, you raised your hand and signal to stop before announcing.
"I'm not fighting you". Directly after that people started cursing and boo-ing at you only making you roll your eyes then walk away.
Sett stared dumbfounded at you as you walk out from his pit, enraging him he stomps to you and started looking for you, shoving people away he saw you almost reaching the large wooden doors that leads to the outside.
"HEY YOU! GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS THAT BULLSHIT BACK THERE!". Sett shouts to you making you turn around.
"What are you talking about?".
"I said what kinds shit-show did you do back there?". he growled and towered you.
"I simply said that I don't want to fight you, isn't that a win for you?". You calmly said shocking him a bit.
Getting a bit lot of words you continued to speak.
"I don't see you as a weak person, I can clearly see that but I know myself that what you do here is not my thing, it's yours. so if think of me as a coward or anything I don't blame you it was an accident and also my fault that I let my 'friend' drag me here". you turn around and walked away.
Sett stared at your form slowly disappearing in the distance not even breaking away from his blank-staring until his assistant brought him back.
"Shows Over, tell them the challenger quits". He said before walking back to his office.
Since that fiasco you continued on with you life and started to forget about that night or any thing related to that.
You were walking around the market when you were approach by the Vastayan woman you've meet before, you and her talked and accompanied her while she buy things around.
The two of you talked for a bit and was being watched by Sett who was buying something that his mother asked him, quickly approaching the both of you he took a second to look and recognize you from that night.
"Ma, here's the silk you asked for". he said showing her the fabric he then turned to you when he saw that she was busy fiddling it.
"Hey". he greeted first making you nod.
"Hey to you too". you smiled and continued staring at him.
His mother looked between the two of you and giggled to herself.
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I don't even know what I was doing mygod waaaahhh??? anyways hope you like this (• ▽ •;).
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rexcoatlarchive · 4 years
Until it is done
After Rex, Quetz, and Slayer reported back to base Slayer informed the two as to who was leading the hoard of demon's in their attempt to take over the servant universe.
Slayer: they're a very unique High Servant known only as the serpent.
Rex: ironic...
Slayer: yeah, I get it.
Mhxx: they were briefly spotted at one of the bases we lost to the hoard and we managed to get at least some of their spirit origin. Like Slayer said they're a high servant like the alter egos from the moon cell. Their spirit origin consists of beings such as Apophis, Jormungandr, Typhon, Orochi, Vritra, and many more.
Quetz: they're all monstrous dragons, some of them world enders.
Slayer: exactly, tho it seems they have a bigger target in mind then just the world.
Rex: where the hell did a high servant like that come from? The only one's I've ever seen were BB's alter egos... and Sitonai.
Slayer: the dark lords of hell created them to be a perfect general to lead their hoard. We need to find and destroy them to stop the invasion.
Quetz: where do we even begin to look for them?
Mhxx: we managed to narrow it down to this section of the servant universe
A holographic map is shown with a relatively large portion highlighted red.
Mhxx: it's still a large section but you'll know where they are when you're close.
Rex: how?
Mhxx: they have the most powerful of demonic beasts guarding them, comparable to servants in their strength.
Quetz: aye... this will be difficult.
Slayer: it's what has to be done. You two can handle it right?
Rex: of course we can!
Quetz: si...
The four of them head out to the designated area in search of the Serpent. As they search they must battle through the hoard, ripping and tearing the various demonic beasts. Eventually reaching a space base covered in what could only be seen as corrupting demonic flesh, slowly taking over the base like vines growing over an abandoned building.
Rex: we must be getting closer, these demons are getting worse and worse.
Mhxx: my thoughts exactly, only the Serpent's elite guard could match up with this strength. Further down these halls must be where they are.
Then as the group is fighting a large tremor is felt
Rex: is that the serpent?
Slayer: it must be! Down the hall!
The group start running down the hall, rushing past most demons while tearing them apart eventually going up to a door. They feel more tremors through the door.
Slayer: past here, they must be there. You all ready to finish this fight?
Quetz: si
Rex: yeah
Mhxx: of course!
The group bust the door open, seeing what looks to be a huge arena, and a large figure clad in black cybernetic armor.
Serpent: there you are Slayer! It's finally time to finish this!
Slayer: ...
Serpent: nothing to say? How unfortunate, I guess I'll have to settle for your screams. And look at that you managed to gather a small group to help, not that it'll do much good.
Rex: dang, they're huge.
Quetz: considering how big some of the creatures that make them up are I'm not surprised.
The Serpent is seen is large and bulky black armor, somewhat similar to Slayer's with a large horned helmet, to stay on brand as demon of course. And just like Slayer they have a snake like tail in place of legs.
Mhxx: they look like a dark parody of Slayer.
Slayer: dark parody or not they're dead!
Of course the Serpent wouldn't fight alone, more high ranking demons are summoned to help them in the fight. Mhxx, Quetz and Rex help fight off the Demons while Slayer fights the Serpent. The two cross swords in the struggle.
Serpent: so this is the supposed one person army the Slayer huh? Why bring in help now of all times? You scared?
Slayer: they insisted on helping and the more the merrier they say.
After a bit Slayer pushes the Serpent back and starts to open fire on them, with the Serpent activating an energy shield to protect them.
Serpent: you're little guns won't be enough!
Slayer: maybe not these, but I got a big one with you're name on it!
Afterwards Slayer brings out their ace in the hole: the BFC or Big Fucking Canon. A powerful anti-demonic anti-army noble phantasm.
Slayer: you're dead now! BFC!!!
the Canon is fired not only heavily damaging the Serpent but also erasing the small army of demons they had summoned. The Serpent's helmet is also destroyed revealing a very human looking woman, with long grey hair a deranged look in her eyes and long black colored horns.
Serpent, down and not doing so well: damn it! Damn that stupid gun!
The Slayer slithers up the Serpent sword in hand
Serpent: so you've managed to do me in. Before you do, anything to say before you strike down your greatest enemy?
Slayer, silently stabs her sword right into Serpent's chest to end them then pulling it out.
Slayer: no.
With the Serpent defeated the hoard retreated back to the depths of hell. Not only did they lose their leader but the armies of the servant universe were finally turning the tide, and the hoard decided to cut their losses and retreat. Of course Slayer knew that they would be back, but for now she may rest for a bit.
Rex: so now that she's defeated what are you going to do?
Slayer: not sure, I know the hoard will eventually return but for now... I think I'd like to rest.
Quetz: well... want to come back to chaldea with us?
Slayer: ...that's a very generous offer... I guess I could. Haven't had a proper home for ages now.
The group returned with the new servant now joining and forming an official contract with Rex.
Gordy: goodness that must've been a very intense mission.
Rex: yeah... but it's good to be back.
Da Vinci: yeah... also interesting that you brought in a 3rd Quetzalcoatl.
Quetz: *sigh* I've stop questioning it at this point.
Gordy: but about that Serpent person, the way you describe them they sound familiar. But I cannot put my mind on why.
Rex: well we actually have a picture of them without the mask.
Gordy: well let me see
Rex brings out the photo to show Gordy.
Gordy: wait a minute... Celenike?
Rex: huh?
Quetz: what?
Gordy: she looks exactly like Celenike! She was a member of the Ygdmillenia clan like me! What the hell happened?
Slayer: perhaps the lords of hell used her body as a base?
Gordy: now wouldn't that be appropriate.
A/N: so there we go. For now Slayer's main story is finished up. Eventually she'll show up more along with Ququ and Kuku and probably more Quetzes. But for now I'm still going to focus on the main Quetz, hope you guys like it.
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What This Series Means to Me: #ThankYouKingdomHearts
I used to go to a public school right next to my apartment building when I was growing up. Unfortunately, in the 3rd grade,  my mom decided to take me out of there and put me in a private school. A Catholic private school.
I was not happy.
I didn’t want to wear the dumb private school uniform. I didn’t want to go to church. I didn’t want to deal with the strict rules and the praying and all the other stuff that was “not cool” about Catholic school.
I started the 4th grade at my new school and made friends with a girl who I actually knew from elementary school. One day, she brought her KH 1 and 2 copies to school and showed me at lunch. The box art… the instruction manual… Everything was so cool and colorful. I fell in love with it. I especially remember thinking how cool Riku looked, in all his chartreuse yellow wonder.
I went home that day and looked up more stuff on the series and really got into the lore. And by that I mean I spent disgusting amounts of time every day going on kh-vids.net.
I really wanted to buy KH 1 so I can start playing the series with the first game. I wasn’t even sure how much the game was gonna cost me, but I figured it wouldn’t be more than 15 bucks (keep in mind I was in the 4th grade so that was a lot of money to me back then lol). I didn’t bother to look up the price online. Somehow I just knew that price was right. Eventually, I scraped together the money and I was so excited to finally get to buy Kingdom Hearts so I could play it for myself and not live vicariously through kh-vids.net. There was a video game store a block away from my school (my neighborhood didn’t have a Gamestop yet) and I asked my mom if we could go there after school. I asked the guy that works there if he had Kingdom Hearts, but told me he only had 2 and one copy of it at that. I asked him how much and it was exactly 15 dollars, the exact amount I had and the exact amount I had randomly guessed the game would cost.
