#finnie snippets
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finniestoncrane · 9 months ago
hello friendos!! it's been a while since i shared any snippets of stuff i'm working on etc, so in no particular order, here are a few wips i've got going (although actually a few of them are already in my queue!!)
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A ballad of beasts Neslin (au)
Man or beast, I would love him with all my heart. Thorns and all.
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SO, it's official! I'm going to start writing my fic 'A ballad of beasts' !!!
I want to thank everyone who reblogged/ replied to my initial post encouraging me! This fic only exists because of you amazing people!
I've got the plot pretty much figured out, so now I just have to hope that the writing gods don't abandon me while I write this 🙏🏼 Will be posting this to Ao3 as well as updating here!
(The first chapter is still nowhere near fully finished, but here's a little sneak peek!
p.s. I've changed a few minor things about the plot, which you will see below!)
{chapter one snippet}
“Tamlin! Little brother! Happy name day!”
Tamlin stiffened, his fingers tightening around his glass. Ignoring him hadn't worked, as his brother's voice continued to call out. He tossed it back, hissing at the burn. Gwaine’s arm swung roughly around his shoulder, nearly knocking him off of his feet. To any passers by, they would appear like two brothers having a friendly altercation.
“Gwaine,” he gritted out.
“Are you enjoying the festivities, dear brother?” 
“Not as well as you appear to be.”
His breath reeked of sour cherries and barley. Evidently, he’d already been sampling the wide variety of spiced drinks and spirits on offer at the banquet.
His eldest brother’s laugh sent a nauseating cloud of stench towards his nose.
“Oh, why so glum, little bum? You turn five hundred today, that’s almost a male grown!”
He did not deign to dignify that with an answer. Gwaine didn’t seem to mind,  already setting to fill the silence with his loud, brash tones.
“Finni! Come join us, you bastard!”
Tamlin swore under his breath. One brother was already a curse, a second was a damned plague.
“Finnian,” Tamlin answered resignedly. 
“Finni! I was just telling Tamlin here that he ought not to be so glum! Not when father has such a wonderful surprise waiting!”
Tamlin glanced over sharply. “Father has a surprise?”
That was laughable in and of itself for a multitude of reasons. The High Lord of Spring was decidedly not notorious for his spontaneous name day surprises.
Finnian merely smirked.
“Oh, I won’t spoil it for you, it’s rather good,” Gwaine said, miming stitching his mouth shut.
Tamlin sighed, “Wonderful. Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll-”
“Aht aht aht! Not so quick, little Tam,” he chastised, darting out an arm to keep him from skulking away.
“The fun has barely begun!”
 Gwaine spun him around just as the doors to the great hall blew open, and a fanfare proclaimed to Tamlin’s great dismay,
“General Amarantha Casimir of Hybern!”
“Father’s esteemed guest,” Gwaine said gleefully.
She entered the hall with a retinue of attendants; young girls dressed in robes white as a swan’s wing, each carrying a corner of her gown’s train. Thousands of bejewelled strings had been woven together in imitation of a spider’s web, and the fabric flowed down to the marble floors, the little gems hissing with each of her long strides. The low cut gown was underlaid with a diaphanous black silk, for what little it did to hide her sensuous figure. She ascended the dais, bowing to the High Lord and Lady of Spring. 
Tamlin turned away.
Finnian smirked, “I am sure tonight will be very… eventful.”
“Yes, most definitely a night to remember.”
Tamlin glared at his brothers, irritated, “What in Prythian are you two on about? What do you mean?”
“Well, you shall see soon enough,” Gwaine gave Tamlin’s chest two solid pats before sidling off with a cackle; as Tamlin predicted, towards the banquet table. Between the two of them, his brothers would empty the casks and barrels before the night was through.
He was about to walk away when Finnian leaned in close, murmuring in his ear.
“I wonder, brother. What would it be like to bed a female like that? Would you fuck her from behind? Or would she bend you over and mate you like her whore?” 
Tamlin recoiled. His reaction only made Finnian’s smirk widen and he continued in a low voice, his hand still firmly wrapped around Tamlin’s wrist.
“Doomed be the male who takes her to wife, don’t you agree? I wonder what our father was thinking. Certainly not of you.”
