#finger crossed this gifset actually shows up in the tags this time <3
backslashdelta · 2 years
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Gleeful Paintbox Project #18: Queen ↳ Glee S2E20 - Prom Queen
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ylizam · 4 years
going to continue the trend of saying, DO THIS IF YOU WANT TO. look, a shiny time-wasting internet question thingy! just like Ye Olde Livejournal days! tag, you’re all it.
1. Name/Nicknames: I do not tend to use my real name here, so call me whatever. if you do know my real name, I absolutely prefer my full name to any traditional nicknames of same! but also initials are good! 
2. Gender: non-binary
3. Star Sign: leo
4. Height: 5′1.5″, aka I was once measured as tall as 5′2″ but I’m really not quite. (apparently my lack of height comes from my Italian great-grandmother’s side of the family. everyone else is, if not tall, at least over 5′4″.)
5. Time: 13:57 EST.
6. Birthday: august 17
7. Favourite Band: I’ll go with Fleetwood Mac, as they are both band and soap opera combined.
8. Favourite Solo Artist: Dolly Parton
9. Song Stuck in My Head: Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger! (um, mostly because we sing it to our (tiger) cat.)
10. Last Movie: Judas and the Black Messiah, which I enjoyed but also the main characters are cast Too Old. which kept taking me out of it a bit. (the actors are very good, mind, but the real people were so young.)
11. Last Show: we’re (re)watching Babylon 5 right now (which is a surprise to ... no one following this tumblr, I am sure, what with my Ivanova and Delenn spirals). (“re” in parentheses because I’ve watched it all the way through before but roommate has not). I’m also watching Dix Pour Cent when I have the brains to watch something in French (which I find takes more concentration than watching things in other non-English languages, as I understand just enough that I tend to both read the subtitles but also simultaneously try to interpret the spoken French and anyway!), so it’s taking longer than it might otherwise take (but also means it feels like there’s more of it somehow, so bright side there?).  
12. When I Created This Blog: apparently December 2016? but I had a sideblog with this name before that, only I got frustrated with the limitations of that set up and just created this one. 
13. What I Post: mostly photos and gifsets of the fictional women about whom I obsess on the regular, ditto ships I am into; on the rarest of rare occasions, I even post fic.
14. Last Thing I Googled: hahaha where to get a covid test (I was ill yesterday, but am better today so fingers crossed I won’t have to use this information right now because wow is testing around here very car-centric). 
15. Other Blogs: a largely unused anymore DW that every so often I think about using again, also a tumblr that I use for just non-fannish stuff basically (and to which I pay only sporadic attention). 
16. Do I get asks?: sometimes! I am terrible at answering them, though, especially if I don’t immediately know what to say. 
17. Why I Chose My URL: it’s my LJ/DW username, but backwards because someone had already claimed my actual old username. 
18. Following: 115
19. Followers: 182
20. Average Hours of Sleep: never enough
21. Lucky Number: 7
22. Instruments: I played clarinet through middle school? um, piano for a bit, guitar for a bit. mostly I sang—choirs, musical theatre, madrigals, lessons, etc. (please note that I do none of the above now.)
23. What I Am Wearing: grey joggers and my A’ja Wilson hoodie. 
24. Dream Job: one that I’m not required to hold down due to money/healthcare/etc.? 
25. Dream Trip: lately I’ve been fantasizing about going to New Zealand and/or Australia during the Women’s World Cup? like taking a long stretch of time off, catching at least one match, and mostly just visiting friends and spending too much money traveling between places in Australia and New Zealand when I really ought to split them into more than one trip. (clearly, in this dream trip, we’ve somehow perfected transporter technology because I know that much actual traveling between various locations during a vacation would stress me out.) 
26. Favourite Food: probably pizza (and now I am thinking fondly back on the days of buying a slice from the local place and staking out a booth for everyone, sprinkling on the parm and red pepper flakes, not even bothering to soak up any of the grease). things with vinegar. bread (particularly with good butter or good olive oil). eggs are pretty miraculous. chocolate. 
27. Nationality: american. 
28. Favourite Song: but there are so many songs! how does one choose? so let’s just say I’ve had a soft spot for Billy Joel’s Scenes from an Italian Restaurant forever, which is not at all a surprising fact about me. 
