lunaris-laments · 5 years
Aurum (OC) x Finn
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From the 50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You” prompt list!
#34: Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped. (kinda)
#37: Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
I made and drew an oc called Aurum, they/them pronouns and they’re beautiful ^^ will share the oc sheet i made if anyone wants to see it
I like to act voices in my head so: aurum has an english accent, but really you can interpret their voice however you want uwu
Today was one of those days - lazy, off work, and trying not to think of the tiresome day to come tomorrow. Aurum awoke before Finn, to their great surprise, as usually the vampire was watching them as soon as they woke up. They embraced the cool air of the catacombs as opposed to the warmth of their bed as they got up, and yawned, still feeling drowsy. Staring upon their sleeping lover, they tugged a pair of trousers up their hips, finding them on the floor and uncaring as to who they belonged to. Rummaging around in their shared wardrobe, they skimmed through Finn’s array of open-chested shirts and found one of their own, tossing it onto their shoulder.
Slamming the wardrobe door with a little more gusto than they would’ve preferred, Aurum cringed when Finn rolled over under the duvet and sighed quietly. Their arms were stretched to the sky; the shirt rippled as it was pulled down and over their head; their face poked out for a moment before a harsh rip broke the near-silence.
“Shit!” the demon cursed, hushed. They groaned and tried to take off the shirt, but backed into Finn’s desk and felt the corner dig into their side. 
“Ouch, fuck!” almost forgetting that a certain someone was still sleeping, they hissed in pain. With their arms still above their head and tangled in their clothes, Aurum wriggled for a moment before managing to yank the shirt off. Purple hair standing on end from sleep and static, they looked dazed for a moment but snapped out of it when they heard a laugh from their bed.
Finn lay on his stomach with the covers draped over his torso, leaning his head on his fist and squinting at Aurum, sleep clouding his eyes slightly. He rolled his lip between his sharp teeth, holding in a giggle. Embarrassment painted their lavender skin with an unfamiliar rose, and they realised that he may have witnessed their… difficulties.
“Don’t even say anything-”
The vampire tutted and smothered them with his amused gaze. “Aw, does baby still need someone to help put on their clothes?”
They rolled their eyes but there was no malice behind them, and they bit back a smile while holding their shirt out in front of them. There was an obvious tear beside the neck hole and Aurum lifted their hand to their left horn, feeling its ridges and sharp tip - only a little blunt.
They murmured, annoyance blossoming: “I swear I’m careful, sometimes I just…”
Finn shook his head, sliding out from underneath the duvet. He stretched, then standing before Aurum, measuring only a few centimetres shorter than them. He took the shirt from their grasp and replaced it with his own hand, interlocking their fingers. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He pecked the demon’s freckled cheeks and pressed himself against their chest, trailing his nose against their jaw.
“I’m no tailor but I’ve picked up a few skills - I could sew it up for you. Would that be okay?” A shy smile bloomed on his lips when Aurum sighed out, “Yes, thank you, darling.”
Thank God for this doting vampire of theirs.
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