Tamlin pulled away more forcefully, and Finnian let him go, his eyes never once leaving the younger male’s face.
“What the hell are you-”
His brother’s words dawned on him then, and it felt as though his lungs had frozen in his chest, “What?” Breathing seemed impossible.
“Finnian, what do you mean?” his voice cracked with urgency. He took hold of his brother’s tunic and shook, not that it budged him at all.
“Oh, didn’t you hear?” Finnian asked with mock concern. His rain-cloud eyes were sharp with cruel delight.
“You’re to marry the Hybernian bitch.”
The floor fell out from under him, and he barely registered his brother walking away.
No, no, no, Mother and Cauldron above, no.
When he finally dared to turn back to the dais, Amarantha was already staring at him. 
She raised her glass, filled to the brim with black wine, and smiled with a mouth of dripping fangs.
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morningstargirl666 · 7 months ago
A snippet from the new chapter 23 of tbbw I'm writing. Just like Elijah and Kol, Rebekah's getting her own character-focused chapter...
Hvítreikland, South of Vínland.  988 A.D.
Rebekah stared up at her father’s rack of weapons, gaze fixed on the beautifully forged blade hanging on the topmost slot. It shined brilliantly in the sunlight, beams flooding in through the open shutters of the longhouse and glinting dangerously under their glare. Rebekah clutched the worn, woollen sheep-doll her mother had weaved for her when she was but a babe tighter, holding it close to her chest with one arm as her brow scrunched up adorably in thought.
“What do you think Lami?” she said in a hushed whisper to the little sheep. Her eyes narrowed on the blade. “I think we can reach it.”
She couldn’t. She barely reached up to Lijah’s knees and Finny practically towered over her - he was taller than the trees! But the little sheep was but a bundle of haphazardly sewn cloth and wool, so could not tell her this.
With a nod of determination, Rebekah placed Lami on the floor, tilting his head to the open doors. “You keep look-out, in case papa comes back.”
The little sheep slumped forward, falling flat on its face.
Rebekah didn’t notice, turning back to the weapons rack with a huff, eying it like it was some great enemy. Then she raced off to find her father’s stool, which he sat on while he polished his sword in the late evenings. It was too big for her to pick up but she grabbed the wooden legs with her little hands and heaved it towards her, beginning the long process of dragging it over to the weapons stand. All the while, Lami continued his faithful watch of the floor.
It took a while but Rebekah was a stubborn girl, just like her brothers, and she would not be bested by a hunk of stupid wood. Eventually — with great effort and several huffs and puffs on her part — she managed to get the stool beside the weapons rack. Then, hands on hips as she admired her work, she climbed up onto the stool and stood on her tippy toes, reaching as high as she could. Her fingers were still too far away, a fair gap between them and the blade. She huffed, falling back onto her heels.
She really wanted the blade. Mother said she couldn’t play with swords yet, not like Nik, Lijah and Finny could. It was too dangerous and she was too small. But she wasn’t small! She was nearly as tall as Kol! And this blade wasn’t a sword, just a knife - her father’s favourite. It was exactly the right size for her! Maybe if she practised with it alone, grew as skilled as her brothers, mother would finally allow it…
Glaring at the blade for daring to be higher than her, Rebekah tried again, standing on her tiptoes and reaching as high as she could. Her attempt failing, she leaned forward, raising one foot to climb onto the rack, her fingers just grazing the edge of the blade—
Beneath her, the rack wobbled, offset by her weight. She ignored it, sticking her tongue out as she reached further, climbing higher-
“Rebekah, STOP!”
Rebekah whipped her head towards the door, frowning when she saw Niklaus running towards her, expression panicked. The distraction cost her, balance wavering as the entire rack shuddered, over encumbered by her weight. Eyes wide, she screamed as it began to tip forwards, in real danger of being crushed and impaled by a dozen gleaming weapons-
Suddenly, Niklaus was there, his arms wrapping around her middle, yanking her out of the way and curling protectively around her. Behind them, the rack crashed to the floor with a loud clatter, upheaving dust in its wake and smashing the stool Rebekah had been standing on on the way down.
When the dust settled, Rebekah warily pulled away from her brother, just as he uncurled from around her to eye the mound of metal, still in a state of shock from what he’d nearly witnessed. 