29. Last Book I Read: what is this reading thing? honestly, though, it’s been a rough stretch; I think the last thing I actually finished reading (as opposed to skimming through to the end because I feel guilty borrowing an ebook and not finishing it because I know there are limits on usage and whatnot, but also I just couldn’t actually read the book in question anymore) was Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger? 
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would love to live in: hm. the Star Trek utopia (the version it claims to be, at least) is probably the big one. after that? this is very hard! maybe the Galavant-verse, as I too inexplicably break into song at any occasion? I can’t think of another right now, but it would have to be a gentle space setting, possibly a station; stars everywhere but no capitalism, no war, plus community, plus magic, plus joy.
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skatingthinandice · 4 years
Tagged by @midnightanddiamonds, thank you so much! This looks like fun <3
Pick 10 ships without reading the questions.
Aethelflaed/Aldhelm (The Last Kingdom)
Michael/Thomas (Man in an Orange Shirt)
Harry/Ruth (Spooks)
Alfred/Drummond (Victoria)
Florence/Siobhan (Death in Paradise)
Leofric/Uhtred (The Last Kingdom)
Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
Feron/Marcheaux (The Musketeers)
Molesley/Baxter (Downton Abbey)
Jocelyn/Maggie (Broadchurch)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
It definitely came on gradually and happened like five years ago now, but I think the moment my heart was officially sold to them was their first scene in episode 5, the moment after Leofric removes his sword from Uhtred’s neck and they laugh and hug with relief at seeing each other again.
2. Have you ever read a fanfiction about 2?
MIAOS is one of the smallest fandoms I’m in, so there isn’t much fic out there, but I have written my own! Dear Darling took me over a year to write, but I knew I had to give Michael and Thomas their happy ending!
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
Unfortunately not! I wrote enough fics for Alfred/Drummond in the short space of time they were together though.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
Doomsday is the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life, I still bawl my eyes out to this day. So yeah, I think it’s fair to say that I can’t handle Doctor/Rose splitting up.
5. Why is 1 so important?
Gahhhh OKAY WELL, without turning this into a massive emotional essay, let’s just say that Aethelflaed deserves a kind and gentle love, and after my poor darling Erik died in s2, her relationship with Aldhelm in s3 made me realise that she could have that love again. Although they aren’t together romantically at the moment (though fingers crossed for s5!), their loyalty, trust and respect is so wonderful, and their lil moments of flirting make my life.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Although Molesley was essentially the comic relief character in earlier series’ (and in the movie, which I’m still conflicted about), the moment Baxter arrived in the show we really saw a deeper side to his character. Their relationship is built on supporting each other and is truly beautiful, even without the romantic element.
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Harry and Ruth’s entire relationship was pretty much built solely on chemistry and connection, cause lord knows they weren’t allowed to have anything else.
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
I’d have to say Michael/Thomas, cause their love story lasted over a decade and beyond, and I will never ever be over them.
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
Nearly twice lol, for some reason we abandoned our rewatch of The Musketeers mid-way through s2 last time, but we’re planning on rewatching again soon.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
I’ve shipped Doctor/Rose for the longest time, it’s been, what, fifteen years? I was about ten when I watched it, so...
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up?
Michael and Thomas never really broke up in the sense that neither of them ever stopped loving each other, though they were forced to part three times (and admittedly, one of these kinda counts most as a break up).
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Michael and Thomas were admittedly in a war and both have unbelievable and admirable reserves of strength. If they were in hiding during this apocalypse, they’d be good. In terms of fighting, Marcheaux could single-handedly take the zombies on and would do to protect Feron. I don’t really know how you’re supposed to handle a zombie apocalypse lol.
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? 
Florence and Siobhan were never canon (bc the writers are cowards) but no they would never have had to hide their relationship, their family and friends would have been so supportive!
14. Is 4 still together?
No, Alfred/Drummond are not still together, thanks to history and Daisy Goodwin.
