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@waterfallswords finn x tyler - lakeland elementary school
The quiet in the school doesn't sit right with Finn. It shouldn't belong in a place like this. His mind drifts, to a day too long ago to truly remember. A hot afternoon fixing the roof of the local school, helping his friends. He can still hear the racket of the kids below, their screams and laughter carrying up like they owned the world. He grumbled at the time, teasing about not being able to focus, but now? Now he'd give damn near anything to hear that noise again, to see this Missouri school alive the way it should be.
The second floor feels worse than the first. The air's heavier somehow, and the scattered papers on the floor don't help. Finn knows what they mean. Parents coming here, desperate, looking for a name, a trace of their kids. The thought twists something deep in his gut, but he pushes it down and locks his focus on the back of Tyler's head instead. The faintest grin tugs at his lips. "Your hair gets any longer, you're gonna be this group's pageant princess. You almost got a damn mullet." he says, the drawl in his voice light and easy as he waits for Tyler to turn around. When he does, Finn's grin widens, smug and deliberate, a fleeting moment of levity that almost feels normal.
But it doesn't last. Finn's gaze shifts to one of the windows overlooking the field, his grin fading into something more thoughtful. He steps closer, his boots scuffing against the dusty floor as he peers through the broken glass. A corner of the pane is smashed out. Someone had been here, no doubt about it. Maybe trying to scare off something out in the field. Or maybe…His eyes flick to the treeline in the distance, and for a second, there's a glimmer of something hopeful in his expression.
"Could be deer." he says, tapping the edge of the glass with a knuckle, the sound dull and hollow. His gaze shifts again, tracing the line of the window. "Looks like someone might've taken a shot from here. Bad angle, though." he then nods toward the trees. "Might be worth taking a few of us out there. Could get us some dinner." slowly, a light grin moves over his lips as he glances to his brother. "And I don't know about you but I'm fuckin' starved."
#finnchat#finn x tyler 001#eee excited#but also ill probs write his dialogue more country as time goes on HAHA just cookin rn
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Finn huffs out a laugh that fogs in the cold air, his glance moving to Beck as a slow grin creeps up over his lips. "Yeah, you nailed it. Exactly like this." he says, his drawl carrying just enough humor to cut through the bitterness in the air. "Pretty sure back home, anything below forty had people swearin' the world was ending." he adds with another slight chuckle, adjusting the rifle strap on his shoulder.
The thought of Arizona earns a slow nod from Finn, his gaze drifting toward the horizon where the gray clouds hang low like a warning. "Desert's got its own kinda chill, I guess. Probably sneaked up on ya." he murmurs, tone half absent before he whistles low about New York. "That ain't my kinda place. A city like that. Saw enough of it on the movies, you know? Too fast." Finn shrugs, his attention finally moving back to Beck where he offers the older man a smile. "Were you one of the assholes? Don't lie to me now." he teases, all in the name to keep their mind a little more occupied against the relentless cold.
The wind whips around Beckett like a fury. It cuts at his skin, biting with sharp, icy teeth as he walks beside Finn. "I bet this reminds you of Texan winters, doesn't it?" He jokes, breaking through the silence with a chuckle. "Arizona could get cold but never like this." He tucks his hands into his pocket, still prepared to spin his rifle around at a moment's notice, but it wouldn't help if his hands were frozen before he could. He glances towards the younger man and nods. "New York could get pretty miserable, mostly because the buildings made a wind tunnel. Or if it snowed everyone became more of an asshole." And yet, he'd grown to love the city for what it was – a messy place with messy people but home nonetheless. The place he'd started his second chapter. And third, if one counts the end of the world as a new chapter. Beck does. If only because he hopes it leads to the fourth. Los Angeles. Odessa. @hxckedvxid
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5. Verkkokauppa ja ostaminen
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Oikea ihminen chat-palvelun toisessa päässä on toiminut myös omalla kohdallani hyvin. Esimerkiksi Wolt ruoantoimituspalvelun chatissa olen saanut hyvin nopeasti vastauksia ja palvelua tarvitsemiini asioihin oikealta ihmiseltä. Todennäköisesti myös edellä mainitussa vakuutusyhtiön tapauksessa ihminen olisi antanut paremman vastauksen asiakkaan kysymykseen.
Kustannukset ja tavoitettavuus ovat varmasti merkitseviä asioita chat-palvelun käyttöönottoa mietittäessä. Robotti ei katso kelloa ja se toimii itsekseen. Toki robotti vaatii jatkuvaa kehittämistä ja tietojen päivittämistä järjestelmiin. Ihminen taas toimii työajan puitteissa ja toimii koulutuksensa mukaisesti. Robotilta puuttuu inhimillisyys ja vastaukset ovat suoraviivaisia ja kysymysten avulla johdateltavia. Niin kuin monessa muussakin työnkuvassa täytyy pohtia, voiko robotti vielä korvata ihmistä palvelun laadun säilyttämiseksi, kun toisessa päässä on kuitenkin ihminen?
Lähteet: https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-10989177
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"I swear this place gets worst and worst everyday."