“LAMI!” she cried out when she spotted her beloved sheep-doll under all the destruction, rushing forward to free him from under the heavy weapons. As soon as she yanked him out, she clutched him desperately to her chest, swaying as she hugged him with all her might. Then she noticed the gleaming blade on the floor, glinting dangerously in the sunlight. She gasped in excitement, holding onto Lami with one hand as she leaned down to pick up the knife with the other.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Niklaus asked, snapping out of his shock. Her brother rushed forward, reaching to snatch it from her hand. “You can’t have that, Rebekah!”
She dodged out of her brother’s reach, glaring at him angrily.
“I can!” she declared, lifting her chin imperiously. “I want to learn how to play with swords, like you. But mother said no, so I’m going to show her I can do it.” Niklaus gaped, opening his mouth several times, trying to formulate an argument. “But that’s father’s favourite knife!”
Rebekah pouted. “I like it.”
“So you thought you’d just take it?” he accused, his tone suddenly turning furious. The look on his face made his sister finally cower. “Rebekah, you could have gotten hurt! And when father finds this mess-”
Niklaus glanced at the toppled rack of weapons and broken stool, abruptly cutting himself off. He swallowed. It wasn’t anger in his eyes now — it was pure, unfiltered fear.
Rebekah followed his gaze, looking at the mess she’d made. She suddenly felt incredibly small, reality crashing down on her. Father would be angry, she knew. He was scary when he was angry — he screamed and he roared and sometimes his touches hurt. She thought, if she just took the knife, father had so many other weapons he wouldn’t notice one was gone but that was before the entire rack tumbled to the floor, destroying whatever order her father kept them in. Rebekah felt tears well in her eyes, so very lost on what to do.
Nik would know.
Nik would fix it.
“What do we do?” she whispered, hugging Lami tighter.
Before her brother could answer, a distant voice from outside silenced them both, their father’s voice travelling to their ears as he laughed at something another man had said. Nik paled, all the colour completely draining from his face.
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dsudis · 2 months ago
Make Me Write!
Tagged by @tj-dragonblade - thank you! Please pester me to work on WIPs by sending me an ask with one of the emojis below and I will reply with a freshly-drafted snippet. I'll commit to three sentences (at least) for each emoji you send me, with thanks for the push!
💍- When Two Become One - I'm currently working on the 1789 chapter and you KNOW there's gonna be some shenanigans!
👨🏻‍🧑🏻‍🧒 - Dadda and Baba and Finny! - Follow-on for POV Dream and Hob and Finn from England and Nowhere (Never and Always). I swear it has a plot but mostly at the moment it's Dream and Hob wrangling their newly-acquired fae toddler.
🧶- 5+1 Knitting Fic - In which Hob knits things for Dream and Dream really likes that.
🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️ - Omegaverse Mating Run Dreamling?? - IDK this seemed like a good idea the other night, but I haven't actually written any yet. Should I?
🐐- A Really Good Dog - in which Eskel meets Lil Bleater, in the modern Midwestern Witchers 'verse of A Really Good Sandwich.
🪙- Urbe Aurea #5 - Eskel and Ciri are currently getting up to some adventures while Ciri's other two dads are Busy...
Tagging, ummm, @moorishflower, @that-banhus, and @bittylildragon - no pressure, only if it's fun! And anyone else who wants to play and hasn't been tagged, feel free to say I tagged you!
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horsesarenotdeer · 11 months ago
six sentence sunday
Thanks for the tag @roomwithanopenfire!
this is my first time participating in 6 sentence sunday! Ive only ever written one fanfic back in Nov-dec and I never ended up finishing it. My phone deleted a good chunk of it during an update and i instantly lost motivation. I think i am going to try picking it back up this week! (snippet below)
It doesn't have a proper title but i have it labeled "Alden POV" in notes
I don't know why I want to look for him, that shapeshifting boy. My instincts tell me he's a threat. I have this strange feeling in my gut, a hot fuzzy feeling. I don't like it. It makes me feel vulnerable, and thinking about him makes it worse. But I cant stop thinking about him, him grinning as he wacks one last hawk out of the air and gracefully lands in a crouch. Laughing as if he wasn't about to die five seconds ago. 