15. Is 3 canon?
WELL, how to answer this one?! Harry and Ruth technically went for one date, then she had to leave the country for like three years and stopped Harry from confessing his love. On her return, he proposed practically out of the blue and she turned him down but they still loved each other, and THEN SHE DIED. So, they never actually said they loved each other, they were never a couple, and yet they are canon. Does that make sense?
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Leofric/Uhtred, definitely! I love battle couples so much, and these warriors are the best (also Leofric isn’t dead so it totally holds)!
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Yes, Jocelyn herself. From what we know of their backstory, she stepped away from any relationship they could have had, and only when they meet again many long years later does she finally confess that she’s loved Maggie all this time.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Leofric/Uhtred, mainly because I once received a comment on one of my fics for them that literally just said “Uhtred isn’t gay. Sorry.”
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
There’s not enough there to spend hours in their tag lol, but I do check Aethelflaed and Aldhelm’s tag every day to see if my friend’s posted any new gifsets ahahaha, there’s pretty much only content from me and her in there atm!
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
I mean technically Florence/Siobhan isn’t canon, and Death in Paradise already sunk any chance of it happening, so...
Tagging: @estelanel, @maurice-and-music, @wildwildtarget, @explodingpringlescans and anyone else who wants to do it and has an hour spare lol
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trashcanreddiefan · 5 years
Pick Your Poison (Reddie Undercover Cop AU) 1/?
Summary: By-the-book DEA agent Edward “Eddie” Kaspbrak receives an assignment that takes him to Derry, ME in order to capture Robert “Bob” Gray, aka “Pennywise”, a notorious drug lord. Working with the local PD, he is partnered with Detective Richie Tozier, a wise-cracking, messy cop who immediately pushes Eddie’s buttons. When they have to go undercover as a pair, will they put aside their differences long enough to work together, or will working together reveal that they have more in common than they initially thought?
Word Count: 1089 for chapter 1.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence (in later parts), swearing, mentions of drug use, other tags to be updated as necessary for each part 
Author’s Note: Slow-burn, Dual-PoV Reddie AU inspired by this gifset by the lovely @toesure!
Tagging: @yourpersonalsleepparalysisdemon
“What does that even mean?” DEA agent Edward Kaspbrak muttered to himself as he sat at his desk, reviewing a fellow agent’s field report in order to transcribe it. He made a note to ask Franklin what the hell a ‘bananagram orangutan’ even was and was absentmindedly chewing on his pen while trying to make sense of the report when his extension rang. 
He quickly took the pen out of his mouth and picked up the receiver without bothering to look at the caller ID. “Kaspbrak.”
“Agent Kaspbrak, urgent meeting in the conference room, now,” the voice of the DEA director, Nekol Eastwood, replied brusquely.
“Yes ma'am.” Eddie immediately hung up, grabbed his coffee, a notepad, and a new pen, and headed down the hall.
He entered the conference room and gave a brief nod to his colleagues already in attendance before sitting down and neatly arranging his belongings on the table, noticing that the projector that sat on the table was on and pointed towards the screen on the wall.
A few seconds later, Director Eastwood walked in. “Good morning everyone,” she said as she stepped behind the podium at the head of the room. “Thank you all for joining me on such short notice.”
Eddie turned his attention to the screen behind the Director as she picked up the presentation remote that had been sitting on the podium and clicked a button.
Eddie’s eyebrows raised as a photo appeared on the screen and Director Eastwood began to speak.
“At 6:42 AM this morning, we received an anonymous tip that Robert "Bob” Gray, also known as “Pennywise”, was currently located in a small town in rural Maine, which fits previous intel we had been given about an increase in the number of possible drug-related deaths in the area.“ She clicked to a new slide, showing a map of Maine, with a star on it labelled Derry. 
"A small baggie of pills, all bearing Pennywise’s logo, was found at the latest scene.” She clicked again and a new slide appeared. On the left side of the screen was a crime scene photo showing a close-up of a baggie of pills on the floor of a room. On the right, another photo showed a singular pill bearing Pennywise’s clown-faced stamp.
“Agent Kaspbrak.”
At the sound of his name Eddie subconsciously straightened and his eyes snapped from the screen back to Director Eastwood. “Yes ma'am.”
“Since Pennywise is believed to be involved I want you to go to Maine and work with the local PD in order to find him and bring him in." 
