#finn x filipinx!reader
Love Teams (Finn x Filipinx!Reader Kilig One-Shot)
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GIF credit: I don’t know, but it’s not mine. 
Pairing: AU Finn x Filipinx!Reader, Poe Dameron x Filipinx!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Cringe. Cursing. Drinking to get over secondhand embarrassment. 
Word count: 1,148 words
A/N: Kinda ironic how I can write and read kilig, but I can’t watch it. Anyway, this was based off when my friends and I decided to watch “She’s Dating the Gangster.” Here is the link to the specific scene they talk about. 
Requested by: @princeabomination​
Kilig is a Tagalog word to describe the feeling of excitement and exhilaration and possibly embarrassment from anything remotely romantic.
“Whose stupid idea was this?” you asked, placing a second bottle of wine on the coffee table before snuggling in between Finn and Poe.
“Oh come on! We had to watch it after you showed us the trailer!” Finn exclaimed. He was currently snacking on the grapes and cheese you had set out. Poe, the eternal third wheel of your relationship with Finn, grabbed one of the wine bottles and got to work on popping the cork.
“I told you guys, I can’t watch this stuff. The secondhand embarrassment is too much. We’re going to have to pause the movie every ten minutes, so I can get up,” you huffed, crossing your arms. It was your brilliant idea to hang out and watch a movie. In your defense, you were joking when you showed them the trailer to a Filipino rom-com called “She’s Dating the Gangster.” Finn and Poe, however, insisted on watching the cheesy movie, partly because of genuine interest, but mostly to watch you cringe for two hours.
“However long it takes, we are going to watch this movie!” Poe finally popped the cork on the wine, pouring all three of you equal amounts. He then swirled the glass and sipped it, making a show of smacking his mouth to really get the taste.“Ahh…that’s..disappointing.”
“You chose that wine,” Finn remarked.
“This movie is in Tagalog!” you interrupted. You were ready to pull out all the stops to not watch this movie.
“We know how to read, Y/N” Poe replied. “Ok so can you explain everything again from the top?”
You groaned. “Ok so in Philippines, they have love teams. Think Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato. Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez. Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus…you get it. Anyway, these love teams make a whole bunch of movies and commercials together because their chemistry sells. Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo have been a love team for years now, and they’re actually dating in real life. Filipinos looooove a good rom-com. The more kilig, the better.”
“Do they always have to be dating to be a love team?” Finn asked.
“I don’t think so, but the most successful ones are dating,” you answered. “In the movie, there’s two couples played by the same actors, but in different times. Modern-day couple is the one going on a crazy adventure. 90’s couple is the one who pretends to be in a relationship but then the girl falls in love for real. Oh noooooo.” You took a significant swig of your wine in preparation for the cringe you were about to feel.
“Damn, babe. We could have been a great love team.” Finn remarked. He put his arm around you, and you snuggled into his side, reveling in the warmth he provided. He tilted your chin and placed a sweet kiss on your lips. “Do you think they’d make a love team name for us?”
“Oh god and have to do these movies?!” You grabbed the blanket and curled it around your hands, ready to act as a shield when the movie gets too kilig. You felt something heavy settle across your lap. You looked down and saw Poe had made himself comfortable by sitting sideways, resting his legs and feet across your lap and Finn’s, respectively. “You’re way too comfortable sometimes, Dameron.”
“That’s because you guys are my number one love team,” Poe toasted his cup to us. Finn burst out laughing at his best friend’s remarks while you rolled your eyes and started the movie.
Approximately an hour into the movie, 7 pauses, and a bottle of wine later, it was safe to say Finn and you were tipsy while Poe was wine-drunk. If it wasn’t apparent from your wine-stained lips, it became really obvious through Poe’s and your live commentary. On the screen, the modern-day couple were dancing in the bed of a moving truck, sharing headphones, having a cute moment, while a romantic song that completely mismatched the tempo of their dance played overhead. The modern-day couple’s truck dancing scene would switch with the 90’s couple’s club dancing scene. The truck from modern day stopped in the middle of the road. The couple was oblivious to the halt in movement, caught up in each other’s eyes. The truck’s driver exits with a shit-eating grin on his face, looking at the couple who were holding each other in the bed of his truck, lost to the world around them. The driver asked, “Ano nangyayari diyan? Okay lang kayo?!” (What’s happening there? Are y’all ok?).
You paused the movie once again. Grabbing the second bottle, you poured more wine into your cup, yelling, “This ninong-looking-ass motherfucker! Agh I can’t take this! It’s cute but so cringe.” You drank a huge gulp, begging your body to let go of the embarrassment that you were feeling.
“They really love each other, don’t they? Their love even inspired a young couple years down the line.” Finn muttered, invested in the movie while you could only scrunch your face in return. Poe remained quiet, still sitting sideways. He was scanning your cups of wine together with the intense concentration that only a wine-drunk man could possess. You were about to play the movie when Poe suddenly got up, moving his legs off your lap and his feet off Finn’s lap, nearly knocking Finn’s drink in the process. Poe got on his knees in front of the coffee table and pushed both your cup and his side-to-side, sloshing the dark burgundy liquid around. He brought his face level to the cups, studying the meniscus, which were at the same level. Meanwhile, Finn and you remained snuggled on the couch, watching Poe as he took your cup and poured more wine into his cup then downed it.
“Poe! Babe did you see that?” You looked up at Finn, who couldn’t hold in his laughter and was clutching his stomach from having previously laughed so hard from Poe’s and your live commentary throughout the movie. “Babe! He took my wine!”
Poe rolled his eyes. He settled sideways against the couch again, placing his legs into your laps and his feet into Finn’s. “Yeah she deserved it,” Poe slurred.
“Finn!” You whined. “He took my wine!”
“Babe, it’s ok! Look.” Finn comforted. He leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of wine, refilling yours generously. You grinned, sipping from your cup. You lifted Finn’s arm, placed it around your shoulder, and burrowed yourself into his side. Finn happily obliged, kissing the temple of your forehead. You grabbed his jaw in return, giving him proper kisses that tasted of wine and cheese.
“You.” Kiss. “Are.” Kiss. “The.” Kiss. “Cutest.” Kiss.
“Awwww you guys!” Poe cooed then gagged. “I think I’m gonna go throw up.”
A/N: Feel free to message me if you have any comments, requests, or want to be added to a taglist! 
Kilig taglist: @multifandomlife22​ @thottiewinemom​ @princeabomination​ @peppermintvanillaa​
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