Anyway there it is! Sorry if its not any good. My writing skills could use allot of improvement.
tag time! (No pressure)~ @run-for-chamo-miles @givemeallyourpenny @the-mountain-flower @the-slowest-turtle @ivelovedhimthroughworse @toulouseradiosilence @professionalwaterbender @a-pine-cone @shqrki @finny-panda @maisies-world
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deevotee · 1 year ago
Cielinny moments? Cielinny moments. (Pt.3) (Pt.1) (Pt.2)
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if you follow me you already know i went crazy over the parallels from this scene and the early cielizzy scene, i love this scene so much
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also these little scenes where finny is hurt and bleeding but he still is sitting on the bed clutching ciel close to him who seeks comfort from him without hesitation😭
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no one being able to calm ciel down and finny freaking out about it even while he's being bandaged
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finny devotedly watching over ciel while he sleeps
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the way he talks to ciel here is so gentle and cute to me i love him
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as i've said before, finny does not give a fuck who you are, he would do anything for ciel and protect him from anyone 💅
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him using the extent of his power to try and desperately stop sebastian because he wants to protect ciel...hes such a good boy
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finny not caring about anything else but ciel and throwing everyone off to run and see him 🥹 and then ciel giving a personal apology to finny and having finny drop to his KNEES before him?? oh they drive me crazy
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and some more little snippets that i loved
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ciel giving finny his name, making references to it in present times, and ciel being the reason finny first started showing emotions <3
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i also enjoy finny being willing to use his powers if ciel asks him to
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there's no more moments in the green witch arc but yana did give us finny fighting for the sake of protecting ciel in a joke chapter so i'll take it <3
The next part may come out slowly like this part did but i am still dedicated to the cielinny agenda!
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abybweisse · 2 years ago
Hey Aby - I was wondering, what do you think will happen after Snake and Finny's arc? So far it's taken for granted (or at least it seems that way) that the story will pivot right to Sebastian and o!Ciel in Brighton. But what if it's not the case and instead we'll be catching up with the Undertaker, r!Ciel, the Midfords and Tanaka (and his possible flashbacks). Do you think that the story might take another stop in this way before o!Ciel and his butler's long-awaited return?
Breaks between assignments?
Well, at the end of the assignment in Yorkshire, we did get a short break to see Polaris make his report about Heathfield's arrest and the facility's destruction. Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao seem to have dealt with their assignment quickly, like in just a few days. This could be why Undertaker and our earl don't seem too worried. They might not even know that the other facilities are also already under attack... because those attacks are taking longer.
There was no break between Wiltshire's Athena Sanatorium and Norfolk's F. O. L. Orphanage. In fact, we ended up with a major cliffhanger about Lau's and Baldo's predicament.
It's possible that, after Snake and Finny's assignment in Norfolk, we might get a scene or two for Undertaker and real Ciel getting caught up on what's happened/happening in both Wiltshire and Norfolk.
It's also possible we return to Wiltshire for a bit, since we never actually saw Baldo, Lau, and the others escape. Are they really heading for China? Do they get confronted by Polaris or someone else before they can leave or get far enough away? Will the reapers secure Layla/Al for them to analyze, or will someone step in to fight them before they can leave for the reaper realm?
We could break to see what some others, like Soma, Sieglinde, the Midfords, etc., are doing, but I somewhat doubt it. A short break to the reapers might be slightly more likely.
What I really doubt will happen is a break to our earl and Sebastian, since it could ruin part of the surprise of their assignment, if we see snippets of it while they get updates from others, like Baldo or Mey-Rin. Chances are, our earl and Sebastian won't get updates about what's happening elsewhere until near the end of their assignment, since everything is supposed to be happening at once. And cutting to them near the end of their assignment would give away too much about what they're doing/dealing with.
Probably why we don't know about Baldo and Lau. If there's major action about to happen to them or with their assignment, it'll be happening at the same time as when the situation gets rough for our earl and Sebastian. I also expect the last assignment we get to take the longest or be the hardest. Both physically and emotionally difficult, especially for our earl. And that assignment in Brighton should end with taking our earl's team -- what's left of it -- into the next (possibly last) phase of this fight.
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redroomroaving · 6 months ago
Many thanks to lovely @captainsigge for the tag!