Eddie sucked in a breath. He had recently requested to be placed back on field duty but hadn’t expected to be handed an assignment quite so soon, especially not the one case he had been itching to get involved in. "Me, Director?”
Director Eastwood leveled a look at him. “You requested to be placed back on active field duty, did you not?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Well then. You’re approved.” Director Eastwood looked around the room. “The rest of you know your assignments. You’re dismissed.”
Eddie went to get up, but Director Eastwood stopped him. “Agent Kaspbrak, before you go, a moment please.”
Eddie lowered himself back into his seat as the rest of his colleagues filed out.
Director Eastwood shut the door behind them before taking a seat across from Eddie. “You seemed surprised to be handed this assignment.”
“I was,” Eddie replied, “but only because I just submitted my official request to return to the field last week. I just wasn’t expecting to be given an assignment so quickly, especially not one as broad and important as the Pennywise case.”
Director Eastwood steepled her fingers together and looked at Eddie over them. “I know you’ve been studying this case for a while now and know the details and Pennywise’s patterns better than anyone, which is why I gave it to you. But if you feel like it’s too soon or need to start with something smaller I can assign someone else, like Franklin for instance–”
“Don’t you DARE,” Eddie hissed so as not to be overheard. “Franklin is an idiot!”
Director Eastwood’s lips quirked up in a smile, but Eddie was on a roll and didn’t notice. “I was trying to make sense of his field report from the Monterey cartel case last month and I swear, it’s complete nonsense. It’s riddled with grammatical errors, he misspelled the word 'grapefruit’, and he used so much correction tape on it that it looks like half of it has been redacted.”
He finally noticed the grin on Director Eastwood’s face and narrowed his eyes. “You weren’t actually going to give this assignment to Franklin, were you?”
Director Eastwood just quirked an eyebrow and leaned back in her chair. “How are you doing, Eddie?” she asked seriously. “Really.”
Eddie sighed and relaxed. “I’m fine, Nikki, I promise. I honestly feel better than I have in years. You know the only reason I requested desk duty during my divorce proceedings was so that I could be sure to be in town for the meetings with my & Myra’s lawyers since Myra kept trying to stall by scheduling meetings for when she knew I was out of town on a case. But now that the divorce is final I can get back to doing what I do best – capturing drug-running scum like Pennywise and putting them behind bars.”
“Good. I’m really happy to hear you say that.”
Eddie bit his lip. “I… I do want to say thank you though for everything else you’ve done for me during the divorce. You have no idea how much I appreciate you, and the therapist you recommended has been great in helping me figuring out who I am and what I want in life.”
Director Eastwood paused. “Any time, Eddie. Just because I’ve been your boss for the past 3 years, it doesn’t cancel out the 20-plus years of friendship that we’ve had and the fact that you’re basically family. You’re my best friend and I love you like a brother. You know you can always count on me if you ever need to talk or anything. You truly deserve to find happiness.”
“Thanks, Nikki.”
Director Eastwood stood and patted Eddie on the shoulder. “Now, the details of your assignment will be on your desk by the end of the day. Oh, and Agent Kaspbrak?”
Eddie grinned. “Yes ma'am?”
“Go catch the bastard.”
Director Eastwood shot him a wink as she left the conference room.
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nochocolate · 6 years
DELTARUNE: To-Gif (Maybe)
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each bullet point is a separate ask i received. thought a lot of the asks were cute so i pasted them word for word, in order of when they were sent, including multiple ones that asked for the same thing. maybe i’ll add more if people request more.
if it’s crossed out and bold, the gif has been made and now lives somewhere in this tag.
Can you make a battle scene gif?? Any random battle will be okay 
Can I get a gif of Lancer menacingly approaching the team with the lightning and the bucket?
Can you please do a gif of Kris reading the Graves? That part messed with me. Thank you
Saw your generous gif offer so here I am > ^ < There was that dialogue with Temmie, at the end, where she says she gotta go to colleg and study hard, and then the narrator says she's reading a comic full of hot demon guys. Just this part, if you can and won't regret this xD it sums up... many of our laifus after all
You know in roulxs kaards shop where he's like lounging on his side and pointing and tapping to the beat? That'd make a sweet gif
What an impressive offer! Thank you so much! Lancer facing and stopping Susie impressed me so much - when he told her that at least all would be safe, when he would imprison them.