I was kinda bummed they didn’t have KH 1, but honestly, at that age, KH 1 probably would have been too hard for me and I would have abandoned the series after that bad experience.
So it was like everything in the universe lined up just right for me to get into the series. I guessed the exact price the game would cost me. I bought 2 instead of 1, ensuring I would fall in love with the series. Hell, if I hadn’t gone to private school I never would have gotten into the series cuz I wouldn’t have befriended that girl! We were always in different classes in my public school. I guess it was meant to be.
I went home that day and rapidly did my homework so I could play it. The rest is history. I spent the entirety of that school year playing and beating and replaying that game over and over.
Unfortunately, I lost my original copy of 2 and subsequently lost my favorite game around the time I was in the 5th grade. My discovery and detachment from the series were also at the advent of extreme family issues (which I don’t want to get into).
However, 2 years later, Days came out. I was lucky enough to have a DS at that point so I could play it. My mom bought me a copy about a month after it’s release. Just like 2, I played it over and over again non-stop.  I was kinda mad at the Xion twist at first and thought it was “dumb”. So much so I stopped playing the game for a good 2 weeks. I was so shocked when I saw Sora’s face on Xion that I immediately closed my DS and went to bed in anger. I got over it though. I can still remember beating it while I was sitting on my grandma’s bed. I watched the final cutscene as we were leaving her house that night.
BBS was announced. And I was pissed.
Like most people, we expected KH3, not another “spin-off”. I swore off the series and I said I wouldn’t be buying anymore KH games. Since I wasn’t going to buy that game, I decided to spoil myself. I knew about the x-blade and how Vanitas looked way before the game released in the US. I rolled my eyes at Vanitas looking at Sora and criticized Ventus being a carbon copy of Roxas. I thought to myself, “Wow, this game is gonna be so fucking stupid.”
I was watching abc family one day and commercials were rolling out and one of them was none other than an ad for BBS.
As soon as the commercial was over I walked into my parent’s room and told them I wanted a psp for Christmas.
Oh and by the way, Birth by Sleep is my favorite KH game now.
The family issue that began while I was still playing 2 intensified during this time. I used BBS to escape. I felt bad for Ven, Aqua, Terra, and Vanitas who were being swept up in the mistakes of others. I could relate.
It’s 2010, I found out Coded, the elusive phone game, was finally coming to the US in 2011. I was excited. I sold Dissidia and Saints Row 2 so I could buy it. Me and my mom hopped the bus to go to gamestop so I could get it because we didn’t have enough money for bus fare. Needless to say, we were in a bad place, but Kingdom Hearts was there to comfort me. I sacrificed a lot for Re:Coded so even though it was bad, I still remember it fondly.
It’s 2012. The Dream Drop Distance demo drops (no pun intended). I was absolutely in love. I was still going through intense hardship because of family issues and I was given another way to escape. Watching Riku face his demons and finally conquer the darkness that was holding him back inspired me. I thought to myself: “Maybe someday I could do the same”. I always loved Riku, but that game really made him a role model for me. I wanted to grow past the circumstances others had put me in too and start to become my own person, a person who was more confident and positive. I played through it twice back to back.
In 2012, I also started high school. Again because of family stuff, I was going through a really hard time and wasn’t immediately making friends at school. I eventually did, but those friends didn’t like video games. I still remembered Kingdom Hearts though.
In 2013, I started my blog and I immediately knew it needed a KH related name. I’ve had the same url since I started. I don’t plan to ever abandon this blog or diverge it from it’s Kingdom Hearts focus. Although my friends weren’t into Kingdom Hearts, I had all of you to talk to about it. Thanks for keeping my interest in the series alive and thanks for all the laughs throughout the years. I really mean that.
In 2013, the promise at the end of Dream Drop Distance seemed like it was about to be fulfilled. Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced to be in development. I remember being in my living room and then going to my room so I could freak out alone. I jumped and scream. I was so excited. I thought I would be playing this game by the end of high school for sure (I am now a Junior in college…)
I didn’t have ps3 at the time the remixes were coming out so I missed out on them initially. Again because of my never-ending family issues, I also lost my 3ds, psp, etc. so I couldn’t play any of my KH games. I was so starved to play one of those games again. My blog kept me connected to Kingdom Hearts during that time though and somewhat slated my desires.
I went over to one of my friend’s houses and she had a ps3 in her room. She said it used to be her brother’s but once he got his ps4, he gave it to her so she could watch Netflix. The ps3 had a Kingdom Hearts wallpaper on it and I thought it was really cool that her brother was into KH like me. I wanted to befriend him so eventually, I did. I started to talk to him in 2014 and we really got along (besides liking KH, we had the same sense of humor, views on life, politics, etc.)
It was 2015, and I had fallen in love with someone and it was all because the fates aligned on that September day in 2007 and I was able to buy the only copy of KH 2 in my local game store and because I managed to guess the exact price of the game. We’re still together today and everyday I feel more and more alive. I can actually say that Kingdom Hearts is one of the main reasons I found love.
Not only did it find me my soulmate, but it also kept me alive and hopeful when I most wanted to die. I always remembered the kind messages the series instills in its players. Small little takeaways and sayings like “There’s a light that never goes out!” or “My friends are my power! And I’m theirs!” or “Come Riku! You’ve been hanging around in the darkness too long! You gotta think positive!”
The series has always been there in some form to bring me happiness and that’s why I can never let it go.
Listen, I’m the first person to admit this series is a trash fire (my blog title is “Mickey Mouse Bullshit”). I will always view the series as a sanctuary (no pun intended), no matter what. As a beacon of hope. Sora’s incessant optimism found some way to infect me. Like Riku, I have become “Sora-esque”. I honestly believe I am the person I am today because of this series and moreover because of its characters who always fight no matter how dark it gets. I am still here because of this series.
So no matter how bad the plot gets or how dumb the time travel shit becomes or how bad the ship wars get or how elitist people are about KH2FM (which is overrated!) or all the “spin-offs” we get or the weird dialogue or all the Xehanorts and all the Soras, etc., etc.,  I will always love this series and support it.
I love Kingdom Hearts. I love Kingdom Hearts because over the years it has shown me how to love and has always loved me.
Thank you, Kingdom Hearts and thank you to this community.
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #16
Our heroes have finally made it to Dew Mountain. Eventually. Not for like the first 2/3rds of this session, but there will be Dew Mountain stuff, yay?
First we start with a little bit of a blast from the past, Saef’s past specifically. Dew Mountain’s biggest city, Civitas A, has seen an election of a new government official, Kane Bullard, who has promised to rid the city of crime with the help of his fancy-pants Bureau for a Better Society (BBS for short). 
Baby Saef (only 14!) and two of his friends, Nnenna and Levi have decided to go vandalize a near-by office building that is to be turned into a BBS building. 
Levi is super into this, and the others have to steady him a bit. 
The building appears to be abandoned when our little criminals-to-be get there. 
Levi does find an open door so our heroes sneak in through that. 
There are tarps and all kinds of other construction stuff. 
Levi decides he wants to make a little oil prank, while Saef gets onto spray-painting the walls with ”fukc BBS” -slogans (more like Bureau of Bullshit, amirite?).
Nnenna, being the oldest (at 16), keeps watch. 
Unfortunately she doesn’t notice the trouble brewing before the trouble grabs her by the collar and has her held at gunpoint. 
Saef and Levi turn to look when Nnenna screams and find an Inquisitor holding the poor girl. 
Behind the Inquisitor stalks a shadow of a spider-like feature with seven glowing blue eyes. 
Saef asks the Inquisitor to let Nnenna go, even volunteering to go with the Inquisitor in her place. 
Levi begs Saef to flee with him. 
Fortunately the confrontation is interrupted by the voice of Saef’s gang-leader Ahram, who has come to look for the kids. 
The Inquisitor agrees to let Nnenna go and Ahram orders the kids go home while he stays behind to talk with the Inquisitor. 
The kids go. 
Saef tries to return back but Levi catches him. 
Levi is super-worried about the kind of trouble they’ll be in, but when Ahram returns, he isn’t mad, just disappointed. 
He asks the kids to stay out of the way of Kane Bullard and BBS, especially now that they know he’s working with Inquisition (and strange spiders). 
Then it’s hugs for everyone (except Levi, who claims to be too old for hugs).
Back to the ship, not so baby Saef (already 22!) is checking out the chocolates at the tax free, when he is approached by the engineer, Molly, who helped Uffe and Vivek escape the ship.
So Necrons, huh? Molly asks. 
A-yup, says Saef. 
Molly shows Saef the earrings she had bought with Saef’s money. 
She wanted to speak with Saef because she wanted to let him know she won’t be of trouble. 
She knows Saef is high-ranking, she’s seen the people he travels with (mostly the captain of the entire ship, and her personal Wolf), and she doesn’t want trouble. 
And maybe don’t tell the captain she employs a person who takes bribes? 
Saef says it’s alright. 
Molly says if she can ever be of any help, Saef just needs to ask. 
Saef then asks her to recommend him some chocolate. 
Molly picks her favorite (super-fancy dark chocolate).
Gimlet finds Saef. He says that he has visited Eden and explains that Inpax has taken Eden’s memory banks, so he's in a rough state. 
Gimlet suggests maybe Saef could take Felis Catus and together they could go pay Eden a visit. 