No pressure tags for @darkurgetrash @dutifullylazybread @benicemurphy and @savriea
A snippet from The Red Harp below the cut, warnings for language and tiefling objectification
Unfortunately, despite his best efforts to dart them between, as he drew closer to their escape - a figure ahead of him turned in a way he hadn’t anticipated, a heavy form suddenly connecting with his own momentum and sending him stumbling backward.
The man - broad and barrel-chested, a distinct and thorough smell of liquor about his breath - let out a little grunt as Geraldus backed away, throwing up a quick hand in apology.
“Oh - I apologise,” Geraldus started to say - meeting the man’s angry expression, only to find that the expression twisted slightly, a thread of something else appearing across russet cheeks as his eyes went past Geraldus and to the man behind him.
Geraldus felt Rolan’s arm tense a little in his grip.
“Fuck -” the man said, eyes tracing quickly and hungrily over Rolan, “look at that.”
Geraldus glanced back at Rolan; the tiefling rigid still behind them, even as he was jolted into by passers by, eyes fixed firmly on the man in front of them, drawn a little wide, a dark, clouded look on his face.
The man was laughing a little now; an unpleasant sort of laugh, chewed over and gristly, almost. The immediate ringing alarm in his mind told Geraldus to act. He instinctively tightened his grip around Rolan’s wrist, and took just another step back, positioning himself in front of the apprentice.
The man’s eyes traced down to where Geraldus’ grip held, and a grin spread across his broad lips.
“Hellspawn that fine must have cost you,” he said, “not sure I’ve enough finny to take it off your hands -” he looked back at Rolan now, “but for a devil like that …”
He’s drunk, Geraldus thought, confused, I can’t make any sense of him.
“Excuse me?” Geraldus asked - hoping, perhaps, to find a quick and polite route out of this man’s sights. He could see the sign close now, and the steps leading beneath - but he couldn’t risk someone like this following them; he was large, and inebriated, and felt like trouble.
“Your toffer,” he said, in a tone that suggested he thought Geraldus was stupid, “don’t see one’s that flash down this way - shouldn’t take them round places like this if you don't want offers, lad.”
Geraldus caught up, the realisation sliding into place with a sort of sudden sharpness that was the only explanation he had for what happened next.
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finniestoncrane · 9 months ago
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the next load of wips i'm working on!! the theme is apparently "wee guys who deserve immense amounts of love"
i never feel like i'm putting things out there fast enough but like. i schedule myself to write three things a week and i think that's a fair output kinda i dunno kjhkjhasd
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annabthesolitarywriter · 5 months ago
for the WIP ask game! 🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Thank you for the ask! ☺️
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
So...I thought I'd share a little snippet from a one-shot I've been writing for my Writing Exercise.
It features Mírion and Éowyn (Wyn), the two oldest Elenwë children. I'm not sure whether it's actually fun (I'm good at writing sad stuff and I'm still learning to write comedy/humor, but it's the best my brain could come up with)
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Abi: older brother
İyi mısın?: are you alright?
Kardeşim: baby Brother/sister (in the case, sister)
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“They will soon start again.” “Who are you talking about?” “Mother and Father. They have been having relations all night for days on end. May Eru help my poor ears.” “Is this why you can’t sleep?” He nodded. “I’d rather have my head split in half than being forced to endure yet another…” He was interrupted by giggling sounds. “Oh, no…oh, no…” Wyn’s eyes widened. “Are they awake already?” “They were enjoying their nightly routine before you came in here.” “Right before you nearly killed me? They were awake and…” “Yes, Wyn. They were clearly trying to conceive another baby for us to look after.” “It has been what? Ten minutes?” “I would say so.” “How long did they…?” “A few hours at the very least. Why do you think I’m so exhausted?” “Don’t get me wrong, I think it is very romantic, but…” “Romantic!? It’s disgusting.” “As I said earlier, they’re married.” “I know, Wyn. I am not saying they should not have relations. I only think they should be more discreet about it.” Soon the giggles turned into loud moans again. Mírion took a deep breath. “You too can hear them, can you not?” Wyn stared at him, her mouth agape. “Oh…” “I wish you could see your face, kardeşim. It is a shame I gifted Finnie the only mirror I had.” “It truly is terrifying, Abi. From what I have learned, it should not hurt, but…” “How do you know that? I am still wondering how…” “Olórin told me.” Mírion frowned and rubbed his fingers as he smothered a coughing fit, his lips pursed. Wyn poured him some water and gently patted him on his back. “İyi misin, Abi?” Mírion glanced at her as he sipped his drink. “You…” “I had questions and Olórin was kind enough to answer them.” “I hope you did not discuss the whole…” “We spoke of the Children of the Ilúvatar and we also had a very informative talk concerning procreation.” “You…and Olórin.” “Right.” “You and…our father’s herald met to exchange views on…procreation.” “Not exactly. He educated me on it.” “I beg your pardon?” “I asked him how children are created and he explained it to me.” A flabbergasted Mírion pursed his lips and brushed a hand over his face. “I…I need some air.”