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Tyler's cautious energy is palpable, making Finn immediately stop as soon as he feels his brother's sharp tug that pulls him back. His eyes stay locked on the cupboard, more out of habit than anything else. But, his attention soon fixes on Tyler, listening closely. For a moment, all Finn can do is think. He tries to latch onto logic, cycling through the scenarios. They kill the dead and people might wonder how ruthless they're willing to be. They don't, and people might wonder if they're willing to risk the group's safety. Neither are good, not when...
Finn sighs, running a hand down his face. He doesn't say anything until the faint thudding of the cupboard stops. "Ty, we can't leave it." his voice is quiet but certain, eyes sweeping over his brother's cautious expression. Finally, he nods as if gearing Tyler up to agree with him. "But...we can kill it and leave it, alright? Could've been here for weeks or months, we only have to tell Beck we found it already taken care of."
Finn's own expression shifts with determination and he taps Tyler's arm in a quick gesture of support. "It ain't a kid anymore. Seems like the last people that were here couldn't bring themselves to do it either. Let me take care of it, just go check the other rooms."
Tyler wishes he could rewind just a few seconds so he could enjoy another joke or two with his brother. But now that moment's gone, and all that's left is the cupboard in front of him. His eyes lock on it, dread curling in his chest. Not fear, he's past that, but dread for the fact the dead was once a child. Finn's voice pulls him back telling him to wait by the door but Tyler hesitates for half a breath before instinct takes over. His hand shoots out, grabbing his brother's arm. "Hold on," he mutters, his voice sharp but quiet, tugging Finn a step back with him. "Just…hold on."
His eyes flick to the cupboard again, the faint rhythmic bang of the door against the chair wedged beneath the handle. Each thud feels like a countdown, and Tyler swallows hard, shaking his head as he whispers. "I think we just move on. Pretend we didn't see it, let the next sweep find it." he nods toward the chair, its legs braced firm against the floor. "It's not getting out. It's not gonna hurt anyone."
His voice falters for a second before he presses on, urgency creeping into his tone. "If we kill it, what's that gonna make us look like, huh? Fucking assholes, that's what. I don't care if people are like, 'oh, but you have to.' Deep down they..." he huffs, his words spilling out fast now as he thinks about the group. The way they can't draw attention to themselves as risks. "Deep down, they're all gonna wonder what kind of person can do that. To something that was a kid."
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Finn chuckles, the sound low and easy and he clicks his tongue like he's weighing the thought. "Nah, no way he's the only one. Levi's been walkin' around lookin' way too damn smiley sometimes." His voice carries an amused edge. For a moment, the quiet is comfortable in a way that's rare these days. Finn let's it hang before Tyler starts rattling off hunting knowledge. A wry grin tugs at his lips, his pride slipping through despite his best effort to hide it. "Damn. Someone smart must've taught you that, huh?" Finn quips, his tone smug and teasing.
But it's short lived when Tyler slaps his chest with a patronizing smack that cuts through Finn's smugness. He glances down at his chest, mock offended, his brows shooting up before his gaze snaps back to Tyler. "Chubby?" he repeats, incredulous, slapping his own chest for emphasis. "This is muscle, asshole." he falls into step, making sure Tyler doesn't have a chance to escape the conversation.
Then everything shifts. Tyler's careful whisper kills the banter on the spot, the air turning heavy as Finn's grin drops. He steps into the classroom, his eyes moving immediately to the cupboard and the chair wedged against it. The faint thud of the door inside and the low, hollow groan tell him everything he needs to know without having to open it. Their location, how quiet that noise is compared to usual dead. Finn feels his stomach twist, immediately clearing his throat.
"Just..." he breathes, waving a hand to dismiss his brother. "Just wait by the door." Finn mutters, his other hand already moving for his knife at his side.
Neither of them need to say it. It's the same feeling clinging to the walls as any other school. Feels wrong, off. Quieter than other buildings. Tyler makes a point to not let his gaze linger on anything too sentimental. The dusty photographs of class achievements, posters. He's almost thankful for the way Finn manages a teasing remark, Tyler turning with a crooked grin. "Obviously mullets fuckin' work, man. Look at Felix, think he's the only guy gettin' any around here." he shoots back just as quick, flicking the back of his hair with a sassy motion but he notices the thoughtful shift over his brother's face.
Tyler sidles up to the window next with the slight rattle of his rifle against his backpack. His gaze sweeps the glass, the treeline and then lands on Finn. "Bucks ain't gonna be easy to find. Just does and some young'uns." he tacks on, though he's only saying things learned from Finn himself. The brothers look to one another with the same expression, tinged with optimism at the promise of a heartier meal. But Tyler quickly slaps Finn's chest with the back of his hand before peeling away to move on. "Starving? You sure about that? 'cause you look like you been eatin' all our shit. Gettin' chubby, chubster."
His snicker follows him as the younger Brooks winds through to the next room. But just like that, the air shifts. There's a faint but hollow rasp, a groan coming from the cupboard in the far corner. A chair is lodged under the handles, stopping whatever is in there from getting out. Tyler freezes, already slipping his knife free. "Finn." he whispers, his eyes locking on the faint bang of the cupboard door...and the first thing he notices is how weak the motion is. Oh, shit. Please, no. Is it a child one?
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