This is what they do. 
Eden, obviously, doesn’t recognize Felis Catus and seems to be somewhat confused by Saef’s explanation that the cat likes him. 
Gimlet says he should hold onto that thought. 
Eden says he shall, for the next 12 hours. 
Saef asks if they should come visit him again after that, that perhaps it would be of use. 
Eden surmises it might be comforting for Gimlet and Saef than to him, but if it pleases them…
Saef and Gimlet talk a bit after visiting Eden. 
Gimlet wants to talk about Gorm. 
He tells Saef what Gorm had talked about last time, that there’s a chance Saef might go bad, since he is ”a very bad boy with that leather jacket you’re not actually wearing right now...” 
Saef feels that has already been implied by all the ”hello warlock” -talk Gorm does. 
Gimlet tells Saef to be careful and reassures him that since he’s never turned on Gimlet, Gimlet knows he’s a good boy. 
And if Gorm ever starts acting up, Saef should come talk to Gimlet. 
Saef says that the big puppy talks big game, but in the end it’s mostly talk and Saef trusts him. 
They also talk about the possibility that Gorm himself might go ”big bad wolf”. 
In that conversation Saef notes that Gimlet seems to be the only one of them that’s not on the cards to go bad, being the harmless fellow he is. 
Gimlet mentions wanting to get chocolate for Layla in the hospital. 
Gimlet then explains that he is not in the best of terms with Gorm right now, because Gorm took Gimlet and Layla into the wilds to poke wolves with sticks in some kind of weird ritual and Layla got hurt.
So this would not be all Saef all the time, we follow Gimlet to the Tax Free where he is approached by Inquisitor Corrida. 
Corrida has realized why Gimlet’s name was familiar; he was one of Tanner’s kids. 
Gimlet looks like a deer at the headlights. 
Corrida clarifies it’s not an accusation, they simply weren’t aware other people had been fired and not killed as well. 
Apparently Alex who they employ, is also one of Tanner’s former ones.
If they had known there was another former Tanner-person without a place to go, they might have offered a job to Gimlet too. 
Gimlet says no thanks. 
Corrida wonders why Gimlet is so afraid of them. 
Shouldn’t it be quite obvious? 
Corrida says they only deal with xenos, so technically, if Gimlet is going to get into trouble with Inquisition, it would be with likes of Inpax. 
But they won’t push the conversation if Gimlet doesn’t want to. 
Gimlet asks them to say hi to Alex and flees the scene with his purchases.
Saef goes to visit Gorm. 
He is a bit surprised there’s a live wolf there, but alright. 
When Saef says he wants to talk with Gorm about what happened at Orchard Mountain, Gorm shuts down immediately. 
He’s learned his lesson, he’s going to keep his stuff to himself. 
He’s already been shouted at twice today so if Saef’s here to shout, he can go straight back out the door. 
Saef says he’s not here to shout, just wants to hear what happened. 
Gorm says he thought it went great. 
And anyway it was Gimlet’s fault for getting noticed by 15 wolves. 
Surprise Gimlet made it out alive. 
If things had gone bad, Gorm says he would have just joined the wolves. At least then he’d have a pack. :( 
Saef wonders if Gorm consulted Layla’s parent. 
Gorm admits it didn’t occur to him, he’s not used to parents, he doesn’t remember his own parents. 
Saef says if he was a kid and went to fight 15 wolves it would have been just about the coolest thing ever, but also, maybe it’s not great to take kids from the parents to trips like these. 
Gorm says he’ll go talk with Jennifer. 
Gorm says Saef should be careful about Inpax as she knows about Saef’s powers. 
Gorm then continues that he’s not saying it’s Gimlet, but he’s not saying it’s not Gimlet, that has leaked such information to Inpax. 
Saef says he’s going to be careful. 
Gorm also shows Saef the rest of Vivek’s eye he stole. 
He needs to figure out a place to put it in while our heroes are at Dew Mountain, because Inpax will surely go through his stuff. 
Saef says he has a friend he can give it to hold. 
Before leaving Saef asks if Gorm and Gimlet are okay to go together to Dew Mountain. 
Gorm says he’ll take it like a big man. 
He only tried to befriend him. :(
Saef goes and drops Vivek’s eye to Molly, who is busy pretending to work. 
Molly takes the bits and says she won’t ask questions, which is probably for the better.
And then, Saef goes to knock on Inpax’s door. 
Inpax lets him in and Saef wastes no time, asking Inpax about knowing of his… talents. 
Inpax shows a profile of Saef on her computer. 
Apparently Inpax has sanctioned Saef, a rather unorthodox move, she admits. 
She apparently has some interests in Dew Mountain, that caused her to run into Saef. 
Also obviously she’s keeping tabs on Gimlet (don’t tell Gimlet that though). 
But, for the moment, Inpax says Saef is alright in her books.
Saef calls her much kinder than people give her credit, which she laughs off. 
Saef then asks Inpax for a favor, regarding both his situation with the Tyranid stuff and with Theo, namely needing Eden. 
Inpax says Theo was obviously made servitor because of a criminal background, but if there’s a reason to re-examine the case (which she seems to think there may be), she can allow his un-servitoring. 
Saef thanks Inpax and leaves.
Saef, Gimlet and Gorm meet up to talk what their plans on Dew Mountain are. 
Well, they need to find Saef’s parents, and Cayenne’s mom and Gimlet needs to find Limestow survivors. 
Saef also says he wants to find Theo’s gangmates, which everyone is cool with. 
Gorm says they can get access to the planet via Inquisitor Corrida, so they’ll head there first (with Gorm’s wolf bits).
Outside Corrida’s room they hear a piece of a conversation between Corrida and Inpax. 
Something about Inpax wanting Corrida to check into something the AdMechs are doing on the planet. 
Anyway, Inpax leaves and our heroes go see Corrida. 
Corrida is very pleased with the stuff Gorm has brought. 
Gorm asks them to check over his new (live) wolf. 
Corrida does so, and says they can’t see any sign of Tyranid mutation, but to their eye at least the wolf doesn’t look the healthiest. 
Gorm wonders who will take the wolf while he’s at Dew Mountain, since Saef seems pretty insistent that the city won’t be great for an animal. 
Corrida suggests leaving the wolf with Alex. This is agreed to.
Our heroes are ready to teleport to Civitas A. They teleport near the place where Saef used to live. 
Civitas A is a city of quite different scale than any our heroes have ever been before, hosting 70 million people and a subway system spanning several 100 stations throughout the city. 
Our heroes decide to check the local store near Saef’s place. 
Gimlet points out the alleyway where he run into Saef originally to Gorm. 
Inside the store, the store clerk, a quite silent woman by the name of Effu recognizes Saef. 
Apparently the business hasn’t been great and there’s monsters in the subway system, as people keep disappearing. 
The army is apparently doing something at the other end of the city. 
Saef thanks for the information. 
The Rat Pack’s, Theo’s gang’s base, is not far from where our heroes are, so they go check that out first. It’s positioned at an abandoned sewer pipe and quite empty. 
Gimlet and Gorm manage to find a hidden room with a path to the subway tunnels that clearly has been lived in not so long time ago. 
Saef leaves a note to contact him in the hidden room. 
No more clues are here, so next they might head to the area where Saef’s folks live and where at least few of the names on Gimlet’s list also live.
And at some point (subway ride to the other side of the city?) Saef texts Vivek, telling that it was Gimlet who got him arrested to buy more time to Eden. 
Vivek replies that it might not have been smartest move, although obviously Gimlet didn’t know that (he’s still an ass, tho). 
Vivek was apparently holding three things for Eden, two keys (one to Eden’s memories, one to his program files) in his eye and one presumably intangibly in his mind. 
Saef managed to scoop one of the keys, but another is missing. 
Saef says Gorm saved the rest of Vivek’s eye, but obviously they hadn’t checked whether it had a key.
Saef’s still an angel. (Also Gorm is too.)
Two angels and an ass, what a lovely party. (Gimlet’s a dear, just not to Vivek :P) Next week, we get to some Civitas A adventuring proper!
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anovel70 · 3 years
Late October 2021 update
I’ve been struggling to motivate myself in the third quarter of this year. Everything has not been going so well. Let’s start with what I planned in my last post:
I successfully did the hook up thing in July, but I was unable to get any actuarial job interviews. In August, I did go out with my girlfriend and I helped my sister. I didn’t go for making PE Exam phone calls. In September, I did not go to Ohio. In October, I didn’t do any of that. Now for the bad news.
The major thing that happened October 1 is that I lost my job because my boss thinks I’m incompetent. I was put on a PIP, which was gay and I didn’t want to do that, so I resigned with a two weeks’ notice and they fired me as soon as I announced this. My company was a great company and paid me for my two weeks’ notice, even though they fired me on the spot.
Now I’ve given up on my PE exam for the year and I’m taking a break from studying. I will continue with Exam 9, which I’ll take in 2022. Then I’ll fulfill many extraneous requirements for the actuary position for the remainder of 2022. I will gain the experience I need in engineering to take the PE exam in Spring 2023. 
I haven’t been motivating myself to study. I’ve been thinking about it every day, but I end up playing games instead. Right now, I borrowed a Nintendo Switch from the library, where I plan on catching every Pokemon 9 times, one for each language. Apparently, if you collect Pokemon from a different language, you get their foreign Pokedex entry.