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I am also tagging two other people who had suggested prompts for my Writing Challenge: @saurongorthaur9 and @lucifers-legions
The full one-shot will of course be posted on AO3 when it's ready (I am working on it, please be patient with me, you know I am a slow writer). I also have more things coming up, so...be on the lookout for random stuff in the coming weeks and months. @emmanuellececchi you are included as well! I hope you like it and thank you again for the ask!
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socksthebat · 1 year ago
Random artist I think you should follow:
Go follow @marbleeater He has an incredible style and the way he draws expressions is just ✨Mwah✨
He creates incredibly interesting characters (Like Dolly and Finny for example) and the little snippets he posts of their stories leave me with my mouth wide open like an ugly-cute little baby bird dying to munch on some more!
Honestly, I could just sit here gushing about him all day but just go follow him and you'll see what I'm talking about!
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thrushsong-kvaris · 4 years ago
A DCMK Snippet
Aoko: Bakaito, I don’t care how hilarious you thought the scene was, I’m not helping you start a food fight.
Kaito: But it would be amazing!!
Aoko: Um, no, it would be disgusting and a waste of food, and also the janitors would make us clean it up.
Kaito: You’re no fun, I’ll just start one myself then!
Aoko: Bakaito, you can’t control what food other people throw at you.
Kaito: What are you talking about, Ahoko?
Aoko: Finny things. All over. Being thrown at your face. And—
Kaito: (shudders) Okay, okay, I get it, no food fights!
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fartbox600 · 2 years ago
I would love to hear ur kuro thoughts and hcs and fanfic recs sometime!
oh boy i have so many… hmm hm mhm ok
PART ONE: thoughts
controversial opinion!! i don’t think the undertaker is related to vincent/frances/o!ciel/misc. at least not by blood, but obviously there was something going on with claudia. but i feel like atp in the manga we would’ve had something more to hint at it like we did with the 2 ciels theory.
uh uh uh i literally almost shat myself when doll came back because WHAT! i missed her sm but i thought like… there was no way for her to come back?? but she’s here :) she’ll probably end up dead or getting snake killed though. finny is probably safe in terms of making it to the end of the manga
they should have killed off bard. i love him he’s one of my favorite characters but i’m tired of the manga not having any REAL stakes. either that or i’ve just been watching too much attack on titan/game of thrones recently. but idk killing off bard would have been ROUGH like woah, that’s a key piece to o!ciels success just gone. it would have balanced out the ‘win’ that o!ciel got with meyrin and ran mao
the chapters are WAYYY too short... like decrease the quality of the work to make more or take longer to release longer chapters pls and thanks. not every panel has to be this beautiful thing it can b a bit rough yana pls….. waiting on new chapters is GRUEEEEELING LIKE GRUELING. don’t get me even started on the last chapter bc what was THAT??? that was literally nothing like nothing, at all. the last two/three chapters should have been just one
PART TWO: headcanons
ronald died due to dick in lawnmower and that technically counted as offing himself bc it was 100% his fault
sebastian can taste food like a person can he’s just 1. not used to it 2. an asshole
o!ciel on multiple occasions has swiped everything off his desk, called sebastian into his room, and made him pick everything up and put it back EXACTLY where it was and if sebastian fucks it up o!ciel makes him start over
finny wasn’t allowed inside the manor for 2 weeks after he got his head stuck between the bannisters
lizzys favorite color is green
PART THREE: fanfic recs
so tbh i don’t consume a lot of fanfic for kuro just because filtering out all the garbage cuts out MOST fics on ao3, and i wouldn’t touch wattpad with a ten foot pole (i’m too lazy to figure out ff.net)
some fics i enjoy that you probably already know about are:
Coattails by @pain-in-the-butler
this is literally classic kuro fanfic like this is THEE fanfic for this fandom (but it’s highly likely you know this) i have a huge special interest in late victorian history in general so i very much appreciate the lengths the author goes to to make things feel authentically victorian :)