Can we have a GIF of the 'candy fruit join the groupe'? (I don't remember the exact term so if you have no idea what i'm talking about just ignore this xD)
If you didn't fight Jevil ter, so that's a good Gif... Of when he's defeated
ahh could you perhaps make a gif with Rouxls Kaard, at his shop, without the dialogue window (cropped out), just... him chilling, snapping his finger to that chill beat of "hip_shop.ogg" ?
Oh you know that cute thing Ralsei does when they use spare? I’d love to see that as a gif! It’s so cute gosh
Could you please gif ralsei’s face reveal at the end if you haven’t yet?
i think tumblr did not like it when i sent this ask earlier so sorry if i've already asked this but: w....when kris starts a battle n they point n the hearts come out
Can you make a gif of the distant trousle of bones?
Asgore hug GIF, you know we all love him <3, GIF of Kris and Susie falling down, and GIF of both starting and ending battles
Maybe a gif from where Asgore gives us a big hug? I had to stop for a couple of minutes to get a hold of myself. He looks so happy!
A gif about meeting jevil, please?
could you do a gifset of the first time you get suzie to flirt and she doesn't know what to say
I would love the gif of Asgore hugging Kris please.
When you act in battle, your characters do some cute things. Make gifs with them, especially with Ralsei!
Duke of puzzles refusing to show you his "actual puzzle?"
Can I get uhhhhhhh gif of The King? Maybe him coming out of the shadows and laughing, or him betraying notasriel's trust. Thank you for the gifs so far by the way, they're squeaky clean!
a gif of Kris hugging Ralsei? And/or a comparison gif of Frisk and Asgore with the 6 souls, and Kris and Asgore with the seven flowers?
Gif of dog stat in stats menu?
Can I ask for a gif of when susie rejoins the party and subsequently stays a sufficient distance away as to not be associated! Thanks ^^
Susie talking about how she went as a box for Halloween once is probably my favourite scene that I'd request be giffed
Can we have the gif of the one you got if it's not "Prison only for dads"? Also, how did you get it?
Could we get a gif of Toriel driving Kris down to school? That part just gave me huge feels when I first played it through
I'd like a gif of that heart stopping ending. (If.. that ending turns out to be in every playthrough? My friend was attempting a genocide run and I haven't confirmed if run types even exist)
Please, PLEASE do a gif of Susie "joining" the party.
Hello! I was wondering if it was possible for you to gif the moment where Ralsei askes Rouxis to see his puzzle and says "no" and floats off?
Requesting GIF of Ralsie saying it's ok if Kris want's to hit him.
I made a low quality GIF. Could you make a better one? (eruto note: it’s that one boss with the muscle legs)
would you be able to gif Seam maybe?
Could you please gif the part where Kris hugs Ralsei during the training session with him? And also the part where Kris gives him the scarf? Those were cute <3. Thank you!
Do you think you can gif Kris and Ralsei bowing? That was one of my favorite parts of the game *u*
I would like to see a gif showing all three dialogs/items that can be found by interact with asriels cabinet (they are different depending which savefile you are playing on)
can you do a gif of the bird dude going "it's almost as if you should have... as they say... "listened"
Could you do a gif where Susie basically yeets Ralsei during battle?
Could you do a gif of Ralsei saying Oh that’s not good actually because that would make a perfect reaction gif? Thanks if you do!
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femmequixotic · 7 years
WIP meme
Tagged by the wonderful @gracerene09!
Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
Okay, so this tag came at the perfect time—I spent yesterday planning my summer writing schedule with @noeeon so I’d know what I need to focus on over the next few months.
1. Tales from the Special Branch series - Books 2 and 3 (HP, Drarry) - So, yeah, this is my big push right now, and the heart of my heart. I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED, YOU GUYS. It is going to be a fucking roller coaster ride through these two books, and I’m so excited. I’m sitting down tomorrow to finish beating out the scenes for the whole second book—mmmm, spreadsheet time, she says with a purr—and I’m dying to write the first scene because it is going to be hawt as hell. At least, I think it is. Hopefully other people will too. FINGERS CROSSED.