With my finances, I am officially a Wall Street Retard. I lost money on BB, AMC, and a bunch of other meme stocks, all because I took bad advice from Reddit. I need to learn to play smarter and to dump my stocks before everyone else does. I ended up going for tech stocks like AMD, NVDA, and APPL, and they’ve been making me a lot of money recently.
I have not been reaching out to others as I would like. In July, I did try to reach out to people I met in 2018 and 2019, occasionally talking to them in 2020, but none of those conversations lasted for long. I still have my girlfriend and my Hispanic friend, but those people aren’t worth keeping around in the long run. They require too much from me that I don’t have time for because of studying and gaming.
August was probably my most social month, as I went on a 3-day date with my girlfriend and went to Cornell to drop my sister off at college, where I stayed for three days. They were unique experiences that I’ll probably never get to do again.
Once I’m done with my current group of active friends, I don’t think I’ll be seeing anyone anymore. I still want to go to NYC to hook up with hot girls and get a handsome makeover to attract these girls, but COVID needs to be over first. I’ll have to go with my Latin friend. 
With entertainment, nothing really entertains me these days except Pokemon stuff. I’m going for 100% completion in Pokemon Ultra Moon. That means Battle Agency Grade 50, getting the rewards from Battle Tree, collecting all hidden items and battling every trainer, completing every side quest, and so on. I already finished the Pokedex since I imported my living Pokedex into the game before my Pokemon Bank expired.
Now with my job. I keep thinking about it. In July and September, I realized that I hated my boss. Before him, there was less stress to stay busy. This guy is disorganized and places a lot of jobs in front of me, which can easily take weeks to do. Furthermore, they all have the same timeline, which means there will be a period of time where I’ll have to work over 40 hours just to finish all my jobs. I’m glad I got rid of him, but I’m also upset I won’t be celebrating my 3rd year anniversary with this company. I hate black people.
In November, I’ll start a new job. I’ll stop playing Pokemon, I’ll start studying for my actuary exam on weekends only, and I’ll have to break up with my girlfriend. 
In December, I will continue to do all these things, clean up my room from any previous work items, just so I can start the next year with a clean room, new job, and new life.
0 notes
sxpiosexualx · 7 years
Keep faith Jonsa fam <3
With S07E06 it’s easy to lose faith in the ship and so many people are reasonably upset but fret not! We still have plenty of points that are still as valid as they were prior to this episode.
Let’s go through them and calm down, alright? (For Jonerys shippers, people are allowed to ship whoever they want. Please don’t take this as an attack to your ship.)
Here are some summarised points just to refresh yourself on why this ship makes so much sense!
1) Sansa being the first Stark to reunite with Jon, forming a bond between the two. Think of all how refreshing it was to see Jon and Sansa smile on screen for the first time in forever, and how crucial it is for developing the plot!
2) The marriage symbolisms in the scenes they share. Sansa is cloaked in(what I assume to be) Jon’s cloak when she first arrives at Castle Black. She then cloaks him in the Stark fur she makes him(and he’s worn it ever since - even on the cliff at Dragonstone). They both have also shared a drink together, which just paints more wedding imagery. Not to mention, Jon has promised to protect her(sounds like something you’d vow to your partner).
3) How their scenes are shot in a particular way that may suggest a foreshadowing of them being endgame. Candle lit rooms, gentle snow falling and panned close ups of anytime Sansa’s grabbed Jon’s hand/arm.
4) Bickering like an old married couple while still empowering each other and Sansa reassuring the Jon that he’s good at ruling thus giving him the confidence he needs and reminding him that he’s a Stark to her. Wow I love a supportive dynamic. Nothing but mutual respect from my two children.
5) How well they work together and how they balance each other out. Jon of course being the military man, and Sansa being more politically savvy. Wow, Westeros is shook at this power couple.
6) The Ned and Cat parallels. I don’t even need to get into this one because there are plenty of sources out there that have pointed this out!
7) Littlefinger’s panned close up of him looking at Jon, then looking at Sansa as if he’s putting two and two together. This is incredibly significant considering the event that led up towards it could be seen as Littlefinger trying to see what would make Jon tick.
8) Angry Kitten Jon i.e. the strange way in which we see him react to different people bringing up Sansa. Choking Littlefinger, glaring and not being interested in discussing her with Tyrion, Sansa being the only reason he chooses to spare Theon. Davos’ close up right after his interaction with Theon. Very suspicious.
9) Them mentioning each other even when they’re miles apart. It’s an odd thing to note that Sansa keeps saying she wishes Jon were with her and that she hopes he comes back soon, meanwhile we also have Jon not being able to escape the mention of Sansa.
10) Jon taking notice of her new silk dress. Remember when he said he’d want to see Ygritte in a silk dress... so he could tear it off of her?
11) The forehead kiss and lingering gaze. They could have reshot this if it wasn’t meant to give off any other vibe that wasn’t perceived as brotherly. 10mill for that last episode, just saying.
12) The deleted scene. In which Jon tells Ghost to stay behind and protect Sansa.
13) Name parallels in both the Stark and Targaryen family tree. There was a Jaeherys Targaryen(some people think this may be Jon’s true name) who married an Alyssane(which is remarkably similar sounding to Alayne - Sansa’s adoptive name while she was in the Vale. But even if it turns out his true name isn’t Jaeherys, there’s still the Jonnel Stark that married a Sansa Stark. Now that’s on the nose.
14) Sansa giving his new life purpose. When we see Jon after he’s resurrected, he was ready to abandon his post as Lord Commander. Sansa walks in just in time, and she gives him a reason to fight for - the reclamation of Winterfell. Jon is truly reborn when he resurfaces from the crowd and we see in him something that’s been missing throughout the season - purpose. Then he goes and knocks the sh*t out of Ramsay.
15) The Prince Aemon/Joffrey bit. Ned had promised her someone brave, gentle and strong like Prince Aemon, noting that the match with Joffrey was a mistake. This happens in Season 1 and in the 1st installation of the ASOIAF books. In the 3rd installation of the books, Jon recalls a time where he and Robb would be training as kids, referring to himself as Prince Aemon the Dragonknight.While in the show in Season 7, we see Jon get insulted at the thought that Sansa might think of him to be like Joffrey - to which she says he’s as far as Joffrey as anyone she’s ever met.
16) Sansa’s hair. This is often overlooked but I remember reading that when Sophie Turner got her role, she asked the producers why she had to dye her hair. They told her that it’s actually important and crucial to the plot in some symbolic way. Let me just point out to you how most if not all the women in Jon’s life that he’s been involved with in some way or another has had red hair. While this seems like merely a coincidence that’s not worth bringing up, it could be tied to the validation he never received while growing up - of Catelyn’s(who had more of an auburn shade), and Sansa who took after her mother in never accepting Jon fully.
17) Janos Slynt. Sansa had wished for a hero to behead Janos Slynt(in the books). Jon ends up beheading Janos Slynt(in the books and the show). This has a romantic connotation since the hero always falls for the princess in the songs.
18) How their arcs almost reflect and mirror each other throughout the story. Both Jon and Sansa had romantic ideas of the world that are debunked by reality. Jon believing the Night’s Watch is a place of honour, and Sansa having her whole reality flipped. (My poor bbs </3)
19) How their arcs are at one point reversed. Sansa finds herself born into a position of power in the beginning, while Jon was a bastard. She then at finds herself being the bastard, while Jon is raised up as Lord Commander. This is good to take note of as they now have a better understanding of each other respectfully.
20) How them getting together would literally give them both what they wanted as children. Sansa’s always wanted her prince(and since Rhaegar annulled his marriage, Jon is a Targaryen Prince), and Jon’s always wanted a family and to live in Winterfell(+ deep down I’m sure he’s always craved the validation he was denied as a child growing up in Winterfell - he had hoped Ned would have the King legitimise him).
21) Poetic justice. How fitting would it be to have a situation that started out from a Targaryen/Stark wedding to end with a Targaryen/Stark wedding(this time done right)? Too perfect.
Those are some of the points I could think of straight off the top of my head, without taking into account the points that stand against D*enerys. I wanted to make sure this post was as positive without having to be perceived as me taking a go at D*ny. But, for the purpose of making this complete, let’s see some points against that ship(you can stop reading at this point if you only want positivity, but I’ll try to be as rational!)
1) The argument that J*nerys together makes the Song of Ice and Fire. This is a questionable point since there could be many interpretations of what’s truly Ice and Fire so I’ve never found this to be persuasive. You could argue that Jon is the Song of Ice and Fire himself, since it’s been revealed that he is both Stark and Targaryen.
2) D*enerys’ story arc serves as a foil to Jon’s. The reason why these characters seem alike is because they seem to mirror their positions throughout the story. However, if you take a closer look - D*ny has risen to power on account of her birthright and dragons, and she has actively sought out her power. Meanwhile, Jon finds himself in a position of power not because he wants it or has a birthright, but because people want him to assume that position(like being elected Lord Commander and then crowned King in the North).
3) The highlighted differences between these characters. In Mereen in Season 5, we see D*enerys sentence a man to death but have Daario Naharis carry out the sentence in front of her people as a deterrent. This has always been interesting to me because she cannot bring herself to look at him as he is being beheaded. It reminds me of the saying that he who passes the sentence should swing the sword. In the same season, we see Jon behead Janos Slynt himself.