New Life; Cool Life by Rhonda
it’s very interesting and special to me !! it’s pretty dark but not terribly so, and it has some great character exploration for grelle and o!ciel. very au but feels like canon characters
Front Page News by TheArchaeologist
i like fics where sebastian gets the crap knocked out of him. great ensemble fic with focus on the servants :)
Staring Contest by BrainExhaustionGodStan
focus on bard but just a SMIDGE of dadbastian which is great
One is One, and All Alone by @pain-in-the-butler
oh my god another banger fic by my favorite kuro author wow. this one is a cool little snippet of r!ciel and o!ciel if they ended up going to weston. rlly cute very wholesome but with some angst ! but it’s hurt/comfort
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thechairartist · 2 years ago
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Wahahaha! My buffer for the next few chapters is almost done so I can start posting again soon! (But I might just finish the whole volume and then post it a bit at a time I haven’t decided) But in the meantime I’ve been playing around with my favorite AU idea that’s always swum in the back of my mind. A Rune Factory style Agriculture and magic adventure style AU. I made a few designs so I think maybe I’ll post snippets of my ideas every once in a while during downtime~ Finni would run the local antique store and enchant items for people, him brother is an exorcist who removes enchantments and Nimiei is a mage who hates studying magic but can use and teach it really well (She uses a tambourine to cast spells)
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finnyroaring · 2 years ago
Save The Boy!
It is year 999, After Roaring.
It is ten days before New Year, a new Millennia awaits.
A child of a noble has gone missing. A boy named Milo. He will turn 14 in ten days, on the New Year.
The family of the child has acquired five adventurers willing to save the child. They will be paid and will potentially have a great sponsor in the future…
…Only if they make it out alive from where they're going.
A tavern stands on top of a hill. At the bottom of the hill is a measly, dilapidated town with miserable citizens.
The tavern is called "Far Away, Fly Away."
Under the tavern lies a dangerous secret. The hired adventurers are there to get the job done and save Milo.
Group Aurora:
Binder – The curious Warforged Druid, covered in moss.
Cornflower – The devoted Firbolg Cleric, experienced in adventuring.
Mara – The atoning Tiefling Monk, a free spirit that is chained by her past.
Heskan Delmirev – The undead Dragonborn Paladin, woken up to spread the word of his God.
Sybil "Syb" Cairoris – The graceful Wood Elf Ranger, searching for her long lost brother.
Group Bertta:
TBA – finnish group?
Group Cecilia:
TBA – all-star group?
DM Notes:
basically a debut of my new campaign in the form of a quickly made one-shot to introduce new players interesting in d&d 5e. the players are a mixture of my classmates, internet friends, a stranger aaand my girlfriend!!!
i've had an itch to run a new setting for multiple groups. i'm in the middle of multiple d&d campaigns right now (i'm running one of them!) and it's pretty overwhelming, so it was a surprise to myself to get finally pull the trigger on the, uh, the "Roaring Project".
once in a while, i will present snippets of what is going on in Roaring. right now, do NOT expect much for i am only running a simple one-shot that can be considered a prologue. the results of the prologue/one-shot will be revealed.
yes. i am going to potentially run a world for three groups.
thank you, see you later
hear me roar,
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abybweisse · 2 years ago
I just love how everyone’s losing their mind with the new episode lol, can’t wait to see more of snake and finny 🥺
1. It is nice to see William give Layla/Al the smackdown, while we are finally seeing Ronald truly frustrated. We could get to see the inside of Othello's forensics lab, eventually.
2. It's nice to move on from Baldo's assignment, though there has been no true closure there, so we might get snippets later of that situation, particularly if Polaris attacks or if someone makes a report to Undertaker and real Ciel.
3. It's great to see Finny and Snake (and Snake's snakes) again.
4. Good grief, that might be Doll... who would probably then be a lord of the stars....
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