2. Black Coffee sequel (HP, Drarry) - This is the fic I’ve promised sassy_cissa for being a fucking amazing beta. :D I’ve been telling her I’d write it for her for yonks, but I have the outline all done and it’s ready to be worked on this summer whenever I need a break from the Special Branch series. It’s a ten-years-later continuation of my non-magical coffeeshop/politics/cricket Drarry AU, and it’s going to be a bit angsty-with-a-happy-ending. Even my wife was like, DAMN GIRL, when I showed her the outline, but I think it’s going to be awesome. If a bit tissue-worthy in spots. :D
3. High fantasy AU (HP, Drarry) - Oh, man, this has been half-written for almost 8 years now, I think? I AM HORRIBLE. D:  Anyway, I’ve reworked the outline twice, and I think it’s now in a place where it’s actually working and Noe’s going to help me finish it off because she swears to God if it’s not done she’s going to kick me to the curb. So yeah…better finish it. It’s definitely a swords-and-sorcery AU where Harry’s a bit of a cad and Draco fucking hates him. And then he doesn’t. Because Harry’s hot. (I’m a simple girl with simple Drarry needs.) @noeeon thinks we can have this done by the end of June. *eyes her* I’M GOING TO TRY DAMMIT.
4. Wizarding Parks and Rec AU (HP, Drarry) - Basically my wife wants me to write this with Harry in Leslie’s role and Draco in Ben’s, both of them in some godawful boring Ministry department, and I think it would be hysterical and I need something funny to write in between other more, er, emotionally complex fics. So yeah, I’m good with any story that’s going to require me to rewatch the entire run of P&R.
5. Harry and Draco take their kids to Disneyland Paris fic (HP, Drarry, obvs) - Yes, well, this fic came to me when Noe and I were in France in March standing in line for the Snow White ride at Disneyland Paris watching the parents with children get exasperated. It’s basically what it says on the tin, except now I’m sort of thinking about expanding it a bit more into Harry moves to Paris with his kids and runs into Draco with Scorpius and it’s divorced dads-with-at-least-weekend-custody love?
6. And…I’m also thinking of writing some Harry/Louis 1D fic. Which I’ve never done. But I’m kind of feeling it? Kind of a lot? So yeah. That could happen soon too, even though it’s not technically yet a WIP?
7. Other creative things I’m working on—I’m really loving making aesthetics, so I have a whole roster of those lined up too. The number of photos I have saved up is getting a bit cumbersome, but I’m so excited to start sifting through them and see what comes up. I already know I’m doing a couple for Queenie and Tina Goldstein and definitely some Drarry and some Slytherin Trio.
8. And I’m researching and plotting out an original novel. Well, more likely a series of original novels. More on that later, maybe. It’s still in the incubation stage. :)
Basically, I’m going to spend the summer writing and making aesthetics and maybe trying to relearn French. I feel like that’s an excellent plan.
So tagging….hm. I’m not certain who hasn’t done this yet? So forgive me if you have already? I’ll tag @noeeon,  @dictacontrion, @phd-mama, @superqueerbucky and @ladyofthelog for now…
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raywritesthings · 7 years
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Because I’m dumb and reblogged two different ask games, you get two for the price of one!