4) The direction the show seems to have taken in relation to D*ny’s methods of ruling. Yes, I do agree that you’ve got to be more and more ruthless as you hold more and more power but it’s interesting to me how they’ve decided to shoot her scenes lately. There’s her insisting that she is Queen(Tywin: “Any man who must say “I am the King” is no true King.”). Then we are asked to empathise with the Lannister army for the first time in the series - with Ed Sheeran’s cameo meant to humanise the soldiers, and the Field of Fire 2.0 battle being shot from the Lannister army’s point of view - of devastation when going against a weapon of mass destruction(Drogon). To top it all off, she displays ignorant hypocrisy - saying she wants to break the wheel but only when she’s already on top, deflecting and ignoring any attempts Tyrion makes to talk some sense into her(we’ve seen Tyrion trying to deny that she’s being irrational while with Varys, and mentioning that she’s known to lose her temper), telling the army she’s not there to murder them and then giving them an ultimatum of bending the knee or dying, and burning the Tarlys alive. That last point is interestingly enough never brought up with Jon the same way the maesters don’t inform Samwell - which makes me feel like it’s been left out for now, for a reason. It’ll come back and change Jon’s perspective of her further.
5) Contrasting D*ny’s ruling methods with Sansa’s. While D*enerys’ loot train attack destroyed the food that would have fed the people, in the same episode we see Sansa trying to ensure that her people are fed. It’s there for a reason. For us to be able to extract and juxtaposition these two together and start questioning who would make a better Queen - a ‘foreign invader’ and conquerer who uses her weapons of mass destruction to pave a way for her on the Iron Throne, or the key to the North who has learnt how to play the Game of Thrones from arguably a few of the best players(Cersei, Margaery, and Littlefinger).
6) Cersei’s Prophecy of the Younger, more beautiful Queen. People seem to overlook this when it’s actually quite indicative of endgame. People are also quick to assume that D*ny is the Younger Queen that would talk all that [Cersei] holds dear. But how could she be? D*enerys had nothing to do with the deaths of Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen. Sansa did. Although unknowingly. Sansa was the one who informed Olenna Tyrell of how much of a monster Joffrey was - this set the chain of events that led to all three of Cersei’s children’s deaths. While Margaery could be perceived as the Younger Queen as well - she had no clue of Olenna’s involvement, and furthermore - Cersei still has Jaime while Margaery has already been reduced to ashes. So, if Jaime were to sometime in the future join forces under Sansa, she would fulfil the prophecy. I highly doubt that Jaime would be keen on joining D*enerys after what he’s seen her do with fire - I’m sure he was getting war flashbacks, poor guy.
**I’d like to mention and give fair warning that past this point, I’ve hinted at some things that happen in E06 so if you want to be absolutely spoiler free, please stop yourself from reading further. Or, you could go ahead and read only the bolded first line of each point!**
7) A marriage between D*enerys and Jon serves no greater purpose. We are reminded that D*ny is barren(please don’t make it seem like I’m picking at this being her fault and hating her for it, I’m trying to be rational), she cannot give Jon an heir(children he’s always wanted though I don’t doubt that if he truly loves someone he wouldn’t mind giving that dream up, so don’t see this as me trying to pit two women against each other for the sole reason of one not being able to have children). So the Targaryen lineage would truly die with D*enerys if this marriage is realised. Furthermore, the North will not accept a Southern ruler, and will always follow the Stark name. If Jon bends the knee, not only will he be giving up what his family fought for, but he would be betraying the wants of his people. If it is revealed that he is Targaryen and it’s made public knowledge, the marriage that makes the most sense to maintain peace is if he marries Sansa - a Stark, since Jon would be abdicating his position as King in the North by bending the knee and Sansa would still be Lady of Winterfell as she has the Stark name. On the topic of children though, for some reason in E06 we keep getting hints of possibly foreshadowings of Jon having his own children - specifically when Jorah doesn’t accept Longclaw, saying it would serve [Jon]’s children well - and then the scene cuts to Sansa and Arya.
8) Jon possibly playing D*enerys is not completely OOC. Take into account what he did with Ygritte, then take into account the number of reminders he’s had this season alone. Sansa reminds him to be smarter than Robb and Ned, and one of the other Northern Lords reminds him that Robb rode South once, married a foreigner and lost the North. What’s the one thing Kit Harrington says about Jon this season? That he’s beginning to listen to Sansa. You may argue that it’s character assassination to have Jon, who’s so pure, resort to manipulation but he could be putting his family and duty first - he needs to do what he can to secure her alliance. In fact I think it’s more insulting to his character if we were to assume that he would deliberately give up the North without first consulting his people, let alone Sansa. It’s way past time Jon plays a little bit of the game, it does his character justice to develop and learn from past mistakes at least that much. Of course, there’s also guilt following the events of E06 during the wight hunt. Let’s not forget D*ny’s prophecy that states that she will be betrayed thrice - once for blood, once for gold and once for love(this last one has yet to happen).
9) The Odysseus/Penelope/Calypso parallel. I saw this going around at some point and it’s been quite popular ever since! Unfortunately I’m not too sure who the original source is, but please feel free to tag them below! They made a link between the three greek characters with Jon, Sansa and D*ny respectfully. Calypso had detained Odysseus on her island for some time, while Penelope stayed behind and ruled on behalf of him in his absence. Odysseus and Calypso end up sleeping together but in the end, he comes back to his Penelope. It’s not to say that I like the idea of Sansa being ‘second’, but I’m choosing to interpret this in a way that guarantees Jon coming back to Sansa despite the boatbang.
That concludes this little list/semi-meta(?) I’ve never taken a go at these, in fact I’m pretty sure this is my second time making my own textpost. Again, the point of this was not to put one character against the other just so we can be satisfied with our ship. You are allowed to ship whoever you want to! I simply felt the need to bring these points up again because the night is dark and full of red-herrings.
Please try to leave this post as hate-free as possible. If it appears on the wrong tag, I apologise. But if you were secure with your ship then you wouldn’t feel the need to come at me. Although if you do still feel the need to defend a certain character, no one’s stopping you - just be respectful! x
Last but not least... can we just... appreciate these two. (I saw this gif online but I’m not sure where, apologies if it’s yours - all credit to you and please don’t hesitate to let me know.)
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gateruner · 7 years
So the first two weeks are almost over at my  new job - and the verdict is....
I like it!  I mean, overall I do.  There are some issues, but no workplace is ever perfect and if you go into believing that then it’s just a set up for failure.
This hospital has had some issues though, and it’s hard to know exactly what’s gone down. I have heard various stories ranging from “they wouldn’t give us raises so a lot of people quit” to a surprise visit from The Joint Commission (TJC) that didn’t end very well and several people “retired” or “moved on” to other jobs.
I tend to believe the later is more accurate.  Simply because the majority of the full-time staff that are there have been there less than a year.  Even the lab manager has only been there 9 months.  A few “old timers” with 20 years or so and then the rest of the staff under a year. 
That is a strange thing, I must admit.  But whatever.....
So here’s my pros and cons list:
Pros -
I get to work in microbiology again!  Oh how I missed you! (not reading plates but setups, kit tests, PCR, gram stains, blood cultures, etc!  I love my micro!)
I wanted Blood Bank experience, I got it!  In spades!  That is one busy BB!  I have done more crossmatches, DAT’s, cord blood verifications, FMH screens/ issuing Rhogam, etc in the past two weeks than well ever!  And it’s all tube testing baby!  No gel cards!  Woot!
I get more hematology experience!  The hospital has an onsite dialysis center as well as a cancer center.  That means more “abnormal” differentials than I’ve gotten to see since school. 
As part of the hematology and a bit of micro, I get to work with body fluids and cell counts.  Again, haven’t gotten the chance since school and clinicals so yay!  (first day in micro I saw a joint fluid aspiration that was slam full of gout and pseudo gout crystals!  So very cool.  So very painful for the patient.  Ouch!)
Cons -
No Chemistry.  I don’t know if this is a con so much as just the way it is.  I’m not really all that upset about it as they don’t do much in the way of special chemistry anyway.  And it’s more about knowing how to operate the analyzer as it is anything else.  So, eh.  Not a big con though.
Some staff are very negative towards the travel techs.  That’s not all that unusual but it’s frustrating.  No one has been outright ugly to me about it but you hear things.  Whispers and mumbled breaths about how the hospital needs to take care of their own first, etc.   I did have one girl outright ask what I made.  I asked what she made and she walked away.   And I was speaking with another tech who had been working a lot of overttime and I said I bet her check would be nice and she said, “yea but not as good as yours though.”  Just.... whatever.  I have to let it go.  Sour grapes? I don’t know.  I can sympathize to an extent.  It is upsetting when you are a fulltime employee and a part timer comes in making more.  I get that.  But being petty doesn’t help anyone.
The daytime hematology tech.  Ugh.  Just ugh.  All I can say is thank god I don’t have to work with him anymore.  He “trained” me (I use that term loosely, as he didn’t do much training).  He was the most negative person as well.  And then he tried to say I turned out a manual differential wrong and “punished” me by making me go read out 10 or more diffs and report them back to him.  After I found a cell that was almost identical to what I reported on the earlier slide I showed it to him and said it’s what I saw and asked if that was a myelocyte.  He said yes and I said again it’s what I saw.  Then he said, “oh well maybe you did.  I just didn’t see one on my slide.”  Are you freaking kidding me?!  Ugh.  Asshole.  But again.... no more workie with him.
Being tossed into the fire.  Tonight I was left alone for almost 2 hours with only another travel tech that came on board same time I did.  Not cool.  And the shift supervisor left an hour and half early.  So this may be a sign of things to come.  But I can only do what I can do.
There are some bad work ethics in that place.  One of them is that an hour before your shift ends, you stop processing any specimens unless it’s stat.  I’ve had several people tell me this and it bothers me.  Maybe that’s just my own personal work ethic here but I don’t like that.    I am not leaving a bunch of work for someone else to come in and clean up.  Now tonight I had to.  But it was because I was extremely busy.  I had two blood cultures go positive (which are extremely Stat and have to be reported out to the doctor within 30 minutes) and lots of specimens from the ER coming in.  So several cultures didn’t get set up on plates.  It was a matter of priority and I never had the time.  But if I had, I certainly would have done it.   (Another note is that I had to leave. Literally.  I got the impression that if I hadn’t said my shift was over they would have let me keep working and not cared)
But again, overall I love it!  I am tired after every shift but I am happy (save for the two days with that one guy). 
So YAY for the travel job!  First week I got almost 50 hours though!  So my first paycheck was today and it was SWEET!  Will have about 45 hours this week.
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And another random note:  My schedule is not what I first thought it would be.  I’m 2nd shift (3:00 PM to 11:30 PM M-F, working every 3rd weekend)  Blah.  So I will have to watch my H50 and other shows after they air.  Oh well, no commercials!
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belladonnachaos · 8 years
Dead Air
Chapter 8
3rd Person POV:
“....it's kill or be kill.”
 Those words echos within each of them once Felix was done talking so that they could soak up everything they hear. Kill or be kill meaning there was no way out, whatever they did would just end up with them being dead. There was nothing they could do to stay alive and come out with their lives intact. They would just be another name and face on the memorial that Youtube was putting together in every country affected by the mass kidnappings and murders. They would probably end up here with Felix and the other ghost or just go to whatever afterlife waited for them. Speaking of ghosts Wade was wondering if there was anyone he knew that decided to stick around as ghost. “Um Felix,” he asked softly trying to catch the attention of the ghost but the others who were rummaging around the piles of stuff. The ghost turned around from where he was sitting, well more like floating/sitting, “ya what’s up.” “Um well I was wondering,” Wade seriously hope he didn’t sound too weird or something, “how many other ghost are there? Is there a way to see them or can come to any place at will?” “Um well only the ones that believed in helping the living so they won’t suffer the same fate as themselves. Which aren’t many if you can imagine that but let’s see,last I heard was of a certain kid named JP had joined the ghost because he wanted to stay with his friends here and help the ones who somehow got here. He’s a nice kid and very innocent, very young as well which is a pity.” Felix had stopped talking at this point when he glanced to Wade who was smiling sadly with tears running down his face.
 “Hey it's ok and I’ll help you so you can meet up with your friends, I’m sure they'll be happy to see you. Many of them love to see those they knew in live and find out what’s going in the outside world,” Felix reassured Wade wishing he could comfort the man normally without keeping distance to avoid what happened to Jack. With a silent thank you Wade stood up and head to one of the pile in search for some food. He also noticed that Mark had switched out his pack for a better backpack that could withstand whatever was thought at them. Jack had what looked like small knives attached to his thigh with a hostler and on his hip was another hostler for a matchet. Bob it seem was also armed with another gun and what seem to be darts along with some knives. Mark just had a steel baseball bat and that BB gun nothing that could cause lot of damage. Finding food he wanted to take, he went in search of a new backpack and then came to fill the backpack with that and a first aid kit he found on the way to the back.
‘Time to find a good weapon I guess,’ seems so weird that this was how his life was going to be until he died or they somehow found a way out and stop everything forever. It really was weird since he felt like he had to freak out more or even go a bit insane but the sad part was that seeing and hearing what had been happening around the world sort of prepared him a bit to what he should expect. He knew he was going to get kidnapped, knew he was going to die and Molly was gonna live but he wasn’t prepared to see Felix’s ghost to hear that his friends were ghost as well. That was out of loop because that could have know about the ghost were either  in the afterlife or a ghost themselves. ‘Guess this is my life now gonna have to accept and make the best of what was life. Nothing should surprise me anymore,’ thought Wade as he settled next to the fire to sleep the excitement of the day catching up on him.
  The others around him were doing the same Mark was using the same pillow as before while Bob and Jack were doing the same as himself. Felix was floating around the room like was he was checking or sweeping the room for bugs. After a few laps around the room he face them all, “ok bros everything is quiet for the night which means nothing will attack at night. Tomorrow we can look around the room a bit more but then we have to move deep into this place. I want to take you guys to the ghost are and see if we see any familiar faces. Don’t worry about the safe room, there are plenty around here and in between us to our destination.” That everyone started to slowly drift off into sleep land, Felix just hoped now of them had any nightmares or night terrors because he wouldn’t be of any help. ‘Sleep well bros’
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Week 4 Preview
i know it’s been a week, but i also know none of you forgot about this (ok maybe shawn did), but your CLEVELAND FUCKING BROWNS WON A MOTHERFUCKING GAME AND WE HAVE OURSELVES A GOD DAMN (hot) QUARTERBACK!!!!!!
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ugh he’s so dreamy. 
Anyways, sup brothas, this is dom speaking, your reigning runner up. I just got home from happy hour and i’m sauced up so excuse any typos or any homo references towards baker, seriously, I can’t control myself when I think about him ;p. We’ve had an interesting season so far, one I don’t necessarily think anyone would’ve predicted based on prior league performances (ok maybe jared in last place, but seriously, solden and bennett undefeated and tied for first place.....uh,,,, what!?)
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kk enough chit-chat let’s hop into the matchups.
SaviorsOfTheUniverse (Tj; 2-1) vs. The Injured Reserve (Casey; 2-1)
I’m not spending much time on this one. Gordon turning into the second coming of randy moss on the pats wouldn’t help Tj’s team be competitive against Casey’s powerhouse. That being said, Casey’s team is ironically turning into the injured reserve once again with mixon and engram banged up already. It’s funny how these 2 teams are shaping up given their draft strategy, though. Casey autodrafts and ends up with incredibly stacked team. Tj chooses to have big tone draft for him, instead of autodrafting, and his team has turned into a complete dumpster fire, much like the night of the draft went for Tj. 
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Casey > tj
Gurls that Swallow (Holla; 2-1) vs. jared donovan’s team (Jared; 0-3)
the best name in the league vs. the team with the worst name in the league. Jared, what the fuck, hit the edit team name button already.  I’m not gonna say it’s the reason you’re 0-3, but it’s the reason you’re 0-3. If you can’t buy into the fantasy football spirit, then it’s going to be hard to start accruing W’s. However, I will say I kinda like your squad better than Holla’s this week, but that’s only because you have 2 browns starting, and since baker is the new mayor of CLE landry will start putting up 30 burgers. Oh, and last time hyde was playing in Cali, he was pulling off moves like these:
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Jared > Holla
Makamaraca Gr8 Again (Soldy; 3-0) vs. Green Eggs and Cam (Shawn; 0-3)
Shawn pulled a sam this past monday by blowing a massive lead on monday to your narrator, dommy. It’s ok, shawn, it happens to the best of us, seriously, it happens to the 4 time reigning champ all the time. However, even though solden has kamara going against the giants on sunday, i really like your squad’s matchups this week... AB in primetime, ridley against cinci, lindsay against KC, michel against MIA, but wait a second. What’s that in your flex? Marshawn against Solden’s defense? The best defense in the league?! Garrett and Ogunbrobi are going to be putting their big black nuts right in the fucking C gap all sunday afternoon. You tell ‘em greg!
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Solden > Shawn
Blowin’ Down Ingrams (Chaddy; 1-2) vs. G-reg 3rd leg (Bennett; 3-0)
Chad was just telling me that he can never beat bennett in fantasy and boy does that look to be the case here again. Matty B’s WR’s are FILTH, throw in Saquon and Matty Staff and bennett has an undefeated UNIT this year. See what happens when you draft black people? I was scrolling through this matchup though and thought man this could be a blood bath. But, then I took one look at who chad is throwing in his flex sunday afternoon. And it’s motherfucking hollywood daddy dive bar higgins. fuck yeah cya in the endzone bb.
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chad > bennett
Nuk if you Buk (Dom; 2-1) vs. The Brady Bunch (Doug; 0-3)
I was going to make this the game of the week due to us both being projected over 140, but no browns are playing in this matchup so fuckkkkk that. I’m not really sure how doug’s team has no wins this year because he is loaded at WR/TE. Mark it down this will be a shootout and the highest scoring matchup of the week but doug’s matchups are too good this week for me to get over the top. Look for doug to get his first dubya of the season this week.
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ok here we go, MATCHUP OF THE WEEK time.