Who I will protect at all costs: Dinah Laurel LanceWho deserves better: Dinah Laurel LanceWho was killed off too early: Dinah Laurel Lance (and Shado, and Moira, and Amanda Waller...)Who I used to hate but now I love: I wouldn’t say hate but I wasn’t sure how I felt about Thea at first. She seemed to be written to be a bit of a brat at the beginning, and I think in a different actress’ hands it would have been unbearable. But Willa brings so much to the role and to the pain that Thea experiences from losing her family over and over and over again while still managing to remain a fun character. Thea’s easily one of the most developed characters on the show from where she started to where she is now and all I can say is I want more Speedy, damnit. Also I loathed Quentin at first and tbh he will always be very problematic but I have grown to appreciate his complexity and what it brings to the show.Who I used to love but now I hate: I still stand by Malcolm was the best villain. I’m not really here for Slade’s Shado-induced manpain and his constant targeting of women. But Malcolm sucks after s1 so now I hate him. Also Felicity gets real stale real fast after s1. And I soured on Sara despite the show really trying to make me sympathize with her in s2 because she continues to take the people who love her for granted (i.e. Laurel and Nyssa, dear god, tell the poor woman you’re not interested in a relationship anymore or something, don’t just skip off and start sleeping around all across time while she continues to call you her beloved) and she’s just generally never held accountable for anything she did thus making her seem like a very self-centered person who never thinks about anyone else’s pain and I’m not a fan of it.Who needs to be killed off asap: Malcolm Merlyn needed to die a while ago. I used to think they shouldn’t do it because Dark Archer is such an important part of GA but like...he’s barely been Dark Archer since s1 and his characterization has become so weak in the latter seasons plus the fact that he continues to live while all these amazing female characters be getting fridged left and right turns my stomach.Who is unfairly hated: Dinah Laurel LanceWho is unfairly loved: FelicityWho needs to sort out their priorities: Felicity “No, Ray, Oliver!” Smoak and Oliver *drives off into the sunset leaving his traumatized sister behind* “why can’t I save the city and my relationship” Queen.Who needs a hug: Thea and Oliver. Basically they should just hug each other, like, all the time. They’re about the only two regular characters I still care about. Also Quentin could probably do with a hug. And Laurel should be resurrected so she can get a hug.Who needs to get out of their current relationship: I don’t really know Oliver’s current relationship status because I haven’t been watching really but he could do with being single for a while. Not forever, necessarily, but his romantic history is so freaking messy at this point and it’s exhausting to care aboutWho the writers love: For god knows what reason at this point, FelicityWho needs a better storyline: Part of me wants to say Felicity but they’ve wasted so many storylines and so much screen time on her already to no avail, so I’m gonna say Diggle. I miss when he wasn’t just the third wheel on O/T/A and had his own relationships with characters and his own concerns about the city. Now it just sort of feels like he shows up to fight just cause.Who has an amazing redemption arc: Nyssa going from “attempting to kill the Lance family” to being like the unofficial guardian of the Lance family was pretty great tbh. I’m also seriously hoping for a Black Siren redemption because it would be amazing, so fingers crossed!Who is hot af: Dinah! Laurel! Lance!Who belongs in jail: I mean they’re technically all lawless vigilantes lmao but I’m gonna say Felicity for all this Helix bs or Curtis for basically manipulating Felicity and Oliver into have drunk nonconsensual sex.
Who needs to be revived from the dead: Dinah Laurel Lance
Favourite Female: Hey guess what, it’s Dinah Laurel Lance!Favourite Male: I guess either Oliver or John especially from the earlier seasons. I miss their Big Belly Burger hangouts, man.
3 Other Favourite Characters: Thea Queen, Quentin Lance, Nyssa al Ghul
3 OTPs: Lauriver, Moira/Walter, and uhhhh I guess Dyla? I mean, I feel like they keep having the same argument about ARGUS over and over again which is kind of troubling but hopefully they can resolve it and move on.
Notp: O/F please stop torturing those characters and us with their terrible, terribly written angst-fest.
Funniest character: I’m gonna go Thea or Quentin.
Prettiest character: Dinah Laurel Lance (is this a surprise? I literally tag all her gifsets with “a goddess”)
Most Annoying Character: Felicity although Curtis is really trying to usurp her so they might tie actually.
Most badass character: Laurel or Nyssa. I love both their journeys and how it’s shaped them into the amazing people they are. But tbh almost every character on this show is some form of badass.
Character I’d like as my BFF: I’d want to be best friends with Laurel and Thea together cause c’mon they’re a package deal.Female Character I’d Marry: You can put me in an alien dream world if you want if it’d let me marry Dinah Laurel Lance.
Male Character I’d Marry: Hmmmm. Pretty much every male character currently on the show is kind of fucked up in some way or form. I’mma go Walter. Or maybe Constantine. Does Constantine count?
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Felicity purely because for inexplicable reasons they keep wasting screen time and storylines that never go anywhere on her. If she were less focused on it’d probably be Malcolm here.
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