Golden Taints (Sam; 2-1) vs. Don Julio (Paul; 1-2)
This has all the makings of everything we love. Paul and Sam. Fricken love you guys. Paul and Sam both have guys going on Sunday Night and.......MONDAY NIGHT. God i love it. PAUL HAS BAKER MAYFIELD GOING. LOVEEEEE ITTTTT UGH FUCK I GET SO HAPPY EVERY TIME I HEAR THE WORDS BAKER MAYFIELD STARTING QB OF THE CLEVELAND BROWNS. fuck yeah. fuck you sam. if baker doesn’t put Paul up by 70 points, he will end up routing you on monday night. Don’t even bother watching your games this weekend. It’s already over. Paul, have fun in Greece, you’re leaving your team in some great hands. 
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Paul > Sam
That’s it for me. Best of luck to everyone this weekend unless you’re rostering raiders, then I hope they tear their ACLs....mmmnotsorry. Speaking of which, Shawn i’m nominating you for preview duties next week. Love you guys.
0 notes
Castle Episodes (Season 6)
Alrighty, the season 6 post. You can find the previous seasons here.
6x01 Valkyrie: I was surprised when the proposal happened because I didn’t expect it that early but then I remembered that their weddin was supposed to be in the season 6 finale and then it made sense. Seeing the “previously on”, I really like it that both Castle and Beckett went to their parents for advice. HI PI. We meet Pi lol this guy. Castle’s reaction to the guy abducting him is priceless. “Walk over to that car and get in like you know me” “Yeah but I don’t know you and I have a salmon that needs a refridgerator”. Pi is... really weird and different, but it’s still rude of Castle to behave that way and not give him a proper chance, I mean, he should just pull himself together for Alexis. “You have less than a day to live.” to be continued. Argh you guys.
6x02 Dreamworld: Castle was poisoned last episode, so he only has hours to live. He talks to Martha and Alexis on the phone and they have no idea, but it’s so emotional. “And mother... thank you.” and to Alexis “You know I love you, right?” Both are pretty worried because he’s acting weird and they don’t know that’s going on. “When you write your next novel, maybe you’ll include a dashing Columbian-American agent” I’m not sure if it was Columbian or some other country but I wonder if in the book that was released after this episode, there’s such an agent. lol Ryan to Esposito “I always thought that you and I would have kids together” “Really? Have you told Jenny about this?” “You know what I mean” I love their bromance omfg. At the end, Castle wakes up in the hospital with Beckett, Martha and Alexis by his side and it’s really emotional. And then there’s Pi and it’s just hilarious. But I get slight parallel feels when I think of 7x01 when he was missing two months and wakes up at the hospital as well.
6x03 Need to Know: Castle and Beckett are facetiming in bed and it’s so adorable when Beckett kisses the screen and Castle touches his screen and puts “the kiss” on his face.  It’s almost gross, though, to be honest. Like, ew, your love is gross. And then Pi lol. “x is to Russia what David Hasselhoff is to Germany” I’m not sure Americans know what Hasselhoff is exactly to Germany. At the end of the episode, Beckett is fired. Which is good because she can go back to the precinct but it also sucks for her because this was a great job.
6x04 Number One Fan: “Because I could play Richard Castle trivia with you all day, I’d crush you” this was so hilarious omfg. “What’s your favorite food?” “Are we talking everyday food or fine dining? Are desserts included?” :D I love how sarcastic he gets when he’s nervous and under pressure. Beckett walking off the scene with that grin because she’s investigating this scene - best. Castle is shot (in the vest, thank god) and when Beckett rushes over to him and he gains consciousness again, he yells the codeword “cheeseburgers” which is hilarious. Also, the bullet is perfectly on the “i” lol. At the end of the episode, Beckett is back at the precinct, back in her job, and it’s just so cute how they all clap for her. I really like this episode because it’s more normal, you actually wonder whether Emma killed the guy or not. It’s nice.
6x05 Time Will Tell: Castle is mad that Pi is still living with them, sleeping on their couch, and Alexis tells him they found an apartment and will be living together. And he’s freaking out because apparently, Alexis is too young (19) to be living together with her boyfriend. I don’t see the big deal because it’s totally normal where I live and it’s not like she’s 16. And then Alexis reminds Castle that he’d been living with his girlfriend when he was 19, as well, and he says “yes but that’s different” “how?” the way she says this is so cute and of course he has no answer to that. I love that Beckett takes her side and reminds Castle that it was the same with her and her dad when she was younger and that her dad’s disapproval just made her want it even more. “Because... I’m from the future.” OH MY GOD IS THAT THE EPISODE WITH THE COFFEE STAIN THAT’S THERE BUT NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE. Oh my God I LOVE this episode. “This just became my favorite case.” same, Castle. “What did you expect, Castle, Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver?” DOCTOR WHO’S SONIC SCREWDRIVER “You watch ‘Doctor Who’?” OMFG BEST. “She was with a woman.” SHE’S GAY OH MY GOD THIS EPISODE KEEPS GETTING BETTER. If Castle could go back in time, he’d go back to when Alexis’ hands were tiny and he’d hold her up on his shoulder and awww it’s so beautiful, I wish we could see those times <3 The time traveler guy says something about future Castle living in New York with his wife and their three children :’) I love this because they end up having three kids as well. The coffee stain on the letter, I love this. At the end of the episode, Alexis is leaving home to move in with Pi. it breaks Castle’s heart and he just whisphers “too soon” after she left. :(  Anyway, I just love this episode because it’s so mysterious.
6x06 Get a Clue: Alexis and Pi have invited Martha and Castle over for dinner at their place. Martha brought them beautiful Orchids omg they are gorgeous I want them. Castle is not so excited - the face when he enters their place. Their place is lovely, though. Really nice. And Alexis looks gorgeous with her hair in curls. Martha is being all polite and supportive, but Castle always has to make a snarky comment. Castle went on a field trip with Alexis’ class when she was in 3rd grade. I love that Martha talks to Castle about his behavior and how he’ll lose her if he won’t change his point of view. Castle and Beckett get out of the chapel too easily. Like, all of a sudden Beckett has cell phone reception again? Yeah she’s standing on something, but still, it felt too easy. “Hi... can I come in?” “We can talk here.” They both are right (to some extent), they both are wrong, but it just hurts to see Castle so heartbroken :( Alexis is also hurt because she found out about Castle’s engagement over the phone with her grandma. The ending breaks my heart so many times. With Castle wanting to out for makeup icecream but Alexis refusing. Aw bb :( It hurts so bad :( (I’m having slight Lexi-Alvin parallel feels here but at least they didn’t kill off Alexis) Oh, one more thing about the episode: I love all the riddles, the clues, the puzzles.
6x07 Like Father, Like Daughter: “I need your help. But just because I’m asking doesn’t mean thinks are okay between us. I’m still mad at you.” lol, oh Alexis, I love you, but.. whatever. “She [Alexis] is practically family, I care about her, too.” <3 “Your girl is one in a million, you should be proud.” “Oh, I am.” <3 I wanna see more of Alexis and Lanie omg. It’s adorable how worried Beckett is because she’s about to become part of their family, yet Castle and Alexis have this huge history and such a strong bond and she’s only looking in from the outside when it comes to that part. “I’m sorry I was mad at you.” that scene is so emotional with her crying and the hug <3 The final scene at court is so moving, I got chills all over. “Thank you... for everything” that’s also what she said after Paris. “You ready?” Alexis said this but in season 5 it was Castle who asked if she was ready when they were about to enter the loft after Paris. “There’s someone else I need to thank” it’s Beckett <3 The hug and Castle just smiles, it’s beautiful.
6x08 Murder is Forever: lol plot twist - the woman is dead (as expected) but the murderer is sitting right next to her which I didn’t expect. I love it when Ryan and Esposito are out in the field together. ooops they are ambushed by freaky clowns. They are alright, though. The hug between Beckett and Castle at the end of the episode is so cute.
6x09 Disciple: The victim looks exactly like Lanie, it’s uncanny. It’s so creepy to see a dead woman in the autopsy that looks like Lanie, exactly like her, like twins. And then another dead body is found that looks exactly like Esposito. The coloring of the episode is pretty dark. “That’s from the documentary” OH MY GOD THAT’S SO COOL THAT THAT ONE EPISODE IS BROUGHT UP AGAIN. And now 3XK omg. “We will meet again. I don’t know when. But we’ll meet again.” Fuck me up big time. Jeez. I feel like this 3XK storyline needs to come to an end, though. They can’t stretch out a storyline forever. According to my posts, he was last mentioned in 5x05, then 4x04 and it started in 3x06. That’s just... too long, you forget about everything.
6x10 The Good, The Bad, And The Baby: They are celebrating Thanksgiving together. Castle with the baby is adorable. Alexis would’ve been named Cosmo if she’d been a boy ;D Ryan freaks out because every time he holds the baby, he starts crying (the baby, not Ryan) and Ryan thinks he’s not ready to be a father. Aww bb you’ll do great :’) “Well, you care. That already makes you a hundred times better than the dad I had.” Aww Espo :( Beckett and Castle taking care of Cosmo is hilarious. It’s hilarious when Alexis enters the loft and sees Martha feeding the baby with Castle and Beckett just waking up on the couch and then saying “How long have I been gone?” Castle says that Meredith wasn’t really around when Alexis was little, so he did it all on his own :’) Cosmo is actually called Benny. Eh. The ending is hilarious - Castle had told Beckett that it’s a family tradition to dress up on Thanksgiving, so she dresses up as Pocahontas. However, he was just kidding and then she’s like “yeah well we better make this a family tradition, dress up, pilgrim” and hands him over a costume. Alexis just laughs, Martha high-fives her, it’s gold.
6x11 Under Fire: The beginning is SO dramatic oh my God. Beckett with watery eyes, talking to very pregnant Jenny over the phone. Behind her, a burning building. “Jenny, I need you to stay calm, okay. Something’s happened.” And then we go back twelve hours. “Crime scene at a fire? Never done this before” well, you should move to Chicago then cause fires happen there very frequently ;) I love that Castle suggests the name Cosmo for the baby. Espo and Ryan are trapped in a burning building and it’s so heart breaking. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Jenny arrives at the scene, having contractions. Wow if I had to make a top 5 of moments that are so not okay, the moment of Ryan and Jenny talking over the phone, Ryan saying goodbye to her, both crying, that moment would be high on that list. Jeez. And Ryan was gonna name the baby “Javier” if it was a boy. To which Espo just says “You’re gonna name a white Irish kid ‘Javier’?” Let me just cry forever when Ryan and Esposito are rescued and Ryan goes into the ambulance and Jenny sees he’s still alive and he sees her and their daughter, like :’)
6x12 Deep Cover: Castle receives a mysterious call, something about how lives are at stake. Wait a second... that Mister Cross looks an awful lot like Castle’s father Hunt. That’s him though, right?? Yep it’s him. Like, the episode was so innocent und uneventful, and then it gets super dramatic and serious within a minute. “Or did you forget what happened in Paris?” “No. How could I forget?” Aw :( “Remember this guy? Alexis’s kidnapping last year.” It gets even more intense when Martha sees him. And then Castle performs surgery on him to remove the bullet lol. It’s strangely hilarious when Beckett sees Hunt on the bed, stitching himself up, Martha sitting by his side, Castle saying “meet your future father-in-law”. I’d just like to see Alexis meet him. The pictures of young Alexis on the piano are adorable. “He was never worth your time.” “Oh yes, he was. First time I met him, he gave me the greatest gift of my life... you.” <3 “Think we’ll ever see him again?” “I wish I knew.” Parallel to season 5 here, where Alexis asked “Do you think he made it out?” And Castle goes “I wish I knew”
6x13 Limelight: Who wouldn’t want Pi in front of their apartment at 6:45am :D “Hi!” “Hi Pi!” “Bye!” - she should’ve yelled “Bye Pi!” back, that would’ve been the greatest scene of all times. OH MY GOD IS THAT MAGGIE??? YES IT IS OH MY GOD. So many fandoms colliding in this episode omg. Grey’s, Castle, CM. Awww hey Lola Glaudini <3 It’s so cute when Alexis walks in and she talks real nice about Mandy .. until she mentions Mandy growing up and it becomes super awkward because Mandy is actually in the same room. “Because right now, I wish I could disappear from my life, too.” aww bb :( I love that Mandy and Alexis are somewhat bonding, though they couldn’t be more different. I also like that Alexis got in a semi-dangerous situation but I wouldn’t have said no to a little more drama. Oh my God, Lola was the killer. Wow, now that I think about it... You could actually write a little follow up story on Elle Greenaway which ends in this episode. “Could you thank Alexis for me, too, please.” <3 “You got it right. I’m just not sure I did.” I love that Castle mentions getting married in space again.
6x14 Dressed to Kill: Aaaaah I’m getting strong The Devil Wears Prada and Anna Wintour vibes <3. The wedding dress Beckett is wearing is hideous oh my God. Like, the gray part is beautiful but the white coming out at the sides? Ew. I should be relieved she’s not wearing that one to her real wedding. The line where Beckett said about standing in front of her mirror, expecting her mom to stand behind her... that’s a nice parallel to Martha standing behind her in front of the mirror at her wedding.
6x15 Smells Like Teen Spirit: What horror movie is that part from?? Like, the beginning, it reminds me of some horror movie I think. COURTENEY COX STYLE. “Mister Dunnan, you’re still here.” “And sadly, you’ve returned.” Perlmutter and him would be such great buds omg. Neither Castle, nor Beckett had their prom, it’s lovely that they get it at the end of the episode. Petition for Ryan to say “Inhaberschuldverschreibung”. “It’s all led me to right here, this moment, with you.” The ending is so gross with their song (In My Veins) playing, them dancing. Ew. 
6x16 Room 147: Aw Alexis has a new haircut, love the bangs. “now that you’ve broken up with your boyfriend” OH THAT HAPPENED. “She’s exhausted” aw he’s worried. IS THAT.. PENNY BLAKE FROM GREY’S?! YUP IT’S HER OH MY GOD. Beckett is worried that Alexis doesn’t want to move back home because of her. lol three people confess to the same murder, knowing many details about the case, it’s hilarious. The conversation between Alexis and Beckett is so cute and so important. The ending is so adorable omg I’m dying. “Dad... can I come home?” “Come here.” And then their hug is so perfect omg the way he hugs her a little tighter and smiles, it’s so beautiful. And Alexis mouths “thanks” to Beckett. <3
6x17 In the Belly of the Beast: The coloring of the title card is different, it’s greenish. Beckett is abducted, she’s working undercover. Shit’s getting real real fast. Ten minutes in and I’m not sure I like the tone of the episode, the feel. Yeah, I don’t like it. But Beckett’s goodbye letter is somewhat emotional and touching. It would be very emotional if I felt the episode more, you know. I’m just not feeling it, I’m not emotionally invested, so her letter doesn’t really get me. It’s painful to watch Beckett geing waterboarded. This is just painful to watch, I don’t like it. It’s just painful and brutal and I do not want to watch this. I’m this close to just fast-forwarding the episode. I seriously don’t like it. One of my least favorites for sure. The ending is pretty open with them not knowing who Lazarus really is, Simmons and Bracken playing some kind of role. Still meh.
6x18 The Way of the Ninja: Perlmutter is so done with Castle, so tired of his shit. lol Ryan doing karaoke.
6x19 The Greater Good: We meet Gates’ sister. Beckett and Castle work on their invite list to their wedding - 585 people is a start I guess? They decide that they should take one minute to write down all the people that HAVE to be there, that make them happy. They both just write “you” <3. Until Castle goes “But of course I’ll have to invite my mother and Alexis” and then they go on - Beckett’s dad and aunt, Esposito, Ryan with Jenny, Lanie, Gates, the poker group, ... :D
6x20 That ‘70s Show: The 70s setup is hilarious. Like, they just redecorate the whole precinct to make it look like it’s the 70s. Lanie was hilarious and then Ryan and Espo walk in and I’m cracking up. Alexis is also there. It’s hilarious when Gates returns to the precinct and sees that 70s makeover :D The 70s themed disco party at the end is pretty great.
6x21 Law & Boarder: It’s so cute when Alexis and Beckett fist-bumb because she’s beating Castle at Scrabble and that never happens. Lanie is Beckett’s Maid of Honor, so Ryan and Esposito wonder if one of them will be Castle’s Best Man. I don’t watch Law & Order but I’m pretty offended they didn’t add the usual “dun-dun” to the Castle ‘intro’. Like, you had one job. It’s hilarious how Ryan and Esposito are making Castle little gifts because they want to be his best man ;) Also, Beckett beating Castle at Scrabble again is hilarious. “Guys. I asked Alexis to be my best man. Aside from Beckett, she’s the most important person in my life.” <3 Ugh their relationship is so important to me. Like, can we get a spinoff please? With Alexis like 5/6 years old or something. Someone invent a time machine so that we can go back in time and make this happen with Nathan Fillion and Molly Quinn as the actors.
6x22 Veritas: Beckett’s storyline continues. I’ve reached a point where I’m not really interested in this storyline anymore. It’s been going on for too long, they lost me. At the end of the episode, Beckett arrests Bracken, so I’m guessing this storyline is over?
6x23 For Better or Worse: I just noticed that Castle has his writer vest with the bullet as the ‘i’ dot framed up in his office. That’s so cute. I also know that there’s the “Captain Castle” sign on his desk. But I wonder about all the other props at his place that I have never noticed. I feel like there’s a lot of details put into his place. Anyway. About the episode. Apparently, Beckett is still married. And I hate those storylines where they can’t get married because someone finds out they are still married and needs to get the divorce papers but there’s still issues and it’s just a whole mess. I hate it. It’s just a desperate attempt to stir some more drama and stretch the wedding even further. Awww Scottie Thompson, nice to see you :’) Gotta say, Beckett looks way better in the make up dress than in that hideous thing she was supposed to wear. The scene with Martha and the earrings was lovely. And then we finally get to the wedding and that accident happens and the wedding is not happening after all. Like, how frustrating was that for the people that were with the show from the very beginning, super excited for the wedding, watching the episode live on air. The wedding was finally supposed to happen and then there’s this annoying storyline with Beckett’s “husband” that takes forever. And when we finally cut to the chase, it’s still not happening. Eh.
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oobahteldo-blog · 7 years
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